r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen PRETENDS I Attack Her When I WON'T SERVE HER! Regrets It.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady where Karen's confused regular joshimo customers as employees and in today's episode a Karen learns to never ever lie about being attacked especially when there might be cameras around guys I hope you enjoyed today's lineup of stories and as always you can send or link your Reddit post to this email right here let's Dive In so this happened a few days ago for starters me and my best friend have been friends for a long time since like 13 or 14 we're both the same age 19 now and we're thick as thieves so there's a grocery store near our neighborhood and we frequently go there if the gas station doesn't have what we're looking for so me and best friend walk into the grocery store as we needed marshmallows and something else now for context both of us wear alternative Styles I'm wearing a large long hoodie baggy pants and a tank top my hair has dyed two colors and I have lots of facial piercings my best friend is also wearing something similar all black get up and platform boots so neither of us look like any store employees we get our marshmallows and we go looking for the next item we find the aisle it's in joking between each other like normal when suddenly there is a loud excuse me now both of us bristle at the tone we both turn and see what I can only describe as a textbook Karen I'm talking dressed in athletic wear that was two sizes to small the haircut and worse was the giant gaudy turquoise necklace and matching earrings that happened to clash horribly with her outfit she looked like she was somewhere around 50 to 60 years old my best friend says uh yes ma'am at that Karen rolls her eyes and says finally now I need you to go check something in the back for me my friend replies ma'am I don't work here now you'd think that this would be the end of it but unlike many stories on here it didn't that set her off for some ungodly reason and when I say she went from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds I mean her face turns bright red eyebrows nearly molded together with how hard she was scowling and that's when she points at my friend and in the nastiest hateful tone that I've only ever read about she says yes you do I saw you helping her she then points to me and her finger was I kid you not an inch away from my face both me and my friend are very protective of each other we've been best friends for forever and we don't like it when people make either of us uncomfortable so my friend gently takes my shoulders and he moves me away from her reiterating that he does not in fact work here he barely gets the words out before Karen shushes him spit flying all over and she starts to scream God you people are all the same no manners no respect how dare you pretend you don't work here you obviously do at this point my friend and me both look down at what he's wearing mainly the four to five inch platform boots adorned with straps buckles and silver plating over the toe parts and then we look at her and Karen says well what do you have to say for yourself she said that like it was us who is in the wrong hair at this point not only were both of us upset at being yelled at for no reason but we were particularly upset at her referring to my friend as your kind so now we're dealing with not only a numbskull but a racist as well at this point after just staring at each other for a minute I find the courage to step forward and try to defuse the situation I say to her ma'am he really doesn't work here and I'm trying hard not to be angry right now but you're being very rude and I want you to leave us alone and Karen's having none of it Karen says mind your own damn business as for you pointing to my friend I want your manager now so yeah at this point we've already grabbed what we needed and seeing as how we have no obligation to stay any longer and certainly don't want to keep dealing with her BS we start walking off we were quite literally astounded trying to understand how she could have possibly thought my friend worked here I mean it was possible she's seen us before in the store so I can kind of see how she might assume that but even so that was highly unlikely anyways I hope that would have been the end of it but no dice we hear her worn out sneakers squeaking rapidly against the floor before she sinks her talents into my friend's jacket and she uses what I have to assume was Oliver's strength to pull him backwards now normally in those boots my friend might have fallen but his guard was all the way up and he was able to stick out his foot behind him to stop himself from falling his boot however landed on the front half of Karen's foot and she lets out this ear piercing howl that reminds me of a hundred burning mice a q accusing him of attacking her my friend is now visibly angry and so am I he turns around with a very heavy glare while I immediately grab her rest and the moment I touch her Karen throws herself to the ground not before grabbing a whole cardboard display of energy drinks bringing two dozen cans crashing down with her she then starts screaming like she's being stabbed with a butter knife somewhere during this commotion an actual Store employee heard all the screaming and he shows up around the corner looking visibly dumbfounded both me and my friend are internally panicking because we both look like two kids he just pushed an old lady to the ground I try to ask the employee for help and I barely get a word in before Karen stands up and acts like she's mortally wounded screaming these two just attacked me call the police I want him fired and both of them arrested I said to call the police I then turn around to yell at Karen because at this point I was so angry at her that I wanted to put her into an arm bar and break her elbows