r/IDoWorkHereLady - He Learned I was his BOSS

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today's subreddit is our slash I do work your lady alrighty this story is called entitled Karen gets hurt because she doesn't listen Okay so I'm going back to work because it's finally opening back up after the virus and that made me remember this story some of the moments of this are a little fuzzy as I was running on three hours of sleep that day I work at a popular thrift store in Canada when I was on maternity leave with my little one I had to go into my store to buy some more baby clothing as he was just getting way too big for his younger clothing I hate buying brand new unless it's on sale so I was browsing some of the household aisles hoping to add to my collection of weird and pretty pottery that I had started when on leave when I hear a smash at the other end I looked at my watch and realized that most of the employees who would deal with this problem we're on lunch so policy is if something glass breaks one employee would stand at the break point to stop customers from stepping on it and another would go get a broom to clean the mess most times the people who rolled the product were on the floor to deal with it but cash was in charge of that when break came up as no one was around I decided what the hey I'm not in any hurry and the baby's sleeping in the cart so I stood there and my mother-in-law who was with me at the time went to tell cash about the break most customers were my regulars who knew I worked there and just had a baby some of them even stood there out of the glass to gush about how cute my little man is then this one lady who looked like a freaking Karen comes near excuse me ma'am I'll have to ask you to go down the other aisle and come back to this one once the mess is cleaned up she scoffed at me looking me up and down you're not the boss of me you don't even work here and started walking on the glass to be fair the clothing policy at the time was all black and I was wearing bright colors and a long flowing skirt they have since gotten rid of the all-black policy thank goodness as I hate wearing dark colors so I calmly said to this lady please stop walking ma'am this glass could hurt you and yes I do work here I'm just on leave with the baby I motion to him what glass there's nothing on this floor She said as she stopped to look on the shelves she never even looked down I highly doubt you work here you're just some entitled kid who had a baby way too young and is now trying to use it as a way to get free things I was 23 at that point 24 now she went to walk away and at that moment this lady if I can even call her that freaking slipped on the glass I asked her if she was okay and she screamed why didn't you warn me there's glass I'll have you fired I did warn you I said as a supervisor and my mother-in-law showed up the supervisor was the only one available to clean the mess and she's one of the best ones there my mother-in-law saw I was in distress and asked me what happened as the supervisor helped the lady stand luckily the lady only got a small scratch on her hand from the glass I want her fired whereas her manager oh so now she believes me I thought I'm the manager on duty she said to the lady what happened Opie as I explained to her what happened the lady kept trying to butt in but the supervisor kept holding one finger up to silence her another customer chimed in opay is telling the truth I heard the whole thing and you can check the cameras to see that for yourself most customers know that employees can get in trouble if they try to help with other customers so they stayed out of it until now thank you the supervisor said to the nice customer then looked at the lady so op decides to go above and beyond in her job when she is on maternity leave when she is a customer herself and tries to keep others safe but you want her fired you're crazy op did nothing wrong the lady glares at me she's lying she wanted me to get hurt that's why she didn't tell me about the glass it was bright freaking green you can't even miss it like you could clear glass there's a witness Miss and op isn't the type to lie about these things she then looked at me op go rest in the break room your mom can go with you too she knew she was my mother-in-law but always just called her my mom as she'd come in every day to pick me up when I was pregnant so from there I thanked her and went to the break room where my co-workers fussed over the baby and got to take turns holding him as I rested and told them what happened I don't know what happened to the lady but I was given a 20 gift card as a thanks for going above and beyond doing my job even when I was off and it actually paid for most of my items after my discount the lady probably left as when I left the break room to continue shopping she and the mess were nowhere to be seen the funny part is housewares are not even my section of the store so it wasn't even my job to do it I just didn't want to see anyone hurt and we are all still trained to do it in case we are put into another area to help out my question is how do people get that old without realizing that acting like that is not okay like at some point they should have sat down and thought about how things work I don't know it's just baffling like she freaking could have died there honestly I mean it was unlikely that she would have died but she could have alright this story is called the tale of the entitled self-appointed site manager I am am an electrical engineer by profession and a project manager by occupation during the middle phase of my career I joined a company as the site manager for a power substation project in UAE after the initial orientation and briefing at the head office I traveled to the city where my project is based and where I would reside for the next two years I was accompanied by the project manager after we reached the site office the project manager informed me that he had to visit the client at their offices and will join me shortly and introduce me to the site engineers and staff the site team was at the work site in the site office was empty except for the cad draftsman and the office boy the project manager instructed the office boy to seat me in the site manager's Office and left as per the site organization chart I had two construction managers civil and electrical working under me and other Engineers of each discipline working under them after around an hour and a half the door opens and a man enters he stares at me then glares at me for I was sitting in the seat of the site manager which happens to be me who the hell are you imop the new without even giving me time to completely reply he goes wild who gave you permission to come into my office without permission who do you think you are get the hell out of here I have worked in numerous projects and have handled similar folk before this was the start of the project anyone who does not have the minimal courtesy and manners in talking with strangers is surely a loose Cog in my system I am a team player I consider people with such a mentality as detrimental to the health of the team so I had decided what course of action I would be taking then and there I didn't reply I stood up left the room I went into the site Engineer's Office room there were a few Engineers who had returned from the site I introduced myself as the new site manager and all of them stood up with respect I asked them to be at ease and inquired about the guy who said that the site manager's office was his it turns out that he was the civil construction manager and though he had his own office at the site office building he had sort of assumed that he should be the acting site manager and moved into the site manager's office the engineers told me that he was a bully and would throw his weight around bossing everyone even the electrical construction manager and was a royal pain in the ass the head office had received numerous complaints from the site engineering team staff client and the subcontractors and he was just one right up away from being terminated