Rimworld: Desert Doom - Part 5: Jelly Doom

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[Music] hey folks this is decoherent and welcome back to rim world so things are going smoothly today suspiciously smoothly even more so than last time I mean I don't know what's going on we have new guy Valley who was opted to join us optics he didn't have any choice he comes to us as a master crafter and I ripped his arm off so yeah we're gonna take a quick detour route through prosthetics on our way over to drilling for oil and hoping that that'll be enough I just can't have a guy with 1617 crafting like with one arm is just ridiculous so that's the plan with him I flipped a couple of hydroponics basins over to here what we're building up this just tremendous surplus of rice I've never actually run a colony I think entirely off of rice and a nutrient paste dispensers so the efficiency is getting kind of surreal so we'll go ahead and we'll do that I shuffled work priorities just a little bit nothing terribly interesting I think I want Valley to do some cleaning is what I kicked up a little bit nothing all that exciting I'm putting in some embrasures here so that I can get ready to put up our first turret and I need to move some of these turbines sometimes when you move these turbines they freak out so I just wanted to kind of I don't know take a few seconds.here we actually only need to move it over one yes we can move it only over to let's see if this works by the way sometimes you just have to deconstruct them oh no it's gonna work this time well isn't that thoughtful okay well let's fix the other one then to our reddit one - Valley you're right here why don't you go ahead and do that please and then I'll need to fix our power as well okay you're watching harvest that's fine but I need you to move the turbine it just takes a few seconds thank you okay great and they're both working all right well in that case we just need to connect them quick and if you could please do that sir and let me take a look at our power otherwise yeah it's fine I'm putting in this power line so that I can power the turret come back build it not a sign of constructing of course not you're my craft or not my constructor that would be ridiculous okay now you're all attached okay good that's good because we almost ran out of electricity in that few seconds so my plans over here you may notice with some dotted lines I need to move over to another room um probably a bedroom I could put another bedroom here I'm just trying to make this nice and square maybe a nice gigantic guest room I don't know something like that someplace for Hercules who's also become something of a pet maybe I should have just recruited him now he's already 89 percent so we'll do that here momentarily I'm just gonna let the move stuff around FERC owes up doing a little bit more mining that's okay more visitors all right hi visitors it's nice to have you with us actually let's go ahead and let's build this out I don't have enough in Quran it well let's get that started at least yeah I can put this granite to haul urgently and then that will get taken care of hi Turkey turkey do you have any glitter world medicine because it's actually something that I would really like so Bella you're not supposed to be asleep in the middle today anyway why don't you get up and go talk to him no oh that's right I'm a revolver for you even though you're not very good at anything spread a rumor let's fix your restrictions while I'm at it did you guys work in the middle today sorry all right there we go major break Chris yeah yeah you'll be fine probably freak oh if you could haul some of these in I would appreciate that you know what actually I should just set this alcohol urgently and just get this granted in yep and then belly can take it apart at his leisure okay here goes Hercules again oh oh it's so funny it's just so funny he just cracks me up wait this isn't connected to something don't reconnect to that do you really not have any other power within range oh no you don't um okay firk go quick come make some power conduits before our rice dies and then takes 30 to 90 seconds to be rebuilt build build all right maybe I should just cue these all up thank you and now I can reconnect this correct yes good deal an animal expo what it's time for the hundred and fifty ninth editor 152 Expo and your factions been invited this year's host is the purple spider Cambo yeah okay that sounds legit and the theme is a shooting competition Center best shot the exposition is a highly respected peaceful gathering historically been used by all functions or all factions as an opportunity to exchange culture experiences and to show off I don't have a good shooter not at all five point five I think is my best yeah that's a hell of a thing this must this is interesting it's a long ways away - that's neat it's too bad we can't participate in it cuz that would be super cool but alas we can't so here we are ah well maybe next year hi Turkey what are you talking about talked about the randomness of life again having a gossip around is kind of funny foxes our Achilles has gone berserk again we'll just wait for him to fall over it's okay there's nobody outside and he's an idiot so sandy we should use this box Oh fits smaller animals oh well oh well 35 components who is psychic emanated would be nice ooh that's only a day and a half well we'll see okay Hercules is down he's in a good spot we're just gonna leave him there for a while waiting it's close to being done we'll go collect them and that way we'll get the faction bumped for rescuing him I think I assume I don't know maybe did I not set you to holler gently I didn't there now you are go help just leave this guy laying in the sand he's fine he's just laying naked in the sand unable to stand out in the throes of his addiction you know Tuesday all right so prosthetics is going extremely quickly thanks to Kunik aid being just incredibly smart I wish I could afford to research the multi analyzer actually did I see any exposed gold I saw some exposed other stuff there's Jade over here actually maybe I didn't see any gold