Rewatching The Chosen Season 1 Episodes 3 & 4 (Getting Ready for Season 3)

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and welcome back Familia and uh the chosen lovers fans of the chosen we're back we previously uh experienced episode one and two of season one and hit and in this video we are going to explore episode three and four of season one I'm excited about this if you're ready to go please uh give us uh some hearts in the live chat um I know that we're probably not going to have our friends that we had earlier from the UK because it's it's past midnight now and I'm pretty sure they're sleeping but uh our family out here if you're awake um and you've got some coffee or you got some keeping you awake uh let us know I want to say I think a quick thank you and a quick shout out to our friends at Angel Studios for um for making this possible for sponsoring the channel and sponsoring these these upcoming videos um our friends from Angel Studios would like you all to please download The Chosen app I'm sorry I'm sorry the Angel studio app where you can watch this chosen absolutely free season one and two um as you all know season three is hidden theaters uh soon sorry I keep looking this way um it's going to be theater soon and if you haven't downloaded your if you haven't bought your tickets excuse me I have I just ate so my brain is kind of working faster than I am um if you haven't bought tickets to go see season three you can do so by clicking on the link in the description down below get your tickets help support our brothers and sisters so that we can get more stuff like this in theaters everywhere so uh thank you Erica for for hooking us up with the link there um all right so I'm excited to explore episode oh episode three let me just make sure that I'm sharing the screen here share the screen thank you so much baby just in case all right look Erica's Erica's love over here she brought me coffee and she brought me a banana thank you very much love okay I'll be in the other one okay baby I love you all right we're ready we're ready to rock and or roll uh watch the the chosen season one episode three all right here we go um let's say you're watching from Texas real quick real quick shout outs here we're gonna do uh Jose welcome Julianne welcome Mark Wilson the Lord Jesus here from Utah welcome Melissa home thank you for joining us uh lady Marie thank you so much for your uh super sticker ready till the end awesome uh we have uh Nicole in the house Tracy in the house Erica is in the house literally in this house uh we have who else is on here Lisa Reynoso welcome Bodie welcome back so good to have you here elori is back all right excellent we are almost ready to rock and roll beautiful Jan is in the house we have uh Trisha Leanne or oh sorry Lynn sorry excuse me uh TD walks watts is back thank you Becky Becky in the house beautiful excellent excellent excellent all right so I have my coffee what are you all drinking do you all have your drinks let us know or what are you doing have you eaten did you eat anything I'd like to live vicariously through your meals as a TD Watts all knows every single time we're having a live chat I always ask what are you eating today today and then I just picture her meal and I'm like oh that'd be good to eat uh MJ Savi in the house welcome herbano got hot tea cup of tea water but I might get some tea soon excellent we got water ghost I'm not sure what that is water uh Dr Pepper zero excellent status [Laughter] uh rice and ground beef and cheese garlic and another sauce sounds delicious shrimp and Fries as soon as this is over I'm gonna I'm gonna have myself a giant burrito from a place called El Toro Loco that is near here uh in in my city in the oven bean and beef oh it's pretty sparkling water oh ghost energy drink okay cool energy drink so happy you're all here Familia says Angela welcome everybody okay so the same rules apply as the previous episode please be courteous and kind and polite to one another if someone should come in and seek to disturb our peace just love them okay just just send them some hearts say hey we love you and all that uh moderators you guys didn't uh you did a wonderful job in the pre in the last uh one with getting rid of all the spam I apologize for spam but it's gonna happen um all right here we go click the click the like button yes thank you Trisha click the like button and this This Way YouTube will start promoting it to more people all right and if you would like somebody else to watch it go ahead and share the video but definitely hit that like button button uh when you can we will love the crap out of them yes thank you so much thank you excellent all right here we go this is uh episode three [Music] uh glorify me with yourself this is [Music] uh what a challenging mission to to be given [Music] oh come on Familia you know what to do see those emojis those fish just clapping hands [Music] show us how you're feeling how you doing today in emojis talk to me dancing over there she's not feeling good but she's dancing you got Trisha the praising hands we got clapping hands some fish and some dance moves by Sandra Melissa home over there dancing with some fish senorita Watts over there dancing with some fish as well beautiful work [Music] oh my God excellent here we go stream do not swim I want look at the lighting here it's beautiful thanks can you imagine coming across his tools [Music] she's like yum yum yum yum yum it's a beautiful blade I'm sailing away oh [Music] [Laughter] true someone's been playing with my tools don't be suspicious don't be suspicious this always gets me he could have used Divine his Divine Powers right start that fire up no he has to show us how to how to get it done by really experiencing this world like we experience it otherwise what's the point beautiful it'll be sweating he's working what a beautiful blade what do you think he's making pozole we're having posole tomorrow beautiful and Joanna just isn't doing better which will mean she will have to see if they will give her space to sell her headdresses at the market and even if they do which doesn't seem likely because last time I was at the market it looked full she to find time to make them but she needs to focus her time on helping him get better so he can return to work before they give his job to someone else she just seems so scared do you think you could stop by tomorrow to see if she needs help with anything Joanna I have to stay late myself I don't have time to I will see thank you it will mean so much to her you know how she gets so Abigail how was your day it was fine can I play with Joshua tomorrow only after you finish I know I will get your thought on first I'm sorry after a second female may I go I will ask his mother and where will you go um just the field maybe the stream no swimming I know in shorts first foreign I was thinking the evening might be better you know I'm very carefully covering everything beautiful work the lighting it's perfect foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know and there was some food too but even though I was hungry I didn't take any because that would be wrong but maybe we could take a little bit this time what do you think what I'm glad I didn't because that's when the men got there come on go faster trying Abby but your legs are going too fast this is time should we say something to him I thank you for with me it's okay I didn't see a sword or anything like that so I don't think I'll kill us just in case oh we're almost there she takes after her mom right just talking no pauses just just talking blessed are you Lord our god king of the universe who gives forth bread from the spirits and I pray that if there are ever two children who come visit my home here you will give them the courage to say shalom so that they will know they do not have