Crazy Ways The Workshop Has Used Power Couplers SO FAR!

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welcome back to the channel and today we are taking a look at the trailmakers workshop because power coupling is now available to everybody and it's only been a little bit it hasn't been that long so people still need some more time to come up with some of the craziest Creations but there's already some pretty interesting stuff on the workshop with the new Power couplers starting with this power coupling plane by B bracket or parentheses and he says he did it before me and that is right this is something that I thought of of trying but I was like there's no way this is going to work is just going to be an unflyable plane but let's test it out and find out I love that the I probably wouldn't have thought of putting the propellers separate from the plane as well I think I would have probably just done all the wings so the fact the propeller is also separated with power coupling is interesting too but I have to see what is the strength wait you put the stiffness to 50% why would you put the stiffness down to 50 okay well I'm really curious to fly this thing now let's uh let's see what happens oh oh oh oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] wait I just broke the sun barrier oh no I whoa okay that was an exciting series of events I feel like there was potential there though I me the way the tail lifts up like I don't think that's the way the tail should go oh wa we flying we're flying hold on this is doable it just the more you pitch up the more the the wings fold I love how the air resistance also folds the wing back so they're angled backwards and then once you start pitching up you can see them start to fold upwards more and more until that happens but this isn't impossible honestly I think the tail I think you went a little bit too much on the tail um those powered Tail Fins are kind of Overkill and I kind of want to do that like this is I want to do this now I want to make oh my goodness crashing into the water is okay I think it's time to move on another creation but I am banking that as like there's more to be played around with this with uh this concept so if you guys I'm going to do a video on power coupling planes at some point leave some comments Down Below on what you'd like to see happen because I might just go down my own path and may have not even think about other possibilities so I want to try to do as much as I can to experiment so there if there's anything uh cool you think could happen with power coupling in Planes like certain places to put Power couplers that I may not think of let me down in the comments below because I'm looking forward to that experiment okay up next is a small plane fire flying over a field with Pond by Lego dragon Master Liam it is a kinetic sculpture apparently um so I guess I just hit T to start whoa W it has like its own like camera thing this is very weird and floppy so I oh okay I guess it just goes around in a circle here let me hop out of the seat and let's take a look here oh how interesting wait so do the power couplers can you put them through things I'm assuming that's what's happening there and then look at the camera drone it's actually got a camera drone well hold on let me go into um build mode here cuz this oh you have a hole okay I was wondering how you did that but because the power coupling has no Collision on the beam itself only on the ends it's able to keep going through but it looks like in order to use it in build mode yeah you can't actually build it colliding so you have to have a little bit of a gap to start with at least so cool good to know all right so this next one is a power powered Lander I don't know what that means by Dan mshar and the description says it's a hovercraft that uses curved power couplings as automatic retractable landing gear I also don't know what that means I tried to think think about what that could mean but um that just made me want to spawn it in and find out so apparently is automatic landing gear with curved no way wait what what that is so weird how did you do that oh no now really how did you do that oh okay so these are on pistons and then those Pistons contract oh the whole body contracts bending the power couplings creating like a semi wheel that doesn't rotate so then we can go up what this is a crazy concept it flops them to the other direction so then if I get close to the ground does it automatically how is this a concept how did you come up with this concept this is actually mind-blowing so do they do they cushion look at that they do because of the bend they actually cushion the blow pretty well look at this oh I broke one on that side yeah that side's not working anymore oh okay the angle okay the steering hinges also angle them upwards that's pretty cool oh this thing's got like Shields and weapons and stuff this is a cool vehicle I'm a fan of I'm a fan of that that is a genius way of having landing gear I knew that crazy stuff was going to happen on the workshop all right up next we have concept steering by 2020 sucks okay so what is this going to do whoa okay that's actually pretty cool wait this is really weird like I don't think you could do this if those were solid pieces what if they what if they were suspension though I could probably still work with suspension maybe but the fact I thought the power couplers have a really fluid sideways bending as opposed to suspension which just has more of a uh inline compression I think that this probably is easier to do with the power coupling but we can put that to the test right now let's go ahead and replace these with suspension and see if it makes much of a difference all right now I just got suspension in default look at the wow it is see we don't it doesn't work it simply does not work so this is a power coupling spefic specific feature that's actually really cool at first I thought this could be done with other parts as well and the power