Big Cat Hosts a Case Race For Lil Sasquatch's 21st Birthday | Stool Scenes 353

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ready yup all right uh state your name my name is dana b also known as dana beers in the barstool sports community um first of all explain to me for someone who may not know who is who is live sean in a nutshell um how do i even begin well loud sean has been at barstool since i believe early 2017 as the head of production at barstool i'll be looking at you or at the camera now loud sean as many of you may know he has a nickname for a reason he's very very very loud but when the drinks get flowing just do it all right don't be afraid oh he gets another decibel another 50 000 decibels and sean i mean he's been my boss ever since i started in 2017 and we have a great relationship you know i go to him for everything i need in production but i've had a good number of loud sean knights and if you have attended a loudshon night you know exactly what that is and we saw it in full force this past friday well loud sean he turns into a different animal now he's a great guy he's an awesome person he's very nice he's kind and that doesn't change when he starts drinking the only thing that changes he just gets way too shit-faced [Music] we got loud shawn and we got loud shawn early we had some pre-game drinks and he was already letting it fly he did some beer tweets with me which he absolutely demolished me in and then from there he said we're going to karaoke and i think that's when he whispered to hank this is all i need this is just this one thing i need from you hank we're going to karaoke and he starts throwing his body around like as dave said a tornado or a hurricane whatever you want to call it loud sean turns into a different beast and he breaks stuff he screams he's very assertive to his future employer you have the best employee in the world this guy is great at his job just beware of loud sean on the weekends people think we exaggerate no no they'll never ever ever be another loudshot ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] an absolute tornado i mean there's never they'll never be another guy like this guy you uh saw nice and closely yesterday uh here's hank lockwood uh yeah i mean i didn't know what it was when hank's i don't think it's that it's just a weird thing it's more just weird like why would you send that to your family hank how does that have anything to do with a workout it wasn't really about the picture that's the thing and also it was the first time i took it was literally the first picture i took on the new phone and i didn't know the flash was on so that i think made it even weirder but it wasn't like i took it i was like that was weird the flash went off but also you know this is my flesh and blood who cares and then i clicked into the group the text message i was like and then i just i was paralyzed with with just like embarrassment once i saw gas you and big cat i was like this is the worst this is the worst thing i've ever done you want to talk about it first of all are you okay um thank you for asking i don't know i don't know i feel a little violated um yeah hank is a suit now so there's a power structural structure issue here too where you know he's above me so he can be like oh let's just sweep this under the rug it's like we'll see scary times scary times it's just seared in my brain that picture i don't know something to like i sent you that video dave i think i followed i followed the complaint so i went upstairs and uh it's crazy how many people work for us now but i went upstairs and i was like where's hr and they like pointed conveniently it's right by hank's desk and uh i just saw this guy and he i was just like i'd like to file a complaint he's like okay and then that was it oh hank you're you're upstairs yeah he's a suit now that's that's i dave that's probably the scariest part of this is he's kind of my boss now so there's a power structure that is it no idea i had no idea that it was upstairs i mean i can't sit there it's chaos downstairs i'm haunted by it forever eddie are you do you do you feel safe eddie i mean a lot going on with hank nowadays i don't feel safe that's all i got to say i just think it's interesting to show your fitness progress by showing your face how can anyone tell you know yes it's a very all around like the more you examine it the more questions come up i guess there's like the pain behind the eyes it's like that's how hard i worked out is because my face hurts where he claimed he's like i was just like you know sweaty drawn out i was like i didn't see you any kind of moisture yeah i thought it was just raining and i thought he looked dewy maybe he was just like showing off that he'd been moisturizing that's what it looked like to me intensely moisturizing how are you feeling you're gonna try to get me to talk [ __ ] about hank and i'm not going to do it as if you would assume that i think that it's i think that somewhere we should applaud that hank is working out that he's trying to better himself he's improving his mind and his body i don't think that it's something to shame the guy for i thought he looked good actually i thought it was a good looking picture of heck yeah what was the you have you can't have corporate suits sending unsolicited text messages there's a problem he sent it to the worst people to send it to now there's blood in the water so he sent it to the worst people to send it to yes of course but