to remain in hiding amen that sounds like sheep don't sound like that no that's definitely not cheap maybe a rooster greetings children you know it is not safe for a child to wander from their home you never know if there are bad men around you are wise to bring your friend this time Shalom Joshua I admire your bravery to come here you are a good friend but don't worry I'm not a bad man I know it you're afraid to stay for a bit I'm afraid I have some work to do okay and thank you for not taking any food yesterday see I know it so what are you doing here I'm visiting for a time where are you from what is that tweet for building something are you a carpenter sometimes I'm a Craftsman and all kinds of things so why don't you live in the house I travel a lot how do you make money wow okay I don't make money when I travel so for now I build things and trade them for my food and clothing what is that ah this is going to be a lock and key Joshua asking questions he's nice thank you ask some questions he's nice my family isn't Worthy many times that's better we don't know about that you will my mom made me this Sarah very pretty okay time to go home don't you just love that curious minds curious little Minds how many of you grew up with parents who told you not to ask questions foreign it's so satisfying to create something and have it work Ed King of the universe will bring sleep to my eyes slumber just leave him alone is he dead [Laughter] couldn't have waited half an hour eh can we be around today these are my other friends and Joshua again Shalom navigates friends Joshua again I love them such a dad joke I suppose but I have some work to do we might have to help he's smart he's now hiring little kids to do the work for him how much longer are you going to stay don't do that by the way don't do that until it is time for me to go what's that but I have some work to do here and some people to meet then I will know the right time you seem nice are you dangerous hmm maybe to some but no not to you and I won't harm anyone oh do you have what a great answer Abby said you travel a lot do you have a house my father provides everything I need oh mother rich did Abigail tell you to ask me that that is a question for another time what's your favorite food all right Familia what's what's the answer to that is his father rich How would is the answer to that what do you think the answer is today I'm going to go back a little bit because I love I love his answers I love the these little q and A's you seem nice are you dangerous um but no not to you but not to you at one time anyway do you have friends a few and more to come Abby said you travel a lot do you have a house my father provides everything I need is your father rich did Abigail tell you to ask me that is a question for another time what's your favorite food oh Joshua the brave speaks I like so many different foods but I especially love bread for many reasons how are those spoons coming along girls good string is it tight yep almost okay tell me they're so proud of their little word beautiful yes oh I would love to hear it you lead us here is Ryan The Lord Is Our God the Lord is and they shall come to pass [Music] [Music] what is he feeling here [Music] how do we interpret these Expressions here beautiful very good so why don't you have a home I love that I love that he's listening to the children in all of their innocence reciting this prayer right and he goes away for a little bit what uh what is he thinking what is he feeling and I love how he snaps out of it when one of the when they're done he says beautiful and then one of the kids asked something and then he's like he snaps out of it and he goes like he brings himself back right uh I I love that I really really love that and that goes one for uh Jonathan's acting is phenomenal here uh the direction okay of of Dallas Jenkins here I'm sure explaining what he wants or maybe not having to explain anything to Jonathan and just Jonathan just really understanding his role and knowing how to snap out of that and and give it that right uh feel right so um some of your comments here are that he feels proud he's pleased with the children with it with what they know he hears them right reciting his own his own uh words he feels proud of them I love how he's proud of them but also touched to see the children learning to pray to Papa beautiful oh that that that felt I felt that I felt what you just said um I take it as he's hearing all the little children saying that over and over and loving them and knowing that they will grow up and leave and leave and move away and wanting them to stay near him good father blessed blessed hearing the children praising his father humble Pride loves children um sorry I didn't put those on the screen uh there's that blessed hearing the children praise the father humble Pride loves children he loves them it touches his heart I like to thank our prayers touch God's heart like that yes I me too pure and innocent love so I've only watched only one video the one where your review Notions now I don't know how old that is but you explicitly State you're not Christian or any other religion so are you now yes I am that was two years ago two and a half years ago very very long time ago and thanks to this this show I um I came back home so I'm home I'm home again all right thank you all so much for having this conversation with me and we're going to continue um I'm gonna go back just so you can see how he snaps out of it okay let me go back to the bigger screen and take this out and here we go [Music] look at that it's beautiful very good so why don't you have a home look at that was awesome my home is many places because I have a much larger job than just being a Craftsman or a teacher oh I will be soon what other job everyone has a much larger job than just their trade here we go I'm more than just students you are at school to show love to one another oh and to take God's word to share it in that home to honor your father and mother and most important from the law of Moses to rafu Lord for God very good Joshua the brave just with the Brave song I will be doing my work in many places what an amazing thing he says that everybody has a much larger role than what your your profession is right that they're in school to love one another what are we supposed to do Familia is that isn't that like our job too to love one another ah okay sorry let's go let's do this how small she is but maybe he's a murderer he is not but maybe that's why he's by himself he's running in hiding yeah and probably he's pretending to be a builder so no one does not with us we're watching him do it yeah he's smart so we should lose him but oh he's smart so we should listen he's a good man I like him I'm just saying maybe he's a criminal but no matter what we all agree we don't tell anyone about him right see you here tomorrow [Music] love it can you imagine being those kids walking with him learning from him experiencing his gentleness his kindness his wisdom his love Our Father Our Father [Music] [Music] this is one of my favorite episodes because it shows it shows them in a different light shows him as a human being that's important too [Music] Jesus is the Storyteller the music is so beautiful too [Music] behold how good and how pleasing [Music] Brothers called sit together in unity [Music] [Music] let's let's take a lesson from here from this watch is how like these kids are are helping him work are they working they're singing they're enjoying his presence they're learning they're being with him they're being with him how many of us go to work and all we do is complain about our work how many of us go to work and we just want to get the day over with while there are people who want to go to work and they can't because they're either disabled in some way or they can't for