for putting her hands on my friend but that's when my friend stopped me and asked very calmly to speak to a manager Karen was huffing and puffing but she managed to continue her thyroid saying no I want to speak to the manager you don't get to speak to the manager you attacked me you're a piece of crap and you're rude and I'm gonna have you arrested the employee had taken my friend's request and quite literally ran with it and soon enough there was a manager following him back to the scene the manager had an obvious customer service smile on his face as he addressed us saying hello there seems to be a really big problem here neither of us even bothered opening our mouths because Karen launches into a loud rant and sure enough she instantly began to yell these two assaulted me and he called me names and I want him fired and the police called the manager looks at us bewildered as we helplessly stare back finally he looks at Karen and he calmly puts out his hands in the Universal pose anyone in customer service knows as the call um down gesture he then says ma'am neither of these people work here their customers just like you and hearing that sends her into a bigger rage she starts calling my friend multiple racial slurs she insults me and she screams how she wants the police called as she was assaulted blah blah blah the manager finally gets a word in and says that he'll call the police the employee also mentions to the manager that he should check the cameras and that's when Karen's face drops she forgot cameras existed and she turns pale once she realized how deep the crap she got herself into was Karen then quickly backpedals and she tells the manager to not call the police as she has no time to wait around she has an appointment and she wants to go I could see the look on the manager's face and I know he's probably realized by now from her language and behavior that she was probably on the wrong so he turns to us and asks if we wanted to call the police in a slightly unsure tone I wanted to but my friend said no we just wanted to go as well here that Karen looked relieved which pissed me off even further but we bought our items and left the end wasn't as satisfying as I wish it was and I really wanted to get back at her for the way she treated us but I'm sure Karma gave her what she deserved to this day I still don't understand how she came to the conclusion that someone wearing a full Gothic get up was a store employee I hope she didn't drive herself to the store because her vision must be terrible yeah I have no idea how she mistook a full Gothic get up as the uniform for a freaking grocery store guys like I'm really baffled and silly silly Karen backtracking when the mentioning of cameras came up guys if I had a dollar for every story I've read where Karen's attacked someone and then make up ridiculous stories painting themselves as the victim I'd have like 20 bucks with that said though always call cops like she tried to get Opie and her best friend in trouble so they should have totally pulled the cop card on her to teach her lesson for falsely accusing two random strangers so a bit of background seven years ago in college the wife and I used to work for Chipotle in fact that was where we met as we worked there we amassed quite the selection of Chipotle t-shirts and for those of you who don't know the design is a small Chipotle logo on the front and a large design on the back back in the early 2010s the designs were quite imaginative and they had some pretty funky art on the back which actually might be something you'd want to be seen wearing my wife's friend who still works there hooks her up with newer shirts and yeah they're not as good as before they have boring designs talking about special offers and real ingredients eventually working there became too much for me and I fell out with management and I quit I was so mad at them that I was gonna burn my shirts as an act of catharsis but my wife persuaded me to let her have them for work even though they were way way too big for her and so she amassed quite the collection I'd estimated about 20. she persevered for a while after I left getting promoted to a kitchen manager and then after we laughed the huge collection of work shirts became her loungewear and pajamas it's like I never really left because half the time I see a Chipotle girl wandering around the house harmless enough but once or twice she's actually gone into a Chipotle wearing one of those shirts and occasionally weird stuff happens so the first one was about two or three years ago we'd been out the previous night and we'd both gotten pretty drunk I woke up the next morning feeling a lot better I had breakfast but she was still pretty hungover from the previous night so I went in and asked her if she wanted food and she did but she wanted to go to Chipotle as she felt Burgers would have been gross in her hungover State she'd been sleeping on her back however so I hadn't noticed that she was wearing one of her favorite shirts it was a huge oversized shirt that she'd gotten from me that featured a lettuce shouting lechuga on the back with an avocado that replies gazoon height as I said the old designs were actually quite cool and weird so she slipped on an old pair of my Lakers basketball shorts and a hoodie which covered up her t-shirt hence me not seeing it also some sunglasses to hide or hang over and then we left for Chipotle we got our food went to the car and was about to drive home and as it was hot she took off her hoodie and then she says she needs to use the washroom I didn't think much of this and again I didn't notice the back of her shirt it took my girlfriend a while to come back from the restroom so I sent her a text asking if she was all right she then sends one back saying long story and then a few minutes later she comes back laughing so what had happened is she had gone to the