Rhett's Proposal Story (AMA)

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[Music] welcome to your biscuits I'm linked and I'm Rhett this week at the round table of dim lighting we're going to be answering your questions about anything thank you for submitting those questions oh yeah I love it when you guys give us mmm stuff to stuff to talk about too but we've got something introspective questions we've also got some stuff that kind of might take us back go get a good gonna get a good story out of you related to your personal wife I mean personal life my personal wife you making it public yeah I'm making my Bret's married my wife buff Lee and I'm just gonna give a warning we should give them a warning that you may pick up on a different vibe from this your biscuit don't tell him do you think I figure it out there's no where they can figure it out there's just a tremendous amount of tension between Rhett and I that's more you can cut it with a you could cut it with your finger you know if you cut it with a knife well you can cut things with a knife but if you could cut something on your finger then it must must be soft that's that's just not coming together isn't working there is no tension between the tall one and I know it has something to do with this conversation happening fresh fresh off the car it's the morning it's the it's the morning I mean what I really just come out and said it we're recording this in the morning and we've never done that this is a morning pure biscuit which seems appropriate considering that it's a biscuit I mean I think biscuits are great any time of day but I think traditionally they are enjoyed in the morning we're just changing it up just you know well we have a little bit more flexibility in our schedule with the you know with the summertime situation but you let us know if you want us to tell you when we're recording because no don't tell us that I feel like I have a little morning face for the video Watchers I mean but you've already I mean you've been up for a while you I got out early you got up early you went yeah I'm sure you do into the gym I went oh thank you for being sure that I went to the gym I actually did yeah I went to the gym what time did you get up 5:45 I got up at 5:30 oh but I woke up at 5:00 I'm waking up before my alarm like I think this is becoming my talent like whenever I set my alarm because Hallett it's not the same every day like some days it's 5:20 some days it's 5:30 some days it's 6:30 and I'll wake up before the alarm each no matter what time it is you said half an hour early that's not that's not good timing I mean sometimes I'll know it's now I'll be like I'll wake up it'll be 5:25 and I supposed to get up at 5:30 I think it's just luck and if that feels good but if I wake up a half-hour I'm like oh man now I've got that weird thing that's gonna happen where I look at the clock I don't have to get up for another thirty minutes I'm gonna go back to sleep but it's not gonna be good so that's what happened to me this morning cuz now I'm thinking about I'm gonna get into this nice cocoon spot and then the alarms gonna go off right alright I should just get up yeah twenty to thirty minutes is just enough time to get really deep into asleep I mean that's that's the worst amount of time to wake up before your alarm and not get up cuz a who gets up before their alarm that's stupid why would you do that mmm then I'm gonna sit on the couch and then fall asleep sitting up because I'm not getting ready you're what you telling me that if you wake up early you go and sit on the couch and wait until the allotted time to get ready I've done that before yeah I said well I'm gonna do everything I do or I'll make I'll make a coffee and I'll sit here I got 20 minutes I could drink a coffee you're telling me that if you get up early you don't just start the same routine it's just a little bit early I only did it once and clearly I was a mistake I did it wrong I mean and I okay I apologize routine oriented as you are I would you can't change it up just cuz you know get up early I didn't see I didn't I got on waited into my allotted time right which is the routine so I kept the routine and that was my product you should have kept the order and then you would just have more time on the back end are you saying that the gym opens at a certain time and then you've got your space and you gotta fill it well there are classes so I hate showing up to the gym way early and there's like this awkward I'm there with the other class before they're done but to get up out of your bed and sit on the couch in a way I only did it once I mean I fell back asleep I didn't go into it wife no she's like she's like she wakes up in the morning and here's just her husband strangely sort of just sitting next to the bed oh you know I didn't just move over to the kid we have a couch in our bedroom because that's how we roll are you talking about that couch I went downstairs and I sat on like a lonesome couch fell asleep okay makes even less sense but usually if I wake up that that much before my alarm clock I'll go back to sleep but before I go to sleep I convince myself that I'm not gonna get up at all it's like if you give me 10 minutes or 15 minutes in my brain to like battle out whether I'm gonna get up or not I will not get up that's called the resistance right the resistance I just have to have to get up mindlessly do you I can't get I can't engage my brain before I get out of bed ever snooze no because that doesn't work for me so what happens if you snooze well I miss the gym so that snoozing is not an option no under any circumstances would you if you didn't have somewhere to be yeah I've seen it I snooze I'm not that weird well do you think I'm a weird guy or something snooze is part of the time that I have allotted like it's part of your game to snoozes is technically part of the time every morning no I don't do it every morning but I have to snooze what about Jessie she's in the bed is she already awake she gets up she's early too I mean she gives up about the same time it's so there's like she also has a combination of four alarms going off when you can count both of you snoozing no because we have a white noise machine that plays at a very significant voice sounds racist okay well you can do pink noise as well seriously what's pink noise I'm not real sure and there's also a brown noise so really everybody's covered it really is but there's brown noise pink noise and white noise it just has to do with the mix of frequencies I'm sorry I but it actually not a sponsor and it won't help anyway because I don't remember the name of it but it's this little octagon that has like 16 different fan sounds and then 16 different basically like fuzz like you know frequency sounds okay and so and it's pretty bassy and it fires the the sound up to the ceiling so it kind of spreads the toilet room alright it fires that sound up so it it's emanating from a place of a fan no it's emanating from everywhere it feels like it's inside your head why don't you know you have one yes oh that's the one you have yeah I thought that's what I thought that's what I said I know I thought you just said there is this thing I didn't know that you had it no I had this isn't one I use I'm a super light sleeper it's an octagon it's pretty small though I'm a super light sleeper so I just have a fan by the way but no because then you also have a breeze because that blows air I don't want what if I don't want the air on me at that particular moment what if he's not a air man I pegged you as a air man I have a ceiling fan as well if I want that I'll turn that on well you got it covered but the my mom has always slept with a fan she also sleeps with my dad but she she but she has she has a fan that is it like your mom a fan and your dad or is it a fan your mom and your dad fans not in the bed the fan is but I remember