coupling just inspired it but this actually seems like this is this wouldn't work without the power coupling so that is a really weird concept I don't even know how you come across that okay up next is power coupling suspension by Ma so I've been curious about power coupling suspension as well is this is this really power coupling suspension though is this not just uh steering hinges hold on we need to go Offroad with this one let's drive this thing up this rock here oh boy okay okay you can kind of see it trying to work a little bit it's not like the softest suspension now let's see what happens if I remove the power coupling I want to confirm that the power coupling is actually making okay I keep I keep just getting proven wrong every single time I think it's not the power coupling it is the power coupling that is actually really interesting so these are just loose these steering hinges they're on zero strength they are holding nothing this is purely power coupling Flex so you've essentially you've built a wishbone suspension and just attached like a weird power coupling straight power coupling but then this one is angled 30° creating some type of tension huh man you guys are coming up with some really unique uses of power coupling that's a cool way to do s mentioned it seems a little oh hold on I just want to say it seems a little stiff Let's do an experiment here what is the stiffness of the power coupling oh it's on zero okay it even for zero it feels really stiff to me here let's just drive into a hill here yeah that does seem you can see a little bit of flexion so there's probably like more you could do with this actually I got an idea I'm going to take these steering hinges and I'm going to change them to 10° kind of changes the resting points it's not quite it doesn't have quite as much travel as I would like it to have oh there we go there's a little bit it's a starting point though we're at the very beginning of power couplers like this is literally just week one up next we got power coupling ballista by mainly gaming 609 so I also tried to convert one of my ballistas to power coupling but um didn't build it specifically for power coupling so let's see what we do here I'm assuming we can like aim up and down interesting the design of this ballista is great so this is different this is working different than my ballista and my ballista it was the um the frame that bent and I had a rigid string this one it's the string that's going to flex like a slingshot two two to bring back ooh this is looking good and then space Oh so smooth that was really smooth all right I want to do that again and then space wow that is actually surprisingly smooth wait are you kidding me right now wait a oh that has an anchor block and a timer hold I I want to shoot the wall now it's like a sticky uh arrow that explodes with a delay all right so bring it back and then shoot look at that that's so cool and then oh my my my string my string has been severed all right another great job with power couplers that is way more consistent and looks way cooler than mine all right up next is a bb-8 from Star Wars by Rashia lucky the new Power coupling blocks make things look like they hover so they use that to their advantage to build this BBA Droid so let's see here it looks like the power couplers are probably coming through those holes and then the power couplers can proceed to go through the rest of the body yeah so you can see there's no holes here but there are holes right there cuz that's where the power coupling started and then we got some some gyro stuff probably in the head and we can also see a little bit in the body there um and this looks great it works great too apparently we got EMP launchers as well and go up over this hill no problem I'm kind of C I want to I want to take a look at the inner workings of this in a second too just to see what's causing the spinning q and e oh we can turn the head oh the head just goes independent of our direction of travel as well oh and I love the antenna on the top as well the floppy antenna is really good let's go ahead and look under the hood here all right so we got our seat is this this must be a Sero that has zero strength yeah the seat is being kept upright by these things and then these oh I think these Gyros are maybe spinning uh the rest of it yeah I think these Gyros on the sides are what's causing it to the body to spin and then these servos are attached to the Gyros to keep this whole Central area where my seat is level and then I'm assuming we got like power couplers coming through here yeah we got a couple of power couplers here power coupling all right another great way to use power couplers let's move on to the next one okay so up next is The Lego Movie Western Pig car by scrap McAn 14 it reminded me of the pig vehicle in The Lego Movie the best Recreation I could make I don't know if I'm familiar with that oh this is just like it's like Santa sleigh but with uh with little Thruster pigs I guess oh it's a it's a land vehicle too so basically now at this point the power coupling is just rains oh wait look how it steers wait how does it steer hold on what's causing that steering oh we got servos on the front here we go this is what's causing them to bend we got those servos in the front which totally work but then also when I go left you can see only the right side applies thrust and only the left side applies thrust when I go right and if I do this too much we can kind of like cross our wires and not have a good time all right this thing's actually pretty stable I just dropped something and I don't know what I dropped wait number one drops a wheel why does number one drop a wheel look at that is that does that happen in the movie or something a wheel falls off that's probably a movie reference I don't want to crash these things all right now I'm just normal vehicle yeah so rains they can look really good as rigns if you had like a horse and carriage or like a chariot or like