r/IDontWorkHereLady - Psycho Karen Attacks CUSTOMER For Not Serving Her! LIES TO COPS!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady we're Karen's continue to mistake regular joshimo customers as employees and in today's episode Karen has the nerve to attack Op with her purse after Opie refuses to obey her orders guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories hit subscribe if you haven't and as always you can send or link your crazy stories to this email right here let's Dive In so my husband and I both work for Amazon Flex which has freelance drivers delivering packages to different areas that are a little off the beaten path this way everyone even those who live in tiny forgotten towns that are surrounded by cornfields will get their packages in a timely manner so today my husband was doing a block in such an area it's early in the day and the car is full of packages when he entered the small town it's the kind of place that has a post office a gas station an Old Mill and a sheriff it's the place where everyone knows everybody because they're all related by blood or marriage so when my husband starts making stops at many houses in town in an unfamiliar car everyone noticed now my husband doesn't even realize he's being watched he then goes to drop a package off at a house at the end of a dead end Road he does the drop at the door sends the notice to the customer that the package has been delivered and then gets back in the car to go to the next stop except the road is now being blocked by a sheriff's car my husband stops and the sheriff approaches him telling him that he's received some calls about him a suspicious man that was going from house to house in the town and had packages in his vehicle my husband then gives him his ID and tells him uh I work for Amazon I just delivered a package to that house back there these other packages are for other customers this Sheriff then takes a look at my husband's ID then his phone to take a look at the app then the sheriff looks at his own phone before going to the house the husband just left to see if the package was there the sheriff then looks past husband and sees that someone's watching them now my husband described the look the sheriff gave the person as a mix of of course and are you effing kidding me the sheriff then tells my husband that he's been accused multiple times of being a porch pirate my husband Chuckles and jokingly tells him that he's definitely not working as a porch pirate today just a regular delivery driver and that's when the sheriff Stomps past my husband to scream at the person watching them the sheriff apparently not only knew the person who called to report husband as a porch pirate but the delivery husband had just done was to the sheriff at his house the sheriff then went off on the nosy neighbor saying don't you have anything better to do you're wasting police time and hell yes he was sure that husband was telling the truth since he'd received the delivery notice on his phone and the package was on his porch Sheriff then came back to my husband thanked him for his time and sent him on his way husband was annoyed that he was held up for over 20 minutes but I think the story was well worth it and now we know who the town Karen is right but seriously though if op was a porch pirate he'd be a terrible Porsche pirate uh sir I think you're supposed to take packages from people's doorsteps not leave them so on this day I was with my kids my boy who's five has special needs and my girl who's one and a half we were wasting time looking at books at a large box store when a lady walks up and Strikes up a conversation now I am a chatty Southerner so I engaged in the conversation so during the chat she asked me how I got my job and I asked uh my job now I was curious because I hadn't told her I was a nurse I tell her oh I went to school for it and then took boards to which the Karen says oh did you go for special education I tell her uh no nursing why do you ask I do want to note that there's no way she could know I was a nurse the Karen responds oh I was just wondering how I get a gig like this she then gestured to my kids and I tell her uh I don't know what you're talking about she then says to me well I want to take care of our word kids too so I can keep my grandbaby with me what company do you work for I ask her what do you mean our word kids and taking care of them these are my kids the Karen says no I understand that one's yours gesturing to my daughter but that one that boy is he your patient I tell her no that's not my patient he's my son the Karen says oh I see you don't want me taking your job I'm sure there's other kids like him that need caretakers I tell her no Lady this is my actual son I gave birth to him it's also really rude to use that word especially to my son and me the Karen says oh I didn't mean it like that I just want an easy job that I can take my grandkid with me I tell her ma'am I don't know what to tell you I don't work as a caretaker for anyone I'm a registered nurse and this is my kid I'm not at work please just leave us alone the woman ends with well if you're gonna be like that I guess I won't talk to you anymore she then turns around and storms off now this was 16 years ago and my son's now 21 years old and he's a pretty cool dude thankfully we haven't had too many run-ins with idiots that think it's okay to use the r word in front of my son what the heck is wrong with that woman like Opie should have thrown hands at that point guys and seriously I don't know how op