The FASTEST Baron Kill I've EVER Done

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listen aphelios it's season 11. you can buy any item you want now everything is broken aphelios how's my voice we took lethal tempo this should be fun 80 carries are a whole new beast in earth now my friends you thought haloblades was broken previously just wait until you see what the heck this can do late game does that mean like my turrets are gonna go absolutely berserk mode oh my gosh i just got heated in there okay we're good we're good we're good we're good let's break out this gun for now and this guy's dead nice nice we're swapping over this bad boy i wish i had an ability but uh bakers can't be choosers oh baby oh my gosh yes please gotta kill you know what we'll take that it's better than nothing we can buy our thing and this game's not going so hot oh boy guys i am going to do my best to make y'all proud this game right here right now all right i'm coming in hot team let's do this oh this guy's so dead i can run at them that's how confident i am honestly probably a bad idea against that dude right there hot diggity dog now we're talking oh lock them down baby lock them down lock them down all i want is level two i actually do decent damage i actually do decent damage this guy has ease so he's screwed my attack speed is nuts with lethal tempo oh i smell plating here for us i spy with my little eye one tower plate i'd die for it too nice nice let's hit level two so we can do our thing and start really sniping i don't know if you guys have played much with the filios on earth but um honestly he's pretty tricky get over here oh what the heck i thought i freaking i thought i did that so i can really snipe him hello gotcha big guy oh my god this guy is pissed oh my goodness he's dead there we go there we go if you wonder how he killed him i'm hacking all right that's all you got to know there are so many creeps here for us that i don't even know what the heck is happening right now i gotta shove this up and get the heck out nice nice i think cassio wants mid lane we can give it to her uh i'll go bot we'll hand over the mid lane but if you guys drop fatty thumbs up i appreciate it a lot if you want to play with me in earth the bunny foo club is going to be the place for that i've been having so much fun playing with you guys it's an absolute blast let's do my best to try to get this as soon as possible all right once i can go buy it i'm freaking doing it they have a blitzcrank they have a lot of bursts i am spooked to say the least get over here oh this is money what is going down right now what oh did he die oh my gosh oh my gosh my freaking thing i didn't think you would actually play that aggressive props to this dude we got a immortal shield bow so they're in trouble i was actually so close from checking that bush too i'm so mad at myself that i didn't oh wow we got turrets i forgot uh-oh slap that slap that and put some turrets down i love messing with these things all right hopefully they're not in there it's a wukong so we could run into some trouble let's place this there and have some fun baby this guy hates us we need backup we need immediate up let's see we have the sniper i like that this dude's in big trouble oh he's dead he's freaking dead i don't even think i had the flash that was nice that was very nice i really do care about this tower plating so hopefully we can knock that out of the park let's see if we can get some right here this thing great for towers especially if i can actually get some real damage down i'm gonna look to get some attack speed so we can start going crazy crazy crazy i freaking missed i am so bad at this game dude that actually would have been huge because i could have comboed the stun off of it oh nice damage very nice i do kind of want to get rid of the stun gun it's actually somewhat nice to combo off like that not gonna lie nice we're getting some good plates i like the looks of that baby we'll put these down to push and then we'll use this oh gosh and then we'll use these turrets to really push this tower oh my gosh we have this gun as well it is going to be money madness if we can get to this tower come on there's one i need to place it after they focus this cannon oh boy oh boy get over here nice this dude's in trouble he's about to die he's not dead yet but he's about to die i really want to try lethality affiliates honestly i think it'll be extremely good considering uh one second i gotta focus on these towers get over here this plate should be easy nice very nice dude brock lethal tempo is beautiful on that thing we have our ulti as well now too and i just used it okay that's um that that would be an ultimate i'm gonna go top we have a minute left to get plates we did what we can down bot we gotta make what we can uh make something happen up top that's what i'm trying to say but i'm struggling let's see here do we care about merc treads we probably should but oh well here goes nothing warwick nobody likes you i