Rick Sanchez VS The Doctor (Rick and Morty VS Doctor Who) | DEATH BATTLE!

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this video is sponsored by better help Rick Sanchez the doctor these brilliant Geniuses dominate The Cosmos but who would win an allout brawl he's whiz and I'm Boomstick and it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a death battle everything about Morty Smith's life was perfectly average average house average family average school maybe slightly below average intelligence but everything changed the day his grandpa Rick came home yeah in style cuz Rick Sanchez is anything but average Rick is easily the smartest man in the universe and it's most dangerous criminal he spent years on the run from the Galactic Federation going on adventures across the Multiverse who cares about the emotional Trauma from abandoning his daughter right and then he took her son and put him in life-threatening Danger bye thus formed the greatest Duo of the generation Rick and Morty yeah mostly Rick Morty's the cannon fter who smuggles grapefruit size seeds up his ass and that's just the first episode Rick is an unparalleled inventor always ready to face even the squatchiest of alien foes he's got your usuals laser gun invisibility belt shrink ray cyborg implants the works as well as some weirder things like a Mr me's box which can summon an infinite number of irritating temporary life forms that will work tirelessly to accomplish a given task or a series of Android decoys that are so perfectly created they don't even realize their decoys which leads them to create decoys that create decoys and so on Rick's gadgets can erase your memories manipulate and travel through time and even make a surface true level as in perfectly flat something normally mathematically impossible so beautiful that experiencing it for only a moment before returning to non- idian space can emotionally scar you for life he can even inject you with his own genetic info and instantly chest burst a clone of himself from inside you like a pasty alcoholic xenomorph what the hell Rick and Morty travel the universe in the space cruiser powered by a microverse under the hood this compact Starship comes equipped with laser cannons a fishing line that can tow a solar system and a unique artificial intelligence with all that crazy sci-fi gear Rick and Morty's Adventures were absolutely bunkers from disentangling a Time lip created by alien snakes to battling The Meta fictional storyl to Rick turning himself into a pickle to avoid family therapy this guy would rather battle the Russian mafia as a vegetable than address his feelings actually pickles a fruit because boy oh boy does he have a lot of them behind the fart jokes and wubble Wubba dub dubs Rick Harbor's bitter emotional Agony way back when in a completely different Universe the Rick we know had a happy life and until another Rick from Another Universe took it all away the bastard but like me Rick is a true inventor and this tragedy spurred him to craft his greatest creation the portal gun my scans indicate 6 great holes through all aspects of space time allowing rig to travel anywhere in the Multiverse it sounds exhausting it can do more than that it can slice you in have sit up traps and even that's coming out of your paycheck nuh-uh Decades of traveling the Multiverse hunting down the man who ruined his life darkened Rick's heart he began to ask himself if there are an infinite number of universes with an infinite number of each person how did any individual life matter sounds like he's overthinking it like the time he accidentally turned all of humanity into horrific Cronin bgs he and Morty had to escape to a parallel universe where they SWA places with recently deceased versions of themselves what does that do to a person Mak some bad ass when Rick found the interdimensional Council of Ricks he kicked their teeth in like they say he's the rickest Rick of them all that he is just touching the Hem of His coat can activate his energy Shield or even induce instant death yes instant no it isn't explained why though considering this reaction it's likely a chemical released through the coat's lining rickest Rick whiz he's dodged an orbital space laser from just a few feet away he's so smart he figured out he's in a TV show yep really perhaps most mysterious is Operation Phoenix a series of Clone bodies that his Consciousness can be uploaded to upon his death despite eventually taking it offline his mind is still connected to every other operation Phoenix across the Multiverse giving him an infinite number of extra lives even if some of them are shrimps and fascists some of his devices can destroy the Earth the universe even numerous alternate timelines he actually did that just to manipulate the stock market though underneath the drunken God complex there there's still a glimmer of the family man Rick used to be well as much as he insists that love Is Just A chemical reaction in the brain He does care about his daughter and grandkids and Jerry sometimes he's taking on an alien Zeus the president of the United States and the actual devil even exiting the bounds of fiction into meta reality fighting Jesus H leaping Christ himself and meeting Joseph Campbell talk about a hero's journey challenge Rick at your will he might look like a scrawny drunken septuagenarian and he is but he's also somehow The Greatest Warrior in the universe and you can lick his balls Ian chesteron and Barbara Wright were just your average school teachers with a less than average student Susan was odd almost like an alien and when they met her grandfather and his police box they found out why they were aliens and that police box was the Tardis a two-in-one spaceship and time machine thus they were whed away into the Stars kicking off over half a century of timey wiy adventures with a revolving cast of companions like Sarah Jane Smith Rose Tyler the Brigadier Amy Pond and so many more complete with the cheesiest special effects you've ever seen this mad man with a box had a name he would never tell and a history he would always run from he was only known as the doctor Doctor Who exactly dror EX ly though the doctor's Origins are shrouded in mystery we know they were born several thousand years ago and earned degrees in Cosmic science and higher dimensional physics but he got bored with the stuffy Time Lord bureaucrats stole a Tardis and explored time and space as a runaway