other reasons right when one person takes their work for granted another one wishes that they were in their in their position right why can't we work that way though you know work and be with him work and dedicate that work to him you know get through the day and enjoy the the the the company of our co-workers to do our work with with excitement and you know with with gratitude right sort of dedicate that work to him you know um yeah unless you're Dory and you love your job you're surrounded by children all the time right um I found your channel absolutely oh the one thank you so much welcome welcome to the channel welcome to La Familia you are now Family whether you like it or not our focus should be on him exactly uh is the new season of The Chosen out no but it's not it is going to Premiere um in theaters this upcoming Friday if you haven't purchased tickets you could purchase the tickets in the link in the description down below um and you can go and watch it in theaters it's important that we watch it opening weekend because if it does well opening weekend they'll have more showings and then they'll be invited uh to Premiere more episodes so uh work willingly at whatever you do as though you were working for the Lord rather than for the people beautiful thank you so much for sharing that I love that thank you I listen to worship music at work that helps beautiful see let's see I'm so excited I have my tickets beautiful thank you all so much for joining us all right let's uh let's continue and thank you for answering my questions I know I have a lot of questions here but thank you for answering my questions [Music] so what did you do I tried to walk away but you wouldn't I pushed them so hard he fell down and that's why you were punished did you expect something different but even Torah says I forgive why should I be punished too yes but that is for a judge hardly in a court of law and you oh all of you to be special you are to act differently than others are you listening but Rabbi Josiah said Messiah would lead us against the Romans that he would be a great military leader it is important to respect your teachers and honor your parents and Rabbi Josiah is a smart man but many times but smart men like wisdom is there anything in Scripture that says Messiah will be a great military leader there are many things about scripture that you cannot understand yet and that is okay that is fine you have many years ahead of you and God does not review all things at once the children what if many of the things that our people think about how we are to behave and how we have to treat one another our own you want things to be fair when someone wrongs you you want to write it and you know who else loves Justice but what does the Lord say in the law of Moses about Justice and vengeance vengeance is mine yes very good very good boys pay attention he doesn't even go to Torah class huh the lord loves Justice but maybe it is not ours to handle do you remember when David had the chance to kill King Saul who was evil to him he didn't Saul was God's anointed it was not the right time for justice When God says he will have compassion on his people when what let's see if someone yes very good so maybe we let God provide the Justice we have to be very patient not trying to be the strongest all the time even Messiah he will have to see but do not expect Messiah to arrive in Jerusalem on a tall horse carrying weapons and he will be most pleased with those of you Who are the peacemakers peacemakers where you at I had to stay in town later on there was a woman who needed my help did you bug something for her no you remember when I said that I have a job that is bigger than my trade there is a woman who has had much pain in her life she was in trouble so I helped her is she your friend she is now [Laughter] and others and more soon to join me in traveling do they know you not yet many won't it's my reason for being here I still don't understand what is your reason for being here I'm telling you this because even though you are children and the elders in your life have lived longer many times adults need the faith of children and if you hold on to this faith really tightly someday soon you will understand all of what I'm saying to you but you ask an important question Abigail what is my reason for being here and the answer is for all of you the spirit of the Lord is upon me he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set that Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor Isaiah I have loved spending this time with you you are all so very special and I hope that my next students ask the same questions you do oh boy oh boy but I suspect they do not have the understanding of you and I hope like when the time comes they will tell others about me like you have okay we're gonna take a small pause here to talk about that for just a second what just happened what did he just say he says that he hopes that his next students who by the way will be adults ask the same questions that the this these children have asked and he said that he's afraid that they don't have the same understanding that the children do they're afraid that that the adults don't have the same understanding that the children do which seems strange right because as we get older we believe that we have more understanding of how the world works and how things work right we believe that we know it all or that at least we know more than children do isn't that interesting that he's saying that he's afraid that the adults don't have the same understanding so what does that mean what does that mean exactly how are we to interpret that foreign the children are fearless and as adults we develop a fearful worrying you version Bible app and New Testament year plan Matthew 19 14. his Apostles children are open-minded I guess the more we learn the more we start wrapping our mind around this idea and we don't have room for anything outside of that idea right whereas children are open completely open they're gathering information to understand the world the problem is that at some point there's a mindset the Mind becomes set on something and then it becomes closed and we're to have an open mind right right and some people are afraid of that because they they're afraid that Darkness will enter the mind if it's open but not if not if Christ is at the at the gate you see Christ has to be at the Gate of your mind in order for that for those Spirits not to enter okay it's when it's when you believe that it's when you are at the at the Gate of your mind when you think that you know better than than God that you're you're more likely to let something in that shouldn't be there or something that plans on destroying you right the children are more open to being taught as adults we think we understand pride is such a downfall beautifully said Thank You The Gospel of John unlike other gospels is for those who don't know him yet it's a great way to get to know Jesus uh you can always try to link link in the comment section down below okay thank you keep Christ in the center that's right adults have too much worldly experience making the open-mindedness and Faith harder to discern yes Sandra it's the best place to start with the Bible um children know their father will give them what they need and ask for they expect their father to look after them adults want to look after themselves that's right uh quick question can somebody please remind me of this little girl's name Abigail how do you think she knew that Jesus was a good man she doesn't know him he's living out in the in the wilderness was it the tools was it that he's working was it that he was building toys how does she know that those toys aren't decoys how does she know thank you um like Paul says in Romans we need to die to self each day each day each day and Matthew The Sermon