TerraTech Worlds: A New Take On Open-World Vehicle Crafting

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welcome back to the channel and today I am taking a first look at teratech Worlds now this is not actually a sequel to terch but a brand new game built off of what made terch cool and adding a whole bunch of new stuff and I'm really happy to say that this video is actually sponsored by payload Studios the creators of terch and terch world and as you all know I'm extremely picky with my sponsors because in order for me to take a sponsor it has to make sense for my channel and this is an open sandbox creative imaginative building vehicles and combatting with uh enemies and things like that Base building pretty much everything that I do on the channel so I think this game is a perfect fit for the channel and I'm super thankful to payload Studios for actually sponsoring this video so we're going to be starting a new game here I did already go through the tutorial there was a this is the tutorial Planet so I have a little bit of a basic understanding of how to build my vehicle and build a base there is Base building as well and as you can see here there's also Co-op capabilities but I'm going to be playing all by my lonesome for this video so I'm going to go ahead and uh name this planet uh scrap tech there we go so I get a lot of requests to play terot and many of you may not have known that I actually did play terot way back in the early days of the channel so what better way to get back into the terot world then with a brand new game that happens to be called terot world so let's launch so this game is scheduled to come out this year uh but right now the steam nextfest that is happening there will be a demo available while the steam nextfest is going on so here we go um I'm just they're just throwing me right in what is going there's like lightning happening there's Thunder happening this looks great look at the foliage and stuff uh so I have a little starter vehicle here that is capable of mining oh you can see the little Health thing going down there we go and I can pick up some of these resources that I can then use to craft more parts and uh H ow okay there's still a lot that I I have to learn I only learned just how to like put blocks on my vehicle and stuff so I think I am repairing right now oh yeah look at that you can see the damage repairing that's cool build basic base place my tech yard so I got to drag my techyard from my cargo into a suitable area with enough clear space I'm essentially choosing my home I'm actually really excited to just find a home location um all I'm going to shoot that thing from here I don't know what my range is on this thing I just want to see it do the thing without hurting myself there we go oh I wasn't actually expecting to destroy it so my little mining laser can be used as a weapon as you can see but uh there are actual weapons that I can also find and build or craft onto my vehicle oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I'm ready I'm not ready I'm not ready no no no no no no no oh man I don't I I don't know if I'm ready for this yet I don't even have a a weapon I wasn't expecting an enemy already I don't have a gun yet we're we're playing Ring Around the Rosie here come on I need I'm going to take off his gun first if I take off his gun I'm safe you can Target specific aspects of them and take there we go now what are you going to do now what are you going to do huh huh what are you going to do yeah that's what I thought no no no no no don't run away I want your parts I need to get his wheel get his wheels there we go look at that now your parts are mine all your parts are belong to me can I just like pick more stuff up I think I got to destroy more of them out of power wait for recharge oh no okay so the bottom left you can see my batteries recharging okay that's actually pretty quick I like that all right you can expand your batteries as well so that you have more power before you have to recharge I got to put a base down I'm getting so distracted there's so many fun things ooh water ripples are cool all right now let's put our base down we press tab uh techyard um I'm going to put it right there I guess I'll put a ramp on it so if I wanted to build my vehicle I press space I could actually hover my vehicle so I can like build from all sides just kind of cool all right so we've got I've already got some stuff now oh I have ammo I got ammo from them and a gun so here we go we got a gun putting my gun right there now we are less defenseless more we're more offensive now all right you can see we got some of the aluminum and materials debris it says it's a resource doesn't sound like a good resource by being called debris but maybe we can use it for something can I just put a spot right in the middle there there we go uh so we also have this Tech reactor we have a reactor capacity I'm assuming at some point we can expand our capacity I'm not 100% positive on that but if we if we exceed our capacity I'm at 57 out of 100 right now you can see if I add a two-way opposite connector we're now at 58 out of 100 well if I attach a wheel right at the end like this that goes from 58 to 64 so you can see some parts are worth more than others I mean all of the steering happens automatically like the programming of the steering you can steer in place with tank steering as well which is kind of cool all right so now collect iron hematites destroying ores yields resources oh I forgot whoa look at the map I just pressed M to open up the map so you can just see how it's probably pretty big I don't know if um these are the edges or if I can like go past those edges and then the whole thing like you know kind of just adjust its field of view uh let's see what we're going here we're just like it's just it's just open world right now now and I know that uh in this in this demo that I'm playing right now it is not like the complete Game there are some areas that don't have enemies that are going to have enemies oh no no no no no no no no tree tree that's all you're going to call it's just tree it needs a needs a more intense name