Rick Burgess Speaks At Gridiron Men's Conference 2021

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y'all give a big big big welcome to rick burgess [Applause] good to see you buddy so glad look at charles dressing like a little man tonight so proud of charles so good to be here um i just tackled herschel walker backstage oh 75 i play a little ball i said hershey i know you won the heisman and odd nfl stuff but you may not know i was all county 82. he seems somewhat intimidated um you know we've been on the road with the man church.com we kicked off this men's discipleship strategy gridiron has always got me in trouble i get carried away with how pathetic men's ministry is in the church i remember remember it was like what eight years ago and i just went on a tangent in birmingham about how we say that on father's day that the man is the most influential man and it's coming up sunday you hear it again in churches and and i gave that speech if if we believe all the survey stuff from barna and all this kind of stuff and why in the world do we treat men's ministry like it's dead last when every preacher says the man's got the most influence in the house and in society and in the church and we need to do something about it and everybody said well what are we going to do about it and i said you know what i don't know i just got carried away so so we started working on this men's discipleship strategy that features what we're doing here you know you know high challenge which we've done pretty good in men's ministry but where we've been bad is high equipping we we challenge men but we don't equip them so we said we're going to do something about that we worked on it for seven years in my local church and then we launched it march 1 2020. that went well uh so what's happened is now this year okay and a lot of you uh so raise your hand if your church is doing the men's discipleship strategy for the strategy from the manchurians.com they're all over here and if if not we're here this weekend we can help you it's going well but now all of the cancellations for 2020 to kick it off and get it started went on top of everything that was already booked for 2021 and the man church team and i we have been all over the country i'm talking about out in the middle of nowhere we've been discipling men in places that so far out in the country even the presbyterians are handling snakes [Applause] by the way that's out there so it's been great and we're excited about it and if you don't have a game plan to reach in the disciple the men of your church you know what uh we're not going to say any more it's not available because we've done it we're in our second 40-week curriculum we've got two 40-week curriculums we've got individual resources for men we got resources where men can disciple their sons uh and so and then we're we're going out and we're doing the services and then we're doing the equipping if you'd like to know more about it as a matter of fact tonight if you would like to know about it is everybody ready because every time i do this men don't know how to spell this i want you to get in your phone and you're going to text this 44222 is where you're texting it four four two two two say it back to me four four two two two and here's what we're gonna text put it all together be a man do not space that beamon b-e-a-m-a-n put it all together and if you text it to 4-4-2-222 10 off anything at the manchurch.com and it's themanchurch.com if you leave the d out you'll get some movies some guys working on it's themanchurch.com but listen what else we're going to do which ties into the message tonight we're going to give you the first five weeks of our first curriculum uh and it's gonna be five weeks of it and it's our five weeks on integrity i was talking to some of the guys here tonight that are doing it and uh and i said well how's it going they said well we really all had to really get a breath after we went through integrity right and and that's when we talk about whether our faith has any integrity we're going to talk about that in great length i'm going to show you two different types of men tonight in the bible and and we're going to ask ourselves a difficult question tonight which one are we which one are we you know i was raised by a a football coach you've heard me tell stories about dad for years at gridiron you know for some of you that are new i'll put it in a nutshell if my daddy was coaching football today he'd be in jail okay and i mean he's old school he he didn't go out there i mean he did not go out there in any kind of sweaters any kind of visors any kind of jacket my daddy was old school i'm talking you can see him in the hot alabama sun how many of you have played football somewhere in the south okay if you didn't play in the south you ain't never really played it no no if you haven't done two a days in this kind of heat if you haven't done two a days in august and in alabama september is just august again have you noticed that that's what delayed my redemption i wasn't afraid of hell some preacher preach on hell and i'd say well i know it's hot but is it humid [Applause] i'm not afraid of hell i play football in alabama so and my dad made it hellish because we were terrified of him terrified when my dad went to college they they asked him what what's the key to coaching because they said you have to change it you know when you leave high school you're going to change it because in high school we saw him in this alabama sun and he would say to us what you can't worry about the