Barstool Gaming Employees Get In Screaming Match — DPS #60

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all right bam bang welcome to the day port noise show with eddie and company uh dave before we kick it off i saw you in miami it's bird dog season the shorts are coming back you love the bird dogs yeah i took them all to miami that's my entire uh well i shouldn't say i because they're they're not bathing suits but if i'm not wearing a bathing suit i'm wearing bird dogs this is my entire short collection um i requested them when we started working with them they sent me originally as a prank their footballs which they give away with it but their shorts are great they do make your legs look great they're perfect they're comfortable um so i have you know i'm glad they're advertising because i wear them all the time so uh this is one of the best well now i'm reading what they said but that was off the cuff so go to enter the promo code dave they'll throw on free bird dogs whistle football your favorite yeah those i don't care for i'm a hutch guy but the shorts play that's promo code dave boom free bird dogs football i don't care for it with your pair of bird dogs you'll not take these these things off i have the joggers too everything bird dogs they got really good you know remind me to tell you a story actually which i'm sure we're going to get into are we talking about the weed incident yeah we'll lead off with that i know you talked about the rundown but i mean because bird dogs was mentioned is part of this story believe it or not oh really yeah like when i came to the nurse or whoever it was was like i was again proof i was wearing bird dogs so i was wearing them he's like asked about the pants he's like are those bird dogs and it made me think i was not in the real world i'm like what are you talking about he's like those are bird dogs right i'm like yeah how'd you know he's like i see the ads and i'm like oh i'm in my head i'm like this is i'm not awake this is a dream like i don't know why but it was very strange he sees the ads like he's seen a bird before oh so he knew who you were of course i'm famous i know but i figure like i know it's embarrassing so i've been in the hospital twice my time one with a fake heart attack and uh i thought it was half real the heart attack no it's pulled muscle walking up the steps after eating a uh too much popcorn at the movie theater okay so you told them to run down uh i intentionally avoided most of the story because i wanted to hear it here so here's what happened stu finer came in one day during advisors uh and he had four of these things called punch bars they're chocolate like weed edibles and they're they're probably like i don't know they're a little square and he handed the four to me and he said take one of these you'll be good that's what he said um so i've had them i haven't used them and i'm over my parents house for thanksgiving and i went to get a glass of wine it's like 2 30 um my sister and her family just showed up my mom i she doesn't know how to buy wine they're not like wine people so she's had the same wine probably forever i don't know why it's like manchevitz it's not real i wasn't gonna drink it um so it's like all right whatever i'm not gonna have wine i want a little a little little tiny buzz so i was gonna like micro dose weed like just a tiny you know just take the edge off thanksgiving so i went in got the punch bar and just took i remember stu take my i took a bite put it away and went back out 20 minutes later and i'm not a huge weed guy uh 20 minutes later i i knew something was up i'm like whoa i am feeling this so i walk into the bathroom look at the punch bar and there were nine doses in one punch bar so it wasn't like one dose it was nine doses so each it it was clearly marked on the package which i did not read but each little one there's nine doses each one was 25 uh m whatever m mega i keep saying megabytes milligrams so i ate six of them so i did i ate 150 milligram edible at once i start freaking out i call sylvana and i'm like uh i just ate six milligrams of this [ __ ] like 150 can you google that am i gonna die like what's happening she's like no you can't die from like we no one ever dies it's true there's never been an overdose which is crazy never been like people may do crazy [ __ ] but you can't overdose um from wheat but i was freaking out so i walked out just as we're getting ready to eat and i just told my mom i'm like ma i don't feel good i i gotta go lay down so she's like all right that's weird i went lay down she comes in she's like you want some tums i'm like no that won't help and i knew it was i was just it was increasing everything and i was on a different planet so i knew i had to tell her which is so weird because my parents aren't drug people at all like for i could have said it was like crystal meth like i i like we but and i don't do it much but i'm like i i gotta tell you i i screwed up i took too much weed i'm just like on a different planet so i told my mom that like two seconds later i was holding a water bottle the water bottle falls over my mom's like the water bottle fell and i'm like yup i and bang my head hit the tail the bed like passed out woke up five hours later in the hospital no five hours later no recollection of it oh when i say no recollection like i i don't they call 9-1-1 uh ambulance comes takes me there i was having slight out-of-body experiences like i was floating above my body and i could see like my mom or like the hospital like talking to me and i'm like i'm up here i'm up here and it was crazy i'm like oh i died i i think i'm in like this this alternate world it was almost like stuck like i i couldn't get back into my body so an ambulance took you yeah i don't remember it that i mean it's a shame that there wasn't like reports like oh like you know dave port everyone had been freaking out i guess i guess i heard which was nice by like the police the ambulance or whoever it was they like made sure when i got admitted they're like don't say who it is i was not like on a file anymore oh that's good dad but i mean i told anybody everybody anyways i mean it was embarrassing i was embarrassed and then my parents of course are like they're grilling me like what which we're so hard to hang out with that you like it's like you weren't even supposed to know i was supposed to take touch like when stu said take one i was like i'll take half like i just want it tiny like it's not that uncommon but yeah i [ __ ] it up and 150 there's some weed heart outs out there that's a [ __ ] ton uh [ __ ] like 20 is a lot so like did you go into thanksgiving like knowing like hey i'm going to i'm going to do this or i went literally to get a glass of wine there wasn't any i'm like all right i'll just do this instead like same kind of like just like take the edge off but man i i i never and and weed affects me more than anything in the world i when i do it i don't even do a lot so it was a tiny bit and you know the content coming out before that was like great you know the watermelon return uh the video of your dad with the milanos was great uh i hate everything was great and then that was all all time for my dad what did how did that go down my dad was sitting next to me on on like we're sitting watching tv and just turns and goes i'm going to tell you something you don't know about me dead serious he goes i hate donald trump i i couldn't believe he said it i was like that's the only thing people know about you but he clarified but he doesn't hate republicans yeah after he tried to he he did try to say he's like just be he's like i think he he tried to talk his way out of it being like it's his hatred of trump doesn't reflect how he feels about like republicans like if he liked a republican he would vote for a republican for president he just hates trump so much i think he's partly too because obviously all the [ __ ] that's happening with me um with you know the stuff we've talked about at nauseam he knows it's like crazy liberals so i think his point is like yeah like they're crazy too like there's nobody to like basically was uh so like there were you ruined thanksgiving yeah i ruined thanksgiving really it was like your sister was anyone like like did they take over i i just i don't know well my parents aren't like obviously i don't think anybody knew now granted i went from what i gathered because i'm like were you guys like super scared and they were definitely scared but the everybody kept saying like the plea or whoever like his heart's strong like he's fine he's just out of it you're just [ __ ] someone hit you with a dart it was crazy i've never and for some reason my head i was so [ __ ] up it's like if i close my eyes and fall asleep i'm gonna die like i have to stay awake so i was fighting so hard i know now if you just fall asleep you wake up you go like but i was fighting it fighting it fighting no matter what my parents were going to come in if i was just unconscious like in the bed they would have called 9-1-1 no matter what yeah it was i was embarrassed i felt bad i really did i mean you don't get out there much anyway oh i ruined it not intentionally at all and to i know my parents don't i don't believe like that i was just trying to take like tiny they wouldn't notice at all like it's not that uncommon i bet a lot of people when they're on thanksgiving take a little like that or a wine or whatever yeah yeah yeah it would i certainly was not trying to get obliterated high well it was questionable because i was texting kareem we were talking about the show i forgot what exactly we're saying and he's just like dave's like gone dark it's super weird like you're like we were waiting for you to launch the sale the fact that i even tweeted anything was a testament to my work ethic like i want to say that because i could barely keep my eyes open i had like 9 000 alarms just waiting i remember that i did i think a midnight tweet or something and i just might open my hand the phone fell out and i was just out cold again were people like it was like erica and like people hit me up like what's going on no not really oh okay it wasn't like a uh no pulling the fire alarm um yeah the texture is obvious it was chaos at the chicken coop as well it was uh yeah yeah well i was out of my mind and she like i didn't want to tell my parents yeah because i knew they won't get it right but it's like what am i gonna do so i was on the phone with her i and it was like if i was talking to sylvana i felt like i'd stay awake um but and she that like my mom and silvana have never talked yeah and they were talking like oh really because she was on speakerphone my mom was in