than that elect tree there we go electry electricit Tre that there that's the the one right there it's the electricity tree can I harvest this hey did that tree do what I think it did my laser Harvester is gone no how do I build how do I build a a harvester okay so cab crafting did I like mess up bad I may have messed up kind of bad here we go here we go I need this thing five iron two copper one carbon how do I get that stuff without a resource laser I think this is what needs to happen I need to find an enemy now and Destroy them for their resource Harvester oh no no no no no oh those trees are scary whoa who wo something near it mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me no it's going to hurt me it's going to hurt me it's okay I don't I need that we oh your Tech has been heavily damaged press R to use a restore charge yes okay okay thank you I'm glad glad I just went in and got destroyed cuz now I have my mining laser back down the bottom left underneath my battery I'm assuming maybe that's the restore charge for a second there I thought I just ruined my playr okay so then here's my objectives so I'm still in the build basic base part of the objective um and the collecting iron is part of that so after I collect the iron it's probably going to tell me something else I need to build defeat enemy TCH oh I need to destroy I need to destroy seven enemy techs so I only got one out of seven all right here we go so iron I saw that I saw an iron thing iron is like a gray thing with orangey kind of splotches and I'm pretty sure I saw that like right up over on this H they right there right in between all the electricity trees oh can I do this right here hematite all right we're almost there okay now be very careful that was a no no no no no no no no no no no I am so afraid of these trees h no no no no no no no no no no no uh I've got zero of these left I've got zero oh no no no please don't don't I I don't like these little trees all right so when I have zero left am I is a game over if I die again I got to be really careful maybe I need to build five die platforms do I have enough yeah all right I place down the five now what do you want craft a workbench here we go all right so workbench there we go crafting the structure requires power attach it to a grid or structure that can power it uh I didn't have enough time to read all that all right craft an AC carbon generator I think that's that's what uh generates power all right so let's go ahead and put that right there all right now collect carbon I have eight out of 10 most plants will yield carbon the generator Burns carbon to produce power can I like these massive things here tree oh oh I was not expecting the tree to fall into pieces was that a piece of car that was not a piece of carbon what am what am I picking up here I kind of I wish it did like give a little like you just picked up this kind of indicator Are All Tech enemies that aren't me I mean I got to destroy more tech oh it's shooting at me I didn't know he had a gun on him all right well too bad for him armored gorget plus five armor to this block oh so this is like a gorget is probably a block that is shaped like that but this one has armor applied to it I wonder how you do that a small shifted wheel as opposed to a basic wheel what is the shifted wheel oh look we got some more iron here kind of want kind of want that I'm almost out of iron and it seems like it's a pretty wait this composite has a seam trace the seam to break it apart whoa that's kind of cool whoa oh look at that the seam by going through that seam it yielded like even more ore it it seemed to make it quicker to break down which is kind of cool oh oh I just got the carbon I needed by Running Oh I can just run them over without using my laser there we go that's I think that's all carbon the black stuff is carbon yeah maybe I got to do the top of the tree like this there we go yeah all right so don't separate the bottom of the tree now I got to power the workbench put carbon into the generator then switch it on then switch the workbench on now I could take all my carbon put it over there all right now I need to craft Supply fabricator at the workbench that can be used to craft ammunitions for some weapons Supply fabricator needs eight iron and two carbon so I'm going to go get some more carbon for the workbench yeah carbon's actually super easy to get here I think I picked a decent base location maybe it could be absolutely terrible cuz oh wait wait wait wait wait no don't do that go go go go go why am I stuck here ah I'm getting lightning done am I too heavy I don't know if this wheel is good let's just take this stuff off now we can do the supply fabricator wait no no don't keep crafting Supply Fabricators stop stop stop stop I don't I didn't want to all right so it seems it's just going to keep crafting the thing until it's uses up all the uh all the resources I don't know if there's a way to have it just do one or not all right so now we got to use this to to craft some light ammo so I need aluminum and carbon so craft light ammo so see it keeps going I wonder if there's a away I need I only need 100 100 okay stop stop stop all right now we got to craft a Refinery so this is what what is probably going to allow us to have that upgraded type of ore refineries will unlock a new tier of crafting crafting recipe that require refined ingredients so that requires 10 iron and 10 copper so I have the iron I don't have any copper yet okay so this takes copper so copper as you can see is like shiny copper it's copper colored and it's very shiny all right that is oh oh oh here we go another tech I just want to get that gun oh man my spread my bullet spread is bad that's the problem Oh but he's done now I'm just going to leave this over here wa medium wheel speed oh we got stats high speed versus this which is super low speed oh all right it is time it is time to modify my tech can I extend this back a little bit let me just put that down for now there we go so now I can make room for these big wheels I want to go back even fur there we go that looks more natural to me if I have more than one resource