r/IDOWorkHereLady - Smug New Employee INSULTS Me on His FIRST DAY! [It Gets Worse...]

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash i do work here lady where people mistake employees for regular joe schmoes guys i know i know it's been a while since i've read anything from the sub and today i'm diving back in due to popular demand by one person one person keeps spamming me over and over and over again to do this up so guys sit back relax and enjoy the stories my friends because they are ridiculous today oh and do hit that subscribe button if you're not subscribed to the channel let's dive in so the general situation i'm female pale skin blonde hair i work for a family business that does construction work for private residents i am the only female on the job boss is my dad and no i do not get coddled so at the time of the event i was 19 years old and working to pay for college we were working on a deck job in a state that's hot humid and was summer at the time my boss left to run some errands and i was alone to move lumber from the driveway to the back of the house now this deck was also getting a double level fireplace basically it's one fireplace on the dac and another below all connected no idea how it works but one of the few jobs we don't do is masonry so the mason we'll call him joel comes by with his crew of four men three of them i recognize if not know by name joel says hi and asks where my dad is me currently holding a 2 by 12 by 16 stringer says he's running errands but he says you guys could do what you need let me know if the lumber's in your way he says no worries then i assume he directs the other guys on what the job is now all the guys i know aren't bothering to look at me other than the initial hello and are getting around to work the fourth guy however has been staring at me the whole time with a look on his face the kind of look that says i have something i want to ask oh boy so being a girl in the trade i know that look but usually i get it from guys in the 50s and 60s it was weird that the guy looked to be the same age as me now i take my lumber and stack it in the pile i'd been building up before heading back for more of my workouts then the guy i don't know steps in front of me and says hey how old are you i told him i'm 19 and try to move around him and he asked what are you doing now at this point i think he's a little dense because it should be obvious what i'm doing i told him i'm moving lumber closer to the deck and the saw he asked why for the deck he looks like he's building up to something but i'm getting a little impatient because it's hot i feel gross and i don't particularly want to be answering personal questions to a guy that i just met he again asked why i told him so i can pay for school once again i try to get around and again he blocks me he suddenly gets a surprised pikachu face and said you work here i told him yeah the same thing you should be doing this time he's too stunned to stop me and i walk around him and then i hear the other guys laughing at him my friend i love this comment right here and it's exactly what i was thinking when i read the story this person says you work here no i just like to carry wood around in stupid degree heat i also love that opie answered with yup and you should be working too way to shut him down op way to shut him down so i work at a somewhat large gas station our normal uniform is a pair of black pants and a bright polo with the store logo so it was a pretty cold day yesterday and i was wearing my hoodie because the store is built very cheap and isn't insulated i was sitting in the chair for a couple of minutes by the eating area because there was nobody in the store when i saw carpool in so i went back behind the counter in comes delusional lady she walks up to my counter and said um excuse me where's the cashier i told her you're looking at him what can i do for you she says i come here every morning and i've never seen you i just saw you walk from that table to behind the counter you don't even have a uniform now the reason that's relevant is because i always work late evenings so i've never seen this lady in my life i said oh i'm sorry about that i actually do work here it's just cold in here and the heat doesn't really work so i took off my hoodie to prove to her that i did in fact work here showing her my polo with the store logo she then pulled out her phone as two other customers walked in and she told them this guy doesn't work here i think he's stealing i'm calling the police now she said that as she walked off to the sitting area and dialed the police meanwhile i guess the two other people realized that she was an idiot and let me ring them up she watched the entire time and when they arrived she told the police that i was pocketing money and could be dangerous we ended up having to call my manager to the store to explain that i did in fact work there they let her off with a warning and banned her from the store the police would not let the store stay open for the entire hour it took the manager to get there i was never detained as it was obvious i worked there but they insisted on talking to the manager and did i mention i'm the assistant manager ugh okay okay so just to recap this woman accused somebody that she's never seen work there before as a thief she then proceeded to call the police on the phone and the whole time she was on the phone she talked out loud accusing opf stealing money and potentially being dangerous i don't know if this lady was ballsy or or dumb because if that was a real thief and he was armed and dangerous that could have gone pretty wacky but hey karen's are the bravest people on earth they're not scared of anybody i'm a volunteer search and rescue canine handler and my dogs are all pitbulls i've been in search and rescue for 11 years now and never really had much of an issue every once in a while we do come across someone who doesn't understand