DO's and DON'Ts Inside Prison After Serving 2.5 Years Behind Bars by Rico Recklezz

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now you've done prison time before yeah yeah how much you how much time two and a half years all in one it here here matters here too actually Google's here they cut my dress I had longer a dress before were these ribs are hey I've got laundry for safety or cut my [ __ ] [ __ ] stay real and I'm on parole [ __ ] yeah suck my big like I'm put my gun out right now right now what landed you in prison initially good what happened was we on a block sooner sooner no read the video and then I leave it were no girls like I don't know yeah well search it over now so I'll talk about we [ __ ] [ __ ] out there with the 30 [ __ ] well [ __ ] [ __ ] collar 12 snitched on me and then I found out who snitched on me to [ __ ] ass [ __ ] ass snitch to Englishness up on your brother to it sitting right though but more folks hit your [ __ ] ass system and [ __ ] right but anyway though his [ __ ] ass snitched on put 12 for me I heard that they got bumped up on the next block because they was on corner and being Twitter bottom they may already kind of all those records over there shoot videos with Urban Studies they white twist magnet [ __ ] we leverage hello start to going crazy there for though they smack that [ __ ] pétain catch them on me though that sumbitch outside and they just put a mommy no recollection on king of Chicago and put them on with early [ __ ] so they cook my dumb ass boy by daytime example my eyes I'm lucky I can I get like two years I was praying to God that [ __ ] so they gave me slice [ __ ] they ain't my three years later done two and a half so they gave you a plea deal yeah I count down like a [ __ ] actually they gave me boot camp but but boot camp rejecting so it like they had soda game 3 years I know two and a half being like two years on [ __ ] house arrest how can boot can't project you don't know they also good [ __ ] like first I gonna say I can go so I'm so I'm getting excited she come a book only 6 months so I'm talking she eat it [ __ ] anything I'm back on the street maybe I know Tammy in six months well I get that ain't in the board boo cats like uh three years I'm damn smoke my dumb ass smoke my [ __ ] taco they smoked by taco so cuz they reject you and then you just automatically go to prison after that come here yeah baby this it might be to him right to Shaunie all that Shonda Correctional Facility [ __ ] up with a fade and they cut my hair my dreams the whole time until I went to prison because I was okay with cutting my hair for the boot camp because it six months I produce Lucy I said once it grew back but they cut my chop my [ __ ] off and sent my [ __ ] at the present any cut my fingers oh wow and it was races his hair down there you were going to race his prison hey buddy hate black [ __ ] boy and and and I was who the famous so when I came down and they really hated my [ __ ] ass boy so let's take it back for a second so okay you get the plea for the sentence but what could you a think if you took it to trial she likes it what it was like like third you get some [ __ ] you know you know you can't call talk dirty to sky or they hate X in the clips so I was saving some Syria so that one same [ __ ] at time any said so they made me get strong I got swollen and I got close to God so looking back at the complete that was the best thing for you yeah okay could I know that prison was the best thing ever ever happen to me were I was [ __ ] turn thanks God we go back to before with the prison and everybody's gonna have loans really I was acting crazy out here like we the real Jojo world and someone chasing [ __ ] helping [ __ ] talking [ __ ] all type of [ __ ] now you know now the prison you you actually landed two after boot camp what I know there's different levels of prison what kind of level of prison was it I was at of different levels of security I was right before the most max like like like like it was maximum Indian match but like I was at it was it was medium max minimum max I think it be maximum I was I was at maximum before and didn't have the medium max welcome Steve you [ __ ] up to them tomorrow 24:23 I know when I first I feel you only coming out once a week to take a shower and then that's it and then and then a Joyce I need you are doing like you doing like RBIs and I know if I'll say like 20 like like 22 to if that makes sense here 22 to once a week to take a shower right and stay real or you want to come out once a week to take a shower you want every spanking you way of selling that [ __ ] marriage has it's only one [ __ ] fighting that [ __ ] on folks grade I'm top of you and i betray to fight him every time he gonna [ __ ] breath open up by state field that's like uh that's uh in our sea so it's [ __ ] up but you'll be in everything for a month I'm coming [ __ ] net [ __ ] we're going that [ __ ] like young chop leave that [ __ ] like Chief Keef in terms of real