r/IDoWorkHereLady - POLICE CALLED, but I'm 18...

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to daily dose reddit this is your host that just got battle for bikini bottom rehydrated and is waiting for the spongebob squarepants movie game remake because that's a gem zach and today subreddit azar slash i do work your lady this story's called bro vid stories these next couple stories are about the same issue at the grocery store I work at I am a cashier at a large Dutch supermarket branch blue and white colors it's a long one strap yourselves with bro vid going gone we have implemented a couple of rules such as mandatory shopping cart use one per person so we can count how many people are in the store there's a limit with bro vid and everyone keeps distance automatically we try to enforce this as best as we can and point it out to everyone who walks into the store without a shopping cart you have to insert a coin into the carts to unlock them so you can use them but we have decided to unlock them all for easier use people didn't know that at first so they're usually pretty pissed when trying to walk into the store and getting called by the person behind the service desk which is right next to the entrance and facing it to go grab a carts and they notice they don't have any coins on them to have it turned out that they're all unlocked people who come to the store with their partners or only come to buy a couple of onions or something usually get pissed too because everyone needs to grab a cart they complain about not meeting a cart because they only need one item or their partner already has one but that doesn't matter because everyone needs to have a cart before entering the store our cards are placed a couple of meters outside the store underneath a little roof thingy you can't miss it you basically walk past it when entering the store we enforce this as best as we can and people get pissed regularly this is important story one one time when I was just heading back home and walked past all the registers I saw from afar that at all 40 ish year old black man which is the type that only buys beer grumpy and unfriendly stands in line and pushes his cart to the side of the aisle intending to leave it there to not have to bother with putting it back he was standing pretty close to other customers definitely within one and a half metres distance if he had the carts that wouldn't have been the case hence the following conversation I had already changed out of my work uniform by this time we cashiers often have to clean up carts people leave behind and don't bother to put back because right now there's no incentive to put it back to get your coin out this really frustrates us because we have other things to do and it's clear where to put your cart I saw this and still being in the customer service mindset and to help my fellow cashier still working I decided to say something about it I walked up to him and said sir would you please take your cart with you in line please the rules aren't there for nothing the cashiers here then also have to bother cleaning your stuff up because you're too lazy to bring that cart back and they're already really busy complete silence the dude just looks past me and ignores completely what I'm saying he definitely knows I'm talking to him I'm basically looking in his eyes at this point he tries his best not to look at me sir I know you can hear me can you please take that cart back and take it with you like any other regular person would everyone else has to abide by these rules and so do you still getting ignored mind you I'm not small either I'm about 192 centimeters or six foot three for those from a superior nation and definitely don't look scrawny the other people in line start to pay attention to what's going on and the line was getting longer it was about 8:00 p.m. close to closing time so there was only one register open sir I work here I'm not saying this for no reason pick up your carts or I will have you removed from the store for violating store broken regulations he finally looked at me because he heard I work here and met me with a barrage of commands oh so you work here well why don't you open another register I want to get served now luckily for me the one sitting behind the register at that point joins in on the conversation while helping another customer to clear the line me and him are the only two male cashiers at that store and happened to be working at the same time at that moment even more lucky there was a supervisor standing at the service desk at that point also mail in both the side of the chip in us three didn't take crap and finally got him to take his cart and stand back in line he kept arguing about how it was busy and I have to open another register for him while we were telling him that we're not gonna do that and he still has to follow the rules we set in place these details are a bit hazy so I got a bit fed up and just wanted to head home so I headed for the service desk thank the backup and left I heard from my co-workers that he finally shut up paid for his beer still left his cart and left the store unfortunately he didn't get banned he thought he could intimidate me but ended up getting bashed by me with the help from my coworkers we're Dutch so pretty straightforward customer is king is not really a thing gear rules are rules story two and three they're very similar I was heading home after a shift and to do so you have to walk through the store to get outside I decided to grab a couple of snacks on the way out we don't have to grab a cart because we have the employee privilege that we can skip the line and pay at the service desk which is next to the exit besides we have to come from inside so it would be too much of a hassle to go all the way to the other side of the store go outside grab a cart go inside again grab snacks and go stand in line which we don't have to do which we could have done while on our way outside anyway anyway I was grabbing a couple of snacks for later that evening I was walking around the store keeping distance from everyone that passed a few moments later a woman walks past and says to me hey young man you know that you have to use a cart while shopping right I answer I know ma'am I work here and I just got done with my shift the woman apologizes we had a laugh together and we moved on not quite the Karen's story but it still fits kinda another time it was during my shift so I was wearing my company outfit a couple of loud kids maybe around 15 years old walked into the store with carts luckily just before them a co-worker of mine enters a store to go to work so she obviously didn't bring a card these kids were ranting and yelling next to me about how they get yelled at for not getting a cart we don't yell at people only raise our voice to get their attention when they don't hear us but she could get inside without getting a card and that it's bullcrap screw that etc I walked up to them and said guys she works here now keep it down please oh oops these last two stories weren't as entertaining but still thought they fit this subreddit edit three extra info about paying for carts the fact that you have to pay to use carts is a regular thang year in Europe at least it is in the Netherlands in Germany you don't really pay for a cart but you insert a coin and it unlocks a chain when you come back from the store it's an incentive to bring your cart back so you can get your coin out of the cart most people have a coin that's usually given out by the stores that unlock the carts that's like a keychain and doesn't have any real value besides that you don't have to pay for those they're given out for free I like carts that are like that Aldi has those I think they also have ghost pepper cheese and that was