001: Grasshopper - Parametric Surface Interference

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hello everybody welcome to the first of several digital fabrication video tutorials this is going to be the first one it's on sort of surface alteration and creating something easily produce all on the CNC so bear with me I'm actually using a Mac because our school computers don't have any of the screen capturing software on it so I'm going to be using I have a software called parallels and that allows me to emulate a Windows desktop sort of as a program on my Mac and then within the Mac we're going to run grasshopper and rhino so I'll jump into that in a second but I just wanted to show what we're going to be doing today really fast so this is a sort of several different versions I'm going to go into this perspective view several different versions of altering a surface using multiple points and then sort of radially having a wave pattern come out from it and then causing some sort of constructive or destructive interference so this is what we're going to make and it's you know easy to be done on the CNC and by the end of this tutorial I'll walk through the entire sort of script and how to go through and produce it on your own so if we're going to start at the very very beginning we get into this script a little bit later but a brief summary it creates a grid across the surface you have several points that you register early in the script if you haven't ever seen any of this don't be worried but basically what's going to happen is you create a graph and it moves those points up or down in order to create your wave okay so you have a grid and then slowly but surely you get different sort of forms if you adjust the different parameters here okay so I'm going to start at the very beginning and we'll be able to go through this the script itself isn't that complicated but if you've never done this before I can understand every feeling because I only started learning last this this last month or like six months ago so we're going to start at the at the very beginning okay are you ready so I'm going to close this and we're going to close this we're going to open a new instance of rhino and grasshopper okay so to open rhino it's pretty straightforward you click on the icon will open up a window you can see some of your early projects that you work done previously I started following some YouTube tutorials on lunchbox which is a plug-in for grasshopper to create sort of structure on any sort of surface you can plug in so now we have rhino now if you've never used Rhino it's a really really nice piece of software for simple modeling but also I like to use it to create architectural diagrams so if you want to create a box you can enter it coordinates there's a command line up here you can click on box I'll go through this sort of in class and there are much better tools and what I'm going to show you today in order to get into it but you can type 0 0 0 which is the origin and it sort of moves the first point of your box to the origin and then I have it set up for feet and inches so I have my grid down here and I can go 12 comma 12 comma 0 which is my x-coordinate my y-coordinate and my Z which is the height in this instance so I'll hit enter okay and that puts it at 12 feet by 12 feet and then I can hit another 12 and I have a box okay so pretty pretty straightforward modeling left-click allows you to drag and rotate around an object scrolling is you know zoom that's pretty typical and then your right or your left click is your select maybe I said left click before anyways so left click select right click is orbit or I think that's that's the Sketchup equivalent and then you can come up here into your different types of views so I like personally the ghost of you the most it allows me to see all of the different edges of the shape that I'm making and breaks down sort of the form a lot better than something like this the shaded view which is nice if you're just sort of trying to create diagrams or something you can zoom way out there's this nice command that you guys can learn about later but if you type in make 2d it'll pull up this just hit OK and it'll give you the edges broken down from your perspective view so you can create diagrams in Illustrator rather quickly so anyways that's not why we're here but I just thought it was important to sort of break down you know a few of the barriers around Rhino you don't need to know any Rhino in order to do any of the step we're going to do today it's all it's all in grasshopper you do just need to know how to make a couple of points and you can just type point into this command bar up here okay so I'll go through it so I when I start this up I put the Rhino window on the right-hand side you know you can put it wherever but in order to start grasshopper all you do is you type grasshopper into this command bar up here you press it it's going to load up this sort of grasshopper now a brief sort of history on grasshopper grasshopper is a computational design tool that a lot of architects use it's a plugin for rhino that comes natively installed but grasshopper itself almost acts in a lot of ways it acts almost as a standalone program and it has its own plugins and libraries that people have built to support it because it's such a powerful tool it is a and let's not kid ourselves here it is a visual dotnet programming language so it's a way to visually program for people that don't have sort of a background with of working in a terminal or command prompt instance in Windows or a powershell and creates really strong parametric or computational design so if you want a history that you know you can you can do it I'll go over it in class or I'll I'll have gone over it in class and there will be a PowerPoint on the server so it'll be more straightforward later