I got BANNED from URF!!!!!!

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i have to show you guys something that's not supposed to be in the game okay and from doing so we are going to risk everything wish us luck and i will show you how broken this thing probably you honestly you might have seen it already okay you may have seen it let's hope you level this box i need to kill the stupid box i don't even kill it are you kidding me it's a nightmare this is a nightmare these boxes don't die and i'm real sad this shaco needs to die did he spirit all of us oh goodness oh goodness i need to get in there now there's a box dude there's a box i can't i can't i can't i can't i can't do i help this guy okay he's piecing out as well this is good okay re-engage this is where we fight we fight it don what's up kane dog looks like you're going down my dude not bad the earlier we get you know what the better hello goodbye i can carry this big time i can carry this big time this guy's dead and so is this dude so what you're about to witness eyes oh god don't take a tower shot do not take a tower shot are we going in on this i think we're thinking about it but i think we should not think about it okay they're all here let's get out of here guys fatty thumbs up on the video i appreciate it a lot and cheers to uh what could possibly be our final earth game right there have been people getting banned for doing this bug but i feel like it's my i have to do my own due diligence showing you guys what's possible oh no i just realized they have a shotgun oh this this could be real bad this could be real real bad get over here i like playing irelia earth because you can use her q without actually getting a reset did i go for a minion there get me out of here ow ow ow ow that's not good that's not good so are we going on this or what velkas has kind of creeped me out and spooking me a lot oh yeah maybe i have to party mid i'm not sure what the play is here but what i do know what the play is once we get this item we'll be so that one stings a little bit yep yep that that definitely stings a little bit we're buying some good stuff for oh hello naughty loose showing up to the part yeah malphite's pretty useless early on this is money for us and this guy is dead for us peace out big guy peace out peace out oh beautiful beautiful there we go lots of ad will make it so we can one shot anything with our q i'm very excited for that i just missed a cannon i deserve to die let's see here it creeps low we should have it in about t minus two minutes if i were to say so myself oh boy oh boy oh not so shabby not so bad what are we looking at here gorge drinkers the item you guys may have seen it on the main channel let's go right there 2 900 000 more okay that's quite expensive jesus you got to take out a loan for that sucker do we fight or not i don't think so bye bye bye bye let's grab that okay let's grab that and one of those that looks better you know i'm going for the spank flank oh god this is bad get me out of here get me out of i'm so bad dude i'm actually so bad coming on through oh my goodness dude i was hoping he would show back up that would have been perfecto patronum let's get that let's get all these bad boys shall we oh that's what i'm talking about what is going down right about now all i know is this guy's dead once he pops out of the freaking wall dude once he becomes red kane that could actually become an issue okay like actually become an issue ow ow ow if i get hit by one more of those i'm gonna get pissed okay let's go grab our gorge drinker and get banned from league of legends who's down we'll be forced to play minecraft speaking of minecraft uh not too long ago we actually uploaded a minecraft video okay if you guys like that kind of stuff show a little uh sneak peek from it would ya three two one begin what's wrong with you come on up here come here you have a bow you're [ __ ] luring me i don't have a bow come on baby what's wrong what's wrong tell you 1v1 i don't know can you tell me come on see what you got what's wrong with it yeah that was fun now feast your eyes upon what the heck you're about to witness here okay it's gonna be uh quite shocking to the naked eye but this dude hates us full hp every single time oh my god i almost made it out of there alive the only way we get this to work is if choco doesn't become a mega massive massive problem get over here where do you think you're going where do you think you're going huh looking groovy all right we're gonna get the sexiest q resets in the game right here right now oh gosh can we do this i think it's possible oh my gosh are you seeing what i'm seeing are you seeing what i'm seeing right oh god he's doing it too oh no dude with shaco it's freaking so we're down bot and we're having a good old grand of a time oh no guys this dude is also doing the bug wish us luck wait you didn't die what what get over here it's bug versus bug you guys ready that's not where he went this is going to look so freaking stupid i'm not sure what's going down right about now it's actually bug versus bug get the stupid box off me dude okay just a tip baby that's all we need sometimes oh my goodness who dare travels to the lost land what am i looking at where's the penta oh oh if that landed that would have been so sick penta kill all right now can i thought we had one there for a second but uh turns out that's not the case this guy needs to die got him boys we got him oh okay so this is still available to us i i need to sit up for this i need to sit up for this notice