the room and sylvana was like i heard my mom be like sorry we have to meet this way um it's nuts it's such a shame that there's not video of your dad like you know walking in that room like figuring what to do like my mom handled it very well it's better that she was calm like didn't freak out um i barely saw my sister like she got there and it just happened and i don't know how much my sister knows about wheatie or whether she's like he'll be fine i don't know but i've never had i've never had that i'm not like i don't get [ __ ] up to that extent where i've never blacked out in my life so are you done with the weed or what well that was just a juvenile error that i made like i will obviously never ever do that again i'm going to be far more careful that's it's i mean it's just a shame that there's nothing like you going out in the hospital bed or something because that would have been an all-time all-time clip all-time picture i mean it's too if anything like that or no i i well i mean i'm a performer at all times so oh it should be good no i mean well i have one i have two things one that's crazy actually not i'm looking at it the uh and maybe i'll send it but yeah this is this is when i woke up oh my god oh dude your eyes are shut it's like that was when i woke up and part of it's like i don't want like people being like oh penn stock dave yeah so i wasn't even sure i was gonna say anything i knew it was funny but it was weed and then uh yeah i have another video like right before i went out it's like david goes to the dentist can we set up some sort of alert system like you just said like it would be nice to know if you're going to die ahead of time like listen everyone's come for me including the weed it's going to be tough to take me out they said i'm in great health they're like you're in great health and obviously trust me they tested for everything like the report it's like no meth and all this no that's like it was [ __ ] a punch bar from stu [ __ ] finer and i and my parents were like what happened like well i told him like stu finer that [ __ ] gave me these punch bars my mom's like stew um i mean he he definitely said he won but it's my fault a hundred percent it's it can't be more clearly marked when you actually look at the package which i didn't do that's unbelievable and it just to happen there with that with them like how they i mean that's crazy crazy uh and then how did you bounce back so then you went right to miami on friday yeah and i was still pretty high where are you like the whole flight and everything yeah like the whole day really i didn't feel like myself till saturday um but yeah i mean i woke up i was okay like even when i woke up in the hospital like yeah i was still high but i was back to all right i know i like i'm back to myself you know yeah you were still cooked when you got to miami because you went and sat down in the sun and just like laid there and you're like yeah well yeah i was definitely still high are you guys uh did you guys go to the club friday or saturday saturday friday friday just i went out to dinner that's it are you back in club shape like were you i don't want to be in club shay i don't want to go out um no like i i very much would my and my preferred night would be like dinner and like bed yeah yeah yeah what's up with guests we're hanging out with rick ross and he's is he a one-time move by him like just no sense of awareness at all like how many times did he tweet and brag about rick ross and like things as i said it's like i was being dragged like through it was probably the lowest i've been in two decades and not when i tweeted that yes yes it was yes it was yesterday that was after i got i got the evidence that you needed i got that it was kareem had that too if it was just somebody you sent it no no that was that was really in poor taste it was like all right once but how many times do you have to like any just read the rum it's a major league like guys like i'm going through actually the worst experience i've had to go through and since i've been doing barstool and he's just having the time of his life in miami great maybe keep it off social media you did nothing wrong dave you didn't know that what was that do with anything because you were free you were a free man at that point and it was the number one like moment non-sports moment that i've experienced in my life so it's like as long as you're having a good time as long as as paulie playoffs is having a good time in miami partying and doing everything while i'm getting dragged through the mud in new york it was again i i how many times did you talk about like 100 saturday and sunday yeah it was an amazing moment it was like when you were like good you know brady or whatever it was like one of those big moments in life yeah i mean he's been firing off rick ross you up tweets for a long time so it was uh it was a white whales uh you know that was it was it was a big moment for paul what is that who cares you can still have the moment without openly bragging to the world when supposedly one of your good friends is going through a like i'm being accused of heinous crimes and he's with rick ross having the time his life you were already clear is this why i don't know what that means already clear i think he needs to kind of die down already but no no it was like i was still very much like in the weeds what day was it this is saturday saturday not this saturday was the week week before is this worse or better than when he took a selfie with chainsmokers remember he got mad at him for that no not really you remember that right paul yeah yeah because i was friends with one of the guy one of their friends so i was like oh look who i'm with and i said to my friend and then dave was like you're a loser well i yeah i mean i don't know i this is if i do anything he can do whatever he wants publicly do anything publicly i'm getting i never post anything publicly you used to say i had the most cringe social media you couldn't even follow me i i don't i know i shut it down and then you still you you're telling me you're a social media you're like instagram's not cringe it has to be i don't post publicly because i don't want to tell you like i don't post publicly i don't know what you mean what does that mean like i don't is your close friends group public i don't share anything to like the world i i don't i don't think that's true i hear a lot of people say they always see your [ __ ] i very rarely will post something publicly because it's it's more just for my friends but all right so publicly being like your close friend group yeah like i have like a hundred friends that i share stuff that i'm like doing exactly correct what is his cringiest uh so this is this isn't i want to said anything yeah get off in a cringe off right now there's one more cringe than your social media these days oh hold on we're talking no we're talking about two totally different things i want to set a word the cringe is not like oh he's doing a rick ross it's like there's a basically a death in the family yes yeah i'm not those are two totally i have no problem with people saying like the cringe [ __ ] with like sylvana tick tock or numbers and [ __ ] like that but those are two totally like if paul just died i wouldn't be making tick tocks with sylvana being like oh everything's great that that's what i'm talking about yeah you left your friend to go to breeders by himself that was [ __ ] up right so that that elliot was mad about that that but that's what i'm it's just when one person's so low not that he the other person's having the time of his life it's like oh that's [ __ ] weird do you think your social media is more cringy than gaz's what are we talking about cringy well that's right we made a left turn we're away from the moment that he turned it now we're talking about cringe social media no i i mean i'm doing stuff with my girlfriend uh-huh that you're referring to her tick-tock well he's he's i he said that he said yours is numbies numbies but that where again i want to be very clear i'm not i wouldn't have said anything about the rick ross [ __ ] if it weren't for the timing yes yes yeah i know that's just saying that conversation led into cringe social media and how you say gasses is the cringiest and gazz knows where i go with this like he's living in miami with jeremy spun taking him like that none of that that exists because of me and i'm having the worst two weeks of my life so i'm glad he's having the time of his life through barcelona i'm actually right now having the worst so maybe now is not the time to do 9 000 selfies of how great your life is but that's as reliant as the world spinning like you know gazzo is getting out there right now there was a very different circumstance i can't i wouldn't have cared at all so so if he uh after the new yorker one if he's going out there's no worried about that it was just this it was just the big one what after like the new york article the new hits oh that one didn't even that was that was a that was a big nothing ball from reevesy yeah i didn't talk about because of such a nothing he's probably he's probably like it didn't go anywhere it and they tried to but it got no the whole first like five paragraphs were just recapping that i don't know what he would have written about he eight months and the whole article is recapping somebody else's article yeah and he didn't get one quote which is stunning one quote oh frank you get one quote from even people who hate us the only like kind of new thing is he had like a couple quotes from the aurora thing in the wisconsin notre dame tailgate yeah nothing he had absolutely nothing the only things i wrote down and he lied about why he wouldn't do the video he's like um i because i didn't think it was appropriate for a serious subject matter he said it would be distracting it wouldn't have been distracting he's a [ __ ] yet he's like he wanted to get in the ring with me no i didn't i wanted you you asked me your questions i'll answer them and i want documented proof and by the way video matters like how somebody uh handles themselves and conducts themselves you get to see what a worm these people are body language yeah like see how they react when i hit them over the head with facts none of them want to do it they'll never do it but i wasn't trying to ambush nothing i've give the same offer to every single person bring as many people as you want bring your own crew your own everything we'll have ours and and we can have a discussion but they won't do it they'll never do it because i and this is such a stretch but i've seen a lot like the new ceo of twitter he's like everyone's quote tweeting he he said