on the Mount Jesus says blessed are our meek for they will inherit the Kingdom so we need to be humble open for truth I love that I think children can sense things shows childlike faith beautiful all right let's uh let's get back to it thank you for thank you for having the conversation with me oh no what happened okay hang on I'm gonna re refresh thank you foreign [Music] thank you is he oh man I begin I know you can read you are very special this is for you I did not come only for the wealthy [Music] a little house for her dog with a horse and everything wow how beautiful foreign just showing her by herself [Music] I love that little closing shot the camera is pulling back showing her playing by herself you know it's empty he's he's moved on I'm gonna mute this real quickly so we can have this conversation together um I'll be showing that um you know I I love this episode this is one of my favorite episodes because it shows The Human Side of Christ and I think in many in many of my encounters with Christians when I was when I was an atheist many try to sell me on the idea of Christ by pointing out how Divine he is right and there's nothing wrong with that but I needed something that that I could relate to right we all need we all need a story where we can that I'm sorry I'm sorry we all need a story that we can relate to right when we're watching movies we want to be able to relate to the character they're suffering their struggles when they go out alone Into the Wilderness and they gain some kind of wisdom to bring back that will help them defeat the evil that that is you know taking over the world or their town or their family or what have you we want to feel what that character is feeling we want to see ourselves in those characters this is why we love watching uh movies right because like uh like like Thor like I'm really strong like Thor right I'm just kidding but uh but I think this episode really humanizes Christ in a way that I would love to know more about my my childlike uh thinking is oh my mentality is like I I really wish that I could experience that like finding finding him in the in the in the wild in the wilderness sorry in the in the forest or what have you and be able to walk with him be able to speak with him be able to ask him questions um I would probably be the same way as I'm seeing how he's responding to some of the ant to the questions the answers that he's given I'd probably be the same with the same emotion that I am now when I'm hearing him answer these kids and I'm like oh wow I'd probably be like can you please explain that again can you say that again like can you can you uh rephrase that or what do you mean by that exactly right so I'm going to ask you a question as I prepare to show episode four I'm gonna ask you a question if you had Christ in front of you like in person the human uh in the flesh if you were here and you could ask him anything anything at all what would you ask him what would be your question um what would be your question overall like if you had a generic question and or what would you ask him about yourself what would you want to know about yourself what would you want to know about what your goal or your mission should be about what you should be doing with your life what would you want to know so let me let me ask that first and then and then I have a follow-up question for you all so right we're saying guess that right there yeah any suggestions for for um reactions leave them in the comments section down below please at this point I wouldn't have any questions about them I would just want to worship okay but suppose that you were okay no no never mind because then then I'm I'm then I'm just getting too detailed with the question but yes okay I accept that can I stay with you what do you think he would say what do you think he would say to that Ah that's deep are you proud of me I'm I'm on the right track what do you think he would say what do you think he would say how can I be more like you Jesus what do you think he would say not just don't just imagine that can you pray on that tonight that question right before you go to sleep can you pray on that question and and really ask and open up just open yourself up to that to that answer it might be it might not be what you want to hear okay so be honest be open because what you what he says might hurt a little bit but it's gonna be what you need exactly what you need right like a kid who understand who wants to eat cookies for dinner and doesn't want to have his normal dinner you have to explain like look you can't that hurts that you can't have cookies but here's why right this is why so uh am I am I fulfilling the purpose that you have planned for me great question what do you think he would respond opposed to the read every question I posted uh am I fulfilling my purpose I would honestly just want a big hug Erica says oh yes I would definitely want to stay and I'd ask what is my purpose you want me to accomplish I would definitely say thank you I I will pray about that that's a conversation for another time might be his answer though I might ask how he loves us like he does how does he love how do you love us the way that you do why do you love us so much we we're we're human beings we have we're we're in meeting your image but how do you love us when we do what the things that we do right I mean I'm not I'm not participating in war but but as a whole Humanity participates in war how do you love us after we participate in war right man that's that's a hard one do I make you proud what do you think what do you think Ashley what do you think honestly I'd ask it if it's time for my complete healing he might say no and that's okay hmm sorry I had to think about that one for a little bit unlike that asking questions I would have too many questions to ask him I would want to know where this tree is with the 12 different fruits on it what's in your heart he tells you mean speak your heart when I'm praying and so I I also want to turn that back to him Okay so when are you returning Erica says would you what would you ask uh what would I ask I'm like that too I'd have too many questions but I guess I would ask what I could do what I could do better better what I could do better to serve to be of service and to be a good child not because I want something in the end I just I really just want to serve I really just want to serve I want to be of service no matter what the end no matter what the outcome is I wanna yeah I think that's what I would ask all right how do I show your love to people oh that is that is a great question how do I show your love to people wow it's not about doing it's about being foreign yeah I love that all right we're gonna get ready for the next episode here if you're ready to go with the next next episode give me some hearts in the live chat if you haven't already please hit the like button if you haven't already hit the Subscribe button subscribe to the channel hit the Bell notification so you can be notified when I post more content we're going to be exploring the chosen in the next few days I really would love for all you to join us and um and be a part of this conversation I'd like to thank you all so much for answering my questions I'm glad you all are participating here um so thank you so much I I would probably love to see this last episode again because I learned so much about just in that one simple conversation he had when he was explaining to the kids about retaliating and Vengeance you know it's really hard it's hard and it takes a lot of patience for you to say this person hurt me I'm moving on I'm moving on if you believe that God is just you'll let him serve Justice you won't take it into your hand because into your own hands because if you do then you'll be punished for the part that you that you play right and um