how i tried hitting my e mid air as they were flying over me if i had a longer range on it whatever you want to call it we might have been able to pull it off 1v1 big guy this dude's getting banned with us we each have one member of each team getting banned get over here we got this oh we've got this i didn't want to leave why am i leaving let's take some towers and we actually heal for quite a bit getting on out of here am i good that would have saved our booty free e there shako's going ham over there we have so much gold there's nothing more satisfying than playing aurelia when you have a bajillion gold okay let's do this and i can't i don't know if i want health or damage we probably just want them both to be honest it's good we'll do this we'll do this we're going over up top brand you're already dead my guy gragas slap his booty we're just chilling we're just having a grand of a time so the way this works is you queue press this button and kill him all right gorge drinker rito made a typo instead of healing for 15 of your mixing health it heals for 80. how do you make that typo i feel like that's something we need to know oh my goodness gracious guy might actually live oh i thought he was getting for a second listen here velkas what's going down right about now my dude i'm not sure what's happening but good things are happening okay oh back to full hp like it's nothing i think it's impossible for us to die i'm actually serious i i don't think get over here get over here let's put this to the test shall we let's put this to the ultimate test what's the range on that thing come on [Music] oh my goodness so uh that should probably not be allowed in the game get away from me yeah this is this is definitely a lot we have 4 000 gold oh goodness what do we buy what the heck do we buy this guy needs to know he's fighting the best oh my goodness get this dude off me get this dude off me we got plenty more where that came from oh my goodness yes no he killed me so fast we got a lot of gold it's mine howdy hill partners howdy ho our build is looking better than ever i spot my little lie brand oh that guy's in big trouble that dude's in big big trouble that's where i wanted to go and that's also where i wanted to go my goodness to this bug greats for some pretty crazy shenanigans okay oh my goodness yeah we lost this account how did i survive that oh we want more minions we want more minions we want all the minions beautiful oh no you don't get over here get over here where's my pen this guy's pissing me off get over here that's a wrap we got plenty more coming all righty so uh wukong's a champion that goes absolutely berserk with this all right and if we're gonna really lose our account we gotta make sure we do it more than one game you know what i'm saying one is just not gonna cut it oh no they have an aurelia that's gonna be a nightmare slap but he slapped this guy joining our first blood yeah we gotta focus on these dudes they're about to get real pissed off at us hello here comes the q madness oh my gosh if that lee sin actually hit me that would have been sick get over here what do you think you're doing huh what do you think you're doing huh listen i dare you i wanted him to take that one oh boy way to go on this dude now very nice the earlier we get this thing the better dude oh is he dead oh we're good we're good in the hood oh my goodness i wanted to go for that you me in the back pike's fishing right now pike is fishing oh my goodness we're okay oh dude we're good we're good we're not good okay we're not good now we can really do some damage do i go help i that like i should go help that oh i'm coming you mean you can't save them all we can kill you me after this too where'd you go where'd you go where'd you go where'd you go oh you popped off someone over here didn't ya that's a shut down team please dude we're gonna get this so early oh my goodness oh my goodness 1750 and we are there baby aka 600 more i should kill this freaking minion this guy really wants this plate did you get it did he get the plate or not i gotta know oh my goodness all right our level three with said item on wukong is beyond nasty all right i'm over here thinking we have the bug available to us but yeah we definitely don't let's go ahead and be a little uh a little cautious for a second okay a little cautious let's use this guy use this guy and uh i'm surprised the right actually knows about the bug but uh doesn't want to just do a quick little patch roost you know what i'm saying hey there big dude why are you so fast oh that's one way to go about things let's go back mid or do we fight and kill them all hey guys let's see what they say to that and let's go bot lane oh gosh dude i'm telling you right now yumi that'll probably be pretty annoying to deal with from late game but let me tell you nothing's more annoying what the what just happened don't you dare jump to my wukong without asking nice nice me bot please if someone can go mid that'd be the dream we can actually kill turn it's faster than you think all righty let's get this guy very nice very freaking nice get over here oh my gosh oh my goodness we should tell uh i really how to build this oh no lee sin has one this is what league of legends has turned into this is what league of legends i freaking missed no i had to play right in front of me right in front of me the entire frickin time but i missed the aoe radius on the free hp bag get over here bunk dude that's the best part bonking them on their head as they're going by let's have this guy take a shot then