a year ago that world for the sadly skinny like [ __ ] going a bit forward [ __ ] we're going to work our plans because they know you're going but you're gonna move like standing pounds last race to Antigua feeds when that [ __ ] to last lunchable trades border show dinner talk about free you [ __ ] up people know Chicago know about state view when you say NRC what is that mean that's like just a holding but before you go to like your main prison like for answer is like like I say if your main pressure like Minard or like picnic video mister [ __ ] you got to say that Savior before they come get you but I they might not gonna beat you for like two months they minor hungry babe they might be true in seven days then I can reach 117 anything might come into an eight month I don't give a [ __ ] boy the prison system and I don't know it's [ __ ] up boy then we're gonna [ __ ] anyway severely isolated boy Illinois criticism bracelet fugly beam [ __ ] all type of [ __ ] they trying to rape [ __ ] out type of [ __ ] would say [ __ ] everyone ain't do [ __ ] me though I want going on and shank in that [ __ ] shank shank Cheyne walk kissing but catching the body that [ __ ] yeah but I knew you run upon me I'm staying this [ __ ] forever so they actually still raped in prison one is like this get airborne [ __ ] members day you make members doing car wash on top you see carwash that's like 10 [ __ ] standing right there all naked dicks out well washing with soap and trying to hurry up and one [ __ ] take a shower trying to beat the talent like I like France and anybody man some people to understand labor so low dicks out all over so some how remember example are dumb ass I look so you get an hour out for your yard now imagine you get an hour out for you are and you might have wreck for 45 minutes of like bets going to like the gym or something nah man you got air out so you go to the gym for 45 minutes where play basketball I live for you to whatever now you go back to the [ __ ] deck now you have 15 minutes come on [ __ ] shower do the phone will do that before you get a Glock back cover you're not coming out mom now Manju it's 80 other [ __ ] that just went did the same thing it's only 40 hours 15 minutes how the [ __ ] is this gonna end they don't give a [ __ ] about your own work myself thinking damn you're a [ __ ] boy so [ __ ] gotta use their here to come together so you know they could do they they do car wash this is what car washes in the islands and you like them like real [ __ ] I've been a prisoner with my mother look car wash is this that is when now we turn the water up in the shower now I get in rinse my body I'll let the water hit me hop out and get go kind of Sirte my [ __ ] but I can't just stay here and let the water just run on me while I will do this now I gotta throw out to get them yeah you know hop out for the settlement right next me into the same thing and keep it rotating so now so now so now in time for me to go in there and watch this off my body then I wash up on my bike man you come in to same thing but it's like 80 [ __ ] right here naked doing the same thing dicks out trying to do the same thing like you hold on phantom so dick on me feel like you free though it's up [ __ ] something like you put your [ __ ] on me like it it's like just what I'm saying like is this [ __ ] goofy on first no I ain't with that [ __ ] well I like I was the prison - I never going back to prison ever again in my life that [ __ ] gains him anything money they slap you like i'ma tell you the truth like you ask me which one of my prison I'm gonna tell you him because I've been down like I lived in there I was beating people that's my [ __ ] every day and it and they take your time minute taking phone calls taking your time taking it right from you put it on see granny on type of [ __ ] well if you don't give a [ __ ] you're getting a it's hard to get out of prison people think oh I'm going that I don't give a [ __ ] I'm here so are they gonna let me out this time no [ __ ] they take your time you do some exhibits on the compliance boy [ __ ] ain't in that [ __ ] but I actually know movie burnings never scared to see when it's going to see their family one day some of the boys was taking the time boy when it was sick on this year now let me ask you this when it comes to rape in prison most people when I've done these prison interviews with they say that rape isn't like the old days like movies portray it's more it's a it's actually you know people volunteering here is [ __ ] in that gay is here there's no second date when I was locked up it was [ __ ] he's suckin dick Eddie he's rounding second [ __ ] date I told phone them Gregg whenever I get to gas [ __ ] the [ __ ] off the deck and like I ain't homophobic like hungry [ __ ] one in that shipment come on man and then he was the laundry [ __ ] [ __ ] wash our clothes he phone your drawers [ __ ] [ __ ] manatee like [ __ ] pull my drawers home I'm gonna tweet hopeful but what do you want me to