something that was a joke on the daily show and it's about muslims and white people and racists or so i i don't know what it was but out of context can look bad and then everyone's defending the same people kill me like wait a minute that's out of context it's a joke but exactly what they do to me yeah what i found interesting the couple things i wrote down from that article and if you don't know what referring to new york magazine it was a second punch of the one-two hit piece it came out monday or tuesday of last week a little bit it really does nothing so yeah i don't even like he said i don't think he tweeted about it and uh it was such a nothing event i didn't read until this morning i didn't even care i was like you know but again these articles weirdly are such vindications for me eight and a half months this was obviously intended to be like a huge click bait thing it was like moby dick it was so long and there was nothing in it there was no i didn't even usually they'd use that [ __ ] hit piece picture of you and that alone will just garner you know 500 retweets i don't even see it get like cycled around them no the one thing i sent him a note which is just such a preposterous lie he's like dave portland i defended harvey weinstein no i did not and i actually included uh the article that i wrote when deadspin tried to destroy lied and said said they quoted something i never said and included the actual clip from barcelona radio when we were talking when the harvey weinstein case first broke it was myself kevin clancy fran and tommy i was talking to [ __ ] fran it was like a woman was in the conversation and the thing starts with kevin being like he's a monster he's the worst and the discussion just turned into more like should um prostitution be legal very barstool radio never ever [ __ ] defended him always said he was a monster i sent that clip to reeves i'm like you're gonna correct this like here it is and the articles out there he didn't respond because of [ __ ] coward but that like people just lie it made me almost think again remember that hockey reporter who said like we made fun of denna lang oh yeah and when in australia yeah when in reality we did a charity for her and when we put it out they just deleted that part she never apologized now they're just full of [ __ ] the media is full of [ __ ] and uh the things i wrote so it says over the years portland has joked about rape that has you have not over the years joked about that totally false there's the one joke obviously that everybody knows and i've said a million times i wouldn't make it again definitely didn't come across as funny i my what everyone takes is that clip from inside edition which is where i learned always videotape the con the interviews um because they took a three hour interview and cut it into like 30 seconds but and if you saw that whole clip when i obviously i don't just ask if i know how offensive it is and i my response meaning i wouldn't have made the joke if i realized how offensive it is because i wasn't trying to offend people i was trying to make people laugh um but that joke and then there were probably four to five more in quick succession because that blew up when that blew up and i was being so over the top with it like they think we're pro rape no we're not but if a girl passes out it's like a grayer it was so over the top and like clearly making i was going back and forth at this group all those jokes they've taken and being like see another serious series it was all one cycle of events with me being a wise ass like yeah i don't know years ago i don't think people really stitch that together unless if you were really following back then like i remember clears day when it was happening those yeah i remember clear as day yeah i was like oh it said this isn't coming and you put on the jersey and it was like oh this is how it's going to be and it was funny in time but then obviously now you see it on tick tock and [ __ ] it's like well yeah that looks horrible out of context you can cut up anything and that's what people do with me i mean it just is um obviously the the latest one was different type allegations frankly i'm waiting i've said this i'm obviously in a better state right now but i'm walking around waiting for piano to drop on my head again like that girl julia black it's still pinned to her twitter profile like send me dirt on dave fortnite i've heard they're just gonna this the business insider playbook is run it again like keep the same story maybe they get another girl now these first two girls total [ __ ] there's nothing to it but people won't even like if they get another one that's total [ __ ] well now there's three it's a matter of so i'm just sitting waiting for [ __ ] these people to do it again also one of the girls and i i'm not saying the names i never will she she opened uh [ __ ] um only fans like two days after she's in the top one percent of creators that she didn't want to mention her name because of harassment she made nope nope yeah no i hear you and um the other thing for this article was the swampscott quote who said like he's like i'm not surprised he's the king of the [ __ ] or like that you can even include like anonymous first of all i don't care about that quote but like that you can even include just and i think they make quotes up the anonymous ones that's even the first article i see the people who don't like me will be like three women accused they have the accounts at two and then there's just a third like nothing quote with no name no she didn't get her name so she wasn't important enough to get a name yeah yeah and no no contacts no nothing like all right what am i supposed to [ __ ] do about that you have liars they didn't that these julia black's a liar she intentionally didn't put the police report in and then uh the the head engineer the who the the guy who started the website who put me in white i didn't know that i didn't put two and two together he was a head engineer business oh i knew that oh yeah yeah is he still there no no i tried to hire him way back in the day i like ian oh really yeah yeah yeah huge part of the [ __ ] place um so whatever i mean you're kind of just like smoothing out now it's like three years but but like i said it's walking around waiting for piano to drop yeah but i think like because she's definitely i've heard she's working on more i haven't heard from girl but you know when you're when you're that got so much publicity and you're asking the world for dirt on me and and you know who knows i didn't know these two girls were out there or just i know there's the crazy one who hasn't been heard from yet so who [ __ ] knows yeah we'll see monitor the situations i just hope whatever comes out woodwork i just pray to god i got the receipts again and i was lucky to have him reeves kind of gave you a a nice compliment when he said he was at the like chicago event he was like dave porter walked out with like common projects and his like model girlfriend i saw that i was like yeah shout out yeah i i showed her that she was happy about that people like that wasn't hit pieces like the dude called me an [ __ ] it's like he of course it was a hit piece yeah he failed yeah i mean it was when i read it and i didn't like i said i i didn't even want to read it but i was like for the sake of the show obviously i have to read it but it was just so tired of the same diet it's the same [ __ ] same [ __ ] over that the only stuff that truly has bothered me is the sexual like heinous crime allegations i mean those are horrific things and i know their faults and i know there's not an ounce to it but you don't want to be walking down the street and people like does that guy [ __ ] like rape girls yeah it's a [ __ ] terrible thing and you got we probably talked about like the manga kind still nothing like you know i lost it's just you're never gonna win with those people and i guess i had her pegged wrong um but whatever it is what it is yeah is there any been any touch and go like people associating with you yet or has that been a thing no because that's what sucks too unfortunately yeah and i get it like i i we've talked about a lot i but i know what happened but i'm the only one who truly knows what happened i think everyone around here but no most people have been um you know i some people made fun of the press but the facts i had were pretty undeniable there was one girl who i saw she did a podcast about it which i i i may post at one point i don't know i feel like people are getting tired of it but she she was on my side and she wrote an article and she's like a freelance writer and submitted it to every publication and nobody got back to her everyone the atlantic maybe the only one they're like you know we can't write this it's just it was a narrative that liberal [ __ ] crazy media people extreme left you know they don't like me in barcelona and they think we're the devil and they ran with it yeah well to be continued for sure we would all assume uh we do have a guest today we'll bring it in a little bit before we do though let's talk about black rifle coffee and then let's talk about black friday so black rifle first yeah so uh i'm drinking some right now veteran-owned coffee company serving private coffee the people of america uh ceo founder evan heifer spent seven years on ground overseas with u.s special forces and as a cia contractor that's where he learned to make coffee modifies gun trucks during the invasion of our act of ground coffee anywhere awesome we import high quality coffee beans from all over the world roast five days a week at our facilities in manchester tennessee salt lake city utah the team at block black rifle coffee continually researching experimenting with new roasting methods and coffee origins best way to enjoy black rifle coffee is joining the coffee club pick your perfect rose how much when you want delivered to your door they take care of the rest it's free to sign up you get free shipping discounts on partner brands early access to new products and club exclusive products go to dave use code dave today and get the freshest coffee in america shipped to you all right from black rifle to black friday i think this is um typically one of the listeners favorite show of the year because someone is always in the jackpot um i don't think we've got anybody this year which is shocking if we do i'm not aware of them you do we have any um you i had kareem track some stuff i got the numbers but there was nothing like that stands out in terms of like nobody really we had a very good black friday it was our best black friday we've ever had black friday cyber monday ever yep really yep even without caller