Top 10 Notorious Father & Son Mafia Combos | Sit Down with Michael Franzese

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in that life Father and Son every one of them turned out behead just about I discourage all young people from getting involved in any type of street life any type of gang life it's a dead end Street don't do it stay away from it it's a bad lifestyle this is not the way to go you gotta go legit [Music] oh [Music] hey everyone welcome to another sit down with Michael Francis hope everybody is doing well all is good and very blessed on this end and as always we give God all the praise honor and glory for that and what am I going to do today very interesting you know I read a lot and things come into my feed because we're into all the mob stuff as you know I got something that I thought was interesting it was the the 10 most notorious father-son mob combinations in other words the father was in the life the son followed him into that life told you there's a lot of nepotism in cousin Austrian Mafia both in Italy and here in America makes sense why you bring in people that you trust Father and Son cousins nephews you know it happens all the time you know a lot of people say oh Michael you know you you got in there because your father well my father proposed me like so many other fathers proposed their sons and today we're going to talk about 10 of them and they're in kind of an order from 10 down to one now is the most notorious now I want to make this clear I don't necessarily agree with this I am just repeating what it said in the article we'll talk about it it's mob stuff it's interesting and I think you'll enjoy it so number 10 on the list was uh Gerard Papa and his son uh John Papa and uh Gerard grew up in Bensonhurst he was actually part of the same street gang that Sammy gravano was part of the rampers I think they call him as a matter of fact Sammy and him were friends for quite a while and he was pretty tough kid from what I understood he got made with the genoveses in the 1970s and he was into a lot of stuff some said he was into drugs I think he got busted for that once or twice I don't know uh Sammy and him I think had a falling out don't quote me shammy probably talked about him might have talked about him in one of his videos wasn't a guy of a lot of significance but he was a guy and his son followed him into the the life so they have him as number 10. he ended up uh getting killed at some point in time I think he killed the Columbo guy he killed uh Tommy Spiro if I'm not mistaken and then he was taken out by Dominic Cataldo allegedly that's what they said Dominic was a good friend of mine he and I were on 12 together in a Giuliani case but allegedly Dominic Cataldo took him out Dominic has passed on now we can talk about it I don't know if it's true or not I don't talk about that kind of stuff out of school but anyway he ended up getting killed I think he was killed in a restaurant in the 80s and then his son John Papa became a member of that life in the Colombo's I seem to remember him a little bit didn't know him well I don't think it was anything of substance with him you know not not such a great story but anyhow they were listed as number 10. Gerard Papa his son John Papa next number nine again I don't necessarily agree with this was Carmine Persico and his son Ali boy you know Carmine my boss boss of the Columbo's for many years you know the situation he died back in 2019 did a video about him you're all familiar with him we spoke about it many times his son Ali boy was my gumbare he baptized my son John and so we were pretty tight at one point in time he ended up you know again following his father we got made around the same time and he's about my age I think it might be a year younger than me but anyhow sadly enough he was you know convicted of the murder of Billy catola Wild Bill and sentenced to life in prison and he's been in prison for for many many years so it's a sad story but anyhow they were listed as number nine in this list going from top to bottom next was Raymond patriarca and his son Raymond patriarchal Jr Raymond patriarchal was a powerful guy out of Rhode Island he ran you know all of New England for really about 30 years he had a reputation he was kind of a brutal guy from what uh you know the talk on the street and he was into a lot of things I think anybody in the New England area anything that you were doing illegitimate you had to pay Raymond tax on it or whatever he was a tough guy tough businessman again he had a pretty rough reputation as a matter of fact one time supposedly he ordered one of his guys to kill the guy's son he wanted him to kill his own son because of a bad business team you know another time I think he was uh he put a contract or hit on on his brother because his brother didn't recognize that there was surveillance equipment in one of the office one of the offices were bugged so he had kind of a rough rough reputation but he did run the family for 30 years then he passed on and when he passed on his son Raymond patriarchal junior took over and he was known as kind of a weak leader he wasn't his dad didn't really following his dad's footsteps I think his underboss tried to take