Rise of Jin and the War of the Eight Princes DOCUMENTARY

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[Music] China's chaotic era between the fall of the Han Dynasty in the early 200s and the rise of the sway and tong is widely known for the Three Kingdoms period however it wasn't the only period of strife during those deadly centuries of division a generation after the exploits of tau tau Li obey and censor politics in the way Empire set events into motion which would eventually lead to another series of devastating Wars the so called war of the eighth's princess this video is brought to you by total war three kingdoms eight princes a new chapter map for the fastest-selling total war ever total war three kingdoms is an award-winning strategy game that combines a gripping turn-based campaign of empire building statecraft and conquest with stunning real-time battles the h princess chapter pack is set a hundred years after the events of total war three kingdoms and features a new cast of playable factions led by the foremost princess of the Jin dynasty these eight princes feature substantially different campaign mechanics focusing their play styles in fascinating and unique ways which one will you lead to victory support our channel and by the chapter pack on steam by clicking the link in the description after their establishment and solidification in the early third century with such battles as guandu and red cliffs the Three Kingdoms of Shu woo and way gradually began an inexorable decline the kingdoms fought against each other and external foes but most damaging was their internal strife and political corruption labyrinthine intrigues and maneuverings were occurring in the way Kingdom which was the most powerful of China's Three Kingdoms in the early 200s by the third decade of the 3rd century tension was beginning to mount between the Imperial clan and the aristocratic SEMA clan which had been one of the great land owning noble families of the old Han Empire in 249 Sima Yi one of ways leading generals statesman and Regent to the emperor launched a coup against his co-regent and gained control over way Sima influence continued to increase over the puppet sau Emperor's for a decade with Yi passing away in 251 to be replaced as regent by his eldest son Sima Xin when he then suddenly died in 255 a younger brother known as SEMA Chow took the position in 260 the way Emperor Zhou Mao launched a counter coup but this attempt was crushed and he was killed while another puppet Emperor was installed in the aftermath jars generals dung I and Chong Wei conquered the Shu Kingdom and in 264 djal was granted the title king of Jin the regent passed away on September 6 to 65 and was succeeded by his own eldest son Simeon who unceremoniously took the final steps to replace the way dynasty with his own just as the way had essentially replaced the Han the final emperor of way south Wan was forced to abdicate the throne in 266 and was succeeded by Yan himself he was crowned as emperor of Jin but would be best known as his posthumous title Emperor Wu compared to his predecessors in this turbulent age the almost quarter century long reign of wu was a stable and much-needed one however it was arraigned that seeded problems which would in time topple this new jin dynasty we need to go into the differences in how the different dynasties managed their imperial family members and how this impacted future events Han and Wei emperors had mostly kept their relatives away from power giving them empty titles and sending them away this stopped impotent relatives from challenging Authority but also isolated Emperor's from their natural allies this meant that if the ruler was a child or was otherwise incapable of ruling a power vacuum would open for an outsider to fill for Wei this system had caused the vacuum which had allowed the Sima clan to seize power and so Emperor Wu decided to extensively involve his family in running the Empire twenty-seven of his male family members were given the title of prince and appointed to rule over provincial territories as nominal vassals and now they had actual authority over their new lands we gave them some say in appointment to their fiefs the right to have a guard and permission to collect taxes and stay in the capital of law yang if they wanted the princes being in the capital and having influence there gave them influence over the imperial throne and therefore potentially immense political power over the state the Emperor began to grant his princely relatives important commissions at court and even appointed them to command armies in the field Wu believed this policy of empowering his family members would provide stability for his domain there was also the succession to consider Emperor Wu had nine sons who survived to adulthood the two most important were Sima Jong born in 259 and Sima Qian in 262 to Empress Yong Yong however the Emperor's died in 274 and was replaced as the Emperor's consort by yangji a daughter of an influential advisor yang journal in order to stick with tradition Emperor Wu chose as heir his eldest son Sima Joel who was probably developmentally disabled a fact which was to have destructive consequences Imperial advisors worriedly counseled the Emperor against this action but who initially ignored this advice and prepared his son for the imperial throne by arranging his son's marriage to John and Fung a member of a family which had played a key role in bringing the Sima clan to power her reputation as a scheming petty and ruthless woman is probably propaganda and it's more probable that nan Fong was simply a formidable woman from an incredibly important family and because of this she managed to get away with murder nevertheless the Emperor eventually began to express concern about Sima dongs disabilities and often wrote to his son in order to test his responses it was actually nan Fong who responded in place of her husband impersonating the handicapped heir and impressing the Emperor who was now reassured as Emperor Wu had declined in health by 289 he began to consider who ought to act as regent to his heir after he died and eventually selected two men to act as Co Regents these men were the aforementioned yang gern and one of these Sima Prince's young the Prince of rounin however this joint appointment only served to force each man to start plotting the prince of Ronin was due to leave the capital in order to take up his appointment as military governor in Shu Chun when the emperor made his decision and the ailing Emperor sent orders for him to not leave unfortunately these orders never reached the prince as they were intercepted by yang gern and so the Prince departed the city because of this Sima yang never realized that he was to become the co-regent and yang Jun also tampered with the late Emperor's will to exclude him the founder of the Jin dynasty died in 290 at the age of 55 and was succeeded by Crown Prince Seema Jeong who ascended to the dragon throne as way of gin however tensions between the two rivals still hadn't abated