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reworked mundo smash no idea how this is gonna go i'm thinking with my ultimate we'll definitely have a much easier of a time but until then i could see things getting pretty chaotic i want to learn my dance and my laugh which skin's the one that goes in the car or whatever oh look at this dude look at this we've got his number baby they only have one ability so i should probably do my best to utilize that oh we take those are you kidding me dude look my book gets stuck in the wall that's kind of fun and sad at the same time wait i'm dead what the heck is my oh okay okay do one by anal beads or not i say we pass we'll stick with some boots really not sure i'm it's gonna go and i had no idea was that low is that from throwing my q it must have been right oh my god it is i lose so much hp on this no wonder i thought i was so low or no wonder i thought it was healthy this thing does work on your hp bar i basically spend 25 hp every single time i want to throw my book oh yeah yay did we get hp back from our w let's see what this is all about oh god this ability sucks no no dude this is not looking good guys once we get a little bit of hp regen we'll be in a much better spot oh yeah yeah this is horrible i can't i can't keep doing this i'm actually going to die you know what we just gotta strive till six don't throw a hissy fit and everything is going to be completely fine okay actually fine just breathe relax breathe we're going early game focus during dorns it up yes no one saw that [Music] get over here oh that's what the car is dude this is the car there's our polk here we go boom to these stupid little race cars suck eat that eat that this is not worth it it's not worth it it's not worth this is not worth it we got to drop a warning base i'm going to make sure i don't get cheesed by vicky and level six here we come maybe since my ult is going to be the most broken thing for sure we're gonna have to put a big focus on getting uh hp just so we can constantly press r and constantly go back up to full does riftmaker give a lot of hp or what's the deal 300 health omni vamp maybe that's the way to go i just gotta get uh eating these trucks out of there you know what i'm saying oh my gosh oh my gosh wait i'm insane i'm insane no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not do we win these dude he's so quick with this stupid e i'm actually so sad mundo will be coming oh it's the freaking is it the recall teleport both it's probably both right this guy's so dead i know how to kill him now is that really how he gets his damage off thank you get over here wait he hurts so badly dude eight trucks okay i'm waiting till six i'm not dying again i'm playing the long game folks atrox is six maybe we just go do this literally anything helps dude this all is going to come in clutch little race car bed is too funny we need that exp this is not okay listen surfing i don't know if i want these hands i'm sorry a trucks going without me oh this is oh oh oh we were just giving him gold for the shutdown fellers we're chilling we're gonna be wearing our tux 24 7 baby oh my gosh wait we're unkillable hey there how you doing remember this gives move speed as well i i can work with that no no no no no somebody didn't quite make it out of there today that dude actually hates us i'm pretty sure we can take him now dude it's like i feel like i got beat up all high school now it's time to beat him at their own game i'm still dying i'm still dying i'm still daring i'm still dying i'm still dying oh my gosh what is happening get over here come on baby i can't get enough damage off bro we win these he's so bad yo we are just at the point where we barely actually can pull that off that's ridiculous oh god that's so scary in so many different ways let's go this way subscribe cc he does bye bye oh i think i had my unstoppable thing on so we were good to go i like that all right is our passive always up let's see how our passive works for those who don't know what the passive is uh i don't either how you doing oh my god wait this guy slaps what the get me out of here what's happening no you don't yes yo we need more hp now bro wow this is actually really fun to use i'm not gonna lie mainly for creeps in fights could be better [Music] get over here never poke with e no you don't baby no you don't we got to keep track and w on them as well we win these we win these there we go dude bang bang we gotta auto reset for days on this thing can i tank this the lower we get the more we heal remember that chilling we're showing our channel we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling yo where's my passive we became unstoppable for a second but it definitely quickly quickly left us [Music] gotcha oh my gosh we almost messed that up nice we just go eat next right did he say vegas not the place to gamble yo i live here it's not bad you can win sometimes come on give me this tower and let's bail on out shall we oh yo the passive's kicking in baby oh that's awesome okay i thought we were gonna be feeding all the game i'm happy that's probably not gonna be the case but what is the case i hate this guy i actually i actually hate this guy we're tp now his w won't do it until imagine if it joined us back dude if that had perfect timing i think it actually had a chance i'm down to get the burn i'm down to get a lot of hp gone they can't fight us here they're screwed no you don't oh my gosh we're chilling here we go baby there we go bingo yo mundo loki's got some wave clear going let's get some of these and the more hp we get the stronger we get look at that my all right this dude wants us this dude wants us get over here his old's kind of like ours but ours is a wee bit better for sure i think staying low to bait him in is actually 10 billion iq uh-oh that's a z here comes the pop where is this dude he's coming back right here right here all right i honestly can't really tell what's happening but we're just gonna focus on the aurelia we're good how you doing how you doing how you doing how you doing i will definitely get stunned by that thing oh my god that surfing thing was awesome wait am i unstoppable forever no we're not no we're not no we're not no we're not my passive pranked me the only thing we're missing is the yumi that's the missing piece of the puzzle if you ask me dude sending these guys on a little toy car actually the best smile later all right more points than e here come the towers baby dude wait this guy does a headbutt dude come on i need to make sure my at least my ult is ticking wow mundo would be so bad so bad if i couldn't recast my ulti oh my gosh oh dude i need to line it up like this this is genius okay that's a pull that's a fart pull back we're fine we're fine we're so close from dying bro seraphine and i make a sweet sweet combo i'll tell you that the long range olds what you gonna do what you gonna do when we come for you there we go seraphine is that you i don't know but i do know we got to get the heck out of