Rhino 101 | NURBS Modeling + Flow Along Surface

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for this guy it's gonna be something like this so let me show you I'm gonna grab just like a surface and then I make a new layer speaking orange so here we have our pattern and I can turn off this red layer so you just have that if you grab this selection here okay first I'm going to show you the command it's called flow along surface oh well when it's flat like this we could do this so first I'll show you this so if I copy it's like I go we're delay so we can do something like this I'm going to move it up so it's clearly above that and then we can we can extrude this guy up so he has that same thickness that's the other one so I'm gonna put this guy and then say he's gonna come up to here so now we have this oh and that's not my my lair that's active so if we wanted to cut that guy out we could do this two ways actually let me show you before so one thing that's kind of cool that you can do and this is the process you would that I would have to say to approach if you're trying to do anything on like a curved shape it makes perfect sense when you see it in a flat kind of environment but then once you have a curved shape and no longer works so I'm gonna make this one right next to it also in a curve and to do this that I mean you can this is a really useful one to know so if you look here you have show curve I mean the carbide at points or the points in general and then points on so when you click these it turns on your control points or it turns them off so since we're using these you can do left click and see now you have this so if I move that up now it's gonna start to distort my shape by default this only is using four control points so if you think of it as a grid it's one two and then it's one and two in this direction so that's a 2 by 2 so I finally do that leave it there let's say I want to make it curved in the middle we can add more subdivisions that's what these are called so if you think of them as rows and columns it's just a 2 by 2 but if you rebuild so just command called rebuild you click on the surface now this lets you choose how many points you want to do and it's nice because now with the new Rhino is showing you a preview so I can do three all we could do four see it doesn't actually show you you know try five oh yeah it is showing you in here and then so let's just rebuild it using four by four so now I'll see how it did that and so it split everything into four equal so we're near the surface and then you're seeing the different control points and if I grab this point and this point holding shift to grab that one and I move them up see what's happening to my shape and the only thing I did is just take two of those points and move them up so in this case it's easy to kind of get I want to show you what happens on the next part so then I'll just type in points off turn them off so we have that guy in this guy here if I want to like cut this out of that shape I can do this I could just grab all these so it's easy to lay out a grid like that right you just copy it or you use the array command and tell it this menu vertical this many horizontal I'll just draw it like this for you but what I want to do so I'm gonna type move and then say vertical yes and move it from here and then move it down on to here so now I have it right on there and the reason I did that is because now I can use the split command and then I split this using all of these that's cutting objects and when you hit Enter I have this shape which let me move it up so you can see or down so you see what it is and then I have that shape so see I was able to put all those little lines onto the surface and then cut them off basically using the split command so that's really easy to do when it's flat do you see the issue when we look at the other one now like that first step of a winding all those little shapes to cut them out like you take it for granted when it's flat and you can't really do the same thing here so what we can do instead I think didn't that come back so trying to get these to all line up onto that would be like it wouldn't be possible except to manually turn each one but what we can do on a curve shape it's not always perfect that you can project so think of just like a projector it's gonna shine a light onto something and then project on to this enter and it should do that see so it's gone down there and it's projected all these lines but it hasn't cut it or anything all we told it to do was take what we have here and project it down onto there so see how that's doing that so one thing that's really neat with Rhino is you can a lot of software will do a projection like Sketchup kind of should do them too they call it Drake but it's it works really nice and smooth so as we move around you can see kind of glitches out in and out but now I can come over here and grab this let me move these up so I can get a nice clean selection and now we can try the same thing split object to split as this guy and we're gonna use all these and then now see we've got this like really intricate shape which when you first look at it you're like man like how would I ever model something like that the curve shape with all these perfect cutouts so look at like the back of these chairs see how they have that shape on there it's probably something really similar to that I don't think they would have gone to much crazier than that so but now look at the next step so remember I