Rico Recklezz on Lil Uzi Vert, 6ix9ine, ZackTV, Fredo Santana (Full Interview)

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all right here we go Rico reckless one of my favorite guests is back of lad TV breakfast knows that that watch is new I don't remember that watch that's new no the chain I think is new to you know for the coach I'm a the show was going on man maybe I had tweaking right you know they're gonna independent life and I was wrong with her I'm happy for you you know whatever we could do to help yeah good our interviews have done some numbers I'm sure people hit you up a bottom so since last time you dropped the cover art for big reckless yeah and I had you with a bunch of baby rappers yeah let's take a look at this this photo here so you have black youngster lil yachty Kodak black lil Uzi vert and 21 savage that what chubby looking 21 savage fun easier to cuz i neva think I don't think I haven't peaked around but I think I just totally this who like whoever was hot put them under there i whoever's hot it's time put the airs under there cuz like I just feel like the whole coach a rat we still in front of cargo and like [ __ ] and me you know I get that [ __ ] I'm king of Chicago I'll do my thing you know alright cuz these are all non Chicago artists yeah this is Atlanta if you like [ __ ] it was like that's not me Florida yeah that's house family yeah okay so you feel everyone steals from Chicago mmm yeah I mean it's cold oh my kidding I I'm tripping out for any night cuz I like Chicago be late so like I feel like the whole rap game be just like you know I do like you know just like a lot of slang just a whole coach I like the whole rap game beat they be drilling it'd be funny as [ __ ] I'll be laughing I'm getting real life you know so did any of the people on the cover actually respond to you I mean I mean I didn't cross paths with people you know I have you know people finally everybody be you know like glad you love me you know I'm crack I'm a cracking joke to have no [ __ ] right it's like I'm from a serious place like they don't want to see me see he's a hard time the first song yeah you know that I hit him what they hit him up you know IV I but you know [ __ ] be any feelings it's cool just don't tweaking me cuz you know I'm gonna wobble on tweak every time I don't care okay but did any okay will respond like on social media no just when I saw people they know just look they're funny funny like I saw oh I don't know where the [ __ ] I think like a power gym with some [ __ ] I think him Anne Hurd was wrapping up her [ __ ] and then after they got down performance I'm back say he's just smoking because they want me cuz I don't know who told him to come but I came oh that was I'm this backstage smoking and then I see her so he walked past so I'm what's up no drop the race with him his ass nokey walking I see Lucy he's at his bug pad like you know [Laughter] no rock dad's Freddie Revere you know lil uzi kind of surprise a lot of people with that whole rich the kid incident right remember in Philly yeah remember when they ran into each other at the Starbucks yeah really cute in there behind the counter it was then then ran down the street aunt Annie like the same sad they posed to get it out last week I [ __ ] love you know I'll be playing people don't know it be like whatever the shits man yeah you know I actually got a new phone you know it's like yo rich the kid ran from a dude who wears a purse like you know they have you tweaked no no no these rappers oh no it's the rapper's for that I was good with him yeah man listen 50 cent came out the same way yeah how to rob yeah I are selling me 50 yeah my 50mm f18 I don't want a this is 50 I foresee he just wasn't there oh hey I think I saw that right house alone - I've known 50 over the years yeah interesting dude kind of linked up with a need to put me on power or something he likes [ __ ] like you back of howl and come from smoke couple [ __ ] man you know so more [ __ ] how you really doing yeah come on man okay so you actually feel the music video inside of a coffin mm-hmm boomer funeral shotgun okay whose idea was this it was mad because look right the song was called funeral I'm like yeah like like him the song was about just the song like one really about a funeral like it kind of was it was just like like all the money you know like dead people in my pocket it's a firm when I come to you know so I'm like how to [ __ ] gosh something like the [ __ ] I need to get a [ __ ] funeral home and it casket and what felt like me either [ __ ] you gonna do that I don't do what you mean to record watch I do it [ __ ] place a couple calls by the night I was at the [ __ ] from the home with a spoon oh come on Cade some of the two can't walk like Gatsby okay how did it feel to actually climb inside of a casket it was it was weird phone who knows with me names like you tweet you that week you guys that's I'm like wait have one oh no I went oh no I mean it's only something if you make something out of it the other day it's just a box with some padding but still I don't think I'm oh there you go dad so I'm like 90 anyway so that's like regulates for people to supposed to die anyway so yeah oh okay I mean props for the you know for the creativity of it I think most people wouldn't do some [ __ ] like that I've been trying to step out the box a lot everybody our cameraman is on every kind of it's really Chicago like cameras in Chicago be kind of scared like then one that I see to me is like Chicago like let's you know let's make movies I shoot them cameraman thought a hell nah well you got hot they want inside locations or locations that's life away from [ __ ] they sometimes be so scared that they missing like the good locations gonna be scared to get shot you know [ __ ] shoot cameras co-op he's acting all right P I was about to mention that norepi Zack TV real good dude man would you guys have a relationship he's a did my first interview he did your first interview late night yeah yeah man I've uh you know we text each other a couple times in there he [ __ ] her true yeah yeah man you know I think I think we both admired each other's work and I mean but this is why I don't shoot in the hood all right that's it was crazy I started out you know before flat TV you know there was DVDs I put out that's all I would do just go there and Schiele stop that [ __ ] yeah and and I can't even say anything happened to me you know but I've had plenty of you know rappers point their guns into the camera and you know have their aks and you know whatever else I'm sure they were loaded and you know humming some [ __ ] may have gone off nothing's ever happened you know I've gone games old house in Compton and you know hung out there and [ __ ] like that but after a while it's like I don't see a reason to keep potentially risking my life or some [ __ ] because Zach got killed well not even in the hood it was coming back from an event right yeah his ass was coming back from uh I think it was goofy