it's also like dude i don't feel he's my boss and he's sending me pictures i don't want there's only one solution to this he's got to send a dude she's got to fire off a hog shot why because then everybody forgets about the face shot okay but then how do we then what do we just like whack-a-mole then what do we do about that yeah what do we do to fix the hog shot um butthole [Music] i don't know we'll burn that bridge when we get to listen i'm just trying to solve the problem at hand and that's uh i i don't think that we should be shaming hank for it what did dave say he wasn't that he was just like it was embarrassing it was a weird ass picture to sign which all true like you know again like i think everyone has different like family group checks it's not like a normal it's not like i was instagram storing or like sending it to my friends or like a girl or something it was just like you know worked out today fam check it in you were tweeting a lot you were tweeting through it pretty heavily oh yeah i just that yeah i blacked out i was paralyzed like literally in that moment the only way to describe it was just like numb i didn't want to move all right and then yeah i just [ __ ] powered through like i just was in so much denial just like just yeah sometimes you just have to tweet through it like i don't really know what else to say like i was i was i was down bad but i was just like trying to cleanse my timeline with like [ __ ] talking about the padres giants first half over and just like talking about that for a hundred tweets so maybe like the next morning people wouldn't see it but that is a stretch that obviously did not happen oh [ __ ] pete just laughed at you that hurts it's tough it's stuff no really no way to put [Music] it here at the alamo dome here to root on my best friend my [ __ ] emmanuel tago let's go all right so we are back in the alamo dome today today is friday we're one day away from the big event it's myself and team tago that's right at the weigh-ins they just did the undercard now they're going to go on to the main events how do you feel going into the way and as the only representative possibly here you know what it feels good we're best friends yes let's go if you know you know you don't know now you know me and my friend now you know good luck bro um we're at the weigh-ins and i'm seeing the naked boys and men and i'm i love that but i'm curious to what they put in their body afterwards because i know they're some of them are killing themselves they're dehydrating their bodies down to a point of malnutrition that isn't comprehendable by the average man like nick these i'm choked i want to see what they put in their bodies i want to see what they're fueling because some of these guys i'll put on 15 pounds in the next 24 hours who cares what are you talking about that's the most interesting thing in the world what they put in their body these guys are going to gain 15 to 20 pounds in the next day i can say if you see me now tell [ __ ] to me i promise elephants tomorrow you see the game boy i know what i can do now tomorrow i show you my social media workouts here what are you telling me thank you espanol i want to see what they put in their bodies quick prediction who do you like tomorrow night gotta go tego i want to say first round first punch knockout let's knock out over under his four and a half i like garcia and the uh under tune in we're going to be ringside and there might be a special someone walking tigger into the ring tune in after party after party after party i'm not going [Music] this is pretty [ __ ] cool like i'm in a nightclub yeah it's interesting you guys are the uh what reporters today yeah uh save it for the video watch the video to see but yeah i got some hard hard hitting ones and maybe you know some not so hard getting out yeah soft hitting ones like will smith oh smokes is never afraid to go there that's the thing about it [Music] [Music] i'm not supposed to look good like people are like oh tommy like fix your tie it's like the outfit isn't supposed to look good that's the whole thing how do you feel about all the smoke [Music] they're making smokes feel at home still feels about right well i was i'm wearing what i was told to wear when everyone's dick size that i was like you're wearing all season should only be worn on wednesdays i should probably get this dry i haven't got this cleaned in four years five seasons i'm not okay you got a bunch of good names a bunch of people from ghana i thought you were saying an italian flower we're facing off in a trivia tonight for a dozen town balls first generation ready to get your [ __ ] eaten tommy's a very intimidating trash talker how about i take all your families and murder them with trivia it's a good one were you the kid that always sat on the front row in high school no never i was actually always in the back i didn't like participating i might surprise people but i was uh i just didn't want getting caught didn't like getting called on i'm a teacher smoke showed up for the test all right i'll count it down for you guys if that works okay okay ready let's roll and three two one action [Music] [Music] this looks great you don't get baker mayfield out this [ __ ] day what's that you don't see baker mayfield with this guy no he doesn't look like i used to like that i don't like that anymore back when baker was a winner back when he was one great three two one [Music] you feel like an idiot oh yeah yeah that's it uh yeah