always said as you get Kurt like into the curve shapes it gets it's not just twice as hard I can get exponentially harder and more complex because watch this let's say now like you're so happy and you're looking at it but then you realize it's like paper thin right it's just like a razor thin sheet of paper so we need to give it thickness so if now I say extrude right that's what we would typically do extrude the surface so I can click this guy and we can come up to here right so if I do that that word here but watch what happens on this one you should do the same thing so let's repeat it let's try and go here and you can see some of them worked but hmm it's hard to tell on this one notice how they're all going vertical though what if we wanted them to all go like out words not just vertical to see how some of them like these ones are up and then these ones are also up so if that's what you wanted just straight vertical extrusion that's one thing but now look at this if you have this guy and you do an offset surface and you make it go out oops is there a thick just dense one corner stops solid let's see what this gives us so look at that so there's a totally different effect if we go in here you'll see see how they actually come out instead of all going vertical they're all coming on different directions because they're all going perpendicular to it's called the normal direction which is like the easiest way I remember going over the normal is if you grab like your hand like you're doing a thumbs up I mean you just put it on the table like that's the normal direction at the table so they're coming straight out so if that's like a face like that or something like this or it's coming that way the normal is always gonna be perpendicular straight out so what you'll see is sometimes the normals on a surface will get flipped or they'll be facing different directions and you try and do a command and all the sudden you look and not all of these are going in the same direction let's say we needed to give all these thickness we can say extrude surface and we grab all these guys and if you look that might not be what you wanted that makes them into like little columns right but if you use offset surface see how it shows you the normal direction for all of them they're all going straight out and as we zoom in you can start to see where they're all gonna go it's thinking a lot more on this one so that's a totally different thing some reason won't grab it that's pretty cool so depending what it is you're trying to do you may end up using a different command than what you might have thought so especially once we start getting into the tower or like any sort of like complex skin just a normal extrusion is not always the right one because especially when it's totally surrounding like this is just one side so the extrusion is okay but once you have a fully enclosed shape you'll see that that extrusion like is like it sounds like what you want but it looks totally wrong once you actually do it so that's his first part and now let's say we wanted it to actually match kind of what we have here so you can do the projection or you can try this command flow a long surface so flow a long surface what this does is you need let's make a base one here oops so I've got this guy and then I have this curved version of it and if I wanted to make that again all you would have to do is this so you can grab this so how would you think you could make a shape like that there's like 20 ways you can do what do you think mm-hmm sure yes that's one way so what Nate's saying is you almost typed in your name rebuild so you said five so let's do it by five and then let's turn on our points so you can see them and we could grab them and rose and say maybe this row goes up maybe this row goes up I could play this router go down what about another way you could do it if you think back to how we were doing last class but if you somehow had this edge right there and then we copy it and then you just lost these two all right so you could do so you can think of it as more than one there's not just one thing you could have so either way would work so this next part is what's cool is this is think of it kind of like you tell Rhino to look at a very simple relationship between a set of curves and a plane and then you tell it recreate that on this other shape which is way more complicated and we can't manually make and then Rhino love try it's best to match that same relationship that existed on the first one on to the next one so we like the relationship of this grid to that panel and we want it to look like that here so to do that let's type in flow along surface and it wants to know what objects do you want to flow and so the objects would be the grid that we made here yeah enter and then the base surface and this is really important it says select edge near a corner I'm gonna leave all these the way they are right now I'm not gonna change anything so the corner I'm choosing here is going to be the bottom left because it's important that you can at least identify that corner on the target because it will ask you to the very next thing is target surface select near that matching edge sorry it's like the edge near matching corner so I'm gonna click there and see it just like threw it on there it says it morphed 44 objects so they actually can't kind of cool it doesn't look anything like what we started with but it's made it and the reason is it's trying to keep those edges the way they are there and