I feel like sometimes I'm a little bit too patient when it comes to things like this because sometimes it makes makes it seem like I'm a pushover when certain people take advantage of of me when they steal from me I had someone uh it's something that I I kind of hold on to but I'm not resentful for it but just this guy this is probably one of the biggest things that's ever happened to me uh someone in my family actually took one of my trucks okay stole a truck for me a pickup truck and I did nothing about it why I don't know why it's my family I I don't feel like I want that kind of Confrontation but I know that God is just and I know that he'll come through and uh something something else will come so um you know how have you been patient what have you what have you let go of you know or is there something that you're currently going through now that you're willing to let go of let us know all right here we go let's uh let's get started with episode four [Music] don't forget to download the angel studio app so you can watch these for free this is where we're watching by the way [Music] slow down slow down [Music] thank you what is it it's a fishing bobber so so that means we're close good job good job he says foreign this way let's go oh man's [Music] boom [Laughter] let's see right you you hit a sandbar why are you not listening to me I told you to go this way here we go Familia do you know what to do [Music] let's see it what do you got [Music] [Music] it there you go [Music] Erica will vouch that I am one of the most silliest dancers ever I'm doing more silly moves than I am like serious moves but I have so much fun dancing with Erica all right let's go accidents happen boys nothing to be ashamed of there was no accident you know the sea better than anyone that's why you smell of it I want you to remember this sign instead of Jonah this is kindness on the other hand it's capable of savage violence against those who betrayed if I can hold them off for a week think of even so you can walk down the same road make good on your promises dog I get what he's doing now but he's playing a dangerous game thanks for coming oh was it enough too smart too hard to get me another joke it's a business or pleasure and this no ran out of bait figured I'd give my ear a try the humor maybe someone didn't like your sense of humor why are we here Sam I made a deal with the Romans scientists say anything about any deal to us doesn't look like sun gave them what they want does it use your brains go on I owe taxes we all do a lot they were set to take the boat our houses or give up a feed fishing on Shabbat you knew about this thank you for your honesty Simon if I may return the favor I'm shocked you'd even show your face here much less ask me to join you I won't argue that I'm trapped but puts me in a valuable position really what's the value of a dead Trader oh a trainer you're finished on the dark side of leave him come on I know their plans everybody they're coming for you they're playing the kid sorry I can't help you Fish sticker gets ashore last night maybe I did maybe I didn't you dog sick ships pretty soon everyone in the hammer knows what he would foreign next time there's only three ships most practically in your wake with some soldiers man is more waiting unsure for you to offload how did he make it out of there cheer them both an unfortunate accident then lost part of my wife's favorite year I don't thank him he chose to deal with Rome so what was your play gonna be huh shopping around for an ally someone to take you on in exchange for turning over his competitors no he is stupider than that I want you to turn over your catch what did he say wait turn it over to who to me then you stay off the Sian Shabbat for a while anyway I could is the problem solved [Laughter] to write it's just one night's work for the nights one for every man that made the sacrifice to be away from his family or 40 went home in the morning because of me yes son because you couldn't bear it if you owned us it could have been somebody else though to rat and they wouldn't be there cannot repay you by stealing fulfillments of my men I'm sorry oh I'm kind of torn by this Matthew the tax collector brutal foreign fruit here is incredible pomegranate States figs berries the olives everything that grows here is immaculate except such a miserable lot you worship one God and yet you're all divided you see people complain we Romans run the world but I know a dirty Secret you people want to be ruled you want an excuse to complain it's part of your nature do you understand that Matthew I don't know no you wouldn't you're a single-minded machine these things are beneath you well where's your escort he didn't want to enter he feels that my lack of social Grace he thinks he'll get him killed yes uh not today Matthew no today I am in need you heard me right I am in need of your machine my machine your mind Matthew keep up I might even write about Simon don't cross Me Maybe probably truth is I don't have many seaworthy troops here it might have been an accident foreign I want to know where he goes with whom he meets tell me what they're talking about what he's drinking anything the latter may prove difficult in fact all of what you request dominance may prove difficult but you're a resourceful man goal oriented I'm not accepted where anywhere I'm a tax collector viewed with jealousy hated everyone hates Tax Collectors but worse than the Romans ah you were born Roman I made the choice so go in Disguise I don't care no you can write can you yes write everything every detail it's your booth protected yes Dominus my dog guards it while I'm away foreign Matthew you are a Priceless treasure of course you have a dog with my own eyes the line stretched from the edge of the Jordan into the acacia Groves as far as the eye could see all of them awaiting an emotion in the river by a loud man in Tamil skin and not for purification he called it a baptism of repentance a forgiveness of sin what exactly did he say have you seen him I have not that is what he said Rabbi is there precedent for this what of his speech bye-bye the message that he advocated rabbinic law did he call for revolution violence not the violence but I haven't told you the worst part one of our own approached him and he called Oliver snakes us yes religious leaders snakes he landed like a madman about how worthless we were what else but to be worse than that it depends and who he is it's a tax collectors and soldiers not to extort money or collect more than they're authorized to they were present as he said this yes and he told the Communists to shed food and clothing with those who have none preaching a populist message in Jerusalem fire talk of a wild man who went to the king's court with a list of evils done by Herod Antipas and his family what should be done Rabbi can we bring him in for questioning by the San hidden if it is the same person he does not answer to Sanhedrin and we're not his only targets anyway he seems to relish rejecting anything with tradition or anyone with influence do they say he performs miracles uh I don't know [Music] his meeting is adjourned they feel like nothing was resolved right what's this ah there he is Simon tap into your ear there is a cut on it what's going on Simon we are brothers here yes if you ever find yourself in need of anything if this is about what's going on in the docks I don't know what you've heard it's just a misunderstanding all right it's business what's wrong with the dogs nothing I I lost the Lord what's up am I sick Emma what happened she's coughing in fits she has no strength to do anything yet she does not sleep ing her blood I understand we just saw her last month Simon it's been a month since you have visited Emma you know how it's been work and I know I haven't been a good wait why are they here 