a ghost or like in the party or something and you know he probably went to go try to get some footage and didn't he see enemies come back I forgot the blinking at the whip like like his ass the guys smoke right in front of my uncle [ __ ] right in front of my little crew someone actually filmed it it was like from like a high-rise or something yeah and then the dude that was in the car with him got killed right afterwards yeah that's a car go go well [ __ ] I think you got something do it they say they come smoking your ass right yeah some do it that they got right on this top for the fight on this [ __ ] like a look can Tiny's as a candidate I don't know I hate theater as [ __ ] that much Chicago [ __ ] up like [ __ ] this [ __ ] ain't change like you know what kind of got better like if you hangs me well well at first I was getting better it was like it's not like the rapper's used to be out kind of like [ __ ] up like I feel like now the rapper's kind of like relationship getting better cuz I pop up to everybody in this what's up my dog by hearing you sort of like I thought like the in Chicago gonna get better cuz I don't like it [ __ ] getting money never getting better but the valleys not dog them [ __ ] still going crazy especially this summer for what a blinking [ __ ] they is going wow [ __ ] out there with some fifties day yeah well you know let's just talk about the Zack TV situation for a minute like he got killed and then his mother go on on social media blaming the dude in the car or some [ __ ] or no I was blaming do it because I thought that was that home because like one of the last pictures I got was a keeper go up on my Instagram like act like one last picture that I took with Zack it's me Zack and that dude was like I met that dude - Zack so I thought that was his only yeah I mean I I had heard that you know there's a rumor that the the Bulls were meant for the dude in the car not for Zack yeah I I don't know but that should happen on camera and I don't that they caught the dudes who did it right this car go man this is really home of the [ __ ] well yeah I mean I think people sometimes don't realize like you know we you know as doing the job that Vlad TV Zack TV don't jumper academics who does interview sometimes like you know we people we take a risk interviewing certain people yeah you know and you know journalists get killed all the time oh yeah yeah it's it's stupid though but they do it yeah well rest in peace Zack TV RP Zack set out the hundreds man you put a lot of people on in Chicago like he he was definitely close everybody in Chicago that rap they first interview from me - Chief Keef - [ __ ] let da da everybody they present in the room we know something I'm gonna say something and this is probably gonna be unpopular but [ __ ] it one of the biggest people who shouted him out was chance the rapper yeah she has never done interview with him No so I'm saying like you and I'm sure Zach tried and oh I see her boasts a turnout of Ana song - yeah he I don't think he never do you know I'm just saying like getting a chance to rapper interview for a Zach would have been really big it would have potential a little bit with him but what's crazy is we wanna hit some real crazy [ __ ] though I swear to God on my son or my daughter last time I saw Zach it was they wanted me to come to the high school and talk to the key is he ever doing [ __ ] like that now and when we come to high speed records was crazy I know because I was gonna talk to the kids corporate was there my [ __ ] Zach TV for them they was out there I go there to [ __ ] hood I talk to the kids exact TV come there I tears like I - exact yo ass at a different level now you need to start elevating your [ __ ] bro this true this you need to do bro being as well as you need to get one location bro make [ __ ] come there for interview bro and explain your [ __ ] brand bro I'm telling you bro just like all the majors are [ __ ] doing his ass like oh you oh you like India say he's still pulling up one you know like this you know yeah no I mean I have an LA location in New York location you shot it both their their you know secure locations you know there's cameras there's all that then like you saying he was moving like it's different you want a case when your face no more yeah a black look at this chopper yeah [ __ ] them in there's videos like that that I've shot camera like that no more I'm done with that you know but you know like I said it like it's like the chance to kind of rub me a little bit wrong cuz it's like you shout him out but you never [ __ ] with him and had you [ __ ] with him he might have been in a different place I'm having someone of your caliber who's winning the Best New Artist Grammy and [ __ ] like that he might have got been given opportunities so he wouldn't be in that situation that's why tens probably ain't no duh yeah when I die man I don't want anyone who don't shout me out or everybody gonna do that ya know happy with hey - now he's gonna [ __ ] lat so you gotta go man all right be one that's fake that's fake I don't like this I go you saw dude I have fake data [ __ ] laughs on Instagram and then he was just for a video I succeeded though oh yeah people were shooting it on yeah I that's a be funny is they are good I mean but like people was all right Peter like it was like famous [ __ ] to sell em all right Peabody he was like yeah I don't need was gonna give me a beat but one of the dudes actually did get you I think the day before there's a dude that she did get shot Allah Allah yeah that's you trying to get robbed or something that's a new thing Briona lie they tried to bribe me one time up online and fro writer put that video out huh that video actually when they tried to rob one time a guy and go boy I don't think everybody cuz I go so I want really [ __ ] but if I don't win they try to rob you alive yeah yeah didn't get nothing right I was it again today and taking pictures with me I'll take pictures with fans I'm I said when he had seen him with a quick like and we should show they get the whites on why boy y'all tweaking on folks now mom you stick to piss on my face you could add whatever you like you could have a wallet my watch I'm a car I'm trying to get a better you could have it I'm gonna boom you'll have to shoot me you just have it it's good whatabout it they just do our linear steel shoots dance like damn need the things I vow yeah [ __ ] that I'm well speaking of shooting on August 6th 71 people got shot over the weekend 11 people died and you say all that's [ __ ] up that's probably a freak occurrence and yeah [ __ ] can't give two weeks later on the weekend of the 21st 58 people got shot in three days that's I gotta do the math that's almost 130 people that got shot that month well just those couple weekends this is sometimes all right all right hey [ __ ] a little bit these would be shooting more what the police hot by all this shouldn't going on in a police be high like see this because I've seen like people