here oh my gosh i got bursted i got mad bursted we're too cool for the teleport oh oh wow another spot i freaking missed it where we use the toy car okay really now i'm just mad bingo bingo this thing's everywhere i love it all right party top or statement i feel like statement's the proper answer or maybe there is no answer all right you guys know what i'm talking about no wrong answers no dumb questions get over here now yo it's over it's over we're finally at the hp pool where we can do whatever it is we want let's just kill this tower so we don't yeah that thing definitely adds up definitely definitely adds up oh oh i got you i got you i got you i got you i'm just here for oh my god oh my god seraphine i'm oh is she dead she might be dead i'm trying to think if she's dead or not i i still can't tell and she's definitely dead listen if you think you can do that to us that's where you're wrong oh my we have a warm ox what's the worst that can happen now [Music] you can still tp and use homeguards out of base right or did didn't nerf that coming on over using the base gates overrated baby okay wow i think leona and i literally just missed everything and i'm not too proud of myself for it let's get it going and seeing where it takes us there we go there we go listen victor you cannot run from this my friend you can definitely not run from this zeb you definitely can maybe that guy too oh gosh oh my goodness yo we gotta go why do i feel so slow 740 or 473 that's definitely not slow there we go we have this in him we can make them come to us that's that's the good thing about our situation we have this bot tower therefore we go and do this all right we go ahead and do this bye bye bye bye bye bye smack this thing dude we smack it with the phone you like that oh here we go we got one each side dude no problemo no problemo come on dude we need more hp we're getting freaking sauced go mundo no go go mundo go mundo go go mundo go mo no go dude can i just stain that thing for the whole game come on please let me yo they really want this bot in him gotta keep in mind we have two inhibs right now the only thing is this thing is gonna stay perma pushed and i don't like that oh gosh we might actually have to recall if i can like maybe this is fine let's see if i can pressure while i'm pushing top that'd be the move but like check this out okay we tp mid once this wave gets back then we tp back over there is it genius or as a genius what you gonna do big guy what you gonna do make up your mind oh he's mad he's mad he's mad he's mad as mad there we go there we go ward base someone so back to the drawing board on this right we kill this we proxy this wave we go back to base push other lanes just be very efficient with our time oh not this crap what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing there we go there we go let's do this i'll be right back thank you for that snag some armor and we're back in action baby we're good we're good passive now be a good time to kick it in high gear baby oh there we go dude let's keep that creep alive so we can do whatever the heck it is we want now with a little bit of armor this goes a long long way i'm trying to line up my boy here oh gosh he lost that minion that's no bueno remember this is the last inhibitor just kidding no it's not get this crap off me this enemy is huge bro oh anybody cc helps oh so much we actually have good damage mundo doesn't die baby mundo don't die all right now the real question can we do this under tower no get the heck away from me we're chilling we're chilling we're not chilling oh my gosh necc and we're done so tops pushed we bought a potion they're going crazy mid nasa's actually went crazy in their base too listen if there's not a whole army of them we should be okay yeah there's a lot of them coming in right now oh we deal damage baby this guy needs to die right now come on yes he's dead he's dead he's dead that's so much less damage i want to snipe him with a stupid race car he's dead too dude now we're talking baby all right we worry about that you worry about that we saved our mid lane oh this is money i really don't want him to kill these minions that one minion dude he's an idiot he's an idiot he's an idiot yes focus me please focus the mundo that doesn't die he finally killed it but it's a little too late don't you think oh my gosh yes they are in so much trouble it's not even funny remember being low on hp is our comfort zone our old heals off of missing hp let's do this we'll be right on back baby we'll be right on back yo with zed teleported with us wait wrong potion wrong potion all right i well i'm an idiot maybe standing by these traps could be nice for us do what i'm telling you mastering that he's gonna be lovely hello uh i wish i could hesitate flash but we definitely can't coming through we got a phone call to make and someone to reach so uh i don't think the old mundo healed instantly did it oh my gosh no the collector more like the mundo killer coming on through coming on through leona's going for it leona actually just altered the uh nexus that's goals for sure all right i want all lanes to crash at the same time so let's do our best to do exactly that nice nice nice we're holding up the creeps in a good way i do not want this guy to kill all of those get the heck away from my super minions get the heck out of here okay really all right each wave should be doing pretty well right now this bot wave might run into some troubles and we got an inhibitor with my name on it baby their wave clears nasty don't underestimate this irelia what oh my gosh dude recast am i supposed to use my w or something restore one type of gray health okay i think i'm making a huge mundo mistake here whoa yo they are literally all over our base right now this is not going so well to say the least oh my gosh no wonder we lost a freaking gin spam the w-2 this is not good this is not good oh dude if i spam that we don't die wait we're never gonna die again there we go okay not gonna lie this guy heals quite a bit too yes yes yes say hello to our tower say hello say hello say hello i don't want this guy to stop a recall and i think it's time to send it on in dude inhibs dead no more funny business no more funny business this is a wrap from us fellas a wrap from us let me know which other 100 cdr champs you want us to play and if you guys want to play these games with me sometimes i do games with buddy club members so uh it's not over there that's on that's on this my tft layout boom welcome to team five tactics why hello everybody shout out if you watch those videos as well but if you're not subscribed to this channel or the tft channel give it a shot we'll see you there i respond to a whole bunch of comments peace peace guys peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 49,121
Rating: 4.8683128 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol, 100%, cdr, mundo, reworked
Id: WnIga3knwkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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