nevermind major break risk what's up with you dude why is everyone else so happy and you're not oh the wedding oh okay actually wait what was that said it's great to see two people come together to build a future yes isn't it just and this thing's still around two and I really want it but I can't get it cuz it'll kill us if I try to uh try to tame it alright and you've decided to entomb yourself go ahead and take that out that'll be a hallway anyway and let's go ahead and let's turn this into home zone as such perfect have you guys been cleaning these rooms by the way um not really ok prosthetics ok good so let's go ahead let's learn how to drill for oil and unfortunately that means I do need to go ahead and build a machining table but that's ok they're just kind of expensive five components I guess five components not that bad is it yeah I guess it's really not let's put it over here because reasons are we doing other stuff on the little low on mine a little low on steel corpse obsession yeah okay that's fine go in dig up a corpse then just roll the bones on in here there we go belly good news you get to go put him back in his grave after you he or goo that'll give them catharsis for a bit at least Hercules how are you doing ninety-four moderate malnutrition like I said well wait till it gets a little further okay so um in here let's go ahead and let's turn this into a room let's close this off I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put this is another bedroom so I have to mine this as well and then we'll take these out and this out and then this can be a nice big guest room it is funny having them sleep in the greenhouse but I want to try to provide slightly better accommodations I turned Sandy's noise down a little bit by the way adorable is she is I don't know man that stuff gets to me eventually no no power right settings run out of power conduits let's go ahead and let's fix that quick is this all smooth back here let's double check before I mined out all the walls again no so do that first Hercules collapsed huh alright alright he's up to extreme malnutrition let's save him again rescue can you come do these please let me just queue that up for you thank you um what were you guys talking about didn't see other colonists cauliflower gabbed about vomiting practicing with revolvers told the joke about animals yeah that sounds like our colonists this guy but by the time he can get up I bet he will be done with his addiction so then we will be the good guys for saving him Hiroshi has entombed himself but it's ok we'll get him out soon thank you and then we'll run some electricity over construction botched welds on okay there we go let's go ahead let's run some power over these move every game and I can never figure out where they are okay there we go and let's coop it prosthetic arm yeah forty steel four components oh man all right it's not really what I would prefer but okay and actually bellies should go do that all on his own what's your speed for constructing and stuff construction yeah maybe got forty percent yeah that's not great ah Hercules you'll be better before you know it up thanks for stopping by they enjoyed their stay see if you keep them happy you'll get this kind of steady stream of gifts from the factions that like you and that's really nice it also cranks up your wealth in a hurry which is something that we need so we get some more you know challenging excitement going past all right so even with one arm this is going pretty quickly I really wish I had a glitter world medicine but I think I'm willing to risk what's my best doctor at well seven that's not great mmm yeah that's really not great well alright I don't know what else to do about it so that's just what its gonna have to be let's turn this into another room maybe I can turn this one medical temporarily that's probably not a bad idea alright go ahead and do that in the morning cargo pods huh and what do we have this time oh my god more leathers it's crummy leather but go get it everybody well I think Hercules is better he's better so long buddy I hope we see you again soon oh that's so cool that he's finally up oh crap we have some consuming heal right can we get to it in time to kill it no it's gonna eat a freaking or I hate true things to death and by things I mean animals can you shoot it over that or is that cover I can't remember that's cover okay or just go right ahead and be totally unable to hit a stupid gecko come on buddy you're shooting is it a seven there you go well that's good enough it'll die right four hours yep stupid thing we have any other wildlife because they're all gonna come running for it yeah Boulder my it I'm worried that it's gonna get hungry and then we're gonna have to kill it and that's not gonna go well for us okay how's your arm doing your views on nightmares yeah oh come on duster idle well good news actually actually no it's not good news um how about we go ahead and we waste some labor on smoothing the floors in some of these common rooms yeah let's do at least part of this room just to start cranking the beauty up you look if you guys something to do oh and we're done with the arm okay well ah please don't screw this up please don't screw this up operations wait let's make sure I've the left of the left arm okay left arm all right buddy all right communicate please don't screw this up what's your operation success chance just so I know what to expect 82% it's not good please don't screw it up yay and oh you what inspired surgery everything was great and we got some rep huzzah all right all right that worked out very well no I'm happy okay well now we're just kind of waiting to learn how to drill for oil and that is gonna determine how we spread things out from this point on let's go ahead let's start building that gun I talked about just to give us a little bit of extra security we've got all the kinds of other interesting things to put in here like concertina wire and stuff like that we'll get to that actually as I'm talking about powering things let's put the switch here just to give it a little bit of walking space kind of out of the way yeah let's