Rick Joyner--Seeing Opportunities in the Present Crisis

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the founder president and a great man of God that we just love around here this is Rick Joyner [Applause] [Applause] well if re had a full meal deal but this is a conference and I think a ministry that is so important you know one resolve was so excited about this particular conference I said here we have a worldwide pandemic that is especially targeting seniors and I tell you anyone who shows up at this conference we know they're full of faith we know they are full of faith and they're just going to be where they're supposed to be and nothing's going to stop them and I just want to acknowledge hey I know I'm sitting in the room with the people of extraordinary faith and and that's one of the things that I believe is being in some ways forced upon us right now by what's going on in the world and we've got to face certain things you know the the same word for crisis in one Chinese dialect the same word is the word for opportunity they are the same and you know they they've been using this politically lately saying let's don't waste a crisis and usually that can be first kind of devious means we want to use it for the right reasons every crisis is an opportunity and you know one of the words that talks about judgment beginning with the household of God you know that word for judgment there is crisis begins with God's household because crisis is a form of judgment anything we don't want the judgment of God well anyone who says that and thinks that really does not understand the judgment of God we desperately want the judgment of God now you know we as you read in the Psalms in other place the whole world is gonna rejoice even the trees are gonna clap their hands when he comes to judge the earth he is the righteous judge and he's gonna get everything right and if we're wise we should wand and ask for that so but there are many kinds of judgment in Scripture only one is condemnation and only one is destruction all of the rest are disciplines for those whom the Lord loves and you know if we're not being discipline that should be the scariest thing of all he disciplines his sons so this is something we should greatly desire but what is the discipline that we're going through with this groan of ours and I've been seeking the Lord on earnestly because I didn't felt I didn't for a long time he didn't I didn't feel like he had said anything to me about this thing coming I didn't know anyone who had got any of the prophetic friends I had I didn't know anyone that had gotten I did run across a couple of people who did have some words that I think pointed to this they didn't necessarily even know what they were talking about but let me clear the air on this one thing how many of you read where Jim Baker was just given a cease and desist order from the Attorney General of Missouri for claiming that silver saw cured coronavirus absolutely it is true that they gave him one absolutely not true that he claimed that that would cure coronavirus was never mentioned on his program no one mentioned it in fact you can go on certain websites major distributors in this country of everything look up silver saw or other silver products and they will make unbelievable claims about curing coronavirus that Attorney General didn't touch any of them I'm just saying don't believe what you've read in the media I mean there may be some truth to it he did get that letter I believe he was accused by somebody and in my opinion the government before they ever issue something like that or come out publicly they need to check out their sources I think they were deceived and they did something very wrong in accusing Jim this all work out it all come out but don't just automatically accept those things but also I don't know what that has to do with crime there are other ways there are sure ways that we can be free of sickness and disease there may be some things and I appreciate all the medicines and things that have been created to help people but first thing I want to do is why is this especially attacking the elders do you know one of the greatest revivals that I believe is we're ever gonna see is gonna be among the elderly I know everybody prophesizes the youth which all of you look like you're in the youth group here but uh but we're and we are we're getting younger right but you know there there is does seem to be a systemic special attack against the elders with this virus and that tells me God really has a purpose way for God to do something major about now I've been saying what I'm saying right now since the late 1980s because the Lord showed it to me in October of 1997 one of the greatest revivals and history's going to come among the elderly you know Abraham was too old when God called it and then he made him wait twenty years you know some of you are just getting close to the point where God can use you now you know I tell you one person I've seen come back alive lately is Jim Baker he just turned 80 all of a sudden he got refires like you wouldn't believe he's now going after some things bigger than he may have ever done this is mystery in his ministry another friend of mine you know said Roth and said I have a competition with who's going to get closer to God and I'm just gonna tell you how right right now I'm winning but uh so provoke him if you see him just tell man joiners just leave leaving you in the dust but but I love said I've known said for I don't know more than thirty years I'm sure and but that guy has Morsy the way you see him on television that is the way he is okay he's in his eighties he - I've never seen him with more vision than he's got right now his vision is increasing