Rhod Gilbert & James Acaster on their Taskmaster Arguments | The Froth Podcast

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now james everybody who saw us on taskmaster knows we can be a bit competitive sorry listen that was not being competitive i just didn't like you because that absolute difference [Music] absolutely did my headed awful man absolutely awful human being don't get me wrong it made for excellent television i wouldn't have had it any other way go for teddy goals really really sweet moment in taskmaster actually is in the last episode wow we all tell you you've done something really good uh let me tell you it was really great i imagine that imagine that turned around pretty quickly didn't it no no i didn't actually it was it was a genuinely genius thing you'd done to work out how to um make sure alex couldn't untie you at the end of a task and you're like ah i expect you were going to have a go at me and how he yelled at me and we were going no rod that was brilliant that was genius and we just gave you a lot of compliments and then the audience applaud it and you do you do a little smile to yourself and the camera captures it and you just kind of looking like you look all kind of like pleasantly surprised but quite happy yeah and it's a really nice little moment and you go wow not many series of taskmaster have a narrative arc across the whole series but this one a little bit of self self-esteem at the end a little bit self-esteem for me at the end yeah that does sound right i might watch that that's good i'll challenge uh james is just about to launch into a task master some of the stuff he did just started remembering do you still get flashbacks sometimes oh yeah i'm a big fan of the show so sometimes i'll watch the show enough you know the new ones i'll be thinking i wonder what i would do in that situation i'll be like i know but he'd be there and uh the one that i'm delighted i'm delighted you did it because of it was very funny to watch on tv but the day when you didn't help us out with the extension yeah and you and i didn't know until we were in the studio and they played back the footage that you'd open the garage and seeing that it was full of building materials and then you closed the garage door and instead you wrote now let me ask you a question rod yeah yeah and be honest about it you open to that carriage door and you saw all that stuff did you immediately think oh obviously we're meant to use that no but you didn't even think that here's where my brain you didn't think it'll be funnier if i close the door and do this you genuinely saw that and you thought nothing to see here and you closed the door again and you wrote on the door this is an extension instead yeah i think when you hear my how innocent my brain was in that moment yes i think i think you'll forgive me for some of my sins i think i think it'll take the sting out of it i think i think this could be good therapy for you i've definitely forgiven you for it because it was all very funny but uh do you know what it was i i i would worry if you were truly innocent in that moment and none of that ever crossed your mind i do worry that you've got some early onset business going on this is what you i think we saw i mean they didn't show some of the uh some of some of the uh things where my brain went to some very odd places sure those tasks because it does because you're under pressure alex is standing there with a stopwatch you're panicking i panic i hear voices you start you start panicking and you do odd things that's the and that is the show that is the joy of the show of course um and in that moment particular one with the extension i can remember just thinking i know what we do i know we do we literally close the door just right extension on this and that is our extension because it was an extension to the building so i say so i say all we do is formally title it extension and that is our extension and we've we've we've made we've got a perfectly ready-made extension that's all it was that's all it was so that was so in your head that when you opened the garage and you saw that there were building materials didn't take a laughing in here that i can write with i'll close it again didn't think of that i just i just thought here's an extension ready made for us if we just write extension on it then we've finished it off done yeah everybody's gonna they're gonna love me i'm gonna be a hero for this didn't quite work my nephews who were six and nine seven and nine now uh they uh during lockdown watched task master for the first time because there was pg versions released right but a lot of your antics still make it into the edit and um after they watched the very first episode of taskmaster watch was our first episode and they couldn't stop talking about alex horne's bum and they couldn't believe they saw that man's butt for over a week and they were so delighted every time they remembered it and they would say i can't believe you saw that man's bottom i can't believe it it was great there was so i know i i knew you know there's plenty more where that came from in the series so uh i was like they're gonna love it when he puts him at the top of a ladder gets his ass out and sprays a bottle of water