what we do but after a few minutes of explaining it people change their attitudes and even get excited because we allow them to follow us and see what we're doing yesterday i was working my younger dog who's almost ready to certify we're working 20 acres of private property out of the 600 acres available to use so my dog is off leash has three collars on him and is searching wonderfully i'm watching my dog and i can tell he has human scent he's working around a large wood pile about a hundred yards from me when he takes off over a ridgeline a few minutes later he comes back and jumps on me which is how he tells me he's found someone i start to follow him when i hear a lady yelling by this time my dog has come back again and told me again that he's found somebody still running behind my dog i come around a corner and there's karen in all her glory swinging a hiking pole at my dog i give my dog tons of praise i mean there's a lady screaming at him and waving a scary pull in his face and he didn't care at all he did his job very well and that's what i want to see in my search and rescue dogs karen says um this area is private property it's not enough leash area he could have attacked me why are you letting your dog off leash i told her i'm sorry ma'am i'm with search and rescue and we have permission to train our dogs off leash karen responds no no dogs are allowed off leash your dog is dangerous i told her ma'am you're on private property my dog is training to find missing people karen then whips out her phone and starts to record me saying you think this behavior is acceptable i told her yeah as a matter of fact this is his job so long story short karen demands to speak to my supervisor well how my team works is we have senior members we technically have one person in charge of the whole team but we're considered supervisors and in charge of everything we have full rights to speak on behalf of the team dismiss people for dangerous behavior make decisions etc i told her i am the supervisor and she says there's someone above you i told her actually no there isn't i'm sorry you're upset but what happened is what my dog is supposed to do she told me that i should ask people before i let my dog run up to them and i said you are trespassing on private property you shouldn't be here karen then asked for my name and i told her you don't need that karen then turns to the two men that were with me and takes photos of them and my dog who is still off leash she asked them do you approve of this what are your names both guys shrugged and said she's the one in charge then finally karen huffed off yelling and my dog got back to work to find the guy that was hidden 20 feet away from where this whole thing took place later she ran into the rest of the senior members and had words about how my dog charged at her acted very aggressive and how i gave him treats for that behavior they also tried to explain it to her and she told them to hush oh and our dogs don't wear a vest while working because where we are has tons of underbrush and some of our dogs have gotten seriously injured wearing vests opie does share a picture of the dog mentioned in the story and the dog looks like an absolute sweetheart probably out there ready to save lives at this very moment very very cool job op so i used to work at a nightclub for many years as a side gig the club had a lot of pretty diverse events but every saturday night was one of the biggest parties in the city so it brought out the basics in droves just your regular young city dwellers or bridge hoppers flocking to get their groove on this place would get packed it was like squeezing through a sardine can pact so packed that often people couldn't dance they just sat there smashed up against each other and sort of wiggling a bit at least back in its heyday so one of my jobs was to tend to the bathrooms it was disgusting but that chore needed to be done on busy saturday nights honestly that part of the job alone i have several tales of woe from there were more than a few bathrooms and this one was a single stall on the top floor this one always had a line and had the most issue as people liked its privacy to do all sorts of things you can imagine people doing during a raging party anyway i marched my merry butt up the stairs fighting the crowd back as best i could to refill toilet paper and as usual there was quite a line now i'm not only in uniform with a radio hanging off my butt with cleaning towels etc but my arms were full of toilet paper i tried to communicate to the line as best i could over blaring music and endless screaming that i needed to go next so they'd have the ability to wipe their butt if needed even though the line was filled with wobbly club goers pretty desperate to use the toilet they seem to understand except for this one chick she was very basic like you'd hire her to stand as an extra in a gap commercial she was young blonde and otherwise forgettable though attractive for sure immediately she was irate and started to yell that i couldn't cut the line while i'm trying to assure her drunk butt that i'll just be two seconds since all i had to do was put down toilet paper and wipe a surface the door opened i immediately rushed in and the lady tried to follow me into the single stall bathroom excuse me she's losing her mind and i got pretty scared so i quickly started to shut the door careful not to close her in at the same time and lock it i radio security for help and wait i didn't think anything more of it because clubs are crazy and stuff like this always happens on the regular but later i'm outside on break and who do i see little miss basic in handcuffs she'd been set down on the curb by police for assaulting security and she's crying saying i didn't hit anyone i was asked to fill out a statement and security told me what she did to them so once they arrived upstairs at her freaking out on the bathroom door they pulled her away and