daddy yep but we still kind of have caller daddy uh yeah yeah we do we do but caller daddy yeah it was barstool who carried the day were you surprised by that to have it be the biggest one ever without them no because of everything that's uh not to be a broken record but when we are under attack we grow stronger see i i agree that may have affected it in some aspect but i don't think that was the full thing that doesn't that i don't i don't think you could correlate that in my opinion but cancel culture sweatshirts i mean sure yeah to some degree yes people who buy that for sure and they're i think the number one in two sellers were me like cancel culture and sharks not the sharks sharks is up there but maybe i'm wrong then but i canceled culture was flying maybe i guess i'm wrong though but i i didn't really associate when i did when it came after me for the pizza with walmart everything that i'm associated with is way up oh that's great then i i didn't i didn't really because it you know it didn't really have that kind of vibe where it's like you know i i know you sent emails like saying hey this is a big one i think everyone definitely bought into that saying like you're right we have to [ __ ] lean on the backs of the stoolies who you know love us but uh i didn't realize how much that came into play i mean it affected a lot i think my stuff and i do think it affects i think you're you're underestimating how people feel not about us and in just the environment right right now they want to support people who stick to their guns and i i it's not like that i think people aren't like 99.9 convinced that i'm telling the truth they're 100 yeah so if they're like this is [ __ ] [ __ ] no i you know like if your thing was the number one or two seller like i can't they're the stats are there to argue i just look around and i see you know some of the merch is getting so [ __ ] like to another level i feel like we have very good march like it's like the merch team is doing a great job and you know the golf stuff is crazy golf was huge golf is huge do we have the rigs he gets the free pass it's like really creative stuff like the bus and guys invited people to come down on the bus if they bought merchandise there was like fizz go drink with biz at like a hot dog it's a combo it's absolutely a combo you have we have good stuff that people want and then they want to support us yeah and uh i mean if you're gonna buy our [ __ ] there's no better time than those four days yeah right to be qui to be fair uh vin dogs was great too by the way um i had kareem pull the he doesn't have numbers but i haven't pulled the top five sellers is that okay can we could we say that yeah don't say the numbers but just say what what the articles of clothing were all right yeah so number one was the awful cloth one bite hoodie and then number two was the cancel culture hoodie in blue number three was the bar still nike the the fleece one and then four was the the black cancer canceled culture hoodie and then the fifth was the moon man plaid plush hoodie so wow all five three out of five so i guess i got i got my face but um i don't know i i it's you're right i guess i gotta say what it is it it oh dave's cliche dave's this dave dave's brick by brick when you've been doing it for 20 years you have a large loyal there's a p like that and it's not cliche it lets me be me like i don't give a [ __ ] like i i mean i give a [ __ ] but i'm gonna i know i have a large fan base that believes what i say and allows me to be me and kind of sets the tone all the way down and have you ever do do you release the number that we made i don't know i i never know i i don't think we do yeah i don't think we do can you release and then bleep if we don't want it no no no i tried uh so but the caller daddy returned was it kind of no she still did good yeah i think she lost which so caller daddy was its own website um and i let me prefer um so i i think she lost a little bit because she had very good stuff on just not having the uptick of bar stool with it i think it hurt like i think she would have i think caller daddy would have done better if it was in the barcelo store was it in the barcelona store or was it no it was on our own website yeah i think i i i guess she would have done i could be wrong signif she still did great yeah significantly better if it was in our store were we counting units are we counting percentage because we get a smaller so i'm talking about how she did like this year versus last year okay didn't she not do like a sale though it was just she released new merch and it was full price that would be savage i don't know if she did that i think i i went and looked at the site i didn't see anything but regardless though that's the first time i think she's dropped merch in a while so people are probably excited yeah no she did great i mean she's still powerful yeah i mean she's had said pete davidson and emily ranakowski on her podcast so david she didn't i was actually oh was it she click baited yeah pete davidson was just clickbait the other one she did have i think emily on that right yeah god i got [ __ ] got uh how what did you think of the cyber monday event at dunk tank it was so smelly but it was good it was our best cyber monday ever the nadew verse jersey jerry is going to be something rico is a crazy person people think like we have just crazy people running around this office the best part was before we went live it was jerry springer jersey jerry's yeah we got we got some nut balls here we had three straight up steve wilco security guards like in between i was thinking about last night a little bit how crazy rico is how like the fact he he locked himself in his own room he is made up he there is nobody who who is more self-centered and self-absorbed in the world than rico it's crazy like he literally i know how he thinks he thinks all anybody cared about or talked about last night was him in that room he's like this is in if he just came out and did nothing he was part of the group no one care it would be like that's the end of it he was in his bunker man who wanted the security was that a bar stole thing or did someone request for jerry and we knew we i knew we needed that yeah i mean they were going over the top low blows it was it was actually like a real fight promo feel yes big time yeah um not i mean comparatively though probably not as good as the white sox dave pitch off though right or what do you think well that was funny at the end i mean we did better numbers yesterday yeah but it was good um all right so biggest [ __ ] four days ever that's crazy uh let's uh let's bring in smitty now so smitty is going through some things now where he is uh unhappy with barcelona game time okay and uh we're gonna kind of hear out the situation and what's going on well preface he's completely off barcelona yes which i had no idea about but i don't doubt dave did either did he like did he like personally decide that he wasn't going to do anything until next year that's what i've heard maybe we'll hear he's going to talk about it maybe we'll let's uh let's do zip recruiter while we wait for update all right zip recruiter to forbes gyms nail salons hotels mom pop stores and more are set to go on an epic hiring spring in coming months to meet the pent up demand for all these services uh i can't wait to get back into a movie i haven't been to a movie in forever i love movies um i haven't been a concert a while either all these business reopening means millions of jobs need to be filled where to go and business turn uh to fill these f rolls fast zip recruit it right now you can try it for free at barstool when you post a job on zip recruiter they send you your job to over 100 top job sites giving you access to a network of millions of job seekers you can easily review recommended candidates and invite your top choices to apply for your job which encourages them to apply faster ziprecruiters technology is so effective that four out of five employees who post unzip recruiter get a quality candidate within the first day and right now you can try ziprecruiter for free at this exclusive web address that's barstool b-a-r-s-t-o-o-l just go to zip recruiter dot com slash bar stool zip recruiter the smartest way to hire okay smitty's here somebody could come in um all right so now we're joined by smitty dave for to preface here did you know smitty was done with game time that's not true that's not true that's not true i will do anything that i'm asked to do for game time but you did take a different roll-on compared to what you were with game time well this year specifically so last year i streamed for uh 60 days total that's not you know one day two hours another day four hours i streamed for 60 24 hour days that's two months i was live uh and at the end of the year through this year for whatever reason i'm not in control of my own destiny there like dave i admire you you say if you wanna do something go out and do it yeah i've done that and for whatever reason i'm not in control of what i can do anymore and that's after starting this in 2016 making that push in 2020 which was very successful the numbers back it up and uh don't for every reason beginning this year uh i don't have any set and what i do so so people are saying like you can't do this is that what you mean not necessarily uh there have been instances in which we have been given directives on like big picture stuff on what to do and uh like at the end of last year um well go when we moved to the office in 2019 we uh we had a pretty good thing going like the fortnite boom and everything uh we're getting numbers on youtube uh twitch streams are great and then we moved to the office uh there was a directive where it's not just gonna be smitty streaming and blaze editing and put on youtube everybody's going to be involved it's going to be a 24 7 twitch channel and we're going to have people work on it which is a great idea i was all for it but when nobody ultimately wanted to step up and stream or back to me and then when mooch came along like everyone's blowing his dick oh move you to save your [ __ ] barstool who wrote this up i would like it uh your honor on the record i never said anything remotely close to that you didn't you didn't but i said he was a douchebag from the jump he's irreplaceable but for a game time perspective he's playing fortnite in the background he must know video games a lot of effort was put behind mooch the game time youtube channel was switched to bar still holigans not rebranded switched to barcelo against solely to like cater to much and that brand which again i was all for i'm just taking directives it got to a point where at the end