restroom and when she came out she ran into a woman who asked her what do you think you're doing coming in dressed like this it turns out that she was the store manager she thought my girlfriend was a new hire and she proceeded to berate her coming in dressed in such a sloppy Manner and that she would have to go back home and change and that she was going to be written up my girlfriend starts getting really angry in response to getting yelled at and that's when she looks down and then at the reflection of the back of her shirt and the glass behind her and that's when she realized that the T-shirt she'd thrown on last night was in fact a Chipotle uniform so an easy mistake to make she then explained that she was actually a customer and this was her boyfriend's old work shirt and started to apologize for coming in dressed this way and confusing the manager at which point the manager apologized for telling my girlfriend off and the two women spent about a minute in a loop of apologizing to each other finally the manager offered my girlfriend a buy one get one free card for the mistake so in the end there were no hard feelings we got some free food from this one and that was one of our experiences the other one was actually a few weeks ago and since the last time we got married so she's now my wife in the next story we went to Chipotle on a Sunday evening and yeah my wife was rocking a Chipotle shirt again we figured that as it was quite late in the evening there wouldn't be many people there it would be pretty chill and we couldn't be bothered smarting up so we just went as we were we go in and yeah there's only one or two people there so it should be fine right we order and the guy AI who made our food for us gave her a double take but didn't really say anything the girl on cashier however smiles and says oh I like your shirt and my wife says I don't work here now there's life after Chipotle and they have a nice conversation about college how things are nowadays and the pandemic I think the girl was about 17 and she enjoyed the conversation so much that she gave us our meal for free I leave a nice tip for the cashier and we're heading towards our seats the evening has a general good vibe to it so far however we then hear no you're doing my bowl wrong I want the salad you're still doing it wrong my God how effing stupid can you be looking over my shoulder I saw a woman who was one of those customers who's the nightmare of all Chipotle workers the self-entitled customer who believes that by yelling and creating a scene they can get whatever they want AKA a Karen now if you're wondering why everything she said is in all caps it's because she never lowered her voice and she never ever stopped yelling while she was in the store we sit down and she finally gets her Bowl made exactly how she wanted it but it wasn't good enough and when she gets back to our previously happy cashier she proceeds to chew the poor girl out for it saying you are super slow and it's overpriced my God this place is a disgrace just making her life a misery the cashier is trying to placate her as best as she can and an equally stressed manager appears tries to calm down Karen but the woman just won't shut up I just shook my head and started eating but the manager must have done something to get her to leave them alone because Karen went and she sat by the door after making a scene of snatching up her food and storming off to a table Karen clearly made quite an impact on the cashier girl as she ran off to the back to cry leaving her equally miserable looking manager in her place and generally Everything feels like trash now we just finished our food and walked out but as soon as we passed the Karen on the way to the door we hear hey you girl stop my wife turns around and says uh excuse me ma'am and that's when Karen goes yeah I know you're leaving work with your boyfriend but as you're a manager I want to make a formal complaint my wife turns back to me Grins and then she mouths what the f because although she is wearing a Chipotle shirt she's also wearing neon green running shorts flip-flops and a backwards green and yellow baseball cap none of which is part of the approved uniform this isn't how Chipotle managers dress although I guess Karen figured that she was slightly older than the rest of them and thus was a senior manager my wife decided that since the customer made our new favorite cashier cry she wanted a little payback for all the time she'd been in the same situation my wife does a very very good customer service Persona all bubbly and sweetness and she slips right back into it and she walks over to Karen and says I'm sorry ma'am how can I help you Karen then goes off into a rant about how badly the stores run how she was kept waiting and how the employees are all so stupid no wonder they're all paid minimum wage blah blah blah generally just being an a-hole my wife just listens intently and then she says with a smile Well ma'am those are some interesting observations but I think you can go f yourself hearing that Karen stunned for a second and that's when she screams I'm writing to the head office and you are out of a job Missy give me your damn name right now at which point my wife says I'm so and so Karen writes down her name and then she says you'll be hearing from the head office after they hear from me I hope you enjoy unemployment at which point my wife says and I haven't been a manager at Chipotle for quite a long time so I can pretty much say whatever the f I want to you Karen just stares at her for a moment and then she says but you're wearing their shirts to which my wife responds yeah I'm wearing it because it's a cool shirt and I used to work here it doesn't mean I work here now so I can tell you that your being a massive who likes taking her anger out on kids much younger than her and I think that everybody would prefer it