Rhett and Link - Complete Nonsense #2

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[Rhett] Huh, what? I did it. Congratulations, Link, that was pretty amazing. I can feel something inside me say, I really don't... ...think it's.. strong enough... Oh? (Crew laughing) Okay, now I've got toilet paper. And I've got a plunger! Here we go! PFODTEL ETODCFO PTOCET ZLPEDTC LDPOF All right. Don't grab my straw! Well I was aweehewhe Ow DONT GRAB MY STRAW ...Venn diagram to help us explain, okay? (right) I got it right here. So you see, you've got Definitely Soup: like Minestrone, that kind of thing. Definitely Not Soup: Uranium, as an example. Yeah, we just said it to each other. I think that's what happened. I probably said it to some strangers. There were many years where we only spoke to each other and strangers who never spoke back. Tea is leaf. (crew laughing) Yes. It looks smaller than it is, because I'm bigger than you think I am. Yep, that's true. [Stevie] I can tell you what category the hack-- [Stevie] Link. "Link"? I... (crew laughing) I wasn't doing anything... ...I wasn't smoking the straw. [Rhett] Ooh, what was that-- Nothing. Don't be licking my pudding top. 71. Coconut. 30! 31. A vibe... that's shaped like a donut. (Link pondering) It makes sense for a circle to have a vibe... ...but for an outside circle that's a donut to have a vibe... (more pondering) ...it's different. Yeah. The Meatball Man shows up. He flashes his neon bicep and he starts dropping he starts dropping his balls everywhere! Have you seen the guy that just drops the  balls on your plate?! 🎶 Cuttin' strawberries, makin' little slices of the straw-strawberries. 🎶 (Announcer voice) I use the Mythical Credit Card. Available to: ...no one? I think we might need to refuse to eat it. Oh... too late. Okay. ...to scrape it off! Shwing. (Laughter) (Still Laughing) (Continued Laughter) That's pretty good. I don't know why, but that's pretty good. And I'm talking about the toilet. Whenever I take a dump, I want to be flanked by two Dobermans. Wow. I could get into that. "In the name of myself, I board this plane!" (Crew laughing) No. Can you get a Froot Loop... Can't get anything through a-- ...through a Golden Graham? No. Golden Grahams are-- Can you get a Reese's puff through a Froot Loop? No. How do you know that? That's the first thing I tried. (Minnesota accent) Darn! Look at us up here in Minnesota. We're talking about how darn cold it is. I got -- I got 1.23456 beans. You got surprise beans?! I put a "point" in there. 1.2456 beans! ...blue with pink wings. That would be a pendant on your nice sweater, Rhett. Look at that. Take me to the prom. ...and it goes like this: "Reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa "Real Cherries: Fake Mangoes" What if the whole-- What if this show was just a musical? 🎶 Do you know ...? 🎶 🎶 what it is? 🎶 uuuhhhh Let me see this thing. Woah, hey -- woah, that was amazing!! Look at that. It's a freaking dancing cactus! Sub - Sub sub sub sub ...so... (ice cube clink) You convinced the ice cube! You convinced -- ! The ice cube was like: "Okay, all right you know - You're right!" Beep! That's solid lemonade. No, it's liquid lemonade. WHAT? WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Link! Link, I have a trivia question for you. Cool. If you were a cheetah, this'd be a different show. It'd be me and a cheetah! Think about that. And it'd probably be on Animal Planet. That'd be awesome. [Rhett] (Agreeing inquisitively) [Rhett] You just waiting for time to do its thing? Yeah it's gonna slowly slide. Here's a picture of a rooster. "Sonetimes" it's a scream. [Crew] Why is there a rooster? (Crew Laughing) Let me try. Okay no -- That looks... that looks like their hair is on fire. Oooohh.... aawoooah.... (Candle falls) (More Jack-o-lantern noises) Ooowahhaoh That's a huge mansion. Everybody's right outside the door to your bathroom? In this scenario? Yes. ...Why? You were planes? No, we're people! We're people, not planes! How many times do I have to  explain this, Stevie? I'm a plane. Okay.
Channel: TiggyRex Bank
Views: 31,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VGqz0T1_wjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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