Riot Has Gone TOO Far With This Skin!

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it's been too long since we busted out of lux and we're on the street okay you guys may not believe this but when she hits level six she actually farts out a rainbow and that's her ultimate all right we'll see what it looks like when we get there and we'll see how clean this skin actually is but the morgana lux bottling one of my favorites oh my goodness i didn't miss that cs the minion just died without asking okay and i want to try to land the best poke i can i'm curious oh wait i think i've actually seen the skin in action the q is legitimately pay to win i hate going against it more than any other skin i've seen in a while okay if you don't believe me you're gonna see exactly what the heck i'm talking about right now it doesn't even look like a league of legends ability dude i'm being serious oh jeez tristan is going aggro on us my gosh we're okay i have barrier too oh i need more i need more oh that was bad that was good that was money yo we got a bail we gotta bounce uh oh he's gotta jump he's gotta jump ah yeah yeah hey dude i got a little too excited with heal without ignite that's my bad tristana i will stop you just kidding okay listen wait till we're six then we'll stop enrico all day long how you doing hit this you silly little pickle honestly i should be flaming her considering uh i kind of done goofed earlier but you know what it's okay did i just lag across the screen or am i on drugs i could be on drugs anyways we'll land this queue and make sure uh the pay-to-win shenanigans continue oh my gosh we're going against the queen speak of the devil gwen whatever her name is alrighty thank you very much we're level three and i'm excited now i think about it i should have thrown the q earlier before the tristana jumped therefore he wouldn't be in auto range because if you get snared out of auto range or if you get snared and you're in auto range it doesn't really matter snared out of auto range obviously you can't auto attack and i missed that cs again okay i'm a little upset i'm a little upset spaghetti i could have popped that a bit sooner bar to get over here what i'm trying to say is i could have waited much longer to save our cool downs wow this guy just popped in and popped out i love that hey bartylox how you doing oh dude that was money i'm okay i'm okay i'm okay i'm okay i'm okay you dirty dog no way yes we're good no i should have thrown the snare sooner is he gonna jump on me i feel like we're gonna get slapped on right now how could you not stay when the bot length is slow and you're playing a reset champion there's no way there's trishana's a freaking monk and has the self-control okay graves definitely yep that's a problem we need to bounce now oh i thought he was going to go under tower that would have been our dream our slow would have uh ruined his day even more can we kill this dude honestly i have a barrier i have barrier do something morgana oh my gosh what just happened one auto attack oh ho ho ho ho ho to the dome we'll take it i didn't want to be an idiot just running like a crackhead just trying to auto getting kills i was being smart waiting for cooldowns doing our thing okay doing our thing also special giveaway this month for club members is an iphone 12 baby this is my first time announcing it actually so if you want to get on in there and uh get ready for some wild rift action or tft action that's gonna be for you let's snag that and hey tristana how you doing oh my gosh this guy's low-key slapping us but we're also low-key slapping back oh this is money no you don't no you don't no you don't i wanted to so badly honestly if i got a shield we could have pulled that off oh gosh am i dead we're in big give me a pool baby give me a pool okay they healed we got a lot going down right now dude a lot going down where's our ulti when you need it my gosh oh you're dead yep i have flash i have flash i have flash i have flash and this guy's in big freaking trouble oh dude this game is getting spicy oh the comment box no need for that bad boy let's see here i will do my best to not miss all these cs wonderful wonderful wonderful kind of want to uh not have the lane freeze on us all right this is fine this is fine this is fine if i die somehow some way no one is global right and before timo has a mushroom forest all the way from top down to bot yep that would have been bad anyways we're getting lorran and peacing on out we can do this lux is so inspirational in these in in her quotes it's it's amazing oh here comes the fart i am so excited for this one thank you for that we'll pop some boots and it looks like these bar uh meeps are following tristan it's quite funny oh no freaking way what i'm so bummed boosted honestly maybe it's a blessing in disguise wow i would have went a lot harder on that we could ult but they're not in kill range i'd say we're chin chilling for now very nice you're dead i'm the worst player alive not anymore we're not not anymore we're not let's grab these i'll be back soon oh not let's listen i appreciate you does he have a hook oh tristan is scripting take that you're going to need it what is going on over there i didn't see them down there oh gwen's here untargetable broken champion has arrived what is happening what is happening so can we just not even hit her when she's in that thing or what she's dead no freaking way no freaking way manish money pantheon glad to have you at the party my friend yes yes i would like to drag i would i would thank you thank you very nice oh we got the good good coming in very very very soon you're not sure what that is you're about to witness it okay get your booty ready aka it's the the mythic item all right we are so close to it 2500 okay we are not that close whatsoever oh boy do we kill