Rimworld: Half Moon Hill - Episode 01: Hugging The Hill

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hello folks welcome back to rim world I'm absurdities we're going to start off a new Colony today and we're going to do something a little bit different but not too crazy in fact I'm going to I'm going to ease up a little bit uh we're going to go with lost tribe and we're going to play Blood and dust this time because I was struggling I would say to learn aspects of the game while being crushed by the difficulty and I know that's not going to be everyone's cup of tea if you want to watch people who are super good at the game and play with 500 times difficulty totally good on you that's just not going to be this playthrough not yet anyways um it's going to take me some time to get my head around and become and well to get good bro so we're going to go blood and dust uh move forward here we're going to reload anytime cuz we just need to have that happen when we're recording and thanks to Twitch viewer lapsis for giving us peppercorn as a seed everything else is going to stay default and we're going to generate I've already done this once just to kind of preview and stuff and uh we I believe yeah it was over here somewhere maybe right there large Hills slight and granite no caves we're going to go for medium n you know what I'm going to go large uh they they actually break the game design that's okay I'm okay to make the AI stupid and stuff I don't know nah let's go 275 by 275 I won't break the game the I've already eased up on difficulty enough all right there we go we're going to have an IDE ideology system uh that is fluid and I forgot to save it so we're going to have to recreate it on the Fly we're going to go with um animism loyalist and we're going to I'm going to go ahead and get all this set and then I'll kind of take you through it it's pretty much the same as our other one we're going to have lots of festivals we're going to allow the eating of uh insect meat we're going to allow the harvesting of organs we don't care if we uh execute people and so on so give me one second I'll get this all set up all right so we have loyalism which is displayed uh or or shows the symbol of the stealth fighter our revered spirit animal and uh we've got yeah insect meat is loved uh spouses two or fewer so I guess we're being uh you know we're kind of having open marriages research is on fast because I cheat uh cannibalism is acceptable acceptable execution respected of guilty uh this stuff is all kind of normal uh slavery is acceptable free love no rules for clothes uh they can keep their names and we can use organs uh the leaders ALS also do not have any specialized clothes cuz it's annoying we have lots of rituals because I cheat and uh here we are with a ritual seed of Pew emblem of family is our building and we've got a loyal sculpture and then our relics are uh hollar the Zeus Hammer uh this Relic which needs to be named sting which I thought I did and the Anna chalice let's just add a add a something a different chalice that has a dutiful chalice that sounds better and then uh we have some some punk stuff is is more common and that's it so moving on oh we need uh we need a flag or a p or [Music] something there we go s sacrificial flag there we go uh I have used prepare carefully and I I know I've been told about the the risks of it but nevertheless here we are anagen and elapses have helped me get set up here while I stream on Twitch and then I chose the three other names at random of YouTube supporters patrons and tippers uh so we have rcraft Twisted soul and legon and everybody is set up with pretty um quote unquote balanced skills in that they have one burning passion and two small passions and I left most of the skills kind of where they came mode at random but I added five points if you had a burning passion I added three points if you had a regular passion um so in some cases like some skills will end up being like here cooking is a three where their crafting is a seven just because I didn't bother touching crafting but if I if I gave them a passion I went down and then I added three points so there we are we've got some some good people oh I didn't finish actually adding traits to legon let's do that and so anodin is a kind fast Walker elapses is beautiful and hard worker uh Brett cfts is brawler and tough Twisted soul is jogger and Nimble uh those two are both kind of melee specialized to a degree well I mean certainly the brawler but the Nimble with the melee skill and then legon is going to be aesthetic that's a good one right it's uh forsaken physical Comforts and conflicts with gormon greedy and jealous yeah that's fine athetic is fine so they're easy to please that way and then we're going to go with um sanguine let's go with sanguine which is one of my favorites cuz I wish I was sanguine and there we are save that preset tribal relationships have been erased because I wanted to too and we have three short bows a steel IA a uranium club and a paila for weapons we have two female and one male Al Paka and the rest was default let's go the gods were very angry the blood machines came at night they swept through our village cutting and burning your people with their blades and Devil Fire only a few of you escaped now after a hair ing journey and with no friends to turn to you must build a new home in the wilderness like your ancestors did cool uh what's beautiful about this is of course we have mods and we're going to reroll the world because I would hate to just regenerate the world for shiggles over and over again look at all the look at all the steel crazy so I'm going to find us a map that uh kind of ticks a lot of boxes for me this one actually like the the amount of rich soil here is is really attractive on the fact that there's like three geysers but I want to move the Rocks around a little bit and we have to do that at random so we use this map roll