Rick Joyner 3/3/19 American Revolution & Mecklenburg County Area

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incredibly intense week for me we had the roundtable this week where we host leaders for a time of interchange it's usually an incredibly powerful time these are leaders of national or international ministries try to limit it to 30 and it can become really intense in a good way and the Lord normally shows up and I get enough preaching material for the next year it is really an awesome time but I did not get a break afterwards did not even get time to process it had David Barton come in for two days of taping just on you know yeah I think he's in my opinion the premier American historian today and we got back there and I don't know but revelation was flowing and about our nation or history and and also how it relates to where we're headed and but anyway we did 12 hours I think 12 hours of taping or close to it in two days but that broke a record for me but then I kept getting a download the Lord has not let up at all and so I shared a briefly how he spoke to me about it a purpose for this congregation but also for the church in this region that we're a part of you know money stars just one part of the body of Christ in this region but anyway of a few weeks ago I share with you the first this the first American flag this the first flag that was flown over u.s. ships and you know that were commissioned by the Continental Congress and the Lord said it's going to be our flag again and anyway it was the first flag it's gonna be our banner again but do you realize why there is a you can choose one of the sayings on the North Carolina license plate first in freedom does anybody know why yeah one person has it Mary Ann does anybody else know okay way in the back we got to do you know the first American Declaration of Independence was from Mecklenburg County and that Thomas Jefferson modeled the National Declaration of Independence off of that one but Charlotte Mecklenburg was the first I mean they declared independence before the rest of the country they were the first to declare independence and you know why our basketball team is called the Hornets it's because when the British General Cornwallis marched through here that Mecklenburg militia started stinging him and they would give him no rest no peace until they drove them out of this region and it was Cornwallis that called them the Hornets well they didn't stop at the border they drove them all the way through North Carolina they kept driving them through Virginia until they drove them into that little peninsula of Yorktown where George Washington was able to you know set up a block that would actually where they had no escape and of course it led to the surrender of the British forces now the Lord is going to raise up hornet to your again good ones you know Hornets aren't always good things snakes are not always good things but we have one of them representing Jesus when Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness everybody could look look to that serpent to be healed that represented Jesus the one we look to for our healing well we're gonna have another Declaration of Independence we're gonna see something this is what I was shown we would be called the womb of the second American Revolution something's going to be born here that ignites the second American Revolution and I believe you're gonna see many parallels to the first one now anyway since I started talking about the dream I had in December 14th where I was young the second American Revolution / civil war two major voices in the country at least have come out and declared we are in another Civil War they're not saying it's coming they're saying we're in it I believe you know whether whatever point that line is crossed it is inevitable because I was shown that I have no question about it a second American Revolution / civil war is inevitable it's right and it's going to be successful what does that successful look like you know I was shown that I was shown bits and pieces of our history from Evans perspective why won't heavens perspective on what this revolution is supposed to be if it's going to be successful now I think the first one was ignite you know the very the beginning of the second of the first American Revolution began with a proclamation of a fundamental Kingdom message by George Whitfield in Britain in 1730 when he was kicked out of the Anglican Church so he went out to the fields and he stood up on a stump and he started preaching to the poorest of the land that if they followed Christ they were the true royalty in the earth more royal than those who might be in Buckingham Palace they couldn't comprehend that but they said your sons and daughters of the king of kings you are the true royalty in the earth and then he brought that message to the American colonies and they grabbed the hearts of those who would become our founding fathers and this was their this seed that became the message that all men are created equal now I think that was something worth fighting for but they fought and won their independence from Britain but we didn't treat all people as if they were created equal matter of fact we treated some people is very unequal and it made the Civil War inevitable there would have been no need for the Civil War if we had done what we said we were fighting for independence for to be a place where all people are created equal and there's liberty and justice for all not just some well guess what we're gonna see that job finished our republic has been stolen from us right now people are saying we are no longer a constitutional republic we can no longer claim that because there's been such a divorce between our government and the Constitution that nobody's even paying attention to it more and doing things blatantly contradictory to our Constitution well I do believe our republic has been so enforced but when you catch the thief he has to replace seven times we're gonna see a republic that is seven times better than it has ever been if this is going to be a place of liberty and justice for all it is going to be a place where there's no more discrimination where all men are treated as created equal before God and before men we're gonna see the job finished so now says in Psalm 97 