control of the family while he was in prison and the family kind of fell apart under his rule he came out and things kind of fell apart I don't I don't know really what happened after that but the family was never the same up there after Raymond senior was gone all right then we got Carlo Gambino we all know that most of the Gambino family known as possible bosses we know all about him ran that family for 20 years 50 years in their life probably did 22 months in prison died in his home he did it right you know we know the story of Carlo his son Tommy Gambino you know it was interesting his son went to college and then got out of college graduated college and he got made in 1962. brilliant guy I did meet Tommy a couple of times he was in the Garment center after Paul Castellano was taken out by Gotti Tommy still remained in the family because he was a big earner it did do some time in prison and I think he's still around I'm not sure how old he is but uh you know he was a well-respected guy and a very good earner Carlo Gambino's son then you got Frank James Calabrese and Frank Calabrese Jr they were from the Chicago family the outfit they called it Frank Calabrese had a bad reputation you know as a street guy I think he was convicted of seven murders one of them being Tony Spilotro you know splatro you know you saw it in the movie Casino he was convicted of that and he ended up going to jail he got convicted on a major case and then his son and him were in prison at the same time Frank Calabrese Jr and his son at a big falling out with his dad over something contacted the FBI while he was in prison and agreed to testify against his father and a couple other people actually put his father away for life and a couple other guys and he got out of prison I think he's doing some motivational speaking right now as a matter of fact if I remember he reached out to me he wants me to have a sit down with him I might I think my team is looking into that I don't know him I only know the story and they were number six on this list so Frank Calabrese Frank Calabrese Jr maybe I'll have a sit down with the with Junior later on and we'll see might be interesting and we got Frank lucasio and Salvatore La Casio as number five on this list going from 10 down Frank lucasio you know who he was he was the consulary of Gotti's uh crew at that time it was goddess consolieri and he was convicted on the case involving Sammy gravano did life in prison he actually died in prison I think last October it's about a year ago that he died and then his son got made in that life also and his son was uh indicted on a huge scheme it was an internet fraud scheme or something something to do with the adult content I don't know ended up getting convicted that I think his whole crew got convicted and he ended up getting two years in prison and probably out now doing okay again I didn't follow that but they were number five Frank lucasio and Salvatore La Casio Father and Son now number four we got Greg Scarpa and Greg Scarpa Jr two guys that I was very very familiar with Greg scarpac senior they know the story you know his whole background I'm sure we've gone over that and you've heard it a million times he was an informant he ended up dying of AIDS you know after a while anyway he was working with the government for over 20 years when we heard that in our crew we were pretty nervous about it I was I sat down with him many times we were both uh you know captains in that crew great scarper Jr he got made around the same time that I did kind of followed in his Father's Footsteps I know when he went to prison he got a huge prison sentence while he was in there he contacted the FBI and said he had some information about the World Trade Center bombing said he was there with the guy that was allegedly uh you know convicted at I think or it wasn't involved at some point in time turned out to be a scam he wasn't really cooperating he did get out of prison scarper Jr just a couple of years back compassionate release he's very very sick she's got them health issues I was in contact with him briefly and knew him fairly well so Father and Son Greg scarpac senior Greg Scarpa Jr they were number four Colombo family guys move on number three something you're very familiar with Sonny Francis and Michael Francis do I need to go into that I don't think so you know my dad and me for some reason they have us is number three as one of the most notorious as number three on this notorious list I'm not going to get into that you decide I know a lot of people are going to say come on Michael you guys weren't as notorious maybe your father was but you weren't you were more of a racketeer than a gangster and on and on and on we don't have to get into that you know both of our stories so I was number three with my dad number two nicodemo scarfer and uh Nikki Scarfo Jr you know the story nicodema you know I knew him really well he and I were going to uh unionize the security guards in Atlantic City I got along very well with Nikki scarfa he was the boss of the Philadelphia family for a while had a reputation that you know he ended up getting a 55-year prison sentence and ended up dying at prison at some point in time his son Nikki