do for like all you want to call him his name suck a big Eddie and he know absolute you call her neck like oh like this [ __ ] goofy guy but not [ __ ] never gave him his neighbor to kill he was proud of that bread [ __ ] gay is here boy but like but like he had to wash your clothes so you had to be cool with me if you want to chose your clothes all you gotta wait for this up [ __ ] one so closing he gonna take all day this [ __ ] suckin dick Eddie bringing your [ __ ] back fast as hell this this [ __ ] putting your clothes they on though you were like your leave your clothes another part of a morning he hired [ __ ] back by 9:30 that's that's good for us bringing in your laundry back in prison boy white [ __ ] people petitioned oh and aunt o'clock the one okay [ __ ] back to Ed o'clock the next day in the morning I'm how much sheets and be sleeping on straight bogus matches like for real so if I you gotta meet I did see this I kept but my lunches pay this gay ass Oh mio cream pants you know he likes that is free that hit him with over L crazy vibes he makes me watch all my clothes we didn't have to talk about how to put him on the bag see see how smart I was I was [ __ ] gonna call him a [ __ ] burger he's gonna yeah y'all goofier there honey I bet I work a play off this goofy ass man now when you were initially sentenced what was your family's reaction when I was mad to tell you everybody's made it because like the first time I was just like going crazy with the rap like I was going crazy with the rap like I'm talking about like I just dropped that hand marking the first one that basically crazy in the streets I old it think I recover that girl right and I cooked my thumb and ass now what was your first night like take us back first night in prison Oh in in prison yeah so not the County crazy so not in like not even state vo so when I got to my main prison and I got a brilliant abhi here for two more years subject yeah I look I'm kidding first I got it so so like first I walk up in my locker they make it cut your [ __ ] now magnetars cut my dress bro I just had injury I'm come on wracking sometime are they know sometime I'll cut my dress and now I'm staying like this like like I'm telling my cousin come to home alone face looking dumb as hell cuz now I don't have no hair because it's because of a crime our committee like this my whole everything like way I'd pick my hair for me like I could my strength like golly you can't do that to me like I'm like so I was blue so it's like I'm [ __ ] monster on my chest and now I'm literally like damn I got to stay here and it's dirty in Impa my sale it's not like like but in prison you could buy a [ __ ] TV so that's on a good thing now but like I have all the TV [ __ ] was like this [ __ ] [ __ ] up it's like the fool buggers you got this it was buying a live bro I was ready crying from like I for my [ __ ] if I said I wasn't really crying ain't negative like so word [ __ ] in your last minute you was ready to cry because you got to think about you can't just do [ __ ] no more you can't even just go for the frigerator you came to just take a shower you can't even just eat a hot meal you [ __ ] up you were pretty boy you can't even just call your kids you can't even hide your own to some fancy old kids you can't make sure they good so somebody was making mom right now you couldn't do [ __ ] you in prison like oh my god with the worst experience of my [ __ ] life like I was in that [ __ ] man fighting every day because I'm mad mad at myself then at the world mad at God he'd run to me I'm just mad why would you put me here I would do this but it I swear to God if I'm lying I'm dying it she saved my life bro cuz it made me we've got time to sit back and think like that you were pushing in perspective bro you will realize what's going on like like like like saw my mama my miraculous she always do like man you can't see what's going on in the forest if you in it like sometimes you gotta have a helicopter and see it from the top so I'd be like alright and I realized everything like when I hopped out I like that maybe take prison series it made me stop all the game bang like before I went up in the prison I was BTK dead like that say we be DK tahg be Jojo sorry new I got to jail I'm when I just beat incanting up because you can't I found like 90 [ __ ] like it Hey like I really maybe like put [ __ ] they rule out the music like I really had a chance with the movie when I take it serious while my outside shooting [ __ ] I can begin to microphone back into my own studio with Mike making music but it would be say my life though so I don't line these [ __ ] get tweaking maybe jail no doing like a demon you see I'm right I'm straight back I'm lame into the [ __ ] but I don't mind they like anything sweet or on the bum you go I'll be back in that [ __ ] blow it into that you know now let's talk about fighting for a second when you say you were fighting every day weren't you worried about that pushing your time back