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oh good sounds are going either well Yuma back to another episode of factions today we are doing the intro in the wars oh because I just want to live on the edge of life if you're a youtuber don't do your interest in the wars on it if not say but I don't know it's really quiet I thought someone might find me and I don't even know why I came down here but it's not safe but I'm down here now so I might as well just freakin go with it Paul welcome back to factious guys if you like the daily facts show slap a like gonna see if we could smash two thousand likes on this episode that would be insane and I guess let's get into today's episode because I'm super high for this because we're doing like an old-school raid and we're going to be raining as sky bass now i raided the sky base near the start of the map and now we're gonna be raiding another one i mighta just say guys I'm just gonna say it right now if you guys use a mini mob or a mini-map you know if you're playing fashion I know some people do I don't have it on because it shows chords and obviously that's bad if I have an on play bass otherwise you guys be able to rein me straight away but make sure you use the map prior especially if you play infections because a lot of people decide to either cover their base with air signs up above or to hide them in deserts but with map writer it doesn't matter you still see the blob on the map this one it's one of the best ones for looking for sky bases and we found one now I have this on occasion to see if we could find sky bases and people just don't build them anymore but I'm super hyped to write this it can't be rated there's no towers up to or anything it has to be a raid of some sort so that's what we could be writing in just a second but I have something kind of new to show you it's an update for cycle and I think it's gonna be a very very big one because and it happens to a lot of people and actually happens to a lot of people and it's kind of a situation that we've had trouble to solve because it's trying to find out if the situation is real not but first before I do this I can do is here I have to go to spawn okay right so let me just explain what this little update is I think it's gonna be so helpful and yeah it's just gonna be incredibly helpful so there's obviously issues with people let's say I let's say I had an enemy right and I wanted to get him banned what I could have done is I could have bought a rank or like a small package maybe like a to Europe a kajoor to pound package bought it for his account then charge Bank then what that would have done is would have bad that guy but not me but now there's a new update preventing that I think it's the best way to do it because like for example people buy me stuff I log on and I have charms and I can't do anything it's just straight into my account I can't I can't deny it or like not accept it it just comes straight to my town there's nothing I can do but now there is a new update out when you buy a package yourself what will happen is it will come to your account but what you'll have to do is your mind away it's aching for it come up just like how it takes a few seconds for it to normally come in but you do slash confirm and it will bring up confirm packages so let's say you bought multiple packages they're all be up here so for example Matt Becker said that he gave me the end of what November which is actually out I think today and I believe if it's out today that means that they're gonna be the cheapest because I think we put like a 25% saying on for the first day when her out but the end of vault November is out and I have no idea what's in this table super excited but I wanted to show this update so here you can accept or deny the package so I'm just gonna say this right out to you and I feel like I really have to get this across to you guys just so you understand if a random package comes in from someone you don't know or any of that deny I know it might be tempting to accept it but any day if you accept that you're taking liability for that now if a good good friend bought it and you trust them you can accept it but just make sure that you are you've got to make sure that you guys are accepting liability guys personally like I really wouldn't accept a gift from anyone unless it was like like for example me if raven bought me something i would trust ray but I don't think Raven could doing it for me the or to me but yeah just be very very careful but lease is a new thing these people can't just get running me bad so I'm going to accept this because obviously Mads not going to charge back on me it'd be kind of funny but Bad's not gonna charge back at me and as you can see when you accept it then it comes the chat guys just bought the end of all know that's how it works so I have no idea what's in a November animal I hope it's freaking good I really hope it's good all right let's quickly have a look at this bad boy and what we might use you might actually open this after the raid maybe like on top of the radom that could be that could be spicy anyway let's see what we got in this three two one all right so we have one two three set homes or show boa chapman's now I'm not gonna lie I would really I really really really want set homes right now because like you know I'm just running out of homes