I Got Into A Heated Argument During The Writer Cup

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turn it doesn't move straight yeah that's five yeah no it's four no but you knocked in for five all right well hold on that's match play though if you've been playing for five it's a five yeah we have that doesn't end our turn hold on hold on hold on yes it does I'm in for five and now oh that's better not on the scramble a scramble at five's a five I haven't even shot yet yeah but too bad am I right in the scramble he just knocked it in for five so they just made five that's that has never been how it works anytime no it's not exactly bang since when have you ever played that's right that's the way it usually is up the alarm all over it don't take yellow shitty golf player out on me player somebody get this man a high noon well I'm in recovery it's a personal shot that was not perfect do the research I'll give you that it's a good five good Five Guys no I was a foe quit playing hey I mean that is a five am I wrong that's [ __ ] huge great [ __ ] pot who's in charge of this who's in charge of the Natsu if you hit the next shot then it's for the team that's technically the rule I don't know what the rules are saying that's a five that's not even that's that's the rule that's crazy that's the rule that's happened yes that's the number crazy I make it to free that guy up so how big how far was it an inch I don't care I I didn't give it I don't care I don't care you're Irrelevant in this it's gonna [ __ ] crazy the point is once he TAPS in I know let me slow it down for you the minute he Taps it in that's a five then they're done then the whole sound okay that's the rule that's the rule are they that much better than you is the question not relevant to this question Kirk from Team big cast perspective what is your perception of this Rule's controversy I'll just tell you what I said earlier and I stand by this just a quick question he said he gave them the pot that's good but how [ __ ] stupid are you I said I get the pub was for five I'd not give it to him it was interesting I didn't say that so it was a short putt he made it it was a five he was done this how far it doesn't matter if it's 100 feet or an inch oh have the opportunity to give it to me woke up and knocked it in which by the way [ __ ] which by the way we made clear on the last hole we defined that in the last hole that was defined yeah if you guys are that much worse I guess it won't matter in the end I mean you keep playing I don't care you're great do we have a ruling do we have a ruling who's in who's in charge who makes the rules I think I do that definitely not why you're capped on one of the teams you gotta go with authority at the company shut up so what's the rule let's do his next one okay that's official yes so he beat him they're saying no because Francis but why does that matter because you because they still going in because you're working in the hole because you're worse they're using the technicality any scramble you've ever played guys like don't knock that in don't know how many scrambles have you played a Million that's all I play yeah all right well you're not in this one let's just win this by two so there's no controversy what happened with the cheating like they called it on a man oh yeah no we're not doing that they're down just saw the record the cheating is not standing everyone agreed you guys if you count to that you're down that's not true get the [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] you have nothing to do with anything you have nothing to do yeah there will be no tournament tomorrow if you're gonna great leave I mean I saw me yudely no no I wouldn't no that's a rule the rule is violated everyone agrees that's a good match you can bring your [ __ ] country everyone on your team no no everybody shut the [ __ ] literally PFT sends a dirt bag move I don't care I don't care what he said but here's what you guys what I say matters well great thing why would we always call the matcha I mean if you want to go home go go go go home we're gonna play by your [ __ ] it's just a dirt back move and you guys know it you're a [ __ ] you're [ __ ] then go home [ __ ] go home [ __ ] you go home we're playing you guys don't be dirt bags everyone's gonna see it's a dirt bag move and you know it who cares it's a [ __ ] rule it's not a [ __ ] real rule yeah it is actually it actually is a real rule go home then go home go home go home go home shut the [ __ ] up dude go home they're up one all right I'll square let's win this one it you're you're we're not minahan World we're in the real world yeah real world rules it is it is shut up it's not a rule I thought you guys were honorable no no no that that's not it so play like you're down one because you are now let's go [ __ ] baby all right there there it does doesn't matter you're down one we're tied but it doesn't matter well then why it doesn't matter just everyone knows you're down one did they chip you guys can't let you get bullied on like a cheap ass I mean we have somebody who's a captain one of the team like I understand your point but you're a captain of one of the teams of that team but it's like a guy a guy intellectual I understand what you're saying but you're the captain of that team but it but everybody you're just bullying people that's how they do the Ryder Cup that's how they do the presence God Hank here why because these guys aren't Tough Enough like if I can get no it's the rules stop walking in our [ __ ] line the tough [ __ ] ain't nothing wrong you cry like a baby unless you're it's just crazy I'll kick your ass I just let us hold on everybody that [ __ ] later hey I'm getting the second opinion from who from Joel Damon Joel Joel what's up we have a bit of a rules dispute here and we want we want a professional opinion so we're playing a scramble and and we're talking a lot of [ __ ] hit this putt Aaron just wait okay the the guy who missed the putt tapped his ball in before the other guy putted what do we got I mean it depends what [Music] technically if you hold a ball that is your score but nobody's disputing that's an official nobody's just speeding at your change in the rules that's fine I got you no that's not what it is where's the PGA official we got it it's your rules we got it or unofficial like this is it we would have a like a PJ official here yeah no one said USGA rules apply on the first hole correct yeah that's good thanks that's helpful Dan thanks tap that in Hank no no no no [Laughter] we could argue they didn't mark their putt after Hank hit his putt they didn't have a markdown correct yeah we're enforcing that that's an enforce that's a legal rule Denmark they did not have a markdowns that's who cares you haven't called it I'll do all three all right you guys just got a penalty Street yeah definitely did not didn't use a mark what do you mean why would I say it next time why would I say before they why does he have to call it out on them was a good match so we're enforcing that there has to be a markdown for sure is there again yeah all right so you're the rule guy all right you guys just got called a penalty by the rule guy there's no Mark we have played Mark on the green that's why it's so stupid to do the little rules that don't matter no just so you're saying you can call it everything this match man Jesus Porter came in just you guys set the tone and they were fine I've been nice to you friends but I think you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] honestly I think you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] it's fine don't worry let's go let's go it's fine we're one down we'll play one down we'll play one that's not what I'm saying when you put it down it's fine it's fine you have to leave us a mark the rules made poor I made the rules play for him we work for him nobody would call what they are trying to call that's my whole point and if you're gonna do that I guarantee you you can call a million bucks you can't just you you have to have something to denote where your putting spot is not if no I just give up and whatever Kirk does we're good with you're not following what I'm saying you're not like answering my questions you did the same thing on six it doesn't matter yeah you know yeah you guys did the same thing on six we do the same thing on six we could do this all day I go I agree I agree but but Kirk you started correct did I start it Francis yeah did I started I started is that where we're at now yeah you started is that the best you got come up with something better come up with something better [ __ ] what is this no Dave I'm good Dave you're what they're one up fine they did it they did it a bunch of times that's fine yeah penalty wasn't forced so team Fort only one up through seven they did in the fifth hole six but I don't care about it so they're one up you're one that's fine whatever good absolute disgrace
Channel: Dave Portnoy
Views: 94,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barstool, barstool sports, dave portnoy, el pres, one bite pizza reviews, dave portnoy show, original, comedy, sports, drama, barstool pizza reviews, bffs podcast, ddtg, davey day trader
Id: xd94I2tEXcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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