heat you should have played football somewhere else if you don't like the heat you can't worry about that y'all squinting his eyes can't worry about that he said i'm tired to hear about people saying they're hurt it hurt he said you play in the collision sport do you expect not to hurt and he'd say you can't worry about that he's all said can't worry about that people talking about being thirsty can't worry about that you know and just kept on saying you can't worry about that you can't worry about that and he had those old black coaching shoes mural black coaching shoes and he had that foam hat team logo had his coaching shirt team logo half tucked in half not had them remember those big old white socks and they pull them up to his massive calves and his massive cast would break the elastic and they just fall around his ankles had it had his whistle what on a piece of leather white tape on the end of the whistle stained with tobacco and then in what i'm tied coach is short y'all remember them from bike i mean tight no gender confusion here coach if you could back up a half a step we'd appreciate it [Applause] um any good just have guys together in this garage you do that joke in a regular church people get mad so so he's standing there with this this this scene that you see and he's telling us not to worry about number and he's standing in an ant-man i mean ants are coming over those those those socks and they're getting on his calves and we didn't want to say anything we we didn't know what to do you know you ever see something like that you go i wonder what's going to happen so some idiot on the team that my dad hated that he nicknamed gerbil he in 1981 he was six foot four way 280 and never played it down and my dad was very kind and worried about his feelings so he said i'll tell you what son you're you're you're a worthless piece of humanity he said son if i'd had your size i would have stood on the corner and made people pay me to live and so gerbil says because nobody would coach burgess coach burgess you're standing in that bed i'll never forget it my dad does this squinty eyes and he looks down there's ants all over his cast he said you see what i'm talking about you can't worry about that [Applause] and the ants out of fear went down his calf [Applause] tired of trying to bite it so when my dad was asked about what he was going to do different in college football from high school he said nothing they said coach what would you do what do you mean he said well everything's the same he said whether i go to college or high school it's all the same because they said well these these college players didn't come from your community they don't know you they're coming from gangs they you're coaching division two at jacksonville state at that time they're division two gulf south conference they've been kicked off other teams you got this and that these people don't know you it's a different game he said it's the same game and they said well what how do you coach he said i coach under a one-step program fear he said until they're afraid of me i really can't change them until they fear me and they fear my authority then i can't get started i can't do anything with them and that's that's a funny thing about old tough old coach but there's some pretty good theology in there because what does the bible say all wisdom comes from what fear of god if you i am 56 years old now i know some of y'all are shocked by that could y'all tell the difference between my body in rehearsals he's 59 we both look pretty good don't we he asked me he said hey how are you keeping the weight off that didn't happen by the way i just seeing who would go along with that that's true fans that went i hate he's so funny but but here here's here's the situation when if you're 56 years old or older raise your hand all right if you're 55 or younger raise your hand boy that number keeps getting bigger all right so the 55's down some of you but not many when was the last time you heard a man described as a god-fearing man do you hear the silence we don't even say that anymore do we i've heard ferrara talking about this i follow his his uh his bible study and i heard him talking you're talking about this and i started thinking he's right i don't even hear that anymore that used to be one of the greatest compliments that you could pay about a man tell me about this man that's a god fearing man and you know why you don't hear people being called god fearing men because we don't have many of them anymore see you're living in a society right now that fears everything they shouldn't fear but they do not fear what they should and that's the great i am and that's the great i am and you can tell a man that doesn't fear god because what does he call the great i am the big man upstairs we got any of those idiots in the house tonight hey don't ever call my my lord my father the beginning in the end the great i am holy holy holy don't you ever call him the big man upstairs because that's blasphemy but you know why this man calls him the big man upstairs because he don't know him and you know why he calls him the big man upstairs because it makes him easier to sin against i don't fear the big man upstairs but boy i fear the the god of the bible though i was talking to a guy one time he was talking about all this he got these universalists had gotten to him he was listening some podcasts it was a universalist he said well you know we always have to remember the the the thing that god's love god is just love and he is that's one that's