that i think we barely don't kill him oh this guy's dead though that's what i'm talking about eye barrier i'm so dead no we're not no we're not no we're not go go go go go go i'm looking at her i'm looking at her bart what the heck do you think you're doing thank you pantheon holding no wait no he just hold it oh you're done so dude the zoning ability no i no no we had her and now she's gone she's gonna live with one hp if i hit my e owner i got you buddy no what no i actually kill her i can kill her i can't kill her oh my god what the hell i'm so stupid lex just told me losing is just an opportunity to shine even brighter i'm taking that one to heart oh my gosh i got it as close as i could oh i got his stupid little tail dude come on oh you're in trouble you're in trouble and so are you tristana i have flash in five seconds i'm about to do something stupid i already know it oh somebody shopping what are you gonna buy [Laughter] [Music] best way to push a wave on lux eq oh god you don't freaking die to this thing again an e right after gail he's actually buying something oh man i love that oh um so i was not expecting this we're good oh my god we're good wait i've never outranged a graves ultimate before that was ridiculous hey grace catch it's a cc party oh i can wait i can wait i can wait i can wait no no no no no no no no no no gotcha i'm so sad liv die oh my god if morg was your shield up if that if her shield was up we're blaming her and no okay yep she's lying you thought it has been destroyed pantheon what you're making in there buddy what you cooking good looking here we go we're actually pretty fed now so we can start making some plays notice we uh whoa okay um wow i was gonna say we got a stopwatch for anything uh that surprises us we were just surprised real hard pushing up like this versa bard is actually so spooky considering oh you're done so that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about no are needed baby there's that and there's that bingo i probably should have waited for her to get wedged in between the tower or something along those lines but i like what that result actually was let's do this and a little more of that i missed that siesta and saw that all right we got um gwen is actually snip snipping in the mid lane she's going to be annoying to deal with all right her w not going to be our friend let's go here and do a little bit of this very nice very nice is rasana here okay she's still mid that's good not just on it but new champ op galore there we go there we go this could be going a little aggressive right now oh you're in trouble whoa there honestly we're good yeah flash over see what happens oh she's done goofed big time only bad part is uh now we're in the middle of their jungle with a lot of stacks and i don't want to die and of course this is warded of course this is ward i think we're good um we're not going to talk about that by the way speaking of joining the iphone 12 giveaway if you join the club we actually did a my dad face reveal on the club there's lots of videos on there that you can go on and check out that i think you will like a lot okay and this tristana it sucks we can't one shot right now actually oh we can we can we can we can we can line them up line them up line them up line them up knock them down are you kidding me okay this dude's paying attention now beautiful new champ down we got the longest of range on our cc ruski right now if i had flash she would actually be dead you're in trouble oh this is good this is good this is good this is real good there's a love tab for you oh you're dead that was actually a good flash by him and maybe just maybe okay we got a problem grace is coming over we got a big problem oh wait actually knows we're coming to save you buddy oh gosh i did not like that tp but i absolutely love that do i have to hourglass right now i think we're good flash from you dare you stupid little bee we're okay we're okay we're okay who the heck is that no you freaking monster why would you even think about doing that report not he's on the naughty list okay yep you guys think we kill bard like this we can try oh not enough to bump you huh wow that bark you actually killed for quite a bit that's a mushroom we got shields for days i know you're going through that wall a little too late my friend a little too late i should have walked in that barlow myself could have saved some hp right there that would have been nice all right i think this is our chance to get mid tower or oh yeah rift hero's also open for us once this goes bye-bye that's what i want to snag now we might be able to rush it and get mid tier two off of that that sounds lovely lovely lovely lovely we're coming fully boop we're coming we got no time to waste we need to start it now this is gonna open up the entire map for us if we actually get it thank you very much also i've been reading every single comment before bedtime and uh there's a lot of people doing the day seven or whatever the heck it's called type stuff love it love it love it we'll talk more about that in a sec for now i need to focus on eating some fruit snacks and doing what we do best baby oh you're in trouble boom that's what i'm talking about i could have shielded someone huh i suddenly feel bad and i can't drop a ward in that bush thank you oh gosh we're gonna leave that up for a sec this just got real awkward this just got real freaking awkward oh we're good where is hourglass yep not gonna help us screw you tito as i was saying no those monsters took our blue buff all right listen we have a magis no more mr nice guy okay but as i was saying comments read all of them and let's play a little game right now okay if you made it to this point in the video i know you're not gonna lie to me all right i know you guys aren't liars so we're gonna do that game where