who can forget those Adventures chasing dinosaurs on a spaceship dueling Robin Hood with a spoon or shoving Hitler in a closet yeah we know it's kind of weird it's British but if you don't know who's who you're probably wondering who are all these people a bunch of old guys young guys a lady and one of the Three Stooges what the doctor is a Time Lord from the planet galif Fray time Lords may look human but couldn't be more different not only do they have two hearts they literally experience time differently they can see past present and future all at once they can resist temporal phenomena such as time stops and can tamper with fixed points in time they're effectively acausal beings this makes them super hard to predict and nearly impossible to erase from any timeline they can even breach the bounds of space and talk directly to you yes you at home hello there time Lords are practically walking DSX mocking Us in fact a lot of them would be proud to be called that yeah the duck ran away for a reason time Lords are a bit dodgy the doctor has hypnotized with a glance resisted mind control survived deadly radiation and even learned transmigration as in the ability to summon an object out of thin air sounds sounds crazy but it's apparently standard fair for Time Lord Academy but the reason why there are so many doctors is that time Lords have a funny way of cheating death upon receiving a fatal wound the doctor under go regeneration gaining a new healthy body it's way more than that while reloading the doctor has regrown lost limbs become strong enough to knock down steel doors and even weaponized his own time energy downside being if a Time Lord dies during regeneration that ends the process permanently to date we've seen 14 versions of the doctor plus a few extras mixed in here and there H by the time you're watching this you've probably seen the 15th or the 16th the experiences each doctor gains changes and affects the next doctor and the next and so on each doctor maintains the same memories but with an all new personality some like bow ties some like jelly babies some kick butt with venusian karate and some really hate the monarchy probably cuz they're werewolves but they always have one thing in common they are British well one other thing in common the doctor always enjoys the thrill of Adventure and they've got plenty of tech to help like the Sonic Screwdriver utilizing sonic waves to manipulate nearby objects it can pick locks cause detonations and Fry circuitry it's sort of a Swiss Army plot device that can hack its way through most problems the perfect pacifist tool for resolving conflict its only weakness is that it doesn't do wood or turkey though considering it can destroy machines disrupt molecules and even erase memories I'll take it the doctor doesn't often carry weapons there's an invisibility watch a time travel ring psychic paper that tricks basically everyone and perception filters that prevents others from noticing certain things even people but the dock does reluctantly have a few weapons stored away like the dematerialization gun it might look slapped together with Hobby Lobby pipes but the dmat can literally erase you from time as in it causes you to have never existed in the first place but if you never existed then the gun would have never needed to fire which means you weren't wiped from existence which means the gun would need to fire which means did you say something that's not the only time erasing tool in the doctor's box but we got to talk about you know the Box shabby blue police box on the outside incredible time machine that's bigger on the inside this is the TARDIS the time in Relative Dimension in Space is a sentient ship that travels space and time with ease it's strong enough to tow planets powerful enough to stop antimatter from destroying the universe and tough enough to tank lightning from Zeus yes the god Zeus it can even adjust its interior to an infinite degree both in terms of space and time so uh if the Tardis doesn't like you you might get lost inside it forever don't piss off the Tardis or any of the doctor's enemies some of the universe's deadliest monsters Cybermen zygons weeping angels and the sine the big chunky aliens that took over 10 Downing Street and couldn't stop farting even when the doctor prefers not to resort to fistic cuffs he's tough enough to survive bolts of lightning that vaporized an ordinary human he's even dodged half a dozen disintegration Rays while also improvising several thousand calculations in a matter of Nan yeah the doctor's super smart so smart his brain once powered a 1,000-year-old supercomputer the doctors outwitted Cosmic entities like the great intelligence the time lord Nemesis the master and apparently the original Satan who isn't even the most frightening alien in the Multiverse because that would be the dox all right bear with me here they may look like trash cans with plungers but they can exterminate anything that gets in their way even all of space and time like when they battled the time Lords to Extinction in the last great time War a war that showed a darker side to the doctor thrust into a conflict that put all of reality at risk the doctor became a warrior a soldier a killer a sight of him that had always been there hiding just under that cheeky grin finally in a single moment the doctor pressed a big red button to end the war and all of galif fray once and for all as much as he didn't like the time Lords the doctor Cares For Life above all things so genociding his own people was the worst that could possibly happen as the last of the time Lords the doctor proved to be the most dangerous person in the universe isolation threatened to turn him into the very type of Time Lord he despised a master who controls the laws of time the time lord Victorious and God help your Immortal Soul if you piss him off if he's desperate or if you threaten his friends you won't be prepared for how far he'll go like trapping you in every mirror in existence imprisoning you in the event horizon of a collapsing Galaxy or suspending you in time to be used as a scarecrow fortunately galif Fray wasn't destroyed it turns out the doctor all of the doctors saved the time Lords but just forgot about it until time could catch up to them it's complicated still even their biggest L turned out to be a dub in Disguise that's how you know you're fantastic but a doctor's job is never finished without witness without