one of his characteristics that ain't the only one but it's one and he said we gotta always back go back and remember you know that god that god is love and god loves us and he he loves human beings and and he loves us and you listen to some of the modern worship songs today some of these modern ones you'll think that god actually worships us i mean god he just he can't get enough of us he don't want heaven without us he recklessly is coming after us he's out of control he's just enamored with us god doesn't need us we need him he doesn't worship us we worship him you do realize that right can i give you an example of this you know god he just he just enamored with us except in genesis 6 when he killed everybody but ate killed everybody but ate and what did it say in genesis 6 that that everything about human beings was so wicked and so evil and that's all they thought about was evil that he regretted ever making us we don't make him any better but he can certainly make us a lot better so let's dig in and let's do what we were talking about and what we're instructed to do by the apostle paul in second corinthians chapter 13 and i'm going to go to verses five and six i'm going to be doing this out of the esv and here's what the apostle paul said we're going to do this tonight examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith test yourselves or do you not realize this about yourselves that jesus christ is in you so if you come here tonight the apostle paul and he he's not happy with the church of corinth he says i see open deliberate perpetual sin i see nobody dealing with sin i see nobody taking the holiness of god serious i see people not taking the holiness of the church serious and he says you're living this way while claiming that jesus christ is in you he says well examine yourself your life my life how we live our lives do you really see the power of jesus that in john 15 jesus says if we abide in him and he abides in us that he will produce much fruit in us proving that we're his disciples and what paul says do you look like a disciple of jesus you claim to be one but do you look like it hershel talked about this a little he said so because you claim that jesus christ is in you do you realize brother that if you have made some claim that you've been redeemed by jesus but your life has not been changed do you realize what you're saying about jesus you're saying he has no power yeah he's come into my dead spirit he's made it alive by the way the holy spirit's the same power that raised jesus from the dead i don't know it just don't really change me do you realize how impossible that statement is have you ever thought about that so here's what paul says unless indeed you fail to meet the test i hope you will find out that we have not failed the test so you claim to be redeemed by jesus so let's examine your life and see if that appears to be true so we're going to do that take your bible or step in your bible on it and let's go over to acts chapter 5. we're going to talk about two different kind of men here and for time's sake i'll try to pick up the pace just a little bit but are y'all familiar with acts chapter five when we get to five i want to first of all i don't have this on a slide so don't be looking for it you don't have to find this but i want us to look back at 4 and we see chapter 4 verse 36 thus joseph who was also called by the apostles barnabas which means son of encouragement a levite a native of cyprus sowed the field that belonged to him and brought the money and laid it at the apostles feet so barnabas he he said i sow this land i'm gonna give every bit of what i got everything i made i'm gonna give back to the church that just happened but see what you find with men too many times like this ananias we're about to meet he wants to get all of the applause of being a sacrificial follower of jesus but not really be one he wants to he wants to be seen as one he just isn't one and listen listen what happens here it says but a man named ananias with his wife sapphira keep that in mind that his wife is with him okay sold a piece of property and with his wife's knowledge underline that so with his wife's knowledge pay attention to this okay he actually sold some land himself and she was she knew about this and kept back for himself some of the proceeds and brought only a part of it and laid it at the apostles feet all right so here's what we know ananias and his wife they they're going to scheme the church they're going to pretend to do what barnabas did but not really do it now there was no requirement that anybody bring 100 in of what they got but they're going to pretend that they did just what barnabas did now i want you to pay attention what peter says to ananias the husband but peter said ananias why has satan filled your heart to lie to the holy spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land immediately peter says we know you're lying and here's what i got to know ananias you claim to be one of us you claim to be part of the church so here's what i don't get how in the world if you're really been redeemed by jesus if you really are what you claim you really are one of us then how in the world could you do something so deliberate so so so deliberate so sinful against the holy spirit and you be so easily played by satan i don't understand how you could really do that if you were the real deal and then peter says while it remained unsold did it not remain your own and after it was sold was it not at your disposal listen to this