just feel like i just feel [Music] going out get a really tight shot chris all right [Music] and three two one action nice and slow [Music] [Applause] [Music] made it myself no alopecia here oh hello so when this comes out this was the day after that happened so very topical yeah the body's still his dad left him like a ton of gold so he just has all i was like give me your most expensive ever of like everything and who'd you get it from again this is from my indian boy maresh ibm he's got the fly [ __ ] vintage gucci older doesn't always mean cheaper huh are you about to say yeah what do you say bro look at your pasty ass look at your pirate ass you're six foot one sunglass wearing a [ __ ] [Music] yes oh really that'd be funny i'd be funny coming from someone who looks like a geriatric pirate playing by a hairless boy like nothing's changed i love hairless boys that's something you don't know about me brother now i know you look like an adjunct professor yeah you look like you stole someone's yacht a significantly greater person's yeah you poor best because you know how cool is stealing a yacht it doesn't sound that cool that's not cool that's not you should back up i think i'm proud of these nice dancing ladies again and then uh i think you're just like no one calls him back like something like that because i think that's a great place for you to stop be like no no no no we'll figure this out later okay all right right from there so stand by nick that's going to be the idea for that line cool you good we spared no yep with these three young ladies san antonio's finest all right launch fantastic girls worth every penny so you know what i love to watch it leave let's bring on the teams first up we're going to go with the challenger we're going to go with team tago brought to you by nick turani 3 2 1 action [Music] collectively [Music] three fish the weight of the world doesn't matter at all dave's got a small [ __ ] tiny at balls you don't need your mouth to talk preach you need this and this not intelligent kind of kooky i'll slap road across his dick don't if one of your shaved boys puts their tongue anywhere near the rim of my ass we're gonna have serious problems we're gonna have serious problems all right so now we're gonna get some uh get some questions from the press nick who would you like to talk to first uh yeah one from the dork other dork hey jake good luck in the fight uh this is emmanuel's 34th flight which is the third outside of ghana what's the biggest difference in fighting in africa versus the uss the arenas he was fighting at in africa were bare bones to say the least they were hops they were crowded they were wild he's prepped for this environment this is going to feel like a four seasons to him yeah sports has either side to continue maybe to try to solve this conflict with your words instead of resorting to physical violence what are you talking about what are you talking about all right tommy all i don't said i'd like to try to solve it uh would you guys just just go ahead and take the loss up front instead of waiting to to the middle of the fight would that be all right with you guys just taking the loss in front i smell [ __ ] let's find a middle ground how about we wait and see what happens with this fight but no matter what happens adam farone has to quit barstool sports forever all right we'll go to the crowd again another question from jake marsh hi yes jake marsh barstool sports this is for both of you guys uh it's evident that you guys are going to be messing with each other you be messing with texas given the location of the fight one more question jake and try to make it a good one do you have a third question oh yeah so to follow up on that one how about the alamo and he plans to visit the alamo in san antonio the what the alliance is yeah [Music] thank you great all right and actually large all right so on behalf of the zone let's try to put a tent on this [ __ ] circus we're going to end with a face-off between team garcia right here sir that's right that's right and team tape yeah yeah i bet you don't like that buttercup your breath smells like spinach [ __ ] you're going to smell the goodness oh oh [Applause] did you tell that i was kicked right in the balls yeah i'm good hold on oh wait am i bleeding are you where's that from oh my hand your hand yo uh [Music] rub it in ice oh no rub it nice it's okay i'm gonna expense it a little bit yeah i was kind of just like yeah insurance [Music] [Applause] [Music] you want these guys fighting oh they're good i kicked his ass let's see yeah that was good all set cool the whole point of the race is you have to chuck it it gives an advantage to big cats yeah but there's like big hats looking forward to chugging he's licking his child what's the problem put you in a spot where like you're not good i'm trying to introduce a no full chugging rule we did a hot dog race last week and we didn't eat the entire hot dog in one bite we ate them like gentlemen even though it was a race you said you can't charge i'm trying to say because big cat obviously is looking forward to this because he's trying to put down massive [ __ ] amounts of beer at once like big sips of 12 ounces at a time i think that we should be able to limit that he's trying to do it strategically i'm trying to counter it strategically that's what i think sounds sounds like are you trying to tell us why who's us what are you talking about be on my side i'm trying to help my team he can