we play in our heads where we pick a number one through three and if i guess that number you have to drop a like on the video all right is this guy i don't think i one shot him we get a little more ap dude we can start going one shot combo mode and that would be lovely there's spooked oh wow either guy i'm so bad dude i'm actually the worst player on the freaking planet i'm going to the back of the pit don't recommend this but we're doing it oh gosh okay baron's kind of taking us for a spin right about now tito we'll smell you later that's good that's good that's good yo those things freaking hurt and so does dragon a yeah yeah dude we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay i'm looking for barty locks i want the board go eat the gummy eat the gummy [Laughter] we're good i have halted three i'm staying in the bearing pit drag pit to keep as much range as i need [Laughter] oh god you saw nothing time to play the game fellas one through three in my head if i guess your number you gotta drop a thumbs up all right don't you dare cheat get your number think of it you have it good now if i say that number no changing your number you got a thumbs up okay i guess number two i guess number two i was so close from guessing one i literally swapped last second guess number two if that is your number then uh i appreciate the thumbs up boom baby say hello to a whole lot of stacks coming out if we get a little more gold we'll be in business oh geez 11 seconds remaining we can recall and someone at mid i hope that goes down mid that might go up top don't go top don't go top don't go top don't go top do not there we go there yet follow me follow me baby one good old and we're going to pound town in the mid lane baby i might even toss an r just for poke right now okay yep yeah really good that was wonderful i actually wanted this shelly to stay mid there for a sec to wait for our creeps to come even more oh here we go i want to keep him alive and well i'll tank it for you buddy i'll take the tower don't mind if i do oh beautiful we're tp into it just to keep it alive as well that's money oh oh that's a little cc chain don't you think olton five next kills to kill two an excuse to kill that's what i meant to say yo lux range is disgusting this is the in him play the in him when him play i have an itch on my arm i have it was too bad it was it was too much for me yeah we're actually being surrounded i got you buddy just kidding no we don't we definitely do not you're dead oh my gosh [Music] that was beautiful the lineup knock down throw down that's the tower there teemo's trying to make some plays over here careful buddy yep that's that's a mushroom nautilus does not even care one bit if we can get a death cap we'll be strong that's that's all i gotta say we'll be real real strong let's see if we can farm up and get some goodies i know the next giant fight is gonna be overbearing for sure i can almost promise you that one honestly i think my cooldown's so low might be able to do this are you really okay listen come on that was supposed to be the grump plays right there the big ground plays let's go here one more fight that's all we need uno mas you guys ready for this can i have this honestly the hp regen would be nice we are strong as all heck right now we got to go to yo death cap is right around the corner dude 1 200 gold and we're in business oh my gosh that is really going in we've got you we've got you i want to flash but i know she's going to jump the second we do skirt oh honestly burning jump like that is good oh you done goofed no w equals you die oh the boobs in there aka the bully bear i don't care boom baby that was a max range what the max range e i love it i'm over the wall i'm chilling they don't see me they think they have the advantage and no they don't you're dead you're dead you're dead you're dead we're good we're not dead bart where are you going we'll smell you later and i don't know if that was the correct direction to go right then and there no i got you moriana you got a space around you no need to fear i have flash i really don't use it though where are you going oh not taking the blast cone are we that missed that didn't bang bang baby death cap in base oh my gosh yes we are now on top of the world all right let's buy this get the 35 percent bonus man and roll on addy our ap just freaking went to a thousand this craze is gonna think need to chill okay i thought he's gonna call us stupid for chasing for so far but uh we're fine okay we are fine oh my gosh that dragon is what we want as well bruh bruh level 16 would be pretty juicy is this guy starting it is he a mad lad or what i almost altered that cannon all right i fought the urges dude we're giving saturns to everyone nautilus has a huge saturn around them notice the shields that's awesome oh no you don't oh no you don't you guys want to take my dragon oh wow what the hell help oh we're good we're good we're good dude that was dirty pantheon feel free to clean up clean up we're okay we're okay we're okay bang bang baby we'll uh quadra kill maybe sort of kinda kind of want to go slap that drag but i think the nexus is a little better than dragon just buy a smidge you best bet we're one shotting tristan in the base easiest one shot of our lives you all ready for this we gotta get there spawns in four three two one no chance no chance 32 kills let me know what you guys think about the new skin remember i read every single comment it is my nighttime routine snip snip not today my friend that's a wrap peace guys thank you so much for watching peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 62,142
Rating: 4.9149475 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol
Id: fsHRbK7HqL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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