of 2020 and the stats pack it up where a lot of these directives ended up being swings and misses and at the end of 2020 when we were specifically told after five years of streaming on twitch and building it up and getting an audience to switch to youtube where we went from 600 to 1000 concurrents to 50 overnight where i push back i'm like hey this isn't a good idea we need to be on twitch no say no say whatsoever at the end of the year my stream setup went to [ __ ] at home i requested a pc got denied okay that's fine billy football and others who i love and that's great they were given five thousand dollar pcs to do whatever they want streaming wise there's a pc in the game time room where it's 1 000 pcs what kind of pc is that it's like gaming yes it cost five grand it goes to five grand what i was looking for is one like 1.5 to 2k which is like basic what i'm working with at home which doesn't work anymore was a playstation 4 and a laptop and my dick in my hand it was basically doing things on a nokia which should have been like iphone 11. so when i request an update was denied uh they get their stuff which is fine um i found out that it was not given by barcelona but by like a third party i approached that third party as well and was told by barstool no i can't do that they were able to do it but i couldn't do it to get a pc and then the game time room there's a pc that's unplugged not doing anything i was packing that up take it home and i was told to uh hold off on that we're gonna find the best use for it and that was in april and it's still unplugged in the corner so who my all right who you you keep the directives who who are the directors from uh right now it's logan and devlin logan devlin yes so logan and before we were working like well as a team and for whatever reason this year i've been kind of ousted okay all right so as you probably know i don't know nothing about game room i mean i mean game time camera dare do i he's throwing [ __ ] against the wall for the most part but no no i mean i don't even know what's working what's not you're you've come in and basically said it game time or hooligans or whatever we want to call it was was far more successful under your regime than it is right now it the stats might say that i'm saying i have no control over my own destiny now and two other factors to that was my editor who uh basically built the game time youtube from just me streaming and him editing uh was switched to like a twitch overseer when he moved to the office and at the end of 2020 he was let go without my like knowledge or anything he was like and last week radio brand who was in the same situation could blank out his name or whatever he was fired radio brand was fired yeah last week for what yeah i i don't know that i did know that yeah for what is there something i shouldn't know is it on public no uh it's not public that he was let go but from what i gathered it was just like performance-based thing like it's the second time a game time producer has been let go and from what i and for what i saw not granted i've been out of it for about five or six months blaze and radio brand were both like doing everything they were asked and it hurts me on a personal level when that [ __ ] happens because they were both loyal and just good wow we're getting rid of people on game time assuming it isn't performing i don't know what it ever has you always say it has i don't know that ever has we've gone back and forth i'm not saying you're right or wrong i don't know where it's at right now i don't know where it's at right now what up and here's is so is this that's always the plan yes okay because it's good to hear you know we need more context obviously smitty i have one thought on everything i've heard from smee a bit but okay i'll try to summarize smitty started game time was doing game time it has switched a lot it went i guess mooj when he was here it switched to hooligans you and logan run it not anymore really i would say that logan moved out really during the winter because he went on to survive in barstool marshall vs america he didn't really have the bandwidth to still do really the full-time producing of twitch so um and same with me i really got out of there really around smitty hasn't talked to me since march but you guys are the ones giving the orders no we're not we're really not who's given him to say that he is not in control of his own destiny is one of the funniest things who's given the orders um at this point it's kind of ben de giulio is running kind of the day-to-day producing and then ben de julio he's one of the like head of viceroy the kid in the cave the boston kid heavy accent revere okay yeah yeah we did a couple really cool college tournaments last fall um last spring where he used the viceroy program and that was like a really cool thing smitty hasn't talked to me since march because we had a production call after that march uh this past march six months ago six months ago not a word and uh we were giving him production no it's one thing being this new guy mr eggs we hired before we hired him he did these tournaments i think emirates is great he's a perfect condition for here because he's like the gamer nerd which we need instead of like the common man yeah he came from our discord he was a guy that played with smitty he was it was a great thing and um he had mentioned to me that he didn't uh smitty kept calling him [ __ ] rags on during the tournament it's a four-hour livestream and you know yeah yeah and he did it he did it in the spring one he for multiple weeks he did it in the fall for a guy that we were about to hire it just didn't make sense to me to keep doing that and on top of it he just asked politely like can you have somebody not do this it'd be like me calling you shitty okay general shitty so i said hey like and a couple other guys said logan and ben said hey by the way we had like some people from arizona state or arizona this was all said afterwards after what was done uh i got reamed out in a meeting by not my boss to get by to call it smitty it's a production note you said it afterwards like you have no [ __ ] right to call him come rags you're not funny you do this like i didn't say that that's you compartmentalizing it you see how red he gets when he gets angry he's mad good i've seen him here's here's what happened ben logan gave that note and said hey we had some people watching we had like this is the thing we want to be sponsored and we don't need to be pg but hey just maybe don't do this and somebody was like well if you want me to keep it pg i'll do that yeah what you said tell me beforehand to keep it pg don't come afterwards and say my existence well we were telling you that there for the future and you fought back against that because you said that because we said smitty moving forward don't do this um you also said keep a professional on that stream and not get up and leave for five minutes at a time yeah you know before you know beforehand sorry so for context i informed everybody or not because i'm probably gonna have to get up so the stream is seven to 10 p.m 9 45 is the most we're talking about march 9 45 is the most important part of the drop two weeks in a row smitty went up to get his laundry do whatever and left them right here get my laundry you're my pregnant wife you can't [ __ ] move and you need to help her you know get dressed sure sure they don't yeah and i told you and you [ __ ] said no it's okay don't worry about it afterwards no i never said get up take your laundry out at the most crucial part of the drop and leave your [ __ ] co-host to just do it alone oh [ __ ] and things like that take my laundry out get up help my [ __ ] pregnant wife in and out of the shower okay then don't do the stream i said it beforehand and you [ __ ] are like oh don't worry about it and then afterwards you got yourself out it's a toxicity and borderline vindictive [ __ ] like this i couldn't handle anymore right right so uh gave him that note they ben and gate uh logan gave him that note he fought back and i basically said we just don't want you to do it like do you have anything else and then he said [ __ ] you i've been doing this don't worry i don't want him to do the streams no i don't want you to do say come racks oh that's not the way you put it bring it [ __ ] you you're on that call i've been doing this for 10 years bringing tj who was on the call the only person that hasn't been fired by game time yeah bring him in he was on the call and have him do you think blaze was a good editor do you think he was a good editor you think blaze was a good editor i think um oh cbs is sending the email now kareem cbs cbs wrote me a long email that i was going to keep out with stats and numbers i got some stats as well oh stats last time those smitty went with stats it wasn't great look at the end of the day i had to write the thing when you sent the staff but you were last that was the block 2015. you're not the best stats generally look at the end of the day that discord call is uncomfortable riley who's was hired as an intern that was his first experience there i was looking at it as a pure production meeting and here's some notes for you he took it as how dare you question my comment comedic ability how dare you be like saying i i can't do this with my pregnant wife the next day we had a sponsored stream before loco and i helped that stream i like made sure the product was seen and they were good and the ads were fine so there wasn't any like harboring of whatever for me at the end of the day when i came here in may of 2017 i told smitty hey i'd love to help you with game time and at that time you had three thousand followers on twitter 33k on instagram yeah social security five thousand on twitter social media i did everything yeah i did everything social media the ninja video that you love to tweet about in a million views that was me arranging that with red bull getting logan to be the editor that wouldn't have happened otherwise the fortnight montage way back when he was the fortnight guy i remember that was yeah yeah yeah no that was that was that's what i put up with he's edited every single video oh he did not evan yes he did because evan edited the first one the one that got a million that you love to talk about it's a video that said the world's worst fortnite player that was just a montage we went up to chicago smitty no this was after this was right before nin or sorry right before ninja but it was your first montage video so when he came to me he did not send it to me as an intern and the reason why the reason why blaise was hired dave i don't know if you remember this why you still work here no no he