Rise in The Ranks of The Mob | Sit down with Michael Franzese

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I'll tell you another secret I had I can tell it now because I don't need it anymore there were times when [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign welcome to another sit down with Michael Francis hope everybody is doing well always very good very blessed on this end me my family a lot of you asked me about that thank you very much and I get a lot of good greetings and good tidings and I appreciate that especially through this holiday season and as always I give all the praise honor and glory to my God for that why he deserves it he's God remember that you know I get a lot of questions you know Michael how do you really rise up in the ranks how did you get to where you got you know for some reason a lot of young men today and I'm really touched by this because we had talked about you know what it is to be a man in 2022 2023 and I I you know a lot of youngsters are asking these questions because they don't have guidance a lot of them don't have a father figure a lot of them don't have a mentor and so they come to me and I try to share as much as I can and please understand we get literally thousands of messages a week throw the the social media platforms and all the other platforms that we have so I try to get to some of them and I'll be honest with you some of them I don't answer on social media because then people feel that I'm not answering them when I answer somebody else so it's kind of a hard thing to navigate but I do my best and when one really touches me you know we we certainly do respond but you know how did you rise through the ranks Mike you were a young guy when you got in that life you know and what you need to do people you need to create value in yourself people have to see something in you they have to want to be around you they have to want to be associated with you so how do you do that well let me tell you how I did it in the mob so that you'll understand you know when I first got involved because of my father you know the name Sonny Francis it wasn't me it was my dad you know at the age of 20 I had like three arrests excuse me I had four arrests four indictments I went to trial four times at the age of 21 22 it was kind of crazy I got through all of that we beat all of the cases but I was broke I didn't have a penny I'd have nothing right at that point in time my dad's in jail we had nothing you know we weren't you know a wealthy Family Trust me when my dad went in nobody was throwing money at us at that point in time we had to do what we had to do to survive and make a living you know fortunately I was an aggressive guy I always wanted money in my pockets I was always ready to go I was very very determined so I started to get into a couple of little business deals I'm not to go not going to go into all of it but you know one thing happened some guy came to me with a load of meat and I think I might have told this before he had a load of meat it was a hijacked truck and he wanted me to get rid of it for him so I said no problem at that point in time I had to put it on record with my boss that's how it went because I was already proposed my dad proposed me so I went to see Andrew Russo mush and I said Andrew I got this load of meat I said I'm going to sell it I'm letting you know because anything illegal you had to put on record with your your competition so I did and we sell the meat I think I got six or seven grand for it I got all the money I I gave it to Andrew he said okay I'll get back to you well a couple of days later he gives me back 600 bucks I said man you know six thousand seven thousand I get 600 books I did all the work didn't really sit right with me but I said okay if this is how it goes this is how it goes so you know from that point on I said okay they appreciated the fact that I brought this deal in I've started my uh my tenure here so to speak I want to create real value in myself so there was a club out in Long Island called Jupiter she was a pretty famous club and a guy by the name of Danny Colombo no relation to Joe Colombo owned the club so I was friendly with him and he said you know Mike I want to stop bringing an ax we're not doing that great the club is okay but I want to bring in Acts back then at that time you could get the Spinners for thirty five hundred dollars for the entire weekend Friday Saturday Sunday like five shows unbelievable not like today you gotta pay forget it but back then 3 500 bucks and they were big names they'd filled the show so I had to connect action with Norby Wolfe is again not going to go through all of that I went to Norby he was the uh the talent agent at the time and another guy that I knew and I actually managed a group called Stars and Stripes back then we put them in there but we needed money to pay these guys I don't have any money I just finished all these trials I was broke so I went to Andrew and I said Andrew look this is the deal I got associated with this club and we're going to be bringing an ax but we need money I said I want you to come in and be my partner he's how much you need I said I think it was 15 grand remember this was back in the 70s so I'm thinking his best I could I think it was 15 grand I said Andrew you learn money every week on this okay fine he gives me the money I go in I got to tell you this for six months we didn't make money Danny had some of the problems you know that he didn't tell me about six months we didn't make money but every week I didn't let Andrew know that every week I brought him a thousand dollars two thousand dollars fifteen hundred whatever it was I was taking it out of my pocket we would I said no matter what we got to pay this guy right every week for three four five months six months until we started finally to turn a profit and then not only did he get his money back but he continued to get profit with me now you know what that made me a guy that hey I want to lend this guy money I want to be involved with him I created value in myself and I'll tell you what else happened Andrew connected guy well he knew people involved with the club he knew that we were losing money every week never said a word to me but when he saw that I was giving him money every week that that was important to him forget it I was gold at that point so what did I do I created value in myself people you want to succeed in life people got to Value you you got to bring something to the table you can't always be asking you can't be looking for something you know it's always great to have leverage but sometimes you don't have leverage so what is your leverage it's you you're the offer it's you coming to the table it's you being that guy that people want to be involved with and sometimes you got to take a hit you got to struggle a little bit because let me tell you something about money when you lend when people lend you money and you pay them back and they earn off you they want to do it again that's just life that's just normal that's just business they'll throw money at you you know I'll tell you another secret I had I can tell it now because I don't need it anymore there were times when I didn't need any money I was making so much money I didn't need anything but I went and borrowed money from people and paid them back and paid them back in dividends and you know what any time I needed anything from anybody they would throw money at me believe me when I tell you people wanted to be my partner they wanted to be involved with me because I never made them lose so you know just something important for all you young people remember that people don't want whiners they don't want people coming to them with a sob story they don't want businesses business people are in business to make money people are in business to have a good time you know to to have an enjoyable experience it all goes together in one package so a few young people remember this and it's not always necessarily about money it's about creating value in yourself being that person that people want to be around that people care about that people say hey this is a good experience of I'm involved with this guy it's going to go well create value in yourself that is a important secret in life so that's it for today you know a little friendly advice throughout the holiday season hopefully answer some of your questions that I can't answer individually you know in a message but maybe I can answer it new people tune in and those of you that have questions like that you know sometimes I'll do I'll do an answer like this so everybody can hear it this way people don't get insulted that I answer a question then I hear well Michael why didn't you answer of mine why didn't you say this and I get that all the time and I wish people wouldn't be offended because I don't mean to be offensive but you know we just got a lot going on and it's hard to answer all the questions and the messages that we get so please understand that we're not shunning anyone you know we just uh it's just a difficult sometimes uh Forum to to uh to handle so that's it for today I continue to wish you the best throughout the holiday season hope everybody is getting their presents done getting their you know Christmas parties together doing all the stuff that you do we're certainly doing that at my home with all our family that's what it's all about so that's it for today be safe be healthy God bless every single one of you and your family and your loved ones I mean that from the bottom of my heart and why because I thank you so much for supporting me since we started this platform you support me in everything that we do we're on a march to a million we're almost there and maybe that'll be my Christmas New Year's present we'll see but again it's thanks to all of you so thank you again happy holidays and yes I'll see you next time [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 100,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: franzese, michael franzese, mob, mob boss, mafia boss, italian mafia, sitdown with michael franzese, mob stories, mafia ranks, rise in the ranks of the mob, michael franzese mafia rank, mafia ranks explained, mafia ranks system, how to become made man, what are the ranks in the mafia, mafia ranks in order, what is the highest rank in the mafia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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