pretty good I'm really happy that these businesses are taking it at least somewhat seriously um because despite the lack of media coverage the pandemic is getting worse than ever we actually got the biggest spike in new cases just the other day so yeah it's still happening guys this story's called lady claims I'm a safety hazard at my own job so obviously the expected I might matter with a mad at grammar if I'm adding lines blah blah and this is my very first post for context I'm a teen female and just started at a big chain auto parts store even though I know little to nothing about vehicles and how to fix them family member got me in but I'm getting by fairly well and haven't had a complaint about my advice yet so fingers crossed even though I'm 18 I'm very short 5 foot even and have a big baby face so I often get mistaken for being 12 despite having pastel pink hair and a nose piercing I'm sorry what have you seen 12 year olds in the holidays anyway sorry here's the cast entitled Bench coworker I was closing with that night me story sorry it's a long one till they're at the bottom so this happened last week when I was stocking and facing shelves about half an hour before closing as it's mandatory to have the store fully stocked and eat before leaving for the night our stores equip each location with very tall rolling ladders clearly marked employees only to help safely stock heavy parts on higher shelves it was late so there was barely anyone in the store so I was stocking the top shelves where we keep our carwash supplies when I noticed this lady dressed in high-end business clothes something you don't see here very often she keeps staring at me I finally ask her if there's anything I can help her find in the following conversation ensues young lady you know those ladders are for employees only right I was a bit confused cuz I was literally stocking shelves and had the employee uniform on with my name stitched on it company policy yes ma'am I work here I just started a few weeks ago I point to the logo on my work shirt entitled bench looks me up and down aren't you a little young to be walking here I thought they didn't high until 18 I am 18 my birthday was in January and I just started here broccoli salad you get down from there right now before I get you kicked out for lying and playing on store equipment startled I tell her no I work here I'm doing my job and attempt to go buy two stocking the shelves when she grabs my ankle and tries to pull me off a six-foot ladder keep in mind these ladders are as old as the store and aren't the most sturdy so I grip the handles and pray it doesn't fall over while I yell at her to leave me alone no you shouldn't be up there you could get hurt ironic I know at this point my coworker hears the commotion and comes out the back to see what's going on she walks around the corner to see me shaking my leg trying to get out of her death grip before the ladder falls over and trying not to cry or pee myself as I'm terribly afraid of heights ma'am what are you doing stop she could fall she shouldn't even be up there she doesn't walk here while she was distracted I quickly shake my ankle out of her death grip and speed down the ladder and over to my coworker Heights a man she be banned from the store for being disruptive and a safety hazard ma'am she works here we just hired her two weeks ago then prove it show me her sketch will answer ID now first of all I'm not showing you my schedule so you can come here and harass me secondly I'm not showing you my ID I don't have anything to prove to you please leave before I call the police oh I'll gladly call the police she pulls out her phone and dials 911 at this point I'm so shaken up and tired and just want to go home so coworker sends me to the back to try and finish up my duties before we close about ten minutes later the police show up and entitled bench starts screaming about how I was being a safety hazard and kicked her in the face the police look at me and again assume I'm only 12 until my coworker explains to them what actually happened the police request the security footage which we happily showed them of course it got entitled bench physically harassing me and she started yelling that she was only looking out for my safety and did nothing wrong obviously the cops didn't buy it and told her that if she was truly concerned for my safety she should have taken it up with the manager on duty instead of physically harassing an employee they escorted her out where she continued screaming I told them I did not want to press charges since she probably didn't live near here anyways it's a fairly small town and and everyone knows everyone type of deal and I'd never seen her before it's been about a week since the incident and I haven't seen her since thankfully but I think it's safe to say I may not last long in this business I'm still working during the whole bro vat19 cuz our store was declared an essential business and I've got a few more stories like this if you all want more ha care and logic is like rescuing a fish from drowning and before you smartypants has come out here and say this AGG fish can suffocate or drown or whatever you want to call it underwater and the water doesn't have enough oxygen in it I am aware because I am a marine biologist that's actually a lie but I do know this story's called you're not allowed to work here so a customer said something to me last night that brought this to mind and I thought I'd share this happened about three years ago I had just been moved to primary third shift at my store and at the time there were only two white people working there the manager and me okay I'm more of a mutt than white but I hadn't seen the Sun for two months so I was kind of pasty and this wasn't racist hiring practice this is a relatively accurate cross-section of our area as part of my job when a customer enters the store I have to call out welcome to company also employees wore at the time dress code has been loosened a little bit company issued polo shirts in khaki pants with a nametag front and center on the shirt where it can be easily read this will be important later the way my store is set up there is a strip of floor between the roller grill counter and the counter that the frozen drinks soda fountain and coffee machines are on this is a strip of floor that always needs mop because customers tend to think that it's a shortcut and somehow always managed to spill drinks there I was mopping this strip of floor which meant I was hidden from the doors a customer came in on her cellphone and I heard her laugh and say as she walked in I'm not racist I pop up for mopping and chirp I always try to sound happy regardless of what I feel welcome to company hold on the woman said as she pulled the phone away from her face she was black she pointed to me what are you doing here confused I said I work here how may I help you now what she told me firmly you're not allowed to work here I was even more confused of course I was allowed to work there I had been hired by the company no I really do work here no she said again I was here this morning and everyone who works here is black oh I said as enlightenment dawn I'm not always the sharpest tool in the shed no I work here the only colour company cares about his money oh no no this is not acceptable I'm going to fix this right now she turned and left I have no idea what she intended to do to fix it but I never heard anything more about it okay so it's unfortunate that she feels that way because wait don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 37,704
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes, r/IDoWorkHereLady
Id: n1oorXOQZ1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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