are bad we have two to four random kill trackers one admin item two exclusive titles one two three mystery mob masks one random command Jim I can sell that for a lot if I don't need it and one unknown item I'm not sure what the unknown I'm is that's something new it could just be a nap time is it nap at night no daddy I don't know what that is and then for the divine arms or the bones iams divine swords divine leggings and a time somewhere now if you might be like why is it no anarchist in it anarchist pops in and out that's the way it frickin works but I wouldn't mind a tie-in somewhere because those things are freakin fun and I need Hades sword really badly like I'm hunting for that because then that's like a spare God sword probably even better in my soda I wonder so let's eat Chester that for now and we will open it up in a little bit like this episode don't you worry but um I accidentally went to the wrong home I was not meant to come here I'm not gonna lie I was meant to go home s but for some reason I did home at home and now we're being attacked is this guy gonna follow me down I don't think so whoopsie-daisy that was a big mistake okay halide you might try attacking boys myself feel off don't worry dude I'm gonna attack you I'm coming for you don't worry I just need to wait five seconds okay there we go Oh where's he going where's good so he's in a faction called Candace at the og can no they're just taking the name oh hang on you're not going in that you're not going near that are you if you're going near that I ain't going anywhere near you no I don't think is hey buddy hey are you trapping cuz I don't want to be trapped I really don't I feel like there may be a trap involved here oh no maybe just run yeah here's enough back to store and everything dude he's totally trapping he's told no one brings it up back she saw a TV I'm like the only person you were like would potentially just PB normally we were not back to sword he he's definitely trapping he's gonna trap which means there's no point trying to kill him because he's all newcomers it's not butcher to kill because in if he gets low he's just gonna go he's just gonna run hey he just gave me slowly that's not cool but joke's on him my boots heal me because I've got randomly 5 on them oh my God where dude we're actually inflicting a load of frickin damage in them he's gonna try hit me into a hole in me he's gonna he's literally he's trying to trap me he's such a cheeky nugget oh he's called out his bodies I was racking up too much you might be able to kill him if I just keep going hard enough I did not expect a PP right now I am meant to be raining a sky bass but hey a challenge is arised we will try take it on oh come on he's a 5 always so long oh my god this guy he just got rekt dude he's running he's running he's running he's running oh my god he was 1 is on 1 hp dude he's so close to drop and he's so close it's just that not back to so does not let me get those extra little combos I need on or Duty soul oh no don't you dare go to the trap don't you dare go trapping me he's got a trap You cheeky bugger don't you dare don't you dare run away from me you to be won me and everything oh you cheeky bugger so obviously a trap so obviously a trap is obviously a trap well I PvP that guy but I'm as you can see if you don't trap them they run and they run to their safe zone so do you blame him nope but that's why you need to trap I I'm that guy would have been dead ok right so anyway that was interesting I was having an awesome fight of him but every day I do not blame him I don't care about to be won and I don't care about him running back like obviously like I was like yeah I cared but like survived is that's just gonna die easy ok right so this is gonna be even either because the Ray that we rated our starting my bulbs you to stock up but we just F claim squared - we can just fly up alright here we go so obviously this is a very rare thing that we ever find this guy based so hopefully you guys enjoy these kind of old-school bases like these if you don't know if you need to factor something like these bases used to be the thing before like actual proper claim bases they were like the real thing like everyone had sky bases and trusts but it used to be like 50 times more larger than this but here we go it's got signs and everything you gotta love a base when I lay it all out anyway let's take a look at this okay right is there any players heads inside here that actually sell for a lot of money please say they do but honestly like sky bases I haven't graded one of these in ages and like I'm so actually have grade one it's just it just brings my so much nostalgia of actually raining like unclaimed bases I don't really get a lot of chances to do this worthless worthless 3,000 9,000 and the good thing you know about sky bases if you have a sky base they're obviously vaults if you get what I mean because you're not gonna have swallows up here so that means that people must just be storing and only storing 18,000 that's not too bad at five thousand and eleven thousand alright so let might as well sell these heads right here if I can can I sell up there we go after look up in the skies out there we go right boom boom boom are okay and that is all the heads of so we finished we made a decent a bit of money on that fuse elixir Fuseli's a goodish