but I'm just going to get into this now so this launches I have all these sort of plugins and for some reason they're not working so I'm just going to hit close if there are any other error messages that pop up just sort of hit close and it'll work on its own so this is rhino and grasshopper these are the the two windows side by side so you can create sort of your your work flow here and then over in Rhino you're going to be able to see it as long as you're in this perspective view okay so I'll I'll set things up and be ready to go here so anyways just a brief you know intro them to my setup grasshopper and Rhino are on all of the computers in in the bridge lab in Market Hall but also in Chalmers and in the bottom of snow I you know personally like to run it on my own computer so I have my own Windows instance running inside of parallels again like I said and then I bought Rhino rhino is $199 for students grasshopper comes free with it so it's it's a pretty nice setup because I can work inter in in between all of the different software tools I have like all of my Adobe suite on my Mac which I prefer and in Windows so getting through all of that I know I've been talking for about eight minutes at this point but the let's let's get started on our definition okay so the first thing that I like to know about grasshopper or Rhino is that Rhino works best as your modeling tool and grasshopper works best when you register things or or coordinate with things inside of this rhinoceros window okay so the way we start this script in particular in the way you'll start a lot of other things just in general is if I create sort of a line and I'll start it at zero zero zero that's the origin that's where I like to start sort of all things and right now I have orthographic mode I'm going to turn that off I'm just going to draw a line to whatever point and it defaults to sort of being on this grid okay so I'm going to click here hit the spacebar to finish drawing a line okay now I have a line I also have gumball on which allows me to sort of move this in any direction I can rotate it on an axis which I really it's my favorite part about this software so anyways I have this line okay now working between the two software's for a lot of people becomes pretty tricky but here's the the most simple way to think about it is if you have a line in Rhino you also have in grasshopper but it doesn't know it's there unless you register it so I'm going to type in curve okay now maybe I just lost over that but notice how I did this so there are these tabs up on the top side that allow you to jump through different types of geometry or different types of conditions we'll get into those later but there's a geometry referencing set of of these blocks okay so you can drag curve down into your main display here okay and then you have sort of this block it represents you know you got a u you have this curve block but it doesn't sort of have anything attached to it so it's showing up orange the other way you can do that is if you double click in this this field here just click twice with your left-click button and type curve you have access to everything up here in this tray but you know if you know what it is you don't have to go searching around for it okay so either way works but in the end you have the same result okay so I'm just going to hit delete and get rid of one of those so this curve doesn't mean anything right now you have to go through and you have to register it or you have to set one curve that means you're coordinating what grasshopper knows and what rhino knows at the same time okay so I'm going to hit register one curve I already have this selected so I'm going to sort of delete that and do it again just to make it a little clearer so I'll type curve I'll hit set one curve and then it's going to ask me over here to select a curve or an edge to reference okay and I'm going to click on that one so now I have this curve means this line in writing okay line curve they're the same same thing so the language is a little bit different than what we're used to using but it becomes important a little further down the road so we we register curves and we register lines together in order to get a better sense of how to control geometry in writing so let me let me give an example so if I have a curve and I want to divide this curve okay well it'll and I'm going to turn on full names here it makes it a little easier for you to learn it in the process so I have this this tool here okay so this gets into sort of this programming base understanding that that grasshopper does it's it is a programming language and this is sort of a this is a note so it's a collection of different pieces of code that that do something for you so just seeing it as blocks and seeing what you need to plug into it in order to get the different outputs makes it a lot easier for someone who doesn't know how to code to learn from the very start so it's it's a nice way to get an understanding of computer language computer thought and start from a relatively you know basic understanding of lines and geometry and work your way up to something a little more complex so in order to make this work we're going to connect the curve to the curve alright so now it's it's dividing this curve a I think the defaults probably 10 times and you can change that so the count is set as an integer to ten okay but if you set it to about five right it'll it'll do less and let's let's briefly just run over something real fast and I can get into this in class to the when a computer counts it starts at zero okay so if you're going to count on your fingers your first finger would be one right but if a computer was going to count on your fingers that first finger is zero so you go from zero to nine and you have ten values does that make sense and I know you can't answer that question