kept it together when that Karen was being so disrespectful and if she assumes working with someone who has special needs is an easy job oh my goodness she's in for a rude awakening that's if she can get a job like that okay so for some background info this is a really recent story it happened like three days ago and I was at Target so it was cold outside and I was wearing a jacket and some black pants so I get why she confused me for an employee I was in Target getting a buttload of snacks for my sister's upcoming birthday I mainly got pizza rolls cupcakes cookies and Kool-Aid and I was heading to get some little baggies and chocolate for the return gifts I then saw a kid around the age of 10 or 11 years old reaching for some Oreos so I went to give him some he then thanked me and walked away and that's when the crazy lady Taps me on the shoulder a couple of minutes later as I was picking out baggies the lady screams at me and says hello are you gonna help me or what I tell her oh I'm so sorry I'll just move out of the way I was thinking she was talking to an actual employee nearby but no she was talking to me the woman says did you not just hear what I said I tell her oh I'm so sorry I don't work here she says well it looks like you do I saw you helping another customer so help me now at this point I was like kind of scared so I didn't say a word the lady repeats herself and says well are you gonna help me or what whatever just find me these things she then hands me a list with like a million things on it again I say I'm so sorry but I don't work here and that's when I start walking away the lady then reaches out and grabs me and says listen I don't know who you think you are but you obey me the woman's grabbing me so hard that she was basically digging her nails into my arm at this point I just flung back pulled away and as my arm slipped away from her grip I smacked her in the nose by accident this made the Karen enraged and she starts swinging her purse at me with no luck and then she threw her purse at me and oh my freaking God that purse was like 200 pounds so anyways I just sort of went plop on the floor as it hit me and the woman is still screaming at me for being lazy falling asleep on the floor and being rude all while Pastor pies are trying to stop her of course the police were called and they show up a while later and here's how it went so the officer basically asked me what my name is and asked me what happened and out of nowhere the lady says what you're siding with that lazy employee the officer tells her no we're simply interviewing her first that's when the manager says also she doesn't work here the Karen then screams I don't care if she works here or not she's still assaulted me I then explain what happened all the while Karen screaming she's lying the police then ask her side of the story and that's when Karen lies she tells the officer what happened but says that I hit her multiple times in the face and stomach and that's when she decided to fight back acting in self-defense that's when the police asked for the camera footage and the manager agreed to show the police officer the camera footage of course none of what the woman described to police happened and then the police asked me if I wanted to press charges and of course I said yes guys I love this stories where Karen's attack people and then lie to police totally forgetting those cameras oh she hit me multiple times in the stomach and face officer that's why I had to attack her with my purse uh but ma'am the cameras clearly show none of that happening so you're gonna have to go to jail alright so here's some background info I'm a 26 year old female and I have severe social anxiety and I'm formally diagnosed with agoraphobia I started going out less and less and then covet hit so I stopped going out at all when this happened two months ago I had been on meds and in Virtual therapy for only a month after not leaving my house for about two years part of my therapy is getting out of the house a bit at a time and this was my first trip out to a real public place so my best friend knows all about my agoraphobia struggles and has attended a few of my virtual therapy sessions so she could be my support system she suggested that we try to do something and we decided on making a quick trip to one of the little neighborhood Walmarts now we actually made it all the way through the store with minimal panic but I was feeling overwhelmed by the checkout situation we opted for self-checkout but I was still trying to be independent so I asked my friend to wait by the exit of the self-checkout which wasn't far so there I was minding my own business scanning and bagging when this lady who's in her 40s Maybe me came up behind me and Taps me on my shoulder I then turned around and all the ladies said was hey my station is messed up before immediately walking back to her register now I didn't realize she thought I worked there as I was wearing gym shorts and a pink T-shirt so it's not like I was dressed like an employee I then turned around back to my register to start paying for my items a few seconds later the woman comes up behind me again grabs my arm and says excuse me are you deaf I said my station is messed up at that point I was frozen I had no idea what to do and I couldn't think of any words so I just stare at her trying to calm myself down I wasn't trying to be rude I was genuinely panicking and trying not to have an entire breakdown in the middle of the self-checkout that's when the Karen raises her voice again and says my