we go oh boy we're good we're good oh no you don't oh no you don't oh no she has one too dude league of gorge drinker i forgot the name for a second okay we're good now dude now that she has one we may be in big trouble oh my goodness i'm alive what is happening literally anything is possible you can get out of any situation if you play your cards right i'm a mid plates listen i just want your tower i just want your tower i just want your tower get me out of here we have 40 seconds 45 seconds left on mid we might be able to make this happen dude lee sins 14 and 4 with the umi so not only is he unkillable but he's more unkillable than unkillable does that make sense probably not but oh goodness 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds come on we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go oh goodness are we taking aggro we're good this clone thing is smart come on oh my god no he's doing it too oh no dude everyone's getting banned oh jeez what is this yes i burst them the key is to burst them when they get low that's how you do it dude my clone makes it so much harder because they get an extra person to do this off of you know what i'm saying oh the silence baby the silence soraka's clutch we need to end this game before they have like three people using the bug we have like freaking one this is money nice raka with me your e op dude silence is the new most opie thing in our honestly that was kind of always op if you think about it get over here the only way we're going to win this is with tower pressure okay my clone literally is more bad than good because it makes it so they get an extra person to heal off of with their gorge drinker get over here get over here three people using it we have one oh jeez oh jeez oh we're good oh my goodness we're good we're good oh my goodness give me out here get me out of here get me out of here get me the heck out of here dude how do you see wherever i am okay can we kill him with yumi like i said things are gonna get real difficult real soon because we gotta burst through that what am i watching dude what am i watching i need to get grievous wounds now no you don't we prevail we prevail this is gonna be one of the hardest games we might have ever done real soon oh my gosh go buns go come on this is what we need oh my goodness okay i can get behind this oh let's rock it down you know what the inhib opened up we might be okay this game will be hard hold jesus hopefully they don't know we're here i have a plan if he thinks i'm in here i was gonna stand still best plan ever let's do that wait did i just sell my thing okay no we're good we got that going we'll sell that armor penetration i definitely like something with help honestly we may just need raw damage to be able to kill people that might be the best way to do things yeah this works this works this works i think getting that in it might be step one actually oh boy we're coming in folks and we're coming out oh no my struck is so screwed get away from my soraka oh my goodness no you don't yes dude we are strong right now dude yeah they do holy god they water so badly all right our anti-heal is gonna be huge okay like bd mid pike is a slippery champion we can put him on the case and he's dead wonderful oh boy all right let's see if we have what it takes charlie i'm gonna heal now oh i'm so freaking screwed oh very nice nice nice nice wukong he's a monster dude it's three versus one bug mode and we're taking the freaking lead right now come on buddy come on buddy nice nice we've got inhibs for days so far oh soraka you're so dead i'm so sorry oh goodness gracious we're okay thank you do this thing no i didn't press it fast enough holy god two and hips down this is good last but not least top lane we go oh my goodness imagine aurelia in the mix holy she's dead that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about oh one more drag it's up in a minute 30 that's gonna be so good for us so so good for us baby guys we can do this we can do this one bug verse three he's dub oh my goodness that was kind of scary i just fat fingered the [ __ ] all right you saw nothing i repeat you saw nothing nice nice oh my goodness yes we deal so much damage right now and i love it honestly their builds are looking good too i don't know why i'm destroying them so hard but hey i ain't complaining if they don't want to stop me over here they have to deal with a whole lot of minions over there want to cancel his jump he's pissed dude this will call me just nasty i feel like i'm getting some like sick cue damage bursts off wow it resets so clean now honestly so so clean get over here that's an instant full hp knock-up if i've ever seen one we're good we're good we're good we're good in the middle of everything dude our old commode with this is hilarious get over here get over here gg well played i think i like the new buff in this double explosion we can kill us we can kill us oh my god we didn't get it guys that's a thumbs up for this one hopefully we'll see you in tomorrow's video if you're not subscribed smack the button and join the bunny football club for exclusive content here all the thumbnails if you want to see any of those vids buddy fifa clubs where is that top of the description see you there peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 100,953
Rating: 4.8065267 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol, urf, ultra, rapid, fire, ban, banned, irelia
Id: qrHdh1kDOCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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