I Survived 100 Days In Napoleonic RimWorld

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hey folks how's it hanging it is your rat daddy here and today my friends we are going to be surviving 100 days in Napoleonic Rim World among other mods as well we're going to be starting with one handsome young lad known as barley all he has to his name are the clothes on his back and a pistol and just as well he's an abrasive psychopath who has a pretty mediocre skill set first things first the entirety of day Zero was spent cutting down trees basically just collecting wood so we could build a shelter but we didn't get to do that until the next day so we ended up just building a nice campfire next to a little spot on the ground where we would be warm and cozy ah nothing says nice safe and warm like an open flame next to your sleeping body the very next day after we awoke we harvested some be berries off a bear berry bush and ate them with their berry berry little mouth but with that being said as the sun began to sit low in the sky we finally had enough wood to build ourselves a comfy small little cabin it wasn't perfect but at least it would protect us from from predators and the elements of the forest speaking of the forest we're always on the hunt for an easy meal and I spotted a raccoon that appeared to have been killed by a red fox this would be the perfect carcass for us to snack on so naturally barley yanked It Up by its tail took it all the way back home where he would cut it up into little bits of steak fry with some peppers or something I I don't know but we ate it then it was time for us to beautify our cabin just a tiny bit we ended up making some nice wooden flooring and we also put a stack of wood out outside for good measure we would also till some of the land next to our home in preparation for some rice fields and we would also build a horseshoe ring which was Barley's favorite and only form of recreation kind of depressing really I also wanted to try something a little bit different in this Colony so instead of building a dining hall right off the bat I thought about just building something like a small gazebo where he could sit out enjoy his meals by the table in the Gazebo and enjoy some nature as well of course though we're not going to have any meals if we don't start planting some crops so we began with rice as one does in a brand new Rim World colony because it's so fast we would also quickly end up building a storage facility to put all of our goodies I went with a log building style for all of these of course but I also put some Picket Fences around them just because I think it made it look more uh beautiful if you will a bit more gorgeous and a bit more homely and warm but as the days began to pass I realized that we would be experiencing a raid soon and we need a melee weapon just in case so we deconstructed some an runes for their Limestone took that back home and made a primitive axe that we can use to defend ourselves it was nothing special especially considering the pool of melee weapons I have installed through our mods and the possible melee weapons that our enemies could have of course hey speaking of which we're about to find out we were being raided by a local orc tribe this time around it looks like it was only one singular orc with a very badass sword I wasn't stupid enough to go toe-to-toe with this orc with our primitive axe so I settled for running away and firing at at them from a distance and eventually this did end up working and we shot the orc down meaning now we have a beer some Jade and an orcish sword some time later we had a little beggar girl come and ask us for some silver and we ended up giving it to her and thus far nothing ever really came of that but we're good people nonetheless we ended up having some British soldiers who were coming to do some trade with us but a lion started hunting his deer that he was riding on and then began attacking him and it was a whole ordeal where these two soldiers were fighting a lion they both ended up dying which was good news for us because that means we could swoop in and take all of the things that they were willing to trade to us as our own that lion really done all the work for us after killing that silly kitty cat we ended up turning it into a sandwich then we would began hauling in all of our precious new items that we obtained from these dead soldiers and then kick back in our gazebo with an ice cold bruski I also thought it might be a good idea to make some money off cash crops so I built another small field where we we would begin planting some coffee later on we had a lad contact us who said he'd been chased out of his home by an ex-lover he wanted to stay with us for 13 days he would chip in around the colony yada yada so of course we accepted and I'm glad that we did even though he has some horrible traits he had some pretty good skills for the most part we went ahead and started building something of a Barracks area that way we could have people like him who stay here temporarily or even people that end up joining us in this little home for a while and we tried to beautify it as best we could with pigot fences and all the usual stuff we ended up building yet another field for some tobacco so we could get more money off this cash crop as well the new guy ended up asking if he could join us and we were so pleased with the work that he'd been doing thus far we accepted ah I smell a beautiful friendship beginning to Blossom barley and H Rift would do everything together mining steel deconstructing ancient ruins truly best Pals H Rift also ended up finally taming a young rat nearby and we ended up giving it the name of Dorito now that we're officially a colony of two as well I decided to build a beautiful Grand Dining Hall that was complete with a wood stove made of cast iron we of course also needed a small place to store all our food sometime later it was also finally time for our very first harvest of tobacco crops which we would quickly load up