comment like the police Dumbledore none boy you think this [ __ ] you were doing a fool the police be hot in Chicago they be only over a boy but it's like shootin like police don't want to get their shot is trying to shoot back no but every night every crazy brother I ain't gonna lie well it's like The Hunger Games with these two weekends was it was it a specific situation that triggered all this or is it just random to just random [ __ ] just summertime summertime guy summertime in Chicago it gets hot and people just outside everybody oh so it's just a proximity oh there's that dude who you don't like that dude was some money from you taco it's like a whole different world like one time spring fall it's cool you can chill going basic [ __ ] sometimes you getting your ass fat up no matter where you go it's gonna be a shooting I don't care where you go you can go to the safest place is what you think is gonna be safe in the summertime and you're gonna hear gun shots that's just what it is so it's like if I am being with me it's kind of like [ __ ] up because it'd be like okay then I reckon I suppose a bit more like I this would allow me because you know I'm [ __ ] a cast nice long standing who it and the anti my kids damn standard so I'd be like but it'd be like so but I still don't like doing [ __ ] in Chicago really because it's like it's dangerous bro like for real for real like I'll be seeing in that first time you're gonna see I never thought things I knew things were like thinking like no we know how to control this [ __ ] were like what I see going wow 130 people shot Justin last know what it looks like by other places ain't like that like not even a little bit like it'll be like 50 people shot up and I Texans like 50 people shot up New Orleans I've never heard of it not not that many should not like every weekend no oh yeah that's [ __ ] up beer who depressed who the president I hear you do your job and it ain't is [ __ ] up on hospitals to steer why it's [ __ ] up in hospital yeah how so [ __ ] is getting stressed that's okay they go to the hospitals they don't get fixed up it's like they our Father yeah they were they far from we they far from what assumes it oh so by the time you get there you might not be moving yeah so you had you had situations you know people that are on the way to the hospital and just making what I'm gonna put hospital somewhere we are not feeling well yeah well remember there was that one cop they said I could want Chicago cops that I killed more [ __ ] mm-hmm I just thought I just thought it here's how you do oh no I never saying something oh we like see nepali ain't gonna I mean Mapo my taco Doug from Twitter you don't have any police friends my uncle I got an uncle that's a pony's can't even [ __ ] with me like that that's crazy cuz she I learnt I don't see him I don't think you [ __ ] me like that I think you like me I showed you guys B to wear that [ __ ] but I'm grown I don't even beyond not be cool and I be in the studio - remember there was that one video with the Chicago Police pulled up with a truck full of like Nikes and [ __ ] bro what's waiting waited for kids to steal a bus that is entrapment isn't it I don't think that's legal you can't do that like they was like cuz I think about you look here a truck pull up the door open you all you see is boxes Nikes and you [ __ ] what are you posed to do me out doing it on purpose but I think though what's his name Doug chance grab my weakness you know there's some actual guilt they're giving away they just did it like last week I just gave away some shoes tried to get back that was cool cuz I want to get worse on - I was just saying I just came ahead of my [ __ ] ass I got a hell of a suit I'm gonna get him is away from the homeless and I better care for shoes you should what's the name filthy rich he does like a shoe giveaway 50 Ritz he does he has a bunch of red bottoms and [ __ ] so he basically gives them all the way to kids but they have to show they have like a 3.0 or higher report card I was just working through that yeah you and FBG duck on the show I think you like me you know like you slap I like someone's got a bond right now there you can't you can't deny yeah I like I like my celebrity mix I [ __ ] I mean I don't think fun I don't know what's to that but I I was I cuz I know everybody be answering to that [ __ ] cuz everybody be like cuz you know at first everything was like cool you know every like [ __ ] just be getting mad at me cuz I do me bro that's all it be brother [ __ ] don't like me cuz I'm doing my thing like this guy think about this bro like I've been kind of like out the way doing my thing fine peaceful for like a little minute and [ __ ] just get mad because they stealing me to be like super gang gang they want me to be off the band like RFU my [ __ ] the idea but [ __ ] they did and like you grow up and you move on like sorry to say it out but it black especially really behind like I'd be like and then I like anything like now like your life really changed and like dude like get the [ __ ] on like [ __ ] be want me to like like [ __ ] got mad at me cuz uh I know I'm gonna be on in there like like I've been in there I've been looking at funny [ __ ] [ __ ] I be in the studio all type of [ __ ] so I was like sorry [ __ ] don't catch my attention like [ __ ] saying [ __ ] each other back and forth unless you say a [ __ ] me I really don't really pay attention now you say I [ __ ] my home you know how to [ __ ] up over the seat if you mean sayin [ __ ] me know about oh so I think I had saw like some somewhere [ __ ] hop suppose me some off to them like it's like some [ __ ] from 600 whatever and then we was at the store whatever so like you know me I - funny so I'm cracking jokes up on Instagram right right because I own being told [ __ ] like unless you came with liquor shot at me we not into it like no time I don't like that's how I personally feel like you know how I told you about all [ __ ] happen with me like if you never make no more [ __ ] shot at me like I mean my [ __ ] tripping off my [ __ ] you gonna say [ __ ] me being saying when I see you there and get the [ __ ] on so I think I'll put [ __ ] for my Instagram Dean I think I had one too like let her [ __ ] album released whatever then I didn't I have to hurry up on my instant snap now I won't be knowing if [ __ ] being told I was just you know tell my daughter nici show Melissa it was look like my dough so that [ __ ] getting me a lay-oh wreck it's [ __ ] with the opps no time I know that isn't that if there's a phone saying records [ __ ] with the hops all type of goofy I see what you mean like [ __ ] still got no time I don't like I've been chilling going [ __ ] the Hollywood more [ __ ] cash now like we still got after [ __ ] right now look this coming from this coming from you goofy ass I'd say saying because I didn't saw phone a man dying whooping more 100 shootouts man but that's because they got me I'm getting paid off right now and then I guess I and then