Grasshopper Voronoi on Surface

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in this video tutorial I will talk about the popular geometry tool which you can easily find by double clicking and typing PLP and here we have this popular geometry or you can find it into the vector in the grid section and popular geometry tool and we will use it and show you how you can use that to produce a Warren I sell on the freeform surface so we have a free-form surface here we will make this in right now and then we'll use a technique with the popular geometry and then put this on the surface so basically this will teach you how you can use the popular geometry tool in combination with the or annoy and some other techniques to put a set of or annoy cells on a free-form surface [Music] okay to get started from scratch I'm going to first produce the surface in right now let's just delete this and go to the curve and here we have the spiral tool you can use the spiral and go for the vertical one so that's zero okay we can define the turns here how many turns you want or instead you can define the pitch so I'm going to start from this radius to this okay ending radius now we have the spiral and we can easily move this up just remember you have to the Gumble on okay and now I'm going to move this up and hit the ctrl key and release my right click and here you have the surface okay let's just make this more thick okay and now I'm just going to type Sol solid point on and we have the vertex is here at the end and at the start you know and we can click this and move this down so you can see it's going to start from a smaller height to a bigger one okay so let's just increase this you can see how easily you can define that and produce that okay and now I'm going to give this to the grasshopper interface in the palms menu and to the surface let's just set this okay and now we want to make the war annoy sales on this surface so first of all if you watch the war annoy tutorial which I talked about the war annoyed completely you can understand that the war annoy is about random points in a plane so we have to have random points we need a plane and we have a boundary here and how we can make this is to use the dimension tool ok the dimensions will calculate the dimensions of the surface and that's an approximate dimension in the U direction and the V Direction and then you can combine this with the vector and although excuse me we can go to the surface primitive and use the plane surface to make simple boundary for the war noise cells something to give this to the X&Y and you can see that we have a rectangle based on the UV dimension of our surf surface ok so now we can go and type P o P popular geometry and make random points onto this surface maybe 200 points and seed here so we can change the seed ok and increase the number and now we can just give this to the points the points here is the pre-existing population you can just insert points into the public domain 3 so maybe we have multiple points here ok this set of points and give this to the seed and to the points input and you can see that the Voronoi will just go off in the points section because it means that there is no any points on that I'll get us check this out on near those pre-existing points so it will decrease the number of the popular geometry points around those points and you can see that it will decrease the war annoy cells here okay so remember you can give the pre-existing points and just decrease the number of Voronoi cells there and at the end we can just give this plane a curve to have the boundary and give this to the boundary and that's it so you can increase or decrease the number of boys cells and you can also change this as a seed and now we can just put these for annoy cells on the surface so we can have a scale here let me just scale these cells the center of these cells is exactly the population so you can give this to the center but if you give this pre-existing points remember you have to just use the area tool to calculate the centroids and then give this so this will be the more accurate way to give the center of the scale and then we can give a number here and okay and I used scale you add and that's because if you use the offset curve tool okay and let's put the distance and minus X because I wanted to offset inside you can see that some of these cells will not have results and that is because the wore annoy cells have small edges and they will just explode in okay you can see this here that's the exactly what I'm saying you can see that small edge will not make it into the offset curve tool okay so you can easily use the scale if you want to be sure to have a simple or annoy cells scales and now we can just make the surface from these by simply going to the boundary and let's have this boundary curve combined with this scaled ones but just check this out they have been divided into two groups we have to just make this into one so I'm going to right click this and use the flatten check the question and answer video number one we talked about the flatten in the graphs a little bit and I'm also going to explain this more in the grasp of course so you will see that all the 293 curves are in just one and we can just make them a boundary so this will be the result here and let's just extrude this into the Z okay maybe whatever you want see that you can change the factor and now we can put this on the surface you can just use the morph tool okay that's a surface morph it's just search for surface morph that's a better one surface more if you can find it in the transform and here in the morph section surface morph we need to morph this solid into the surface you have to give this a reference box you can easily connect the box to this from the main menu okay let's just connect the box so we will have a reference box here and then we will need the surface right-click and remember to use the requirements rise and I've explained that about requirement rise and what happens here is that it will make the domain of the surface 4 from 0 to 1 so this will be from 0 to 1 and from 0 okay to 1 or whatever it ends so I can just connect the main surface to this okay and it asks how much of this surface is going to be covered with this geometry so you can see it's a domain if you want to just cover a little bit of this surface you can easily go to the math and use construct domain tool okay and maybe give it from 0.5 to 1 I'm just going to show you what happens here but we will not use that and the domain of W will be the extrusion here so maybe we will have one because we extruded that one so we will have a 0 to 1 for the W and let's see the results you can see that it just covered from 0.5 to 1 and from 0.5 to 1 so how can we just put this on the exact surface we want we can easily give a 1 here and okay let's connect this to the uvw so it will just assume that is 0 to 1 and that covers all the surface and let's just give this to W and you can see the result here the surface month will just work and we will have this on the surface okay you can see this in just ik way and you can see the model okay so this was exactly how you can make a war on oil and put it on the surface let's just wait okay and that's the artistic view let's just back okay and here we go so that was a small video to talk about the popular geometry how you can use this I'm going to explain how we can concentrate more Voronoi cells in a place in the grasshopper course on the warlike section but for now you can easily understand how you can just distribute a set of War annoy cells on a surface and you can also change the seat here maybe 50 and you can see that it will change on the main surface and we can just distribute that 100 points okay bigger cells and that's how you can do it so thank you for watching and if you have any questions about this tutorial or any commands and the grasshopper you have been stalked or you don't know what happens in there feel free to ask and subscribe to the channel and thank you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rhino Grasshopper
Views: 73,058
Rating: 4.9589043 out of 5
Keywords: grasshopper tutorial, grasshopper3d, grasshopper 3d, rhino3d, rhino 3d, parametric design, voronoi grasshopper, grasshopper voronoi, grasshopper voronoi on surface
Id: YDFofhlWNxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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