why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart and this is what we must know and this is this is the difference on how you will treat sin and i want you to look at this in all capital letters what he says next you have not lied to men but to god hey ananias this is big you think that you're just kind of being dishonest to us we don't really matter what did jesus say why do you fear people that might can take your life but they can't take your spirit they can't they they can't you know eternally damn you why are you afraid of them you better be afraid fearing god of the one that could take your spirit and it die forever as opposed to live forever that's who i would be afraid of that's who i would be in awe of that's who i would have a healthy dread about i would want to be see and we're living in a society right now and let me tell you something i'll say this and i will and i won't back off on this at all i would much rather be at odds with you than him if i'm in odds with you if i'm just telling the truth you'll just have to get over it but i'm not going to be at odds with him and if you oppose him i'm going to oppose you i don't even care if you're my own family okay because nobody blasphemes him i stand with him i don't hate you i just love him and so anybody who opposes him opposes me and i i have no problem being odd being at odds with human beings but i don't want to be at odds with god and if you won't go with god then i ain't going with you and i don't care who you are and so peter is saying to ananias hey this is really serious you have lied to god when ananias heard these words he fell down and breathed his last and a great fear came upon all who heard of it i bet well there's church discipline you think anybody lies about their their offering after that raise your hand if you're a pastor in here hey this happens in your church i bet next time people start tithing on gross not net amen nobody pretend to give more than they did what'd they brother huh so listen to this and and you're gonna think well why is rick landing on this and i'll tell you i want you to look here at verse six in chapter five then young men rose and wrapped him up and carried him out and buried him now underline that young man hey just some guys that can carry off anonymous body just let me have just anybody that can do it we don't even name these men we just know they're young don't bother the old men with that drag his sorry body out of here look what happens next after an interval of about three hours his wife of course she's late it's in the bible i didn't it's it says that she was three hours later than he was does it not say that now this is bet this is bad not knowing what had happened this is where this is where sapphira needs some friends okay and peter said to her tell me whether you sold the land for so much gosh where are your friends here safari if they ask you about the land don't lie to peter and you know what's so sad about this you know why she's doing this go go go back up to five and look at the very first verses a man named ananias with his wife sapphira sold all this pretended kept back proceeds with his wife's knowledge here's a man that taught his wife to sin and let me ask you something what sins are you teaching your wife to love what what sins are you teaching your wife to love what what garbage are you putting in front of her what foulness does she hear from you i've talked to men many times and they said you know scriptures say you know that the the wife's supposed to respect her husband and it sure does say that yes it does but sometimes a woman doesn't respect her husband for really no other reason than she knows it and she sees the way he actually lives his life when nobody else is looking but see sooner or later see that influence we just talked about to begin with it can't be turned off so your influence is either an asset and a blessing to your wife and your children or it's a detriment and it's an obstacle that they got to find a way to work around and in this case you're going to see that ananias teaching his wife to love sin is going to be very costly and peter said to her tell me whether you sowed the land for as much and she said just like her husband yes for so much but peter said to her how is it that you have agreed together to test the spirit of the lord behold the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door and they will carry you out how is it sapphire that you've got with your husband and y'all how have you all so carelessly lied to the holy spirit why have y'all so carelessly lied to the god that you claim to serve in his church that you are blaspheming how can y'all do that if you really are redeemed immediately she fell down at his feet and breathed her last and underlined this again when the young men came in they found her dead and they carried her out and buried her beside her husband and 11 and a great fear came upon the whole church i bet it did so we see that ananias is a failure as a husband and ananias is a failure and when he he did what paul said we've tested ananias and we have found that he don't he didn't pass the test and he and his wife we just took their bodies off just whoever could carry them but now i want to introduce you to another man his name is stephen here's what the bible says about stephen over in chapter 6. in chapter 6 we see that stephen is described this way stephen a man full of faith and of the holy spirit he's also full of grace and he is full of power we see this as in in verses 5 and then we see it again down in