RimWorld Logging Empire Episode 1 The StarDust Logging Company

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I found myself wondering what would it be like in rimworld to start a massive Logging Company where our main and basically only export is Timber and we try to become millionaires off of Timber so I decided to try and find out [Music] I'm gonna be starting this logging Empire with Birch Birch is going to be the founder of the Stardust Logging Company Birch begins with a very small list of items he has a cigar his trusty ax and his Grand Pappy's musket as well as the clothes on his back we're not going to be starting with any food or anything like that for all that we'll need to forage and Hunt but that would be a problem for good old Birch here he's a bit of a roughneck boy growing up he was a farm kid tending crops and things like that and of course he grew up to be a lager so naturally he would start his own logging company as you can see with Birch's stats he's pretty good with most things except for Mining and cooking but he is amazing at plants intellectual things of that sort but enough about all this skills and cooking and all that dumb it's time to start cutting down our first trees and begin setting up our log camp in this area territory naturally just like all other beginner entrepreneurs we are a dirt ass poor so we can't afford to buy a home or anything like that so we're gonna have to build our own out of the logs that we cut down we began work on a small little log cabin for us to stay nice and cozy inside fairly cozy I mean it's a dirt floor and there's grass everywhere so I assume it'll be pretty comfortable as a pillow I'm not really sure not given that the sky is crying like it's going out of style and by that I mean that it's raining we're gonna need a spot for our log so we built a small little section off the side of our cabin to store them in the dry because believe me when I say that nobody wants to purchase any soggy ass logs now moving all that Timber out of the wet rainy rain and into the dry has made Birch a little bit peckish could he go for some berries sure but he also has his musket and there's plenty of wild rabbits in this area just like that in the blink of an eye just as his Pappy before he him had taught him to go out hunting like that for his food he shot that rabbit went over to it and started wait he's not skinning at all oh my God he's oh he's eating it raw well with his gut full of raw rabbit meat and fur I assume he had to eat the fur along with it he began cutting down some more trees before well he got a little bit tired and finally went to bed in his log cabin for the first night and you know now that I think about it after witnessing Birch eat a rabbit raw fur and all everything I I didn't even see any bones last I I assume he ate that as well sucked the marrow out he probably doesn't give a about laying on the ground because he's a complete psychopath the following morning Birch goes out instead of going and killing some innocent small fuzzy friendly animal and eating it just whole like that he decided to harvest some berries instead thank God and I suppose he had the bright idea that hey you know what would be cool what if we had an area to prep food instead of eating it raw and a place we could put some tables and chairs that way we could sit while we ate so he began building a nice little kitchen onto his Log Cabin and the following night he also began planting some rice crops and I hear you say to me rat night this is supposed to be about logging what's all this about rice and steel and all this other stuff that he's doing well look dear viewer you need to understand that sometimes to make lemonade you can't always use wood you have to use lemons uh you know if he were a beaver sure he could eat the wooden that would be a much more interesting idea for a series than what I'm doing but you know I don't know but nevertheless I digress Birch begins building a beautiful fueled stove in his brand new kitchen as well as a wonderful varnished butchering table for all his animal corpses Ah that's assuming that there's going to be any left after he's done mangling them with his teeth the freak and as you can see as Birch tests the butchering table out it works just fine and he'll finally be able to start cooking himself some meals that way he's not eating all the at raw food as we mentioned this dining room kitchen will also be servicing the entire logging Camp once we have more members who eventually join us whether it be by force or their own will however Birch has Big Dreams of lots and lots and lots of logs Timber all that wonderful wooden junk so he began work on a large Warehouse where we could store all this wood and keep it in the dry but also inside Birch's daydreaming was cut a bit short though by a beautifully handsome pirate woman with a Cutlass who is going to come and stab him in the liver or something and if that happened there wouldn't be any wood so we couldn't allow that to happen so naturally as the attacker began approaching our logging Camp Birch was firing the Old Musket Adder he managed to get one shot in but she kept on chasing him well that is until he shot her smack dab right between the eyes and killed her and then she hit the ground and died and dropped her Cutlass and her silver however chivalry was not dead as Birch was a true gentleman he was not going to let this lady's corpse lay out here in the open some freak could come along and nibble on her toesies or something so he dug a scroungy little hole next to some rocks and threw rinse on it the next day I caught Birch lying out in the open staring up at the sky no doubt just dreaming of all the wood and money he's going to make and he also might have been thinking of the lady that he had to kill that could be it too that night Burch built a wonderful little bed in his cabin as well as worked on some slate tiles to beautify the place so he's not constantly having mental breaks taking him away from logging speaking of vlogging we finally got back to it with Birch we