so that's without rebuilding the surface if I rebuild it let's say and do a crazy one like 20 by 20 so now let's see what happens and you can do the same thing to this one so now we've given Rhino more control with more options so select curves okay so glow along surface I'm gonna flow these guys based surface here target surface near matching corner there and see now it actually looks a lot more like what we started with and that's just because the more you rebuild a surface the more Rhino can actually start to control how it applies needs because you're letting Rhino redefine that shape into smaller portions it's just like when you look at a mural like the smaller the little tiles are on like I'm like mosaic or something like that the more definition you get in it same with like a TV or like an image the higher the resolution or the smaller those subdivisions look more control you'll have over it so also though it becomes more kind of stuff to work with but now once we have it on there notice how it's a little bit different than over here where we just kind of mapped it by using the projection because what this one has it looks good from there but if we look at it from the side see it doesn't actually match like the shape it's like the shape fell down and then eventually it gets turned it's like it's just like straight because if you were dropping an object in the snow just go straight into it whereas what the flow along surface does is it tries to match the angle so see here as it's turning it's also turning the shape so you get a more accurate mapping onto that surface than you did in the other one so now we can do the same thing we did before we can split so we're gonna split this guy using all these as the cutting object and then we get that guy so see that's pretty cool and then if you were to go in there and see offset surface let's just see what we get so now you got this over so each of these is going to be closer to that original little shape there let's try it on these guys too you always want to check these little arrows to make sure they're going in their direction because if there's going in the wrong direction you can go in here and see it's a select object to flip or you could tell it flip all that will flip them all in the other direction or you can click them individually so if I make just this row go the other way and this one hit enter those will go the opposite direction of the rest so see those went downwards so there's something as simple as that can create a ton of variety and you can like once we start right now I'm having to manually click everything right so I might tell Ryan I do this do that I'm telling it every single time I want to do something that's what we call direct modeling so I'm directly telling it every single piece which is really good for control but when we start getting into these more complex kind of things you get to the point where you can't keep telling it forever because you're always gonna be changing little things so once we switch over to parametric modeling it's not like you throw away Rhino and you learn a new thing it's you're still using Rhino it's just you're controlling it in a different way so think of it like rather than drawing something with a pencil you're using a marker and so it's just a different tool but you're still creating the same type of drawing so understanding like the Rhino commands it's going to be just as useful when we get into grasshopper it's just a different way of controlling it so we end up with some really simple kind of shapes here so let's extrude these all in the same direction make sure they're all going back so we can compare this to go and then we can move these to the orange layer let's make it right so see those ones compared to these ones see the difference so these ones our shape was a little different so they came out outwards but the process is very similar so you can get all sorts of different little changes without doing a whole lot of work it's really all in cool and you can also view these sometimes like they don't look right and then you can change these to like rendered or you can try like one new thing that's in this hopefully doesn't crash my system but it's the right trace mode so it kind of looks like a little kind of lit rendering it's using your graphics card so the longer you let it sit the more realistic it gets or like the more defined and when you move it it'll get really low res and then it keeps refining it that's how you can always tell a real-time rendering also it will make your computer like sound like it's going to blast off those go like because it start working super hard so I'm gonna go back to shaded so we've got that guy and then that's pretty much this guy and then we at least saw that one so now we can come over here so this is where it gets cool because when we were looking at this now like how could you ever want all that right and that looks super complicated if you look there's a bunch of buildings like when when this kind of technology was first taking off that they did all these facades like that whether they think there's really cool curves but then there was always like a seam like that so if you think about it this could be thought of as like this really like cylindrical kind of form or you could also think about it like when you see like a water bottle with like a wrapper and there's like that wrapper around it like they print those flat right it's like a rectangle and then you just loop it around and you glue