that should be happening with every single one of us listen if he did or he started the father of faith was an elder was a senior just think about it and we're just now getting SAR but yes there is going to be a revival among the youth but God needs some elders to help these guys out and and I think you're a big part of them but revival is coming I believe in Awakening I believe your best experiences in the Lord your best relationship to him everything is in your future not your past how bad do you want it there are little things you can do like that oh by the way that one coronavirus and I believe it or not I love animals I absolutely love animals and I'm allergic to them and it's only been in recent but I have constant I always have congestion but I love animals too much to get rid of on me and I just I'll take the congestion I'll deal with it but anyway I don't want to scare any of you shouldn't be afraid of coronavirus anyway okay but I'm going to talk about two ways to be free of coronavirus and all sickness but I want to start with Bob Jones word about the 2020s being a time of entering God's rest he says it's gonna be a decade of entering his rest well what's that got to do with revival that is wood revival is you know Lorde equated entering his rest to the promised land in Hebrews three and four and we will do our best and our greatest work from a position of abiding in his rest do you realize that you know he says take his yoke upon us how many of you put on a yoke to go to bed you take on a yoke to do work but he says if we take his yoke we will find rest and refreshment for our souls it's being yoked with him that we will get energized and you know his his spirit is a quickening spirit that will quicken our mortal bodies now I went through a period of some of the biggest physical afflictions with my legs and feet just I had what are called catcher's knees and I just a lot of things but a whole lot of it was the discipline of the Lord I accept as I know a lot of you say you know God doesn't do things like that to people well I can show you a lot of scriptures where he does but and he needed to for me and I'm thankful for it but I'm pretty healed right now di I have I was just about crippled a few months ago and he again healed me where I feel like I'm getting younger stronger and believe it or not I'm losing weight I'm not losing faith because I know the scripture says those who trust in the Lord shall be made fat and but I'm growing in faith but I'm still but I I feel like I'm getting younger and stronger but I know this you know his spirit is a quickening spirit I've never had this kind of close relationship to the Lord like I've had in the last few years and it's been better than ever this year started in 2014 and that was the best year of my life and every year since it's gotten better I really I really just prayed that I don't get penalized in heaven I've had it so good here and it you know it's getting better it's going to get better this is normal Christian life since the path of the righteous is like the light of the dawn that gets brighter and brighter until the full day if our life is not getting brighter somehow we missed a turn we're not in the path doesn't it say in his presence is fullness of joy so if we're biting in his presence we can't help but to have not just joy but the fullness of joy which by the way if anyway depression is coming upon us any kind of darkness or depression that's an indication we've drifted from his presence the answer is get back to the Lord turn back to the Lord he doesn't move he doesn't change he never leaves us her forsakes us but we often leave him if you start feeling that depression you start feeling that fear or anything else start losing your joy there's one remedy get back to the Lord turn back to him and so we're gonna get happy we're gonna get really happy but you know Bob's word about this being a decade of entering this rest does we could biblically say that's a decade of entering the kingdom that's a decade of entering the promised land this is we're gonna see everything happening now but also isn't this grown of virus kind of making us rest you know it's shutting down everything and we're gonna be in our houses guess who's there waiting for us do not waste this opportunity now I struggled I sought the Lord cuz I you know I didn't feel like any claret and then we start praying because the Lord had shown us years ago back in 1990s we could have authority over these flus and plagues like that we've seen the Lord stop them in their tracks by God's people praying and and we're praying about this and I haven't even shared this way you know I got a clear word from Lord don't pray against this he's not gonna stop it now I'm praying that it you know that well I'm praying for his will to be done I want to get clarity because we're supposed to be in harmony with him and his purposes now I'm not saying this is from the Lord but I'm saying he really wants to use this you know all the plagues that came upon Egypt were to accept God's people free you know that parallel plagues that come in the book of Revelation their main purpose is first to set God's people free guess what people are right now getting free of basketball they're getting they're also getting free of golf and that one's hurting me bad when they canceled the Masters I thought oh-ho-ho judgment has come upon this country they didn't cancel it they postponed it my favorite thing to watch her go to but you know we have stuff look kid all the time we're gonna have that we spend watching these games listen they're postponed baseball everything is getting canceled we're gonna get our lives back we're going to get our lives back some of you wives are gonna get