scarford Jr you know kind of followed in his footsteps there was an assassination attempt on him he got shot several times the story was that Joey Molino did that I'm only saying that's what the story was I don't know if there's any truth to that or not and what happened he got ended up got his father was very upset about that Nikki senior and he ended up getting his son made with the locations to kind of protect him kind of get him away from the Philadelphia family and had him made with the lucasians and I think he ended up back in prison Nicky Scott for a junior so you know these are all end up bad they're all sad story number one most notorious Father and Son Duo were Philly Testa and Salvatore testing Philip says to the father he took over the Philly crew after Angelo Bruno was murdered and it was short-lived him I think it lasted a year he got indicted on some major case he was pretty brutal guy too that was his reputation anyway and uh he was murdered there was a bomb put under his porch at his house blew up rather and he was gone so he was murdered I think in 81. he had a very short run as the boss yeah Salvatore took over and Nikki scarf who was the boss of that and then he made a Sal a captain in that crew and then Sal wanted to avenge his father's death he went after all the guys that murdered him he eventually killed them all and then Nikki scoffer got a little bit concerned about him for some reason I don't know and Nikki ended up supposedly ordering his murder so Father and Son were both murdered in a pretty brutal way and you know what I'm telling you now that I look back obviously and I understand the life I would never bring my son into something like this never because the outcome is is always bad the end result is always bad you know people I tell these stories because you want to hear them I know that that's part of my following although a lot of people want to hear about other things that I have to talk about about the transformation in my life you know when we do a q a after every one of my speaking events most of the questions about how did you get out of the life how did your family handle it when you were in prison how did you transform yourself Michael how did you forgive yourself for things that you've done in the past you know a lot of stuff like that what how did you make this transition it's so hard to you know change your mentality I get a lot of those questions and honestly that's what I love to talk about and when I Mentor people it's all about that it's all about transforming their life getting in a better place coming from a bad situation to a good one because I've been able to do that very fortunate very blessed I give God all the credit for that my family my wife my kids kept me straight and the people that care about me but you know we tell the mob stories because I know you want to hear them and I got you know a lot of you that follow me that's what you're interested in but in that life father and son every one of them turned out behead just about except for maybe Tommy Gambino his father like I said did it right he made him graduate college and then he brings him into the life and he only did a couple of years and he's probably doing well right now very successful and smart business guy like a lot of other guys in that life so I discourage all young people from getting involved in any type of street life any type of gang life it's a dead end Street don't do it stay away from it the Mob Life don't glorify it in any way it's a bad lifestyle and again I tell everybody that I speak to all the time this is not the way to go you gotta go legit as tough as it is you got to go legit that's where the money is that's where the peace of mind is that's where all your success comes from when you do it legitimately so hope you enjoyed it yes River number three I don't necessarily agree with this list there are a lot of Father and Son combos that could have been on it that weren't on it and that's that you know this is other people's opinions I'm just repeating them giving you my perspective that's it for today I do I always leave you please subscribe we're 100 March for a million help me out here we're getting close you know less than two years just about two years I should say uh and that's a pretty Monumental feat you don't rise that fast but it's because of all of you we are doing a big giveaway pay attention we're going to be announcing it soon how do I always leave you the same way be safe please be safe be healthy do the right thing for your body and your mind I sincerely mean this God bless every one of you and yep I'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 141,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, capo, caporegime, colombo, colombo family, colombo mafia, italian mafia, sonny franzese, sitdown with michael franzese, mob stories, Mafia life, father in son in mafia, nepotism in the mob, nepotism in mafia, father and son on the mob, family members in the mafia, family members in the mob, notorious father and son, notorious father and son in the mafia, notorious father and son in the mob
Id: U3045gOZ-aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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