Rhod Gilbert's FUNNIEST MOMENTS on 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown!

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rod speaks welsh fluently which is why tonight he might pick nine consonants and no vowels i hate to interrupt you so quickly in this show but i don't speak well fluently how much well should you speak it's very hard to quantify your language about 73 of it in 2010 rod was named wales's sexiest man nice for rod but a real kick in the teeth for wales rod is hugely popular in wales so all the welsh will be watching tonight it doesn't matter what they're doing putting a dress on some livestock counting up to 12 on their fingers covering each other with phlegm during a normal conversation or having sex with a close relative they'll take time out to cheer rod on rod currently hosts a radio show on bbc wales the show blends music comedy and idol banter with warnings not have sex with your sister build wikimen or marry livestock no round of applause amazing council workers in glamorgan were left embarrassed after they spelt wales w-h-a-l-e-s on road signs to be fair it should be pretty obvious whether you're entering a welsh town or driving into the dark wreaking guts of a giant sea creature unless it's swansea in which case better signage would help come on and do one of your crappy jokes that's the spirit rod was brought up in carmarthen in camarthonshire in wales if you're not sure what that's like imagine a rubbish bin in a skip on a landfill yeah the marvin is the oldest town in wales it's tk maxx dates back to medieval times one for you collectively and one for him have you got a mascot uh i'm wearing my uh lucky pants your lucky pants i'm wearing my lucky underpants yeah i've had them since the 1980s and i've worn them for school exams university exams my wedding night i would say the fact that your undercarriage hasn't grown since you're in school it's quite unlucky oh don't get me wrong they're unfeasibly tight can we can we see the said lucky pants i can show you them if you want but yeah sure nothing really to see they're just just a regular pair of [Applause] a regular pair of lucky rod have you got a mascot yes it's sort of because every time i come on you you uh you take the piss at me frankly about uh being welsh and you call us a bunch of inbred sheep shaggers in one way or another so my mascot tonight is some of my friends and family who i've brought along to show you how offensive and sort of unfair and outdated your views are where are they just in the front there [Laughter] [Laughter] is the one at the end shagging an inflatable sheep yeah funnily enough i didn't tell him to do that [Laughter] rod have you got mascot yeah i've messed up a bit though because i brought a mascot that i thought would wind john up and throw him and psych him out and completely mess with his head and put him off for the whole game right yeah and then it backfired because i got put on his team we have to see the mascot well no we don't it's part of the part of the show i know it's part of the show but it let's have a look at it well but it's going to mess him up and he's on my team oh he'll be all right he would mess with his head like really bad it's just a really untidy disordered cutlery drawer well we need you've given me something to do there i'm already so excited just what this is going to look like by the end are you still sorting the cutlery out well i've done the best i can jimmy but i've got serious questions about your diet rod if this is your cutlery tray i mean who has six dessert forks and two regular forks and i've separated one thing i know i can just do that you go mental watch me go mental just leave uh john you're up against rod tonight he's undefeated yeah you think you can take him well it's tenses i've i've won eight out of ten eight out of ten cats does countdowns and the only people that have beaten me are shaun and rod unfortunately because i am unbeaten on this they keep pairing me with this i never thought that was my nickname i thought it was like specksy locky locko but no it's this rod you are one of the strongest cats as countdown players of all time are you feeling the pressure to perform this evening no i'm not i mean i mean i'm with sean [Music] it's not like i can win from here is it turning hooch you've only got a chance if you're on john's team you've got no chance with this i mean he's sitting right there i know yeah i know he's done the econ he's done it look at this putting me with him he's like taking a champion race or sawing off its hooves and replacing them with empty bean tins thank you thank you very much like strapping a cement mixer to a greyhound if i did my sats now i'd i'd definitely get into year seven [Music] have you got to try to hold them up into the number at the top did you get the number that i'm supposed to get what what did you get rob i think i've got seven six eight that's what i got yeah okay lee i got seven six eight yeah i've got seven six eight i've written it down oh there we go you might should write down 