going in there it was like freaking going into like a helipad growing up let you go like where a helicopter was constantly my mom ran that fan so loud you'd like you could hear it when they turn it on at night whose is it it sounds like there's a baseball card in second if it could make it could bring gas power like I don't know how they got such a loud fan all I know is when you went in there you got a gas power fan in there like if you had to go get their attention at night like you had to knock on the door but yeah they're like bang on the door and then when you went in there it was like speaking to someone in the middle of combat it's like mom my foot fell asleep I got news for you man you need to read you need to just you run this whole experience through your mind and realize that the fan was not to help them to sleep but it was something it was dual purpose I do believe that it was to cover things the covered things that might be happening but also my mom has always had a ringing in her ears and so it was a way to I guess they call it tinnitus what do they call it tetanus yeah tonight she has a tetanus infection yeah and so she needed that to go to sleep I need it because I'm such a light sleeper like I literally will wake up if like the one of the children like just kind of rolls over in the next room and just makes a noise they don't even have to yell for us even with the white noise machine on a lot of times I'm like Jesse Shepard is yelling for you right now like she doesn't know so she doesn't wake up when my alarm my phone goes off on my side oh god the bed it's like but any little thing that breaks me out of the way it was in fact the other night did the power go off at your house no no no the night we looked pretty close to each other so I just I looked out and saw all the other houses were dark too so anyway when the white noise went off I woke up like that's how sensitive oh so it's the absence of white noise that almost shocked me there's got to be an analogy there somewhere well I'm great with those so I'm sure I can come up with one yeah yeah but you you use the white noise setting not a simulated fan setting or like a helicopter like your mom I've used it quite makes it up I've done a lot of different things and Jesse don't care no she likes it she likes it I mean I think ultimately all people could benefit from white noise I also think it's a little bit of a crutch so if you don't if you don't write anyone kind of like you don't need so even so now when I travel I have a white noise app I'll demonstrate you're gonna demonstrate it yeah there it is it's one of the ones that comes up because I what's the app called not a sponsor this is stream water flowing this is what this is the best I can get on this app because it was free so I listened to this all night if I'm traveling I mean I wouldn't call that flowing I call that gushy yeah it's all the way up man this is a I mean cuz you can go through some other things like oh that's that makes me want to pee everywhere no gosh this is a cat purring I hate that sound put it up to the mic I want to kill that thing it actually sounds like a cat purring in the foreground but someone with a weed whacker in the background do you imagine the crazy person that needs this to sleep okay well you're only saying that because of your love for cats crickets that doesn't sound like crickets it sounds like a ring wraiths breathing you're holding it too close to the mic it's crazy frogs oh wait that's creepy man like when I would dream about cry frogs crawling on me yeah it's like a plague air-conditioner that's not bad in industrial America I've never gotten this deep I might use this one what if what if we just record some like link making mouth noises how crazy a freaking grandfather clock one time I try to sleep at my Aunt Helens house mom and Nell sister yell alive she's like 95 years old Helen yes she she had a grandfather clock and I was trying to sleep in the living room I could not go to sleep it's like a horror movie cuz it's not a constant sound it's just like that well it's on a rhythm it is a pendulum I couldn't sleep it drove me nuts I was also in a recliner yeah that's tough anyway that's how I get things done well see we're fresh out of that this morning yep having a morning biscuit fresh out the oven fresh out the oven speaking of fresh we got some fresh good mythical summer stuff that you can get at mythical dot store first thing you can get oh yeah check this out all type of good mythical summer merch you got to protect your eyes with some sunglasses check out these we're wearing them now there's tortoise shell I got tortoise shell and then I got the black pair and it's got the the the mythical Rand ler on the right temple it's got the mythical insignia inside and then it's got our signature signature we definitely signed every pair of glasses no it's an embossed we sold these last summer they were a huge hit get you some this summer sometimes when I'm driving I'll wear my sunglasses over my normal glasses like this and then you can get the good mythical summer towel it's made of fabric that will it's made of fabric that will cotton which will absorb dampness it will also provide a beautiful sand barrier or if you're laying out by a pool and you don't want to touch the exposed parts of your body where other people have touched their exposed parts of their body you can use the good mythical summer towel as a barrier the good mythical summer towel now in fabric this is look pretty cooler right yeah you look you look like a wouldn't hang out with me you look like a professional poker player say my profession that's something nobody's done its work a full-size beach towel as part of their get up I mean those guys have done just about everything you know I'm the guy with the headphones it doesn't speak but I'm gonna be the guy with the sunglasses in the full-size beach towel mythical dot store support and entertainment get a little hot because of this fabric ok let's get to some questions here from you we posted a prompt on Facebook and Twitter so make sure you're following us there if you want to get in on this Rachel deal know she I recognize your name Rachel if I were a splurge II type of person I'd hire a maid once a month because chores suck what is one thing that you would like to splurge on more often and why don't you do it hmm okay I know there's something that I've started to splurge on and then there's a whole other level of splurge that I am flirting with you're flirting with the splurge I've started splurging on more regular massages I think many times over the course of conversations I've brought this up because I never hesitate to big up a massage and I think we talked about this on the show but our schedules are on each other's calendar and so when you have a massage scheduled I see it on my calendar and you schedule a lot of massages and sometimes because I've got my apple carplay situation I get in my car and it thinks that I'm you wanting to go get a massage and it begins navigating to your massage sooner or later I'm gonna show up and get in line no you can watch I would not care like I don't care if I'm getting massaged anything else can be going on it won't matter but what if I'm the one getting a massage and you're watching not good no that's not good at all that's what I'm talking about doing I mean you talked about going to gym I try to go too I try to get up with my alarm without snoozing and then going to the gym three or my goal is really four times a week and I really don't feel good about myself if I if I only go twice and it has nothing to do physically it's just emotionally because I've got this standard it's but it's mood enhancing oh absolutely totally mood and I mean of course everything is great about it except when I get injured and when I get really sore but I basically get sore every week I don't know