Rhino Grasshopper (Parametric Facade)

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in this Rhino grasshopper tutorial we want to model this USA embassy in UK so you can see in these images there is a facade which we want to model in grasshopper and Rhino grasshopper and we're going to make these sections so let's just take a look at the here this is the building I'm going to also show you a video about this and then we're going to start this tutorial and as you can see here we can make this in grasshopper that's really easy and we can control the number of these patterns we have increase or decrease that we can change these this parameter and produce different results you can see that I can change this number and we can also change the distance here and also another distance we have this today we're going to talk about which will control this section and then we can just simply make those models so you can see that this isn't - will be the models we have and we will finish this tutorial so this is going to be a parametric facade similar to this as you can see the new US Embassy will open later this year in London and from the moment it was announced it sparked controversy first because of its astounding 1 billion dollar price tag and secondly because of its modern design the embassy which resembles a giant glass cube is located in a former industrial site south of the Thames River it was designed by the Philadelphia based architecture firm Kieran Timberlake and it includes a ring of ponds and gardens around its perimeter the London embassy is one of many in development as part of the excellence in diplomatic facilities initiative which kicked off in 2011 and before we start this tutorial if you're new to our channel because this is subscribing because we have weekly tutorials about right now grasshopper based on architecture and design and also if you want to get started I will put up a video up here for those who are beginners in grasshopper you can watch that and know why you should learn grasshopper and also a one-hour tutorial for the beginners there is also a series of tutorials we have for our course so if you want to enroll enroll in our course I were to put it up here you can check it out so you can see this lessons and you can go to our website to enroll for our course okay let's get started from scratch and what I want to do is - you can also download this example from our website so I'm going to make a complete base surface for this we can go to the surface here and use this rectangle one going to select vertical here use the shift key to make that auto and that's the base surface we need and we're going to put that into grasshopper so let's go to the columns and use this surface but the bifocals plugin so you can see that and I'm going to set that to the surface so turn that off and we can right click and internalise we will have that in grasshopper so if you go to the launch box plugin I will put that in the description you can use these panels here and I'm going to use the hexagon cells here okay so if I just put that and give that to the surface we can define the number of the U and the V divisions so maybe from 3 to 16 and I'm going to put that for the U and the we we can increase that the most important part is that we can use the parameter T parameter to change that a number between zero and one if I give that and increase the number you can see that this is going to give us the base pattern so if you look at this you can see that this is based on something like this okay let's just go to the yellow you can see that better yeah so this is the eunice I'm going to focus you can see that by increasing that number it's going to be okay but you can see it's in this direction so I'm going to go to the utility lunch box and use this reversed surface direction to pick up that keep that the surface and output to the here and you can see that there is a reverse option so it's the three years reverse the QV that means the changing the UV direction that's what we want so we can just right click and set an integer to three and you can see that that's okay another important thing here is that if I change this number into an even or odd you can see if I give this a nine there's a problem here we have to put that I you prefer to put that onto an even number so double click and change those to even number so we can just close the pattern and remember you can always play with this to fix it okay we can increase that and just okay now what we need here is to pick up those cells which are inside we don't need these cells okay because are not needed and also these here okay so what we want to do is to pick up this we have talked this also in our course so if you want to know more about logics you can go to our course but for now for those who want to know a free to tell you about this we have a tutorial about dispatch okay so we have talked about this I'm going to put that up here if you want to just take a look but let's just do that I'm going to say dispatch those cells into two groups okay we have to define a true and a false so the logic behind that is that to say go to the curves and use this explode thing to explode those curves you can see that there are two sets some of them are for some of them are five some of them are six we have to pick up those we want like this one right so these are the base cells we know I'm going to go to the sets and use this list length tool just put a panel to this so you can see what I'm doing these are going to just count the number of the segments we have here right so if I just say we want those which are like six maybe we can go to the math go to the operator tabs and pick up this equality right let's just pick that up the first number maybe we just need the six we want to find those who are six okay you can see that there are some some of them we're going to go to true so going to go to false and then we have to give that to The Dispatch matter a problem here is that also this input is in groups so you can see that this is in different groups but this input is not in groups that is also obvious with a graphical interface that grasshopper has it shows a line with this one which means it doesn't have any groups and this one which shows it has