do that and let's set up some more mining too it's good some components over here Ellie's back up hi buddy sorry about the arm hope you don't mind now you've got a new arm now Hiroshi said why are you sad no reason okay look at him go they're pretty good at mining too almost at a 10 nice all right well cool is there any closer steeled in that vein up there I don't think there is so let's go ahead and let's just queue some more of this there's this and then there's all this stuff up here and whatever else this that and the other thing and we've got our first turret cool let's turn it off they used to use like 200 Watts 80 is almost a negligible amount of power but not quite no belly come sleep over here oh and we have a raid in the middle of the night a group of Outlanders ooh those are some much better equipped Outlanders oh okay well good news everybody something exciting is about to happen so let's cancel that and we need to come close this door you know hold open all of you guys come on up here firk oh why don't you come close the store please um this should be fine with some traps and a turret we can definitely take care of these guys this will be no big deal probably I think thank you sir come on back over here I think with this this is an embrasure so the turret should have a pretty good angle of fire yeah I guess we're about to find out and Sandy is inside okay good all right baddies come on in oh you're gonna eat probably bolt traps because you have that stupid is that a helmet or such as a hat or you could attack our door why are you attacking my door there we go one two hey how can you stand there what how are you guys standing there that shouldn't be possible maybe that's a consequence of running gun come on kill him there we go and just shoot it those guys then on your way out go frenzy okay here um come up here and kill this guy cuz I don't want him in destroying my other door that would be annoying kay we had a heavy SMG out of that so that's nice and what are we looking at for injuries a missing toe and an injury to the left arm not great but not you know terrible shoot my doors yeah must be a running gun that's letting him do that oh you're gonna attack us while you're doing that okay well that's interesting all right well colonists come lay down you know what actually I should turn this back into a medical bag yeah it looks like you're gonna have to tend to yourself which is unfortunate and then fercho why don't you come lay down after that yep you are okay good uh well that was mildly annoying but not that big of a deal losing a toe is not that bad how many corpses we have one two three four yeah [Music] we're making an extra one there just in case need warm clothes yeah I know fur coat where are you buddy would you come lay down please thank you um and you know so no one dies all that kind of a thing all right so we got a heavy SMG and a shotgun onto that so that's not too bad and some more knives so that's okay yeah that could be worse I'll have to redistribute weapons in a little bit here another damned iguana go away iguana nobody asked you here did you just pick up a shotgun oh no you have the rifle sorry never mind just kidding here to kill the iguana or don't kill the iguana I prefer that you do kill do you wanna try again you know take your time there we go thanks alright looking good go ahead and all the bodies please urgently get him in the dirt sand whatever it looks like this door didn't get set to be rebuilt again I'm not sure why we'll just put him with manually that's fine that is part of home isn't it and a solar flare yeah we are a little vulnerable to solar flares but it's okay this stuff will die but it's not that big of a deal can we harvest any of it before it dies yeah actually quite a bit of it so if Hiroshi gets to it shouldn't you be set that to plant cutting no you're not actually Hiroshi whom I can't select there we go don't go for a walk don't Hall go cut plants what are you doing I don't have to do this manually honestly buddy you should know to do this right away okay well rip plants I guess whatever it's fine we've got plenty of stuff cued up they're gonna get pretty hungry until the power comes back on but that's not hugely problematic and there we go main power turn on should we build a proper bed for sandy I think we probably should yeah what do we have 40 of that I'm unlikely to get more of not much I guess I can use light leather that's okay there now we should be able to sleep in their belly buddy I need you just sleep in a room that's not quite so open I know that bad is pretty bad or this room rather is pretty bad but alas oh I forgot to turn this into a room um let's do that just like that it was still a lot of marble we do so just go ahead and build a copy there and then we can go ahead and put these beds back in here oh that's right I have to turn these for some reason like when they're guest beds a lot of this stuff the options disappear so let's just go ahead let's put that in here yep and then this can be our guest bedroom it's ugly but oh well there we go thanks for cleaning that up let's turn these back into gas pets and yeah that's fine right where it is all right cool and this room is still pretty bad but you know it's partially smooth now what we need now is steel and in gigantic quantities so let's keep that going up here you can just never have too much steel so go ahead and keep working on that guys how are we doing on research we're getting there it's going and then clips I don't care sandy are you eating some rice that's okay I've explicitly said that's okay actually here what if we set that as your bed will you go sleep in it come nightfall well it's already past nightfall but let's find out I would like to have you sleeping in our greenhouse because that seems oddly appropriate doesn't it Kelly what's wrong with you just lots of things Oh a man hunter pack a pack of man hunting arrow fleets okay oh that is quite a few of them and what are you exactly a small floating gelatinous creature propelled by the hydrogen collects from water and various plant matter these squishy creatures wander the lands aimlessly