I guess that's a good sign is like if you continue to workout and you continue to give if you stop getting sore it means you're not working out hard enough it's because they've the people at your gym have designed the workouts to continue to confuse your muscles muscle confusion is the of the game and they know it at that gym I used to go to your gym until I got injured so I don't do anything meaning your back got strained but what my models were confused in all the best ways so what I'm saying is yeah you've noticed that your calendar has a lot of my massages on it because I put more as an incentive hey I need them like my muscles get knotted up and so I get very intense massages in order to be able to go to the gym the next week and I but psychologically I also consider it a reward like if you go to the gym you're four times if you meet your goal then you've earned the right to get a massage and pay probably way too much money for a massage and man my pain tolerance has gone up so much because I just get the masseuse to go for it but I I digress my splurge would be taking it to the next level cuz yeah I'm already splurging like every other week my goal being every week I want to get a massage my goal being every week but my splurge would be to hire a personal masseuse do you mean a person who is that's her only job is to massage you or do you mean that they just come to the office or wherever you're well I thought that they would come to like the house and maybe give me a massage give Christian massage even Lily I think because of like her back it's a one-year anniversary of her back fusion by the way and she's doing fabulous hmm as of the recording of this were celebrating today right now she was in surgery one year ago did you have something special for breakfast no what we had a special discussion about it like we commemorated it conversationally I don't know what kind of breakfast you would have had you made me feel a little guilty all of a sudden - well you made it sound like it I mean it is a big deal but I thought you were but it's like we didn't do it no we there weren't cupcakes for Brad a spine cake for the spine cake for breakfast but so splurging would be even so I started thinking about that but you got to find the right person somebody that's really good and then beyond that I've started to think if I found that person and I hired them to like show up at where I'm at instead of me going to them even a step further is just having that person onto staff just literally someone following me around is giving me a massage in increments throughout the day can't you over massage though I'm not such a thing well I'd love to I'd love to have to experience that and be able to answer that first hand your mother that's my goal your muscles become like veal you know what I've just become I'm to tenderized bright I would like my tender pie that's what I want to do I want to push the limits of ten human tenderization but I do that way it would be so ridiculous I know it sounds ridiculous having someone because I am not the type of person I actually I don't like massaging people that I know or being massaged by people I know I don't like that I don't like this like oh I'm gonna go up behind somebody like a friend of mine like I've never massaged your back you know there's some people who live it for a video they'll come up behind you and like massage your back yeah I'm not into that in it especially nowadays you gotta watch that can't be just going up in massaging people well yeah I don't feel like it's but it's appropriate but I mean even back in LA I mean it's gotta be with consent its but but usually it's not usually it's just like oh I'm being massaged yeah but those weird it's just a weird instinct there are certain people who are massagers and they should be masseuses and then if they're on the payroll for that then okay it's all legit and it's like why is it every meeting I just want someone massaging me while I'm in meetings like how yeah you don't want to be that guy though you have to think about horrible attack yeah because he'll be back you become a tenderized person that is constantly being massaged now you created a social a social awkwardness with all your interactions you're right these are things guy be done in secret and I ain't that's a secret you know secret massage in fright and I am suspicious of becoming too tender so what's your splurge first of all I am a splurge II person yeah you know splurge II could be my middle name and so I am very often buying things for myself but I think that the most the I don't I think this is not in a position that exists but I would hire a hobby hobby Trier let me explain what this is this is your cuz I'm sometimes I'm like you know what a hobby try like I'd like to paint you know I'd like to paint I wonder what painting is like well I'd like to go home one day and a hobby Trier would be there he or she would say welcome home you're good today you're gonna try painting I've got everything you need yeah you know I'm saying that you don't want someone to test the waters for you like welcome home I've been painting all day I'm gonna tell you what it was like oh it's not like the person who do test the food for the king was a cup Bearer cup Bearer it's not a cup bear it's not a hobby bear it's a hobby introducer er it's somebody who is like I've got all the equipment here it is I've done a little research and go for it you got one hour to see if you like this hobby I'm gonna return all the paints you don't open whatever because I'm always thinking about things I want to try but you gotta like go doc you got to go to like Joanne's to really you know you got to spend half a day at Joanne's just to be ready for it but isn't a big thing for you actually it's all a Joanne discovery and the spending of the money that is part of it for you or are you saying you don't like that part you just want to get into it I mean I don't I don't mind the spending of the money but I don't think that that's what I am I I get into things and then I buy the things that you need to accompany the experience but a lot of times because I just kind of piecemeal it together I need like I need a hobby introducer or somebody should invent that and be awesome business card to anyway I'd pay for that if that if that existed hobby introducer were there not a not a good name they're not an expert in anything hobby hobby guide but just give it a shot calm no not give it a try give it a whirl the world the world is freedom limiting give it a whirl but in general I'm a pretty I'm already a splurge or so I probably don't even need to do that here's another question now from Meg Manuel Manuel violates a manual [Applause] hey you're on but go ahead I have a not so called simple question okay for you to if you had a chance to use anything or become anyone in the world or the impossible what would it be in why if we had a chance to become the impossible what would it be I don't know what is anything or become anyone in the world or the impossible basically you could do anything and it doesn't have to be limited to what's possible I guess ah the thing that intrigues me is the if you had a chance to use anything because I immediately think about that wave pool in Austin Texas that you were showing me on your phone who was a Kelly Slater I think Kelly Slater the surfer the sessional surfer is involved if not in in he did it I don't or he's got another one I don't know all the facts it's a big freaking eye I mean yeah I would say wave pool they look at the name of that Jacob like you're starting to think that what would you call it automatic wave machine Austin Texas just search that don't think about like a waterpark wave pool when there's like all these people on floaties and then a horn sounds at emerald point or whatever your waterpark is well it's not a mini wave like on intrusions it's not a wave