probably chug a beer and say what 10 seconds you could probably do it people aren't chugging or not it's not going to like there's no way to keep track of it if he just chugs a whole beer you're i know that that's what your guy's plan is that he's going to chug like three beers right off the gut what's your plan i'm not going to tell you my plan no it's not you're a bad liar that's not our plan what's the plan then you can just wait and see i know that's the plan i promise you chugging's involved with your plan they plan on chugging in this chug race dude i don't like it this [ __ ] saying no chugging because he's addicted to chugging you got it flaunted yeah i said no shotgun because no home runs in [ __ ] baseball because guys can hit bombs you're not a hot dog indicated in a gentlemanly way yeah nukes are down the field because he's like yeah no passes over 10 yards i'm fine with that there's different rules for different contests the one wrinkle that we introduce is suddenly i mean you know he has a he has a wrinkle for thee and not for me or wrinkles for me not for the guy right exactly i'm trying to introduce wrinkles oh no go ahead fill up the tummy you look nervous i look nervous invisible signs of being nervous no i'm so [ __ ] dehydrated and i brought my legs my my anti-semitic ass legs today so what are all the rules now that i can't keep it straight i don't know it's uh no chugging yeah that's the biggest one there's no chugging you can't wear your pants you have to wear shorts what you have to wear shorts really i'm not afraid to get hard that owen got you do you remember when you got me the shirt oh yeah i did it looks sick right i'm sick it's t-ball on the back but it is still a race right oh yeah whoever finishes their case first that's it that's really the ground rules i'm trying to kind of plant the seed to everyone else that's not a race but for us we'll be chugging i'm going yeah i'm going to drink so fast your [ __ ] head will spin yeah i planted it there hours ago good luck boys thanks brother pointers we just had our use your yeast chill bro shut up no they're taking vitamins what they're digging they're taking performance yeast is a vitamix i have a pill at home it's for poison sumac but you don't feel the effects of alcohol when you take it that's what's in delta i'm gonna tell you guys i'm a super racist drunk oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't like being against roman i like being on this team so the max your bac could get is point two four twelve years yeah yeah i don't think you're good you can't get up no no you can't no that's twelve beers in hours which is impossible no one can drink twelve beers oh that should be winner gets to do billy's taxes right after i thought jake did them for everybody in the office oh my god terrifying absolutely terrifying tj the snake jesus christ oh stephen red panda baby oh i thought it was a cat oh no no yeah you're right it's a it's a panda red panda i looked at it closer are those ones have chlamydia i don't know they're very cute and they look like foxes and they have fluffy tails big head with the kids my son's favorite red panda cool anzal what are you i'm an elephant which is my totem the symbol of my tribe when i put this on my face i mean [ __ ] business going down these guys are the dark horse they have less beer but they also have to do work that is tough yeah like they can't just drink and like hang out they have to like tj has to do the cameras and everything and zan whatever chay does could have social i'm just kidding i know you do a lot but yeah i think that's fair people are saying that you guys are gonna dominate but i feel like you guys are definitely gonna have more so you guys can control how much work we have to do right we just do that slow you down wheel i'm nervous about tj for sure but dude they have to work i know but you're my dark horse to win i have i think i do have a shot for it i think you have a very good 24 you think you can i put you a plus five fifty you have to worry about two hours i can do twenty you have to riff exactly is it two hours yeah that's as long as they're going you have to riff though what do you mean like you you can't just sit there and be silent yeah but the when ronen proposed that no chugging was like well that's dana's whole thing no we can i can show faster than him i know but that's not the point but like what i can't i don't know i know he can't i'll admit i do it all the time i know he does the cat said he maybe he's walking it back home but he said he could do 12 in an hour yeah that was though there's no way that was crazy for me to say i could do 14 an hour but he's saying 24 and 2 up i have rudy every year in my fantasy football league i pulled beers out of a pillow case to name my the the teams i'm the commissioner and i drink each one and send it to my group and last year i checked the numbers i started at 7 53 i ended at 8 56 14. but but i was also like destroyed so i don't know oh my god i know dude she did a good job what are you supposed to be yeah i was like done in jail and was like what are you [Music] like the prince of darkness whoa what you're already sipping pre-game bro bro penn state we pre-game party harder than you party please oh man of course you didn't go to [ __ ] college that's illegal yeah yeah yeah are you how are you feeling logical dude the whole time i'm just pouring out a little bit here and there like oh like he's drinking it and they're scared