769 no i noticed jason what do you get i think i've got eight one eight okay that's ideal rod it's close but now i'll have to hand it to you i think if you've if you've got eight one eight what did you get how could you not know what you've got what have you i've got 27 so far i hadn't finished i got 800 i'm free what have you got well i haven't used everything but i got nine okay well talk me through your nine right six and three yeah is that what you've genuinely got yeah i could have used the seven and the two about four i've got it why you waste time what do you think you'll be strongest on this evening the letters or numbers i'm going to be better on letters i think i'm going to let us man try me on any letter l yep sean jason four five four five john uh five rods oh about seven i reckon okay sean what's your fault rent jason what have you got um truer guys i don't know how are you but i'm sitting on a seven it's a possible eight well i'm i've got a definite seven right possible eight okay how do i play this jimmy definitely how do you play this yeah you've got to give us a seven because you take a second i'm gonna go if you said who's that urinator over there the very first meeting of the urinator uh was a diver but it's not in any more i can't believe it it's not it anymore what have you got well the one i had was really pleased with was chewing except there was no g but i had chew in like with an apostrophe you probably can't let you have that literally couldn't give a toss susie are there any words in other languages that we would benefit from in english there's a chinese word i think it's coral it's either chinese or japanese and it means the fear that your penis is shrinking um well it's very interesting question that because it's always doing one or the other i've never looked to my penis and it's been the same size twice it's always surprising me it's always i go sometimes i go oh blimey you know there you go what is that i'm sure is this your penis you're looking at yeah i'm looking at my penis i find it endlessly what's not endlessly endlessly that's the wrong word yeah it's the 8 years 46 years old my penis 46 it's older than sydney opera house my penis just has as many visitors yeah rod you're quite i mean i don't want to upset you by saying this but you're quite an angry man a lot of the time are there any words that riley there's only one thing that's got in common with me being angry every time i'm on this show and that's you but are there any words that get you kind of irritate you i get angry with the things that the words represent i think there's no point in getting angry with the words themselves just shooting the messenger [Laughter] i did get angry when they didn't allow forsake he didn't allow him i know that was i thought you should have let me have that it was tough and i could just let you know right now tonight ending if there is any trouble like that i'm here to sort it out though yes you better sort it out in my favor i wrote a ukip i knew immediately after the show would be deported here is a poem that is simply called busy bee busy bee busy bee why are you so busy busy b busy b always in a tizzy busy b busy b thank you for the honey busy b busy bee i owe you more than money busy b busy b i hope it never ends busy b busy b you are my only friend that was about a bee i made friends with on a family holiday in uruguay i called him a race he was a legend the bee just landed on your arm as they said that paul drama there he is it's severely [Applause] protected and i've got another poem this one's called butterfly i don't fancy your chances mate you wouldn't do that during shakespeare would you okay fingers on buzzers for today's crucial countdown conundrum you got it got it what is it stop watch fingers on buzzers it's time for today's crucial countdown conundrum time starts now sensation oh excellent very good time for today's countdown conundrum what have you got well i've pressed quickly because i've got a word and i don't think it's a word but i've got uh oh no [Music] he's done it again another week he's done it paintings boys you're one of our highest ever scorers on the show is there any competition this evening do you think you're going to walk this no i'll walk it absolutely walk it okay i have a a gift where any jumbled up word floating on i can immediately like above your head now i'm seeing ck id straight away my brain makes sense
Channel: Channel 4 Entertainment
Views: 1,718,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, Cats Does Countdown, Cats Countdown, 8 Out of 10 Cats, Countdown, Channel 4, Jimmy Carr, Rhod Gilbert, rhod gilbert taskmaster, rhod gilbert would i lie to you, rhod gilbert stand up, rhod gilbert taskmaster best moments, 8 out of 10 cats does countdown full episode, taskmaster, All 4, Sean Lock, 8 out of 10 cats sean lock, sean 8 out of 10 cats, sean lock comedian, sean lock jimmy carr, sean lock jon richardson, sean lock best bits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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