verse 8. so stephen is described he was a deacon he was he was just a his job was to be sure that the food kitchen was working right he was not a pastor he he was no theologian but he was a man that that was that was full of faith he was a man that was full of the holy spirit he was a man that was full of grace and he was a man that was full of power we don't see anybody else in the bible described with all this and what stephen began to do as a servant a deacon in the church he began to preach to the jewish people with so much power and he basically said jesus is who he says he is jesus is god and you know what y'all killed him y'all killed him and y'all crucified him and you know what there's no name under heaven that anybody else can be saved and he's going he takes them through the entire bible showing them that everything they knew in the old testament pointed to jesus and they needed to understand that they needed to get right with this jesus and boy they didn't like it man they didn't like it turn over to uh chapter seven and you'll see something very interested interesting in 55. right before 54 it said these people heard what he was saying and he was so in the spirit that they were enraged and they ground their teeth at him now let me ask you this are you more like stephen are you more like these people when somebody's looking into your life and they're saying brother i gotta tell you the truth the way you're living your life you are saying one thing and doing another i'm here to hold you accountable i love you enough to tell the truth you got to get right you're not living as a man of god it's your reaction to that hey man thank you thank you i'm glad i have men like you in my life i'm glad that you're in my life hey i've given you a permission to speak into my life and i'm thankful for the way you are holding me accountable and i will address these things are you like these other people you grind your teeth and you're furious what does the proverbs tell us said you know what if you go up to a wise man and you rebuke him he'll actually thank you for it but if you go up to some idiot a scoffer an idiot he'll be angry with you if you try to rebuke him he'll come back at you which one of these type of men are you so when they got enraged and they ground their teeth at stephen look at 55 and chapter 7 of acts but he there it is again full of the holy spirit but he full of the holy spirit gazed into heaven and saw the glory of god and jesus standing at the right hand of god jesus is not seated he is standing so stephen unlike ananias stephen is so full of faith so full of grace so full of power so full of the spirit he's preaching in such a way and he's opposing those that oppose christ in such a way that jesus stands up let me ask you something brother jesus is looking at your life right now is he standing or is he seated looking at his father saying what a grace abuser this guy it's like what happened on the cross was no big deal he's not sold out for me he didn't love me i went to the cross to show how much i loved him but he didn't love me see the question is not whether jesus loves you my goodness look at the cross i think god's on record for how much he loves you and how much he loves me the question is do we love him and jesus said in john 14 that if we love him what will obey his commands and stephen was sold out and it's about to get really bad for stephen you realize that jesus is standing saying that a standing ovation for stephen's devotion and stephen is about to get stoned because of his devotion and jesus doesn't intercede and stop the stoning so if you bind into this health wealth and prosperity garbage you're going to be in shock so did steven not have enough faith it just said he did so any pastor or preacher or somebody on cable tv that tells you different they're saying that stephen did not name it and claim it and didn't have a powerful prayer life didn't speak in tongues or or didn't he didn't do any something right because this stoning was not averted but that's not what scripture says scripture says stephen is our example man y'all got to get caught up in that kind of garbage so stephen sees jesus standing and he said behold i see the heavens open and the son of man standing at the right hand of god but they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together at him then they cast him out of the city and they stoned him don't miss this brothers and the witnesses lay down their garments at the feet of a young man named saul he's going to be a hall sydney now why are they putting their garments down so they can throw harder you ever try to throw with the jacket on versus no jacket and you know what paul said i approve of this bring your stuff over here i'll watch it let's kill this guy see sometimes god will not intervene in your suffering for the benefit of somebody else you think paul ever forgets this moment what's about to happen you think he ever gets out of his mind see stephen was doing what he was supposed to do but his mission was complete because he wasn't trying to live heaven on earth he was trying to live on earth in a way that he would actually receive heaven with jesus he wasn't trying to create heaven on earth he just wanted to be obedient because he was looking what at jesus standing at the right hand he says what hey jesus receive my spirit and as they were stoning stephen he called out lord jesus receive my spirit and falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice lord do not hold this sin against them now where'd he