onto barley along with some other things and he would take them off to a nearby settlement to begin selling things for money but not only did we make money we also bought a beautiful blue coat for our new friend H Rift as a sign of good faith and love and friendship of course we ended up building a comfy little bed for Dorito to lay on at night and then finally boys and girls it is day 25 and in typical rat night fashion that means we're going to have a custom-made boss battle now throughout this video a good portion of the bosses that we'll be battling are actually creatures they're not really people or anything like that the first of which is going to be this massive man hunting Yeti he's hairy as and twice as tough so let's get this started baby obviously as one might imagine the yeti began chasing us and we went with the tried andrue method of running away while also firing upon him as he chased after us we managed to get a few lucky shots in and after a few more lucky shots we eventually took the yeti down and then we surrounded him before finally finishing him off now of course I didn't want all this Yeti meat to go to waste but after we butchered him he gave us human meat we didn't have a debuff from it but we weren't going to eat it some time later we ended up having a Wanderer named Lynx offer to join us no stram attached so of course we accepted that full force as quick as possible because we need as many hands as we can get as you could see there she wasn't very good at most things but she had about the same cooking skill as barley so we put her on cooking duty and she mostly handled making all this coffee that we would end up drinking as well as selling we also ended up having a raid from a tribe of impid they weren't too impressive except one had some plate armor and was dual wielding flint lock pistols which was a teeny tiny bit concerning of course we quickly killed the one that was wielding the club and then tried taking on the one wielding the pistols I felt it would be best if we went into melee combat against her because those pistols would take our eyeballs out of our heads if we weren't too careful and eventually this ended up killing her we would then end up putting a good bit of focus into our cash crops so we started rolling up some cigars out of all the tobacco leaves that we had and then we would send barley out to make some trades with these cigars as well as the coffee that we had made previously he ended up returning sometime later and he had quite the investment in his inventory we had bought two owl bear eggs owl bears are some pretty large and Powerful creatures and we have these two eggs hatching in several days which will mean that we will have two owl Bears we also ended up needing to put some focus into a production room/ Workshop uh unfortunately though while building this this was interrupted by a mad muffalo but we quickly took care of it and then finally after days of waiting our owl Bears had hatched we were parents we were Papas of beautiful owl bear babies that were very hungry now this next part is a little bit unethical but we ended up purchasing a orc slave off of a slaver this guy was pretty good at animals and handling and whatnot and he would be perfect to take care of our owl Bears it was honestly very lucky that we ended up purchasing him because I think the owl Bears needed a skill of eight and the highest that we had was seven as the beautiful snow was falling upon the ground though I realized that our food storage was getting a teeny tiny bit low on food so we found a mega sloth to hunt from a distance with our pistolis and we ended up killing it to eat we would of course use the majority of its meat for our food but we would actually Mount its head on a slab of wood and beautify our rooms not long after that though we would end up having yet another filthy group of Orcs raiding us thankfully though these smelly green fools were coming from the southern section of our territory so they would be funneled in between two mountains where we could fire at them but they were coming so fast that we didn't really have a chance to do that and they began attacking us Unfortunately they downed H RI very quickly but we began firing upon them focusing on one at a time and eventually they began to flee and we survived thank God we quickly started tending to our wounded and tried to put out a fire that the damn Orcs started in our food storage area if we weren't low on food before we definitely were now but we didn't lose too much I don't believe we ended up having a quest come up though that was called Meers secret we had Myers coming from nearby with an unknown threat following him he wouldn't tell us what it was but of course we accepted because we need the Manpower Myers was a beautiful Slowpoke with one hell of a mining skill but not much else but we gave him a bow and an orcish battle axe and sent him on his way however you may notice that he has a tiny brown hand you're probably wondering why well my friends he actually has a wooden hand I don't know I just thought it was cool since things were becoming a bit crowded with the living quarters situation I decided to kind of commission a new Barrack be built where we would keep some slaves I don't know I built too many beds for them we don't plan on having this many slaves but I guess in case we have them I also built a section for prisoners as well although looking back on the footage now after playing a bit more I'm really glad that I built this and you'll see why later but my friends with that being said it is now day 50 yes we're halfway there oh we're half I'm I'm not going to sink but it is time for yet another boss battle we are once again going with some sort of mythical badass creature this time it is a wyvern basically a dragon that's going to kick our ass and just try to slaughter us you you know how dragons are not going to lie to you I kind of started to regret this after doing it but it was too late after that the dragon immediately