Old World Army Guide: High Elves Overview

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the history of the highes of ulwan is the history of the world a naturally magical people their Artisans and Craftsmen equip these long-lived Elite Warriors in the best arms and armor that can be found in all of the old world a race torn aunder they battle their dark brothers and Chaos all around the globe from their coastal cities Mighty phanes push out to remind the world that the elves are still living and that lineage is mighty the Phoenix kings bring Monsters of flame and scale and to see the shimmering host is to see the end hello I'm Rob and welcome to the High Elves Army overview this is an army I'm actually really excited about elves are a very difficult Army to write rules for naturally they should be very fast so they have high initiative values they're also very elite so the weapon skill and Ballistic skill is always really high this makes the Army feel like it outclasses enemy units almost all the time however I think the one downside if there's a downside to the elves is their survivability their light toughness three and normally not heavily armored so this Army is going to have a lot of nuance it's going to be very elegant and the way you play it is going to be very precise I actually quite like that from an army list and some of the unit entries in here are brilliant however there is the opportunity to just get pretty beefy there's lots of dragons and phoenixes and monsters available in this Army very dominant in Magic and access to some very elite magic laws I think if you're excited about playing an army that's going to be a balancing act and then eventually you counter punch and drive the knife in then this is the Army for you let's look at the special rules and equipment that you can take in your high Elf Army some units are going to be equipped with the arrows of Isa this means any units equipped with a long bow a short bow a war bow or a bow of Avalon and have this Special Rule have armor Bane one on those missile attacks being able to punch through armor at range is good it's a nice addition to some units some units will have the blessing of a surian Special Rule a model with this special rule is going to have a five up Ward save against flaming attacks obviously this is going to be very situational some units are going to be equipped with dragon armor if unit has the dragon armor Special Rule they have a six up Ward save in addition a wizard with this special rule is going to be able to equip armor without any penalty let me tell you if I can equip my wizard with some armor I'm going to do it and this is lovely some units are going to have the Elven reflexes Special Rule a model with this special rule is going to add plus one to its initiative characteristic in the first round of combat elves already have a high initiative stat so being able to add plus one to that stat in conjunction with the initiative bonuses you get from things like charging means that these guys are going to be swinging most often before any other Army some units are equipped with a litha armor or liar Bing models with this Special Rule are able to reroll results of one when making dangerous terrain tests in addition Wizards with this Special Rule can wear armor with no penalty as of yet I'm not really sure about what the impact of dangerous training is going to be inside the game but being able to avoid it or at least roll it is great and wizards with armor is even better some units have the althar weapon Special Rule if a unit is equipped with a hand weapon and has this Special Rule they're able to roll ones to hit if you upgrade to having two hand weapons or a great weapon or a magic weapon then you lose this Special Rule most units in the high froster have a high weapon skill this means they should be hitting even the most elite units on fours and threes being able to roll ones is way more effective than if this rolles on goblins hitting on fives and re-rolling ones is nowhere near as mathematically strong as rrolling ones on threes some units will have the Lilith's blessing Special Rule once per turn a model with a Special Rule can roll a failed casting attempt for Old World this is very rare and it's very very strong so what an amazing boo to some units some units are going to be equipped with a lion cloak a model with a Special Rule improves its armor value by one against non-magical shooting this is fine if situational so whatever some of these units are going to have the martiall prow Special Rule a unit with this special rule is going to be able to make supporting attacks from the flank and the rear while you probably don't want to be charged in the flank or the rear this is going to make some Anvil units very effective being able to produce larger combat resolution to hopefully make those charges less impactful some units have the Valor of Ages Special Rule a unit with this special rule is going to be able to roll any Panic tests that are caused by suffering heavy casualties or being fled through by by a fleeing unit you don't really want to be suffering Panic test from heavy casualties CU you don't want that many of your models to die however being able to roll the Panic test is good because then if you are in a losing position it means you might be able to Rally back with the close to exclusive access to the wonderful spell lore High magic when generating spells you can swap out choosing one of the signature spells from the spell LW and you can choose one