pool like at the water park and it's not a standing wave that you see on a cruise ship where it's just going the whole time which that also looks fun no this is a freaking huge pool like giant lake as big I think it's as big as a football field is what it looked like could be better picture right down the centerline of the football field not not the halfway point what's that called midfield midfield but bisecting the link from goalpost to goalpost and there's some sort of robotic apparatus that then like travels from one end to the other and seems to create a wave that then you can surf on either side you want to write a right and a left a right and a left at the same time and if so they can and it's a perfectly formed I mean they can manipulate the wave but it's a perfect tube and I want to I want to use that any has to go there man we got it let's just go there this summer what's the name of it inland surf part in the inner part in Austin or outside Austin I bet those dude perfect guys you've been there and do everything knowing they're over there in Texas just doing stuff yeah and their big old warehouse I love LA though I'm not gonna dog it I mean we have we have a wave pool - it's called the Pacific Ocean yep but it's very funny predictable so cold and if it rains you can't go in it for like a week 72 hours is the recommended delay because all of the runoff from the Los Angeles streets and whatnot go into the old I mean it just goes into the ocean it's just run off yeah and then you're sitting in there and you you don't think you're drinking it but you're drinking it your skin is drinking it you're digesting at least an ounce of that water every time you go in it of course who knows what they put in that Austin pool probably just barbecue sauce cowboy piss yeah a mix of those two things but I I'm a little afraid I mean we could we could easily make plans to go there I mean it ain't that hard it's not like the other thing I was gonna say which was your personal most who's coming he has an extra ticket well that's on me stay out of it he ain't masseuse in you oh it's a man yes a man I'm just do you have an opinion are you George Costanza situation here do you have an opinion about the all I care about is skills okay so I don't care if it's a man or a woman I just want skills and I've I've partake of both mmm it doesn't matter to me it's it's a it's like a sports deep tissue massage there's nothing weird about it and I'm completely naked but there's a sheet and they know what to do with the sheet and it's keep it on you hopefully I'm no different than LeBron James I work out and then I go and I get pounded on I could it's just I could make a list of the differences well when it comes to getting a sports massage there's no difference I mean imagine how much longer it would take I get a 90-minute massage and I'm like dang it this is getting too short I will not get a 60-minute anymore like I am such I'm such a spoiled brat when it comes to massages but if you're like how tall is out but think about how big LeBron James is and there's bigger people than him that's true imagine how long it would take to give them a proper sports massage I mean you're I'll have more muscles yeah like I've got dinky muscles and it's like think that it increases the time it absolutely has to I don't think it's its purport proportional to the muscle mass of course it is I mean and you think that LeBron James Goodell toyed is as big as my head I guarantee you LeBron James does not get for our massages I got caca text him right now I gotta bet you he's got three people on him I don't have his number I have a fake LeBron James that I follow on Twitter just a fan account the other thing I was gonna say I wanted to use was I want to pilot the boring machine that Elan musk has invented I want to be the guy behind the whip like boring into the ground and making tunnels seems boring I don't want to do it professionally I want to do it once all right let's do the wave machine that's uh because that's a realistic goal and innocent Texas man it's not like he's on the other side of the world right okay maybe they'll invite us there we can make a video that was the whole point I guess why I didn't want to say it you know II meant and we mentioned them Kelly and then come on Kelly no no we should invite rattling let us know that was really dull boy see what happens okay many people said that they wanted to hear my proposal story because we heard your proposal story and we might have said right even this one's from Tamra Jackson says that we got links in a good mythical more so oh that's really you can you can track down the good mythical more right where I give my proposal story which has its it has more than its share of uncalculated mishaps user errors left turns user errors in in hijinks but ended on a good way it still took in spite of everything I did to make contribute to engagement okay I'm gonna tell I'm gonna do this quickly because there's pieces to it the very first time we ever really got to know each other was while sitting on a bench at macaroni grill in Cary North Carolina waiting for Jesse to meet a locksmith because she had locked her keys in her car the night before and not with you she was not with me the night before in fact I had only talked to her one time however I went to like a pool party at her parents house that my parents were at and my brother was at and everyone was like trying to get us together right so like my sister-in-law was like trying to get us together my mom wanted everybody wanted to get us together yeah you and so and you should explain a little bit more of the dynamic of how everybody knew each other but how you didn't know her well her dad was my dentist growing up so I knew him and knew that he had like vaguely knew the he had daughters but then my family and her family started going to church together and so that's how I actually got to know her but you were in college you were a sophomore right yeah I was in college and she was a senior in high school yeah so anyway I found out that she was a senior in high school and I was like well at this party no I found out about that before like when because when I when I met her and I talked to her and I liked her and then like at the end of the conversation I find out or later I'm talking to somebody else and they're like yeah she's a senior has gone like oh no no I'm in college man no and so anyway and I was like go for it no you weren't don't worry just see what happens and so I basically made up my mind that I was like okay well I can't date this girl she's in she's in high school and but when I go to this this this pool thing at her parents house I was kind of going because I knew she was gonna be there so it's one of these things it's like I like this girl I can't date her but I kind of want to know her because she will be in college one day you know and and so I am I'm like talking to her at this thing and then she's like well I gotta go I locked my keys in my car last night up at the macaroni grill and Karie and then Teressa my sister-in-law is like well Rhett why don't you take her up there why don't you drive her up there that was Theresa mhm and then my that's that's very Theresa yeah definitely but the key thing is very Jessie it's like I love the fact that like yeah we have a we have a personal locksmith we don't have a personal masseuse in miles we have a personal locksmith we have a we have like two locksmiths on speed-dial okay yeah you know and so this is the beat what you're saying is this is the beginning of your relationship and I just think it's so poetic that this is how it began so we drive up there from Fuquay to carry you know 25-minute car ride and you know we're obviously connecting like we're having a great conversation and I'm like how I've got this like sinking feeling and so then we have this then the locksmith doesn't show up