r/IDoWorkHereLady - I was SECRETLY The Owner

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today's subreddit desire slash I do work here lady all right this story is called be nice to everyone they might own the place here's the cast there's me new receptionist backstory I own a portfolio of five different businesses that have little in common with each other they are all service based and three of them are public facing and in different areas of the state in which I live given that the businesses all operate under separate names provide separate services and are located in separate offices buildings but Etc I tend to allow the managers for each location hire clerical staff without me meeting them first this largely works out to everyone's benefit as I don't have to drive several hours to approve a new receptionist and it doesn't take time away from my staff or the new hire one of my business happens to be involved with medical testing and is the farthest from my home at about three hours away so I only make trips out there if I have to shortly before bro that hit I only drove out the medical testing office to pick up some papers and to meet the new receptionist that had been hired a few days prior I asked the manager in charge of that office to send me the new hire's name and some background info so I can introduce myself without not knowing anything about them I pulled up to the office around 5 45 pm and walked up to the check-in counter where the new receptionist was sitting before I could say anything let alone introduce myself new receptionist says we are about to close so you need to come back later I thought new receptions was joking and I kind of chuckled and waited for new receptionist to laugh too your receptionist said are you a crackhead or something I sad wear clothes while I try to keep in mind that I don't know what is going on in someone's life to cause them to be in a bad mood I also don't want new receptionists or any of my staff to speak to anyone in that manner this is the conversation between new receptionist and I that followed do you speak to customers that way yeah when you people come in late like you own the plays I do you do what I own this place I show her the badge that states I'm the owner I'd like to see you in my office now new receptionist eyes got very wide as she watched me swipe my badge thus unlocking the door that leads from the lobby to the staff area I passed the manager's office and told her to follow me to my office which she did the manager new receptionist and I sat down in my office and I explained the situation to the manager I then explained to new receptionists that our office gets people from all walks of life and in all types of situations and that I don't tolerate any of my staff speaking to people in such a manner when they are representing my business this I asked the manager to draft termination papers while I had a final check made out to a new receptionist when we settled all the formalities of firing new receptionist I handed her the check which she grabbed out of my hand and tried to storm out of the building however by the time we finished it was past six o'clock P.M which is when the office closes in the front door automatically locks and requires an employee badge to unlock as such when new receptionists tried to open the door it was locked and when she tried to swipe her badge the little red light just blinked because her badge was no longer active the manager ended up having to swipe her badge to let new receptionist out to which new receptionist mumbled thanks and left yikes um jeez I don't know what to say uh just bad move on the receptionist part man bad move move also good move on op's part for you know recognizing a bad uh it's you know you get what I'm saying all right this story is called no ma'am I am not impersonating myself I am definitely me the story of karma slash revenge against a very angry woman in a chip store chip shop sorry uh Ship Store I don't know why that's so much funnier than a chip shop it's the difference between a shop and a store is that shops uh they make the stuff what am I just Normie I think I'm dummy I posted this in another sub but it was directed here as a cross post and thought you might enjoy this story too this one takes place on a late afternoon shift just before the dinner rush so we had a manager and two servers including myself an important note for the story is that I used to have my hair dyed a bright blue color for a lot of my time working at the shop but it recently tied it back to Natural Brown as I was making uni applications and it was generally seriously high maintenance when you had to wash it every day as the color ran out way too fast so we're all going about our business taking orders and getting ready for the dinner rush this lady comes in with their kids now she's a regular not a friendly regular but we typically see her a few times a week I'd take her order and my colleagues starts making up her food as I'm packing it up she seems annoyed so I ask if everything is okay with the order is I'm concerned I've made a mistake and would rather Rectify it then and there she Sighs and tells me that it's fine but she misses having her hair taken by the girl with the blue hair as she was much faster and politer than me and asked me if she still worked there and what day she works my service has not changed I'm still doing my job the same as usual the only difference is my dyed hair I am also the only one with unnatural colored hair so she is definitely talking about me now as well as being able to tell for my face as most of our hair is covered by a hat anyway who I am we also wear name tags our names come up on the register when we take orders and they print on the receipts as a way of identifying who took an order in the event of a problem so I say thank you so much for the compliment that's actually me I just dyed my hair but I appreciate the comments on my service this time and will try to improve I've got another seven hours left on this shift I am super polite as the last thing I want to do is for this woman to kick off right before the dinner rush when I'm still stuck here all night she goes nuts telling me that I am committing fraud that she's gonna have me fired and possibly arrested and even try to rope my colleague in to admit I'm lying at which point they slip out back to locate the manager who is cooking could I claim that I with my terrible service is the lovely girl who usually served her her kids are there also trying to insist I'm clearly the same person but she just keeps pushing them out of the way and yelling that Mommy is handling this I do not have the energy for this crap I try apologizing I even offer her a free drink for the inconvenience just to get her out of the store she's not having it and asks for my manager he's been standing at the back with my co-worker literally pissing himself with laughter at this woman for the last two minutes but puts on his customer service face and comes over she starts demanding that I'm fired he just lets her ran for a while then asks if she happens to have a receipt from a previous transaction with the girl she wanted to be served by she pulls one out of her bag triumphantly literally with a flourish thinking she's got her way and proved me to be the scoundrel she thinks I am it has my name at the top clear as day he points to my name tag and has her read out the name on the receipt and the name on the tag she gets super flustered but is way too far gone now to admit her mistake starts claiming I've stolen someone else's tag and that she'll have me arrested for identity theft my manager at that point is totally done and tells her to get out and don't come back without a better attitude for the next nine months I worked there as we're the best slash own only fast food place in the local area she stands outside sending her very embarrassed kids in twice a week so they can still