of the spells from the lore of saffrey let's look at these three spells now the first spell we're going to look at is Hand of can it's an ailment spell cast on an a a single enemy model the Caster is engaged in combat with suffers a single strength full hit with no armor save permitted on a Frontline meley combat character this might be quite nice to add into addition to your normal attacks however I would not be intentionally choosing this spell the next spell is the courage of anarion this is an enchantment spell with a casting value of 10 this spell remains in play and the target friendly unit gains the unbreakable Special Rule if this spell is cast on a unit with another enchantment that other enchantment immediately ends and this spell May Target a friendly unit engaged in in combat this is a great spell to be able to Pivot to in your Army list if it looks like the enemy is going to be a heavy Melly Army and you're going to need some of your units to pin in some of their larger blocks the last spell is vs unmaking this is a hex spell with a casting value of 11 and a range of 12 in the spell can only target enemy characters however it may Target an enemy character that's within range and the cter can draw line a sight to regardless of the usual rules for targeting characters it can even Target an enemy character that has joined a unit that is engaged in combat the C in player chooses a single magical item carried by the Target this magic item is immediately unmade rendering it completely useless The Chosen magic item cannot be used for the remainder of the game this feels like the perfect spell to be targeting a very expensive Banner on a battle Stander Bearer or even a key magic item that you're going to find on some Lord characters again being able to Pivot to the spell whenever you need to you get to the table you start generating spells you see the enemy unit has got a very very good magic item you want to get rid of just go straight into this so with a access to high magic already and then the ability to Pivot to two fantastic spells the High Elves are already in a good position with their magic let's look at all the awesome units that you can take in your highelf army for characters you can have a high elf Prince or an arch Mage per 1,000 points you can take a dragon Mage or a handmaiden of the ever Queen per 1,000 points in your army and you can have multiple high off Nobles and mages for core you can have multiple units of Elven Spearman Elven archers Lo seagard yyan reavers and silver Helms and if your general is a handmade the ever Queen you can take one unit of sisters of Avalon as a core choice for special you can have multiple units of white lies of Trace saw masters of Hoth Phoenix guard Shadow Warriors and tyrano chariots you can have one unit of dragon princes per 1,000 points and if your general has the traan hunter Elven honor you can take one lion Chariot of Trace per 1,000 points if your general has a seagard Elven honor then you can have one Lo Sky cutter as a special choice for rare you can have multiple units of sisters of Avalon lion Chariots of trace and Lo Sky Cutters you can have one flame Spire or Frost heart Phoenix per 1,000 points you can have up to two great Eagles per th000 points and up to two Eagle Claw bolt throwers per 1,000 points if you'd like to have a battle standard Bearer your high Noble can be turned into a battle Stander Bearer for 25 points like we have done with all the previous videos we're going to be looking at things like Elven honors magic items and all these other upgrades in a special combo video called a Loadout video which we'll do later but if you've already started Theory crafting and got some great ideas I love to read them in the comments so drop them below the First characters we're going to look at are the high elf Lords and you have a Lord and Hero level character the difference between the two is a classic statline change the prince has an additional wound on the noble an extra attack plus one leadership and its weapon skill and Ballistic skill is higher both of them are toughness three and they're equipped as standard with light armor you can upgrade either of them to have full play armor and equip them with a shield so even though they're toughness three you can already get to a three up armor save quite easily of course you can put them on a myriad of amazing different mounts and we'll talk about that in a minute and just like normal the Lord is going to be able to take 100 points worth of magic items as well as some Elven honors and the noble is going to be able to take 50 points of magic items at standard though the special rules they come with are riar weapons which allows them to roll their natural hits of one but I do think you're probably going to want to upgrade having a better weapon on one of these Lords if you're looking to make a Melee character strike first that's not going to apply to the Mount which means you're going to be hitting a high initiative step so it does feel like you could potentially make a strong meley character and over the ages so you're going to be able to roll any of those Panic tests caused by big casualties you can mount a prince or a noble on an Elven Steed a bed Elven Steed a tyrano chariot a griffin a moon dragon a star dragon and a great Eagle obviously let's go straight to the Top If You to mount this character on a star dragon you're going have plus three to their toughness and give them an additional six wounds so a toughness six nine wounded Lord