Riding Japan's Bullet Train for 1 Entire Day ๐Ÿš…

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I'm about to do something really crazy today I'm going to take a shin cin all the way from the north of Japan in hoko saor all the way back to Tokyo which is about 8 to 9 hours back to my house and you might be thinking why am I doing that well I really like trains a lot bought a lot of food super excited also very nervous I don't know why I'm nervous but it feels too crazy am I am I am I [Music] insane I just got to my seat and it is 10:57 and the train will arrive at 226 so just around 3 hours for the first leg and I've stopped up on a lot of dairy I was really thinking I just grabbed everything Hokkaido theme um so some Hokkaido fresh milk some yogurt and then I also got a coffee from Starbucks because that's my go-to shin con and drink I was literally not thinking I was like I need to get more cuz it's going to be 9 hours so yeah hopefully it's not too packed on the first leg of the train I'm kind of assuming that it's not going to be that busy because it's a week day it's a bit random but we'll see I actually have never taken a shin conen from Hokkaido to anywhere else before it's always like from Tokyo to somewhere or kyodo or Sucka so and we're [Music] going ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard the H do limited Express for we will be stopping that okay I'm going to show you everything I bought it's very much like the same stuff I didn't eat breakfast so bread and more bread I wanted to be a little bit healthy on my trip so I got a capsican a red capsican which are really expensive in Japan like I never buy them in care it's like 300 Yen $3 and on the trend of being healthy I sold these last minute blueberries 600 Yen so like six5 $6 for like a tiny pun it and then some hokido cheese I only had a little bit on this trip but it wasn't the best so I went for like a fancy one it's tiny cheddar cheese and Gaba cheese they've gave me a little ice pack to keep it cool which is good for my [Music] journey I forgot I actually got one more snack which is a donut from Mr donut and it said at the front of the shop world's best and freshest Donuts I mean I love these but I don't think that's true but yeah it's the pondering one of my favorites I also got water because got to stay hydrated not just milk o and now the nature is changing it's like lots of green and luckily I got the window seat that's the best seat on the shin con set always get the window in terms of waste of pass time I'm just going to listen to music and I brought my switch and I have my laptop so I can reply to work mage do this and then also edit if I need to unfortunately the shed content doesn't have free Wi-Fi I'm really used to the J SPS from Tokyo to K that all have the free Wi-Fi so that's a little unfortunate but good to know so I'll have to tether with my phone if I want to get any laptop work [Music] done thought I'd let my legs move a bit and I came to the doors which is one of my Pro tips if you want to get a view and you don't have a window seat just come here and you've got a view like this especially when you're taking the shinan Sim where there's Mount Fuji and you want to take a photo come here you can get good photos that's something a lot of people don't realize but I do it every time I can't get that window seat and I want the shinan window shot it's also really cute they have like a photo of this place called Candle Rock and I've never seen that before like a random photo at the door they also have more luggage space out here so that's good to know because when you're traveling during Peak tourist season everyone has a giant suitcase and it can get really overwhelming because there's nowhere to put your luggage so especially if you have a big case you know you can't lift it up and put it overhead all shinkansens also have toilets so you don't have to worry about not being able to go which for me on my long journey is very important probably go about like eight times although it is a little um wobbly and shaky so I'll be careful not to [Music] fall I'm going to dig into my cheese this is cheddar cheese also I had my yogurt the drinkable yogurt but it was sitting out for like 2 hours and I can't tell if it was off so if I get stomach pain I'll know why and I'm going to regret it by the way it's it's been 1 hour it's it's been more than an hour by 6 minutes woo thank you that's not bad but it's also not lifechanging I feel that a lot of cheese in Japan is not that sharp so that's what this cheddar is missing like that sharp [Music] hit I forgot to mention bringing Bento boxes so like a lunch box is pretty common on shinkansens there's even a thing called eky Ben so eki is station and Ben is from Bento but I'm not a big fan of them so that's why I went for a variety of different things like fruit and bread and cheese and dairy but there are so many uban options that you can get for the shinan and now they make ones that heat up I did try one of them it was okay it's okay it's just not my first option I just heard someone open a beer bottle yeah drinking beer on the Shing content is