oh is it not that was it not that was it not that they were talking about i assumed they were talking about when you whipped off his panties [Laughter] in the first episode oh i assumed they were talking about the water feature at the top of the first episode where you put him in a bikini and then you whip off his bikini bottoms his panties you could say yeah you call them panties out loud uh you do tell him that you you would whip off his panties and yeah and joe what you got reprimanded for using that word then but i always get reprimanded no there's never nobody can stop me i was getting married nobody could stop me it's my life what i was gonna say one thing we should address about tasmania see because i know i know that um i know that uh there was debate wasn't there a series of taskmaster about whether whether i was being favorably uh marked by greg because of our long-standing friendship yes and i didn't quite see it that way because i thought i got a feeling it was in episode one there was a thing where we had to count the number of beans around the caravan or how many beans you would be able to if you if you line the beans up into and how many would they be if you lined them around the perimeter of a caravan was that right yeah yeah yeah how many yes right and then i think like i got it right or something and but but they they i was just squatting with something they said it was beans but they said the beans they included the juice on the beans in the beans length which which and i that was in epic episode one yeah and i think i think i won it except that they then disqualified me because i'd counted a baked bean as not having juice on it and they said the juice the tomato sauce on the bean was part of its length which i still don't think is true i think it's baked beans in tomato sauce not not an integral part of the bean and that i thought okay this is how things are is it and i don't think so i don't think i was fake i don't think i was favorably viewed the rest of us have done a very bad job at working out uh the perimeter and they showed a video of you working out mathematically really accurate you measured the beam you measured the whole out outside of the caravan you did your sums on a calculator you got the answer everyone was like there's no way he's got that wrong yeah and then alex revealed that uh actually you got the bean length from because you were measuring it including the juice and uh and it really sits you up there however i would say that was not greg stitching you up that was alex's production team okay greg was not aware of it however i don't think that greg was actually favoring you as his friend but it made it more fun for us to is that the series where you smashed up my um my gift the cat oh talk about that jessica smashed it up please let's talk about i mean it was a moment although barry this might have to not make the edit because like i have always wondered i there were so many questions i had off the back of that i've got nothing to hide this can make the idea i've got nothing to hide oh no i couldn't get answered because here's so for the people who are not familiar with it barry i'm assuming you haven't watched that series of taskmaster but like there was a week where we had to bring in worst gift from a relative and rod brought in uh a really ugly disgusting uh like uh was it china state park i'll get it i'll get it hang on pottery it's made out of potatoes have you still got it must be smashed a bit no no no it's like dude oh like a sculpture like an ugly castle like ceramic kind of thing really look disgusting the joke was it's the huh it's got cats faces in it and weird like mice coming out of like weird um oh is this the present you got rocked no no no no no no this is the present greg bought me for my birthday yeah the other thing i bought it for sean she keeps giving it so much that she then gave it to rod was the was what they said they've done quite a good job at putting that back together for you um so that was the prize you put up for the prize task yeah and a bit of a joke that was like haha greg you gave this to shannon now she's just giving it to me it's an unwanted gift and now i put it as the worst gift from a relative um then just nap it won the episode and when you win the episode you get to go on the stage with all the different prizes that everyone's put forward and you're supposed to pose with them do a whole bunch of stuff and she picked up that prize yes and she said to the audience shall i smash it and then we'll say yeah and obviously no don't jessica well that's not gonna happen clearly she's not gonna smash it and then there was a point where she went like she was about to drop it and you and greg both suddenly panicked and stopped you completely dropped personas and you and you both went please jess do not drop that honestly please don't drop it we're not no not joking now please please don't drop it and you went jess i would be genuinely upset if you break that and me too jess please don't do that at which moment i am told and i don't know if you know this detail jess then looked at alex horne who silently nodded at her no no he said that he is a demon a devil that is a true fact he said that confirmed by both parties not