Risk Factor | Full Action Crime Movie

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[Music] so [Music] oh number five [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm oh sorry are you all right i know i just can't get to sleep well do you maybe want to go get a bite to eat okay how you doing yeah mike seems to think that they're a corner guard 745 yeah we checked it out through there excellent [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] haven't i seen you two in a beer commercial not likely porno [ __ ] [ __ ] do something about it hey [ __ ] i thought this was a straight bar [ __ ] you hey man what's your problem hey [Music] what took you so long you always have to start without me yeah you got cover got him [Music] [Music] good job [Music] sounds good [Music] lonnie how you doing uh somewhere in bumble new york yeah do me a favor is ollie there put them on ali what's happening excellent all right listen i gotta go yeah talk to you tomorrow bye [Music] [Music] uh damn hi kid wow looking great for an old cowboy thanks i think [Music] so much to enjoy hmm hope you appreciate it oh i do and i'm sure you understand that no friend has ever done me a kindness or an act of unkindness that hasn't been fully repaid it's one of the things that i love about your team what can i get you of her best wine sounds good to me so damon are you still fishing you used to be able to catch a dozen fish a day these days it depends on the on the bait in other days it depends on going after the right fish well some days we eat the sharks and some days the sharks eat you salute my friend damon ramsey nice to meet you so how's the fight going it's great man the numbers are in they're really in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh good good you keep up the good work okay it's about the excitement it was always about the excitement but those days are over too many things to deal with around here seems to be plenty of excitement around here but um even ask me about business damn it this is about spending a day with an old friend right oh yeah yeah but uh i'm going into a deal that could be my last one has to be one hell of a deal for you to retire yes it is it's a little sensitive but doable there's a place in it for you well they say that old friends shouldn't do business together five million five hundred thousand dollars is very friendly whoa five million five hundred thousand dollars who gives a [ __ ] what people say now what do i have to do for that 5.5 million dollars not very much but i have to warn you as a friend there are a few obstacles that uh have to be eliminated that changes things a bit you know how i hate violence [Music] there you go play with your hair good good good here go back there move in move sideways yeah come on nice nice there you go good good good ah yes i'm looking for alex granger is he expecting you no he's not but i have a card [Music] wonderful set a seat please thank you come on come on come on again come on there you go play with your hair good good good girl you back there moving move good good let me see those lips come on there we go there you go oh yes yes yes oh yeah good there you go all right okay ladies let's take five that was fierce very nice come on in alex eve armitage is this a bad time uh not at all what can i do for you there's something i'd like to discuss with you do you have any time later it's 5pm okay five is wonderful i'll pick you up here i look forward to it [Music] so [Music] [Music] well well ever what would you be doing with my old friend alex [Music] here's to new relationships very nice we actually on the vineyard it comes from it sounds glamorous it has its moments [Music] [Music] tell me something alex are you happy in your new life new life yes supposed to say your old life is a reconnaissance photographer for the agency so are you happy working with irritating little gay men and self-absorbed women who are as easy to [ __ ] as they are to photograph why would you care i just want to know if i'm writing my evaluation well it's not perfect but uh pays well and it's safe you miss the action don't you you're an adrenaline junkie not much of a rush shooting photos of skinny chicks unless of course you happen to like them that way you know a lot about me i know enough i know you were one of the best look just tell me what you want i don't like playing head games i have an assignment for you i'll pay you one hundred thousand dollars plus expenses for one week's work that's a bit more than your going rate what's the job it's on a need to know alex i'm sure you've heard that before [ __ ] you eve i'm sure you heard that before [Music] so so you know damon there is such a thing as knocking comic-con my dear why this had an attack of modesty tell me how did your little meeting go well if you mean to see on board let's just say i'm optimistic i would have thought a man like granger would be putty in your hands he's a little bit more complex than i anticipated eve tick tick tick whatever you do damon ramsey don't lecture me on the finer points of timing been keeping your old ass on schedule for quite a while oh forgive me my dear it was just a sophomoric attempt at humor not your forte damon stick to keeping your banana munching rubbles in line and don't trouble yourself with my end of the deal now get the hell out of here before i throw you out you pompous pig i i can't begin to tell you how much i'm looking forward to the dissolution of our partnership but until then make no mistake about who's calling the plays on this team [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey you alex what's wrong nothing what are you doing i'm just thinking of the