I saw Laurie's two and then one [ __ ] got mad cuz I guess they go like whatever they wanted me to do whatever you know [ __ ] about that [ __ ] so Peter [ __ ] and [ __ ] me being dug brother [ __ ] me and [ __ ] like all type of [ __ ] brother yeah that's what I'm saying like Deena get smoked being it's mad like dude like you to make a songs all this killing [ __ ] why your brother like joke delay my song he personally I don't got no beef with [ __ ] I'm smoking hookah I die I like home care bout nothing to make it bad they feel like I do me I say my old lady like I tried to be cool when they get [ __ ] you better stay the [ __ ] out of my face last last time I saw [ __ ] [ __ ] ran for me and I was by myself [ __ ] you tell about last time I saw [ __ ] [ __ ] ran for me I was by myself [ __ ] you talking about period [ __ ] is [ __ ] didn't teach me and quote that [ __ ] is busy so I'm phoning that time I saw [ __ ] [ __ ] ran for me and they just [ __ ] DAP twice dab three times [ __ ] is you talking about I'm smacking [ __ ] you saw how I ran for 40 minutes though some smacking [ __ ] so Bob stop playing with me I'm not a kid and I was chrome and I'll be man but I'm smooth China I'm getting movies and [ __ ] now like many a squeaking do you know used to be used to be cool yeah until they got mad because they want me to still be [ __ ] BT supercade like they mad cuz they still making diss songs and they still be DK [ __ ] i'm bt k GG j everything k get the [ __ ] out of my face like I do me and because I'm like ah this is this one of these you know how I think it used to be like it was brisk war and again what's [ __ ] was no STL and [ __ ] is Jojo real and all that [ __ ] I find that's cool but I'm reckless renegade I'm my own [ __ ] no more [ __ ] records win the game [ __ ] records in the gay records and that's actually the one thing I liked about you the whole time is that you've never claimed always said I'm wrecking my old [ __ ] like I'm everything k because it's like I [ __ ] everybody so if I [ __ ] everybody in the VI Medina's [ __ ] everybody to like I'm not trying to clean up and that's the problem [ __ ] want me to click up so do you feel like we're not be doing my thing opposed to click up in [ __ ] don't [ __ ] with me so [ __ ] that's like [ __ ] ain't never I think it's only try to [ __ ] me when I gonna start poppin DNA game and I own the first time I get the [ __ ] song well she's like y'all can still work it out right if y'all were cool one boy I gotta be cool I mean it ain't even no problem like I wish them the best of luck like like like it's like like finally doing this thing nice but right now I'm trying to like I don't myself stay out the way just don't be trying to come all over that [ __ ] cuz I'm just gonna smack them off oh well I mean you squash it with people for the worst some of the people you squash it with whoever say [ __ ] me and then saying how fathers I said we cool could that's like [ __ ] I am I don't know I blame [ __ ] like this what I hate and this for the fans are here because they really be on this like why y'all not cool peep this I am from Chicago hung from everywhere Chicago low in my [ __ ] [ __ ] the burbs everywhere I lived everywhere in Chicago [ __ ] I'm not for no [ __ ] from over there with them they gonna phone in mass B oh boy we ain't ready for the story if anything sort of like [ __ ] be like just mad at me because I'm not trying to be all buddy-buddy with them and I be just do fine with doing me and be any be like [ __ ] just behave like like like like like I mean look like fine it's like [ __ ] be hating on if you wanna give me only like talking about it to market [ __ ] black and what it like might get some money to take care of family like I'm trying to [ __ ] buy my mama a [ __ ] house I like my kids situated like I like I'm situated I'm trying to get my [ __ ] mama situated I'm trying to get my [ __ ] labels situated I think [ __ ] need to me focus on that instead of trying to focus on me because [ __ ] mute we came from right because you mention a little reasoning I guess you guys were a restaurant together yeah he was yeah and they'd be like they get mad [ __ ] mad at that cuz I even know cause of the whole situation always used to be in tour but like me truth be told like if [ __ ] really know the history like [ __ ] I came [ __ ] just hop this oh she's just helping [ __ ] like I just because I was born like I don't really got a person before [ __ ] unless you than liquor shot at me like homeboy one day y'all you are making too much legal money yeah to be doing a bunch of dumb [ __ ] that's in its gonna and don't even think though it'd be like no you know it'll be like no real [ __ ] like that gonna be like you know soon in those [ __ ] like last time I saw [ __ ] [ __ ] rare for me I get one like no that's nothing he's like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] erectus [ __ ] yeah oh I'm nothing happened that time but that doesn't mean that nothing's gonna happen the future I'm just saying like y'all all are y'all like this is this is what bugs me out like all it like all y'all I'm working your entire lives to get to the point Aparna and where you're at where you're not you're not you're not waking up every morning wondering if you gonna go to prison or what are you gonna you're gonna get killed or you know I'm sayin like you guys are making legal money you're paying taxes you know I made a lot of taxes yeah you know you paying taxes you got you got you could push it in your own name you know how to push it in other people's name you got credit you know what I'm sayin like you got fans yeah and and still the the the original mentality carries over which ends up [ __ ] up [ __ ] because you know because y'all can't you know promoters are scared a book y'all over these situations I like it just be like if you know how like she be like just some internet it like every like in a like it sounds goofy is here but if you like cuz [ __ ] is born of doing for the like there's like this one [ __ ] do bro thanks guys damn and this with [ __ ] do not and not me because maybe that's a green faint thing I'm [ __ ] laughing I'm I was looking at all the comedians and me cracking jokes laughing [ __ ] and trying to [ __ ] bust my drugs or some [ __ ] like that like I'm trying to get some money off that [ __ ] I'm not trying to [ __ ] have anymore [ __ ] say [ __ ] you on the old pictures hoping that you respond so then you can add them back then offense and gas up and they could get some followers I feel like anyone [ __ ] I got less follows to you they be just China she follows up about trying to walk the band like anybody I'd be laughing cuz you'd be like and they even see my [ __ ] real life then they run from me or they are not being on some gangster [ __ ] like me personally and we see me being some gangs and she like suntan I'll be respecting it like if you was also in that warfare and then I say in real life then you got on some gang to say I got a respect