but anyways um we're going to get into uh we'll get into that a little more in detail later but it means a significant amount when we're talking about how long lists become or how many sets of coordinates you have a computer counting and your normal type of counting that you've learned all your life is just a little bit different instead of starting at one you should now just start thinking like you start at zero and that'll become more evident later so this is the zero point this is the first point the second the third the fourth the fifth you get it so let's let's talk about making this a little more parametric so we have this side up there this line with divisions in it and we're going to turn and we're going to make it into a line with a set of divisions that you can control so there are these things and grasshopper called sliders okay numbers sliders now as default they come in as a sort of spectrum between zero and one and you have three digits but if you double click on it you can change the value or if you right click on it you can edit it okay now editing is the best way to get what you want out of each block but I understand that most people don't want to do that so we can't divide a curve by a partial number we need integers so we're going to click on integer numbers and we can go it's going to start at 0 but that that value won't really make any sense you can't divide something 0 times you can divide it once though and if you're thinking about it the right way now that will mean one division in the middle so I'm going to set the max to ten okay and now we have a slider that goes from 0 all the way up to 10 all right everybody should try controlling that and now you're going to plug that into the count okay so if you're dividing it twice right one one times total you one segment that means you have two points and one line in between it if you're only having one that means you're not going to get any points that's a little complicated but anyways you just move this slider and the number of points on the line can can change and go up now this is important because if the points right because we have coordinates now for each one of these points coming out of this box if you want another set of lines right so I'm going to use this box it's called line start direction and length you can set up these points to be the reference start point for any other sort of command so now you have a line at each one of those points and the direction is straight up okay so you can change that I'm going to use an X vector so plug that into Direction it doesn't have to have a measurement right and now all these things are going to the side so I hope that that's clear for everybody and then you can also sort of you can change the length to I'm just going to plug it into the same slider and now we have this set of lines that changes lengths based on the overall number I don't know why you'd ever want that but it's a great way to sort of get an idea of how you register geometry you plug it into some sort of command you can have a slider that alters that set of commands and then your output is something that depends on on the values that came from your first command okay so this is a very very simple definition we're going to build on this directly in our next set so why don't we jump into the assignment right now I'm going to start from the beginning again not a you've watched some of this but I'm not going to explain everything in as much detail you're welcome so why don't we just delete everything you have so I'm going to select everything you can drag up from the bottom same as in like AutoCAD or rhino or illustrator or something like that and it's going to just select everything it touches and then I'm going to delete that okay and I'm also going to delete this line cool so now we're back to square one I'm sorry for our first assignment which is going to be this set of surface alterations we're going to start by creating the surface that we want to alter like a flat surface you don't have to but it's it's a lot more straightforward if you do it that way so I'm going to create a rectangle I'm going to start it at my origin and then I'm going to move it out away I don't like picking arbitrary numbers but you can literally just click anywhere one of the challenges with digital fabrication is making sure that your digital geometry and your physical geometry the stock that you're cutting match up so I'm going to pick 18 by 18 and I'm not going to give it any height and that's going to be 18 18 zero I guess this is in feet so I'm actually going to be one point five comma 1 point 5 comma 0 and that's going to be my my next corner and that's going to create a surface okay so now I have a surface and it's a foot and a half by foot and a half but it doesn't really do or mean anything until we register it in grasshopper so I'm going to double click in this canvas here and I'm going to type surface ok and and this is a primitive block it means that it registers to basic geometry and Rhyno you know type surface I'm going to click on it I'm going to right click on it I'm going to hit set one surface and I'm going to click on this ok so now we have this this surface registered in rato okay it exists and it exists in our plugin software - okay now the next thing I'm going to do and this will be more understandable later is I'm going to put down a point so I'm going to actually this time I'm going to type point in grasshopper first and then I'm going to go over here and I'm going to type point in Rhino and then it's going to ask me hey where do you want to put this point I know that this is a foot and a half by a foot and a half so I'm going to put it at point seven five comma point seven five comma zero and that's going to be the center of this circus so now I'm going to go back over to the point over here I'm going