your husband's back I'm just saying don't waste this opportunity resolve you're gonna use it I'm not - just watch frivolous television other frivolous television what and you know sports have their place I love sports and things I believe there's a so much that can be taught about leadership and other things we need there but I think God is making us is gonna make us enter his rest he's making us sit down doesn't say he makes me to lie down in green pastures I think he wants to use this that way and you know what he's gonna do he's gonna empower us for the harvest you ever notice how the remember after the Lord was resurrected and all the UH you know Peter I guess they got bored after a while and they you know Lord didn't appear to them every day and when a few weeks they didn't seem Peter let's go fishing went out and like as usual didn't catch anything fished all night didn't catch anything so the Lord shows up on the bank and tells them cast their nets on the other side of mediately they got more than they can haul in so it says John said that's the Lord so Peter says he puts on his cloak and everything and throws himself into the sea would understand there's no way he could swim with all those clothes on I think he walked on the water I think he said I know how to do this and that's my opinion but I believe he walked on the water back to Lourdes and then he goes and spending just a little bit of time in the presence of the Lord and all the other apostles and they're struggling to get all these fish and can't get a man after spend just a few minutes in the presence of Lord Peter goes out there and hauls in the whole thing by himself you know just a few minutes in the presence of Lord can empower us to do things we couldn't all the discipline in the world and everything else is not going powers to do it I remember I was up in my office one day and I was getting burnout I was you know just I was I had so much stuff going on and I was just saying Lord you know I've got these eight different ministries all under this one ministry yet and I said if I spend 100% of my time with any one of them it wouldn't be enough and I'm just sitting there and I am just frazzled from all that we'd been through and all of a sudden I felt the presence of the Lord come into my office I didn't see him he didn't appear physically then and he didn't need to he was so strong he only stayed about a minute he only stayed about a minute and you know what he said he said you know I polled the universe with my power I can help you with this little ministry but it was his presence and he left after about one minute I felt as Manifest presents left my office and I was so energized I was going Lord what do we go what are we gonna do after we saved this world do you have other worlds forced to save and what I could like a give me more to do but I didn't forget that now I want to start coming under that I know I've drifted from his presence when we're yoked with him we find rest and refreshment we get out on our own strength we get worn out we get burned out so he is while we signed up anyway it knee so now I want to tell you two surefire ways not to catch this disease if you do to get free get healed you know we know the healer but in first Corinthians 11 I've been sharing this for years but it is still one of the most important things that we learn and that we walk in especially for what's coming because you know what many of us are gonna have our net so full we can handle it what I was shown was little little churches House groups I saw little churches of fifty people taken in a hundreds a week and you know Lord doesn't just want all these people thrown two big sheep pens and thrown food once a week there's a lot of work to do and I believe that work can be some of the greatest times of our life most enjoyable times of our life as long as we stay yoked with him but here he gives us one of the keys the only place in scripture where it tells us in all of Scripture it's the only place where we're told why God's people get week sick or die prematurely you know the scripture first Corinthians 11 he goes on says therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner he's talking about communion you know that word that's translated communion here some places it's translate fellowship but it's the Greek word kena nila or in the South Koinonia but it's kenan iya fellowship it is a bonding together that is supposed to be so strong that it's not possible to separate the parts without both of them dying they become one they become that one that's the way we're supposed to be connected to the body of Christ in the body of course and my baby right now you'll find very few places where there's actual Kenan EO going on we tried to build the church on the ecclesia rather than Kenan eeeh ekklesia is important but it doesn't mean anything it's not gonna work it's not gonna do much if you don't have Kenan Nia we're a called to be a family first not an organization first we need some organization I believe in all that the government and all of the the guy and it's it's very important but it's not gonna mean much if we don't have quintanilla you know I would just read a couple of scriptures that prove it to us but how do you drink the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner and he says if we do that we will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord he says but a man must examine himself and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup for he who eats and drinks eats and drinks judgment to himself if he does not judge the body rightly then for this reason not discerning the Lord's body for taking of communion in an unworthy manner for that reason many among you are weak and sick