you queue up a few pages of that and then you start sifting through them for anyone who's not familiar with the mod gives you a bit of a preview and something like this with some wide open space is interesting to me you generat you have a look if you like it you play it so I'm just going to find a map that I like and we'll go from there here we are we've selected a map after going through way too many of them but uh it's it's interesting it's got this mountain formation running all the way through it this kind of Half Moon thing going on which is nice and defensive uh we got a room down here which we could use but I think we're just going to build as quickly as possible out of wood Woods we know how that goes right uh how do I unfor allow everything there we go now I got to retrain it's been a few days since that last run ended I thought I'd take a a wee break and let that be digested so here we are Let's uh get together a room is what I'm going to do first let's plan maybe right against the mountain side something like that let's get a couple doors and do I do I even want to do that I don't let's face it I don't I like freestanding bases that I can kind of work around so let's go with I don't know 20 by 12 I think the interior is 11 isn't it no 10 okay no that's got to be one [Music] more and we got the upbe P music mod music going here we go four of those and uh let's go a little slower than that there we go we got people working on all the stuff yeah we need beds we need everything let's start by getting a dumping stockpile just kind of toss down there and a stockpile on the inside which is not going to allow we can allow Foods yeah that's fine actually and then out here chunks corpses rotten No Rotten there we go let's get our house built we should probably try and get beds made we have to research them though and we don't have cloth so it's sleeping spots I have not played tribal in many many well actually I was going to say many moons if you will uh many years at this point so so it's going to be a bit of a shock to the system the stuff that we do and do not get all right beyond that I think we should start immediately with some planting as well growing zone by terrain let's just choose that let's choose that let's choose that and here we're going to go with uh heal Roots here we'll go with rice and here we'll go with corn we almost have a house that's amazing nice and [Music] quick and then we're going to have to start pretty much adding on to this right away I I think it's going to be super important actually that we do research sooner than later so let's get into production get a simple research bench or two bad temperature that's fine we'll deal with it uh we'll deal with that with torches we'll put a couple of them down in there and maybe we should have a look at priorities here oh not that one no no turn it into numbers fir fake patient rescue doctor bed rest actually we'll leave on three cook Royal plant cut all clean there we go uh Bret craft is uh a bit of a Handler I guess he's our only real Handler so we'll go with two and we should uh tie off no I guess I'm looking [Music] for Caravan hitching spot just put those guys out there yeah handling cooking hunting we're just going to turn off for now constructing though um oh is Brett craft yeah Bret craft really is the Constructor he's got a little bit of mining turn off [Music] Arts smithing and crafting I turn off until I need them and then research will be twisted soul but anidan can do that as well when you're not growing and then what do we have we got so who's the second best Constructor it's El lapsis actually she's going be busy cooking I imagine and you're going to be busy growing we have we have a lot of a lot of backup on the the growing side of things but not so much on construction maybe we should put that at a priority four and a priority three there we go and we're indoors construction botched on the on a torch that's cool okay very nice we should uh cut all the plants out of there wait isn't there a thing for growing growing flowers in your Barracks people keep telling me this throw some day lies maybe it'll make the place beautiful hopefully the Torches will look after [Music] them wow what a first day we got everything planted we got a house made we got our sleeping spots and uh we're well on our way to having some stuff okay so thinking about what's next I I think it's just going to be research yeah you're going to grow and then research you're going to grow and then research as well I think and that'll be okay we'll get two research on the go to researchers stone cutting is going to be essential complex Furniture what else basic smithing clothing yeah stuff like that what about um even before smithing and clothing electricity yeah that's a big deal that's a lot of research and it does make some sense to me that it would be a lot of research so that's good we do have a fair amount of pkin so that is super nice let me see here if we go pkin select similar things on map okay so that's all the Pik that we have it's 139 we've got Stacks in our inventory so yeah cuz I thought we started with like 400 and it seems that we do now stone cutting is definitely kind of the first thing I want to happen um we could also reinstall some NS [Music] whoops uh game it was doing weird things where' the other one go here it is just put some ears down try and raise the beauty a little bit it's you know it's a dirt floor but that's okay maybe we should be doing the whole floor yeah probably uh expand Zone shoot no stop planting potatoes expand Zone expand there we go go what is this nonsense there we go and uh we'll we'll let that happen who's who's the Builder and why aren't we building Bret craft Bret craft what are you doing wandering no no no we we got stuff to do dude wandering you're missing steel we we didn't start with steel oh my gosh okay did I forget a miner not really Bret craft is kind of a minor