stuff okay wait what oh god ish stuff oh my god backs out five in it sharp five not buy - no thank you oh never backs up five sword wave corrupt or oh that's one thing I need to put my sword we got an axe with ice axe by five and a holy smokes we got poo or poo is evil oh I thought it was my experts not and with trash three and there's nothing too grand that the only good thing on it is probably Gore but then again that's even like common oh do we have a dub of RB holy smokes imagine gonna go stories in the recruit base if they're storage there I believe there is yes okay right sick because I want to give back to them of course I can want to make sure that they have stuff to actually you know use and obviously it's obsidian and we're building a base so that will come in incredibly handy so let's pop this take this there we go I just know what I'm gonna enter my pots because I do not need my pots right now we are raiding a base but as you guys know we're still currently building the base of this obsidian might come in handy especially if we're gonna make filters I have no idea if we are but I think we should make filters especially on like the top region of the base at least okay there we go what if I team Team Oh seriously no TT that would just be the icing on the cake seriously or the cherry on top oh dude fifty seven thousand three thousand don't mind if I do - seriously why is it no GT that would just be like lovely because it would be making like you know G&T for doing absolutely nothing okay I'm gonna take a selfie back because my immature is mostly for what's inside here and we've got skeleton three mask oh my god this watching this is Richard I thought if you guys remember the first raid I did them at the started map that wasn't there's a few chests with stuff like this is a proper scribe all we've got prop for more freakin obsidian oh my god obsidian for days more have said it's worth anything hello heads you everything no okay right some am I am gonna check through this gear because whoever owns this is obviously level 25 where it's been killing a lot of people to get that stuff cuz you could have got I stuff just signal sky voltage oh my Oh My lordy Oh My lordy that is seven hundred and seventy six thousand we just sold that for we have hit a freaking jackpot they're freaking like honestly we have hit the jackpot we got oh my god a horse five oh my factions I had this guy's head recently I sold it for a hundred sixteen thousand now it's worthless do you know what might as well take it put it back by P V and see if it sells soon oh my god this whoa this is really bringing back the fields I'm not gonna lie as you guys I'll be play facts just for four years before factions was even a fascist plugin I think it used to be townies back in the day and this is just bringing back the fields I don't know why okay so that's all armor and stuff or like that's great I really do want the armor well I don't know if I do actually I don't exactly need prop form but if it hasn't Chapman's on it I definitely want to take it we got a head here that's worth $18,000 if I do how is he not checked his head's another active I suspect five or the holy smokes and I think were joking up to that would be like really freaking good right now no okay no okay actually well we might as well take the chicken mask like they're not as rare as they used to be of course a lot a lot of people have them okay look through that in a second obviously a lot of people have them now but they're still pretty good we got some tea tea and the worst thing is like I have minimap on a lot and I never find anything but at least is paid off like I've been looking I'll tell you this right now I've been looking for invisible rates for a few months I can not find them I can find basis of entities but I never get someone who's online it's freaking weird and it annoys me and I've been looking for ages dude what do we get Brendan v3 and noise we've been looking for an invisible ray because I want to do them I miss doing them they were the funnest thing ever in the world I can't find them same with sky bases there's just going extinct dude don't let the sky bases go extinct it's so fun to raid okay a let's have a look through here and and he prop anything custom enchanted because we found a few bits and bobs so it's definitely worth checking through all of this nothing there what's inside this chest skeleton three I'm not sure what skeleton three does I think you just have increased bow damage at the max level Athena so it does oh dude holy smokes okay right zombie spawner what are we gonna hear Enderman for I might take that because I might be decent I don't know I'm just gonna take that as well blaze three no thank-you note I'll swap for yeah I'll take night I can get an got apples case when a fire just please blaze five just please Pig vibe now you keep skills of I'll take and I'll stop five I'll take as well and we've got armor here is just custom enchant the holy smokes this is a pretty loaded I had little thing is I'm bringing this back for the faction so I think they're gonna be extremely happy alright TPA here TG valiant be online ok TG valine is not line I'm gonna TP here help all he did a sturdy he wanted to raid with me earlier and I obviously forgot about that I was about to TP in straight away I'm a bad person I'm sorry but I was bed to