in a number sleep but if we judge ourselves rightly we would not be judged how do we protect of communion unworthily it's by thinking that / taking of a ritual we're fulfilling our obligation to have communion in his body to have keen ania fellowship it's making a substitute out of a ritual for the reality we're supposed to be walking in you need all the bread and drink all the wine in the county and not have communion and it not help it's not the bread it's not the wine those are important I believe all of the rituals are important as reminders I believe baptism is crucial water baptism is crucial just like I believe it should be a really big deal because it's like marriage I mean it's like the wedding committing ourselves to marriage to God but it's not the marriage it's the wedding we make a big deal out of weddings because marriage is so important but don't think just because we've had a wedding we've got a marriage and we may be married but and I have much of a marriage I'm just saying but we have these to remind us of the reality that we're called to have now read this if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light we have fellowship same Greek word Kenan e'en with one another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin so if we're walking in the light we're going to have this I don't know many Christians today that really have that kind of fellowship in the body of Christ and some do hopefully all of you do but I think even I've had taste of it I've had I think some cases where you know I think I've really experienced it I feel like it's something we're growing in here we got a long ways to go but there's it's going we try to provide the opportunity where it can happen for those who are determined to do this to be obedient in all things but I believe it's gonna take intention on our part now I hear a lot of people say well I don't have a church anywhere close to me where I fit in if that is true you're in the wrong place God has a place for you in his body this is critical that we get in our place in his body you know many are not in the geographic will of God because they made decisions about where they're going to live on secondary issues that weren't the main priority wouldn't shouldn't have been the main priority for any Christian I spent you live where you're well that's I love the geography I love that mountains whatever I see well did you ask the Lord doesn't say seek first his kingdom everything else will be it many people probably most I talk to live where they do because it's where the job opportunity was why I appreciate wanting to have a good job and everything I'm a lot of lot of those people I ask how's your job going oh it's been awesome been great I've really had a great profession well how's your family doing well lost my family they lost everything else where if we seek first his kingdom he adds everything else I tell you just about all of those would gladly trade their profession to get their families back our other losses are things are issues we have to be rightly connected in his body to walk in the light as he is in the light this isn't one or the other week if we have one you cannot be truly joined to the head without also being joined to the body it just doesn't work that way I hear people all the time I loved the Lord but I don't like his people well scripture says you can't do that says you cannot love him you have heaven seen and not love those whom you do he even told us as we treat the least of his little ones as have we treat him so these are things we got to get right and I tell you the times come and we must be in our right place in this body you will know it by the Keenan ear fellowship you have where there's a bonding where your knowing I cannot be separate from these people also second way to be free of coronavirus I'll probably get a letter from our AG cease and desist from these scriptures and I'll disobey them Iowa mm-hmm these are the truth these are life and what I'm telling you is the truth what is the only commandment with a promise honor your fathers and mothers what is the promise that it may go well with you that's being well it may go well with you you may dwell long in the land that the Lord's given you you know one reason why our country is going through so much right now because the incredible dishonouring of our fathers and mothers the revisionist historians who've fallen to the ultimate depravity that Isaiah talked about were they changed history and made the good look evil and the evil look good the honor the dishonorable and dishonor of the honorable and we're told to honor our fathers and mothers yeah he didn't say your honor the perfect once cos we couldn't honor anybody they all had flaws we all have flaws but this incredible cynicism that has gripped our country you know just it wasn't long ago we were the most positive country on Earth you know last year a study came out not a poll but a study named the United States of America the most negative country on the earth how did that happen have we become so cynical well there are a lot of reasons one of them we've allowed our fathers and mothers to be so dishonored we absolutely cannot tolerate that we've got to stand up for their honor again now there are many ways we honor our fathers and mothers but one one thing that is incredibly dishonouring is just to forget them now I think that this includes our natural parents fathers and mothers grandparents but it's our spiritual ones it's our national fathers and mothers and that that is regardless of what country you've come from and they made it may have done some foul thanks but find anyone in Scripture who didn't do something really foul except for Jesus we still read David Psalms now