you because that's what I bet you always got that same NZ I don't be doing that dollar being you see me nice like they all hate it had to be like this like we was all cool before now with you know it's a tiny term I [ __ ] like this we need to do you need to [ __ ] go I take some breathe and go investing on him KFC because he had [ __ ] chicken he ran into little Mr [ __ ] popped off yeah that's my son that's what people understand I miss him on something like I love the Minister ie still my son it's just he was drinking too much lean black oh my god that's what it was this much look my little people shout out big reason shadow seven fat man will grow reproach me right in front of stone man all right people a bad man but it's a road tricking too much to lean though I knew it because one time obviously got a lean though like it's not you make you angry from get drinking a [ __ ] for a week but he went to be chicken real be naive secure food Ricky green lean we'd have a pint agreement appoint up a day to get an attitude I don't know he just walk down net one day like [ __ ] [ __ ] record 0 7 5 I'm damned I've been on Stuart [ __ ] since then I see [ __ ] is oh wait it's more [ __ ] 18 that's dinner that's 10 years you talking about some what like what like who like what I ain't being like so he I'm [ __ ] the end when I ever come back to the blocks I'll be out of town to a [ __ ] like I think I was probably I was out think I was probably [ __ ] New York I sound like doing some [ __ ] I just doing [ __ ] he wondering but I'm like well I have to come back to them and I don't even have to be anything but I'm like if I ever come past any field I'm gonna smack the [ __ ] out the other boy it just so happened I fly back to Chicago and then [ __ ] hug in the collar he's like damn I need some backwoods and in Chicago maybe like maybe cracking up I guess it's just [ __ ] so like you really go to the gas station that's like Ballou cuz you know like you know you smooth it was like see I said go to get things are so much fun you got some woods we go to the gas station like about about a little stoves I gotta stove soon I will put the stove guess who in em well I guess who see us and they run my stove it's love mr. I say baby just on the net safe you don't see me don't crack me up and I brought out that [ __ ] I got well [ __ ] I'm in a no I'm still in there I'm still flat when that [ __ ] Margiela zone it's no outs a step and a hot bath time up on a [ __ ] I smack his face off I want to hurt him because I let steal my show and I might oh I got one shiner I'm gonna change this smack and let him know I got some no I'll just on some low you know how you smack your brother's eye she like a little bit smack now they all records you post a super ko my class UFC boy y'all smile like yeah I think I one of my first proper songs in the hula was like what appeal man that I need a flat featuring shorty right so I went that serious to me like a lot of [ __ ] don't be that serious to me like okay it just be Bahama laughs though innit like [ __ ] on how are we gonna laugh on in there like that's what it's for it's to laugh and crack them jokes like so so did you guys talk it out afterwards yeah I just talked to him like seeing like he better didn't duck in them because Lisa ain't rolling next time I saw him I his head like he he mail would be 20 can I say yeah and I smack you down again if you between you like you still my little brother all still friends yeah carry him there trying to call serious how long okay cuz you know a baby and herb made some comments about it yeah look like I [ __ ] baby cool but like they be cracking a jokes because but should be total like they know herself of me like the hell they didn't want to crack jokes with [ __ ] know something cuz I always see [ __ ] [ __ ] know something me it's just gonna end they're gonna crack jokes it's real life they're like um exactly how a post and bi and that's why I think [ __ ] be get kind of mad at me because a lot of [ __ ] ain't had I posted be like a lot of [ __ ] be wrapping this [ __ ] with that [ __ ] like oh no like and being a black oh I used to be with that [ __ ] I was but like me I'm growing up to like but it's like don't be trying to talk super gangster anything that's a fearsome thing I mean we talked about trolling I don't think anyone trolls harder than Takashi six nine who do you what I live together does my mess concern for a minute being he uh he'd be at that food you get that foo she I had to start [ __ ] with a little bit right because I like because you got a thing like he was like like he kind of beer some foolish I mean this will happen he did that Chicago seven games of Chicago and [ __ ] Oh block for like 30 seconds and then though you still could've did that and you could have still been like [ __ ] I don't matter I came I had three o'clock in the morning and make it that's what I did and again and you were to steal guy I don't Nick it's they still won't go there three o'clock in the morning for thirty seconds and I know some [ __ ] from Oh block that I smoked amigas homie and they still won't go there for thirty seconds at three o'clock in the morning so he still went there but like he lied about it like oh yes ten o'clock being posted video at ten o'clock then in real life is not that then you've got the real life police falling behind you like that's fine okay Peters I know you arrived for you big time but you can't and see you at 12 but hanging like if you were really like how you say you wish you became a linked up with like one of them rappers no no what rapper would have probably right eye angle I me personally you decay when makeup me you'd have to pay me like I ain't harboring [ __ ] I got she's gonna pay me but like somebody else probably with a hard for them probably Harvard is ass and then that would have been well gangsta if you don't you know then went to Dan with the oblak dealing with some [ __ ] that was into what the [ __ ] imposes up what some [ __ ] being out of like damn this [ __ ] gangster like I would it be like this [ __ ] like yeah I think about me like everybody I've been to a where I didn't put up today [ __ ] today mama dog been about myself no matter what state just because like not trying to pull numbers you're not gonna play with me no but [ __ ] like that dog that's Internet as [ __ ] like you see how he did it for the in in there like he came lat TRO for the Internet in real life he knew the how I seriously could have got see me I'm sorry to say though but I'm not in a [ __ ] song [ __ ] he's gonna get you play me how much something I see is gonna get when I pull up and that's the difference come on oh so it's like for the world like that's internet [ __ ] but like he's doing this playing with the music all right I don't hate on I just I just I mean just don't play Chicago though like I don't think the way no totally I like like I feel time I thought I was like that's just you know if you're gonna sleep with them tweak with them don't be trying