the Lord reigns let the earth rejoice let the many islands be glad clouds and thick darkness around him righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne and he defines both of those very clearly in Scripture says fire goes before him and burns up his adversaries roundabout and we're about to see that fire come upon our land it's going to look like for periods of time like destruction because there is going to be a lot of destruction but it's purification and it's a sign that he is not given up on us he is not going to let our purpose be lost he who began a good work in us is going to finish it we do have some tough times to go through it's going to be worth it fire goes before him and burns up his adversaries roundabouts watch God's fire come upon the adversaries says his lightnings lit up the world lightning and prophetic revelation usually speaks of Revelation when lightning goes forth it illuminates the things hidden in darkness watch that happen this as the earth saw and trembled the mountains melted like wax at the principle of Lord at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth mountains speak of governments in Scripture now this is not just America we're gonna see this going on all over the world and we're gonna see nations recapturing their identity their heritage and their purpose this is not just about us but I'll tell you what goes on here is going to encourage many to fight for what is theirs now we're in the middle of a great a great struggle but it's going to be successful because of an appeal to heaven prayer is not our last resort it's our first and there's an anointing that has come upon prayer here and I think we're gonna see it increase as we're obedient to it now a couple of things I saw I saw the Lord will we'll get into this in more detail we're gonna be spending some of the time on Wednesday nights going forward you know we want to set in place where this is first and foremost prayer there's nothing more important more important are more powerful than prayer one person that as God's ear can have more authority and accomplish more than our US Congress supreme court and everybody else combined and we are going to set our place before his throne where it doesn't there will always be some someone there appealing to him that has his ear but we've also got to become the Watchmen I've been talking about this for two years now we've got to become the Watchmen we're called to be we've got to know we've got to be trained as Watchmen we've got to be sent out as Watchmen we've got to know our places on the wall we've got to know our places patrolling the city of the Lord patrolling that then nations and everybody has a place but our purpose one of our main purposes right here is to raise up Watchmen on the walls those who can see beyond what others can see those who can warn of the enemy that's coming but also warn when the king is coming but who are on patrol now tomorrow is March 4th we're going to start another corporate fast on March 4th it's time to March 4th we're gonna keep on marching we're gonna keep on fasting and praying we're gonna I've this is going to be a culture this is going to be a a place where this is our culture but again we're calling for another 40 day corporate fasts this Wednesday night is when we're going to hold our solemn assembly to seek the Lord seek his face get even more clarity for what we're supposed to be praying and fasting for but again I'd like to say you know we each need to hear from the Lord how he wants us to participate with people that do this in different ways there are people that feel called now to be too fast from everything but water for 40 days know a lot of people that have done that they survived and that may be what he's called you to some just a juice some just a fast from deserts we would be able to move a lot faster if we did that I think and but some are called too fast from television or for certain television shows but I ask you to consider whatever your whatever way that you feel called to participate in this and we never force everyone this is something you need to hear as a heart call yourself to be a part of but anyway that you feel I just asked you not just to not do something but replace that time that money that whatever with doing something if you're just not gonna watch some television spend that time seeking the Lord spend that time seeking visions pretty soon you won't need a television how do you know what the Lord would do he says if we seek Him we will find him and but anyway we are going to be you know a place where his message goes forth where his alarms go forth but also where messengers go forth who sound the alarm I was shown it will get dark for time it will get cold and snowy but you know snow in Scripture is the removal of sin I will make your sins as white as snow I used to love snow when I was a kid and could use it now I don't like it so much anymore but sometimes we need that we need that time of being shut in or whatever when we can seek the Lord and he can show us things he wants to make us white as snow he wants to remove the iniquity that has held us back for so long from walking in his purpose and destiny then he said a new day has come in a new season and it will be a new spring with brand new shoots coming forth and we are not a post Christian nation but a pre Christian nation I think we've had Christian influence major Christian influence maybe more than any other nation in history in times in our history though we lost it in recent times in general in some ways we haven't seen anything yet we will be known as a Christian nation and we're going to be a Christian nation now remember it said this is the first place in scripture where the word prophet and the word pray or both found in the same verse returned the man's wife for he is a prophet and he will pray for you and you will live we know that story but prophet the prophetic ministry and prayer are in the very beginning we're connected and they cannot be separated I think as we move one forward into prayer we're gonna see much more revelation coming as well the Lord wants to give us he wants to set in our hearts to walk in something higher than has ever been walked in in the prophetic I mean I'd like to walk in just what the Old Testament prophets