's like doing the math sorry he's he's doing the math look I love your email like she was my own she loves you but we can't think of him and his family or all in my home this is really bad time when is a good time to Fall Guys the answer is no wow that's a great question when is a good time to follow it you always told me what kind of man no honor son of Josh oh Ibrahim if Simon says it's a bad time he has good reason it's a bad time thank you Eden bad time for you not for me honey no if I can't be there for my own email when she's sick what am I I'm nothing I'm not a daughter I'm not always dirty nothing please go be with your email go outside meet some privacy even I'm not talking to your sister I'm talking to my wife in my own home and if you're not out of this room in three seconds I will beat you both with my bare hands wow okay oh he means business he's serious right I can't do this anymore please please listen to me I haven't been honest with you there's no woman it's not gambling look a few days ago I looked you in the eyes and I told you I've got this I lied what do you mean I've been fishing on Shabbat I don't got this I've had no choice Andrew has texted I've got texts we haven't been able to keep up I did some things I'm not proud of to fix it and now it's gone bad we're in trouble we what do you mean I I'm in trouble but we because I need a miracle or I can be in big trouble I'm a child stop speaking of riddles tell me what's happening prison we could lose the house I've got in my ear she's lost for what Simon how they'll arrest me or kill you they are Romans so I need to go go where the fish I gotta spend the rest of the week doing nothing but catch every fish I can and hope I can fix this somehow so that's why we can't take your email it's just not no she has nothing to do with this is I will not let you punish her for your sins Eden you didn't can't tell me what I can or can't do you have had your eyes closed around here and God is with me even if you are wow wow what is your face just just need a little bit of faith and a lot of patience right Familia Faith isn't gonna get me more fish I'm not talking about tonight I am talking about long before tonight print before it was gambling and now it's working and trying to do everything yourself the popular Simon mixing everything and Charming everyone all by yourself ah message on holy days without even thinking about it with no respect for our God we can break a commandment to Save a Life our lives are at stake here that because you have not pushed through the Lord lately oh not like the man that I that's that's beautiful that to try to fix it your church again I need to let that marinate in here for a little bit all you need is all you need really need is Just a Little Bit of Faith this is important here Simon is trying desperately to fix his family issues his money troubles all by himself and he's he's doing things the wrong way right he's he's lying he's betraying his people he's uh serving the wrong Master you know in a way here in a sense here and Eden's a reminder that he needs to seek God a reminder that he hasn't been faithful to God a reminder that he doesn't he hasn't been trusting of God's power to look after him and his family to look after his needs right he seems to think that he knows better than than that but she's reminding him it's a very strong reminder because she's human's business right she's very Stern very serious she's not being rude or mean or or anything she's being stern about it and she's saying look you know we're not failing because because of something outside of us we're failing because you you're not you're making the wrong calls and you're not putting your trust in God um actually says maybe the question uh we should ask ourselves when we feel stuck and or desperate is have I been pursuing God lately good great question relying on his own strength amen eating she let him have it yes she did uh yeah she did a virtuous woman that's right such such a great moment right yes Eden Perfect all right let's continue thank you so much for letting me ask my questions and let me talk about this [Music] I don't want you here tonight anyway sorry you're sorry I know and I'm I'm glad you're at the start history but no more talking foreign maybe God can get your attention now ah what do you what do you think she meant by that no more talking maybe maybe God can get your attention now what do you think she meant by that this happens what are you talking about did you run all the way from Jerusalem saved we're saved I saw him my own eyes oh that's incredon Drew what did you see of the world and John the baptized a point to that command who's walking Simon foreign are you listening yeah yeah you're just not saying anything [Laughter] I saw the Messiah today and then all of us including you have been playing for our whole life don't you even care was he a big man big no [ __ ] you didn't see him maybe maybe he was a doctor oh so he can't help with Eden's IMA who's now living with us Andrew gracious so pardon me if I'm not exactly jumping out of my sandals because creepy John pointed foreign I forgot that's what they call them you're scared of course he's scared he's not gonna admit it though lost everything burnt every bridge that's true the Romans don't matter if the Messiah has a heart he's burned every bridge but thankfully the Messiah walks on water [Music] that'd be nice he's thinking practically right why are you calling go ahead brothers are trying to cook I can smell it [Laughter] [Music] oh don't be suspicious don't be suspicious and he's writing [Laughter] that's so awkward foreign he's trying to do it all by himself you're following me now I'm pretty sure he's not supposed to be inside show Quentin's knows where to go when it's time to hurt me you said till you're dead I keep track of things I do it well quintus knows I do it well you're a little off aren't you you should turn yourself in the company they're pursuing every option there are none you must provide the information implicating the guilty fisherman or balance the books somehow who says anything's possible not mathematically yeah but oh what if you know you'd only be subjecting your family and friends to needless anguish by prolonging the inevitable these are other big words no one listens to me not like they do you you have a singular Talent something at least and I assume you are not headed to the authorities going fishing variables people are always adding variables does it change anything to know you only have until sun up sign up with shabbat's not for three days quintus is convinced you've double-crossed him is coming oh so now time is against him now [Music] Bend yourself in you had no feasible plan I told you my plan if I'm going down it will be doing what God bid me to do your boss you can come get me off the water [Laughter] I love the music it's like time I don't know it's great indeed this trip could not have gone any better if we had planned every moment my eyes are always open and new in this land not to mention the new opportunities our successes here will no doubt unlock we will stay another Fortnight or until all my researchers concluded but Nico surely You can conclude your research in Jerusalem I mean the archives are there the matter is decided I'm expecting no one it's important I need to see him I'm sorry to interrupt this hour Rabbi I bring news regarding the heretic called John the baptizer Romans are taking him into custody how did you hear this rabbi I believe he may have given the romance his location we do not likely turn Jews over to the Romans to the sanhedrinologist not teacher I want to question the baptized can someone help me hear what's the Sanhedrin I I know we've watched this already I don't think that I asked this but I'm curious because I don't want to go forward believing