learn that say it from jesus that's what jesus said about you and me they're idiots father they have no idea the levity of this they don't know what i'm doing so show them grace look at chapter 8. stephen dies and it says in chapter 8 that saul approved of his execution and there rose on that day a great persecution against the church in jerusalem and they were all scattered throughout the regions of judea samaria except for the apostles you do realize that jesus had told the church don't stay here in jerusalem but they they stayed and so jesus used stephen's stoning and the persecution of saul who he's going to use for his own church he's weaving this all together to take his church and push him out like he told them to go what does jesus have to do to get you to move what what has he got to do to get you to move he loves you enough to do whatever he's got to do to get you to move if i were you i'd go ahead and go i'd go ahead and do what he what you know he's told you to do i don't know who needs to hear that but somebody does because he's going to move you [Applause] and now we're going to land look at this point i remember when this rose up by the scripture i couldn't believe what i was seeing this thing with ananias and sapphira and these young men carrying off their bodies these nameless young men that we don't know anything they don't even it says nothing about their character it says they just young they can just do it oh but not stephen look at chapter eight verse two devout men buried stephen and made great lamentation over him couldn't just anybody bear stephen we don't want some nameless young guys we want to make sure that devout men come and carry off this man who was full of power that was full of grace that was full of power and the holy spirit and he was devoted to his lord and savior to the point that people opposed him and they killed him and he lived his life refusing to stand down and advancing the kingdom of god against all who oppose the kingdom of god and we must make sure that we just don't let anybody bury stephen so let me ask you a question how are we going to bury you right now you die right now how we gonna bury you hey coronavirus may not have gotten you but something will you still gonna die or jesus is gonna come back you do realize that jesus raised lazarus from the dead to show everybody that he really was god but lazarus just died again it was whether lazarus was going to spend eternity under the redemption of jesus that was the miracle lazarus will live forever when his body finally dies for good and you say well how do you know this this impact that it had on on on paul how do you know that we'll look at first corinthians 15 9 and 10. first corinthians 15 9 and 9-10 here's what the apostle paul says when he's talking to the church at corinth he says i shouldn't even be an apostle i'm the least of the apostles unworthy to be called an apostle because why get this brothers because i persecuted the church of god you you think he doesn't remember killing stephen he says i shouldn't i'm the least of the apostles look at ten but by the grace of god i am what i am and his grace toward me was not in vain on the contrary i worked harder than any of them though it was not i but the grace of god that is with me do you hear what the what paul is saying i persecuted the church i have great sin i can't get this vision of stephen out of my mind so i work harder than the other apostles whatever your sin is jesus will forgive you and your response that says i'm so thankful for what you did for me i know that i had no hope without your grace but let me tell you something jesus that grace that you had to pay for on the cross the grace that you gave me i will never live in a way that you say your grace was in vain it won't be in vain you're going to get a return on the grace you showed me [Applause] is anybody think that paul didn't live that out what'd he say at the end of his life i've run the race i've fought the fight i will receive the crown of righteousness that's not earning salvation that's the that's that's the response to salvation but what about you how are we going to bury you are you a grace abuser have you taken our precious lord and taken his grace and just keeps spitting on it over and over again by living in continuous perpetual deliberate sin romans chapter 6 trying to try to take grace and abuse it you haven't been freed by grace to sin you were freed from sin but you weren't free to sin if you die tonight are we gonna get some just young guys to carry your sorry rear end off or because of the way that you have lived your life i'll walk over to your children i'll walk over to your wife and you and they say hey be sure devout men carry off my husband and my daddy if just a few of you in here will get this right it'll radically change the world don't you want to be part of the few men that were turning the world upside down as opposed to the current state of the american church that seems to be timid and fearful the new testament church was not timid and fearful it was turning the world upside down and let me tell you where that starts with men you know we say at the manchurians.com disciple man change everything so as opposed to the father's day message it's probably around the corner of us talking about the influence that god has given to me a man and men and women are equal but they're distinct they're not the same as opposed to just talking about that why don't we actually live out like we believe that well here comes your opportunity right now