get a takeaway and of course it's England in the winter it rains a lot oh man imagine imagine being so hard-headed that's a really funny mistake though like that could have become a nice friendship you know what I'm saying like oh my God I remember like when I when I thought that you are a different person and I accused you of fraud oh I am so glad I stopped taking painkillers with my toothpaste this story is called Dead End shortcut in the early 90s I was working at a cab company in a small city names have been changed our terminal was located in the middle of the block with a lot running from the alley in the rear to the street out front we had parking for cabs up front and along one side with two lanes for calves in service we pulled on to the lot from the alley and always pulled forward onto the street cabs were dispatched out in the order they arrived at the lot city ordinance was if weren't actively going to get or had passengers we were not allowed on the street yes my city is a bit odd in some aspects it was a bit of a slow day when I get to the lot there are three cars already there just after I pull in and stop a guy and a brand new caddy pulls in next to me and he is on his cell phone at this time cell phones were fairly rare another driver pulls in behind me and the shift manager pulled in by behind the caddy and stopped we had all gotten out of our cars and were chatting about various events the manager referred to as Bob was still in his car watching the guy in the caddy just as soon as the Ken in the caddy got off the phone he starts honking his horn and screaming to move the cabs out of his way we looked at Bob and he just shakes his head no the Ken is screaming worse now telling us how important he is and that we were stopping him from getting to a meeting that involved a million dollar project we looked at Bob and he explained to Ken that it was a private lot and he should have paid attention to where he was going the guy yelled at Bob that it's an alley Bob told him that since when does an alley have a gas pump on it and point it to the pump we used to fill up after shift the guy started yelling that he was gonna call the police and that he knew the chief the owner of the company was a retired chief of detectives Ken was told that he had acted reasonably which he had not that and we would have moved our cabs out of his way but since he wanted to be an ass we gave him an attitude adjustment my boss told him that since we leave the lot in the order we arrived he would have to wait his turn he grumply said okay not knowing what we were fairly sure would happen on a beautiful day which was not much by the time he found himself in a position to be able to leave he had been waiting for two and a half hours he missed his meeting good that guy's a jerk ah guys there's so much that can be solved by just being polite um but there are other things that being polite will just get you in a deeper hole so you gotta know when to be polite and when to be a jerk but most the time it's better to be polite and if you don't know when you should be a jerk it probably shouldn't be a jerk ever because I mean that can get you in way more trouble than being polite if you do it the wrong time alright this story is called I have a ticket it but I also participated in your training this story happened pre-grove it I worked at an entertainment venue that brings in tens of thousands of people for events there are multiple ticket options from your standard ticket to premium and very premium options I hold a senior level role that allows me to go into almost any area of the venue with my badge badges are color coded and my badge is the rarest employee badge color hey oh some roles require badges to be displayed at all times my role does not oh but I do wear it sometimes and always show it to enter restricted areas when I'm working I also do not wear a uniform this guy's got it made way too Mass hiring to staff the venue and when we do we host training days where they have people in roles like mine come and talk to the new hires I play a fairly large role in the training so new hires see me several times in my picture is in some of the materials to be clear I do not expect seasonal employees to remember me but most recognize me even if they don't know exactly who I am I was attending an events as a guest with a friend not as an employee I had my badge with me because the nature of my role means that I'm technically always working but I was accessing the venue with my tickets not badge I had tickets to one of our higher level premium areas and this happens not long after our Mass hiring trainings I answered my ticketed area using my ticket to get to this area I had to show my ticket to enter the venue and then two more times to get into the specific area I noticed an employee watching me and my friend we were just standing and chatting not doing anything extraordinary the employee kept walking by slowly and occasionally would stop someone else to gesture towards me as they seem to talk about me they were staring in my Direction gesturing towards me and talking to each other finally the employee walked towards me and said I need to see your tickets this is not how employees are trained to approach people they think are in the wrong area I grab my tickets and extend it towards him he rudely grabs it out of my hand turns around and starts walking away he gets a couple steps stops turns around and hands them back and then walks off while mumbling thanks again this is not at all how employees are trained to deal with this I could have shown my badge and put a stop to the whole thing but I wanted to see what was going to happen even though at this point he's verified my ticket he continues to watch me popping his head into our specific area walking Slowly by us while staring Etc I couldn't figure out if he thought we didn't belong fake tickets or if he thought we would misbehave and damage the space a little bit later a manager in his reporting chain comes by and I point him out to her and let her know that I expect him to stop and he needs to be retrained I guess she spoke to him because I did not see him again the rest of the night he ended up being reassigned to a non-premium area which is the same pay but is generally considered a demotion oh man someone's gotta whip these kids into shape swear to God this new generation they think they're hot crap don't they don't they my man yeah see wheel we older fellas we get it we get it all right this story is called I met you earlier because I do work here this was a couple of days ago when I was working at our state election issuing voting ballots I can understand why this man thought I was a voter but we met hours earlier prior to voting booth being open my supervisor sent me off for a morning tea break so I removed my Smock and name tag to go enjoy some coffee as I started walking back in this other worker asked what electorate I was Voting in which electorate are you voting I met you earlier yes what a loctric are you voting I work here just had my break and I'm coming back in we met earlier oh my God so sorry he laughed I told him it was okay okay and mentions I took off my Spock so maybe that made it confusing we had a good laugh about his mistake at least our cheery attitudes for the rest of the day helped make the voters more relaxed he had it just to clarify I apply to work every election so the workers change from time to time I work in the private sector for my usual job that's such a cute story and thank you for helping out with the voting that's so I don't know I'm doing that voice it's really nice really cool very nice um vote you should vote even though it's way too late to vote you should still do it I'm sure they'll appreciate the sentiment don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 4,462
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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