if you just F off and stop throwing your weight around because Chipotle can't fire me at this point Karen stunned processing a girl in a Chipotle shirt telling her off instead of placating her and then she pushes past us and says this place is an effing disgrace this place is a joke I'm never coming back here again she then slams the door behind her and drives off quickly now I'm just processing what happened as it was really weird my wife goes back over to the two girls behind the counter to apologize for saying that to a customer the girls were cool with it and quite happy that she did stand up to the Karen and also it was a customer versus customer interaction so the moral of the story is if you ever work a fast food job and you ever want to go back there check that you're not wearing your old uniform before you go in ain't that the truth guys nop's wife is quite the hero for giving that Karen Taste of her own medicine and guys I love reading posts where people come in to defend employees against raging Karens because it's so so satisfying when Karen's realized that the person screaming at them can't be fired and can't be controlled so guys the last post in this episode is not and I don't work here lady post but it was shared with me and the story is freaking hilarious so I'm just passing it on to you guys so this person shared their post and said so last night my wife's boss from her brand new job invited us over for dinner on the drive over my wife reiterated many times to me just how important it was to make a good impression at that I scoffed and I arrogantly informed my silly wife that I always make good Impressions my wife's boss is a single lady in her 50s so it was just the three of us we chit-chatted over drinks and salads and seemed to be really hitting it off she laughed at my well-timed perfectly appropriate jokes and my wife seemed pleased soon she brought out the main course a really nice big juicy steak for each of us as I began to cut into my steak I was discouraged to discover how undercooked this steak was now I've had my fair share of rare steak I prefer medium but I can handle rare but this was several minutes on a Hot Grill shorts of rare I probably could have resuscitated the cow had I tried instead I sat there fidgeting with my knife and fork thinking about how I was gonna get away with not eating this steak for a second I thought I would claim veganism but no I'd already feigned great enthusiasm upon seeing the steak just then our Hostess excused herself to the kitchen to take care of some dessert preparations so I'm looking across the fancy dining room table at the open window of this third story apartment and that's when a cartoon light bulb appeared over my head I knew I had to be decisive realizing that she could return at any moment and I committed I then grabbed a steak with my hand gently shook off the juice and executed a perfect throw right through the center of the open window but here is where I messed up big time the window wasn't open it was the cleanest freaking window that you've ever seen in your life that is until my mostly raw slab of steak slams up against it and it slowly slid down leaving a trail of bloody juice in its wake my wife who was unaware of my predicament just turned jaw dropped and she stared at me like I was an alien from another planet this look then slowly morphs into an expression of demonic anger of course my wife's boss heard the thought of the stake on the window and she comes quickly she took in the scene the steak sitting on the windowsill the blood trail my empty plates and then she gave me an inquisitive puzzled look I just didn't know what to say at that point it felt like a minute of Silence but it was probably three or four seconds finally the best I could manage was of I'm so sorry I'm such a klutz uh I don't know I was just cutting it and and it slipped and just asked my wife I really am a klutz right honey I then look at my wife with no help coming from that direction I then say I'll clean this up I can't believe this I'm so sorry but yeah both women continue to stare at me like I had escaped from the loony bin as I smeared the blood around the window with my cloth napkin dust it off the stake and continued to mutter my incoherent explanation I knew no one was buying the story at this point I knew what I had to do I sheepishly returned to my seats and proceeded to eat every bite of that disgusting cold chewy bloody raw steak I remained pretty quiet the rest of the evening and my wife's only two words to me since the incident or I'm fine oh my freaking goodness guys like I'm sure it went well after that like it's something that's gonna blow over and Opie's gonna be laughing about it soon enough with his wife I hope but guys seriously I would have died of embarrassment if I were in Opie's shoes oh I'm sorry I was cutting my steak and it happened to fly and hit the window that's like five feet away and the way the wife just looks at him not knowing what the heck is going on it's just too funny guys and now my friends brings us to another end of our slash I don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed that last story it was freaking hilarious when I read it so yeah if you enjoyed the episode be sure to hit that like button and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's in our slash entitled people episode where a crazy Karen couple tries to kidnap op's son because their son needs a brother it's such a crazy story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy we'll see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 162,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, karma stories, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, karen store freakout, karen owner, owner stories
Id: r3VZgmeReR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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