is already pretty nice the Star Dragon itself is obviously great in combat with six attacks weapon skill seven and strength seven and to add to combat resolution they got D6 plus1 stomp attacks they cause Terror so they're going to make units run away fast cuz they're fly 10 they've also got Swift stride so they're going to be completing those charges easier but they are a large Target so more susceptible to cannon fire and Small Arms fire you can definitely build yourself a very aggressive very solid character on a monster as well as loads of other Lord loadouts which we'll talk about later the standard Wizards in this Army are high elf Mages you have two levels the arch Mage and the Mage and the arch Mage has obviously got an additional wound over the Mage you can upgrade the arch Mage to be a level four wizard and you can upgrade the Mage to be a level two wizard they gain access to battle Magic High magic elementalism and illusion as well as obviously being able to choose from the lore of saffery the important Special Rule for this unit is they have lilia's blessing this means once per turn a model with a special rule is going to be able to roll a failed cast this is going to make especially the level four a very effective Wizard and high magic is a great spell LW which very few armies have access to so to kick us off in the character section you have a very reliable very consistent Caster that's not bad it's a good start to an army you can mount an arch Mage or a mage on an Elven Steed or a bed Elven Steed the arch Mage can also be put on a moon dragon or a star dragon and both can be put on a great Eagle the next unit is a mage mounted on a monster the dragon Mage is a level one wizard mounted on a sun dragon this means the unit is toughness five with six wounds and come as standard with light armor however being equipped with a dragon armor means they have a sixup ward save and thanks to the blessings of Assyrian if they are attacked with flaming attacks they can have a five up W save as a Caster the Caster has access to magic and elementalism as well as obviously being able to dip into the Laur of saffre a level one wizard can upgrade it to only a level two and can have up to 50 points of magic items the dragon is obviously going to make this a scary Melly combatant four attacks from the dragon at strength five it's Wiki claws are ap2 it also has a breath weapon which is strength four and AP1 which does flaming attacks D6 on attacks at strength five this unit is also really fast with fly 10 however this character is impetuous which means 50% of the time time it's going to be charging off and you have no control over it I see this as a really big negative especially on a unit that's not hugely survivable it's a large Target it's got light armor and many of the Spells you're going to be able to use won't be usable in combat but I guess maybe upgrade it to a level two wizard get yourself two assment spells and really try to wade into combat I think I'm much more likely to K out a high elf Mage the next unit we look at is the handmaiden of the ever Queen this is an interesting missile hybrid support character pretty cheap at 65 points with two wounds at toughness three comes to standard with light armor for the very three points you can upgrade to having heavy armor so just do that can have 50 points worth of magic items and one handmade in the ever Queen in the Army can be upgraded to take the Horn of Isa the Horn of Isa is a single use during the command sub phase of their turn character may attempt to use the Horn of Isa by taking a leadership test if you pass the leadership test until the start of the next turn sub phase this character and any unit that they've joined gain plus one to hit and plus one to wound obviously this makes this unit a great force multiplier for the unit that it joins and there are some Elite combat units in the Elven roster so plus one to hit and plus one to wound are fantastic other than that the character is also equipped with a bow of Avalon which is a 30in weapon it's got magical attacks and it's got armor Bane one and this is going to start with a bonus you're going to get from the arrow of Isa which has already got an AP value of one and armor Bane one to however it's only one shot so so while I think the shooting is a nice addition I think the real reason you're taking this character is to put into an elite combat block and buff them up and make them incredibly scary let's look at the core units and the first unit we're going to look at are high off Spearman a light infantry unit with strength and toughness three one wound a piece they have light armor and shields for a core unit they have excellent weapon skill at weapon skill four and they have the Fantastic Initiative for as well they have Elven reflexes so that's going to add plus one to their initiative in the first round of each combat and thanks to being equipped with thrusting Spears in a turn in which they're charged you're going to be able to add an additional plus one to their initiative however all these attacks are obviously just at strength three but thanks to the thrusting Spears they're going to be able to fight in an extra Rank and thanks to having martial prowess they're also going to be able to make supporting attacks from the flank and the rear so before we look at any other upgrades this looks like a unit that wants to stand in the middle of the board and be charged but their defensive stat line makes me feel like they're going to lose a lot of