to like tweak with like the whole like a senior for Chicago's because this I see being like [ __ ] get the hell away from you well didn't you say like be Decatur GDK yeah every time be cool but that's like the same Chicago I hardly see BDK [ __ ] GDK [ __ ] and die fine ago they say that's it I think a lot of people be thinking I'm Jeannie they dumb as hell I never been in GD I never but they goofy like you know how people it's funny well I never been GD like my people know GD and my people don't songs and they're my people know bTW I'm just [ __ ] records running gay I'm just a [ __ ] rapping as you should be I say no what what's the point affiliating yourself yeah just go stop your money [ __ ] way take your fame for trying to pull yourself like I know [ __ ] named Thomas that [ __ ] been a [ __ ] their whole life now Thomas time I his ass a Piru you know [ __ ] pyro Thomas I'm gonna go put on some real blood thanks for the giving your ass phone them grace how hard on them [ __ ] your blood now cuz you've grown but well you I mean time about six nine you said the Bloods let anybody in these days I mean the hey I focus the blue eyes heavy like do my people night and I focus Crips everybody like oh no soon as you like like they probably list our [ __ ] woman came out he did to him that actually because everybody kind of like that was full bright it was full you can't like if you're gonna do that internet [ __ ] even though you can lie you know cuz you've no standing from Guinea right now say I just bought a Lamborghini a [ __ ] depending on who you ask there posting on short or the bottom and give me you and never have seen the inside of my [ __ ] everything but I think then that I think you mo really when you just saying you got a ladder like I think that's why why why like why like I probably any super hit the spotlight cuz I don't be really tryna super laughs I just be fine with doing my thing I let you know like you know my fan like me everybody you got a super figure three to make you pro you got a not delight but can I just do my thing until I make it dealing I make it you're like damn I mean where he was make progress and now he made it one time I don't like that better well you know I mean I interviewed a yellow busy recently that's my boy yeah I'll [ __ ] sense yeah up one that's my [ __ ] up one up one that's my [ __ ] but you know we had to talk about jewelry and he said that like people are taking most serious on what you got and what they see versus if you don't show it like I use ours him like knit like if you from Dallas thing you know like ain't he been [ __ ] around paper like they know that you get what I'm saying like they know like everybody my circle like we've been getting it but I'm gonna learn G I dress like my head I always had a design on but I'm gonna really were in JIRA like that when I still wearing G real the [ __ ] who was looking looking at me like dude are you looking at me like damn he got on his net now they treating me a whole different way yeah I mean like jay-z says it's a chain reaction exactly are you gonna live is that true the chain reaction did I have how about being booked one more piece of money since I Spit there's a couple bags on a chain yeah I think allowed you spending money by make it be make it back just like that gotta get you cuz people who know people just probably I mean but like I don't allow you don't gotta do what these other [ __ ] do bro like say your money like me I'm trying to say my way so [ __ ] that [ __ ] black see and these I noticed like cuz I'm good there's a custom chain you can't really cash that out for a [ __ ] to come trying to take your seat pretty much Thank You [ __ ] the only [ __ ] boy okay I reckon they gonna guess they say he damn that boy what's up I'm funny boys but it's not that yo was hot smoking [ __ ] you tweak it we don't send this [ __ ] up over this material see Fredo Santana past IP my boy I had posted on net it cuz he was [ __ ] me happy because it's like that's like big brother he was I feel with him [ __ ] got mad at me for that [ __ ] way fine what well you know something he was a legend night it out I think I think that the most interesting thing about Fredo is that regardless of his gang affiliation mhm everyone respected him he didn't he did dis nobody he didn't clap chase he did you know I'm saying you know if he knew people knew who he was and who he was affiliated with yeah you know I mean that's as chief keeps cousin you know I mean but ultimately everyone really took a moment said yo you know regardless of everyone RIPD oh you know I mean and it was one of those things and if that did its thing right yeah right I bet he'd be this time like mm well you uh you talked about drinking lean before mmm drinking like that but you talked about you gradually we're getting off yeah that is that done are you awfully like all right you know how like you were bummed for my program we've been a suppressive drink beer I didn't see what's in his cup like a fire dudes like that and then I just see if they drinking like a real plane was me like I don't want money on that [ __ ] that's what I'm not going doing now if you write this Severson drink [ __ ] you mean I might have a little son but I'm me going to lean man like let me get it spending a thousand dollars you will never catch me doing that phone now ain't that an ain't thank you it well I mean I was you I might get some [ __ ] behind but never back and integra I mean I've interviewed herb he said he spent $50,000 no telling row like I didn't you know I spent fifty thousand on this [ __ ] you spent $50,000 hey yeah he's drinking lean well five years that's ten thousand a year I mean well that's this res broke 600 breezy he claims we spent a million free six embrace his ass DRF like that wrong yeah I wasn't drunk been there right now street price I'm drunk then that million I was roughly a million dollars definitely about what they charge right now they did you [ __ ] pan 135 a deuce for red in Chicago all right that's two lives none that serious no he just by listening right about relation because he was traveling I wasn't even a fan of an amusing but I'm a fan of freedom free that nigga's phone in I hate this well I mean speaking of Fredo he died at 27 and you know he had before Serena what's that I say just you I love my 40s trust me if you as much fun as you think you're having is 27 you have a lot more fun into 30s so when I'm growing up saying I'm when I'm having so much more fun in my 40s than I did in my 20s it's not even close why I'm from the movie Carrie that's all I've been doing is looking for as long as long as you stay healthy you know you know me you know keep your body right exercise eat right you know don't marry you huh you married whose [ __ ] house that night but you know I'm saying that that's when you I mean not only do you have more money at that point but you have the wisdom you know what not to do you know what things to avoid you know you you're more comfortable with yourself