works for patty the baddie yeah really yeah he's his guy he hit a big parlay apparently and went moved to england and then he also taught himself better video skills and became like a legit editor how long have you been working for patty for batty a couple months yeah he was at the stream on on saturday or whenever it was i mean blaze didn't do that much here uh to be honest dave real quick about blaze ages tj i've had a question for him for like three years in 2009 yeah dave in 2017 you're a mooch guy aren't you uh when he was here he was never mean to me i'm since now not a bush guy didn't you like say something when he left i think i tweeted that i thought he would go on and do something important yeah that's what i thought that's what made you disavow it amongst others see whale wait do doesn't he want to say his piece i mean do we want to hear what he said no i have no interest in wondering what he says in 2017 the reason why blaze was hired is because clips from me streaming fortnite were getting taken and going viral for other people like other gaming montages and stuff blaze put together a few videos of the montages and we put more on site and they did well blaze was the first one to do those montages that's why i bounced it off all right let me let me this is i love i haven't seen somebody get fired up it always you know makes me feel good um where is game time at now so game time is still impressive so that's what i wanted to get to we so we saw we knew smitty i knew emirates was there and newspaper what was the problem we didn't know what we were going to get and so we wanted to push to get mrx hired both really to do content with him okay we never like for him to say that he was not in control of his destiny and me and logan are behind the scenes pulling strings we usually pull the strings to make him look good i would take blogs and put in the twitch link so that he'd get those eight hundred concurrencies so the move to youtube was because that's where streamers are going if you look at the biggest deal streamers have signed in the past year it hasn't been on twitch it's been on youtube his stuff didn't work on youtube because we didn't have the same amount of tricks that i could do to make it seem like people give a [ __ ] but they don't they cared about him playing fortnite they sort of cared about him playing warzone that's what the hooligan the hooligans were not for mooj i just want to make this clear the hooligans were for smitty mooj hank glenny we're gonna then hire a real legit high skill string that was the vibe i got about the common man with the high school all right a couple don't disagree with so that was the goal it wasn't like we were there was no point i just want to make this clear there was no point where anybody in game time has said [ __ ] smitty we're not going to do stuff with him [ __ ] somebody i'm saying it was we were working from a directive yet again and then we went back to twitch yeah we went back to twitter why didn't you work harder to make youtube work we were on youtube for a [ __ ] month and i was streaming doing the same stuff we're getting editors the same stuff is the exact word i think i'd use because you took white sox dave and blew yourself up in her dance and that's it you didn't put thought into your streams you didn't change the thumbnails i do stuff that is entertaining for the part you do whatever we would have you do sometimes and that's [ __ ] and i tried to do whatever you have to do for a heart and it really worked how many times did you walk into dave's office and get a raise [ __ ] off of my social numbers you quote this is one thing i want to make clear too for him to say i should run 60 days last year that's streaming 60 days that means he's not doing anything on social i would have to literally tweet text him a tweet to retweet of sponsored things no it's not smitty at no point was game time part of what i do here i was never the game time guy problem i'm not gonna take you off a game time because i know it's a passion for you know you like it but it doesn't affect your job here at all my past three years i could have been doing [ __ ] that would have last [ __ ] pandemic i was starting to blog i was taking viva tweets and turnovers stopping you from doing that you know what they did though because i had to stop doing that in march of last year and take on the tick tock full-time and i got that to be the second account here to reach a million on tick tock what did you do for that uh you didn't do anything no you didn't do any original content for that on our twitter call up call up radio brand right now because you did a horrible shift or you would post ellen general smitty point being i hate tic tocs being me smitty was never pushed down blaze when we hired emirates and i was and he was he told blaze and then radio brand to stop making tick tocks for smitty because quote it doesn't do anything for us that was an exact quote well yeah because you focused on your own personality no it was for the game and you also didn't go viral on there you want to get numbers that you can quote tick-tock where i've millions of views millions of views all right two videos maybe here's what i would say i actually i get both weirdly point of views a little bit i i i know devlin is trying he's a numbers guy he looks at it with the snapchat what's working and so i totally get everything he's saying i could see how you would get irritated because you've been here a long time it's like notes like i don't like production notes from everybody so i kind of get both sides the thing i don't get is when you're like phased out couldn't you theoretically i want to cut in here because he was never phased out no i knew the baby was coming we got embraced higher i wasn't fake well it was kind of like a situation where what i thought that was the whole point you know phased out i wasn't phased out it's me not having any control over my situation you do mean you're getting a piece you saying that to yourself and other people that's like a huge slap in the face me not having any control of where i stream on barcelona sports when i could have been streaming when you talked to ben and ben asked you why don't you why don't you stream here in this segment i can stream here you said to ben i don't like streaming here i don't probably based off of when you'd watch working hearts i prefer to stream at home because then i can stream so that laptop you have is broken yeah yeah it is and when i asked for it and you think it was my decision to not give you the pc i never brought yes or no yes i can but you know it's a kid's but i can't at home i can't at home you know what's a kenzo it's george costanza uh jesus christ sorry too old for you george costanza uh them trying to fire him from work or they're trying to get him to quit i don't know what that even means we haven't done anything to participate wait wait wait wait wait you can stream whatever you want in that room any time yeah so then what what we had an nhl tournament i think i think his thing is it's getting like two corporate too many hands in the pot right also you can go in that room and do whatever you want yes but what are we talking about because remotely if you want me doing like streams that worked in the past long form streams and things that are done better it's done so we're this is all talking about in a 5 000 computer that's part of it but like if you add the five thousand dollar computer then what's your complaint i still don't have control of when i stream and there's wow what are you talking about you just said you could do whatever you want no on youtube or twitch i'm told what to do and also the last time you were told shut the [ __ ] up wait a minute but you you answer you're saying you can walk in and stream whenever you want in that room not at home most my journey streaming was done at home but if you had a computer why can't you i can't but they're also nobody there's radio brands going blaze was gone there's nobody clipping and things just get rid of the [ __ ] shuffle brothers riley is and that's another thing there's riley and memrags right now doing the work everybody else is just [ __ ] firing orders just giving directions no we're not and how would you know that look at the other all right but time out put time out all right just back up let's just say you have a five thousand dollar computer and you're saying people aren't clipping couldn't you just find somebody do that that's what i've done that's how i found blaze that's how i found riley sending him stuff last year whenever people are hired here but i don't know but what are you talking about riley was hired to be the game time intern media [ __ ] you didn't find him he was a [ __ ] now more on the devlin side because i if if i'm understanding this is all about a five thousand dollar computer it's not all about a five thousand because you can do whatever you want like when you say control your own destiny it's like you can walk in there and do whatever you want if you've got a computer you can't do it i can do whatever i want but i no longer have the help or support from behind the scenes at all to edit to do anything meaning there's not five people directly just doing stuff for smitty which is what's not just like what he said it's basically he says he streamed 60 days last year but why couldn't you go get somebody if it's been taken or moved that requires effort why couldn't you go get somebody else yeah i can i can again but that's not i will like i do that like at the end of the year i was planning on buying my own setup and doing stuff like grow the gambling discord for bar school game or uh for but but here's here's where something that's over the history where i'm changing it's like even me like like frankie left he paul left me frankie left me like they go on to do other stuff and and then i gotta find something new and it sucks for that period of adjustment where you're doing it but that's that's that's bar stool that that happens so your guys leave i agree so so the only thing i'm hearing is that you didn't get a computer that's not that's not true well then what isn't it that's not true it's the directives but you don't have to what direction yes i do if i what directives if i if i wanted to stream on barstool sports twitch which i have for five years i have to listen to where it's being streamed how it's being streamed all this [ __ ] which i think didn't work in the end so if all right let's even say that couldn't you just do your own then can you also use the twitch chat to clip for you it wouldn't it wouldn't it wouldn't involve game time but that would be a big [ __ ] you to game time if you if you if