models you can upgrade the unit to have a full command and you can upgrade them for 10 points to have the shield Ward Special Rule which means once per game during a turn in which it's charged a unit in the close order formation can give ground rather than fall back in good order one unit Spearman per 1,000 points can swap out from having Valor of Ages to having the veterans Special Rule this means they're going to be able to reroll any failed leadership tests maybe the most exciting thing about this unit is that it is a regimental unit so if you are looking for a unit to take some charges while Detachment units potentially reain fire on them and they'll be able to countercharge with some of your more elite units then I think spearman's the one for you the next core unit and also a Detachment unit are the Elven archers toughness three with one W each and no armor save you can upgrade them to having light armor they're equipped with long bows which have the volley VI special rules so they can be able to do a lot of shots they also have a decent ballistic skill this is just a standard missile unit unit but with a good stat line and because it's a Detachment you could build out of the core points in your army a really solid Regiment of Spearman with detachments of archers our next unit is an amalgamation between our high elf spearm and our high elf archers this is the Lo sea guard a standard s line at strength and toughness three with a wound of piece they come equipped with light armor and you can upgrade them to have a shield High initiative four and weapon skill four and equipped with thrusting Spears in conjunction with martiall prowess means you're going to be able to create a big spear block very much like you would be able to do with a Spearman they also have over reflexes so they're going to have plus one initiative on the first round of combat but they're also equipped with a war bow and this is where things get really really interesting they have the Special Rule Naval discipline this special rule means that they're going to be able to make a stand and shoot reaction no matter how close the enemy unit is this isn't where the bonus ends once the shooting is over this unit is going to be able to make a free redress the ranks maneuver this is really cool because of how it's going to work thanks to the warbo having fif fire you're going to arrange your unit so you can get the maximum amount of shots out of the war BOS then when charged you're going to be able to make your standard shoot reaction and then redress the ranks into the formation you think is going to be most useful for the upcoming combat and even then in close combat they're fine you can take a full command on the unit and the sergeant the SE Master can have 25 points of magic items and for one unit per 1,000 points in the Army list you can upgrade them to change having Valor of the ages to veteran and this unit then can have a 50 point magic standard deciding between taking a big brick of loan seag guard or trying to make the regiment and detachments of Spearman and archers is going to be an interesting choice for high elf players right now though I'm thinking I'm going to go for Lo seagard but I'd love to know what you think the next core unit allian reavers are a light Cavalry unit strengthen enoughness three with one wound of piece and light armor I don't think you're going to be building combat blocks out of this unit as standard they come equipped with Cavalry Spears but I think you're probably going to be changing these out for short bows you can take a full command and you can upgrade one unit in every th000 points to have the Scout Special Rule or and addition the skirmisher Special Rule and then that unit can take a 25o magic standard as a fast covery unit with swift ride potentially you could build these into little small MSU or multiple smooth unit blocks but I much prefer turning them into a skirmish unit because of the mobility it's going to give me and then maybe using them to get to the back of the board and get myself some war machines if not potentially just screening out the front of the enemy Army and using them as Scouts if you are looking to build a Cavalry melee unit then you're looking for the silver Helms steel strength and toughness three they move fast they movement eight and they're equipped with heavy armor you can upgrade them to having Shields and their Mount is bed so you're can to have a three up armor save Elven unit equipped with lances and striking at initiative five because of their High movement and swiss ride you're going to be able to get some good charges and strike at a very high initiative value they have first charge so the first time they do charge they're going to disrupt the enemy unit meaning they won't gain a rank bonus you can give them a full command you can take a magic standard up to 25 points ultimately it feels like silver Helms could potentially be the core of a good bus unit a bus is a delivery system for some characters where you would Mount either a prince or a noble or a mage on a horse as well and then make yourself a bit of a Death Star because all those points are coming out of core it's quite cheap to upgrade that to have a lot of wounds or a lot of attacks a nice little bonus to the unit as well is that they have athar Bing so they're going to be able to roll ones on dangerous terrain tests and seeing as this Cav unit could be making some pretty long charges this is a really nice little addition the first unit we're going to