began coming for us the wver I mean to say and of course we began firing at it as quickly as we could while trying to run away because as you probably noticed there with your Keen eyes a smack or two could kill our colonist and unfortunately it did kill one of them already luckily though a few shots from our weapons managed to stun the Beast several times and when it was stunned we could fire at it more eventually we took it down surrounded it and we would finally finish it off but unfortunately of course this victory was not free we lost how Rift our good friend our first friend and our best friend his loss was devastating to the entire Colony but especially to Barley thankfully by killing the wyvern and butchering it though we would be able to replenish our meat Supply in our food storage area for the most part we would also then begin working on something of a mausoleum or a crypt sltb for how rift's corpse and of course I am very much hoping that he is the only one we have to bury here and even though we ended up having a good bit of meat from the wyvern battle I decided to go out and Hunt some giraffe I don't know why they're here in this cold area but who cares we're going to eat them sometime later we had been storing stone blocks for a while we had cut them up and we just had a ton in our storage area of course uh so I decided that I was going to build something like a fortification around our Colony uh some almost like castle walls or something like that uh and this took an extremely long time for a while I only had barley working on it and Myers has a horri construction skill but I put him on it so we could try to finish it faster however of course before we could even think about completing our walls we had a faction assault now we're not under attack but we actually have the prussians and the Imp tribes that are going to be going to war here in our territory they're not looking to fight us thankfully but they're going to kill each other and that is immediately what they began doing now of course the prussians have better technology for the most part they have more flint lock weaponry and rifles and things like that but the impants of course breathe fire so you could imagine who ended up winning at the end of the night but with that massive battle completed we would continue our work on our fortified walls as well as taking in some of the weapons and whatnot that the prussians and impant dropped speaking of battles once again though the Orcs are back and they are once again out for our sweet succulent creamy blood oh that sounds terrible things would end up being a bit chaotic of course many of the Orcs had melee weapons so we didn't really have the opportunity to kind of stand behind our defenses and fire at them luckily though we released our owl Bears upon them but unfortunately even they would fall to the might of these Orcs And it was once again solely up to our colonist who also were kind of getting their asses handed to them but eventually we had killed enough of the Orcs that they decided to flee so we quickly ran into one of the open towers and our wall to hide from them as they ran away let me tell you those Orcs are some tough sons of unfortunately those damn dirty Orcs also started a massive fire in our Barracks as well as our warehouse ruining both of them I was unable to put those out before they destroyed everything but barley and the other towns folk didn't seem to M as they were still in pretty High Spirits throwing a party to try and cheer everyone up I suppose and it seemed to work sometime later I decided that we would immediately begin trying to fix the storage area as it was very crucial to well now storage obviously and it wouldn't be a rat night video if I didn't show a few clips of me working on the roads around our base to maximize efficient mobility of course as always and of course with day 75 creeping up upon us sooner than later I also began building some wooden spike traps at both of our entrances I also noticed that our Town's people were not drinking the coffee we were making so I set it up that they would be doing that because it actually increases Consciousness manipulation talking eating and finally one of the last structures we would build before day 75 was actually something of a place of worship where we could have drum parties and ceremonies and things like that it just seemed fitting seeing how this is supposed to be during the Napoleonic years and and whatnot and of course we broke it in with a proper drum party and everyone was having a blast but unfortunately it turned out to be boring I don't know but my friends just like a flash of lightning from the sky it is already day 75 I know I can't believe we've made it 34 of the way there and of course time for another boss battle this time around we are once again going with yet another mystical magical beast creature thing this one is called a gorgon or Gorgon I don't know but the mod describes it as a creature in the shape of of a cow with a huge body it's said to have metal like leather and eyes that can kill creatures so regardless of the outcome I suppose this should be quite interesting this massive metallic Beast immediately ran through several of our traps while we were shooting at it and barely took any damage at all we released our owl Bears upon it which kind of slowed it down while we shot at it thankfully the combination of our massive owl bear attacks as well as several barges of bullets finally took it down we swept in and finished it off and day 75's raid was over reduced once again to nothing more than a carcass on our butchering block but this time around we ended up getting some metallic substances instead of actual meat which was I guess accurate this once again proves though that our owl bears were a worthy investment a really good investment because they just keep saving our asses to be honest with you some time later the unknown threat that was following Myers turned out to be an orc a dual wielding axes named Dan with a