Dr. Phil Interviews Jeffrey Dahmer’s Father - Part 1

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how would you describe Jeffrey as as a youngster when you were growing up excuse me Dr we don't know we don't we don't relate to Jeffrey okay Jeff he's Jeff okay thank you let me ask you some things that I think these are right and accurate from your book I understand that hindsight is 20 20. so I'm sure that these things will look different now but Jeff was fascinated with a rotting animal carcass under the house and played with the bones and referred to them as fiddlesticks it was a terrible smell so I went underneath and cleaned it out the smell of the skunk and cleaned out whatever else was under cans and bones and collected them all and Jeff did seem to exhibit an interest in the way they clanked as he picked them up and put them back into a metal pail he just laughed at it the sound of it and that was it it was said that he had even impaled a dog's head on a stick and this again is something you only learned about in the trial the trial I asked him about that and he said that it was back in the woods two neighbors away from us I saw a picture of it so he admitted that that was true he said he found this dog I don't know if it's really true to be honest with you but he told me that he found this dog that that he decapitated and put on a stake and do you believe that there were warning signs that as a father you should have seen if your kid is going around collecting dead animals cutting them open and exploring them and that sort of thing that how do you not know that well as I said it's heavily wooded very rough terrain and there are a lot of hiding places he was extremely secretive and and devious tell me about the locked wooden box you confronted him about several occasions my mother had complained about seeing some pornography around so when when I made the visit to Milwaukee I saw this box in the closet room I said I'm going to open it and I started going down to the basement to get a tool to open up the box and he kept complaining that he couldn't even have one foot square of his own property to do with what he wants and I said I'm going to open it anyway find out what's in here because that's what I thought it was something related to pornography and in fact he convinced me to just wait wait till tomorrow dad he said and I'll I'll open it for you then but just don't do anything now I don't want to disturb grandma because she was in nearby room and she heard all this commotion that I was going through with Jeff and so I I I'm in a way I'm glad but I'm in a way I'm not glad that I didn't press it because I don't if I would have opened that box and found what was in there I think I would have lost it then the next day he opened and he said see this is this is what it was and in fact he had stuffed some pornographic magazines in there but we now know the Box contained a human hair yes and it would have stopped and I said well what would you have done Jeff if I had opened it and he said something like The Jig would have been up something non-emotional non-committal I could have more lives would have been saved how old was he when his mother left and took his brother he just turned 18. what effect do you think it had when she left and took his brother but not him Sherry and I Came Upon Our House and Jeff was uh was there all alone and Jeff looked like a an abandoned animal or how would you describe it well he was forlorn yeah he he stated later that he felt totally it's the first time he felt so lonely that's when he went out looking for someone stay with him he was so lonely that was the thing but we didn't know he was left alone and he had already done this first murder he apparently felt so alone that he picked up this hitchhiker and when The Hitchhiker wanted to leave he wanted him to stay so badly he hit him with a barbell and I I kind of think that he it was more of an accident than a an intentional thought out killing tell me when you tried to deconstruct this in your mind and say how in the world could this child that I laughed with that I wrestled with that used to run and jump on his grandmother and joy and excitement how could he wind up to be this murderer this serial killer I thought that he at some point in his age 12 to 14 when his he was coming out of puberty his sexual engine so to speak was was in high drive and he was touching the insides of these animals that he just sort of got hardwired neuronally into connecting the sexual pleasure with this type of activity on Trails insights of bodies I that's the way I thought about it after thinking about it for a while first I couldn't fathom how he turned out to be this far down the Continuum I mean we're all on a continuum we all do bad things we all sin he was at the extreme of this Continuum I couldn't at first understand how he could have done those things did you ask him did you say Jeff how in the world could you make this okay in your mind I was concentrating mostly on getting him into a psychiatric hospital I didn't ask him that specifically but I did tell him Jeff we've got to find out how on Earth you could have done these things for a question for me click the link in the description and tell me what in the world is going on
Channel: Dr. Phil
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Keywords: Dr. Phil, Dr Phil, DrPhil, Dr, Dr., Phil, Show, Full Episodes, Full, Episodes, Episode, Dr. Phil Full Episodes, Dr. Phil Show, Full Episode, Dr. Phil Full Episode, New, Best, Moments, Best Moments, Highlights, Phil McGraw, McGraw, Robin, Oprah, Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen, DeGeneres, Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy, Fallon, Jimmy Fallon, Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel, Talk, Talk Show, Talk Shows, Daytime, Television, Daytime Television, TV, TV Show, TV Shows, Interview, Interviews, Psychology, Advice, Help, Therapy
Id: gJslyNxL2OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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