that God liked him so much he said his son Jesus is going to sit on the throne of David and that throne is gonna last forever but David did one of the most despicable things in scripture in my opinion when it had some a wives concubines all this in one port when of his most faithful servants he has him killed so he can take his wife and then it says you know what it says after that all Israel went astray and followed after Absalon you know why they did that yeah and we can say we would have never done that we would have been right in there with him the reason I did that all the visitor was saying how could God still be with David not understanding God's mercy in His grace yeah this is a really bad thing God didn't let him get away with it but neither did he reject David Israel did they said no way God could still be with him they all followed after Absalom here's something I'll see if I may not be able to get it on my screen but you know the sons of Zedeck we've been talking about rest and who was it that the Lord promised in Ezekiel would be given the incredible unfathomable privilege of being the one to minister to the Lord personally remember sons of Zedeck and and then he says but they cannot wear anything that makes them sweat now who are the sons of Zadok you know Zadok was the priest when David was King and when all Israel went astray and followed after Absalom Zadok picked up the Ark and try to and follow David at the risk of his life has met everything it didn't look like David had a chance Zadok knew the anointing the favor of God was still with David and he remained faithful to the anointing not appearances who had this sense of Zeta when when the Jews said they were sons of Abraham what did Jesus say to him if you were sons of Abraham do the deeds of Abraham you know the sons of Zadok are those who do the deeds of Zadok they don't follow the crowd you know the same crowd that was saying Hosanna when Jesus came into Jerusalem that same crowd was saying just five days later crucify him same people Zadok doesn't follow the crowd follows C anointing now all the promises by the way I would give out these weekly heritage briefs have any of you seen those things I know those did you give them out to the people that came here you didn't why don't you give them a bunch of they'll give them to you tomorrow I'd write one a week just to give out just doing something to honor our our fathers and mothers and about our heritage and the incredible glorious heritage that we have I tell you some of the most inspiring stories of men and women of God are in our national fathers and mothers our national history and the deeper I've dug into this the more encouraged a bit but you know I believe in just doing that one thing to just if we take five minutes to read these once a week at least we're doing something and you know their honor the Lord will honor sometimes even the smallest demonstrations remember a had one of the most wicked kings in Israel's history repents a tiny little bit didn't even look like repentance to me look like a selfish I want to get out of this problem I've got calls upon God and God responds in an incredible way too so I believe it you know start where we are maybe yeah we could do a whole lot I think you start reading some of the things in our history you will get addicted to their story have any of you discovered the founders Bible two or three of you I told you know a couple of friends David Barton and Brad Cummins put that together with all these incredible stories that's a new American Standard Bible with all these incredible stories of our in art US history and how all of these things were linked to Scripture how everything in our Constitution was linked to Scripture and we know this David Barton has won he may have the biggest collection of original materials from the Revolutionary period and the constitutional you know the establishment of our country as a nation he's got one of the most incredible archives I believe it's probably much better than you'll find at the Smithsonian but he's got original sources their own letters their own journals where they laid out why they did everything they did they linked everything in our Constitution everything in our Bill of Rights all of these things including our judicial system was linked to Scripture and obey in the scriptures we don't know that they don't tell you that in school anymore in fact they'll tell you they were the deist they were not deist you know all but maybe three or four of our founding fathers were devout Christians and that includes Thomas Jefferson you know one of the things you know you we're told all the time I heard my whole life he didn't believe in God he was a deist he didn't believe in Jesus Chris he wrote some of the greatest Christian books Christian you know he even put together a Bible himself that all it was was just the words of Jesus in all of his miracles and you read what he wrote about Jesus what Benjamin Franklin wrote about Jesus all these people were told I tell you we've been lied to and that's been a terrible and a tragic dishonouring of our fathers and mothers but anyway I'm just going to do my little part right in these little heritage' briefs but anything we can do there now I want to go back you know because our spiritual fathers and mothers many of them came from Europe John Amos Comenius is one of my favorite heroes ludwig von Zinzendorf you know we've we here in America we're blessed our spiritual fathers and mothers and many of our natural ones came from every nation in the world we're made of a nation made up of all nations well I'm just I'm resolved every week I'm gonna do something to honor them I was shown this would bring revival to America I was shown