gave him an entire day to begin some deforestation that way we could make a little bit of Moolah finally and I hear you say finally rat not this is a logging Empire and to you I say yes yes it is that's we're cutting trees I'm sorry we ended up having a guy named Happy who refused to leave he wanted to join us said he had nowhere else to go so we said hey what the hell come on and join us and cut some trees pal and if you're an observant viewer you probably just noticed that I had the opportunity to name this place and the faction the Stardust Logging company and I didn't do it why didn't I do it I wasn't paying attention I'm a little bit lazy but that's okay we'll change it later we sent happy out to feed some ass I mean uh theme some donkeys to haul wood but it was unsuccessful late one rainy stormy night though we had a single solo pirate who was carrying a pirate flag who is going to come and try to plant it in our head I suppose but we could not allow that to happen either as if we were to die who would log all of this Timber no no no no no no no no no no no this just will not do we had to turn around with our melee weapons and plant an ax firmly in this freak's face that way he couldn't stop us to which we did firmly plant it right in his face it was wonderful sometime later happy Oak was out in the forest playing with an ass and he ended up taming it you know how that goes so we decided that we should probably give everyone and everything wood names so I named it Hickory don't get too attached to it though now that we finally had a pack and when we began scouting out local settlements nearby to sell some of our high quality Timber too we found a British settlement that we knew would need the wood for houses fortifications genocides you know probably anyhow though good old happy Oak went to the wood warehouse and began stalking Hickory up with plenty and plenty of Timber so we could go ahead and sell it to them naturally the path to the British settlement took quite a while as there was no Road from our settlement to theirs we're a very small Logging company but maybe eventually we'll install a mod so we can build a road out to them once we're actually a logging settlement I think this is the part when I was playing as well that I realized how this really was going to go because wood is nothing it sells for basically nothing they essentially just trade Us dirt for The Temper that we cut down so we'll have to sell a lot of Timber to actually make any type of money and I love for us to become an extremely rich settlement in this I mean wood isn't horrible it could definitely be worse so you know we're doing the right thing as well a great honest Logging company that's that's what we're aiming for here I mean are we in the Victorian era are we in like a western kind of area am I sitting in my living room talking to myself into a microphone I mean these are all great questions here but the questions are gonna have to wait because we have a warehouse to build now I'm not going to store any wood or anything in here I have the one warehouse for that but we're kind of getting some other items and we need a place to put them just as well I'd like to have a section for a stone cutting bench and art table all that junk we ended up having a three-year-old child calling for help from nearby he was being chased by two man-hunting monkeys his name was Larry so we allowed Larry to join us in the hopes that we could teach this young lad how to cut down trees as he grows so we killed the monkeys for him and let him stay with us as to how this three-year-old child made a coherent sentence to explain these monkeys to us I have no idea some time later we had a thrombotian person that's a person who is like a humanoid thrombo thing anyhow they had a club and they were coming to sack us and beat us over the head with it so naturally you know we can't allow that to happen because if we die then there's no Timber as I've mentioned so we are going to have to kill him hmm or since he's not dead I guess we could brainwash him into joining us and force him to cut trees so that's the route we decided to take we decided to try to recruit this thrombo person the problem with that was he wasn't very happy about being stuck in a little room and talked to every so often and he decided to try and have a prison break he was almost successful as well he even was brandishing Birch's rifle but happy Oak did not like this and came in with his Cutlass and started slicing and dicing during the event poor young Larry was hiding in the corner this was the second time he was injured by the thrombo person though the first time he lost an arm the second time he lost his hand so he's not very good at manipulation as you could imagine so happy Oak had the bright idea that we should install a wooden hand on this child's little stump arm that way he could at least draw his little floor drawings with something other than his teeth and also that way wouldn't be totally useless sometime it passed system we had another pirate Raider who was coming to try and murder us you know how it goes now this one was equipped with a wonderful flintlock pistol and I was very interested in obtaining that now while the pirate was planning out his raiding plans we ended up recruiting the thronebo man thank God now he's on our side he can help us kick ass but when the Raider came he was having a mental break hiding in his room so he was pretty damn useless lucky for us though Birch is a good old Eagle Eye and with one shot he managed to take out the naked pirate who was shivering out in the cold with his little flintlock pistol oh now it's ours and we're gonna take it and we're gonna use it to kill more Pirates now it was around this point that I realized that our donkey Hickory I don't really know what happened to it I think it may have wandered off when we were busy or something so we needed to try and tame more animals there were plenty of yaks in the area and I decided to give that a shot happy Oak managed to tame one and I appropriately named it hickory too