for like three hours what we sit on this bench at macaroni grill this is before cell phone so you couldn't call the guy he was just like I'll be there I'll be there at 7:00 and he wasn't there until champion like it was that kind of thing like but here we are having this conversation on this bench well I'm hoping he never shows up you know what I'm saying that's pretty cute I think he was in the bushes watching you guys make a love connection and he's kind of I don't I want to be less like I want to I want to creep a little bit be very clear that I was only conversation it was just intense conversation it was that you know you had those conversations where you're like when you're in high school you think these are deep questions like if you could have one superpower what would you know I think if I could go back to like what we actually talked about I'll probably be like a little cringe factor but so you don't remember that being no I topic but you know III was making up some questions and trying to seem interesting you know it was working and so we we are very interested in each other now fast forward we did not date while she was in high school because I just drew a line at that did the locksmith I want to go deep with the locksmith he what I don't remember anything about him he showed up and he unlocked the car I mean Mazda 6 to six like that it was over not very exciting okay I say that to let you know that the bench in front of the macaroni grill at Carey was a very significant location in our relationship we did not start dating officially until she became a freshman in college the next year now here but things move very quickly mmm ridiculously quickly after that because she went away to - she came to Los Angeles for the summer between her freshman and sophomore year in college you're gonna think I'm a nut and I was because I would never advise anyone doing this but thank God it worked out for us so she was going into she was gonna be a sophomore in college and I was gonna be I was graduating I was graduating college yeah and so how's that I mean that's just girl to marry me I don't care if she's still in college I don't care if she just finished her freshman here in college I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her and I was married he's working fine for me you had just gotten married yeah yeah so I was like why I got remarried to thanks Mary no yeah so I married a girl who graduated the same time as me and Greg our other roommate got married in the middle of the year so I was like well we all gotta get married I got Amy over here I got married in May he got married in December and then you were like the next June so but here's the proposal I don't want to drag this out there's other questions to get to but I was like drag it out I I needed to get a ring so my ring story is a little different than yours I knew that I should probably have a ring when I asked her so well that's your opinion so I was thinking about saving up oh very I didn't have any money so I was like how am I gonna find a ring and I'm talking to her grandmother Gaga who's we talked about in the book of mythicality about how I'm trying to figure out what to do about a ring I'm telling her whole family I took it went out and took her dad out to dinner and asked and asked for his permission yes this is a very traditional southern situation where that kind of thing was done did he inspect your teeth no he didn't he already knew I had good teeth because he was my dentist and that conversation went well everyone knew that I was going to ask her to marry me when she got back and everyone was okay with it no one was like you guys she shouldn't she be older no one said that I don't know if I would have listened but no one even said that so essentially that she was away for the summer which is exactly the scenario Christy was away for the summer and then when she came back I popped the question right so but as I'm telling Gaga this basically following my lead emulating me a year later to a tee except you you learned from my mistakes exactly so you're not saying that you wouldn't if I hadn't done it you probably would've made all my mistakes correct so I I'm talking to Gaga and then she's like oh you need a ring hold on a second and she goes into a closet and pulls out a freaking plastic bag of a bunch of knickknacks and she's like reaching down there and she's like oh this is my this is my mama's diamond ring and she hands me over this giant diamond carat and a half whoa I'm like what I was gonna get like a third of a carat I was gonna get such a you know and now it's gonna be pushing it and and it was like all covered up in some weird fitting it was like an old setting and so I was like okay I'm gonna pay the 250 bucks to get this thing reset and I've got this awesome diamond ring so I'm ready right and I didn't and I didn't have to pay for the diamond it's an heirloom her grandmother's name was her great-grandmother's name was Jesse so she was Jesse was getting Jesse's ring everything was falling into place oh wow so oh wow when she gets back about a week passes and I've got like this special night plan where I'm gonna pop the question and so what I ended up doing is I was like I want to take her to a series of locations that have been special in our relationship and I'm going to blindfold her in between the locations and then I will walk her out to this to these places and then take the blindfold off home base oh and now we're here and do you remember the things that happened here pretty kinky yeah blindfolds didn't have the quite the same this is before 50 shades of grey you know we didn't we weren't familiar with that I'm still not so good it was just just to keep someone and you know not knowing where they're at so trying to member all the places I took her but I took her if you follow what you driving her around and she had a blindfold I was on a horse of course I was driving her around I didn't you get kind of nauseous with a blindfold on she doesn't good you you escaped you escaped another this isn't like me this isn't like you in the book of mythicality when the mom was taking you to the birthday party no she was not getting nauseous he was enjoying the conversation and the anticipation but as I was trying to give myself a shout-out on instagram read em see if you follow me there you know that I posted a picture of the carving of our names in a tree on NC State's campus which by at that point the carving had only been in a tree for about a year so one of the stops was taking her to that tree on NC State's campus and talking about the memories that we had there one was taking her to I think it was it was a lake near NC State like Lake Johnson or something I can't remember what it was sounds right but we had had like a special date out there anyway I can't remember all the places I took her but I knew that the final stop was going to be the bench in front of the macaroni grill in Cary oh yeah and the plan was call the locksmith winch when she takes off the blindfold I am on one knee with this BAM giant diamond ring that it didn't pay for Kiko you're gonna have that BAM you're gonna have to you know that's good no that's good you need more Bam's and to warn him about that needless to say okay so yes you sat on the bench she's blind foot keep the blindfold on just sit down right here she's starting to think okay this feels like a okay she's starting to guess where she yells the macaroni yeah the guard I don't think they have macaroni but you know she smells what they grilled grilled macaroni and then so like you're timing it to be like okay now remove the blindfold okay how did it how did he go I didn't say it in a magician's voice I didn't do that so you got her on the bench I got her on the bench and then I said okay remove the black foot and when she did I was down on one knee with the ring and I said something incredibly