station is messed up it's not working I need it to be fixed how else do I need to say it for you to help me at this point I was so anxious that I thought I was gonna throw up if you know you know she then continues with what the heck is your problem all I need you to do is swipe your little stupid card this is self-checkout your only job is to make sure the stations are working and you are not working at this point everyone around us had turned to watch the show and my bestie having seen my obvious distress comes up to my register she immediately recognized what's going on and very calmly says ma'am ma'am she doesn't work here now I swear you would have thought that she had just slapped the lady in the face or something the lady starts yelling again and says she could have said that the first time instead of staring at me like an idiot was I supposed to read your mind I still hadn't said a single word I could feel my face burning and my eyes just filling with tears my bestie immediately steps up and yells back at the woman why would you assume that someone in gym clothes is on duty at Walmart what about her using her own self-checkout register would lead you to believe she's working right now bestie then grabs the card out of the machine picks up the bags and the receipts and told me to come on I followed her out and turned back to see the lady standing in the same spot staring at us as we walked out now I know the altercation was partly my fault because I didn't explain that I didn't work there in the beginning but also what kind of person comes up to an employee and grabs them out of nowhere and then yells at a stranger because they made a mistake okay so first off Opie doesn't have to apologize and say anything is her fault in that situation like the woman was clearly an idiot for not being able to tell the difference between a customer scanning their own items and a freaking employee guys and second I think that going to Walmart as a first trip might have been a little bit too much there's too many crazies there but hey look on the right side at least op survived a wild Karen encounter so I'm a Hispanic woman to set the stage I was shopping for an Earth Day event for my office at a local farmers market Nursery in Downtown Dallas it's kind of an upscale nursery and it's frequented by tourists and influencers I have an olive complexion long black hair and brown eyes I'm also dressed in a silk blouse jeans red bottomed heels having just come from a sales meeting and I was Wheeling around a cart full of pots succulents Mulch and planting soil so just being at the farmers market I experienced multiple encounters so incident number one a young Caucasian woman walks up to me and asks me in broken Spanish onde pagar now I'm thinking no biggie I just point to the register area where there's three registers with two employees working two registers and a line about two deep each the woman thanks me again in Spanish and I think the conversation is over and I turned my attention back to the Agave plants and the woman says ablar English show to which I say to her in fluent English yes in English is my first language the woman looks surprised and I think she's probably embarrassed and then she asked me if I can ring her up now I wish I would have actually said the words but I was polite and told her no ma'am I don't work here and the woman did look embarrassed and she apologized I then set my card down in an area out of the way since the aisles are pretty narrow and there's potted plant displays statues and lawn ornaments that I don't want to risk knocking over so I parked the cards and walk away about 10 feet to inspect some large urns I select a couple and as I'm walking back to my cart a middle-aged blonde woman is unloading my cart and here's incident number two I call out to her excuse me ma'am that's my stuff she then looks at me and continues to unload as I approach her the woman simply says I need this card it's your job to serve customers and I need this I then pick up my succulents from the floor and put them back into the cards and I tell her this cart is mine go ask an employee for her help finding one the woman looks angry but she walks off and I just roll my eyes thinking that's the end of that I would find it so comical if it wasn't so sad but then she comes back with a very confused looking manager and she tells him that I'm not allowing her to use the cart the man asked if I'm done with it and I tell him no he offers to find the woman another one but she starts with this place needs to prioritize its customer over its employees the man accidentally lets out a snort and says uh she doesn't work here she's shopping same as you now that Karen did not appreciate being laughed at and made a scene threatening to report the behavior to the owners the man then introduces himself and it turns out that he's actually one of the owners the woman then threats to take her business elsewhere and he lets her know that there's a Home Depot about five miles away and the look on her face was priceless so this is incident number three I'm talking to the owner about the succulents and how to best arrange them when twice and without apology people interrupted us asking for help each time the owner tells them I'm with a customer but so and so can help you and each time they look surprised or taken aback now I've lived in this area for four decades and I've worked in this area for two decades it's always this way guys I am so glad the owner was on op side and props to him for putting that second Karen in