because you know Hickory one died or ran away or something sometime later happy Oak had managed to tame another Yak so he loaded him and both the Yaks up with plenty of high quality Timber for the tea drinking Brits to buy not too long after returning from this trip though we ended up having a pretty good size raid of tribesmen they were actually riding some Ibex Rams and whatnot and they were actually kind of threatening but that was okay though we had a plan they rode their Ibex and we rode our Yaks into battle now instead of trying to take range combat to them because our weapons though they were powerful were fairly inaccurate compared to their bows we began to go melee with our cutlasses and axes and whatnot we met them on the battlefield unfortunately for the tribes people they had to find out the hard way that the Stardust Logging company was willing and able to defend its Timber Just Like Birch's grandpappy always told him grandson if an ax can cut down a tree it can cut down a man throughout late winter there really wasn't too much to do with all the snow on the ground in terms of expanding so we just began cutting down more and more Timber that way we could have a massive stockpile once the ground thawed out we could take it over to the Brits and make a little bit of silver off of it when it was all said and done we had a stockpile just shy of 2 000 logs now that seems like quite a bit but look we're looking to really stuff this warehouse and we're looking to really do some trading with this Timber I mean we got to make an Empire here at this point I would probably classify us as maybe like a small to mid-sized logging camp with very few members to really man it however we had plenty of animals as Cedar our thrombot person and happy Oak have been doing plenty of taming with the Yaks just as well the Yaks have been making a little bit of lovings and they had a few babies as well so many in fact that we ended up having to build a bigger pen to store them all in and this larger pin would be perfect because we plan on having lots and lots of inbred Yak babies to carry all of our Timber over to the Brits and the French and the pressure and honestly anyone who will buy it but the Brits are closest to us right now we began planting our largest Timber Caravan yet to the British settlement we began stalking every single yak and yes I mean everyone even the little baby ones with plenty of high quality wood look kids don't get it easy in the logging Camp okay even the one armed three-year-old that we took in has to sweep the floors every so often yes sir indeed though our little logging Camp was really coming along we were all finally happy we were all finally making some money and really that's all we all wanted to do except for Cedar he wanted to murder us but now he wants to make money and little Larry just wanted to not get eaten by any monkeys and hey look at him he's semi intact so we're all good everything's fine it was pouring your rain when happy Oak got back from that trade and we got all kinds oh well we got 824 silver that that's okay sometimes time later though we had a lady man beast creature stating they had nowhere else to go and love to join our logging camp and make a little bit of dough with us so we allowed her to join us her name was Fitz and she was very nice and hairy now she was horrible with plants so she couldn't really cut any logs however she was wonderful with animals so she could tend to our Yaks for us and they carry the logs we cut the logs it's one big happy cycle Fitz was also carrying a wonderful New Age technological weapon of sorts it was called a revolver and we didn't understand it all we knew was Flintlock but it was a very interesting weapon and you know if it protects our Yaks our wood we love it Birch also decided to start working on a boarding house now that we're getting so many people who are coming to the logging Camp to work it would be great if we had one large home so that they could share a heat source and whatnot but our logging Camp is looking pretty good if I do say so myself I think it's real really coming along nicely we have five people now we started with one I mean technically it's like four and a half because Larry is small but he's growing he's actually three years older than he was when he joined the colony so you know it won't be too long and he'll still be sweeping the floors but yeah he'll be bigger but guys I'm gonna go ahead and call this episode one of our logging Empire mini series thing that we're going to be doing here kind of like a challenge series let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below if you have any ideas for mods and different things like that or opinions about the series if you want to tell me it's completely dog be sure to do so it really helps with the algorithm and all that junk but uh thank you guys ever so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and I hope to have some more episodes coming out to you guys before too long that way we can all enjoy it this is kind of like a little Christmas miniseries for December I guess I just want something fresh to start on I know we just recently started our biotech series but I don't know I thought that this would be fun and I like playing with mods and I want to do kind of like a little challenge thing so I hope you guys have enjoyed and I hope you continue to enjoy thank you guys ever so much for watching I will see you in the next one goodbye everyone [Music]
Channel: Rat Knight
Views: 172,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld logging, Rimworld logging empire, Rimworld challenges, rimworld, rimworld biotech, lets play rimworld, lets play rimworld biotech, rimworld 1.4, rimworld 1.4 biotech, riwmorld biotech episode 1, rimworld 1.4 episode 1, rimworld 1.4 gameplay, rimworld biotech gameplay, rimworld mechanitor gameplay, rimworld biotech dlc, Rimworld lp, lp rimworld biotech, lets play rimworld 1.4, 1.4, biotech
Id: 4Fd2IMuHsb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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