sweet that I don't remember that ended with will you marry me and when did something go wrong it didn't she started crying and then she hugged me and she did not immediately say yes because she was smarter than you she was 19 years old man she was a freaking teenager she shouldn't have said yes it was wrong but it worked out again and what hold on she didn't say yes no she did it wasn't like yes yes yes he wasn't one of those situations where you know that this is coming and you're both were in a place in life where it's just inevitable that you're gonna ask the question she was surprised like she'd there was no leak from her grandma with a ring or her family from permission she wasn't one of these things where like you go pick out the ring together yeah yeah yeah I know that it was a surprise so but but she still could have heard she hadn't heard I think that she understood that that's what I wanted but it wasn't a very clear thing that it would it wasn't a super surprise like what I've never even thought about this but it was like I did not know this was happening now hmm but then she started nodding and I was like is that a yes and she was like yes and but even even after that did you go in did you go in at that point or did the locksmith show up at that point no we didn't need at the macaroni grill we just used the bench oh wow I didn't even tip anybody did the locksmith show up was he a part of this that I didn't have his contact info that would have been cool man if the locksmiths shows up and he's he's there slow clapping he's got the I mean you know I mean you can find ways to improve on my story but I'm not saying it well the only way that I would actually improve it's such a sweet story nothing nothing went wrong I was I was looking for a left turn or some sort of foible only thing I would change is it was super sweet very cute except because you're wearing those sunglasses when you tell the other thing you seem like a complete douchebag I asked you if you wanted me to keep these oh I know it's like it's totally undermining your the vibe for those watching that's gonna have to audio again this is made ultimately for audio but you know what happen is they like that here at mythical we we cut down these things so there's gonna be just yeah isolated story of me telling guy and they're gonna be like what is Rhett doing that way why is he where is he doing this sunglass thing that'd be all the comments are gonna be about how you're crying under there about how Rhett must be hiding something oh they got in a fight no I said a black guy I think is that the story should be that you're hiding your emotions man well here's the thing I'm gonna wear these sunglasses in life from now on in everything we do just to upset you not you well you don't no one's upset no some people are nobody's upset and I like upsetting people it's my hobby it's one of my main hobby it's not let let's go with another question you and Jessie are still together yeah we are many years later hanging by a thread but but you're doing it it's been how long has it been it's been since that since that proposal 18 years 18 years okay that's crazy another question from Zoey Sutton what does the strangest hobby you've ever had strangest hobby I'm sure at some point I've talked about this great school hobby of mine but it's so strange I just have to I'll tell you again if you've heard it before as a kid in in in my road trip travels either with and I'm talking like young like first second third grade because I know that I'd go on road trips with like my stepdad Jimmy and then like my papa we would take road trips on the interstate and we'd always stop at at rest stops and there were or different gas stations or whatever would also have these like big displays of brochures like local tourist attractions so my hobby was collecting brochures of places that I would most likely never visit and then my hobby extended well beyond that - when I got back home I would pour over these brochures like three three-leaf pamphlets pamphlets and I would I had a whole stack of them you know probably you know a foot tall worth of brochures and I would go through them and just look at him we ran away about one day visiting these places or was it about the brochure that's as far as it was about the brochure and it was about I would think about visiting the places and then I would rank them in terms of my favorite places favorite places her favorite brochure favorite places depicted on brochures but the quality the brochure did have an impact like worse presentation you know Disney World was on top for a while but then right behind that you had this place called like alligator world oh gosh yeah they had a really good brochure they had a brochure that was as good as Disney's brochure maybe even better something tells me that the actual experience of being there was not the same at less rules than Disney I'll guarantee you that but there were certain points in my reshuffling and ranking of the brochures that alligator world did a few times move ahead so I was like I was like freaking Casey Kasem in the top 40 like on a weekly basis I would rear ank them like last week you were at number four now you're at number two little less entertaining for the masses but and then when she got to the bottom of the stack there was like yarn shop like I would have you know I felt threshold was pretty low oh yeah well yeah it was all part of it because I didn't want to leave any brochure out I would feel guilty so what'd you do when you went to those things that had like 60 of them you got one of every I I wouldn't get ones that were like like steakhouse like there were Steakhouse brochures I would leave those I believe those four they do they have the retirees they have to be folding cuz a lot of the ones now are just one panel yeah they would I would never pick up a one panel it'll be like a bifold or trifold or more more Hello someone more MORE how many's alligator world I believe that was the tri-fold yeah Disney World was big Gator that Disney World had a lot I mean they were like I had five or six different Disney World brochures because they have some Steelers no you burn them I can't think that I ever would have burned them I just don't I probably put them in a box at some point and then the box was probably thrown away when mom moved out of the house is this why your mom used a brochure to talk to you about sex because she knew your I wasn't really into it no she was not that one above alligator world it was not in that stack so I'm gonna give you this alligator world brochure at TG abouts these two Gators and I'd say what's actually happening right now that's my weirdest hobby I think I've had a bunch of hobbies we actually did a whole episode about my my layers that I call them some people call them phases but I don't know my weirdest one was probably bonsai it didn't last very long it's not a weird hobby I mean it's I mean eccentric might be a little unexpected well it is would you like wood but I killed the tree and the Hobby ended and this is a pricy tree like Jesse got this for like a birthday present like she showed it to me before yeah you got you get you got it it was like it was like I was like oh this is almost twenty years old this required I was like Jesse this thing um looks expensive there were actually wasn't that pricey he's kind of big and then I was like yeah this type of thing requires like like steadfast commitment for like ever kind of left it of that that's actually debatable it requires I could be wrong but that's what I thought it requires the correct the the right conditions and so if you live in a place that doesn't have the right conditions or you've got it in a place that it isn't in the right conditions then the amount of care increases and I just didn't really understand where it should be and I had a book but it didn't tell me you put it