look at in the special section are white lions of trace this is a Frontline infantry unit they're still toughness three they are equipped though with heavy armor and they have white lion cloak so they're going to be able to add plus one to their armor save against missile attacks this is a unit though you want to be getting into combat and they're armed with Trac great blades one attack each at an issue five and weapon skill five at base strength three the Trac great blade is going to have plus two to their strength and has ap3 it has the downside of making you strike last so that high initiative feels very wasted once in combat the unit should stick around thanks to the stubborn Special Rule and you can equip the unit with a full command and you can take a magic standard up to 50 points this unit also has two special rules this restricts which characters can join the unit they can only be joined by a unit with a trac Hunter Special Rule or by your Army's General and if it is joined by your Army's General they have the Special Rule Kings guard this allows any model in the unit to accept a challenge on behalf of your general access to any spells or abilities that going to add plus one attack to this unit are going to cause this unit's output to massively Skyrocket but looking at their low number of attacks I'm not 100% certain I really rate these right now I'm interested to know what you think next unit we'll look at is the Phoenix card Phoenix card are slightly more expensive than the Y Lions Sil D 3 with a wound per model they're equipped with full play armor so with a four up armor save and thanks to their special rule witness to Destiny which is going to give them a sixup armor save against any attacks that don't have the magical attack Special Rule this unit is very survivable high weapon skill of weapon skill five mean it's going to be very difficult for the enemy to hit you and thanks to being initiative five and thanks to Elven reflexes giving them plus one initiative in the first round of combat they should be hitting before the enemy swings especially on a turn in which they charge in combat they're equipped with ceremonial HB Birds only one attack each but hitting as I said at the high weapon skill five striking with the HB Birds they're going to be strength four AP1 and they're also going to have armor Bane those attacks are also going to have magical attacks and they get to fight in an extra rank this is also excellent because they have martial prowess meaning they can make supporting attacks to the rear and the flank and if for some reason your general isn't inside of this unit they also have veteran which is going to combo very nicely with their High leadership of nine ability to take a full command and a magic standard up to 100 points this is obviously a significant upgrade from your lowly Spearman in the core section better survivability and the ability to attack from extra ranks makes me really love this unit it's going to be a real problem for your opponent to deal with and if you Ma just start casting a bunch of spells on this unit it can become very very scary the next unit we're going to look at are Shadow Warriors they are scouting skirmishing hybrid unit equipped with hand weapons and long bows and for survivability they're toughness three with light armor you can upgrade to having a unit Champion called a shadow stalker and that shadow stalker can take 25 points of magic items a minimum unit of five this unit's job really is to cause a headache for your opponent as I've talked about the skirmishes which should protect them a lot from light fire it'll also give them very good maneuverability they can move through cover so terrain isn't going to be an issue and from the beginning of the game you can scout them if they are targeted by light fire they've got evasive so you're going to be able to move away from the shooting and if charged they also have the Special Rule fire and flea this should be able to make them bait charges and create some fail charges on your opponent's Army their special role is the Warriors of narith and this means only a character with a shadow stalker Special Rule can join this unit after to one unit in your army can have the Ambush a Special Rule and I kind of expect this to be very common you can have one unit with the Chariot Runner Special Rule meaning chariots can charge through them and one unit can have the feain flight Special Rule which means after they make a fire flea reaction they're going to be able to reform at the end of the runaway so we've got several ways that we can build this unit we can scout them at the beginning of the game to slow the enemy down and potentially shoot at some key characters or war machines but their long-range 30-in bows means that I don't feel they need to be at the very front of the enemy said they could be at the flanks and if you want to you can put them into Ambush and do the job there they're skirmishers so they can be able to move very fast and very nimbly so you might be able to move out of the front Arc of chargers from your opponent's Army in the first turn they have the veteran keyword so can operate independently outside of your General's leadership bubble and in combat they have a high initiative stat and then a great weapon skill so they're definitely going to be very good at hunting very light units at the back of the board so Scout them Ambush them or even shut down enemy charges this is going to be a very useful small unit that you can take in your army our