or pretending like I know what that is I have an idea is it like a council or some kind of a group of people who are in charge of making bigger calls for the church or for the religious group I'm I'm not sure so if you can let me know please wish me well rabbi I believe he makes sense his location Building Council for the Jews like they turn Jews over to the Romans thank you so much to the sanhedron order this no teacher I want to question the baptizer myself I'll make inquiries thank you yourself yesterday and I will discuss this which meanwhile myself [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I love that [Music] it's perfect [Music] foreign [Music] people bark sometimes too [Laughter] foreign I will make your descendants as many as the stars in the heavens and then what huh like the chosen as many as the Stars Egypt enslave us for Generations you got to be careful not to talk like atheists do when it comes to things like this bring us out of future part the Red Sea red seeds wander in the desert for 40 years give us the land only to let us be exiled in Babylon bring us back only to be crushed by Rome this is the god I've served so Faithfully my entire life you're the God I'm supposed to thank you you know if I didn't know any better I'd say you enjoy yanking us around like goats and can't decide whether we're chosen or not wow which one is it ah Andrew who are you talking to no one shouldn't joke like that my friend yeah your friends might think you've lost faith James and John I presume and who brought the old man I heard you need a real vision [Laughter] as you know I was here Eden may be angry but she's not too proud to ask for help ah so you call her the whole story huh how did she take it let's just say it's my last night as a free man and I'm fishing your last night quintus foreign let's fish [Music] how about that people who still have faith in God helping people who are losing faith in God being there for them when they when they're in need even though he betrayed he was about to betray them it's putting the love your enemy into practice right if you catch nothing in the morning maybe you could hide in the merchant Caravans escape to Egypt his denial we've got perch the size of children Egypt is a Roman province now nah he didn't hate Egypt so she can wait for you to send money I'm hoping if I let quintus and his boys take out their frustrations on me he'll eventually allow me visitors let down so about the news I was to tell you about I was walking with John they called baptized Andrew what's the honorable and he pointed at him no more and he said behold Andrew I said just please uh the word from you about this lamb of yours you don't need the lamb you need fish [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] sneak into a merchant Caravan get away I won't leave the land of our father they'll find me I'm sure the baptizer could make me a disguise out of an old camel's hide pull up James James sleeping on the job what a beautiful dog laughs Dave come around sometimes the sea that's all of us that's very hard to accept right you put in the working year you get no reward at the end time to be done should you be grateful for it still foreign [Music] [Music] love the music Roman scum couldn't even wait [Laughter] we're right with you oh make sure you're doing this safe you hear me Andrew hey those aren't soldiers [Music] I might still have time to see Eden don't clean our Nets stick around to make sure you can leave [Music] forever the silence is beautiful no time for this Andrew it's him and he still doesn't want to listen yeah John said he's here I know may I ask a favor I'm teaching these people and apparently they're having trouble hearing me that could stand on your boat that would be helpful having trouble hearing you huh yes yes of course please please stand on my body thank you I need to go I'm sorry no time for this today stay a few moments longer I have something for you okay I'm in a hurry yes I know he knows what you need man come on just just allow me a few moments put a little bit of patience trust me as I have trusted you oh this man is the messiah it's good to see you again yes look how he looks at him okay I'm Jesus right before it right before right before we get get to this big big part I want to ask you a question look at how Jesus looks at him what is this expression what do you think he's saying here with his with his look why is he looking at Simon in this way what do you think is going on in his head I mean I'm not saying that Jesus is lying right but he didn't need to get on the boat right right but he knew that he needed to take another approach with Simon he couldn't just go up to him and say hey I'm I am who he says I am right he has to take a separate a different approach with him it can't be the direct approach um so what do you think he's he's uh he's thinking I says see here trust me I know something you don't oh let me go back up okay come on come on buddy I know you I know you don't trust me yet Simon but you will he's looking at him and then obviously he had to subscribe oh thank you thank you for subscribing uh I've been a secret member of La Familia thank you Terry I know you Simon though oh through and through the real you right he knows him trust me love without judgment I think he knows him Peter needed him to get on the boat he knows what he will be doing to change his heart he knows who Peter really is outside of the current circumstances I want you to trust me you're mine to think the one who made you sustains you loves you wants to look at you in the eye and call you his own is mind-blowing yes it is Melissa thank you welcome um it's compassion beautiful okay so uh let's keep going here Jesus he accepts Simon my last moment with you I want to share another story and everyone hear me but let's thank our friends for this strong vote huh trust me my yelling voice is not easy on the ears because I'm on this boat my final Parable should be about fishing yes Simon please send me that net when this net is thrown into the sea what happened Simon he turns to him he talks to him about what he knows [Laughter] it gathers fish yes this net gathers fish all kinds of fish yes yes it's not judgmental about which fish belong in the net and which don't Kingdom of Heaven it's like what happens next after the net is full Simon and the others draw it to the shore sit down and sort out the fish a good fish go into the barrels that fish thrown away [Music] so it will be at the End of the Age angels will come and separate the evil from the righteous throw them into a fiery furnace do you understand therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven like you all are now is like the master of a house who brings forth his treasures both new and old you are to do the same with this knowledge [Music] these Parables I tell makes sense to some not to others be patient be patient that is all for today I have some business to attend to with my new friend put that down for a catch little Andrew goes yes right away I don't have a quote with you teacher we've been doing this all night nothing there's that look again [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] second very happy [Laughter] [Music] he's like what in the world is going on foreign [Music] it's the Green Burrito that Dallas was talking about [Music] the boat just tilted over [Music] [Music] two one [Music] [Music] some are getting away [Music] God provides yes probably [Music] hahaha thank you I got a boatload of fish laughs I had to throw in a dad joke here you know there it is my brother and the baptizer you are the Lamb of God yes I am I am depart from me I am a sinful man you don't know who I am the things I've done don't be afraid Simon I'm sorry we've waited for you for so long we believe but my faith I'm sorry lift up your head