yeah but it's all about you do it or two things just go to the greatest fight 1:12 now you can either pull a delta there's nothing my present I built I don't like that I can't with the [ __ ] but it was around a shame this is going to pen a sale fight [ __ ] catch [ __ ] under that fight I'm gonna stay a fight the Caddy guys catch them off on a beat to break something down my ass don't tell my dog like scrappy-doo like Scott we do the chest [ __ ] that we do don't wanna box because very soft for you now with these fights you were the aggressor or defending your reckless idea to [ __ ] I wanted to own care sometimes come on selling me a flower flower flower or phone oh great what I want to fight unfortunate longer [ __ ] ain't never if you click now [ __ ] you tweaking on force know what slow mop move makes a big big [ __ ] come [ __ ] me I really good I don't know why I did that I had a girl I was raised very mature now I'm litter the reefer none of that could those fights been avoided hey ru I ain't got to fight nobody I was on that for no reason I've always just mad I was never again I knew I was I was mad because I knew I was smoked you gotta understand I was the [ __ ] that was known so [ __ ] having thirties nature's call me with the [ __ ] I'm smoked boy so I was mad everyday like then I saw a pram war and talking to God way he made me realize like man shut up like goggles every chance that won't save your life and he really did like got me friends I lost in jail dad dad or like or like they caught a real more serious crimes never getting out like it really saved my [ __ ] life so I get in a way it really straightened my bitch-ass up but it really made me more rounded or jelly the two things make your bitch-ass a breaking up at your hands like for instance my baby my brother his name Maserati right here [ __ ] ass [ __ ] they call him in being a mother right whatever I don't know what the [ __ ] is the right name its record trashing her anyway the [ __ ] went to jail he was falling on the chair he was gangster they were cheating here folks he was real gangster no down healed it wasn't folks they was torn HEV [ __ ] this [ __ ] went to jail act like a straight [ __ ] like dave was in jail be Nazaire commentary I beat your ass you ain't got your home business or they in jail beating his ass treating them punking them treating all type of [ __ ] then he act like a [ __ ] now like it broke him like he's scary as hell here bitch-ass [ __ ] he just not gangster no more like it took the ganks out of him boy it's gonna make him more gangster like me on all the gangs on I wasn't [ __ ] but it made me realize and grow up and now mocha extra and I'm just like oh yeah if I'm not going back there some more wash out on my boardwalk many more smooth shuttle here wheel to now did you wrap inside what I you know I was already three three mixtapes in when I went to jail so in already held a mixtapes like I already had like I have to make sense how the videos I'm thinking like my hot video up there towns like 500,000 about oh so I was already fake who that famous one about us so always it may ever comes keep your [ __ ] no something like on Fridays I turned up on holidays I pulled up non-board I turned up but it was just no wrap it for you because you see it Ratna guy treat your ass and get the punch in your face real quick did you battle people in there and uh well but like you know negative like you just have Bob to kiss each other so it's like kind of bendable my name is all year you rap here we can misfit that [ __ ] with the book I put the put the put all you wanted to pick up with the butcher damn I guess what we can go to long with Warren so I always want cuz I got cuz I have three mixtapes probably took tried to get to describe my zone 1 to 20 you like each other actually zones so I was already six times up late dumbass trust all the new shelves create and I made a new song every day when I was in there [ __ ] like it really like prison made me this [ __ ] beast on in with a rap like right besides all that like all that [ __ ] all that whatever they would see the [ __ ] as I got possible I will [ __ ] one your own favor office up with you lyrics boy for real room did you use clear from your prison did in escapes or projects later after yeah yeah yeah you're a Fed as I'll never the bag like a thousand reps when I just you know now I usually makes it fresh though just because I like giving them fresh air but if I I hear beat and remind me of some shins I wrote I was enough like I like I know I make it for like two hands two hands I made that [ __ ] up in there like the intro like the whole cooling the hell the whole - like the whole cooling the hell was the whole tape from prison okay that was the whole prison for an America now somebody watching this about to head to prison themselves what are some do's and don'ts inside prison manual [ __ ] business don't be a [ __ ] ass Sally be thorough these [ __ ] don't be wanting to sell you says well you