Rhino Grasshopper (Parametric Pattern)

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in this room the grasshopper tutorial I want to show you how you can make this parametric pattern as you can see that thickness is changing as we go up in the Y direction and we can control that by the defining the minimum and the maximum I change I can change that to zero point two to one to two you can see height is changing the thickness so we're going to talk about this in this tutorial but before we start this tutorial just be sure to subscribe to our channel because we have weekly tutorials about grasshopper and if you're new to our channel I will put up a video up here which is about the beginners of grasshopper why you should learn it and also if you want to learn more about grasshopper and advanced lessons we have a course you can also check out the course lessons up here okay let's get started from scratch what I want to do let's just delete everything and start from scratch assume that this is the base image what we want to do is to make this triangle pattern here and then make these cells okay so there are three cells in each of these triangles and then we can give that a thickness so what we want to do is to use the base triangular pattern or grid in grasshopper in the wetter grid we're going to go and use this triangular grid and I'm going to put that on the canvas let me just put the five of those plugins so you can see okay the default is an XY plane you can see that this is located in an XY plane if you want to give that in an X Z plane would you just simply type X Z and give this to an X Z plane you can see that's going to go in a height maybe that's a facade or something we can extract right-click and extract the origin which is a point and we can change the location of that if we want to that is also available in display if you go here and we have the gumballs here okay so remember you have to have that activated so the second part is the size I'm going to give a number two the size and let's just go back this will change the size of the triangles and can see that this is basically a triangle edges remember that's the number for that okay the next part is to define the number in the X so we maybe want from 3 to 15 based on our project and we can give that and increase the number of these patterns if we want to make that like this you can see we have an odd number so if it's an even number you can see that this is the pattern we can just double click this and go to even or odd so I'm going to click on odd so it's always a complete pattern and as we haz we have a symmetry on the corners and now we can just increase these here you can see again if we give that odd number it's going to be a complete one so you can just control that if you want to okay let's go to the cells and the points what we want to do is to make those 3 cells which I have explained okay we have to connect at the center to the corners and we have this cell here let me show you with a yellow that's the second cell and with a red that's the third cell right first because we have to go into groups and these things you can see that we have seven groups of seven and that is because the number of the x and y and basically all of those great tools give you rows and columns okay so what I usually do is to flatten the outputs of a grid because if you want to use those cells in columns for example maybe we just want to connect them as a loft okay it's going to lock those cells and it's going to give you not a good results so remember always flatten them so we have here 49 cells in one group and we get rid of that if you don't know about groups and you want to learn more if you want to go to our course we have a complete section on this data management's but if you want to watch our free tutorials I will put it up here it's about flatten and graph you can also watch that so now what we want to do is to go to the surface and use this area to find the centroid and we have the centroid we have to connect the centroid to the corners we can go to the curve and use this explode tool okay let me just show you here explode and explode tool will basically make those triangles into four vertices here okay so we have the witticism what I want to do is to go to sets we have talked about this in our basic tutorials how we can just pick up things with list items so if you don't know about these things you have to watch the basic tutorials so if we give that to the vertices and zoom in this is the index zero that means that if we have a zero vertex here this will be a one and this will be a two okay that's the number of the index of those points so this is giving us by default to zero out now we need the one and the tubes okay we can just simply zoom in and put on the pluses and we have the corners now if I want to just show you how we can make those cells I'm going to go to the surface and use this four-point surface to show you the first point is going to be the centroid right and then we want to maybe connect zero and one to the central right if I connect this to the corner beam corner see look what happens it's going to give you lots of connection and that is because these outputs after we exploded go into groups that means that we have 49 cells each cells have four vertices grasshopper basically uses another duplicate point to close a polyline so if it's zero one two is going to be go back to the three and we don't need that right we just dismiss that so what we want to do is to also have a group of centroids right-click and graft we have talked about this and now you can see that we can just completely make that pattern again we can connect that but before we go further I'm gonna use something faster instead of making the surface I want to go to the curve and use this polyline tool here and go like that the first point the second with the shift key and the third okay it's going to go like this and now we have to close that so I'm going to say it's closed right click and set it to true and that's a closed polyline so you can use this one let me just connect the surface to this so you can see this it's completely like that so we have two options you can use that four-point surface or a polyline I use the polygon because it's faster so again let's just make another one from the centroid to number one with the shift key and number two remember it has to be closed again control C control B from the centroid to corner - and again to corner first and now we have those sets so you can see