to hit set one point and I'm going to click on the one that we just put down okay so now we have our two things in in Rhino in and grasshopper which is a great starting point okay so now we're going to get into this assignment in general and maybe just a quick browse opera thing I always like to have my register geometry as far over to the left as possible you can put things on and off this canvas it's just here is a nice way of referencing where you are and in this grasshopper world it you know is a really big endless grid that you can use but I always like to have any sort of sliders or any things that I'm registering over here along the side so that I can see if they're not working what the values are right when I start opening the script okay so from there I'm going to I'm actually going to put this down here because anyway this is going I'm going to type another command okay now you can use your tabs up here to find any sort of command you want intersect surface commands and this is a divided surface but I'm actually just going to type it down here and divide surface okay and once I've had it once I once I see it in my list I'm going to double click on it okay so divide service is a pretty straightforward command you're you plug in a surface and then it creates a set of points on that surface given a u or a V in our case you can just think of that as an X and a y-value but you and be really references the X and y of the surface itself so it's not related to the grid it's related to the surface you created I want and for this assignment it's best to use a square grid but you don't have to so I'm going to create a number slider you can do this a number of ways I always double click on the canvas it's my native way of doing it but you can create a slider very simply by typing 1 is less than whatever value you want you want it to start at and then 30 so you have the lowest value the value that that slider is going to be on by default and then you're going to have the maximum value of your slider I'm going to type that so now we have a number slider in it it works from your numbers 1 to 30 sorry if I'm you know making this very simple but I think it helps for some people they have a language difficulty or just from the very start taking time to go over each thing I know I hate piecing together things when people don't explain explain them properly ok so now we have the surface it's divided by a number of points as long as we're clicking on this we're previewing it you can alter that I it the selected command pops up green in your in your I know window you can change that I'm not going to get into that now so if we alter the number of points right it's dividing the surface more and more and more ok so I like having about probably 15 is a really nice number for us to start at and that's going to end up being basically a level of resolution we have in this surface that we've created ok so this is pretty straightforward so far it's going to get a little more complicated right now so now we're going to use a command called pull point okay whole point well I guess it explains it but it generates a set of distances from one point to the rest of you know something else that's registered so in this case we're going to use these points okay and we're going to plug this in as our as our set of points in in the in what we're trying to figure out and then we're going to register our our point that's sort of in the center of the surface as our geometry that we want it to sort of generate our distances okay so to reiterate all this is doing is it's taking each one of these points and it's figuring out the distance from say this point to this point or from this point to this point and it's all going to be different and it's going to generate in a list okay so we have our list of points okay so then we're going to take that and we're going to plug it in as a set of boundaries or bounce okay this is creating a domain so we're going to plug in the distances and basically all all these are doing is its setting this up so that when we plug in any sort of graph later the same graph is sort of its mirrored all the way around this rating Li so anyways these these distances you have you know like obviously a really small one closest to this point and you have a really large one you know far away from this point so what it's doing is it's taking the smallest point and the largest point and it's creating a domain so you have this this domain of numbers that exists in between each one of those and from there we're going to actually remap the distance is that each one of these has to this this new domain so say you had a scale from one to ten or in mathematical terms we're talking about domains and pen ranges maybe you learned about that a long time ago just to clarify a domain or a range is just a set of numbers contained within a spectrum there's differences in between each but we can get into that later so if you have a scale of numbers 1 2 5 and you have a scale of numbers 1 to 10 and you want to remap those it's going to take the highest value in your scale of 1 to 5 which would be 5 and it's going to skew it's going to like multiply your scale each number in your scale by the value that it would mean by the proportion that it would need in order to be worth 10 so in this case it would be 2 but that's a really simplified way of thinking about it we can talk about that later if you get into more advanced stuff and grasshopper just know that we're taking all of the distances here and we're going to remap them to the domain that we just created okay so these are our values yeah and then these are going to be our sources now there's one thing I forgot to mention so you see how there's this structure that comes in you have 0 0 0 has 16 values and this is a this is a list structure so these points come out of here these