laser can I be extra fast oh there we go it does work okay so that's kind of cool wa I'm so much faster this is awesome yeah all right where's copper oh wait I completed the defeat enemy Tex really that didn't feel like seven unless some of them count as more than one man this is like I I keep thinking I'm like maybe near the edge of the map but then look at this it just keeps going oh I hear somebody there you are come on oh whoa whoa whoa whoa somebody else too let me just destroy this guy real quick there we go no no no no okay the machine gun no out of restore charges return to the techyard to recover them how do I I can recover my restore charges at the techyard all I'm going to leave a marker here I think I have to build my way back oh you know what I never did either I didn't save this vehicle you can like save vehicle blueprints I hope I can get a restore charges by just by hanging out at my base I don't know how that works yet wa what is that there's like a big tower there oh I should go in that direction how did I miss that all right here we go so let's see if I'm on here how do I get my restore charges back I am not sure how to get restore charges back I don't know if maybe my base doesn't have what it needs for me to replenish that kind of stuff so I might just need to rebuild with what I have which is probably the point of collecting this stuff in the first place oh interesting so small wheel and basic wheel they look very similar but small wheel has way more speed and basically everything other than the basic wheel is way better don't use basic Wheels if you don't have to all right I'm going to be honest my main my big limitation right now uh is I just I simply do not have basic building blocks to build the foundation to attach things to so I got to figure that out right now I got to be very cautious basically and you know I need to give myself a little bit more room here see this is like it's so convoluted just cuz I lack the basic building blocks right now I'm going to click respawn just to see what happens your items have been left in a crate where you destroyed okay this is just my vehicle I wish I had my old one back that's to the point of uh saving blueprints I guess though all right so the supply fabricator seems to be all ammo based the workbench seems to be to craft things that are Base building but I need to figure out how to build some basic stuff like wheels and uh building blocks hey I just realized I have repair tokens now I guess you just got to wait a while at your base all right so let's go up to that Tower how about that it doesn't look like there's any electricity trees over there so I'm just going to head straight up there I wish it's going to be hard with this with with this vehicle without the bigger Wheels can I turn that back wheel into just a bigger wheel it's not quite as centered as I planned on it being but we don't have that luxury right now okay but we should have a lot more power to get up this hill I hope whoa whoa what is this no no no no no no no no no oh what's this wait is that copper it probably I don't know what it is let's see let's aim at it coup right that sounds copperish all right here we go what are we going to get that looks like copper that looks like copper no come back come back oh no oh no I'm falling down the hill I don't want to get in a battle right now I cannot afford to take damage all right I have copper now right yes 10 copper that's exactly how much I need but look at this base I guess this is just an example of like the kind of stuff that could potentially be built all right what do I do here what is this can I steal iron refined look at all this carbon for my base I just came in and stole this person's stuff what is all this look at this this building so I definitely got some copper so there copper up by this thing there we go oh no no whoa I'm okay I'm fine wait so hold on if I do this if I put this back and I click on this and then say fill inputs from cargo yeah now it gives me exactly what I need that's the way to do it okay craft the Launchpad use workbench to craft this launch pad will allow you access to more advanced delivery missions okay we can get some more missions 93% so this is the last one crafting the Launchpad is the last one for this Quest so we need refined Copper 10 iron refined 10 copper refined 10 carbon ref ref finded and that is what this is for iron carer iron it's like a tongue twister iron copper carbon iron Carper and cabin so I need 10 of this and I need copper refined oh I have a bunch more copper here I can make more copper refined excellent so I already have two iron refined so I only need eight more is this going to be enough oh wait no I have three iron refined there we go wow I had everything I didn't even have to go Harvest more excellent so now Launchpad ra7 click on it fill inputs yes this will complete the quest there we go oh it's big do I got to put this on a platform I think I do so I need a little bit more iron all right now I've got more than 50 I got like 70 Iron so let's go iron some stuff out all right so now I can do this and then put this right there Launchpad no jobs available and I like put stuff in it interesting so maybe when I get jobs I got to like bring materials back oh that maybe that's what that's for all right hold on let me look at some of the crafting stuff here block fabricator this is what I need I need five copper refined and 10 iron I have 10 iron I need copper refined all right so I know that there is uh copper up in this area oh we got a little guy coming here oh another one were you guys fighting each other kind of look look like they are fighting oh I can't see I just got destroyed by a tree I got destroyed by a tree I got to respawn now oh this is bad I need to clear this out all right hold on rotate that way there we go I don't have any ammo on me get the gun all right there we go dang these guys are difficult I have ammo now I think yes I just got ammo from that guy come on yes All Right There goes his laser all right there there we go pro tip for mining on a hill uh mine from below the object all right I'm back so I needed five