what did you do wrong you put it outside or in the direct Sun we're supposed to be outside a lot of them are supposed to be outside and I believe the one but I put it outside but it was kind of like half cut it wasn't in full sunlight I think maybe it should have been in full sunlight I don't know the fact that I'm ignorant about is the reason that I have a dead tree do you still have it no you put it in the green I buried it I did it hopes funeral service for him no you put it in the in the landscape bin yeah I just didn't want to say that because it seems so disrespectful boom just landed a friend in the trash lot that was in but to recycle to use that probably where does a helmet every once in a while but the thing that I'm thinking about getting into Tai Chi what is that that that's where the people are doing like the slow dances by themselves in the park and just like don't talk to that person yeah yeah I want to be that don't talk to that guy no but it's like it's like karate motions in slow motion it looks like you're surfing on a like a yoga mat or a blanket or just grass supposed to be really good for like stress relief and balance and a lot of people who are already like into like yoga and Pilates like what kind of naturally move into it I've had a couple people recommend it to me but easily confused with chai tea by the way totally different thing you cannot you cannot drink Taichi chai tea while doing Taichi because it then it's just like nothing is happening because they cancel each other out I've seen it happen I've seen a person completely disappear off of the face of the earth trying to put those two things together it's like sine and cosine help they just like it's sucked into a black hole of Chi mm-hmm that's not true but I've been thinking about that so if you if you have any if anybody has any recommendations any sources or tell it should you know anything I should be worried about the discipline of like moving that slowly I mean I could see how that would be very centering and it's but it requires a lot of concentration to not not do anything too quickly you know because you kind of want to get through it go through the motions so to speak and I think you're getting you can like conjure up energy balls and like throw them throw them at things so do all good um that's not true as well Dede Haggar ADA says brainstorm how would you get it draft at the top of a 40-plus storey skyscraper yes not that you should is this a team-building exercise assignment I mean we got engineering degrees every once in a while I like to use them I I have an immediate plan that comes to mind for me well is they're dangerous first of all I mean I recently read about the the cinematographer who went on the the wildlife preserve filming giraffes in the draft swung his head around hit him and killed him I don't think that they heard head butted I don't think that's a typical experiences well they said that he wasn't following the rules that's what the police said that the giraffe would not be punished and he was it for swinging his I mean that's a that's a lot of momentum there's a restaurant and a swing that head at the end of that neck around there's a restaurant in Africa where the giraffes will stick their heads in the windows while you're eating hi I'm you know at the Santa Barbara Zoo which yeah I hesitate talking about zoos and I'd you know they're controversy that's the last zoo that I've been to and it may be the last do I ever go to I'm just gonna leave it at that except to say that while I was there I fed a giraffe so you don't want to get into the ethics of Zeus I don't want to get into the ethics of Zeus I'm just saying well saved I've read it giraffe at the zoo in it I mean I guess it could it was in such a way that like the it couldn't have swung its head and killed me like is the head of his father it's point is the closest you could get to feed it something and we fed it I think that's the last experience I will have at a zoo I bet you I can get you back into a zoo [Music] [Laughter] young man lots of zoo time monsters ooh' time left zoo time that's gonna be a new segment I don't know how I feel about zoos when I was a kid I had beside my stack of brochures I had a stack of zoo books they were called misnomer because they were magazines they were look they were magazines and they were called zoo books and each month I would get one and would have a different animal on the cover tastefully shot that well tastefully photographed and I I didn't keep the brochures but I kept all my zoo books and I still have them and Lando looks through them because I don't take him to the zoo I just take him to the zoo book says he order them and animal preference none of my kids are as neurotic as I am we encourage them in away from like what the hole that I dug and and that well that I was in the bottom of I think it's very simple how you get a giraffe to the top of a 40 storey skyscraper you sedate it and you put it into like a harness and you use a helicopter a twin-engine well there's big Aldo hell big elevators in like skyscrapers well it's like look yeah if there's an elevator that would hold the giraffe there is I believe that there I mean if you sedate it it's good you can curl it up like a snake okay well let's just say there's not an elevator like that but if there is sure helicopter man think about that like a droopy sleeping giraffe beans fluffed up necks doing hey whatever it takes if that's what that's what the people want that's a Twitter moment I know yeah I also agree with the questioner this should not actually be done we're not suggesting it be done so if you're thinking about if you have plans to hoist giraffes on the top of buildings you should probably stop that right now I mean they would get quite a view up there do it on green screen once you factor in the neck and they're on top of a skyscraper I mean that's quite a treat for a giraffe man well which kind of gets into the ethics of zoos I didn't you know you went as a giraffe in the zoo have it better than a giraffe in the wild giraffe in the zoo is not gonna be attacked by a lion they're just gonna have celery shoved down their throat by toddlers it's not I mean so much shoved some zoos have like giant open areas I don't know I don't actually have an opinion about it or that I care that much about so and and and just want to stir the pot a little you've made people upset by saying that that's why I was like yeah I like you know Department the safest I said the safest thing which was I've been brought it up but I'm not going to a zoo anymore I just felt like that was the same thing to say no no I want the people who absolutely hate zoos to just make a bunch of comments because I think if you feel like it feels good for them I think it's cathartic for them to get their thoughts out in YouTube comments so I'm giving them the opportunity to do that and we can learn from it right you shouldn't have added that last part cuz it almost seemed sincere until you laughed until you said the thing that made me laugh you gotta be you gotta be more careful no I I was sincerely singing we can learn from it I'm trying to do a little PR he okay I'm spin right like you're the one trying to be funny I'm just trying to keep my I'm not trying to be funny that is never my intention I am never trying to be funny sunglasses again aren't helping I can't read your face and plus you look like a douchebag I mean the glasses look great I think you should buy but when you're doing a podcast in like a dimly lit room our great-looking sunglasses that you can purchase at mythical dot store start to undermine your coolness no no I'm like Joaquin men you know see what I'm saying did you see what he's demonstrating is the kind of thing that Joaquin would do he would but he would be a lot more low-key than me WWJD Joaquin starts with a J right yeah WWJD mm-hmm the Brit you can