tried to calm her down instead of calming down and listening to reason she decided to put up a fight they started to escort her out when she went feral and started to hit them on their heads mostly going for their faces and leaving a huge scratch near the head of the security's eye it took everything in me not to die laughing when they hauled the little lady off for assaulting two people i'm also really glad that i got her out of the bathroom before she got to me too hey man they don't call it liquid courage for nothing guys i've seen my fair share of drunk people picking fights with bouncers and security and it never ever ends well the last thing you want to do is claw at security's face oh my god what was she thinking so a little background my father owns a telecommunications repair company and before that he worked in the industry for years and since i hated daycare i spent every summer helping him learn to weld rig cell phone tower antennas stuff like that by the time i was 19 and dropped out of college i decided to get my certification and ask my dad for a job well he got a huge contract and hired five brand new guys with myself and another veteran that's been working with him for years so i end up with this massive idiot who got fired from multiple different physical therapy clinics and is now 40 years old and unhirable by any other industry he also has a massive superiority complex because he has a bachelor's and that somehow makes him a better tradesman than i so on to the story we're on our first site on the first day of the job for a major client taking down old antennas and putting up new ones the crew lead and i drive up to the site after morning meetings at the hotel with my dad and we've brought lunch for everyone i dropped the sandwiches in the server room and go over to the idiot who's using a trailer hitch winch to haul a brand new antenna up the tower to the other guys who are 700 feet up at the top waiting to install it he's got the antenna about 150 feet up at this point and i said hey man i think you've got your fasteners on backwards so a little note the fasteners have to be perfect because the higher the antenna gets the more wind there is and the more tension on the winch if they're on backwards they aren't doing their job and he says they're fine i told them no they're definitely backwards he told me i said they're fine go home bootlicker i told them no they're backwards and by the time it gets up there the winch is going to slip and that antenna is going to drop you've got to bring it back down to fix it he then says to me i don't have to do a god damn thing for someone who's half my age and couldn't make it through a year of college the only reason you're here is that you're daddy's kid and you can't make it in the real world right as he finishes the sentence i hear the winch crack so i grab the guy and run both of us into the server shelter while the winch flies out of the hitch mount and the antenna drops like a rock under the truck carving straight through the cab and into the ground underneath i said to him ah so you can't rig right and you don't have the common sense to put the pin in to secure the winch to the truck he then argued that there's no way that it was his fault and i said not only is it your fault but now i get to explain to both osha and our insurance how we managed to damage over seventy thousand dollars in equipment and thirty thousand dollars in our clients equipment in the first day on the job so i spent the rest of the day calling osha my dad our insurance and my mother to make sure all the right reports get filed and all of our asses are covered on all bases at the end of the day the reports are finished and my dad calls me up and tells me to fire the guy for negligence so i go up to him and say hey you're being let go i'm sorry but this incident is something we can't afford to happen again and since it was obvious he cuts me off and says you can't fire me i told him i'm pretty sure i can let you go my dad told me to and if you don't believe him go talk to him he then responds by saying let's go talk to the boss right now at this time it's about 4 pm we drive 3 hours we interrupt to my family's dinner and then sit there smugly on the couch in my dad's home office while he literally screams at the guy for costing him a hundred thousand dollars and maybe a lost contract and basically tells the guy that he's filing a civil suit for negligence since i specifically came to him and told him that he was doing something incorrectly the guy says what does he know he's just a kid my dad responds i taught him how to rig a winch when he was 8 years old and he did it right you're a 40 year old man who managed to crush an entire truck get out of my house oh my god this story is so crazy definitely grounds to get canned after that big accident i can't believe the guy tried to argue that he shouldn't be fired after an accident that big and the way he talks to the owner's son like he doesn't give a care in the world ugh good luck finding a job somewhere else buddy and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash i do work here lady guys we made it if you enjoyed the stories today do hit that subscribe button if you're not subscribed and if you missed the last episode i will link it right here check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 232,754
Rating: 4.9564323 out of 5
Keywords: Idwhl, I do work here lady, Reddit stories, Reddit idwhl, darkfluff i do work here, i do work here stories, i do work here lady stories, reddit i do work here, reddit stories, reddit i dont work here lady, reddit funny stories, manager, i do work here lady im the owner, reddit top posts, r/idoworkherelady, idoworkherelady, reddit idoworkhere, r/idowork, idowork, r//, i am the owner, fired employee, fired employee revenge
Id: X0ulMKQmfEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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