old days what's with that radio camera looks like it's been to hell in fact a couple of times i had a person like that so um tell him back where doesn't matter do you miss it the action i mean you know crazy as it may have been i hate to say it but i really do alex i gotta go are you gonna be okay you can't only get back definitely you sure you're okay i'll be all right okay [Music] okay boss i'm heading home anything else thanks for a good job man all right see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] you still got it you could have killed me you know i haven't done this in a while i'd never kill you so you got any beer in this place or just uh white wine for your fancy clients at least i know where i stand with my fancy clients nice takes commercial photography has been good for you alex i can't complain what about you i'm government property i can't quit the cia they'll have to shoot me when my legs give out what do you want from me rick i'm driving through times square i look up i see a billboard and i say i bet you my buddy alex shot that you're full of it i'm serious i just came by for old time's sake just for a little stick fight with my buddy right out of the blue you must want something all i want to do is take you out to dinner on my cia expense account let me take you to dinner you must want something come on you've been looking at beautiful babes all day now you can look at me hey last thing i wanted to do all right let's go i'm gonna regret this glad to see you man done what happened to olga oh old is a ball buster maybe you need it to be busted probably did you know our culture's it's just a mesh i tried to live there she tried to live here yeah but you wanted to be here i figured you'd stay in eastern europe that's it never come back ah it wasn't working we tried well great to see you anyway although you could have given me a heart attack man come on you know i like to make an entrance you know pretty good we're gonna eat something like real right yeah you're paying right yeah i'm paying okay guys i'll get right to the point i got a job coming up it's a favor for an old friend now it's a risky business there might be some unpredictable elements and maybe even some interference from the company what company what company the company you [ __ ] [ __ ] come on keep up with me here now each of you is going to get 50 grand 50 grand yes you like that yeah one more thing once you're in there's no backing out understand risk factor i can't tell you right now anybody else you know what [ __ ] that i'm out hey why you're out why did you do you want more money yeah [Music] okay let's negotiate it come on [Music] so what brings you to that chase a couple of baddies these guys will buy just about anything it doesn't matter whether it works or not as long as the price is right so who do you get the russians are the latinos both right now is a group setting up a little garage sale as we speak sounds interesting why don't you grab your kit bag and come with me that's what this is all about well yeah come on rick i'm out of that life you can't blame the guy for trying love to shoot the [ __ ] with you man but you've got things to do hold on does that name ring a bell no never heard of her why who she uh just a client wanted to make sure she's not one of your gun runners i could run her name for you nah don't worry she's just uh tame with more money than brains you should be used to that oh you're just jealous that's uh take it easy all right the search for muhammad al-jamar and other high-ranking members of his terrorist network is centered in the hills around southern afghanistan despite u.s led invasion attempts they continue to offer massive resistance from a seemingly inexhaustible supply of contraband weapons it is suspected that these weapons are being smuggled in from pakistan where there is support [Music] [Music] do we have anything to celebrate i want you to know i'm doing this against my better judgment come on now alex a hundred thousand is not a recipe for poor judgment nothing to do with the money or the job and what exactly does it have to do with you melomi you seem very dangerous to me my guess is you like dangerous women otherwise you wouldn't be here would you [Music] my associate and i will be arriving in costa rica next sunday for a series of meetings to finalize a multi-million dollar trade deal this is a deal we've been working on for nearly two years is extremely sensitive i want you there to photograph my associate and the man that he meets with is a fail-safe see some of our customers are not exactly cut from the highest moral fiber you know what i mean i do that's all you need to know at this time one more thing what's that risk factor 1 to ten for you a two you'll be shooting from a room in an adjacent tower pretty much invisible all right okay now i want you to leave i have more business to attend to you have 60 000 in there 10 000 is for your airfare and expenses the remaining 50 000 will be paid to you upon completion of the assignment i look forward to seeing a lot of you over the next couple of weeks i'm sure you will you disapprove i haven't got an opinion yet well that gives us something to look forward to does your associate know you come on to the hotel he insists on it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] well what do you think damon well i think he's all yours my dear good yes it's rick are you nuts where are you where are you going man it's none of your business i look deep up on the computer she's clean wasn't even counterfeit how delightful you needed information this is as much as i can give you right now everything's set for the 13th meetings are all