it to itself like a coca-cola like label so think of this is the same thing it's actually a big rectangle that's been turned around and like folded back on to itself and to create this this one was done using like just like an oval and then I made like a little shape like that keep stopping there and then the trick with this is in order for you to be able to use this is the downfall to flow along surface it likes a more rectangular shape or some sort of version of erecting even though this we would never really consider a rectangle to Rhino it can work with it because see there's like four corners doesn't care that they're all distorted but it gets wrapped around and it can see that so let's see what happens so if I grab this guy and I trim this using that guy get rid of that so to make that shape all this is is you move a shape up and you rotate it and then you go over that shape up again you're right so you follow that part which is very simple and then you loft I remember when you lost you gotta make sure you click the same kind of point on each one so I'm going to go to the right of the seam so 1 2 3 hit enter and now we can look at our shape and see if you like that so I don't want straight sections I want to be smoother something like that that's kind of cool and now let's see if our little trick that we just did works on this one so let's try and rebuild so we get a smooth one just 2020 there you go so that already starts looking cool so some people just rebuild just so they can get like something looks more like a building because it looks like house floor plates already in that so but that's really useful so now we have that guy let's assume this is just like what we just did and we want the same thing so I'm going to type in flow a long surface so these are the objects I want to flow base surface I like near an edge so I'm gonna go if you think about it the left bottom corner so over here the left bottom corner and if we think of this house like shape has been wrapped around would be there and then now look it's gone and place them around here like that so now that we have that we can try the same thing so let's type in so before I lose this I'm gonna show you something cool here so I grab that guy holding alt and drag him over oh I even brought like this thing so I need down so here what I'm gonna do to get this as a skin okay so let's do that make a new layer call this one skin or envelope and this can be like like a blueish so now let's do split right that's how we did the other one so I'm going to split this guy and then what am I going to use all these that I mapped on to him and so now let's see if this worked ah it's done chopped it up all weird some say something oops so it has worked so now here's what I recommend if you make like a little shape on the ground makes this a lot easier because now if I want it to snap to something as I'm moving this around like you'll quickly lose your reference point so what I'm doing here I'm just gonna make a copy of this over there and then pick that let's say I delete it so I just have Lowe's if I wanted to come here now and then unselect that guy I could delete those out now if I want to realign them it's easy because I can do this and I can move from there and I can snap here and then I can snap there and it allows you line up whereas if you don't have that little reference point or you don't know exactly how far you moved it like trying to line you'll see like you'll do it then you'll forget and you'll be like ah dang it I think you'll be like stuck for a second but you can always create a little like guide like that so here what I want to do is look at how do we give these thickness remember before I told you extrude doesn't work always and we didn't extrude it looked like it worked just fine this is where you'll see that it doesn't actually always help you out so we're gonna do extrude hopefully it will work without I'm getting mad at this used to be different surfaces go yes see so I guess they will let us pick all of them so hopefully that works and see if you want to go up now we click look how nice that looks right because it's pulling everything up right so when we I'm gonna leave it so you saw what happened so that was bad instead if we use offset what we really want is to give it thickness not to go crazy and push everything in weird directions so I see you can do two things now we can go inwards and then the outer perimeter of that shade becomes like the outer surface of your building right or you could say that that wall that we've drawn should be the inside face of your exterior wall so then you would want the opposite of this you would want your building to be outwards right because you're on the outside of the building so if you click you'll see it now we'll execute it out or you could click an extra two inwards so or if you wanted to you can make it go both ways so if you go up here Oh if you click solid yes it will go out and also fill it in if you don't it's just gonna take this shape and copy outside there's like a little shell outside of the same thing but it doesn't have anything in between it makes like another layer and in a distance is where you set how thick it needs to become and it's in units so if you remember we're in large object feet so one is one foot so it's 12 inches so if you want it to be six inches you would have to put half or 0.5 so that's how that's going to work or if you're in inches as you're units you would put one as one inch so you're gonna see