can watch my TV like if you're gonna be a player being pleasure shut up because I beat your ass take your TV a man can be tested on the flow and time I pissed about - make yourself clean and clean the toilet [ __ ] you come around and I tell you that's when you pitch it may not be loud walking up and beat your ass but a lot of real if you will of [ __ ] if you would be if you want to present the best advice I can hangers read to explain your mind don't let these movies and city scene wealth and don't let a [ __ ] China extortion because they will in English I own every ten year force you got a payable from Mexico you like Mexico look at that like you ain't like you not coming in you not know we like Mexico all right how much significant I do $20 more you know that Chicago that's a definite life is [ __ ] like you're talking that sometime on Sunday come in like year for so you're nuts go between dollars a commissary and DNS keep the lights on the [ __ ] Danny like he was panting [ __ ] pipeline five months then one day he lands Claire is so I'm paying my next going [ __ ] and I did my lighting I worked one day headlights on oh no what the [ __ ] happened stay wet nesco who's [ __ ] paying with it tomorrow night he has got here trouble almost there great so if you coming to prison choose manual business don't don't don't follow up with the phone cuz it'll kill you [ __ ] be falling in love with that phone in jail it will kill you people do not have to all the time mad at the world when people don't answer your [ __ ] out here living boring you lol went hard trying to college he out doing the dick and you said he calling you as getting mad at him [ __ ] than tears he hadn't got to be doing the dig she's being work she grew the kids he'd be a 13-0 were to answer good they're good true with that [ __ ] with the burgers like he they like they like ready to like really like jail and then they when I was like ain't got a prison County all that [ __ ] [ __ ] up best [ __ ] man that [ __ ] make [ __ ] institutionalize life and so when I get out I'm still [ __ ] up mentally off my [ __ ] of jail like I always like to look at the clock thing I gotta like them I just don't have it like I'm used to always be taking Twitter in the car and I all type of goofy [ __ ] cuz this year yeah how long has it been since you left prison and if that did I'm having a presence in 2016 they away with jail to 2016 now there's villains like that did we're talking about that well I got out with that bit in 2015 but then a valid me about 2016 and they send me back well what evaluates in 2015 and again to ensue thing okay this will be back pretty soon fresh and I'm free free shops were Oh watch this whopping [ __ ] fresh off bro and I go home [ __ ] you so how long has it been since you actually left in 2016 April no yeah so so about seven eight once you still feel institutionally oh yeah I'm [ __ ] them boy everything you own is my own though that's what I'm saying yeah yeah I gotta keep booking for you so that's it so I can keep coming the awful cities and giving and get on that damn I tell me out occasionally all the lovely things Ajanta they have to offer the beautiful women don't we the culture not a fool can we galaxy my trouble for just 100 bucks a day you can keep your decision to prison they say we go everyone knew [ __ ] off craziest thing you seen locked up do you want to say that so I'm going to say that one but look at a [ __ ] feel my [ __ ] crazy thing I ever seen was if you can like now you see so much Gacy I wanted OKC could they give away my club set again I'll put its way that thing we did a small I'm saying games so I'll say that so the worst [ __ ] I've seen was a [ __ ] snitch four four four four one for the state TV imagine this is prison so you can bad TVs for twenty fifteen dollars wheeler 13 RCA flat screen you know about get you on a cable coil you ain't opening I came when [ __ ] but they took BT MTV and [ __ ] name on these numbers but you buddy but it take a country music I'm saying that I'm just sayin oh well anyway the [ __ ] now a vinyl impression if you snitchin and one for the high class ever I don't got enough wind up to bat at TV for 2015 outs so this one TV so they know if we snitch you can get a TV but the way how they identify is the don't [ __ ] the TV that they give is a big back TV it's like an old-school TV lines gonna be back to the stds liner to give us a clear Big Bang TV then we get that [ __ ] be snitching so it's one thing if you want in you bad ass and he's and walking around and they saying like one I want to ban see I'm give me a TV let me keep me unit like what the [ __ ] you won't tell us on the job show them and then some happen on the day and this they don't really went on for that TV and he got that TV and yet what happened [ __ ] came in and broke his [ __ ] TV and broke his [ __ ] job that was crazy one you did all that for the TV and gotten TV bro job bro dumbass now have you ever seen that show on MSNBC called lock