TP him as when to TP TG but I just got soaked up in the raid honestly I did not expect it to be this rich that's why I was gonna eat like TP everyone in and let them read but holy smokes I just got like lost okay so it's just TV few members say they should be on their way holy smokes okay right let's have a look through this oh come on come on come on more proper for okay so obviously if they want the prop for there is prop forward here four days they can frickin take it I don't need it but they probably do extinguish three on that do disenchant sets here man I'm itchy just searching through this cuz I do not want to miss like a juggernaut true chess play I think that would be fairly sickening actually do we have a look in the swords chest like it certainly need like good swords now okay obviously you put all these good swords together so I don't think there's any here hacks is what we've got here axis axis axis okay no good axes okay I wish it oh I never take the floor oh my god for up sit in tnt a head that sells for 16,000 they could take that I'll let them have that money I obviously just all the head for like seven hundred and seventy six thousand so I'm obviously pretty good right now cursed elixir I'm I don't know I'll leave that let them take it obsidian want me to do is I'm actually just gonna take that and bring that back to the base in case they don't this is insane I just want to find more sky bases right now but I don't it probably will be like next map until we have a nervous guy base raid okay more obscene every yo right so we got mostly up see now has a few main maternity silly take back all right I'm just itchy scare is your everything now I want them to take the prop for Pitney does anyone a salon F who family Oh TP here oh geez go right you might be afk but there you go right I just realized they have super fish masks on they better break anything otherwise they will kill well I kill anyone who does not have a silverfish mask or a chicken mask okay I think I've done scouring through the chest I've checked a lot of chests I don't see an exception of threes I don't I just miss that she so maybe I should have like a cheeky double check but I don't see anything with my judgment or to your honor even joking out one so she'll know the worst thing years right I've just claimed the base so the guy when he comes online he won't be able to come to the base his home will just be gone completely gone oh hang on a second I'm just looking at you like the actual like gear and there is custom mean chance on this now I might just leave that there for one the guys to take because a shockwave one but there is actually oh my god there is that she custom enchants on this I didn't I didn't I told it just before I could have potentially missed ways to chess play I could have missed it jogging or two okay Devine chestplate were reinforced through yeah holy smokes Richie's I thought it would just be prop for not gonna lie enhance to and no I don't need that also I don't know if to put that in the chess and just leave it for them look I don't need that you need it reinforced for holy smokes a divine chess play oh my god what is that you real I think it might be I'm not gonna lie and this is the kind of an embarrassing thing as well this is definitely Richard and some of the actual cannon bases I've done yeah I don't know if I'm embarrassed by that or what you know what oh I said I want MT I want them to actually have this cuz I don't really need it because unless it was a full-on God say I might keep the spare set you know I mean and but like I want them to have this so I'm gonna let you throw this out so they I make I make sure that they pick it up because that is good stuff right there okay I'm just gonna check you come on Joe gonna chip chaga not to just play we get that we could sell it for okay right so Oh as you can see they pretty much rated all the helmets any like infernal on them meditate - no no no no no I believe this old kiss guy was saying that he needed prop for and not long ago - pupae well ain't pretty sure he can pupae for a very long time now without having to worry about prop for so yeah OTP here underscore underscore Mikey there you go just I'm just keeping I'm just treating the faction now that's what I'm doing okay it's team T in here I'm good today so I've just lead she had a double check to make sure that I wasn't least anything I have taken as Marshall can they're now taking the pro 4 I'm gonna bring this back to the vol base but holy smokes well that was a nice rate it's gonna be a long time until I guess with my dad again like unclaimed boys so I hope you guys enjoyed it because he won't be happy to get for a little bit I don't think so anyway okay so that raid is over and now it's time if that was I been off it's time to open up November's end of all okay so what I really want I really really want Italian so dinners and just more say homes like come on like I'm not asking for a lot here okay guys I don't is handing but I'm I just thought the grind i grind for life guy now you might not recognize him but that was the I was pvping at the start of the episode and he just said I can't go to my Skyfall because it's been over claimed he's lost his home now it could just be a quickie dinky or is probably not his base that we raided but I feel like we and she brought us that couldn't