It's VIRTUALLY CHRISTMAS!!! - Rick & Bubba Daily Documentary - Dec. 13, 2019

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[Music] [Music] it's beyond here digging it up or playing right now I feel like he's pretending yeah have you noticed everybody that sets it up sets it up for a long time all right so just look around for a minute just kind of look around and Gander for a minute man I wish I had this house okay what are you doing I'm trying to punch Adler I know he's around okay so that is pretty cool look this star you wanna box on a box [Music] I think I was a lot talking to me about cardio he's like well if you wanna do some boxing and he had blocking oh man he had just the the pads Oh though combinations yes okay and so when they did the bag to but he said I just want to give you an idea what these guys go through so he starts throwing combinations at throw combinations throw can he do this though they tell call them out on thrown call him out on throw and I'll send he stopped me so how long you think you've been going I said gosh at least 90 seconds you said you've been going for 30 seconds and he's an aperture somebody hitting you back through the Sham lot of shape they have a whole body goodness is unreal there's a big UFC fight this weekend there's five five-minute rounds they're gonna fight for 25 million look who's back hi back again she's my favorite former intern it tastes amazing fasting you're really doing intermittent fasting around what I want to reason out first I don't know it's gonna do any good but the point is the way the schedule we work it works for me because I eat early and I go to bed early so what are the rules what are you doing 16 hours no eating and then I got a 8 hour window T and that's every day 16 8 I just started 16 off 8 on yeah so I don't eat between the end then I'm asleep and then I get here and I just wait til it's when I get here I'm already 12 hours or so in and I just wait now this is all I've been going on for like three days intermediate fast every day between breakfast and lunch and lunch and supper for a while I did the 12 hour thing just 12 or 12 on 12 off meaning I would stop eating at 7 p.m. and I'd start eating it slugging me hungry and it really did it really did I've noticed it uptick in my metabolism seriously for real for real it works as I eat it breakfast you have a seminar on two feet no please go get Jim the crazy side my knees outside with this home let's put Jim in that have him box in there so you know it's next how do you realize you can see us talking about it Jim was a virtual Scrabble match you wanna try this virtual reality sure what do you think Jim I see a large room I see I can walk off the edge of this room over here see what you doing Jim yeah okay John they're shooting at you I dropped it do you see the little resume button look up look out dream Ian in here Oh I presume he's up he's up above me punch him Jim punch him punch him down oh wow what are you looking at Greg some dude swimming at me oh you know it is how about you single ACDC oh we're not on ham hop or what if you're like you're like swimming with dolphins you know what would be if you could have any virtual reality game what kind of game would what would you do what would you make I think I'd stay in the football world where I could be you know the quarterback can actually call the plays and I think they have that already if I if the Occulus could do something virtual for me because this way no one gets harmed but I have therapy I wish they would invent a game where you're stuck in traffic our people keep pulling out in front of you and you can destroy them with weapons you could literally move people out of traffic they don't know how to job somebody pulls out in front of you if you honk your horn a laser goes into the car something like that hey speedy could be starting a film and it was a virtual if a if a noted surveying group tolling group came out with a study today that said the majority of people who have come into the country illegally are now registering to vote Republican Nancy Pelosi would get on the first bus going to the Mexican border and start putting wood fencing up for sale this is all about politics it's nothing about anything else we know that a lot of them are they're playing a game it's sadly on both sides of that right it's all about getting reelected that's the game and they have a base they play to instead of actually doing what we send them there today all right so we've got kind of veteran intern chad AKA hashbrown here here and we got kind of newer intern Osama big noggin here this is a tough work environment to work in but you're getting used to it you're getting better we wanted to give you a few tips okay to help you survive do you know wet willy is yes okay good good good good do you know what a wedgie is yes okay okay good good good good good do you know what a swirly is you got to explain that one too okay you don't want to know what it's will they're like a toilet thing it is I know okay good good be on be on the lookout for all these things okay if Greg asked you do you want a Hertz donut do not take it how they ever tries to get you to ride a skateboard don't do it yeah I enter that if I ever ask you to ride on a skateboard lectrons skateboard do not fall for that trick what's a Hertz donut I told don't you ever don't ever ask that don't ever ever ask that look great passes over ever now up to this point isn't in the mail all right they prob already got him he doesn't like it well you need to keep it trimmed enough you know be halfway to dominate look just let me dad out seal it right here so you got to keep this cleaned up down here there's power in a beer hey what if Greg really wasn't Melanie's out and he was like we found him on his Facebook marketplace or something you're profiting from across we know someone will have to watch great okay I got a question for you Greg do you really think the maintenance people don't know what the word trash is you have to work right trash it's an issue underneath it everybody knows that's trashy oh and what's your favorite Christmas tradition summer cruise my mother always makes everybody a big bag of sausage balls she gives them to you on Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day you get up and you cook them for your family Hunter what's your favorite Christmas tradition good mistress Christmas tradition it's hard to say a tongue twister right there yeah yeah um I think my favorite one though is you know those Pillsbury like sugar cookies um we always get like a pack of those and we'll like either sit by the Christmas tree or watch either elf or the Grinch with Jim Carrey that's a great one or my favorites Cruz pounds what's your favorite Christmas movie Christmas vacation but there's so many characters in that movie that remind me of my fam and that's why I think I like that movie okay what's your favorite Christmas movie no no I'm joking I'm not that guy no actually it's rainbow for me down rainbow okay that makes no first but I actually truly truly truly love a Christmas story I know a lot of people love that that's my favorite but the one that seems to be watched the most to start Christmas season at our house when everybody is there is still Will Ferrell and elf what is your favorite Christmas movie it's either elf or Christmas vacation can I have two mm-hmm who's a favorite character in Christmas vacation uh well I mean Clark oh goodness let's see my favorite favorite Christmas movie movie a personal favorite of mine it's kind of a dark horse not a lot of people will mention this one is jingle all the way this is Rick and Bobo so what's your name where you come from okay okay okay all right okay I got you all right okay sorry what did you say your name was okay okay all right okay all right okay guys it smells like a skunk so bad in this hall did you know that who did it no no it was initially I think it was a golden ticket person so now it's trashed by analysis come for real Oh straight up straight up skunk on smelly that's not a skunk smell no it is a it's starting to smell like it's in there that's the smell [Music] [Music] you're walking watching a soccer thing yeah are you sure it's not a tennis thing
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 10,786
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Id: vE07bOQMj0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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