I watch that [ __ ] all the time my momma get mad like why are you watching that I was in jail watching it I swear to God the CEOs kind of like [ __ ] like you in jail why today I'm here trying to see if it was like a date night sitting y'all because I need to transfer a [ __ ] you buh-buh [ __ ] in that an accurate depiction of prison life share from share from [ __ ] what I know and [ __ ] [ __ ] praying at night : hand to hit bless it goes up wrestled down and what those our players buzzin come down we're not now what kept you motivated inside running near whoo I ain't go that my baby won't stay here we do now since I don't know what the oh no shoes out stores did you see I'm not buddy selling shoes on me down so see we break Bush because he was on point far as the thoroughness of sending me pics on my children and making sure that I see them and talking them on home so seeing ninjas progress in life and I wasn't there to a in assist or it's like if something would happen to them but I wasn't there to defend them that made me go home so I get the [ __ ] outta and do my I ain't got forgot everybody the eyes we answered God like who do I post got a rap god I got pose again I'm gonna give me a job or something and like in please show me here like show me listen let me know I oppose the rappers me because I see all the fine that browser Eagle Records kind of my sales in a minute [ __ ] I'm in machine not something I throw out that boy he know about your band and gone I like my martinis and then prayer that's an S another thing to this really shocking ever saying that's was only any real [ __ ] to prison prayer safe you gotta have faith or the ads go being am trying to tell you now how far away with your family from the prison that you stayed I was in Shawnee I was like be on Illinois like six hours away from Chicago so it was six hours away what Hannah came some I got a had to tell my mom's we have all come here and he brought my kids oh my god I was old man never I told you I just had the haircut so I really want nobody to see me a [ __ ] but at least everyone should land up get some sway the first I think a right I was mad said I please don't let my kids see what this again no and everything like that moment was like from a movie though it was like from [ __ ] movie likes meta- prison is here some see Emma she they all so baby we love you I'm gonna pull okay thank you mama well if we keep you tonight was like a life is this not real life still I like waited every direction like everything gives that trend and like a male white had a mom would we be just like that reckless unfolded Wow okay so is that the only time they saw you during your whole bed here yeah cuz I cuz I told them don't go well I was gonna start acting crazy so so they won't gonna be able to see me come on I do interviews with a lot of people that have been in prison and I always ask that because some people want to be seen that they're by their family a lot and then some people like yourself I just want to get their time done and then get back because I [ __ ] up and I can't like I was ashamed of myself I was embarrassed I kind of my children my baby see there they did who they think no reckless no super dad you know I can I don't see me head low embarrassed like that I was [ __ ] up war so I just couldn't I just couldn't now El Chapo escaped prison twice did you ever have thoughts on breaking all the time every day every second has now ever got close to really doing it or see I hope sure I was always saying absolutely get this girl Co she was like she little by little without tools you know I didn't brazen escape I was I gotta come with a sailor like suck my dick and being I was on my own I was gonna get on that with a take a key that she had full no hold high less feel you seeing time you forgot that tiny but so you know Habakkuk I have a series of crimes all I had to look pay out to the kids I had murder some everyday I'm trying to get out you know 100 fathoms is I was just one of his hand I mean I was going on get the [ __ ] knows he'll I feel like I want a real [ __ ] until I [ __ ] see you on that [ __ ] I'm blue I didn't get the [ __ ] away I know [ __ ] I got the [ __ ] seals and I was married I'll be here to my original seating area last time I saw growing up in this print practice you
Channel: DJ Smallz Eyes
Views: 1,992,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dj smallz, dj smalls, southern smoke, dj smallz eyes, dj smalls eyes, rico recklezz, rico recklezz interview, rico recklezz video, interview, video, prison, inside prison, gun, no reason music video, snitch, police, plea deal, shank, rape, gay, prison fight, bdk, gang banging, anger, prayer, do's and don'ts, advice, extortion, prison phone call, institutionalized, snitching in prison, prison escape, gun charge, dreads, Stateville Correctional Center, Shawnee Correctional Center
Id: W8XVqFvhQT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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