am so scared of this dude honestly i am so scared so scared so scared oh here we go i missed that one but it's all gravy get back over here i am okay with that i am definitely okay with that we have a little bit of time left let's make this happen okay why are you up here why oh he's dead he is so freaking dead 30 seconds it's money time oh oh come on turds do your thing oh i thought that was gonna land i need to swap i'm an idiot here we go come on turret gold dude i'm struggling oh my gosh i think i should have died for it i could have gone way more aggressive to make it happen that's for sure holy low-key daisy kind of scared me i'm not gonna lie here come the fun snipes she just altered my thing uh-oh uh oh here we go nice oh please die i that was freaking close dude that was so close these heal for so much i love it we just hit the wave a little bit and it hits the wave a lot a bit here we go nice nice and this thing just says bye bye to turrets oh my gosh i forgot how good this thing was in team fights hello get the heck off me he just canceled my jump i don't like this guy we'll press q clear the wave like it's nothing now we got a stun gun for days oh okay this is where things get a little scary unless i think we should be good i should have flashed that oh my gosh no dude if i flash that war gold they actually all die i'm not even joking your turret has been destroyed let's go have some fun okay turrets these are great now but what i really care about is this sniper gun got him oh that would have been nasty where you at i'm low-key so afraid of uh oh there we go yes please give me that give me that oh my god if that landed dude that would have been so oh so dirty i know his warwick's looking for me i'm popping the stun we're getting rid of it we have our old intent here comes warwick you know what i'm gonna flash at this time i've learned my lesson oh i'm trying to flash oh my goodness we're okay are they behind us we got a wukong behind us i'll tell you that much um what just happened we need our sniper gun on up let's get an ie so we can do some big damage dude i'm talking the big guns oh that just looks so sick hmm hey warwick wherever you are i want to destroy you here we are this is sweet for when you want a long-range snipe as well oh she's so dead i'm gonna kill her from a mile away check this out that one was a miscourt listen can i please just hit a single skill shot oh is she dead this is why i love me a sniper gun oh oh got that going there's the stun and here's damage for days baby oh my gosh what that was ridiculous uh can i kill this thing i freaking could have killed it dude i'm pissed out sore all right we have an ian bass let's go snag that oh my god dude my shield boat i was so close to taking my hands off the keyboard to see if i could pull it off i regret my decision not doing so oh my goodness what a try hard guy listen man just because you get pooped on that hard doesn't mean you have to call me a try hard okay oh gosh okay am i dead this guy's in trouble dude what the this dude just went flying oh my gosh the collector with this item is redonkulous let's see if we can uh make something cool happen here come on we are melting this thing uh baron goes bye-bye real quick i'll tell you that that is awesome our build is looking so good you know what let's just hit our alt on somebody in one shot snipe them honestly we'll be able to because i can proc my stun if we hit our r oh check this out okay get your sniper ready and your stun gun ready just like this so these two guns this is probably one of the scariest combos you're gonna see we can honestly sell boots for this right here let's go get this guy as well we'll sell the boots um for some kind of damage what do we want well we have 100 crit so we don't necessarily need that maybe some kind of lethality will be the move here let's see what's a good lethality damage item we can do oh honestly let's do that let's do that works for me works for me uh we'll do some damage there who are we looking for oh she's dead she's dead get out of here get out of here oh he's dead too oh my god this gobbles insane i didn't want to hit you where's uh who congress at monkey man oh you're over here aren't you wait he actually got out that was a sick escape i'm not gonna lie hmm do we stick with the rapid fire cannon or get more damage oh my god somehow oh if we can i blocked it dude he actually blocked it oh my goodness i'm an idiot i didn't know the radius on that gun oh yeah yeah well alton 10 i want to hit someone with another one show oh my god one shot sniper roosky all right it's up in three seconds it's up right now where's i at oh here we go if we hit this they're dead from downtown oh my god oh so much for that plan work i'm pretty sure it's behind us and that's kind of scary let's go here we have one more bullet get this minion out of our way dude oh my gosh uh oh we're safe in here we have turrets for days if anyone even thinks about messing with us dude oh here we go that was almost so