Rich Bundy Ted Bundy’s brother

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pretty soon he was asking if he could bring his little brother richard along on certain outings that we were going on my name is rich bundy and i was ted brundy's little brother we were more than just brothers you know we're close friends you know i really look forward to spending time with them which i did a lot of spend weekends with them summer vacations from school i go live with him for most of the summer vacation he was living in seattle and he had me come up there spend the weekend a couple of times a month you know we go over and pick up liz and mully and and get the raft out and it would just be like a really healthy okay i got the basket okay you know here we go like the walling in the beaver you know this and that's just some people won't understand but uh we're really close you loved him i did love him ted just adored richard always wanted to take him places and do things with him we would frequently go me and ted and molly and richard we'd go raft down certain rivers and so it was a lot of fun and we did a lot of rafting i know that richard looked up to him and kind of held him in awe you know the kind of thing a boy of 12 years old just automatically thinks like oh hey that person's really awesome and got it together i'm going to follow what they say it's like you can do no wrong so [Music] i do have pretty good recollection i was probably nine or ten uh visiting with him in utah you know he was going to law school and he had sent me home early i was really upset with him because it was out of the blue set in a way that you know like it's got something really important to do yeah things are really tough right now and uh so i dropped it you know i figured well it didn't matter what what it was it just upset me that you know shoot man let's have a good time here with you i remember when we were at the airport waiting to get on the plane we were standing by ourselves over by a window and and i looked over at him and he had this look on his face he was looking one direction and i was looking at his profile inside of him you know and i don't think he saw me looking at him because he i i could see this look on his face that he was horrified and disgusted by something there was never any time that he'd ever changed plans on me like that so extremely i think that he felt his urges coming on knew he was about go murder somebody and he had enough responsible attitude to get me out of the picture so i wouldn't be yeah involved with it [Music] do you remember that camping trip with your brother well there's several championships like that that looked could be about nine or ten maybe eight right on one hand i'm curious about where it is and you know i must admit right now thinking about it seeing this on another hand i could care less kind of sucks not to say it but i wouldn't i really wouldn't want this picture there's no joy in it absolutely not there was then but not now he could do a million of these but it doesn't outweigh one just one of the victims you know one of those people only takes one person that you killed your makes it all just go to [ __ ] you know i was a teenager when he was arrested and i didn't really see the escaping as as him being full and guilty because you know he knew i was a kid i was just being stupid and naive you know i was thinking like like the uh the fugitive story richard kimball ran away to find the real killer you know probably what i was thinking and at the same time i was a party was blocking out going dude whatever it is you can't do nothing about it don't let it ruin your life you know there's a part of me trying to protect myself from all the pain but i just said man just go outside and write your skateboard [ __ ] him you know if he's guilty then scumbag gets what he gets you know come on into my abode of my home [Music] some things make me really depressed in a uh almost debilitating way where i i will sit in this chair for days i'll sometimes stay in this camper for two three days at a time i don't know i'm not really afraid of not having a normal life i've gotten used to life being kind of a bit of a you have to kind of uh jimmy rig your way through life sometimes i don't recommend it to everyone to live your life precariously but if i know i have enough to keep shelter and food for my cat and i that's the most important thing [Music] you
Channel: Carol DaRonch
Views: 1,736,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BKhI86h7Uwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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