you're in here i was playing will get my own [ __ ] but if you build your own it's like i told you my way was correct now look like i said he didn't talk to me since march this is all the first time i'm hearing this he doesn't like well you knew he was mad at you clearly i knew he was mad at me but i still went about building game time with him in mind when i was like [ __ ] because i was taking off yeah i was taking off every single game time chat i was taken off every oh you were yes i was you were in that you were in the game time chat from the game time frame since march because we made a new one because you didn't speak in it for literally months you texted and said it takes me off like what does that say because you don't involve yourself speak smitty when embracks was hired in april you didn't do anything to bring him into this world you didn't introduce him to talent you didn't do streams with them you didn't bring him rags in here and have him say that maybe bring him right in here and have this they came about break em rags in what have you done since april to help him get him here who have you introduced him to what streams have you done but tournaments we'll get emirates i don't even know what you guys are arguing about i don't know my point is that who's in charge of who if he was never pushed out an org chart of of game time who is the top at this point i guess it'd be ben because i'm like kind of i'm just managing there is no one says there is no one yeah for the past three years it was me and logan and we got burned out from trying to [ __ ] make him look like a useful gamer yeah it's hard to make a guy with no skills which i'm not you're not and you're not you're not good at creating stuff i said in 2016. i'm probably not the guy for this but i saw an ali i did [ __ ] i got views i represented a common all right didn't you also do that to us let's joel embiid thing let's let's ask a question okay you guys don't like each other let's uh let's emirags when you arrived here did smitty introduce you to people smitty introduced me in a way that he said we were co-hosts of game time i don't think he went a step above to go above and beyond but he didn't do he didn't not introduce me so the year the year up until then did i introduce you to anybody you did introduce me i did feel like there could be a little bit more that's me being a little bit selfish before you were hired did i introduce you to anybody and get you on every single stream and try to get you in here yeah before i worked here okay before i worked here he did but then i felt like once you don't like being called comrade i do not like being called comrades yeah we can have that on the record too thank you thank you i'm rex that's it all right i then we can go on back and forth there's a couple things here we're again i and this is one of the things people i have no idea i've never understood the gaming i wish i did it's hard for me to know anything it's why i call it the romper room and i think we're getting a decent look at it i know it's important i know tons of people game you look at what's been built in the gaming industry all the way across the board huge huge companies i don't know where we're at with it i will say this i think devlin has the best interest of trying to grow whether you agree or don't smite like i didn't know this computer thing but if you have the computer you can do whatever you want all right and we'll see about that what do you mean we'll see about that over holiday break i was planning on getting my own stuff and doing my own thing but i'm saying i like i i would get you like i didn't know this computer no but i didn't want to i don't come to you for like this sort of [ __ ] like well instead you're just festering like uh uh i was called in here i was called in here yeah your brother was [ __ ] no this was the reason it came to me i i can't wait time i'm like clearly it's not game time is not working that's a fact and how do i know that so we've got two sponsors this year that's well we're firing people like you well we want to get a guy that can like do a full edit without being like having his hand held and like can just run with stuff like that was not going to be radio brand probably like it would be like in 2019 what it was performance based then right 100 like we don't like like people don't get fired out of part of my takes group you know like why because they're [ __ ] awesome and they grow like if you're successful and bringing revenue people don't get fired that's not how it works in any business so the fact that people are being let go in this speaks to somebody is looking at cost versus what's being brought in that's just a fact and wanting to get better and that's why we brought embrags in and my point i didn't get to with that is we never wanted smitty out we wanted him to work with them rags and it was never said to him like hey you're out i can tell emirates doesn't really love you for the last six months i did everything for amrex to get in here and has been a supporter from him ever since and and agreed that uh he is a good guy and perfect for this situation uh that's not true because in a meeting about a month ago i'm just going on that that interaction he didn't no no that's fine he didn't defend me there and whatever uh in a meeting about a month ago uh when ben did take over uh one of the big talking points was you know up until this point uh we've had game time kind uh be around one person and the the face of game time it needs to be kind of everybody well the reason why it was like my face on it which i didn't necessarily want because i was the only one [ __ ] doing it like i was the only one doing it for years right and we got you help and you did nothing with him since april and i know you had the kid in may but we were just kind of floating in the wind and wondering when are you going to respond to this text threat when are you going to give us an idea nobody nobody nobody you logan i talk with me logan we're done with this is there anybody on your side excuse me in the game time world is there anyone on your side there's no one against him like he's been welcome to do anything this past six months in the past six never he's never talked [ __ ] to devlin has never talked [ __ ] to me about you ever i don't know who and i talking about do you remember the duncan awards while you were gonna say he talked [ __ ] behind your back because he did he did i'm just saying he's not like by the way i'm the guy that was supporting smitty in a sling when he was at not at the duncan awards getting ripped apart and i was told multiple times all right all right whatever all right from middleweight to september smitty had 10 blogs amarex had 204. smitty had 27 retweets for gaming listen nine were for cracking forever i'm not gonna you're never gonna get me to be on this side he's the hardest worker for the gametime audience that like we wanted him to be involved maybe we didn't hold his hand and say come do this but he was open today here's my takeaway and this would go on forever i was just streaming but i did nothing last year yeah here what have you done this year what are you doing he's taking away from him well smitty i mean yeah that's a [ __ ] you can do what when you came in be like control your own destiny you still can't i and i will but but you're complaining about something that's not really you you're playing about [ __ ] that's just and people got fired because of it fire you can go in and stream whenever you want you wanted a 5 000 computer just so you can stream it your your house i didn't even know that's the case but that's not a huge obstacle to like nobody you can do whatever you want i'm missing the point there which is what we have said as well you've said it during this thing like yeah if i had i could do whatever like i it's a control and spike thing from behind the scenes no it's not but you control your own people can't like you can do you no all right and i will okay all right great talk cool game time 2.0 to the moon sorry my logo was changed in march i was who cares but it's like i'm not involved you want us to get seasoned assisted from nintendo you dumb [ __ ] but i wasn't told so when i go to stream and i have the old logo in the background okay so we fix it but i know this here's what i know i i here's me here's the facts if when and you give me all these numbers and everything if game time was as successful and good as it as you say it was when you were doing it these changes would not be allowed to be made i wouldn't somebody would be like we can't do it it's a cash got this that wasn't happening so when things change in our people trying to juggle it's because what is currently happening isn't working great that's just a fact so and you can still do you that's the other part of this all right okay that's controlling your own destiny you know who got steamrolled who's tj yeah i tj is a good guy well you should give him another shot should we get that security guard out there devlin's a bad hallway for him that's a pretty like you don't tweet publicly like that and if that's a lot of people did though didn't they who i mean i don't want to go back and look no we're like we're in a few there was at least not just tj i will say there's definitely other stuff like nobody here uh maybe one other guy here i'll look i mean yeah tell me i've been deleted but i'll no no no no no no you think i don't know that you might not tj is a talented kid i think that's great there's a lot of talent but i think i think he was young i don't even was even full time at the time maybe he didn't have a jersey connection so they were always like oh jersey over everything it's like a weird thing but i think he um i think he deserves a second chance in my opinion a general rule of thumb i would have well you don't have to you can do whatever you want here yeah if somebody's calling me a racist and there's an [ __ ] who's been here for three seconds i wouldn't suck their [ __ ] on the way out the door it's just a thought i love that we just we just handled like 30 minutes of that and that's your biggest thing after all that's me being smitty he made no sense to a degree he here's here's my interpretation of it my interpretation is it was his baby he started it and then once like it started being like hey we want to like shape this we want to shift this he was like oh now there's so many hands in the pot and like i'm but he can still kind of go do whatever he wants that's what's confusing the five thousand dollar computer thing i get i um what's his name got one uh billy football billy football maybe that's again like a part of my take thing like you know they're part