groups so what we want to do is to flatten this output okay if you don't know about flatten or graphed you can also watch this tutor I'm going to put that up here but we have also a complete section of this in our course so let's just make that flattened and it's going to pick up two sets of curves you can see that we have a list a in a list B let me just turn everything off you can see that this is the list a and this is B this is completely if we want to pick up those which are inside that is completely okay you can see that we have if I bake that in Rhino we will have this cell and this cell this one but we don't have anything here right so that's exactly what we need okay the next part is how we can make these sections here that's not really hard and it's obvious we have to pick up some details here okay so I'm going to show you like this I'm going to make let's just go to yellow I'm going to make a section like this it's going to move the center a little bit forward and it's going to be like this another one here went forward that it's happened and then we will have another control here which will can also control that section we can lock these sections together that's going to give us the exact results what we need so let's just go here and pick up those points I'm going to say curve explode going to list item and pick up the vertices okay because we have lots of curves here and perhaps you don't know which point is the number one I'm going to pick up one of those curves by using the list item tool and that means picking up for example this one and seeing the first number is here right the second one is here exactly what we need the third and so on okay so remember we have this now I'm going to make a line from the curve go to the line with two points the first line is going to be like this the second line is going to be like this two three four five perhaps that's it and two that's a three and a four so that's exactly three lines we made we could so just pick up the segments of this up and down but I wanted to use it the same algorithm for all of these to make it as simple as possible okay now we have to go to the curve and pick up this point on curve tool it's going to be simple as this one let me just put a curve here because the reason I'm doing this is that when I finish this algorithm I'm going to copy that also for the those lines okay it's going to be simple so this is the center of this point this line I'm going to move that in the y direction Y and you can see it's going inside so I'm going to put that minus six to put it outside you can give a control on this seventy be from zero to five you'll see that okay so now what we want to do is to make a complete line like this that's also simple it's going to be like curve I'm going to use the polyline right we had this first one please use the shift key the second one which is here and the third one okay perhaps we go and delete this list item so it's going to go to all cells and you can see it's completely okay that's controlling that okay so now we can go for the next part so let's just copy this it's a little bit confusing so I'm going to make that easier with connecting this one this is the first point the second point with the shift key is the third one I have it here then we have to just make a copy here bring that down this is the morning these are the two points the first point shift the second point you want to make and the last one is here so now we have three different sections we can just turn this off we can connect them together to make a complete loft section so I'm going to go to the surface and use this Loft tool the first section is the shift key the second section and the third section okay you can see there is a problem with the direction that's not really important you can go to the loft options and select align sections and it's going to align the sections or you can just fix the direction okay just turn everything off and now we will have these modules on the surface and you can see that we can control that with the numbers we keep here with this parameter it has to be bigger than 0.5 so I'm going to put that up from 0.5 to maybe 0.9 hey that's the range you can just play with this the 0.5 will give you something like this okay now what we have to control is the movement okay for the top and the bottom it's going to be the same number so I'm going to put that for the y-direction the same number here this is going to control the up-and-down you can see that this is going to let me just show you this is going to control the up-and-down and at the center we can just decrease that to give you the section you can see because it's smaller section okay so that's how we can do that and we can just make that into layer one that's how we if we want to make those windows behind that we can go to launch box and use this quad panels give that to the surface and the UV division we'll have these windows and now we can just use this frame to give it a frame maybe 0.85 percent you can see that we have to be in the soap I can bake that into layer one for the frames the windows maybe into layer to you want to give that in different materials and the third one is to put that in two million three let's just close this one now you can see it's completely okay from the windows we can just go and select the layer three forward okay you can do that in grasshopper tube modules are working on the facade that's really beautiful and this is the magic of grasshopper you can just make anything from scratch and define the parameters and make those and change the numbers based on your project so it's going to give you the complete patterns you can control those at the top and the bottom and make this happen like that okay thank you for watching remember to subscribe and like this video and also comment below what do you think how was that a to you and see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Rhino Grasshopper
Views: 18,985
Rating: 4.9904308 out of 5
Keywords: grasshopper tutorial, Parametric design, Architecture, tutorial, 3d modeling, Parametric Facade, parametric architecture, rhino grasshopper architecture
Id: CmsdQ1525EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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