r/IDoWorkHereLady - I ENDED this lady's WHOLE career...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host that is going to eat some sushi today zach today subreddits are slash i do work here lady all right this story's called don't judge just talk so i've posted before and this will be my second post so yay me anyways uh introductions i think my name is mooney not my real name but i use it a lot and a lot of friends call me that now english is my native language but i also speak german fluently so i apologize but a lot of this is just translation in my head so i do profoundly apologize if my writing seems off anyways to the story now as i mentioned before in the r slash i don't work here lady i am doing an apprenticeship in carpentry but have a lot of side jobs for my income as well which all have great stories i think or i just like the sound of my own voice so it could be that too i try not to exaggerate and keep it all down to earth now back to the story i also work as a photographer and did have a few gigs here and there model agencies brands weddings just random stuff with good pay i think keeps me afloat with my expensive hobby anyway i had this client who messaged me on instagram asking for a meeting for a photo shoot for herself daughter and friend so i of course said sure i'm free on thursday and we arranged the time and the normal stuff for it now i was quite scruffy and had to rush since i was in the workshop and still had my work clothes on me and had no time to change no i still can't drive nor is it that important in germany since you can get anywhere on public transport well nearly anywhere now i arrived in the photo studio which kinda is mine now since i've rented it out so much this lady comes in and here it goes here's the cast there's me obviously karen the entitled woman who thinks she's better than anyone model agents who i know quite well now model who i'm good friends with story so i set up the meeting with chairs and a table and some water then she walked in well walking is a bit of an extreme word she kinda strutted in like she owned the place hello miss karen you're here for the meeting right of course but who are you i'm meeting with a professional photographer not a low worker i knew he was gonna be late what was i thinking on taking my daughter's advice teenagers nowadays i guess i nod silently listening to a ranting and i softly reply um i'm the photographer miss you see you as if boy you may want to get your mental health checked because the photographer i'm meeting you couldn't afford and no way he would wear something like that she pointed my clothes what are you a wannabe photographer as if kinda upset because i love my work and always feel very very insecure about all of that stuff um as i was saying i got off my work and couldn't change clothes i'm your photographer for i don't believe you i want to speak to your boss have him fire you yes you see i'm a very famous model and she couldn't get another sentence out as the door opened up again and modeling agent and model came in both quite famously known around my area and greeted me politely you know this scruffy dude why yes he's my friend and photographer him a photographer that i don't laugh i mean look at him i mean look at him all scruffy and dirty i mean look at me i'm a bloody model from xyz model agency i earn good money and don't need my time wasted by this insolent child yes i agree with her i am a child i guess i shaved my little beard i had off the day before since it was itching and people always tell me with a beard i look like 23 and without it i look 15. i'm 18 so i get it but still rude right miss i work at xyz model agency and i've definitely never seen you around he is one of the best photographers we have sure he may not look the part but he has talent me of course being me starts blushing because i can't take compliments at all as if i know the owner of model agency it will have all three of you sacked i was sweating bullets now if i got sacked from this agency i'd lose a lot of my income and i know the owner as well and all his friends and since i'm the owner i definitely don't know you then it started the shouting which frightens the hell out of me most models and friends co-workers etc know i get into a nervous wreck when they're shouting so the model started comforting me whilst the modeling agent started glaring at the woman you are not the owner and i know him i am his girlfriend and karen couldn't speak further as modeling agent flowered at her are you saying i'm cheating on my wife if you do not believe me then here is my business card but now get the hell out of here we will not ever hire you and i for sure know he won't take your contract he points at me because you're a rude bimbo impolite and a menace now out the modeling agent thrusts his business card out to her showing her the photo of himself on the car and then pointing at the door the woman started sputtering but left is this the end of the story no after all that ordeal i got comforted by them and they said they'll do the business meeting some other time a few days have passed and i go back to work in carpentry as i was sanding something down we heard a cough at the entrance of the workshop well well look here it's karen again now since i'm on very good terms with my boss and we tell each other stories i told him the story on what happened and i started shaking my boss saw this and looked at her and then at me he had the look of this here and i nodded slowly and nervous a lump forming in my throat because well i already knew what was happening so he went over to karen and well all hell broke loose in a quiet manner to start with here's the cast there's me of course karen my mean ass woman again my boss co-worker how can we help you miss i'd like a table done fast when is the next opportunity in three weeks we are fully booked out what no i'll let you know i'm a very high up person and need this done as soon as possible and as i said in three weeks but also we will not take the contract since it's all up to the worker he then pointed at me i gulped slightly and the woman looked at me she then finally realized who i was and started looking at my boss i know him no i won't have my stuff touched by this menace you need to fire him immediately he is incompetent and is going behind your back and working for someone else oh i know what happened and i also know that he is the most competent person here who can do those sorts of tables since i have no experience with those tables and the co-worker also doesn't have a clue which was true it was an old table with a few designs in it where you really have to be careful on sanding it so i was happy that i wasn't useless i don't care he is rude and young how dare you hire someone like that all the commotion brought in the other workers from the other businesses in the same building one of them a friend of mine who is six foot tall muscular and had a ton of tattoos looked at me and then at her who was pointing a finger at me all through her rants and then back at me finally he turned to the woman and took a step forward we will call my friend friend now is there a problem friend because you're being awfully rude to my friends i'm gonna have to ask you to leave unless you still have business he looked at my boss and he shook his head saying no he then slowly ushered the woman out as she paled seeing a tall muscular hunk of a man standing over her mere five foot she rushed out and i've never heard from her since moral of the story never judge a person by the looks because i could have easily gotten her a discount for her table if she