also legally okay and very common even though it's 12:00 p.m. on a Wednesday another way to pass the time is to play my switch and that was why it was invented for travel so it's really light it's really easy and I just have Zelda as well as a couple of other games of me I'm playing sport t as well as Persona another one of my favorites I still haven't finished Zelda so going to play this and enjoy the nature and the outside world as well as the digital outside [Music] world we're now going along the coast so I can see the water unfortunately it's raining right now so not the best conditions but I love having a little bit of an ocean you one thing I messed up is not buying enough water I am so thirsty but I only have a tiny bit left and I have another hour and a half left on the train so I'm trying not to drink at all but yeah I should have bought a big 2 L bottle maybe I'll have to have a search if they have vending machines they have toilets so maybe they're going to have you know water and stuff but I've never seen them [Music] before right now we're going through a lot of tunnels and we went past a station that was literally in between two tunnels it was so tiny and run down and it was called Coro station and I couldn't believe that it was there because this place gets massive snowfall and so I love that like riding machine comes in I can look out the window and be like oh wow that exists or I would never get to see that by car or anything else so that's one fun thing about just looking out the window I'm going crazy I just learned something new that you can put your ticket in a ticket holder in front of your seat I have taken at least like 50 shingun into my life and I never knew this cuz I've got hours on this train I was looking around and the person across from me had their ticket in the ticket holder the more you know I'm becoming a shinan and professional guy guys but I'm too scared to leave it there I feel like I'm going to forget it's it's still staying in my bag but it's good to [Music] know just got off the train at shin hak and I'm not going to lie I almost missed the stop I was just enjoying the scenery out the window and then cuz I have my noise cancelling headphones on I was reading the sign it was like sh that I was like oh my God so I grabbed everything scrambled got all my stuff and got off within 30 seconds this station is quite modern and the mountains you can see them in the background and there's clouds it's so beautiful but I've got uh 20 minutes until my next sansen transfer so I'm going to grab water because I was so thirsty I'm going to grab like three bottles four bottles cuz I don't know how much I'm going to drink in the next 4 hours so noise cancelling headph it's great to get rid of the noise but not so great if you're going to miss your stop I should put an alarm next time [Music] yeah I'll be taking the haab basa right behind me here this green Shing content all the way back to Tokyo had a bit of time during my transfer so I went to the very front of the train and saw the nose it looks so cool and I feel like I never have time and I got to hop on hopping on I put my luggage already in my chair so it would be really bad if it took off and everything was gone all right I'll see you at my seat made it to my seat just before we're about to start moving and I filled up on Water I fill up four bottles one two three four and then I figured I'm going to do it the Japanese way and bring a sub beer you know my last thing from Hulk Idol a good old Supple a lot of liquid but it will keep me going for the next 3 4 hours I can also tell the difference in the shin conent so this one is a lot more modern like the seats are really nice and we also have like charging points the other Shin conent did not have Chargers so luckily I had my battery packs and everything but otherwise I would have been in a bit of trouble I think it's used more cuz it's like the to hushin conc now and that goes from like Tokyo to sandai and like moroka and Akita and all those prefectures this will be the last leg of the journey I mean am I halfway I'm like pretty much halfway there another 4 hours I can do it this time I don't have the window seat so when my neighbor which the all the window seats on this train were booked this morning when I booked it I'm going to just be on the aisle which is not too bad either but I'm hoping my neighbor won't come until like halfway through and we're off my favorite part of the shin Ken journey in some ways when we slowly steadily take off and then we go to Rapid speeds of over 200 km I just remembered we're going over the water because we're going from hokkaido's Island to the mainland so that'll be my first time doing that that's really exciting and I'm still [Music] energetic [Music] something that hits about having a beer on a shin kanen I don't know feels very Japanese it's a number one illegal in Australia so I'm also going to give the blueberries a go pretty decent they're not as good as the ones we got from this local Farm still feels good to have some fruit okay so I'm not crazy they don't have ticket holders on this shanan so it must be specific