you know what you know what to look for in people and stuff like that man like I can't imagine dying at 27 never went down from Chicago [ __ ] be scared to dad for real like it's like well you know he he had like liver failure no mater how before to rich our thing like I mean I said I said over like he made it out and he was well he was well chillin yeah I from the bridge living there sipping all that drink you know then out here you can do your thing because he was so peaceful he was all right definitely shot trying to sip drink maybe he's chilling he was going crazy on the joint IP that boy wheezing okay from see sad man said - yeah he just had a baby like right right before yeah that's [ __ ] up that's just [ __ ] I saw the baby - because I had performed that this [ __ ] and then his baby mom was there with the baby then I was like damn he's afraid of my mom and dad for that babe seems like yeah I'm fine phone Oh Connie's back in Chicago I guess hanging out can see that I thought I just thought I heard it but I mean I ain't no win it was that's right now that's right now I see I wish him my flight leave a like wife at 36 I'm gonna see if I can't go out - how many put okay which day and whether slavery Commons what'd he say he said that uh you know slavery was going on for 200 years I mean let me not misquote him what it sound like it's gonna be some time yeah [ __ ] this is a while ago this was what he say they're like samurai when you slaves no more and [ __ ] even start winking it's a head says that still with that big booty bitche people cut that [ __ ] yeah that [ __ ] still fat it was all night I don't see her no more but I wonder if that [ __ ] still be fed the option hello sister no no I need to put me into home with them which one don't got a boyfriend he basically I mean he basically said when you hear about slavery he said when you hear about slavery for 400 years that sounds like a choice like he was there for 400 years and it's all y'all he said slavery was a choice I thought that was stupid is coming I've ever made slavery other choice that's like that's like a [ __ ] sorry to say there's gonna be people who you may have me saying this but like that's like a busy hour it was like and it was a choice no more [ __ ] like it didn't wanna did it [ __ ] like you think people have been slaves on purpose the builders [ __ ] no I think you won't know he was just high that's all it is everybody gave him a pass for that job just because he made them easy shoes gave him a pass for whatever wouldn't see at that time Wiki apologize reason you were on the radio in Chicago apologize for those comments but if you do some motion woofs at his [ __ ] head back is it well you know what it is I remember I had Nick Cannon recently they get I just saw that chiraq movie that movie goofy his hair I just saw of a ceiling with a little bit shiny from top I'm trying to find something to watch on that something is that right i watch that [ __ ] I watch like 20 minutes of it I had enough bro that's not how it be don't let them laugh no they care to play a gangster what's up it's me Kenny well you know I'm a gangster right now with this purpose so long what I said blue meanie and my homie ear willing a movie do it's like really perfect like you do anything for a chick I said impress me bro after that first concert scene with Nick Cannon as the gangster and I [ __ ] with Nick like that's my man like he comes here all the time Spike Lee [ __ ] ass kicked - I used to came to the wax baby well you know I mean me and Nick we're talking about this you know he was married to Mariah Carey right yeah so and he just he just described he got two kids with it yeah twins whoo oh yeah he did that number yeah I paint take him serious didn't tear today if I damn maybe at that beings Dyke and held him on the bin yep well I mean he said that I can't live in someone else's bubble and I said that to say like we've lost some great people because they live in their own bubble we lost Michael Jackson we lost Whitney Houston we lost Prince and not to say like I believe all those people and haven't met all of those people and knowing the situation from the outside it was a lot it goes back to that access to excess or what I say where people they never were told no if I'm awfully just keeps telling you every every one of your ideas is a great idea then you think you were [ __ ] you you start thinking that all your ideas are great ideas I kill me I'm saying like yo slavery and she was a choice Oh yo I never thought about that yo that's so deep so why the [ __ ] we never tell master a master you go pick your own kind today [ __ ] I know we said was a bit what time you showed up for slavery today yeah about two o'clock 3:30 baby take a lunch man I come in slavery today I'm sick they couldn't do that he was he really said thing he really said that he Kim probably was just tweaking to see it that he provide repeating your honor I mean that's out of your deal hugely man he said [ __ ] Kanye forever listen when you make white people write racist feel good feel good about themself and go see [ __ ] you forever I mean it yeah I used to watch a few good hours in jail right there night there's my [ __ ] right there an idea he finally said honestly and after that I really don't [ __ ] with Kanye like that anymore like honestly we don't cover I mean we do cover them but not like we don't play like sorry like the radio probably like play like oh [ __ ] like jesus walks or something like we don't even know no new plan where so I'm like I just don't kind of drop out [ __ ] I [ __ ] because he took time out the hair was checking Senate no soft [ __ ] [ __ ] him like I mean laughs of Chicago like yeah that thing I see like like even if we talk about [ __ ] though we gave his problems cuz it's a glee as gay [ __ ] that's black oh man that was did the interview with you here last time what was his name again Kelly chaos free killer he's in prison mm fine nice how many how many years do you sense it enough from the beatings everyone to try okay he's gonna drop oh yeah but you all got 12 years eve all got 12 that's your cousin yeah yeah but he only I do 6 to 12 and 15 calls you beautiful yourself yeah they outfit me dinner at 2:00 and then me I'm just I'm God blessed me sighing shame about another little [ __ ] that's on my back I'm not sure if gonna be beat if it's not something you know you're still working to your very soul yeah but God got me though like I don't check one thing about me is I'm just I'm focused on Robin I guess like been a hundred I don't release songs and I've been shooting other videos lately like Oh some cinematic scenes he finishes drop and just kind of yeah you know just do it up hope you're doing cuz that's a lie god bless me like well you're lucky enough to have money for lawyers yeah yeah a [ __ ] lawyer you know I mean I I don't know whether you all had a public defender or not you know everyone in real life yeah okay these dudes who get these long ass now we got a