and Leung therefore refused to attend the mourning ceremonies in fear of yang Jun eventually fearing for his life the Prince of roon and fled to shoot Chun leaving control to yang Jun the Regent and his daughter the Empress Dowager now had great influence on Emperor Wei and governed in a severe manner alienating the court naturally Empress chair wasn't enthusiastic about her relatively powerless state either and she began to conspire with others against Jun the plotters first went to shoot Chun in order to ask LeeAnn for assistance but he was still too afraid and refused after this they went to seek help from the powerful Prince of Chu Sima way he was the fifth son of Emperor Wu viewed as a brave warrior on April 5th 291 Way entered the capital with his army the Emperor's had her disabled husband firmly under control and she had an issue an edict accusing yang Jin of treason and ordered Sima way to deal with him Sima way crushed the region's forces with ease Jun was killed and his clan massacred with the death toll reaching several thousand the Emperor's was now the real ruler and Somali Aang was summoned to law yang in order to serve as joint regent owing to his keen understanding of governance this could have been the end of it but the Prince of rounin began to alienate his fellow Nobles by distributing overly extravagant rewards for yang Jun's execution and even began to monopolize power he was warned against this course of action but ignored the council Liang finally overstepped his bounds when he tried to remove the Prince of cheese military Authority citing ways violent character way subsequently allied with Empress Jaya who forged an imperial edict accusing Liang of treason and soon Sima Liang was executed it was now Sima ways turn to become a target of the Empress who was worried that the would use his power to usurp the throne she commanded that a message be sent out to the various armies nominally under ways command accusing him of forging the edict which had led to Sima Yang's execution and warning them that they should no longer obey his orders the soldiers all immediately cast down their weapons and deserted the Prince of Chu Wei was captured handed over and finally executed on July 26th 291 jazz manipulations had worked wonders so far and the path to complete control was almost open but there was a further obstacle Sima you who was the son of Emperor Wei and a concubine this would have been bad enough but you was also the heir to the Empire due to the fact that Empress Jia had been unable to bear a son in order to get you out of the way Jia summoned him to the palace and then refused to see him instead having a servant girl bring the Crown Prince three liters of wine to drink you naturally declined this offer and stated that it would be impossible to drink all of the given wine the servant then revealed that this wine was a gift from Emperor Wei saying that refusing such a gift would be a breach of Confucian principles with little other choice you forced himself to drink all of the wine and predictably became incredibly drunk as a result the air was then coerced into copying a treasonous letter in his own words essentially insinuating that he was about to overthrow his father and the court because of his paralytic state you did not realize what it was he was writing in a somewhat amusing revelation it seems that he was so drunk that many of the letters were incomplete and Empress Gia had to complete them herself before showing Emperor Wei the document the additions by jaha had made it rather obvious the letter was a forgery but nobody dared to speak out against her however Emperor Wei refused to kill his son and instead had him demoted to the status of commoner another of the H princes emerges at this point similar nor the Prince of jao he had formerly been one of the Empress's close confidants and was also general of the right army the deposition of Crown Prince you engendered a significant amount of anger at the court and yet another conspiracy began to emerge around see Merlin who was advised that the Crown Prince might despise him even if lune assisted his return to Imperial status so he suggested to the Empress that you still posed a threat to her authority and might even expose her if left alone on this advice the Empress killed her stepson by sending assassins after him however she was then finally betrayed in turn by the Prince of jao who accused her of treason and murder for the act when agents were sent to arrest the Empress she asks who was responsible she was told and responded that when binding a dog you must find it by the neck if you bind it by the tail what else could happen but this she was eventually forced to kill herself the Empress his family and supporters were all killed and the Emperor was even placed under house arrest in 301 C malloon declared himself the Emperor leading to an intermittent civil war among the remaining princes because the Jin princes were busy ripping their own Empire to pieces they needed soldiers to fight their Wars and turned to the many nomadic peoples of the eastern stem to provide the manpower in order to do so according to the Chinese sources they were apparently treated like slaves by the Jin dynasty and because of this treatment in addition to ever decreasing Chinese strength due to Civil War the various nomadic peoples began to revolt in the northern regions and formed their own states essentially splitting the Jin's northern territory away by 311 in the same year the people known as the Wu who managed to sack the Jin capital of lor yang killed the Jin Crown Prince a score of valuable officials and around 30,000 civilians this moment is seen as the final nail in a coffin of the greater Western Jin dynasty and the beginning of the eastern Jin in a wider sense the chaos in northern China led to mass migrations of Han Chinese south of the Wye River and an era of fragmentation which lasted for almost another century we are planning more videos on Chinese history so make sure you are subscribed to our channel and have pressed the bell button we would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters and channel members who make the creation of our videos possible now you can also support us by buying our merchandise by the link in the description this is the kings and Generals channel and we will catch you on the next one
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 529,794
Rating: 4.9169245 out of 5
Keywords: three kingdoms, romance of the three kingdoms, war of the eight princes, total war, eight princes, sima yi, yuan dynasty, chinese history, han dynasty, jin dynasty, three kingdoms eight princes, genghis khan, sima liang, liu bei, cao cao, lu bu, kings and generals, world history, full documentary, documentary film, guandu, tang, jin, mongols, mongol invasion, red cliffs, an lushan rebellion, taizong, animated documentary, military history, ancient history, army and tactics
Id: RaQ4sSe-dGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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