scheduled in the evening our clients prefer it that way you have everything you need yeah but you look a little tense wonder why i know you're not thrilled about the lack of detail does it joe you don't like me very much do you i don't like your type and what is my type i think you can buy everything in everyone alex i'm only convinced of that because it's true it's an old cliche but everyone does have their price what's your price you know no one's ever asked me that before i will have to think about that and get back to you i will be in touch on this phone and don't worry if you're not crazy about me very few people are once they get to know me [Music] it was nice the dance last night you're actually not bad [Music] so walk with me rick my intel has it that they've flown the coop can you confirm this call me crazy but it is your case your intel's wrong sir they're still camped out condo are you sure as you said it is my case this ramsey fiasco was supposed to be a simple little smash and grab in africa two years ago so here we are and you still haven't got the goods on them this is your chance d'angelo how do i put it your chance to shed your black wolf your last chance you really think i'm an incompetent jerk don't you actually i hardly think about you at all except at budget time i must have this serious weakness for your type residual guilt perhaps i got a solid line on them sir they're getting ready to move soon just how do you know that so i've got intel from inside the operation all right you got a wired up busboy at their favorite restaurant can't divulge my source why is that that would compromise them you know nothing about field ops these things take time patience now look getting ready to close in on them you're not going to take this away from me why shouldn't i it's been two years you do and you'll lose them and i'll let the agency know about your little fiasco in afghanistan i could fire your ass right now you could but you won't now you want to report i'll write one otherwise the executive summary is this i'm closing in so go back to washington stay the hell out of my way all right but you get it done [Music] you know there can't be any records you got an address residence ah new hampshire any associates armitage so you made it please come in can i offer you something club soda club soda i like a man who knows how to keep a clear head damn ramsay alex granger yes nice to meet you at last so what's this job about oh man another admirable quality i could never get a straight that's a few folks good at delightful uh good evening mr granger evie he's a very strange man but very good at what he does a sake i hope so i just want to meet you it's very old school so this is a job interview or something something like that there is another reason why i called you here though [Music] it's a non-disclosure agreement same thing you sign at a photo shoot you just want to make sure you don't run off to cnn or anybody like that you think i would do that my personal opinion doesn't matter this is business alex and when it comes to business i don't take chances [Applause] aren't you even gonna read it should i good point are you in a hurry why i don't know i thought perhaps we could chat a bit chat yes chad like talk about the weather and stuff like that perhaps something a little bit more cerebral than that i don't do very good chat we're done here right you do work for me you know i'm doing a job for you now don't confuse that with a slave master thing [Music] all right i gotta tell a second principle stay here maintain surveillance about hundred teddy come and spell you i'm gonna get em alex costa rica's out meet us in vegas [Music] okay boss here you go all your stuff's ready to go all right now all of this is old equipment so if you run into an emergency you have to leave something behind good job chick good thinking uh you know what if you need anything call me on my cell listen um they tell you anything else about this job it's neat to know basis only it's nothing illegal is it i've left your to-do list here okay [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah [Music] if you know what's good for you you'll take the first plane back to new york [Music] hey hello and it's me why don't you knock you know i like to surprise you come on let's go for a drink [Music] eve has a daughter about 11 or 12. she never told me what's this all about it's just a little kidnapping for me you started it no way gotcha go go she's just a kid that's why they call it kidnapping that's the leverage we need alex i don't want to be part of any of your plans i'll do things my own way now get the hell out of here before i get angry alex don't be that way we're partners just like the old days what the hell is the match with you have you lost it you can yell at me all you want alex but i'm the only friend you've got down here i'm the only friend you've got period what's the problem here boys no problem is that true yeah you guys staying on the tail here i am does that matter come on downstairs i have a better treat [Applause] two foot [Applause] [Applause] excuse me [Applause] you know i plan to retire in the keys just living out the rest of my life on a 200-foot schooner just sitting around the island's mod you should know how to dream yeah you sure know how to pick them you're in a world of [ __ ] [Applause] ever hear the tribe order area i've been out of touch let me fill you in try border areas where argentina brazil and paraguay meet it's a safe haven for terrorists from all over the world all kinds of extremist groups radical killers anybody with the right amount of cash can pick up any weapon or explosive they want and your friend ramsay