explain a lot if he has a trap and peepees a lot that could explain all the armor sitting inside that base and also the heads but I can't be it literally can't be what's the chance of that well that's you well factions is a small world technically you know you can say people come online every single day but anyway I don't know well guess we'll find out a little bit later if he comes down below alright let's open up this and of all let's go ghost is chewing something wait you in Oh No she's hot Chyna she's looking at a bird outside the window okay anyway three two one poppet all right let's do this what's it going to be we've got a come on Sat home set home set what is this at home I will take that perfectly thank you thank you thank you okay that's what I asked for him to random killed trackers will take that well it's the next we're gonna be at one deadly weapon okay so that obviously is a am line but I hope it is not back tuna that'd be quite cool and tile hero thank you I'll tell you that Tyler's a pretty cool tile for when I say so from a trap three mystery mob masks - holy smokes okay what's the next one going to be it's good this is a random temporary perm deposits oh I saw yourself for less I swear it's Bookseller people 1 & 2 external external titles whoo and we got another divine sword okay I wish we got the title server but we got ain't no atomizer we'll take that I think that's a spare well now cuz I think I lost my have one alrighty okay so we got oh yes oh I am so happy right now we just gotta be one to get these for ages I usually get unlucky and get their builders water some with that but we just got three divine elixir for combat now you might be like that just elixirs they're so good it's 60 minutes trans to speed I don't really care about because as you guys know I have speed 3 but the 60 minutes of strenght and the fire resistance and ever think that's insanely good because you don't for the whole fight you don't have to worry about anything you can just just keep on damaging you have to stop and pop you can just go and also what's great about it and really OPA with it is that you can technically just bring just straight out splash potions you don't you need one part that's all you need and then the 60 minutes oh my god and we got all we also got a fortune essence we can sell that for a lot or keep it a my keep if I'm gonna upgrade my divine mastery soon we also got a bulk deposit now I swear this thing sells for a lot less than the bulk sell I need to find that out I need to see if I can find a buyer for that ok so we get the title villain I didn't know we got that were doing that I I do like collecting my old tiles I'm not gonna lie so I'm gonna kill actually collect these are not Sully's we got a title hero and then we got two of these let's open Oh so I'm assuming they're random tiles inside them boom we just got dead okay that's pretty funny is that regular or like is that rare doesn't say okay and the last one here we go boom we got lucky and I don't think I deserve this title but when I win anarchist whenever I do I will then put this title on I that that's what I'll do now also it's a deadly weapon I know salmon oh dude deadly weapon sharpness one send off the Black Friday shoppers sale price 50% off I really wish that was not back to you cuz I'd be a really handy weapon just to have you so I'm using the holy nugget oh I went to the wrong home right so we're gonna go we're gonna go spawn and like spam open all these mystery about mass and that we have here now the only thing I'm really looking for is obviously a spared divine masculine lovely you know who doesn't want that but IG IG I'm looking for alright here we go are you cooking yourself like that's not good for you that's really not good for you okay here we go I'm covering the mass three two one I am pig Ocelot a creeper they're not even good levels either okay Ripper rody pepperonis I guess if you really want it like max outt mash you want a mystery mob mastery that's just the one you want unless you redeem this extra set home like I really want this contains one anxious at home like that's just the best thing ever like it just said Holmes you just can't have enough hi okay right well these divided elixirs are going straight in my PV they are not Li but that that deserves review those things are so rare I don't even think anyone sells them because it's just it's just godly it really is but that is everything for this episode thank you guys very much for watching don't forget if you buy a package you need to do smash confirm a lot of people are confused at the moment but say watch this video they should understand but thank you for watching and I will see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 47,940
Rating: 4.9287257 out of 5
Keywords: RICHEST SKY BASE RAID ON THE SERVER!?| Minecraft FACTIONS #734, minecraft, minecraft factions, minecraft videos, server, factions, saicopvp, video, no swearing, raiding, minecraft raiding, trolling, mod, custom, challenge, mods, funny, minecraft factions server, factions server, minecraft server, trolling hacker, raid, moments, minecraft trolling, minecraft creepersedge, adventure, mini game, minecraft cannons, minecraft castle raid, minecraft castle
Id: B469hO4_zes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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