that over 10 years ago but the Lord said we had to first honor the father's even though the Scriptures fathers and mothers he said in America we need to honor the father's he said because it has been by dishonouring father's and fatherhood that had opened one of the biggest gates of hell into our country and that's why I think maybe in Malachi it says restoring the hearts of the father's to the children and the children to the father's mother's usually pretty good with the kids most people have issues with their fathers and a lot of it is toxic masculinity you know there is a toxic masculinity men have been jerks so how much of the history things we've done to people and women and everything no doubt about it but I guess what masculinity is not toxic there are extreme forms of demented form of everything but I tell you we've got to stand up resist this thing that is trying to feminize our men and make women out of men and blurring the distinctions that God has made and whether you like it or not I tell you there are only two genders there are only two if you're confused about it we can help you out I was in the last time I was in New York I went up there to see Donald Trump Rafi got the nomination and I rode in a taxi and news came out while I was there they had just declared that there are 27 genders in New York and I was reading the list I couldn't figure out what in 2 or 3 I said ok I can probably identify that but what are all these others how could you ever figure it out and then it was like 1/2 million no I think it's $250,000 fine for even offending one of these people you talk about making you paranoid you just are you one of these and read down the list what would offend you you know what would but I mean this is bizarre we've gone so crazy so out of control you know what this is caused by yeses you know god and his ways are clearly seen and the things that are made you know one time in this African Park they decided to remove all the old bull elephants out of the herd just so the young ones couldn't come up and and the whole herd went insane started crashing through you know people's home I mean they just went berserk finally someone realized this never happened before we'd never see anything like this and it's only because they don't have the elders they brought back some of the the old you know elephants male elephants and all sudden peace came back to the herd order came back to the herd I say we've got tough we let me ask you where does it say in scripture town or the youth we love them but I tell you our youth right now are insane they've gone nuts now a lot of us because of what we were allowed to be taught to them in our schools which i think is somewhere on the equivalents of one of the worst things you could do and you know Israel did was causing their children to pass through the fire I tell you that's akin to what it our kids are going through in schools today the stuff that is being taught that from the youngest ages it is so bizarre they're being made to to be confused about their gender at the youngest ages this kind of perversion is going on this kind of insanity you know a lot of it started here in Charlotte that transgender thing you remember all that we yeah you know why that woman got elected our mayor or Charlotte's mayor I thought it was 11% but I heard later 7% of the people voted in that election it was an off year off election only 7% went out voted we have to blame ourselves on that one you know if we're gonna answer for every idle word to me one of the things we're definitely going to answer for is having the authority we had with our vote and not using it not being the salt and light we were called to be but I think it's gonna start we've got to do it doesn't matter who gets offended I tell you it's better to have all men offended at us than God Paul said if I were still seeking to please men I would not be a bondservant of Christ so we have a lot of things happening today you know we need to understand that yeah we can have authority to stop legs if Moses could tell Aaron grab your sensor run to the midst of the camp stop the plague we know that incense represents prayer and intercession so how much more should prayer an intercession be of disciplines incense just represented and it says we have a better covenant in Hebrews yeah we can do that but you know we only have true spiritual authority to the degree that we're Biden in the King Jesus only did what he saw the father doing and that's where thority comes from like the time we had in one of our conferences and nineties when it was a major flu plague come in that year the worst scare I've ever seen about the flu when they were talking about tens of thousands dying in every state Bob Jones had a dream was rebuked by the Lord in the dream Lord said why are you letting this happen and Bob's coming Lord I think you're letting it happen or something like that they said I gave you authority to stop this why are you letting it happen so we got together and that conference played that morning Lord stop that plague don't let it come nearer to stop it from coming it went away it oh it almost instantly disappeared well you know we had a word from God about that I mean he had spoke you know doesn't faith come by hearing hearing by the word of Christ you know true faith in God is not just faith in an outcome it's faith in a person so I'm wanting that authority for this coronavirus I think this is a great opportunity and I believe it is good I think there are many Christian groups especially in persecutor nations like China I am just trying to pray as hard as I can for the Chinese Christians stand up against this thing I believe Lord's gonna turn overturn the persecution in China could