next rare Choice are tyrano chariots toughness four with four wounds on a five up armor save once locked into combat this unit is going to do next to nothing but thankfully it has D6 impact hits it's fast as well movement nine with swift stride it's definitely going to be able to complete those charges and help with either flank charges or front charges to add to combat resolution thanks to the impact hits and it's not useless on terms in which it's not charging cuz there's a couple of hambos in the unit to add to a little bit of longrange pepperin but this Chariot is cheap its job is to add to combat resolution and there's not really much more to say about it the next unit we're going look at are Dragon princes toughness 3 as an elf they come equipped with full play armor and a shield they're also on a barded warhorse which means they have a two up armor save they also equipped with dragon armor which is going to give them a sixup Ward save this is a heavy Cavalry unit that's going to have a lot of impact in combat it's worth noting they have two attacks for each Rider at the massive initiative five and also weapon skill five thanks to the Lance that they're equipped with when they charge they're going to be hitting at strength five ap2 they're also going to have armor Bane on these so love attacks from a front rank of dragon princes they're also fast movement eight and obviously they have Swift stride they're going to get to roll ons on their dangerous terrain test thanks to athar barding and they have first charge so they're going to disrupt the enemy rank which is going to be great because they're going to also add a lot of combat resolution from their normal attacks anyway so reducing the enemy static resolution with first charge is great they also have countercharge so this unit is going to be able to count as charging if it it does countercharge which is going to be really good for its Lance attacks it even has the absolutely excellent Special Rule drilled meaning it's going to be able to make redresses and still move after it's got the Special Rule sons of kalidor which means the general or a character with the blood of kalidor is going to be able to join the unit give it a full command you can have a magic standard up to 50 points this unit is a amazing and then you read that it's impetuous the problem is with the impetuous Special Rule that if you can declare a charge then you roll a dice on a 1 to three you're going to charge on a four plus you won't so 50% of the time you're not going to be able to have control of your heavy Cavalry big hitter smashy unit and I just see this as a real problem this might be the first big Miss I've seen in any of these Army overviews I really don't understand how a unit that's drilled is also impetuous and I'm a little bit disappointed because I think Dragon princes are narratively and also model wise really really cool so yeah if you would like to have yourself an amazing unit that's awesome in combat that you only control 50% of the time then Dragon Prince is are for you the next unit we're going to look at are the sword masters of Hoth this is Elite Melly Frontline unit still with toughness three and they have heavy armor they have their own special weapon the sword of Hoth and this is strength two ap2 and it does magical attacks s masters of Hoth have one attack each but they're hitting at the absolutely insane weapon skill six they're also striking at initiative six and thanks to the sword they're going to be striking at strength five with ap2 but this isn't where all the damage ends they also have the cleaving blow Special Rule if you roll any sixes to wound when striking at light infantry heavy infantry light Cavalry heavy Cavalry or War beasts they're not going to be permitted an armor save or a regeneration save they get six up Ward against missile attacks that are non-magical and the unit also has magic resistance one so it's going to be able to avoid hex's a little bit better a restriction with the unit is the Warriors of White Tower special R and only a high elf Mage or a character with the right El and honor can join this unit you can take a full command and you can also give this unit the drilled Special Rule this means you going to be able to move after it makes a redress you can take a magic standard up to 50 points and the blade Lord can also take 50 points worth of magic items I guess the real question with this unit is are you going to build a large block of them and put a wizard in to buff the unit up or you going to be making small units and having them charge into flanks they don't have a lot of attacks but the attacks they do have are of a high quality good strength good AP good weapons skill and they're probably always going to be striking first of the three heavy infantry units that you get from the special section I think I like Fenix guard the most white lion second and then these guys last Fenix guard clearly fits into a more defensive role with white lions having that higher strength if you're looking to take out higher toughness targets so I'm not really sure what the sword Masters are doing but I'm really interested in which one of the three you like let's go look at the units in the rare section the first rare unit we're going to look at are the sisters of Avalon this is an elite missile unit they start out with a stunning ballistic skill 5 and they're equipped with bows of Avalon these shoot 30 in and they are the same strength as the user thanks to the arrows of Isa they're AP1 and