worked with me got my modeling agent a slight discount while they refurbished their office so it wouldn't have been a problem wow so apparently she was trying to make it in the modeling industry and she essentially blacklisted herself in her attempt isn't that ironic this story's called ma'am i assure you i am the administrator here long time lurker first time poster i've debated on sharing this as there's no way i or my site can be identified but the environment in which it occurred has a very hush-hush reputation for about 10 years i worked in a community-based mental health and social work specifically as a staff and then a manager and then administrator of two residential long-term recovery care facilities for folks with long-term severe and persistent mental illness we were somewhere between a halfway house and an adult foster care facility homes and communities converted to have six to a dozen or more bedrooms a kitchen living room and office space for staff and med pass i was in my mid-20s and the thing about the scene is that the average turnover for staff is eight weeks most staff burn out as working day in and day out with difficult residents isn't the easiest job and the pay isn't great just lasting a year pretty much makes you management material and i did it for almost a decade so that by the time i was 27 i was the administrator of two sites and managed most of the touring admissions intake and discipline write-ups and evictions not everyone takes the kid in the blue jeans and mastodon t-shirt seriously which was fine with me the story begins i did your usual admissions tour with a mom and her son as she was trying to get him out of her home as he was smoking a lot of pot drinking nearly every night to blackout trunk and generally being verbally and physically abusive to her and their family we have a lot of rules about living in community with other folks in recovery and both my homes were dry housing no alcohol no weed no prescription drugs unless they were passed by staff at set med times no getting drunk and coming home to sleep it off etc there were also pretty strict rules about how you treat the other residents for obvious reasons during the tour the son is already being abusive towards his mother and rude to me and my house manager the guy who reported to me and handled some of the day-to-day stuff while i was at the other side my house manager lars not his real name was a little older probably mid-50s at the time a little taller than me and had that cool dad quality that i needed in the house manager since i had to be the hard-ass these are the rules you must bag type it helped to have someone who's a little more friendly and could be the good cop and soften the blow while still saying hey hope he's the boss if residents didn't like something mom took an instant liking to lars as we went through the tour and it was pretty obvious by the end of the tour and started the interview that she thought he was the admin and it was just some staff as she was ignoring some of my questions to her and her son during the tour we did the interview in a private living room setting where the potential resident told me straight up he wasn't planning on quitting drinking smoking pot and committing various petty crimes which pretty much tanked any chance he'd have at residency lars played the usual good cop while we made notes and did follow-up questions and mom seemed to have the idea that her son was a shoe-in since the house took in addicts and it's all delinquents and dealt with them and all that i had made a few statements about proper behavior in the community and residents that mom seemed to laugh at oh he's not gonna clean his room once a week he's not gonna do his chores i guess you'll have to do it for him she had that weird smug air of superiority until we went back to my office to wrap up and she watched me as i took my seat behind the big desk hang on what are you doing why are you sitting in his gesturing to lars who is in another chair next to my desk seat i'm not i'm sitting in my seat this is my desk my office i'm the administrator here no you want you're just some staff laws is in charge this decision is up to him and he's gonna let my son move in this week ma'am i assure you i'm the administrator here your son won't be able to move in this week i don't have any open beds at this time and don't anticipate an empty bed until at least two months from now and i already have a wait list of about a dozen folks all of whom showed better manners and seemed more than capable of following some basic rules about respecting their peers in the house here dookie popped off i'm not sure where she got the idea that we'd just be able to move her kid in and move someone else out of the room they had what was even weirder she hadn't started any of the paperwork to get her son considered for disability he didn't even have a proper diagnosis of any sort of severe persistent mental illness which was usually required to get on disability and by extension the state federal health insurance that paid their housing i'm not even sure why our director scheduled the tour and interview given there were about a dozen missing pieces of paperwork necessary for him to be considered for housing it got worse from there and the play-by-play boiled down to her refusing to believe someone about her son's age was the head of the site answering only to the tri-county residential director for the agency and then the treatment director and ceo meanwhile the sun is brooding kinda quiet as he's realizing that he'll probably be living at home with his mom for a while longer and wouldn't be getting away from her to a new place where he'd be able to get away with drinking and smoking and behaving poorly she wound up lodging a formal complaint which kinda melted away when lars backed my side of events he was the good cop not the stupid cop and he didn't want someone this difficult in the house either there were a few of these interactions each year moms and dads or grandpas or guardians who thought we were some sort of not quite jail where they just dropped off the kids they'd fail to race properly i don't say that to crap on individuals with true severe persistent mental health issues and obviously some of these folks had issues but it was always a weird blend of sad frustrating when these parents seem to think we just moved them in that afternoon without a thorough vetting process that seems like a really good place that does some good things but obviously we don't know the full case but from what op says sounds like a nice place but uh but it seems they only accept people that truly want to be helped maybe uh and that kid was unapologetic in his uh lack of anything really this story's called what gave it away not me but my wife she drove for a large metropolitan transportation agency she's driving a bus pulls into a stop and a man boards her bus looks at her in the driver's seat full bus driver uniform and asks do you work for large metropolitan transportation agency like no i just stole this bus and a uniform so i can get to work but i thought i'd stop and pick others up while i'm at it they breed vote work how the reason why there exists so many dummies out there is because there are so many dummies out there for the other dummies to reproduce with simple math man simple math which is what they're unable to do right ah don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 23,269
Rating: 4.9250002 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: aOMbAMg5hpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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