distances from one point to the many points comes out in a set of it's called a tree and this tree has a specific data structure there are different things you can do to it in this case we're just going to hit flatten and basically what that does is it collapses this tree down into a set of it's just most basic values so instead of having 256 values split up in 5th fifteen here let me actually you can plug in a panel and the panel show you exactly what you're looking at instead of having 15 trees with 16s values each it's just going to have one tree with all 256 values I hope that makes more sense sorry that's confusing we can talk about that later okay so now we're going to go and we're going to plug in this thing called a graph mapper okay and this is the part that I think is going to get a little a little more basic I hope you weren't overwhelmed previously we type in graph mapper okay this this sort of blank square pops up and if you right-click on it you can go down to graph types and I click sine graph okay sine graph creates a sinusoidal wave you can move this point up here and change the period amplitude and frequency of of your breath so we're going to take and we're going to plug in our map numbers to this graph okay now it doesn't look like it's doing doing anything right now but it'll it'll make a little more sense here in a minute so I'm going to actually skip a little further to the end so that we can think about how this is going to work I'm going to type in a move command sorry if all of that was a little confusing the move command allows you to register any geometry and move it in any way so right now we're going to move these points which is our geometry okay and then we have to figure out how we want to move them all right so we've created this domain and range and we map the distances so that whatever this wave does is is mirrored radially around the outside of this point so all of these are going to move in the same way sort of along a section okay so if you look at this in section this is what it's going to produce or I guess one half of it is going to produce the well because this is going to be your your center point okay so we're going to take and we're going to multiply actually we don't have to do that yet we're going to use this and we're going to type in mpg okay now amplitude is a way of thinking about we have this sort of wave that we want to create and obviously this is the amplitude of a wave itself is just sort of the overall height from the top to the bottom so we're going to take we're going to plug this into the amplitude and then we're going to go and we're going to plug in as effected okay so I want to move these points vertically right and then Z is our vertical axis so I'm going to plug in as eve actor okay so now this this is working if you don't have you know everything necessary for it to operate it's it's not going to work so we have a vector okay and now we're going to plug this in to the motion so to to get at this before I show you what it does you now have a wave form and it's taken into account all of the distances from the center point to the furthest point and it's remapped it as sort of a radial grid around the outside of it or a pull of polar set of coordinates and now we're multiplying those values using this wave as the amplitude and then we're going to move them up based on the high points or the low points in this way okay so I'm going to plug this in so it doesn't look like it's working but it is okay so that's that's the part of this that can get a little bit confusing I'm going to take and I'm going to move this down okay and I'm going to turn off everything else I'm just going to select the rest of this I'm going to turn off the preview I did that by right-clicking on it I'm going to turn this off okay so now I'm going to click back on this geometry and lo and behold we have this sort of set of points okay and they're being altered in in section radially around this one point by this graph so you can turn up the height and you can turn it down I'll talk about that a little bit but all you need to think about right now is how this graph alters these points right so if it's just a very gentle change then sweep it it alters them more dramatically so if you turn up the settings really far it just sort of becomes nonsense I can explain that to anybody in person but basically it's because since you have this organized grid of points if the wave happens to be more frequent than your points do it causes this interference and resonance pattern within your own system so that's not too important but why don't we make this little bit easier look at and also manufacturable with the C and C and what we're going to do is we're going to create a surface from point this gets the control points from surface this makes a surface from points don't mix those up so I'm going to click on that I'm going to plug our geometry our points in here and then we also need a grid count on the surface of it okay so I'm going to set this up type addition okay that's going to give you a addition come in you can do multiplication division whatever but I'm going to add one to the overall number I'm going to create a slider I'm going to start with zero one ten I didn't hit Enter so I zero one ten hit enter okay now I have a number slider I'm going to plug this into the B and then plug that into you now I need something for this to actually multiply by so we're going to go all the way back to the beginning I'm going to take our original set of points and plug that into our addition now this wasn't flattened again you're going to need to do that for it to work but basically to jump through that one more time because I just glossed over it because I really wanted to have this visual so I could explain it you have this geometry it's a set of points and like I said before