of my take he's part of that so you're gonna get that but i i was kind of stunned when he said i can still go in that room and stream whenever i want i was kind of stunned yeah but if he has that bad of blood with the people who are all behind you can get like computer and i get to think devil i don't want notes from devlin but it i don't know he's still he's like control your own destiny you do and i don't care he's he's the king of stats and i don't know what any of it means but i is what i said if it was working great it's not just going to be allowed to go shuffled up and changed it's changed because we probably don't think it's working great it's not bringing in revenue yeah that's a good point too but i i just i see his perspective when he just when you're used when you built something up and then being told what built up to what i don't know i don't know and i'm not saying devlin i mean devlin obviously he had he had facts and he is clearly has a pulse on the situation too so i don't really know to be in that room but there there was something there though it's like he doesn't have the resources and it's like we can't dedicate resources to something that's like not generating that resources get moved but listen to be clear too smitty didn't ask to come on i heard for through the grapevine oh that was a good segment as long yeah and i think personally that's when the show's at its best is when we get that kind of thing i mean so he was furious yeah so if you're an employee listening and you have something please let me know and let's but the facts are smitty's a lifer he'll be a lifer here he gets contracts based on being a lifer he doesn't work hard he just doesn't he never has i think his point is streaming 60 days he's streaming he's completely like it's like results he he doesn't he never has he just doesn't um but yeah and i do think like [ __ ] gets solved when you bring it up on air do you think that was solved i don't think it was solved but like now that it's out there like i think people have a better idea of what's going on and it'll be more i mean it's controversy is good like they're good i know that's a good segment again i i don't know nothing about game time i i no i know this big cat went on played football got the most concurrence of all time in five seconds and the other guy's working out for like six years and i don't know what we got there but i don't know anything i know it's important huh i said it's a gigantic opportunity that we have not capitalized on as a company like if you look at the industry and how much people are selling things like what was there like a what a billion dollar evaluation or something crazy on one of the hundred thieves people what are those [ __ ] people yeah yeah you're in the [ __ ] weeds with like all the numbers and stuff guys what's your final takeaway i'm very aware that's why i knew devlin had a strong he has opinions about it because he really cares about it i think smitty i think when smitty was streaming he had a lot of funny moments that would be able to go viral in that world with fortnite i think dave's favorite moment with smitty was when he stopped streaming after 24 hours that's all you got to know that that's smitty in a nutshell he's finally got the entire world paying attention and then he just quits he's like oh yeah time to go to sleep listen smitty he does the thing and lets it i m he's he's made a lot of excuses over his time here and pointed a lot of fingers on why things he does doesn't work necessarily and people know this isn't the same thing i i don't really buy any of that like there's people get resources given to them when they're proving to be successful paul knows it's like this is starting to take off let's dedicate more resources not reverse yeah not like give resources to something we don't know prove it and there's resources we're looking at gaming actually in the next year cause we were talking about it at off-site about how like if you look at barstool sports as the top of the pyramid and then your part might take spit chiclets you can have game time as the top and then have fortnight [ __ ] war zone esports whatever it may be under there smitty could find a spot under there it's not just like he can do whatever he wants that whole thing it's like he was basically a five thousand dollar streamer and by the way some people i out of spite whatever i know how much he makes he can [ __ ] afford five thousand dollars like some people say [ __ ] you i'm just gonna go get the computer and do it myself like that's what i would do that's my mentality that's not his he sat on it for or come to me like i didn't know i didn't deny i don't even know what the [ __ ] he's talking about that's all news to me um and i don't know like paul says there's a gap in gaming listen i know what i know and i know i don't know that i just think and listen just the only takeaway from smitty is like if say if you weren't dave and you were you were frank who started pizza reviews and it's like all these things are taking off and then all of a sudden everyone jumps in it's like hey we don't watch your pizza reviews on instagram anymore it's only youtube like i mean after building it up so much you would probably feel a way about it there would be a revolt of gigantic proportions if somebody else just started doing my pizza reviews like it can't happen because i'm popular i know but i'm saying like if they if they picked the platform and they picked what time and they're like oh dave it needs to be like this that's what i'm saying and that that's what i think smitty is arguing but but right fine but the only way that conversation gets into a conversation is there's something there's problems and if there's yeah sure and if there's data to back up like hey this is the way it's going this is the route that's that's like we very infrequently interfere with successful [ __ ] you look at like a caller daddy they ain't [ __ ] come in the office like if you're successful you get to do whatever the [ __ ] you want mm-hmm and if you're successful and someone's trying to [ __ ] with it you can come and be like this you don't [ __ ] this is working so i mean it's a chicken of the egg yeah no i hear you and i know from like up top to erica or whatever if it was generating all this revenue and some major switches happened that hurt it she'd be like what the [ __ ] are we doing that hasn't happened i didn't even know this thing was an issue yeah and then that takes it's leg that takes kind of takes his leg you're standing on so i guess there's that um all right we're we're just about out of time are you um are you going to the michigan game i'm deciding what's the uh i got just a ton of travel so i'm getting everything like put into place i'm gonna be miami it's our basel weekend so i'm trying i am going there the game saturday so i have to go to miami to michigan i think i'm going to pat's buffalo monday night so i'd have to go to it's just everywhere that's everywhere everywhere yep so miami thursday yes our basel that's who'd you meet sean penn last time yeah sean penn and dicaprio his first time met grupman it was three years ago yeah so you're for sure going to that though yes nice um that was crazy what uh smitty yeah yeah everyone i know everyone loves mj or whatever tj i've held that in for you gotta give tj another shot i'm telling you if i'll tell you what if you can find more than one other person who's currently here who who tweeted publicly in support you'll apologize cj no i won't apologize i'll be like i'm going to give you a free pass because everyone speaks so highly of you you're all right talent's a kid like if enough people i just feel like i care about talent i didn't say he's not talented yeah but i don't think he's uh but i don't think i i don't think he's a double uh agent double agent either i don't i think maybe at that time like bro that time was so [ __ ] up and i'm not saying that excuses someone going against me i'm telling you i know there was at least one more do you have one in your head no no no no there's one more who's here oh yeah yeah i know yeah there's one more oh yeah okay yeah there is one more that i that i now know of but you're saying that person plus one more and then all right listen you don't know me very well if you think somebody could publicly go on the twitter machine and not get put into my catalog oh boy uh maybe what if you didn't know they worked it like what if it's just like someone that they're it there could be somebody i'm unaware of maybe but i'd have to not know they were barstool that answer he gave of the sylvanas stuff was a horrible answer yeah that's true he said he didn't disavow until it was off mike but he said did he couldn't he didn't disavow until the silvana's friend moved crazy thing happened it's like yeah you should have disavowed like forever ago so he did burn himself but i like you can't defend that no no no i i i get your point i get your point i um i just know he's very involved in that world so he probably formed a relationship with him probably didn't have much of a relationship with you granted you're the [ __ ] uh head of content but young people make mistakes i don't know that's my only that's my only takeaway pretty big mistake i know there's people who like him so again i've taken the high road but he came in here and that's that uh all right uh that's it everybody thanks for listening once again if you're an employee and you're listening you heard that it doesn't have to be so confrontational but more confrontational the better the better yes but the more i i like mrags but if someone's like that upset with being called like come rags on a stream i i would never hire that person like you milton you last five seconds some kind of nerve drops and horseshoes that makes me kind of nervous because now that that's out there everyone's gonna be calling comrades yeah that's that's who cares i guess i'm just a uh from a bygone era better than used comrade sure sure who did i he's bounced back um all right that's it thanks everybody for listening we'll be back next week we'll see you then
Channel: Dave Portnoy
Views: 219,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barstool, barstool sports, dave portnoy, el pres, one bite pizza reviews, podcast, dave portnoy show, eddie barstool, barstool chicago, video podcast, original, comedy, sports, drama, Barstool Gaming Employees Get In Screaming Match, DAVE PORTNOY WEED, Dave Portnoy Thanksgiving, barstool gametime, Devlin
Id: 4pW1xG0KZwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 4sec (5104 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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