they have armor Bane one but the bow of Avalon is also armor Bane one so this going to take them up to armor Bane 2 which means any sixes to wound are going to be ap3 their magical attacks and they also have the Special Rule fifier meaning you get more shots from the back ranks they ignore cover so it doesn't matter what cover you're in they're going to be hitting you incredibly well they're skirmishers so they're going to be another natural minus one to be hit if you are trying to shoot at them and they need as much defense as they can get because they are not that survivable three with light armor they are not going to stick around for long if you're able to get them they are evasive and that's going to add to their mobility and also their survivability and they're immune to psychology as well so they're not going to have to deal with Panic or fear or even Terror the champion can be a high sister with magic items up to 50 points and you can really build the unit in one of two ways you can give them the ambusher Special Rule and the stubborn Special Rule only one unit in your army can take either of these two rules the idea of an ambushing unit is pretty interesting stubb is obviously good for sticking around in combat but this doesn't feel like a unit that's designed to stick around long in combat an ambushing unit it also may not appear on the board for a long period of time and putting a lot of points off board and then having them being not much utility seems like a mistake and the 30 in is just awesome and they're just going to be sat at the back of the board raining down arrows at their incredibly high ballistic skill and ignoring all the cover next thing we look at are the lion Chariots of Trace four wounds at toughness four at a four up armor save all chariots want to be charging however this Chariot has got enough combat resolution from the attacks in the unit that you probably don't mind it sticking around for a little bit longer moving eight and causing fear it does decent six impact hits and has first charge which is going to disrupt the enemy ranks if it is able to get off a charge and goes into ongoing combat it's stubborn which makes it feel like you can really pin in an enemy unit once in combat you have two attacks from the charioteers but they're going to be equipped with those awesome trace and great blades and the charot is pulled by two lions which have got two attacks at strength four so once this unit has charged and has added a lot to combat resolution it's going to be okay sticking around in ongoing combat however it is battling for its place in the rare slot next un we look at are Lo Sky Cutters the Lo and Sky cutter is a chariot but I think the best way to think of it is as a mobile gun platform at base it's toughness four with four wounds and it's got a four up armor save with fly 10 it's a very fast Chariot with swift stride and it does D3 plus1 impact hits when it does get into combat the Swift feather Rock has only got two attacks and the three Lo seagard that are on it are not going to bring much in the way of combat resolution but if you spend 25 points you can upgrade this unit to have an eagley bolt thrower this is a range 24 strength 5 ap3 multi- wounds D3 weapon the situations in which you're going to be able to use the Lo C cutter to add to combat resolution and as like a proper Chariot I think you're going to be much less than all of the times you're going to be able to use it as a gun platform being able to move effectively means you're going to be able to draw line of sight to certain units that are trying to hide and you always have the option still of using it as a chariot in the right situation if I was taking a lo skyer I think I would always add the bolt thrower cuz I think it's just going to always add value to this unit the next unit we're going to look at is one of the two phoenixes and we're going to start with the flame Spire Phoenix let's talk about survivability first it's got Five Wounds at toughness five and it's got heavy armor it's fast with fly 10 and it's also got Swift strides it's definitely going to be able to complete charges way before other units when it does get into combat it has three attacks they're at strength five and ap2 and a pretty decent weapon skill five down to the combat resolution there's also two stomp attacks one in combat and if it does end up dying it has From the Ashes as a Special Rule when the Flames by Phoenix loses its last wound you roll a dice and you can Sal the chart on a rooll of 1 to2 the Phoenix crumbles in cold Ash and is removed from play on a 3 to five the Phoenix explodes into flame and every enemy unit in base contact with itself suff as D6 strength three hits with an AP of one and the Flaming attack Special Rule once you've resolved this you remove the model from play however on a rooll of a six the Phoenix and its Rider if it does have one are briefly consumed in a ball of flame and are immediately reborn with D3 wounds obviously this is amazingly situational and the fact that you can use this as a character Mount makes this awesome this is not going to come up often if at all in many matches but this feels like exactly the sort of rule that's going to make for really fun Club games and an absolutely thrilling final of a GT its survivability is obviously in question only with that five up armor save and it's a large Target so it's going to be the focus of cannons and Small Arms fire it does have one additional way of dealing damage and this is called wake