and he simply didn't see seem to care with some sort of invincibility attitude the project manager returns by this time I see him and inform him that I want a private meeting with him before I get officially introduced to everyone I sit with him in the conference room and tell him everything I inform him that if this particular individual will be on site it would be detrimental to my functioning and for the company too and I recommended his removal and request to replace him with another civil construction manager the project manager concurs saying that he was just waiting for the guy to bite the bullets and now that he has he has to go he apologizes to me and asks the office boy to request the entire engineering team and staff to assemble in the conference room as everyone gathers the civil construction manager walks in looks at me sitting in the chair next to the project manager and stops with his jaw a hanging the project manager says good morning everyone it is my pleasure to introduce you to your new site manager Mr op I expect you to extend him your full cooperation and support to make this project a success the civil construction manager is dumbfounded he steals Peaks at me later the project manager takes me to my office I call the office boy and instruct him to remove all the stuff that belongs to the civil construction manager and shift it all to his proper office room later the door opens and my civil construction manager peeps in inquiring may I come in sir to which I reply no you may not to cut the story short he was replaced with a fantastic civil construction manager who got on well with the team the snob was delegated to an office job and terminated in two months time edited to add the rest later this entitled guy joined another company doing projects for the same client at the other side he started shouting at a visitor to the site who turned out to be the chairman of the utility the client who while passing through the city had decided to visit the site unannounced he was blacklisted and given an exit Visa out of the UAE with a permanent ban guess he never learned his lesson see I'm a big fan of yelling and being loud and all that jazz like I absolutely love yelling at people but I don't like yelling out of anger I like yelling positive things like you glorious bastard because it just Hypes everyone up makes everyone feel good and it's fun because yelling is fun however this jumperoni and cheese he likes to yell as a bully which is not nice stop Bullying speak up I don't know what I'm doing here all right this story is called I'm not a student I'm actually a teacher nope often attention with you shout out to the people who were accused of being a student when they had already graduated I've recently started out as a teacher hit me up I was 27 when I had my first teaching job did some other stuff before and of course as the Newbie not everyone working at that school knew me at the time I look a bit younger than my age and I usually wear a pair of jeans and a nice blouse or shirt I was working there for a bit over a month when I was walking through the hallways of the school during class hours picking up some paperwork and heading to the teacher's room as I had a free period an older man I guess in his 40s stopped me looking kinda angry excuse me young lady where do you think you're going why aren't you in class um I'm not actually a student but I'm a like hell you are I've seen you walking around with the older kids go to your class immediately sir I'm really not a student but I'm actually a teacher I'm new here so you probably haven't seen me but stop you're lying go report to the office immediately I will make sure your parents hear of this and don't think I won't be looking for you in detention tomorrow I go to the office as I needed to go there anyway to ask something and because this guy was way taller than me and looking really angry my colleagues in the office what happened to you I got sent here because I was outside during class hours also uh could you call my parents because a man expects me in detention tomorrow my colleagues basically died of laughter right there and because there's usually more than one teacher keeping an eye out during detention and thus I couldn't tell them who of the two males that were actually scheduled for detention the next day had given me detention they actually sent me to detention the next day you'll see in a bit why I took some grading work with me the unknown man who sent me to detention was looking smug as crap when he saw me sitting in detention after a few minutes one of my colleagues from the office came in and in the most theatrical voice you can imagine introduced me as their new colleague and wasn't I a deer for coming into detention while busy creating papers in order to help them out with unruly students just roaming the hallways during class hours you should have seen the guy's face Priceless for some reason he never sat at my table during lunch I love when I have a new teacher not new as in new for me but like new as in new at teaching I don't know I have yet to have a young teacher who I didn't have a crush on teachers man they have like an unfair Advantage when it comes to attractiveness automatic like plus 45 out of 10. anyways that's not really the point of the story um I really like these stories where the teach teachers get mistaken as students I read another similar story about a person whose mom was a teacher and the gym teacher got mad at her because she looked really young anyway stuff like that is funny because teachers think they're so smart with their fancy Master degrees well guess what dummy you thought a 27 year old was a student who had a dummy all right now this story is called teacher at the prom thinks I'm a student happened a few years ago mid-30s Asian male with a typical baby face I used to run a photo booth company which originally catered primarily to weddings I got most of my work through word of mouth or from guests at the weddings who enjoyed the service a few years into my operation I started getting inquiries about doing High School events I.E proms semi-formals dances I guess from teachers who were guests at the weddings one of the guests sends me an email and introduces me to one of the head coordinators for a prom we talk about the contract Logistics service time Etc nothing out of the ordinary I usually arrive about an hour before I begin service to deliver over the equipment and set up this is also around the time students start arriving now most dances have fairly strict rules about coming in and out but that only applies to the students on one of my last trips for my car one of the teachers stops me and says in a Stern voice students can't be coming in and out like that with a dead pan face I look him in the eye and say I'm the photographer he says oh and lets me carry on as I bask in his embarrassment of mistaking a mid-30 year old for a teenager not the first time this has happened at an event but wait there's more after I had finished setting up my station he comes over to strike up conversation about photography as he's a bit of a hobbyist what kind of equipment do I use blah blah blah a few minutes into the conversation I feel like I've met this person before um did you teach at so and so school like 20 years ago oh yes oh my God turns out he was my grade 10 and 11 science teacher in the mid 90s it was a smaller school so he remembered me even though he got my name slightly wrong we had a good laugh about it sorry no pitchforks required tonight that's actually kind of a wholesome ending I don't think I've seen any of my high school teachers or any teachers since I've graduated which kind of sucks because I like a lot of my teachers but that must have been a pretty cool reunion you know he's going to be telling his class that as soon as it's back in session oh wait bad timing don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 8,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: NuNiY2Sm2c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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