anytime the gospel is preached it demands a response in acts chapter 2 the old fisherman peter got up there for the first time ever he gets it right because he's been now filled with the holy spirit pentecost has happened and he preaches and it says that all of the people in the audience that their hearts were pierced by the holy spirit and they cried out to peter what are we supposed to do and you know what peter did not say oh y'all just go home god works that out you know what peter said he didn't check up repent repent what did jesus say when he arrived on the scene repent or perish repent means you turn to 180 from your sin and you turn yourself to jesus then romans 10 9-10 says and you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth that jesus christ is lord and then you say i want to be saved by grace through faith and my faith is when i take the faith off me and i place it totally on jesus and i come under his authority and he changes me into something that only he can are you willing to do that tonight for the first time or the first time you ever meant it you're living in a world that's in desperate need of godly men but you can't do it only he can't and if you have a sincere heart he'll change you i'm living proof of this i'm unrecognizable from the man i was before jesus not because i've gotten some new self-control or a new code of conduct is because jesus christ really is that powerful are you ready for him to change your life forever well it starts with one sincere movement of repentance and submitting to his authority and receiving that grace through your action of your faith leaving you and going to him i mean we're going to do it right now let's pray lord jesus i don't know who's here that needs to repent i don't know who's here who needs to confess you as lord i have no idea but i know that you have been weaving all this together to get this group of men in these seats at this time for this moment and decisions will be made everybody in this room every man is going to make a decision right now lord i just pray against those that are going to try to decide to do nothing i pray against that so if you're here right now tonight and you're ready to say i repent of my sins and i submit to the authority of christ and i want to follow jesus i want him to make me the man that only he can i want you to stand up right now stand up that's the right thing to do who else i want you to stand up stand up right now stand up all over this room stand up if tonight's your night stand up and don't be afraid that people may think you don't need to stand up but deep down you know that you do you've been ananias you've been pretending to be something that you're not but you're done with that that's charade is over tonight look at these men who else is bold enough to stand up and say i'll follow jesus who else who else guys if you see men right now standing up and they're all over this room and they belong to your group tonight into your church when we start singing this song of celebration for these decisions i want you to surround them i want you to pray over them and do not let them leave this weekend and you not start discipling these men we'll help you if we can help you we'll help you here tonight do not let this important decision just fall by the wayside it's your job as a local church to take these men that have now said i want to follow jesus and it's your job and you are called to do it to now disciple them there's not a person in the new testament that was called a christian that wasn't already a disciple we leave these men in perpetual spiritual infancy and satan comes in and he destroys them or he makes them ineffective and it's time for the church to stop stop stop and start acting like that we really do believe what we say about the influence that god gave me it's time to disciple men and to take this extremely serious let me pray for you guys and all right and when and you guys that have your heads down look up and look at the man where they're standing and as i pray over these men let's give them a big round of applause that's hey that'll do it we turn the world upside down with that right there that'll do it i love you guys and thank you for your boldness lord jesus i pray that you solidify these decisions as we sing right now and we praise your name for who you are and how wretched that we are and we're so thankful for the grace that you afford us all the only thing good about the follower of jesus is you jesus it certainly isn't us and may you be glorified and lord i pray that you will surround these men and and you'll take them lord to where you can only you can take them as they begin to to get a taste of your word they fall in love with you and this becomes the center of the universe and then you radically change them your name we pray amen i want you to stand up around these men put your hands on them start praying with them and i want you to to get with them spend some time with us tonight as charles and the guy sing this song of celebration i love you i thank you your prayers have covered me i'm forever grateful thank you so much let's sing
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 8,450
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: rick, bubba, rick and bubba, rick & bubba, rick bubba live, rick and bubba live, rick & bubba live, rick and bubba show, rick & bubba show, rick bubba show, burgess, bussey, radio, alabama
Id: NEm1avdLPlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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