r/Hmmm • help this cat

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we're gathered here today to remember those that we've lost if we could put a roach out for the roach that'd be nice what's going on guys and welcome back to daily uh we're the most consistent reddit channel with the most constant up-to-date host today we're looking through our slash hmm a gallery of the mysterious a bench this is just a checkpoint this is where you save okay this isn't even like abnormal this is just a real life checkpoint solve the mystery right there [Laughter] oh oh this is awesome no i actually love this this is great i'm also a little loud there we go i fixed it i fixed it i'm on bikes my way i wanted back support from my bike from a boy because there's two people here it's not just one person there is a second set of shoulders there that that is two people and he wanted a mod and now his best friend can ride with him hmm this would this would be sturdy but at the same time if this falls over it i can never use this ladder again it seems like a trade-off i might be willing to make for that one-time sturdiness what is going on here he's at a bus stop but he's like halfway what where is this bus stop the bayou what is this why is he in there can we get him out no the candy corn there's a reason i don't like candy corn it's because you can have you have snakes and creepy crawlies and little critters hiding inside the batch of your candy corn exactly why i don't need it all of a sudden there's a critter in my mouth and i don't want that i don't want all those legs in there or lack thereof in this case get out of my way i have something i must do the car lights this actually i don't have a lot of jokes for this i just kind of admire i like to think that there was just a really angry man a group of dudes who were mad this was like their way of riding was hollowing out the roof of the car and just sticking it on a lamppost and all of a sudden we got light baby are you relaxed or are you thinking which one are you are you ignorant or do you perceive which carrot are you the perception carrot or the ignorance carrot well he he ignored a couple of steps but the chair is it's doing what it was meant to do i mean it's like pokemon this is the pre-evolution of the chair you're trying to have i wonder if i turn the fan on the mic will hear it because i am sweating my balls off my cacking bowls i'm sweating them right off ah yes i love an affront to god burger d wishes that is a disgusting amount of ketchup as well that is oozing that burger is gushing i hate it it's bursting there is nothing wrong with washing your food before you eat it we do it with vegetables why not our packaged goods right inside you good buddy what do you see in there bore a hole out bore a hole that's not how you install a wall ac but i like your spirit buddy there's a lot wrong with this in my mind but i can't do anything about it i think that's the worst part i just gotta let it be i gotta let it exist isn't this relaxing just say we're not done adding cucumber slices buddy we gotta get you smothered covered and absolutely coated and only then will your skin come out fresh and beautiful then the eyes are covered the ears are stuffed with slices mouth open whole cucumber yo a slam dump get it no ball is going to make it through that hoop what are you watching while you're exercising man what is what is on the screen there is that is that patrick wilson who is that ah i see you've caught a fish let her back into the ocean she looks spoiled she just doesn't look right mmm foam yummy hungry is yeah i love foam because it expands it's like i just have to eat a little bit and all of a sudden i'm stuffed this is the most daring fox i have ever seen in my entire life this fox is playing with god right now that is that is that is brave it's the gaben burger how many years in development was this gabe tell me do i get do i get you to count to the funny number if you if i finish it all in 25 minutes that is how it'd be though when you gotta blow a cartridge this man is just this was on all of the official nintendo manuals back in the day uh if you got you know your nintendo from where i got my nintendo and he said hey blow on the card just blow on it a little bit why not it's funny and it was [Music] [Laughter] finally the final form try getting through this general kenobi oh this is awesome actually look look at all these birds there's one in the water that doesn't he doesn't quite know what he's doing that's okay but these guards here they're guarding the post they know exactly what's going on oh oh something about this gives me the heebie-jeebies i don't like that you've stitched the gummy bears together to make some sort of conglomerate gummy what dog breed is this hold on what is this is that a sammy what is that it's got the luxurious white coat and the smile did you you're not supposed to cut your skin oh god if that's a smoya you're not supposed to do that man oh no uh what are you doing sir uh you know getting crazy in the office it's my it's my pre-global leader uh ritual oh that's got a hardcore sorry brick is chewing on a chair leg frick what are you doing buddy hey i could just pull you by your legs wherever i wanted to take you couldn't anyway if you're driving a hot rod that has a semi back to it that's a power statement i think this speaks this guy he screws he doesn't yeah screws he bangs he humps i'm this guy humps [Laughter] a humble little v-neck are you good grandma why you have to i have no idea why she has the head lamp i don't know what this is for that fridge is covered in magnets this is an old lady let's go dude that's how you make use of the boy boobies i do that every day of my life until i get pegs oh am god the only one who hates how flat horse teeth are they look like real teeth like real people teeth i hate it that is a superhero don't no no no two ways about it that guy has a superpower in his hands he has the power of wind he's an airbender move over aang there's another one of y'all hanging around here that's kind of sick is that like an earring accessory what is that is that a hair clip that's kind of dope actually i like that why is this a hmm that's actually really cool you dare show me craft punk as if i won't know who this man is it's craft punk casuals get out of here well it sure ain't a