reward you'll never know when they'll show up to save the day but if you happen to be up against the do there's really only one thing you can do run this video is sponsored by better help it's that time of year again the weather's getting colder the days are getting shorter it's the seasonal Blues feeling sad these days is totally natural but you can help counteract those feelings with therapy it's something to look forward to to keep you grounded and most importantly to give you tools As you move forward in life and as we near the end of the year the things everybody wants to do can get stressful if you want help managing the chaos of everyday life or actionable strategies to deal with trauma and loss therapy might be for you better help is entirely online and suited to your schedule all you got to do is fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with the licensed therapist and you can switch therapists at any time for no additional charge find your bright spot this season with betterhelp visit betterhelp.com deathbattle today to get 10% off your first month that's better help all right the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities it's time for our death battle oh jeez Rick it was my fault shut the [ __ ] up Morty I knew time Lords were suicidal morons but I didn't know they never invented rearview mirrors are you sick you're the one who hit me oh go on I'm busy son of a [ __ ] he's ignoring me holy it was [ __ ] keep Mor safe what are you uh-oh no no no no no no no oh what did they do to you [Laughter] [Music] all right fine Queensbury rules a better of vuan karate keep quipping [ __ ] maybe you'll find a good joke on the ground next to your teeth hung [Music] God oh this place looks fun did they have a little shop I like little [Music] shops wo wo wo wo wo well let as much she can they're scared of Rapid movement mother [ __ ] huh what what my [Music] balling oh you brilliant old girl switching rooms around [Music] fantastic it's fun to be the class clown till you get shot now hurry up I got a grandson waiting on me he won't die an idiot like you I know your type the nihilists know it all but through all this wibbly wubbly timy wiy rubbish there's one thing you never quite understood I'm the doctor and I don't want to [Music] [Music] go quite impressive craft Morty you built it yourself uh uh I guess so then you've got a bright future ahead don't be a cynic Morty if you forget me I'll haunt your ass who the [ __ ] are you KO oh live by the portal die by the portal let's break this down first off Rick and the doctor could both Dodge lasers making them pretty even so neither could reliably win a quick draw also neither have shown any consistent signs of strength all that different from an above average human the doctor could get a superhuman strength boost during regeneration but that is fairly incidental so as far as physical ability is concerned neither had a significant Edge but when it comes to weapons Rick had way more deadly killing machines a lot of of which could wipe out whole planets galaxies and more if he could get the jump on the doctor he'd have a good chance of winning of course there's similar speeds B he probably wasn't getting that opportunity there's no denying his Firepower was Superior overall but that still had to contend with the doctor's technology yeah despite all of Rick's crazy inventions most of which could kill a normal person instantly the doctor matched or countered pretty much all of it being a Time Lord meant he could resist any time warping trickery Rick threw at him and the sonic screwdriver could hack and even destroy nearly everything Rick had the Sonic has even disabled teleportation and time travel technology before making it more than capable of hijacking Rick's portal gun which has been hacked in the past with that gun Rick was kind of a Sitting Duck operation Phoenix makes killing Rick permanently almost impossible but the doctor's reality altering Tech like the dmat meant there would be no Rick left to upload to a new body at all effectively ending the fight in a single shot and that was hardly the only reality War ing super weapon the doctor had access to the doctor's technology presented a clear Advantage now let's tuck ships this one's pretty clearcut the space cruiser was a deadly machine that towed a solar system but the Tardis single-handedly held off a universe destroying event that's an edge for the doctor but perhaps most important of all was their experience and intelligence Rick mastered space and time to the point of becoming a veritable God but you could say the same for the Doctor Who is way older it's kind of like the doctor has been ricking for many times longer than Rick himself and when push comes to shove the doctor is just as experienced of a warrior as Rick ever was if not more so El spent 900 years battling dolls Cybermen sarin and moreon tralor and came out on top and don't forget how quickly the doctor can formulate calculate and initiate plans like when he dodged half a dozen rays and improvised thousands of calculations in his head to siphon the Ray's energy into a teleporter all in a matter of Nan seconds Rick usually relies on being the smartest guy in the room when he's forced to battle people at his own level he's often outsmarted like with the prime Rick or gasp a Morty Rick was a formidable genius but the doctor's incredible technology unmatched intelligence and thousands of years of experience gave him the win ah jeez I bet Rick was absolutely mortified to lose the winner is the doctor hi I'm Ben the voice of whiz thank you so much for watching we are about to announce the next episode but before we do that if you're not a death pattal member yet click that join button below see what you're [Music] missing
Views: 3,257,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: death battle, rooster teeth, roosterteeth, DBX, deathbattle, death battle cast, deathbattlecast, screwattack, ben singer, chad james, animation, animated fight, animated battle, who would win, who wins, doctor who, doctorwho, 60th anniversary, star beast, wild blue yonder, david tennant, tom baker, matt smith, paul mcgann, peter capaldi, thedoctor, rick and morty, rick & morty, morty, jodie whittaker, dan harmon, justin roiland, adult swim, adultswim, rick sanchez, TARDIS, tenant
Id: DEts4eoZQrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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