stone skin gland so this should also be very interesting shocking to no one most likely he just like the giant metallic bull tanked many of our traps and was caught by our owl Bears just at the entrance where we would begin shooting at him as well and he eventually would die however unlike the metallic bull he had a really sweet ass hat and yes I know it's tainted and is going to cause a mood debuff but I really like it so barley wore it speaking of barley he was the only one that was worth a at research so we actually had him commissioned to build a small building for a research area and then we actually commissioned him to do some research eventually researching cannons needless to say that this research would be invaluable it is honestly very useful for us to have cannons so we can fire at things from a distance with a big old boom we had a Trader come by at one point and they actually had a stallion so we traded them some coffee and whatnot for said horsey and I I really liked it I did and I ended up naming it squid at one point we received an offer from the prussians stating that if we destroyed an impid camp nearby they would actually give us a free colonist so of course we accept it and then we would begin traveling to S Camp to kick the out of these impants there appeared to only be three of them they had bow and arrows of course they did breathe fire but we had owl Bears baby so we weren't scared it was during this time that we would run around their base several times basically playing peekaboo and Ring Around the Rosie and other childlike games eventually picking them off slowly but surely except for one who began to flee and we had completed the quest we went inside their base there was a little bit of gold but that was about it back home we received the colonist that was promised to and she was a she was a a snail or I I guess more accurately she was a slug creature I I don't really know but I do know her traits were beautiful and repulsive literally at the same time don't know how that's possible what I do know though is that she really really liked to watch Meyers while he slept which was um interesting once barley and our orc slave had finally returned home they brought with them an impid prisoner who we threw into our prison and then tried to recruit then for a brief period of time we would actually focus on our defenses Once More by building some cannons I do want to say these aren't actually cannons they're called pivot guns but they're a form of Cannon I believe they just have a higher accuracy then unfortunately at one point our orc slave decided to Rebel which made me very sad because he was really beginning to feel like part of the family unfortunately though barley and Lynx rushed into the warehouse to put him down [Music] and shot his head clean off regardless of his betrayal though we really did love him like family so we decided to build him his very own sarcophagus to lie his corpse in sad to say though that was not the end of the uprisings our impid prisoner went berserk and decided to try and Escape as well we swiftly took care of her luckily though we tended to her wounds to keep her alive but I really didn't know what to do with her since we're close to day 100 and she's nowhere near getting recruited so I don't know for the last few days leading up to day 100 I just kind of let our Town's folk enjoy themselves and enjoy each other's company by drinking some coffee smoking some cigars together really just having a good old time then it turned out I didn't even have to worry about trying to recruit our impid prisoner because they ended up dying from infection in their wounds that they sustained try to escape you know it's a win-win situation not for them though finally though my friends we have done it we have finally survived for 100 days in Napoleonic Rim World among many many other mods of course uh but I'm very proud of this I'm very proud of what we've done but it is time for yet another boss battle of course for one last final boss battle I decided to go with unicorns I just I thought that might be interesting so we have an entire herd of unicorns that we are going to have to fight off now of course for most boss battles that we've done thus far I've only done like one creature but this time around I went with a herd of creatures mostly just because um for these videos at the end we we tend to do these bigger uh massive raids for the 100th day uh because I I normally don't anticipate surviving them as you'll see in this uh long clip of us playing though I I did actually end up defeating these unicorns at the end of the day we had a lot of injuries and almost many casualties but we were victorious I just want to thank you guys ever so much for watching I love you guys so much um I really appreciate the support on the channel and these videos especially I've been trying to get some of these 100 Days videos out because I know everyone really enjoys them uh just been short on time recently I normally am but I'm trying my hardest uh but thank you guys once again for watching man I love you guys so much it it means a lot to me that you guys really enjoy these videos and uh you know I'm just I'm very grateful for the support and stuff and uh being able to entertain you guys and stuff like that so uh but I will see you in the next one I love you goodbye
Channel: Rat Knight
Views: 122,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld 100 days, 100 days in rimworld, rimworld 100 days challenge, modded rimworld, rimworld modded 100 days, modded rimworld 100 days, rimworld 100 days modded, rimworld 100 days gameplay, 100 days rimworld, 100 days in rimworld challenge, rimworld biotech, Rimworld napoleonic, rimworld napoleonic rim, rimworld 100 days napoleonic, 100 days in napoleonic rimworld, rimworld colonial, rimworld colonial playthrough, rimworld napoleonic playthrough, Napoleonic rimworld mod
Id: iH7Fo6hKnMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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