good too bad it wasn't uh oh spaghettio yeah that one not so hot coming on through folks i need to actually hit my ulti and hidden alts when they're grouped up that actually missed that actually missed bye bye you're dead oh my gosh wait we're freaking losing wait whoa whoa we are about to lose right now that's not good oh hello this guy scares me a little bit dude he's untargetable what is wrong with this guy get over here nice i am so afraid of him i am actually so afraid of him thank you for the redemption i appreciate that baron's coming up that'll be lovely and elders coming up in a minute and a half that's going to be even better all right let's prep our guns let's get back to the long range fun ones shall we i don't like the sun too much but it's not the worst thing ever honestly you know what let's prep our guns for baron oh boy hello i like that i like that a lot turrets good and this one's not too bad either could be better dope could be better here we go turns for days baby turrets four days oh my gosh um that was quite scary i thought that hit vladimir is beyond scary so maybe killing him would be a good move let's go up top and we'll get our guns ready all right we can get rid of this flamethrower although i do want to hit a sick ulti i don't know if you guys first remember but like there were some videos of people just getting pentakills with one ultimate probably one of the most satisfying things i've seen in league like maybe all time get over here it's been nerfed like seven times over though unfortunately so got that going for you oh my gosh you're kind of scary let's get rid of the flamies and send it on this guy or the other guy oh my gosh dude we have perma aoe on everything now the level of aoe will have oh uh on i dare you i'm okay with that i'm okay with this i am a okay listen you freaking slippery little pebble bye bye to you if anyone wants to come party they can be our guest oh my goodness i don't really like the stun gun with oh oh with this one right here and this is the 1v5 gun oh my god elders up elders up elders up this is gonna be nasty dude oh i really hope they don't ff so we can see what the heck this looks like and um hopefully we don't lose as well that would suck big time i'm gonna get this stun out of here so let's spam it as much as we can and there goes that we have five more bullets left we're going in hot bot and we're gonna have turrets ready to rock oh money we can use this now get rid of the gun get rid of the flamethrower what do we care about right now turrets yes this thing's going bye-bye we almost outranged this little guy love that time to set up shop fellers this is our land i don't know if you guys remember but once upon a time this thing was global you are so dead my dude you are so freaking dead they're all donezo there's the stun there's the damage and by what the yo low-key this guy's actually healing quite a bit and he is so fast come on he's dead he's not dead he's not dead do i flash in there oh my gosh i think we can do this i think we can do this no i'm so sad i literally thought we had it and we didn't and now now we're here and i'm kind of tempted to do this last second we ff and see what happens all right we're literally gonna ff at the last second from when this nexus dies and i'm so okay this thing's not done okay um let's not okay yeah no no no new plan new plan should we go for uh let's get this out of here let's get this out of here should we go for another world record on this baron kill look at the time we're gonna be able to make this happen oh here goes nothing baby how long are we gonna have these guys for this will insta die you i kid you not what's the range on these it's pretty far right oh here we go here we go i hope they can still attack they can't they can i'd say about two seconds right sounds pretty good to me but um they have actually nothing left so let's see what this looks like and better yet oh my god that gun is ruthless with this thing dude oh here we go please hit that i am so bad dude get over here oh my gosh that's dirty very very dirty that's not the whole call i'm looking for oh deal damage buns deal damage deal damage oh how am i live what's happening why are you so fast vladimir please tell me this i do not understand what is currently happening in my game [Laughter] i love it i love it i love it that's a wrap let me know what you think about affiliates i've had a lot of fun with it and oh wait the ff i think it's too late and okay well we blew their nexus up twice alright hopefully you guys drop a thumbs up if you want to play earth with me bunny fufu club it'll be in the description somewhere hopefully i'll be playing with you guys soon peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 100,786
Rating: 4.8314643 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol, aphelios, urf, ultra, rapid, fire, two, second, 2 second, baron
Id: FyJta7G33iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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