your building will only go like like barely at all so now I'm just gonna hit enter so you can see what'll happen now should take us again a lot of seconds sometimes you realize like you're like man I just made it do one command why it's taking so long but it's you're asking right now to generate like a thousand new faces all at once so sometimes if you have the wrong settings set up it will actually like explode on you so like especially when we get in grasshopper because the definition is always alive sometimes you move a slider and you've just created like 10 million things by just changing one number by from like a2 to a3 it just explodes so but now if we look at this it's nice looks like one of those like Febreze candle holders that you plug into the wall and so but anyway when we come inside it's kind of cool and then these guys we could offset the other direction or we can do less so let's say envelope and this is one thing is kind of neat with Rhino is you can have layers and then you can have sub layers within the layer so see here you can make a new layer or I can make a new sub layer so then that it lives inside this one but it can be a little bit different so we have envelope and then we can make this one like concrete because we have a concrete building I guess and you can't make a sub layer of a sub oh you can't you have to select one and then we're gonna have glass and then glass is what should be blue can i guy that color something like that and the concrete we're gonna make it like grey and then these guys all need to go to the glass layer and this thing needs to go here so say now we have that and then I can grab these again so offset surface select surfaces I'm gonna grab all these guys and then the distance I don't want one I want this one to only go it's glass I don't need 12 inch thick glass we can do and just make it smaller so that they're like windows so we can do 0.3 so I'll give us 4 inches because it's a multiple of 12 it's all good I need to make sure we're going out where it's not in words so I'm gonna whoops I'm gonna just click this on flip ball so now it goes outwards and then hit let's see if this one's on you trash doesn't look like it's gonna be any faster you can see it's doing a bunch of stuff up there and it just keeps going boom it's made them all so now what you can do whoops check this out so I'm gonna copy this guy be precise this time so let's move it I was down there at the bottom so I'm gonna go 150 oops I cancelled it huh I want to make a copy 150 and then here I'm gonna try and grab my windows and coffee those using that point there to this point here so see now I've made those as Windows and they have a little bit of recess where it's important to have that little bit of recesses and when you start doing like renderings you can actually get little shadows in there so see they always look way better when you actually have that if you don't have that then it's just gonna look like a flat plane and it looks super weird super fake and then a cool thing you could do is you can offset the initial flat shape and go within it and then you can control like you can offset in there and have like a hole in some of them or we can choose some to get rid of or we made jumbo panels you could have done it with like way smaller ones that are actually actually the right size so I'm just kind of making it without any sort of scale but you can see kind of what this is creating as we look down the line so it's pretty interesting how you get from normal shape to the cutout to like the panels here and to that so your questionnaire okay so let's go back to it always does that goes right to glue steps so we've got this guy looking good now let's say how do we get floors in our building right because right now we have no floors so normally it's easy to make a floor right you just draw a square and just copy it up but our shape isn't square right so it becomes a little bit trickier since we don't have that luxury of saying oh I'm just gonna take that so one thing that you'll realize is that base geometry that we made way back here is actually really useful because we can make a lot of things from that and they're all gonna use that as a starting point so remember when I offset the envelope I made sure to decide if I wanted to outwards or inwards and what I do we went outwards with the envelope for the floor plates we're gonna need to go from that line inwards right and then somehow create a shape that will fill inside and then give us that so what you can do is we can find in here somewhere that surface so now I need to do is somehow find where I can snap this guy from there into here that's weird just decided not to do it I don't so I'm gonna copy from there there and I'm gonna place it right there so the only reason I did that is so that I can have that guy along with this guy out here so it's minus 150 that way so this one is gonna be a totally different thing I'm just using this one to get the floors so what do we need to do to create the floors we need to somehow figure out how we can get the profile all the way up for each floor and each floor
Channel: Lucas Najle - Tutorials
Views: 7,036
Rating: 4.9483871 out of 5
Keywords: Lucas, Najle, Architecture, Tutorial, How To, Guide, UF, CityLab, Orlando, Digital, Workflow, Architect, Rhino, 3D, Rhinoceros, Rhino 6, Flow, Along, Surface, Model, NURBS, paneling
Id: rYDdfbqXHtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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