name for him but like he was an arm down ritual and then he he like he was trying to push case he caught another toast okay so thought you had time for like one of them I ain't from the smoke ball for them because like it's it's how I just interviewed a mr. criminal mr. crenell is amazed a Chicano rapper from out here yes Naga rapper from that huh my name mr. criminal yep never had I know I'm a Googler that he's dope he won't crazy yeah I mean he's like you know as a cholo cholo rapper sir any oh like you know I mean but you know he he grew up in the gang lifestyle I hear he was telling me about one of his homies one of my homies that I know got out of a car and threw a bottle at some fool and that typically is an assault that's like you know that care like a year or something you know and mostly if it's convicted but the judge had it out from Iommi and because you know he has priors and [ __ ] like that and he's from my neighborhood they hit him with a 11 years ten years gang and house went batshit for the salt so he had eleven years with my [ __ ] bottle 11 years for throw him our own [ __ ] bottle yeah I gaming that's one game but it was my clean game yeah yeah you see what I'm saying like you could really get caught up in some [ __ ] especially when you don't have real lawyers and everything else hey that's why I'm the one [ __ ] to do [ __ ] while I'm around don't make you don't throw the rock no to rock out it's not [ __ ] with you I'm in this car I'm nothing then boy out swinging you'll get blamed for it records them to 50 rocks out the window yep I mean now I mean said on my mom and I me Mom you and Sean cotton got into it at one point which I don't understand is [ __ ] bro cuz I didn't know what was told either feet there well I just interviewed him I saw it I Colette [ __ ] when he was like I'm and this meat price of me I'm from shower grow it real [ __ ] going on these [ __ ] are in there bro they want some likes they want some freaks like I said one of my sons next to you got a Mitch me you tool whatever you got to do to get more views right I got whatever gonna help you buy he posted a video and that people cuz the video and automatically mr. up a Santa stuff yeah buddy know and then that was funny because I wouldn't that's Megan him down that was fun to see all that but he was smacking like a girl are you any punch them out [ __ ] cuz I hit mother but I'm smacking my okay you tryna but I'm not kill that [ __ ] yeah but so he it's another videos from some random [ __ ] finding the gas station this she don't look nothing like me bro like not to just [ __ ] yeah don't big anybody nobody knowing that God be smooth on the clothes that just ain't got some big ass some jogging pants on like this fat parachute pants or an asthma [ __ ] like back in the day like jump around as jumpsuit like they trying to say that was me bro so me like everybody take my like man I ask everyone Oh like so like I got people caught me like you fighting get this [ __ ] like I'm fine [ __ ] out like I'm fine I got a real [ __ ] going on like we up in the world like like the case and [ __ ] so I like you fighting yet again say like I mean like they want that much max but that one serious right now we talk about a hook for the new fight you find um non-computer I see this video through the neighbor I tell you know you find me yet but that's not me so I tell him I a bro I'm one more [ __ ] and I don't find the case well don't put up no fake videos because that make me like I'm still being bad when I'm really not being bad and taking my kids and rapping that day you tweaking bro he well it looked like you so it's funny ha ha ha ha ha what type of lame man so you're gonna put we go right to find me a thing so you can get some views raw like what type of fake journalism's that like that's lame as hell so I see him on laughs I also I own that he is getting there I can run about right now that's too cool like tweaking I go out the smoking big bro stop doing that bro is that like he's get to get mad I just whatever like because nothing is that I [ __ ] with him like thanks I'm like when he came to Chicago like scared to do interviews I left I tell my buddy so you asked him to take the video down he wouldn't take it down oh yeah I just say people have just don't laugh like if it's not me that's why I can make a point of view right now with a [ __ ] to be a fine saying that's not you I got I got videos on the internet saying it's mean it's now there's a dude getting tased and like you piss like glad gets tased this isn't me but like probably but if it was fine the case in DNA made it seem like he was still doing that hard are you like I mean the other day you if it's not you it was fool it needs to be taken down all I said was this it was I said what type of food journalism do you do like I focus a to lay eggs like when his page I believe he handsome he shot me I like all types and I don't give a [ __ ] like that's in there you know like I was [ __ ] with me gets broad like it's just I guess he wanted to feel cool shut out some time and say to you I mean what he even said that he got out of character well what is elbow knee cap hit ass I just cracked jokes on his ass it's my [ __ ] Delta 88 wing having ass front of hit that it's my [ __ ] shape like like Oscar they're like Oscar proud proud snake in there so what's next for you I'm just gonna drop all his music Gunsmoke and just drop him is I'm working with a whole bunch of producers just making a lot of [ __ ] like I'm he's working up on the visuals because I want to get him glass I got a little mini movie coming soon - so yeah how's Chicago will be gets now I also look forward today I gonna love it and just just networking trying to get back trying to take care of my kids i I want to do something for Christmas this year fresh Chicago and like the kids you know just like get back to know some toys or some anyway listen every time I see you'll see like you're doing better you know who is to it and I see you be swagged out you don't want to I know that's a flat meadow slack because we go I don't have to put my collars in my house I do it you see these came right through Twitter man you think it's time I'm at this time far brighter slide on a dumbass that there's no cuz I think like what I want to know like what one no cuz we know is shown Hey right we don't play like you know big that woods and brick [ __ ] you know what it is no listen you looking good you know I mean looking healthy looking happy yeah me look like you guys got a few more dollars in your pocket haha and I'm seeing you know the buzz continues to grow and I'm happy way man we [ __ ] with you from the very beginning and we don't continue [ __ ] with you message to the kids put your favor from God don't let these [ __ ] see you off reckless
Channel: djvlad
Views: 448,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, Rico Recklezz
Id: OeMc0joXk2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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