isn't very discriminating so what's your problem ramsay is selling weapons to all these different terrorist groups not just any weapons weapons grade plutonium courtesy russian agent that's not the half of it it would be poetic justice for the russians to supply the killing machines for more innocent americans using an american arms dealer and now your friend damon ramsey is giving them nuclear weapons capability you know what that means alex the end the end of everything we know [Applause] [Music] ramsay has a connection flying a shipment to brazil i need to know who the connection is i need to know when and where they're going to make the exchange you have to give me that information you're the only one that can give me that information okay take this device you'll have a secure encrypted connection to a satellite link i need that information no i will do anything anything to get it i guess i'm now part of your plan aah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um just arrived sir did you have a good trip all right i don't know yet something cool i mean just a thing coming right up [Music] interesting oh foreign [Music] it's hot here i like it that way that's why i'm here have we met before i don't think so [Music] have a nice day i'm sure i will [Music] hydrogenated [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening okay wow these look great who's this with your partner why do you always want to know names guinea gorkhan former soviet supply army master that explains the secrecy well if i told you you wouldn't have come okay you like to play hard to get i don't wanna mix business with pleasure eve oh come on alex what what was the name of that model you were [ __ ] tris what is it to you nothing it's just gone to business then right gorkan's been selling surplus material damon is his uh broker what kind of material alex you don't want to know names let's just say that the photos that you're taking are going to prove very profitable if gorky knows they exist blackmailing your own business partner why am i not surprised if blackmail is one thing but you're selling weapons to terrorists one person's terrorist is another person's rebel hero and if we don't sell to them somebody else will we have a problem i have a cia agent on my tail why didn't you tell me that sooner he's an old friend i didn't think he's after you but i i went out of this deal don't even think about backing out of this deal okay and as far as the cia's concerned we don't care and we don't care about your friend he's a lot tougher than you think we'll see damon we've got a problem message from mr ramsay back off [ __ ] but what well you'll be sleeping a very long time sleep in a very long time tell mr ramsey i said thanks for the glock jackass [Music] got any aspirin you want anything else yeah earplugs and beer [Music] did you get the goods yeah we've got the goods no problemo how long are we gonna have to babysit why you got somewhere you gotta be is that her hollering back there no no that's just the tv i'll call you later and you know what to do if you don't hear from me right glad you finally came to your senses and invited me over leave eve nice to finally meet you face to face beer suit yourself i'll come right to the point eve i'm sure you'll appreciate that we have your daughter you mean you have her a man picked her up from school yesterday i don't believe you yes rick get the kid just let her talk to mommy tanya tanya listen to me baby listen i want you to do everything that those men tell you do you understand okay and i promise i'll get you out of there as soon as possible you just i promise that i will get you faster you know what to do what do you want your local contact time and place the big rendezvous and don't tell me you don't know what i'm talking about and that's all for now and if i tell you you let her go of course what if i suggest to you a simple cash transaction what's your price be you think this is about money it's always about money i'm thinking in terms of three million cash i work for the cia lady you and your partner have been my whole world for the last six years worth a hell of a lot more than three million dollars it's worth a hell of a lot more than that you understand yeah good then we have a deal you have the information as soon as damon tells me that is if he tells me you have your ways of getting information eve just get it if you hurt my little girl what's the deal rick there's something i don't i don't know what you're talking about man pesco i ran it twice he hasn't even had a parking ticket since he got to america yeah well my mom always used to say it's a quiet one you gotta watch out for yo phone call you don't even know why i did that right emil hello hello my friend how are you well not that great back is acting up again how about you well couldn't be better is the uh boat ready for fishing yes she is i'll be there day after tomorrow let's get together for a drink say around 11 then you can go fish okay i'm gonna make all the arrangements excellent i'll see you then and uh take care of that back take care man bye bye [Music] the call you're waiting for that's the one you can shut it down [Music] i hope you realize that what we're doing may be putting your daughter in jeopardy i know i hope you're not thinking of backing out no you can't peck out [Music] [Music] hello hold on god so what took you so long i'm a perfectionist it takes time hello you'll be happy to know that the sun's come out up here oh it's you how is everything down there you all right i'm all right check don't worry about me just hold the fort till i get back sure thing good luck alex i'll call you back steve look at the