how easy it is let's just turn everything off to produce those cells again I'm going to use a parms curve tool and use the shift key to put all of those together into one group and because we don't need a groups again because each of those cells are by themselves we can just right click and flatten and have those 147 triangles smaller triangles now inside at one group a you can see that they are all in one group so we have all of them in one group so if you don't flatten it's going to go 3 polylines in each group that means this is the first group C and that's going to be the first second and third polyline inside that okay so each of those groups have three polylines inside so we don't need that I'm going to flatten this now what we want to do is to give them thickness based on the height remember we based on the image we want to change the thickness as the height increases and we can do that by finding the centroid of this like this and another technique I want to show you is that you can go to the curve and use this polygon Center instead of the area what it does is that it's faster you can see it's faster because it's consuming less CPU and RAM to produce that you can see that from display canvas fidget and profiler okay you can see that this is faster and it's going to give you three outputs you can see it's the center of vertices center of edges and center of area which is the center of area what we want right let's just connect this I just turned it off and show you the center of area it's a little bit faster okay so we want to analyze the height of this we can simply go to the vector which is the base for the point tools and deconstruct this point into X Y Z and I'm going to extract the Z component that's the Z component for each of these points right each of these points have a Z component that is what we need okay so that's the Z component how can we have different offset for these curves I'm going to use the offset curve that's the base one you can find it in utility and we're going to offset these curves you can see that they are outside so I'm going to go to the distance right-click expression and use minus six that means inside and you can see that if I give it a number it's going to control the opposite okay some of them have problems so how can we fix this this is outside this is inside another technique you can use is to connect the curve to the plane that means that it's going to find the best plane which the curve is inside sometimes it's going to fix that as you can see this time it's okay and we have this upset of working here okay so now the problem here let's just turn all the phone lines off you can see that this is all one offset we want to give that different offsets to make that final pattern how can we do that it's going to be related to the Z component we're going to use the remap tool remember you can always download the remap a way to type the C because some of the users didn't find that but you can always type bit Li back a slash remap plus and download this I want to also put that in our website so thank you you can go to our website and download this definition and also we have that remote plus for our users so now what we want to do is to simply do a remap remember it's different than the remap numbers because for the remap numbers you have to find the source the target it's just a simple tool so if you want to also know what is remap plus you can go to this address Italy backslash remap example I think in that example you can download the example ok let's just give this to the Z component it's going to scale all the Z's between the minimum and the maximum okay so maybe you'll want to say offset between zero point two to maybe two point five that's the minimum of the maximum we want and we want to give that to the distance let's just delete this one and you can see that it's going to change based on height we can also flip between the minimum and the maximum and give it more thickness down here to go up you can control that okay now how can we just have the borders without these curves let's just turn this off we want the inside of this I'm going to show you a technique here we can go to the intersection and shape use this region Union that means I'm going to unite it's going to be here all of these curves into one curve and that is going to be the border okay now we can also offset that let's just use an offset and we can give this controllable upset here that's for the borders you can see that and now we can just make a surface from these two set of curves going to go to the surface and use this boundary surface so I'm going to connect all of this with a shift key to the input and flatten that that means I want to make a boundary surface from all of those curves they are all in one plane hopefully we have no problems and we'll have the surface you can also extrude that if you want to maybe want to extrude that in the y-direction in that a little bit of thickness maybe 1.5 and you can see that it's going to give it a thickness we can also extract the windows by connecting a Parham surface to the windows and making individual surfaces from the windows and now you can just connect display and a custom preview to just give it colors if you want to just turn everything off and give it material which I usually use a swatch color swatch is a fast way to change the colors and see the results so maybe we want to give that a darker color and what okay so now you can see that we can control the minimum and the maximum and even change the maximum produced something like that and we can also change the numbers of x and y so that's the tutorial we can take that if we want to have that in Rhino so let's just bake this in layer one and bake this into layer two let's just close this and you can see that we have this in Rhino that's completely okay and let's just go to the artistic mode so you can see the final results that's it and that's the results so that was the tutorial of making this parametric pattern with different thickness you can check out our website to download this definition and see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rhino Grasshopper
Views: 18,471
Rating: 4.9773369 out of 5
Keywords: rhino grasshopper, grasshopper tutorial, rhino grasshopper architecture, grasshopper facade, paneling, grasshopper paneling, grasshopper panels, grasshopper architecture, grasshopper surface
Id: hLTxJgxayuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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