bouncing off of objects in their path one of the few rare creatures the strange there's no for human blood isn't that nice but but they are there they're out for our human blood right now okay they would be adorable as a pet but alas I can't because they're here to kill us all right well let's retreat behind our walls here I don't believe I have a zone set up correctly for bass actually I do okay let's get that expanded just a little yes and then everybody and the animals should all be restricted to base come on back in Oh fer Co you're way out there if it was just a couple I would try to go punch them after they sleep and they stop being Manhunter I think I'm gonna try to tame one a minimum of one because they look awesome look Sandy's sleeping in a bed good for her alright let's just make sure everything's okay it'll probably come beat on the door but their dps is really just laughably low i mean it's hilarious for example valley all by himself let's your melee dps at yeah 3.32 just with like a fist you don't even have this something sharp actually come equip something sharp is that the noise they should be making apparently alright belly when you're done eating why don't you go ahead and come work on this door now to signed a constructing outside base right i keep confusing these mines constructor yeah space needs to include that wall fercho repair well i assume they can't get through it okay good i was gonna say that wasn't looking good there for a few moments alright well just hang on the base for a while guys i guess when you get up in the morning come work on the floors and stuff because reasons because it'll give you something to do when you're trapped inside so there we go and smooth these walls too because those aren't gonna get taken out yeah third go do all that and then we'll move on from there and something caught on fire did one of them step on a trap and explode oh they're full of hydrogen rip traps all right Oh visitors that's not good um um we're gonna have to come rescue them aren't we yep we sure are um well I don't like this plan I don't like this plan at all yeah see running gun it's pretty cool are you guys still gonna come down here that's not a great idea there's a lot of baddies out here we go try to save them yeah I think I think we're gonna have to look at them all wrap and they're gonna explode when they die okay we're gonna have to go save Jude wrap this is not good let's see here can one of you I'm gonna unrestrictive can you go try to save Jude and oh jeez crap okay rescue Bell you're currently on fire which is less than ideal can we rescue Bianca who are you rescuing you're not rescuing anyone try to rescue Bianca and you're rescuing Belle and one of you is rescuing Jude rescue Jude we'll get to the fires aren't you supposed to be rescuing someone Belle rescue Aereo is there anyone else laying down oh crap there is one more guy okay who's not doing anything Hiroshi rescue D wouldn't mind these meals either but I'm more concerned about rescuing why do you guys keep forgetting what it is you're doing is it cuz I have you guys restricted still it probably is rescue and someone go back and rescue Jude it's because we only have one bad right of course let's actually set these as medical yep and now please rescue everybody rescue rescue rescue okay and then all their clothes are gonna get burned which is disappointing but it is what it is okay who's gonna die first let's see you're just super burned and you may die of an infection you're just super burned well you know I mean you're one of my colonists burned that's pretty bad that's gonna require some tending how about even though I care more about my colonists why don't I have you guys let's see here not Hiroshi unike you better come tend is they're gonna die pretty quick and then tend to yourself okay incapacitate a refugee whatever not my problem beli how badly hurt are you I didn't even check yeah just just some burns and stuff so nobody'll Rocher need you do not go crazy by the way are you doing inspired trade ok great well that was annoying it's really annoying having animals show off that explode right I just don't want all these burns to get infected so yeah ok for example jus it already has an infection ha okay well we'll do it we can and now Blanc has gotten infection yeah actually you know what [Music] why don't you come tend to our people first that's probably the best idea and then after that then tend to yourself and then go back and tend to them ok another infection guys are in a bad way but we'll do what we can they might die if they die they die so alas actually I think you better go tend to Jude I think Jude's got all these infections can ookay apologized well that's nice another infection Jude is gonna die yeah well when as I tried all right one more infection two more infections good god I wish you weren't infected that's not so good at least we're using real medicine on you so you'll be fine for sure Stream Break risk starvation yeah well we'll do it we can we're trying where are you would you come rest and just like relax a little and if you did not die fercho come clean in here this place is a mess thank you all right well this is less than ideal I hope our guests survive I'm not as concerned about them as that could be I'm a little concerned about them oh yeah I turn this off from the Eclipse I should turn that back on um I think you're gonna die from infections oh no you're fine and you're fine oh you guys are way fine well cool all right all right well let's let that tick over and hopefully everyone turns out okay all right so it looks like everybody is going to survive just checking through the infections here so that's pretty cool valleys in a pretty bad mood but that's to be expected he's that kind of a rough day told lies about you oh that's terrible okay but at this point let's go ahead and let's take a break so thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 138,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Rimworld, 1.0, Desert
Id: i4fCPnQVcJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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