if you take and flatten something instead of having a tree that sort of comes out of the back of this as 256 points broken down into sort of 15 groups of 16 each what I did is I took that and I broke it down into 256 individual values okay but that doesn't really help you because you need a and you want to create a surface from these points so you can do that but in order to create a surface you need a grid sort of around it and that that gives you an understanding of the number of divisions it's going to happen so I took and I added one to the original number we had which was 15 because if we just had 15 it would morph I can explain that some other time and I plug that into our you count so now when I alter the slider at the beginning and increase the resolution it's going to create the surface the same way every single time okay and just another thing that you might want to do to this script that makes it just a little bit easier is if you take and you multiply this value here by 2.0 and you can do that on a number slider if you just type - you don't have to add the greater than R less than over single time and you type multiplication I'm going to plug the output of this graph and this 2 into each other and then I'm going to take and I'm just going to plug this result down into the entity key so instead of this is going to allow me to vary how much this affects the surface of this this point so because the values - or you can make it greater but you can also make it less you know you can set it at zero I'm going to go in and I'm going to edit this I'm going to give it an extra set of digits so it doesn't need 3 but 10 and you know another significant figure that you can use with would make things easier so now I'm going to go in and I'm going to make that you know 1/2 0.5 I'm going to increase this period so the reason this one it looks so dynamic for me is probably because the units that I'm using in Rhino and grasshopper you know this thing is only 1.5 unit wide and 1.5 unit tall so the the deviation in height of 1 is basically half of the or 2/3 of the surface so I just plug this in so that I can decrease how much height is coming off of this surface as I create it and now I can show you a little bit more about what happens if you increase you know like the number of waves coming off of that sorry that is good okay all right and now to make things just a little bit simpler I'm going to click on this point again and it's going to bring up on gumball' controls and in rhino the reason grasshopper is probably my favorite tool is because now I can move this point and it's going to alt or this surface and even more than that I can create another one by typing authentic command C and then command V it's going to put another one right in place I can move that over this point isn't registering the software so it's not going to affect anything okay but if I type point again over here and click set one point and I already had that selected up here so I can select something else but anyways if I select one point and then if I hold shift and drag this point into the geometry right that's where the other one's connected I'm going to turn off the preview I just selected this and then on top of it I right click like do select preview okay so now when I click on something else or if I turn this off you're not going to see what selected so I'm going to turn off everything else I'm just going to select over it holding my left click and then I'm going to hit preview off okay so now we're looking at the final result and I can move both of these points and it will create a different set of surfaces now here's a here's where the controls of this get into play so you can do a lot of different things I've set this up so that you guys can go through and sort of alter this however you want to you know you could you could duplicate this this script and plug in multiple sets of points at this point and have sort of different levels of amplitude coming off with each that'll be your own investigation if you want to do that but you can change the graph type so you can do a conic graph which is going to take and sort of block to surface through each of these points trying to reset to normal and you can move this and that will change the amount curvature that's going okay you can do another type of graph I like sign summation which is to sign graphs on top of each other so this is the main wave and this is the frequency of the smaller wave if I increase that it becomes a bit more obvious and then you can sort of increase and decrease this in order to create some really cool shapes and if you just go crazy with it at some point you know you get something that just the surface becomes crazy but I love sort of how organic it looks anyways so I hope this was helpful enough just to recap everything we went through I'm going to turn off preview so you create a surface alright in in Rhino and then you create two points you use these two points as the the Center for whatever you want to do with this graph I'm just going to set it to assign okay I'm going to decrease the amplitude on that to make it live here so this is your center point and this is repeated regularly around each one of these points creating constructive or destructive interference much like ripples on a piece on a surface of water from there you're going to register that surface and you're going to divide it by any number of times that you want the higher you make this slider the more resolution you're going to have in your final outcome the lower you make it the more interesting sort of occurrences you're going to have if the wave becomes more frequent than the number of points you have on your surface so you guys can play with that if you want to I personally like setting this to 30 and you can set it higher if you want then we use those points and the