overturn that by a few heroic Christians and I I'm getting reports of some got one today Mazen think Christians in China are doing in the face of this and he may tell people I prayed and praised them Lord tell us stop this thing we got it because I'm not just gonna stand up and do it I don't think that works I've never seen it work I've had plenty of people when I go somewhere or say yeah we bound that principality over this place and then that principality would show up my room that night say well he got loose you didn't bind him good enough for have you ever seen people commanding angels I've seen Christians trying to do it now thank God he's kind of you know childproofed his house we should be killed for all the stupid stuff we're doing but he didn't let the devil kill us he said look they're stupid children they're just young and immature but some get really hurt I've seen some great men and women of God some of the greatest died because of doing something foolish Moses died for doing something foolish anyone else in Israel could have probably gotten away with that but Moses should have known better striking that rock twice you hear what I'm saying as we mature we can't get away with the things we used to get away with I tell you you know things that you get away with in the outer court get you killed in the holy place we're entering into the holy place we're gonna enter into something soon we can't just keep behaving but listen when people try to command angels you know Jesus did not even do that didn't he say if I asked my father would he not send 12 legions of angels now while he was a man he had emptied himself and it says we are made lower than the Angels but it's this kind of hardiness this arrogance but how do you know if you need a legion of angels are just one big one you know how do we know these things in and we can't just keep making them up if we're gonna be trusted with the good stuff we've got a mature we've got to mature in this and maturity is abiding in him it's not just doing stuff but it's abiding in him and being his vessel through whom he does what he wants to do including exercising his authority Jesus could have healed everyone at that pool of siloam he he had the power he only healed the one the father showed them when are we gonna have that kind of maturity now I don't think we should wait waste this great crisis this great opportunity let's resolve if if our job is shut down for a while whatever we can't travel we can't go let's don't waste this opportunity the Lord's calling us into his presence the closer we get to him that's where our thority comes from that's where the power comes from to to hole in the incredible harvest that is upon us and we're all gonna need it I know House groups are gonna explode into all of a sudden they're gonna be dealing with hundreds and then thousands of people this is gonna be something we can't do this in our own strength and we need one another you know what that net is you know what did not send that that is the ties it together so it can hold the catch it's Quintanilla fellowship and God's people if it's not strong enough the nets will break they will break but I just asked you to consider you know if this is something you have to say you know I really don't have that kind of relationship why you got to pursue it if if Barnabas would do what he did to find Paul which must have taken him months - just get to Tarsus and find him and then get to both of them get to where they're supposed to be so they could be released into their purpose couldn't we just start if we feel like we're called to be connected to someone couldn't we start inviting him out for coffee intentionally trying to get to know them better do things with them maybe start praying together but we've got to be intentional about this you know the Lord starts the fire he always lit the fire himself when his temple or is Tabernacle was being commissioned but then he told the priest to keep the fire going you may meet someone here that a there's just a connection with it don't lose touch with him if you don't live in the same place email calls start developing that determine you're gonna meet at another conference well pursue these relationships find a place where you've got keen ania pursue the congregation where you've got in it and listen there are some congregations it's time to get out of okay you're never gonna get anywhere there you you've been dying there for a long time get to where you have that king india fellowship if they're afraid to preach the Word of God you need to flee pretty fast because you know false shepherds and false teachers are going to be exposed pretty soon we need to get to where there's true leadership and where that keen ania Fellowship is happening can happen I think most of that is happening in in in ohm groups and there are things that's where the church used to meet in house-to-house and and you know when God is moving all you want to do is meet you don't want to miss a single meeting well it's about to get like that so let's be in a place where you know we're growing in these relationships we're growing our purposes we're fitting in you know most Christians don't even know they're calling don't know the gifts of the Spirit they've been given gifts as spirit are not toys they're tools for accomplishing our purpose we've got to be trained we've got not just taught we've got to be trained then equipped then released engaged in our purposes now I know people that come to meetings like this I'm preaching to the choir you've already made an incredible investment just to come here you've been that intentional saying sitting in meetings and whatever you obviously want that bad well you know you by yourself you and your