pictures yep any good for yourself i always wanted to see you with your throat cut well our russian friend will be very happy to pay or or his government will just find out what he's been doing good job well well that's it eve your flight back to new york i'll meet you there in two and a half weeks with the rest of your payment at which point you will be the only person in the world who knows the two of us are still alive come to think of it that's true alex i think we're gonna have to kill you i thought of that well it seems that alex doesn't trust us damon oh my yeah it seems that he made copies of his photos and sent him to his lawyer in new york with instructions what to do in case anything suspicious should happen to him that was very clever alex like you said i'm a professional well have a safe trip i'll show myself up we'll let him have his little victory just as long as he doesn't find out what we are really up to [Music] this is perfect picture to blackmail someone let's have a drink i have a flight to catch in new york in two hours i don't care this is important 15 minutes okay [Music] plastic explosives and timer should come in handy where's our backup well you're my backup you didn't tell them didn't you not in so many words if you're messing with me rick look if i told them then they take the case away from me and they get all the credit or they screwed up just do what you have to do okay okay be right back keep an eye out for best golf [Music] god so hey guys enough enough smoking come on take this stuff inside don't be very careful come on come on come on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign hey guys look at the party got the stuff in yes sir let me see okay we got 2 000 mi-16s 500 rocket launchers and 500 kids okay you have uh aka 47 yeah 5 000. therefore okay send these two girls to my room hassan get it come on boys [Music] hello hello gotta go down right here that's gonna be some killer trash hey [Music] you know what go go [Music] over here [Music] [Music] so i got that chicks brandy's number oh yeah one with a great ass and no brains yes seriously you better get the report pascal house yeah i know that girl [ __ ] anything rick [Music] [Music] oh [Music] wow the [ __ ] is going on here juice by the way [Music] [Music] you must be that piece of [ __ ] see i got it i've heard so much about kidnapping little girls huh i'm brave and you mr granger i didn't expect to see you here you two are real losers you know that we've been waiting for you you know why they hired you granger because they knew that your friend from cia will try to work through you do you hear me [Music] oh [ __ ] is watch what's up come in [Music] how are you lousy you look like hell i feel like hell that's what happens when you clear old friends he wasn't a friend alex people like that aren't friends they only have victims and enemies i don't know maybe i'm beating myself a bit too much you wouldn't be human if you didn't feel some remorse no it's not remorse it's something else i don't know whatever it is i've got some very good news for you well the only good news you could give me is give me my money and get the hell out of my life i would do that but our business isn't quite concluded use it is eve no i have something else i need you to do for me i need pictures of damon why well our partnership is dissolving and like most divorces it's getting a little messy around the subject of acid allocation you don't want his pictures do you you want me to cut his throat no really alex just because i've had a taste of blood doesn't mean that i'll become your personal assassin you're reading an awful lot into what is a simple request am i yeah the man's trying to [ __ ] me out of a small fortune money that i earned i will pay you a lot of money alex an awesome sum of money where bermuda we leave in two days i told damon that i invited you over for the holiday you are pretty sure i'll accept weren't you some things are just meant to be alex [Music] okay go ahead open it yeah doesn't matter yeah oh man am i ever glad i caught you what's up look this guy called he's got big bucks he wants you who's that look i can't explain this all right you need to get back here fast when who's it i don't even know you didn't even tell me but seriously this guy is loaded and he is excited you need to get back here this is gonna make you i'll do it i'll do i'll do it i'll be there sorry i gotta do a reshoot well right now i mean we're just getting ready to go can't you just postpone it sorry ah it's all right alex i'll have a carpet here okay fine i'll just i'll book you on the 10 o'clock tonight come on just a second sir that was a very wise decision well aren't you gonna say hi to your partner rick oh man thank god you're alive well you always did underestimate it was you but i couldn't let you get on that plane because they're not gonna make whoa it was me all along hey watch the beard watch the beard how the hell did you get out alive i was wearing a vest you know kevlar why didn't you contact me didn't need to until now besides i love pulling your chain you know i've been thinking no listen things are heating up in the middle east again it's always heating up in the middle east you can't go back to the studio and just shoot some stills you're too good for that ah what the hell i knew you'd do it [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 1,407,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Risk Factor, Jalal Merhi, Loren Avedon, Elise Muller
Id: HJvgHUmWw58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 9sec (5169 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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