already psychological gainsmanship dude no [ __ ] idea i poured it out while i was peeing to get my my flow feeling a little bit stronger i haven't had a sip yet dana you look like a [ __ ] psychopath i told her i wanted to be the i like turtles kid yeah she didn't do that she gave you transgation yeah no no you're black one [Music] all right and the other thing is there's everyone gets one timeout the rules on the top so you can't should all right so you get one time out of team you you cannot be drinking outside of this room in the booth and you can't pee unless there's uh we're under a timeout [Music] do not try this at home everyone here is 21 and over and a consenting adult do not trust this we are trained i tried um also the rule is uh we'll get through all the rules but the number one rule is if you puke you're out there's no redemption this is even if you go puke during the bathroom break you can't come back in because we're not going to have that aura ah i love you man give us 10 tj cj's hey happy birthday to tim hitchens i love tim mentions because he's a [ __ ] loser you're doing good yep [Applause] [Music] oh i had a hundred there let's go that man a hundred [ __ ] give it two hundred [Music] give him oh [ __ ] get more cash that's so [ __ ] up before the wheel started tj goes i this is the one thing i really don't want we have a slap i'm fine we're getting a slap where's my friend hey david cj we're doing the fk series and we'd love for you to call in if you can call it whatever it's not live sas is here wait and then take big cats here as well i don't think the sass is going to be that again you told us you did say that i didn't i get fired because of this we got if i get fired can you hire me yep don't question mark we have a car on the [Music] [Music] hold on stop let me just set the stage this might be the dumbest thing we've ever done we're doing a case race for sas's 21st birthday uh we spun a wheel to see who had to facetime you tj lost uh so that's why he facetimed you uh yeah i don't obviously i didn't recognize his number so as much yeah i was telling him that i should have texted you because obviously you have my number saved and it would have been a different situation and that was sad yeah obviously i don't have his either i don't know we'll leave it with tj yeah i just want to say i don't think pj congrats on avoiding my hair thank you for taking that into consideration thank you for calling in and not ignoring my number and thank you for giving me a life all right i'll see you guys all right [Music] i have no idea how this show's going yeah i said i'm gonna say we're hershey pies no you haven't already know where you're from did you guys finish oh would you you're wet dude yeah what's your wife what y'all want what's your what voice what you want your head [Music] [Applause] holy [ __ ] person has never fallen hard so hard where'd you hit it we have to pull the tape very painful were there anything where did you hit my elbow honestly if i had not been drinking i would have broken my arm no doubt you're floppy enough the actions are so slow right now i started going down and i saw nick going by and i just thought i was really [ __ ] up and i just like started turning my head and then my elbows on the ground i felt so the floor was mopped most three minutes ago because i yelled and i was like oh ow and nick stopped hey what did you say oh ow nick stopped and turned around the cleaning woman who did nothing wrong she came out and she was right i was like you're blaming her it sounds to me like you're blaming them oh no no it's not her fault sounds like you're saying she had just behind lady over here 10 30 at night right now over here okay so we'll have her fired by the morning my man maybe [ __ ] her mind maybe it's [ __ ] they're saying it sounded like my man was [ __ ] out a newborn a newborn ah newborns oh we can drink now right we can drink it was like what was it like dude that has never been created when you say bitcoin why don't you i can't drink two minutes it's too much time i'm in it man i'll [ __ ] watch the skit you say you drank illegally you drank illegally they said it was time no you drank illegally this is my last 10 seconds everyone stop drinking no no everyone's no he drank for he drank earlier give me 10 seconds give me 10 seconds to finish my soliloquy don't don't say anything don't say anything wait no no start again i want to start my civil soliloquy when you say hey big cat you [ __ ] you're done you don't know [ __ ] i [ __ ] watch everything yep and i'm seeing everything yeah i love to gamble and i love sports and no one [ __ ] loves it more than me that's right [ __ ] love the sports it stays sam says you did stay tuned stay zoomed in [Music] i am the warrior i'm not gonna do it yeah another one another one spin it again owen oh oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so bad you
Channel: Barstool Sports
Views: 171,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barstool sports, barstool, viva la stool, sports news, sports comedy, Ryan Garcia vs Emmanuel Tagoe, BARSTOOL YAK, barstool spors stool scenes, stool scenes youtube, big cat barstool, lil sasquatch, lil sas barstool, Dave Portnoy, loud sean, dave portnoy show, case race, the yak case race, dana beers, stool scenes, Stool Scenes 355, Big Cat Hosts a Case Race For Lil Sasquatch's 21st Birthday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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