Samira Can't Be Hit With 100% CDR

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samia smith of sunshine you all ready for a perma wind wall dude i'm so excited for this i should i just level it first i feel like it's that good now screw it cues for days mundo get over here i'm so bad not my brightest idea definitely definitely not my brightest idea okay i'm more of a level three kind of player though oh this guy's nasus what you got on me ap nasus might be an issue we'll see he's definitely got some wave clear that's for sure how are you level two bro okay we'll take that free tower shot thank you thank you thank you thank you do i really have to recall do i really have to recall oh man this would be a lot better if we could still dash through our allied minions i need to get the aoe swipes off or else my wave clear doesn't cut it thumbs ha ha come on i'm feeding him feeding him feeding i'm feeding him feeding him feeding him feeding and feeding i'm not feeding baby that's the last thing we're doing nice nice nice nice i really trust me i really want to be able to dash through our own creepers is this block dude team fights are gonna be nuts with this alone all right we'll get the fat q going and we're big chilling nessus where the hey yeah that's what i gotta be doing did he go back to base let's dance let's dance let's dance oh my gosh where am i oh wait i definitely need to gank more oh my gosh oh wait deep fights get real fun dude now we're talking why am i not spamming my teleport every two seconds there's a meta to this game that i don't even know about that i'm i feel ashamed of myself ashamed of myself let's snag this out of the park and get some of these draggy ice i've got your bag very nice very nice we'll get back to mid in a sec greg's leading the way dude what's happening [Laughter] this guy sticks on them bro okay yep we're going in quite far we'll take that oh my goodness get me out here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here we're chilling we're chilling we're challenging no you don't what the heck is happening dude a little bit of light still goes a long long way i'll tell you that so as for items i won't leave you hanging buddy i won't leave you hanging i should have left them hanging gosh darn it you uh free creepy creeps mid don't mind if i do honestly if i can just destroy everyone i mean my old doesn't have a cool down like technically uh if i can just destroy everyone with my w like that that'd probably be the dream just saying just saying oh i didn't make sure i always have a creep ready to dash out with dude i was sick i like killed the creep and started dashing right after that was nice that was real nice don't let this tower oh my god that was so good up until it wasn't this bot lane gets a little tricky a little tricky nice i just got a block for this guy oh no no no more w's buns i'm trying to life steal set a good example for my children but it's just not going so well dude this is about to get wild whoa it wore off at the worst time imaginable that was so close never back down ladies gentlemen never back down very nice oh we're really going on this we are really really going on in this does grace reach him i'm coming buddy oh yo it is hard to keep up with that guy oh my goodness let's do this so we can do that oh gragas i am so sorry but we low-key sort of kind of ditched you i'm not gonna lie i'm lean towards ie we can't buy a mortal shield bow considering it has a cool down it is banned from this game mode all right bun earth has a strict no item cd apology uh policy the oh money beautiful can't spell shield that many times can ya very nice does she even spell [ __ ] my q she does right how am i getting my ulti what raggus is in base juke and the ezra holds in this body slam i love that i love it i love it i love it that chicken does not die not even a little bit speaking of this is how you keep a wave on the turret forever this guy can't do anything about it dude our minions don't die oh i ran out of freaking this is bad i'm so stupid i wanted to eat out that did not happen an ally has been an ally an ally has been an ally has been slain we get it we're screwed dude this okay if nasus gets on us that dude slaps hmm i have to fight with karma no more mr nice guy folks no more playing around oh here we go grace any cc i can utilize i wanted to go on that guy i got you guys i got you guys i shall protect you wait i can actually tank pretty well these arnolds are tripping me out i'm not gonna lie i'm not even sure which way they're going at this point but we're chilling what the where am i dude i don't know what's happening hold for days i like that ezreal's over there we got a mass dog over there there we go dude we group up and we start putting some plays together i like it i should probably go for a quick joint recall considering we just became so strong we'll ward everywhere we have some goodies and we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die i'm coming this is where you turn the tides my legs fall asleep yo this ain't good this ain't good how am i so low nice okay i think my toes falling off dude what's happening ah we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling yo this ezreal needs to die like today okay not yesterday today i'm sort of dude this ezreal can lick my nuts are you serious is this really happening yep that's what i thought that's what i thought that's what i thought coming through oh bad idea waiting out press this button oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god give me the wall i don't want to be here where are we going where we going rift or dragon oh my god yes dude that triple was oh so slick i loved every wee bit of that if i can just get my ulti going and start dashing that's what we need all right that is what we want what are you doing nexus nice nice nice we have a great item in base we should definitely head over yonder oh hello we're stacking up we're stacking on up dude everyone just dies holy damage this is no joke are we got some creeps there let's get some of those let's also get some of these orange you are one crazy animal thank you very much bff that works minions wait up hold up wait up wait for me did i just double dash that or am i on drugs we'll reward that and throw another butter right on over here okay remember stack up and fights i'm actually down to 5 now this is good oh no you don't oh no you don't this is so broken i'm trying to dash yo orange just shake my entire screen hello i got a baby let's get out of here what the heck is this silver doing i don't think i make that i've never seen someone stop three recalls before oh too bad you didn't you left mine you gotta be kidding me dude she's actually gone you hate to see it come on oh we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay i'm like double firing it oh wait what oh my lordy dude thank goodness we did not go say hello to that bush my gosh okay this actually does a lot maybe i just this is how i deal my damage w's and ease the sad part is i think it's actually not bad think it's legitimately not a bad idea thank you thank you very much finally we're getting some towers now we're talk oh my god oh my god we need these we need these oh oh get me in there so close yet so far karma i apologize team stay with me i'll protect you oh oh my god i literally would have died i literally would have died oh my god a heimerdinger surprise okay just got rocked okay we got a tp we got a tp mid should be safe bought not so much we don't necessarily need booth if that happens again we're in big trouble i'm never letting go w once again oh that's what i'm talking about oh we'll see you later baby the game is saved and the game's in trouble for them baby in trouble for them yo i don't want to say we just won the game we may or may not have just won the game who else wants a piece of us huh who else wants a piece of us dude samir is fun schema join the buddy poop club if you want to play in these games with myself all right hopefully we'll see you later smell you later peace peace peace thumbs up helps a lot bye
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 34,400
Rating: 4.9454255 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol, 100%, cdr, samira
Id: o9zKRn88s30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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