her place but my goodness having this happen so freaking often I feel so annoyed for Opie okay so this happened years ago my husband was in the Army on his second enlistment and he's already been through a couple of deployments by this point we read a new base overseas and I'd run a job at the after school facility on the post well his unit was getting ready to deploy for six months so they were in the thick of all that the chaplain was also having a pre-deployment meeting for all the spouses to talk about the changes to Expect While our spouses are deployed from practical issues to emotional stuff to disruptions in routine now bear in mind this was back when if you were really lucky you maybe got a 10 minute call from your spouse once a month maybe an email as well letters were more common than anything now both my husband and I are pretty easy going and we'd been through a couple of deployments so I knew the drill what to expect how to manage Etc so I decided not to bother with the meeting now don't get me wrong this is a fantastic resource for spouses and they would do a post deployment one as well to help everyone transition back into normal life with their spouses but I didn't feel the need to attend so a couple of days later my my husband shows up at my workplace and he tells me he's been ordered by his Lieutenant to bring me to the spouse meeting now this was a second Lieutenant who was fresh out of OCS he was not prior enlisted and my husband had socks older than this guy's term of military service now for those who don't know a second Lieutenant is the lowest ranked officer they're pretty much the noobs and it's very common for them to think that they know it all and they do act accordingly and this guy was one of those at that I was highly peeved but not for one moment did I blame my husband I could tell he was annoyed as well and I knew that since it was a direct order that he had to obey and that's when I thought for a minute and asked him to hang on for a minute so I could talk to my boss I then explained the situation to my boss and told her I'd be back as soon as possible my boss understood the situation and she said she'd fill in for me until I could get back so I left with my husband but instead of going to the chaplains meeting I told him to take me to the building where the second Lieutenant was my husband knew what I was up to and he happily complied so we arrived at the Lieutenant's office I knocked and went in while my husband stood in the hall I then asked him why he ordered my husband to fetch me from my job that I was needed at he rather pompously explained to me that this was a required function that I needed to attend and I let him have it now I didn't raise my voice much but I informed him in no uncertain terms that he had no Authority whatsoever to order me to do anything I am not military I'm not subject to his whims and while he may be able to order my husband to come get me he could not order me to do anything now he tried interjecting at this point to say that I needed to go so I would learn stuff about how to handle my husband being on deployment at this point I nearly blew my top and I told him I've spent more time with my husband being in the field and on deployments than you've spent in the military my husband does not own me he can't force me to do anything and neither can you I will not be attending this meeting and you will not force my husband to take me there I'm going back to my job and if I hear that you tried to make his life miserable because of it so help me I will go up your chain of command and make sure you regret it now the building wasn't full but it wasn't empty either oh and the higher ups were in their offices pretty close by they were also super cool cat so yeah they absolutely could hear what was going on and I'm sure they enjoyed it by the end of my tirade the second Lieutenant was nearly falling over himself to apologize he was saying sorry ma'am I apologize ma'am it won't happen again ma'am the guy knew he was in the wrong and by that point he'd also knew that I'd make a royal stink if he tried to make me do anything or tried to punish my husband for my actions or lack thereof I then laughed and my husband took me back to my job grinning like a fool for a few weeks afterwards I was actually concerned that there might be a Fallout from my husband because of what I did but there wasn't at least not more than the usual BS he dealt with on a daily basis it was one of the most satisfying moments of my life like I said I'm pretty laid back normally but I'll get steamed on other people's behalf the problem is I almost never have the opportunity or the right to get involved so having this opportunity was just golden my freaking goodness I love how OB just ripped into that lieutenant and the guy just crumbles and now my friends it brings us to another end of our slash I don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode on the channel I'll link it right here guys a petty Karen won't stop trespassing to scream at useless employees and she gets taught a lesson she won't forget guys go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 173,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, karma stories, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, reddit, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, racist karen, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, karen store freakout
Id: cNyd8Sg0Exc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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