of fire this is where the model in the remaining move sub phase moves over an enemy unit the enemy unit then suffers D6 strength four hits with an AP of one and the Flaming attack Special Rule this model is fairly cheap doesn't cause Terror which I think is a bit of a disappointment but is incredibly unique and I can see this unit being really popular even if it's not because you want to use it an event but because it's going to tell so many great stories on the tabletop the next unit is the frost heart Phoenix other than the ability to be reborn the Frost Art Phoenix feels like a straight upgrade Five Wounds at toughness six it's equipped with full play armor for a four up Arma saave a large Target so the focus of many and shooting attack but is fly n and Swift stride so he's going to get into combat when it gets into combat it's got a great attack profile four attacks at strength six ap2 all at weapon skill six it does have fairly low initiative but thankfully that's going to be resolved thanks to its blizzard Aura ability whilst in base contact with this unit enemy models are subject to the strike last Special Rule High Elves already have great initiative and with Elven reflexes and charging they should probably be striking first against most other units anyway so I'm not sure if making unit Strike last is going to come to affect that much however this is obviously going to impact ongoing combats after first charges so so might be really beneficial over the course of a battle but it's high survivability and great output means it's a unit I probably would take the next unit we're going to talk about are great Eagles three runes at toughness four this is a cheap single unit you're going to use to move block the enemy units it's fast at fly 10 and you might see it bombing down the flank of your army and using it to jump into war machines and characters at the back of the board that are hiding might be the purpose of this unit the last unit we're going to look at are the eagle claw bolt throwers this is a bolt thrower War Machine it's actually a repeater bolt thrower which is quite nice meaning You' got two different weapon profiles to shoot if you want the first is got 48 in range and his strength six ap3 and he's going to do multiple wounds too however if you choose the rapid fire option you can shoot it at 48 in this is only going to be strength four AP1 with armor bane of one but it's going to have multiple shots D3 plus 3 we're going to cover war machines in detail in another video but bolt throwers have the potential to punch through several ranks in a unit being able to switch up between this and also having a lot of shots and the fact that per 1,000 points you can have two and in the 2,000 Point Army you could potentially have four mean you could put down a lot of heavy fire obviously looking at the rest of the high elf roster you've got lots of shooting potentially that you can use to bring the enemy towards you but I think the Bol throw is good but it's really going to be fighting for its place in the rare slot of this Army so those are all the units so what do we think of the army there's a lot of opportunity to do some really good longrange shooting but nowhere near as good as the wood elves there's some really good heavy infantry and we've got some good Cavalry however it does seem to have a downside there are loads of very unique monsters and I think you definitely be able to build some very solid characters on Monsters lastly I think the access to the magic laws that this Army has means you're going to be able to build some pretty unique and very strong units as long as those spells go off however it feels like this Army is going to be using its initiative and its high weapon skill to keep itself safe from enemy attacks so yeah if I'm just being honest with you I'm not really sure about this Army I'm like where's the punch where's the juice and if the juice is in the dragon princes the fact that they are going to be charging off all the the time is stressing me out a lot but there's loads of small arms fire you've got a good War Machine you got good monsters good spells you got loads and loads of options but we're going to be deep diving this Army more in the future I love reading what you think about the army so leave your combos your thoughts the different armies that you want to build in the comments below so I can check them out I've also been reading all the comments and ideas that we've got in our Discord which you can access via our patreon and the community there are fairly frothy for this Army so it's quite exciting to see what people are going to put together anyway I hope youve enjoyed these Army overviews I really enjoyed making them and I want to thank you very much for your support thank you for listening to the show I'll see you soon
Channel: Square Based: A Warhammer Fantasy in the Old World
Views: 15,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Old world, warhammer the old world, warhammer old world, old world gameplay, the old world, the old world warhammer, old world warhammer, warhammer old world strategy, warhammer old world tactics, warhammer the old world strategy, warhammer the old world tactics, the great book of grudges, great book of grudges, mountain miniatures, valrak, square based, high elves, High elf tactics, high elf strategy, high elves guide, high elves strategy, High elves tactics
Id: D2obKddOPiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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