limenade that's that's a stupid joke dude grandma is yolked did the kids not accept hard candies what happened okay well this i don't understand the purpose of because i don't see a way for the the flame to be lit otherwise is it just always on when the watch is on what is a how how do i replace the lighter fluid i have a lot of questions about this because it seems like it'd be nice otherwise [Music] oh man i love when people do weird things with their cat that cat does not want to be there that that cat is unhappy man you see them you gonna strap that down in the car how you gonna take that home buddy you ain't gonna get under no bridge pal that is that is risky oh we i now pronounce you trooper and wife you now may kiss the bride but don't miss i get it i like when owners make greeting holes for the dogs that way they can say hi to the neighbors whoever happens to walk by it's very nice because the dogs are gonna be curious to hear them walk and they got good hearing they're gonna hear them walk give them a chance to say hello you'll cover that cat nurbs is that cat in a wok what is that cat in so is that a hand pan what what device is this kitten in and why is he covered in leaves that that was a good hmm i had no idea what was going on there yeah just working on the working on the baby trying to make sure she purged right anyway you got a milk bone from me or something buddy don't you dare do that you kitty cat the boy rats like he's like wait what's going on don't you dare they're having a service oh hey it's the police they're mine [Laughter] why why you got mr mime in the back of the truck what happened he looks sad come on let him out wow you're how many mufflers do you need man how loud does this car need to be for you i feel like one rev of the engine that's gonna fall apart what a funky little trinket what is this those dogs in a rocket ship i don't why and why does it look like fine china what's going on does that snap do snails have mouths that's so weird like it seems like a weird like obvious question but you you even you never watch it snail much do you does it eat like people eat the demons i just don't know and i want to know you know i want to learn that's real silly that's real funny they like that it's a funny little gag you got going on there with the nanner in your nose again with the muffler situation what is the like what is what are you going to accomplish with this who is this for because it's certainly not for me bro osha is speeding to your location this is horrifying oh dude that that makes me sweat i don't like that god is in that ladder right now jesus is holding that bad boy up and should he ever discover one of your sins while you're hammering that nail in you're gone buddy why are you spraying the five-year-old with pepper spray look at his face he's five years old come on can't you see that's just three five-year-olds on top of one another dog that dude must be real mad now huh filling up on all that oil just to have it all get ruined a little bit later nice job idiot are you telling me my anime figures who i have body pillows of i can buy body pillows of them for them my body pillows can have body pillows that is crazy dude oh you know curing plagues getting some corona some lime having a party what plague doctors do baby yo it's him it's dimitri ever since he had that science experiment go wrong he's had the kitty cat head but he still parties getting the prawn bike forget about tron baby it's all about prawn what the hell happened here so we just built homes into the mountainside is that just this looks like what i would do in minecraft this is a minecraft this is a weird looking texture pack well that seems counterintuitive to have the drain there and i feel like this might be the most obvious bit of commentary in the entire video this just seems like a this just isn't there's nothing funny about this you're gonna have a bunch of stale water you're gonna need a shop vac to clean it all up and belch it out into the actual why who who designed this doritos and lays means the kitty cat sleeps a-okay that's what i always say that's a rhyme the first thing came to my head was an elephant sound effect like a bear you know how the elephant noise when he like screams from his trunk i don't know that was just that was the first thing that came to mind and i loved it you know it's showing you the biology of an elephant you get eaten then you slide right out i don't think your usbc should be smoking like that are you a vape gun is this a vape are you this is a vape god he's blowing clouds me and my baby sucking sausages you know how it is i love her what kind of print is this on your car that's kind of sick that's kind of cool dude coming in making a statement this i hate much more i hate i hate the sausage spray now keep that away from me keep that 10 feet away from me don't spray me with it i'll kill you i'll kill you that's me with the sausage spray what are you doing dude that is a chill looking pooch oh he is relaxed baby hell yeah oh you think he needs the front wheel to get away with it absolutely not iron man no no no no no that's paper mache pal this is a cool picture of manatees dude this is some really weird looking manatees did you did you drink all the water in there did you eliminate a member of the family by eating all the fish and then drinking the water what are you now you're resting there oh i don't like that sandwich that sandwich makes me feel things that i didn't think i'd ever want to feel and i don't want to feel them like disgust confusion fear i don't like it oh it scared me i thought that was a cop car oh yeah that's a cop car i'm not sure what i'm looking at here but it seems like these trucks have been abandoned these transformers staying here until it's time for their call of duty godspeed you autobots and that's gonna do it for r slash hmm and i hope you guys enjoyed and if you did be sure to leave a like down below and subscribe for more videos daily and until next time my name is damian you've been watching daily and i'll see you next time
Channel: DeeLee
Views: 65,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% true stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, ez pz, reddit funny, Hmmm
Id: wbqLT3yxvk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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