spouse or friends or whatever it doesn't take but one or two of you you could light a fire in your whole city that ignites the whole body of Christ in your city we've got to quit thinking we need so many people so many report sources the Lord loves to do some of his best things in the smallest groups he loves to use the foolish the weak I don't care where it comes from I just want to see it I want to be a part of it we've already just had a long time ago we may be way way too big for God to ignore something in of a new revival of movement I'm happy wherever it goes we want to join them we want us more if we want to help them we just want to be a part of it now if he does want to do something because occasionally he does things other but most of the times he likes to be born in a stable that's too filthy for people to even be in you know we would send people to jail for putting their animals and stables like the King of glory was born in but the only way you could find him then and the only way you can find him now where he is being born is by revelation that's the only way he was found okay I think he's sitting us down for a little while how many of you see 1111 all the time we feel like guys just saying 11 11 all you know what that message is read Isaiah 11 11 he's given you another chance he's given you another chance he's given us another chance that scripture says I will restore you a second time it's the 11th hour the 11th been you know one dumb Bob Jones a friend of I Lloyd Phillips I'd forgotten this Lloyd emailed me and told me about it I'm gonna finish with this but uh Lloyd now we're going out to this restaurant and we get there as a big hour plus weight so we start to leave and go somewhere else and Robin McMillan sees us and comes and gets us said you're supposed to sit with us and he was having lunch there with Bob Jones and Bob had told him there are two more people come in we got to wait for the other two people and we were those two people so then we sit down and Bob starts talking about when the day of the two's come you know Bob told us many things we didn't have a clue what he was talking about but at least we've got a seat we're eating lunch we'll listen you know because on and on about the day of the twos he added other prophecies about when the Chiefs win the Super Bowl he had prophecies about when the Panthers win the Super Bowl but I didn't like the one about the Chiefs win and it's up put that in the back of my mind I was just but now I do remember the Chiefs we're gonna win first but if we had this whole thing about when the Chiefs win the Super Bowl the Lord is going to restore the chief apostles to his church where you see true apostolic ministry restored ginger he had a bunch of other stuff about it too but that's part of I remember and then what happened on that day when the Chiefs won the Super Bowl how many twos came out that day is the second time they'd won the Superbowl been 50 years since the first time they had wanted they I mean it was - after - even the coach is that was his 220 second victory and it happened on - to 2020 the only day like that they say it only comes around about once every nine hundred to a thousand years where the date reads the same forward and backwards in every language last time was eleven eleven eleven eleven but it was - to 2020 and what is to speak of I mean there are number of things but one of the primary things if you look up biblical numerology it represents unity the two shall become one if any to agree all the same a unity is coming that kind of unity can't come except by keen Anita and we may say well I've been the body of Christ 30 years 40 years I missed it well Lord can do in a single day what we think would take a thousand years he can make up all the days all the years that the locust of Eden he can make it up in a minute I think he's just waiting for us to maybe have nothing else to do for a little while he makes me to lie down in green pastures let's seize this opportunity let's pray for our neighbors let's pray for healing any of our friends get this stuff let's see you know healing and let's be a light to our neighbors let's do everything we can to calm the the fears and to walk in the peace I mean heck you know Christian really if we should not have any fear no Christian should fear death I know you don't or you wouldn't be here in the room like this now you guys just boldly Khai I'm not missing out there's something guys doing you're coming so I know I'm you guys are but how can we fear death what what happens we go to heaven I'd say when the world is this slips into increasing fear panic anxiety when it sees our peace and our joy they're gonna know something's different at first they're gonna think we're so how can you be happy with all this stuff going on how can you have someone sure what are you laughing about well we're not laughing at people's troubles we're not laughing the troubles of the world you cannot help but to be happy in his presence he only gave us three things to do in the Great Tribulation Matthew 24 gave us three things to do stand up do not compromise your convictions stand up for what you believe do not retreat before the enemies of the cross stand up that he said look up who is sitting on the throne keep your eyes on him and then the third thing he gave us to do rejoice do not lose your joy do not ever lose your joy in his presence is fullness of joy and that is my story and I'm sticking to it [Music] you
Channel: Joshua & Caleb Generation
Views: 5,668
Rating: 4.823009 out of 5
Keywords: 50+, MorningStar Ministries, 50+ Joshua and Caleb Generation
Id: sMzbpDTe81c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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