walked in when even the heathen kings their enemies could not hide anything from him what they said in their bedrooms were revealed to the prophets in Israel we need to walk in that again where we don't keep getting ambushed by the enemy but we set up ambushes for him we see these things coming the old testament they were shocked if anything happened they did not foresee we're still shocked if something happens we did foresee we've got to rise above their says in 2nd Corinthians 3 the glory were supposed to be experiencing in the New Covenant is supposed to surpass anything seen in the Old Covenant and it used Moses as the example said he had to put a veil over his face we're called to walk in something greater than that one of the things the Lord's gonna do right here in this charlotte-mecklenburg area you're gonna see the walls restored remember in Isaiah 60 where he says he calls your our gate our gate sprays in your walls salvation that's we start showing me which I shared with you a few weeks ago we're gonna walk in a complete salvation that's not just us that's not just morning sorry we're gonna go for that here but I believe you're gonna see great congregations rising up all around this city there are absolutely intent on going after aspects of our salvation that we should all be walking in you know we have our section of the wall to build when I first when the Lord first spoke to me about building a church here in Charlotte a congregation I was in Stockholm Sweden in my hotel room prayin when the Lord spoke that to me I said Lord why there's so many great churches in Charlotte why do you need another one there he said if you don't build your Park part there will be a big hole in the wall every family has their part to build we're going to see a complete salvation we've got to set that in our hearts we're gonna walk in everything Jesus paid the price for us to walk in that is eternal life and that may be the greatest but listen there's a whole lot more than that we must walk in here healing deliverance freedom and we've got to be resolute in this this is a part of our prayer - I think he's given us a specific part of the wall to go after we're God's people do not die anymore from cancer where cancer can I come in here where there is freedom there's delivered sirs healing for cancer cancer is demonic it's not supposed to have access to the house of God so I believe there are other great congregations you're gonna see them raise raising up they may be tiny they may be home ribs I don't know what they'll be the Lord loves to do great things through small groups whatever they are but they're gonna rise up was something there are to go after an aspect of our salvation that they must have they must walk in their victory when they build their part of the wall it we're all gonna benefit from that and they're gonna benefit from what we do we're gonna see the wall of salvation remember what nehemiah said God's people are in distress and shame because the walls are broken down when the walls are broken down the enemy could just plunder them and that's what was happening well listen to 10th time's up we're not gonna keep getting plundered we're gonna start going out chasing the enemy instead of him chasing us all the time we're gonna go out looking for him so what that last book I wrote was about I spent almost a month and prophetic experiences experiencing the valley of the shadow of death where death was in my face the whole time you know it was one of the best place I've ever been I asked the Lord why is this called the valley of the shadow of death he said if you're in the shadow of something that's how close it is and you know what he said that's where you live every day we're all like it or not in the valley of the shadow of death so what we need to do we've got to know the Lord is our Shepherd and we've got to know how to have a feast right in the presence of our enemies we're gonna walk in that we're gonna see that and then when we were shown this is something he said you cannot go through here trying to escape the enemy trying to avoid the enemy your purpose here is to go through it looking for the enemy we're called to tear down strong those Jesus was sent he came to destroy the works of the the devil then he says as I was sent so send I you we're here to destroy the works of the devil and as soon as that switch changed in us when we were no longer trying to avoid the enemy but went out looking for the enemy to attack him destroy his works it became one of the most fun exciting things I've ever been a part of that's normal Christianity that's the adventure we've all been called to true Christianity is the greatest adventure we could ever live and it is the most fulfilling life it's also the most difficult it's not made to be easy do you want to be closed do we really want to be close to God was it saying Deuteronomy for seven what other nation is so great is to have their gods near to them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to Him that's why we need to have as our result we're gonna pray continually remember in the tabernacle and the temple first thing the priest did he washed briefly in the Laver washed his handsome face and then immediately went and lit the incense the last duty of the pray of the priests at night was to light the incense we know incense speaks of prayer or intercession worship in both Isaiah and in book of Revelation but you know it says they this was their first duty to light that incense first thing in the morning and then the last thing at night was to light the incense and then it says and there was continual incense before the Lord I think if we'll just take a few minutes first thing in the morning resolve our first thing we're going to pray we're gonna have an encounter with the Lord we're gonna pray to Him we're gonna seek his face even if for just a few minutes like that incense then we learn to do that there's a last thing at night you know we're gonna find out we can stay in a an attitude of prayer all day knowing his presence walking with him abiding in him few things will so radically change our life is that will what would happen what would be different I mean we all know the church is a fraction of what it's called to be our country has been a fraction of what we've been