copper refined I have three right now so there's another one and there's another one all right so let's bring these back in my inventory and then I don't even remember what I was trying to build with those oh yeah the block fabricator place it down right there ooh here we go cargo resource laser basic Wheels small battery all right wait are there no just like blocks all right but I need batteries I need small cargo and for small cargo aluminum and copper let's do that first so I need five aluminum five copper refined all right unfortunately it seems like the block reactor that I built it made me unable to turn on my power I think I my power grid is not equipped for that all right I built what I needed for the small cargo so now is it a building block for my vehicle I don't have any more oh here we go put that there oh and there it is all right that's pretty cool all right so I've done a lot of the base building stuff I've done a lot of the harvesting stuff what I haven't done yet and what I kind of want to what I kind of want to end with is just raw exploration until I die but I'm just going to go until I die and see what I come across I don't know why I'm going in the electricity section I I kind of should not have done that oh now there's lightning and everything no okay I'm good wa okay there's something up there and a lot of lot of Stormy clouds okay I kind of wanted to get to the top of this one though I don't know if I oh my goodness they're not paying attention to me we're fine we're fine we're fine oh I hear they just activated uh go I can't I don't have I need big wheels you know what if I need these guys have big wheels whoa he's got like a plasma weapon of some sort can I get it from him it's easy to dodge oh oh it was the bush am I okay looks like I'm okay there we go what do we got for Wheels now none of those are big wheels all right so here we go two-way opposite connector this is a great way to extend the vehicle all right and then this will attach to that nicely here we go yeah these are the blocks I'm talking about all right I'm going to do that and that there we go now I can put this armored thing right there now we got a little bit of armor add some storage here there we go there's the storage back all and then extra laser goes up there all right we're a lot I think we're a lot heavier now this might be bad oh I can feel it so I don't think I'm going to be able to get up to that thing maybe maybe no look how slow I am oh it's muddy all right maybe I'm going to try to add that uh bigger wheel back well that definitely helps I'm actually kind of one look at the curve of this planet is that a flying thing wa that's a different type of laser that's some big wheels there's some big wheels all right please survive this come on that looks good that's a big wheel give me that wheel yeah oh look at that weapon oh the wheel didn't stay it seems like there's a probability of some some of the parts actually becoming collectible Parts all right I'm going to definitely put this big wheel on now that's it's even bigger I got another one though oh I need more ammo what is that what is it small battery yes I have more battery life now all right well we're doing a lot better as far as our um driving goes I guess here let me replace this wheel with this oh no that got rid of my gun oh this is a new machine gun here though all right here we go we are so fast right now I don't think I have any ammo though oh come on recharge there we go nice all right that looks like a weapon right there yep all right and on that side that there we go now your weapons are gone all right I'm learning oh I just got ammo too all right get rid of this wheel replace it with this wheel I'm running out of like weird it's weird I'm running out of places to put my stuff these wheels don't have the same attachment points I'm overloaded am I 106 oh I don't have any ammo now I'll take the gun off all right man look at this I just kept going I thought I was going to like the edge I'm kind of wondering if this thing just goes all the way around can I go across the water uh-oh I'm I don't know if I'm going to kill myself right now I kind of want to just see what happens though can you build like floating vehicles all right well I don't think I'm built for this there must be some of the parts you can get are probably going to be water compatible I don't have any of that right now so I'm trying there we go to get back on the land yeah look at that it totally curves all the way around this is probably a full Planet you can just keep on going all right I'm actually going to click respawn and see how this works oh no my items have been left where I was destroyed all right I just killed myself basically I thought respawn might just actually just take me back but it doesn't take your items with you that is good to know but but if you guys are liking what you're seeing so far you should definitely uh show support to payload and Tek worlds for sponsoring this video and uh letting me bring it to you guys early and preview it for you guys uh by clicking the link down in the description at the top of the description or I'll also uh leave a comment a pinned comment down below so click that link add it to your wish list I had a ton of fun with it and the game's like not even finished yet there's still stuff to be added as well so if you guys want to see more of it on the channel when it comes out uh let me know down in the comments below as well and let me know what you guys thought of it if you guys enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrapman and I'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 131,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, steam games, sandbox games, first look, engineering games, engineering sandbox, sandbox engineering game, vehicle based combat, terratech, terra tech, terratech worlds, terra tech worlds, terratech worlds gameplay, steam next fest, terra tech gameplay, terra tech worlds preview, vehicle builder, vehicle survival, vehicular combat
Id: ZaPzaOuzLys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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