distances from from your newly generated grid of points to the points that we started at the beginning right these two to create sort of this this range of numbers and we rewrapped we remap this range given the the curve that you create in your graph and that's going to radially repeat it around the outside so then we're going to take and we're going to multiply whatever that value is so that you can alter the height using this slider I have it you know a fifth of what it was but you can have it as twice that depending on how you how you want to do it you're going to multiply this wave by your slider and just to follow my own rule from the beginning I'm going to take and I'm going to put this over at the start you're going to multiply your wave and then you're going to use that as the height or amplitude and the reason it's going to be the height is because you plugged in a Z vector which is this z axis and we're going to move the points in this grid given the wave that you created before so sorry sometimes it's it's easy to get lost to it if you navigate you can find your way back up and I just did that by right-clicking on the surface and hit it navigate so now we have the set of points that's move based on this grid you can alter it it makes it a little more clear and then we're going to go in and we're going to create a surface from this set of points I'll get into U and V count later all you need to know is that every surface has its own set of grid points on it already and basically what this does is it matches these points to the surface that you were going to create in place so now you have a surface okay and then the last thing we're going to do in order to make this something that you could produce on the CNC is we're going to right-click on it we're going to hit fake okay and this is just giving you a set of options on which layer you want to put it on hit default hit OK now that exists natively in rhinoceros and you can move it around using your gumball tool okay something to think about is uh if you want to manufacture this obviously you know it can't be too deep the drill bit on the CNC machine is only four inches tall and you don't want to have two fun waves otherwise they won't show up because the drill bit that we're going to use is probably an eighth inch ball mill I'll get into that you know in class but just think that you know if you measure something and it's less than 1/16 of an inch wider Nathan minute wide it probably won't show up so I recommend an 18 inch by 18 inch wide stock and that that means another piece that you're going to cut out from will go over glue up and how to make that on it on your own but I recommend 18 by 18 and then you know don't try and have too much detail to the point where you can't really tell what anything is but have enough detail so that it's you know something interesting to look at and maybe put on your wall later this has been the first set of tutorials for basic understanding of grasshopper but also jumping in to how to coordinate rhino and grasshopper together I helped this script it is pretty complicated to start off with if you just go through and make the same boxes and make sure that you flatten the points in the right places you'll make you'll you'll have a pretty easy go at it and if you just replicate this and play with it and make your own result you know I think you'll get a pretty nice understanding in class I'm going to go through or I will have gone through at this point by the time you're watching this if you want this I will have gone through and done the same exact tutorial in person for you and all I'm fielding some questions if you have any questions feel free to email me my emails on the syllabus or you know give me a call or try and find me in the market hall bridge lab I'm in there a lot of the time and I'll be able to have I'll be happy to walk you through basically how this works step-by-step and I'll show you a couple of different ways that you can go through and really make something cool with it so I'm not going to save this because it's already on the server if you're having problems you know just even you know I'll try and figure it out so I hope you enjoy this if you guys would I'd love some feedback on it if I talk too much if I move too fast just let me know and I'll try and be better about it in the future I understand that I used a lot of words that maybe we hadn't used before but you know it's it's a learning curve and I think if maybe we could try and just jump past some of the basic really like top things like vocabulary can be that holds a class back from actually doing something like this and maybe we work on that vocabulary over the course of the semester will be a lot better off by the time we get to the end um you have you know a few weeks to work on this please you know like I said contact me if you have any trouble whatsoever with this I'm happy to help there are software tutors in the Morgan Hall lab that are that are pretty good at this stuff too but I also recommend a TLV and digital tool box got info they're really nice grasshopper tutorials I'm not going to go through and and teach you grasshopper I think through these but I am going to show you how to do the assignment if you're at all lost and I think hopefully that's what I did so good luck I hope you guys enjoyed learning about this I'm sorry I talk so much but like I said I've always found that more information is better than less so good luck with all this and I hope to see how your cnc'd surface is eternal enjoy your Labor Day weekend
Channel: Patrick Griffin
Views: 11,896
Rating: 4.9550562 out of 5
Keywords: Grasshopper, Rhino, rhino3d, cnc
Id: 2TM27LXXVgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 34sec (3034 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2016
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