ones only when we traveled from haido to the mainland of Japan I was assuming it was over the water but we're actually underground in like a sea tunnel and they were saying it was 240 M deep wow that makes me so nervous I don't know the thought of that just freaks me out and especially with Japan being so prone to earthquakes imagine if there was an earthquake and you're in this freaking tunnel like you'd feel it so much more because you're underground and we're in this for 20 minutes wow wow I know that when you travel to London you go in the underground like sea tunnel as well but being in a shing pan in a tunnel I don't know please no earthquake please no earthquake maybe it would be fine even if it occurred but I don't know as you can see Pitch Black outside I'm not really a claustrophobic person but just the thought of being under the sea in a tunnel it's a bit [Music] much my ears are popping so much this is kind of uncomfortable I never feel like this on a train but yeah my ears not feeling too good thank thankfully I don't have a cold so I think if my sinuses were acting up it would not be pleasant being in this tunnel made it through the tunnel seemingly okay and now we're in alod so northern part of Japan on the main island I've actually never been to alod wait that's a lie I have but it was a long time ago and I think I only spent like less than a day there you know what I actually have been to Al a lot never mind that Al is so beautiful already we've got these really thick bushy green trees it's like forest green and then of course once again the mountains and the mist and the fog so magical and mystical I really have to take this train in the winter I think like I would be so freaking excited just looking out the window especially when you go through the tunnels and then all of a sudden it goes from green to like pure white it's [Music] awesome one thing I noticed is this chain is a lot more stable than the other one like going to the toilet on the other one I was scared I was going to fall but this one really good so I'm loving it and they have free Wi-Fi so it's easier to work on my laptop and it looks like a lot of people are getting on at Shin alod so this train has one of the food carts so it was very last minute I was like oh I should get something so I got another alcoholic beverage a highball just to enjoy the journey on my own I don't usually drink this much all this early but you know I've got nothing better to do and I have enough water this time even though I probably didn't need a stock up cuz he's going to come around again anyway [Music] cheers it's actually a full house on the train now so I've come out to the window which I was mentioning earlier to get a view because my neighbor who got the window seat pulled the blinds down lots of rice patties houses there's literally no free seat in my Carriage so it's pretty packed I think it'll be like this all the way back to Tokyo I couldn't talk to you guys much because my neighbor was there and it was quite busy but everyone left again home stretch now we're pulling into Sendai shortly which means we're almost in Tokyo it's like another just under 2 hours I think yeah yay I definitely feel a lot more more tired now I think when all the people came on the energy and the mood of the train changed and it was a lot more cramped not as relaxing but I've got a nice Sunset out the window and I'm enjoying the view it's one of my favorite absolute favorite things about riding the train in Japan just looking out at the view cuz it's so different to Australia and I can see there's a whole another bunch of people about to get on the train from Cay so even though my neighbor left to get off at Cai a new bunch a new wave of people are going to come on now all the way until we reached Alia which is right before Tokyo it was packed again and I was glad to just kind of close my eyes and relax as you can see the sun is now set and it's Twilight now and we're almost in Tokyo we just stopped at omia and I guess it's one or two more stops and I am very tired so I'm excited though the sky is really pretty service line and the mar subway line please transfer at this station please be sure to take all your belongings weekly thank you for traveling un and we look forward to serving you again ping up into Tokyo Station now made it yes the moment you step off a shin consent there is a cleaning team ready to clean that beast and then get the next set of customers on it is really impressive I made it back to Tokyo feels good to be home that was such a long train journey but I'm glad I did it I had a good time looking out the window and now I know what it's like all right I'm probably going to do more train Journeys like this but let me know what you think and would you do the same Journey all right I'll see you next time bye
Channel: seerasan
Views: 67,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japan travel, shinkansen, tokyo, sapporo, train journey, train travel, train japan, seerasan, jvlogger, japan life
Id: Ehd1kxZKqJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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