repurpose the bracelets if if you're so inclined last question Rachel Horton if you can know the absolute and total truth to one question what question would you ask I think I'd ask that giraffe at the zoo how happy is that would that would that would be helpful you know yeah I mean listen I mean there's why are psychics who say they can give that answer I watched freaking black fishery Willie I think watch free really I watched blackfish and I was like I'm never going back to SeaWorld that's wrong man what they're doing to those freaking animals is wrong and so they're not doing it anymore because people stop going I'm all for that and I know the zoos are different but I don't think I don't think that zoos are an equivalent just maybe some of them are but I don't think that most major zoos are equivalent to SeaWorld but I don't really want to talk about this well that's what you said you want that and that's why we would just like to know yeah to the freakin speculating an opinionated way out of our league we would just like to ask the animals I mean I would just I mean on that front I guess I'd like to know I'd like to know what my dog was thinking at any point but I'd only get to ask one question is that what it is this question if you can oh absolutely truth about something you want to know what Jade's the edge I think yeah that's boring I think you probably know honestly I think that the question that I would really like to know is I would like to know the comprehensive definitive truth about aliens yes so I would like to be able if I would like do aliens exist and describe them in details I want the complete truth about aliens yes so to be able to be like well actually you're the only people in the entire universe which would be mind-blowing or there's actually millions of other civilizations and let me describe them to you in this volume this encyclopedia of alien information like that's what I want to know it would be nice to know but to think about how disappointing it would be if the answer the complete and utter truth was the first option that there's nothing there are no other life forms in existence off of our planet you know boy that would be pretty disappointing what because I don't know if it would just if what the answer was there well the truth is there are there is alien life yes tell me more as opposed to oh there's nothing Oh seriously disappoint almost feel like I didn't want to know you'd be disappointing in terms of like the personal entertainment factor the not entertainment a fascination fascination factor but it would be sobering and I think it would probably make me think differently about lots of things really because I already think that what we have on this earth is being incredibly precious you know I think that the fragile responsibility that we have you know with the amount of impact that we can have on earth in that we are having on earth right now and on our own civilization and you know we already have a huge amount of responsibility but if we're legitimately the only intelligent life in the entire universe then I think it would make me even more that's a lot as a lot of pressure it'd be like hold on guys no no for real we can't destroy this like it's actually it's even a bigger deal that I thought it was but if we had a complete knowledge of alien to us life I don't like calling them aliens I like calling them aliens to us life thanks for terrestrial extra Earth terrestrial yeah they're probably terrestrial but terrestrial means of Earth no it just means of of dirt yeah but earth is our dairies are again you're so self-centered here I'm trying to get away from that too right I'm trying to get her eradicate Zeus really will show up if they're not as smart as us we put them in zoos we let all the aliens we let all the animals out and we put aliens in disease ah I think sincerely I mean you you know a complete truth about these civilizations which probably we do not have the capability to get to or communicate with so that may be very frustrating but then ultimately it would accelerate all of our efforts to be able to make those connections you know and then to create an Internet of of various terrestrials or maybe space chills I mean they all don't have to be associated with dirt I guess what I'm saying is if we knew that it would accelerate our efforts to then then that connect and get get out of our own way we put yeah the money that seems like a waste of time to some people in trying to make contact and trying to monitor the universe and to send probes out and that kind of thing the rate that we're working would suddenly become the maybe it'll happen but probably the most important thing it would become the most important thing unless you take like the Stephen Hawking view which is if if aliens exist we don't want them to know we're here because the chances that they are friendly are very small because if they're anything like us whenever they move into a new environment they destroy everything else right put all the animals in zoos well I have I want to have a more hopeful approach but knowing the truth would help or would it but here's the thing we can't know that we can only want to know that and now I'm still frustrated but I think that's an excellent answer and I think that's where that will end this thing oh well we'll begin the easy letdown let's begin it okay and we can put the music in just I forget we stop putting the music in at the end of our podcast we should put them which you put the easy letdown music back in so it's in there now boy it's feeling like this thing's coming to a close but it's not yet ended I will say I'm not going to wear sunglasses next time don't do that yeah okay I mean you don't you've already said it in the comments cuz again listen I was at the peak the peak experience I I would still argue is audio only but I know that it still impacted your ear experience because of the way that I had to interact with with him with those sunglasses and even though I'm never actually trying to be funny that's never my motivation when I said that I was gonna wear sunglasses this whole time it was an attempt to be funny and I you know I may have failed in your eyes and I may have just annoyed you this whole time this is a bit of a moment of growth which gives me a little bit of pleasure be honest with you but I'm I'm working I'm working through that I want to wear them again because you out there who are annoyed by the fact that I had them on it's what keeps me going here I love everyone I love you and I I think that I want you to love me and don't don't lump me in with this guy but I'm never trying to be funny I'm always serious you can take everything I say and everything that I say on this podcast I face about at face value it's all literal and it's never being sarcastic the level of that value is its questionably attained but it's probably low yeah because what's it who needs sarcasm sarcasm is nothing productive for our world we should not be funny we should not joke everything we say should be the literal meaning of the words that are coming out of our mouths because that would just make life simpler and less beautiful hashtag ear biscuits is how you continue a conversation with us on social media please do that we value that as well as leaving a review on iTunes it's actually bright in here and yet yeah funny right will speak at you next week [Music]
Channel: Ear Biscuits
Views: 136,038
Rating: 4.8995886 out of 5
Keywords: mythical, earbiscuit, podcast, mythical podcast, eb, earbiscuits, ear biscuit, rhett and link podcast, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett, ear biscuits, mythical morning, rhettandlink, gmm podcast, link, rhett and link
Id: 1FeYJ3zo2VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 43sec (4183 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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