called to be it's been great and wonderful appreciate all the great things appreciate all the great things about the church but we're only a fraction of what we've been called to be are we going to complain are we gonna rise up thank the Lord for that fraction would say we got to have more we've got to have more thank thank him for the fathers and mothers and all they accomplished to get us to this point we've got to honor them for it to go well with us of course we do that but we've got to have more we've got to have more what would happen if our vain imaginations were turned into intercession how would the church be different how would our country be different how would our cities be different how would our families be different our children ourselves well listen there's gonna be somebody to walk in it why not us what do we have better to do what do we have better today Sam you said as for me far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you I think we have a responsibility to pray and we're sinning by not doing it there's nothing more powerful we could ever do with our life nothing that would ever bear more success to have authority with God is far greater than having the greatest authority with men psalm 32 6 therefore let everyone who is godly prayed to you while you may be found surely when the mighty waters rise they will not reach him he's saying don't wait until the floods come too bright it'll be too late now is the time there's I think an uncommon remarkable anointing that has come upon the prayer ministry here there'll be absent flows listen you can't get to the promised land without going through a wilderness there gonna be prayer meeting something that are dry as dust I believe some of those accomplish the most I think you get more martyr points if you're praying when it's dry anybody can pray when it's exciting and ignited but don't waste your opportunity to get those martyr points and we're gonna have dry times and I thank God for the anointing they you know like it's been downright electric at times but we're spending our tool our Wednesday nights we're gonna there's gonna be some equipping in them we're gonna move towards some equipment setting up establishing these these watchman teams these fire teams we want to know where they are we want to know what's been covered in prayer we want to have a place a central like a command center we're already designing it I think we've already finished the design it's time to build we're gonna have a place where we know what's being covered in prayer and intercession what neighborhoods what churches we're gonna bond together with others and then we're gonna get their reports but listen this area has an amazing calling and destiny I think we have been called you know I'm just thankful living these times but it is really going to be exciting to be in this area in this region I believe in this church and then any other Church around here now says it psalm 122:6 pray for the Peace of Jerusalem may those who love you be secure may there be peace within your walls and security within your Citadel's for the sake of my brother's and friends I will say peace be within you for the sake of the house of the Lord our God I will seek your prosperity now this is for the old Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem this is our calling there are others that I believe the Lord's gonna anoint for different people Psalm 133 work there are the others who are just gonna have an incredible unction to pray for the unity of God's people it and things like that and God is gonna hear our prayers and we're gonna see the fruit we can't do anything without him but he won't do anything without us he's seeking those intercessors so really appreciate all of you it's been so encouraging to me just to see those who come with says zeal and fire on them on Wednesday nights not everybody can come on Wednesday nights we can all do these things we can get up and even if you just take five minutes first thing in the morning five minutes the last thing at night to pray you will be shocked at the change it can have in your life but you know what's gonna happen you're gonna get addicted to prayer pretty soon you're gonna start cheating and it'll be 10 minutes in the morning then 10 minutes at night and then you're gonna cheat some more and pretty soon you're getting up two hours early and you that's not enough you'll pray without ceasing so I'm gonna ask you now to start recording what the Lord shows to you now I'm gonna ask him to start speaking to you now at our tables what's your assignment as a watchman what is your assignment now you may not get it Gabriel showing up with a scroll may just be a gentle impression it may be something on your heart petunia doesn't it say that's where the Living Waters are the things that come out of our heart we need to understand that's a call from God what are the deepest issues of your heart start writing it down start a journal start a journal of the things that the Lord shows to you and you'll start showing you more and more and then as we come together we're gonna organize more and more we're gonna let those who have a heart for something or you feel called to prayer and intercession a lot of these watchman teams you're not you don't need to go out patrolling the city some are call to that but some are supposed to be on the walls where you get together and you get revelation from above of the things that are coming but where you need to be knit together with others who have this same purpose and we're gonna see these fire teams coming together so I'm gonna ask you now to do that take a few minutes and then maybe just start sharing around your tables what you feel called to and then pray for one another we're gonna get on with fulfilling our purpose the reason he has us here and of all the things he may have called us to do his house is called to be a house of prayer first and foremost this is the foundation so thank you I'm going to ask you to do that now [Applause]
Channel: ReverberatingRainbow
Views: 43,858
Rating: 4.7941952 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Joyner, American Revolution, Mecklenburg County, Prayer
Id: K04BiB62-k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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