he just nodded so then jess looked at one of you in the eye you all read i just let it go and i remember sitting there i could not believe what i was seeing and it just smashed also i just put up for the prize um a calendar that my nephew had made me that i actually really liked but i'd put it up for a joke so i can make fun of the calendar and i instantly became scared what if she my sister my sister was in the audience who's like it was her son who had made it and she said she became like oh [ __ ] is she gonna like that calendar like because you're like and then at one point jess went near the calendar and i stood up and went just please do not please do not touch that i actually really like it and it was like a lot of confusion and then greg had to then go in to do his sign off and started kind of doing it and then going sorry i actually i can't believe you actually did that and uh i don't know greg was really happy while jessica nappa is on stage effectively just just threatening to smash things so that everybody is leaving their personas and their tv characters and just having genuine moments is any of this in the show no literally the show is jess goes on stage she poses with her prizes she picks up the um your your prize she says shall i drop it audience say yes and she drops it and then there's a close-up of it smashed but it's like it's all been a brilliant laugh behind the scenes people are losing their [ __ ] that is illegal yeah greg was really greg was texting me going i'm so sorry though the production team after very kindly of glue as you see glued it back to restored it to its former ugliness i mean it is good i mean it got from what i gather it got resolved pretty quickly like because i thought oh no because because you know you do two records a day yeah that was our first record i was like oh god we gotta do another record and i think three of them might have just fallen out with me i don't know no i never i never i realized that jess it was a moment of hubris a moment of giddy excitement and once she said to the audience i real she was in a corner she had to do it the tv cameras are on you've got to do something i never held it against her for a second she texted me as well saying sorry i was like oh don't worry about it it's even funnier that it's glued back together yeah it's even worse yeah i felt more sorry for i've had more sorry for jess in the situation oh god i can see myself doing that yeah yeah yeah it's exactly it's exactly the kind of thing i would have done and then and then being mortified but no no if you're listening jessica happened you are entirely absolved for that totally um but alex thorne on the other hand one you see horn is gorgeous machiavellian character in the background are all these things pulling the strings pulling the strings of all of it bastards so funny that because you know greg when greg buys a gift he takes it very seriously yeah jeremy i genuinely would like to like maybe i'll write the taskmaster production team and ask them can i have the unedited version of that yeah three and a half hours completely just drop in your characters it's like you're not on tv anymore it's just like genuinely pleading with someone not to break it really [Laughter] is that not do they not do like an extra bits or something i think there's an extended um version of our argument on youtube yeah that's like the full art which one which argument the one about the the what about the um the satsuma uh and you finding the satsuma in a sock and i've just uh i've just done my hula again hard done by i think i was hard done yeah yeah but then i am very unfair to you because you you have you've stood up for me in the hula hoop and against greg and then i completely tried to destroy you that makes the very next task with the satsuma thing and lose my mind and then at the very end of this really long debate uh greg says he is going to give you the points and i said to me is that okay i'll say yeah actually it is pretty clever and i just i completely concede after oh it's great fun the twists and turns uh great i'm so grateful and if you enjoyed that why not listen to the whole podcast it is the froth available on itunes itunes spotify spotify anyway you usually get your podcast wherever you usually get your podcasts on youtube you can like rate subscribe comment say nice things about it say nice things hit the bell icon hit the bell icon on youtube so that you will be alerted when the videos are uploaded check it out it is the froth 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Channel: The Froth Podcast
Views: 885,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the froth, podcast, the froth podcast, rhod gilbert, comedian, rhod gilbert comedian, sian harries, sian harries comedian, british comedy, welsh comedian, comedy podcast, comedians, podcasting, welsh podcast, funny podcast, comedy, news, tabloids, funny news, qi, 8 out of 10 cats, would i lie to you, taskmaster, growing pains, rhod gilberts work experience, mock the week, have i got news for you, barry castagnola, james acaster, argument, rant, hula hoop, greg davies, alex horne
Id: QCkfa9ygKNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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