but yeah yeah I didn't I didn't realize mining would be so important at uh right at the beginning but that's it's okay we can we can just get people mining elapses is the second best Miner Twisted soul is about the same Leon's the same yeah so let's just put it in as a backup so everyone does it if they don't have anything else to do everybody's planting fair enough let's keep moving here also can I shrink this down any I don't know how if I can we keep it there what do we have here we have a table we should try and get an eating spot on the go just uninstall that put it in the stock pile what else did we have to look at uh more [Music] urns I should just put it in the corner uh that'll do though how's that working for the beauty oh look at that people should be pretty happy about that I [Music] imagine let's move along day two done day three done I don't even know yes research My Pretties I have a steel earn to look at oh it is steel but we already M steel obviously because they are building they they built those okay cool that's a normal table that's a normal [Music] table we should uh allow our people to go through and harvest fully grown plants Harvest fully grown just keeping busy with that stuff a little bit oh and it oh it's trees too but that's fine we're going to need the wood I think one of these though needs to be dedicated Twisted Soul you're now dedicated to research I want to be able to replace with stone as quickly as possible we need a variety of recre creation we need a meal Source yes in fact I think they've already picked up all the [Music] pkin yeah totally okay uh we're going to look at this is this is partly why I wanted to get I thought we'd have a little more time to get stone blocks on the go but we really won't it's plast steel that's compacted machinery silver Machinery we're going to need some compacted Machinery [Music] so mine those we have a visitor a cave Builder from the white Craig tribe is visiting the colony he is named abanero Kyra seems to have a few items to trade well hi Kyra you got some stuff to trade huh we don't no not really but we'll get a lapsis to go ahead and have a look see what they brought uh herbal medicine beer I wish we could afford the beer we would have to give up something I don't want to give up okay but we could buy some more penkin just to keep us going a little bit longer tempted to sell the PE but we'll we'll buy 51 pkin cool we are almost there for the stone stone cing nice okay we have 51 pkin in stock now uh let's get stone cutting working for us let's go with um I don't know what somewhere where do we have a lot of stone down here for sure yeah it will be indoors don't you worry and we're going to put a torch in there we're going to get a dumping stockpile out here maybe shrink that just a little bit clear all except for chunks please and it's going to be priority preferred and then we're going to take granite and we're going to tell them we want it hauled yeah we get a lot of stuff laying around and not so many people really tasked with hauling but they'll cut it down and then they'll haul I guess so we'll deal with that my hope is what um I think electricity has got to be very much more sought after and we're going to have to we're going to have to build a little kitchen little kutchen and a little Butchery whatever yeah let's just just copy that under production we're going to go with a fueled stove we're going to the stump you dirty stump see if someone will get rid of that for us it was right I can't believe you can't just place it down locked by chop [Music] stun just please do that thank you very much what still the other one there we go butcher table no problems there and yeah great and then we'll start to do some hunting uh who is our best hunter it would be legon Lego it is you need a bow sir yeah shooting of five I didn't really prioritize um combat skills other than our melee people Bret craft here with the brawler uh is going to take the uranium Club Twisted Soul jogger Nimble is going to get the ia uh Leon Aila is a ranged weapon right throwing Spears yeah yeah yeah do we want the bow or the Pila let's try PE we could do short bow as a sidearm okay here we go oh mad hair it's coming around the mountain let's get legon moving over here it's fast it's it might be a [Music] problem oh yeah might be a problem kill it why didn't I give him a melee weapon [Music] sidearm I should have really done that it wasn't really thinking sorry about the hair teeth there we go there we go uh it's okay you can get patched up it's little bites little bits little bites and then we're going to do some hunting like donkeys and all of those guys and that should be plenty and then we're going to add bills here make any stone blocks do forever and we'll limit the radius a little bit but not a whole lot there we go we'll see if we can get some food on the go in the next one I'm going to call it there for this episode thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you're excited for this new playthrough I certainly am and uh yeah if you have any tribal tricks uh tips or tricks that you want to share please leave in the comments and uh yeah I'm looking forward to learning a slightly new play style and enjoying the game with maybe slightly less uh Soul crushing death uh special thanks to my patrons and uh members tippers of course and all you who subscribe uh did you know 70% of you are not subscribed blah blah blah it's actually true and I could really use the subs so if you wouldn't mind taking a moment of your time it's free and easy and usually not very painful uh and you don't even have to hit the Bell I'll forgive you it's cool I just need your subs all right that's enough for now have a great rest of your day I'll see you again tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Absurdides
Views: 10,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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