Santa sleigh or anything like that now let's move on to some pod racers we got the hot rod of pod racers by 89384 whmo so whoa who oh whoa whoa oh whoa using the rocket engines are you kidding me wait why are they so white is that new whoa this thing is crazy wait what I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing right now hold on hold on hold on what is going on here so we got the power C is power coupling is like not a main feature of this it is just a very very uh secondary feature there's a lot of other stuff here the way this thing like hovers is so unexpected and then when I go backwards for some reason the thrusters don't activate when I go backwards oh I got to wait I'm confused hold on there's something wrong with these thrusters these thrusters activate with W but then when I press s they rotate the other way but the problem is the rocket engines also activate with W so there's no way for me to have the backwards thrusters re really do much other than potentially work as like a slight break but hey let's just fly this thing around now and if I press space I can just fly I can go up in the air so I'm going to not press space anymore and we're going to hopefully go back down I kind of feel like this is better than the hover pads the hover pads get you too what was that did I need that Partridge is flying out of here all right let me repair yeah the hover pads kind of keep you too close to the ground this thing hovering like this feels a lot more like pod racing all right and then we can just fly if we need to look at this this is cool great design great paint job and everything all right I got one more Pod racer to look at let's check this thing out this is the desert Pod racer by galang and this thing looks like some really cool looking engines oh yeah oh look at the reflections on the the Chrome on the uh what are they what are they called helicopter blades you can now paint the helicopter blades Chrome which you couldn't do do a couple updates ago and it has the reflection of the inside of the neon paint job oh this thing looks good and then the rusting on the outside of the blades looks really good too oh interesting if I press up and down that happens oh no no no no no so we can kind of like raise ourselves in a weird way I don't even know what that's supposed to do there wasn't any instructions with this thing so this thing has black power coupling as like a rope uh connecting to the engines and then the really cool bright neon purple in between oh boy yeah see this one bounces it hits the ground a little bit more unlike the other one um cuz this one's using no using the hover pads but these are great look at these engines these engines look so good that's the hardest thing for me for some reason I feel like I can make a pretty good uh like cockpit cabin for pod racers but making cool looking engines is so hard for me to fit and like build around the thrusters all right ready right into the explosive Barrel there we go we lost an engine oh that was actually a pretty epic engine loss all right I'm just going to keep going till I can't go no more we lost another engine I feel like that was a Star Wars style crash there that was awesome okay and then I got one more for us to look at this one I have no idea what to expect it is called Power coupling fireworks uses glitched out power coupling for a unique display so is this just like the spaghetti is this just going to be spaghetti you know I think uh if we're going to do fireworks we got to go over to the aircraft carrier and maybe maybe I should turn it to night time all right here we go it is night time we have one button to press 3 2 1 oh boy here it [Music] goes you know what you figured out how to control the spaghetti oh well that one I love how the last one's just like like me everything else was so consistent and the last one ruins the whole show all right I got to do that again all right there we go yeah see how interesting cuz like I don't know how to like do that in a controlled manner but this thing it's so consistent and this looks this is night night time was a great choice this would have looked way worse during the day hey there there we go that time the last one worked as intended okay what's going on with these things so we press a button Shields there's like Shields everywhere let's delete the shields here we go what happens in here where are the power coupling here's a power coupling it looks like there's three layers of power coupling just in line with each other I don't know what happens we've got a s a gyro stabilizer this is just keeping them going up and then the servo the servo is probably oh the servo must be what does it the servo is on a delay of 1 second angle 135 so I'm assuming this orgate goes into the servo yeah I think the way this works is the power coupling is attached to the dynamite down here I don't know why the dynamite but then it is attached to this Servo and then the servo rotates 135° Servo is really really strong and then that bending of three power couplers is just reliably makes that minimal spaghetti but enough to just create a cool like light show in the sky so we are we are learning to harness the power of couplings power the power coupling power the power of power coupling so like I said this is just the beginning I know this crazier and crazier stuff is going to start coming out on the workshop as you guys have more time to play with the power coupling and I cannot wait to see it so let me know if you guys have any other ideas I You' like to see me try to do with power coupling especially with plane power power coupling planes so if you guys enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrapman and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 113,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers best builds, trailmakers power coupling, trailmakers workshop
Id: IAwUJJbuqN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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