fisherman anything you ask follow me what does that mean what does that mean I will it's not just saying like go where I go right it's walk as I walk watch me do as I do speak as I speak you as well yes you James and John come follow me I'll take the fish into market and settle up Simon's dead I'll get some help are you sure yes go what will you tell Emma but the man we prayed for our entire lives and you ask me what will I say when you miss supper he's still their mother right [Music] so you sure you don't want to do this just a few more times [Laughter] on nothing you have much bigger things ahead of you Simon son of Jonah did you understand that Parable I told earlier from now on I will make you fishes of men you are together as many as possible all kinds I will sort them out later hello this catch is worth a lot it's amazing it's impossible it's impossible he says dark music you are supposed to be the powerful one yeah you are more afraid in here than I am are you the one they call John the baptizer yes also creepy John questions or you about miracles [Music] beautiful work beautiful work okay so we're gonna we're gonna stop here but before you leave before you leave please stay with me for just a little bit longer okay I promise it'll be worth your time be with me here for just a moment Familia there is um something really important about that last sequence that we just saw the main thing the thing that I noticed the most is you could see that Christ had a Jesus had his face something about him while the fish were were uh being gathered right he didn't even have to say it familiar he didn't even have to say or command the fish to get on the net do you understand how how important that is like how big that is he didn't have to say it he only thought it and it was so it and it happened he only had to think it and it was so that's all he needed to do was just to think and the fish were there were present the other thing is this he will provide he provides like that woman in in Guanajuato told me dios he provides family he knows exactly what it is that you need he knows your needs and he will provide you just need a little bit of Faith A Little Bit of Faith and a lot of patience but as soon as soon as as the fish started to to get on on on to the net Simon realized his mistake and not trusting that right and then he says anything anything you want it'll be your Familia there's something that you're going through right now you're waiting for that blessing you're waiting for that that opportunity to open up you're waiting for God to come through and he will come through just stick stick with him stay stay on board listen be patient be still be be present keep him close keep him in your present in your presence as much as often as possible throughout your day be there with him thank him for the meal that you though thank him for waking up this morning you didn't have to wake up and you did nothing to wake up on your own accord nothing you did was to wake up you got out of the bed and all of your limbs were working or maybe you're going through something where you weren't able to get up off of bed because something is is is hurt or or what have you but you're waiting for something thank them for everything because you're breathing you're awake you're alive you had breakfast you had lunch maybe some of you had dinner while someone out there hasn't eaten in days I'm not trying to make that comparison and guilt-trip you into gratitude but be be grateful be grateful for what little is provided because he always provides can you know that sometimes you've been given more than what you deserved right we've all been there we've been given more than what we deserved and sometimes we've been given a lot and we don't we don't we take it for granted so let's give thanks right and and uh and let's give thanks and practice being more in his presence as much as as much as we possibly can so I'm going to end with with this I just um I just want to thank you all so much for joining me thank you for being so polite and so respectful and so loving in the in the live chat I was keeping an eye on the chat and enjoying this show with you I want to thank you all so much for joining me um I will post when I'm gonna do episodes five and six seven and eight on Monday for sure and um and uh and then I'll be posting that but I wanted to thank you all for joining me okay and and also give thanks to Our Father who who made it possible for us to get together uh for us to enjoy this time father thank you so much for allowing us to get together and for seeing you're hearing the story of your son and reminding us just how loved we are in our mind and for reminding us that you love us that you love us so so much and reminding us of how beautiful it feels to receive that love I pray that you provide for those who are in need anyone who who needs something here in the live chat and everyone around the world who may need something today who needs your who need your grace who need your your the food that you give the the drink that you that you give the gifts that you give of everlasting life to know you father that's what we're all here for and we're getting to know you through the beautiful work that that uh Dallas Jenkins is doing um with his team and all the beautiful people at Angel Studios and the people people who are working in the chosen all the directors the lighting the editors the sound design the musicians continue to bless them so that they can formally tell your story and continue to tell your story and that we may continue to express uh to feel your love father because we know that you love us and you always provide and we apologize for not being patient at times for not trusting you fully for going against you for for wanting to do things our own we are hard-headed in this way we are you know our pain is very much real we feel pain we feel frustration we feel the heaviness of the world father but you have shown us showed us that there's someone here who has carried the entire weight of the world on their shoulders and have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may all have that freedom and so that we may all know you and as Jesus said that that having everlasting life is to know you and and he has made you known to us and we're grateful for that father and would like to thank you so much for opening our eyes to your truth and to your spirit we pray that you're that you continue to pour the spirit of Your Love in the spirit of your peace on anyone who may need your love and who may need your peace today Father we thank you so much for keeping us safe please continue to protect us father from from the dark one from the dark forces that are trying to spoil the goodness that you have poured onto US father and we we thank you for keeping us safe in your name in the name that you gave your son thank you amen Familia thank you all so much for joining us thank you for keeping us for keeping uh the live chat alive I will see you on Monday thank you Erica for I know baby you're not feeling well and you're and you're on the live chat uh keeping keeping everything in order thank you Angela for also keeping the live chat in order um with deleting unwanted comments and and just making sure that all the links are there Familia please remember season three is coming out it's really important it's really important that we go out there and that we support our brothers and sisters in telling these stories and it's important that we do so on opening night please buy your tickets the link is in the description Down Below download the angel studio app so you can continue watching this if you have if you want to keep watching this ahead of me or if you want to have your questions try to see if you have questions of your own okay for for the next episodes all right so thank you all so much for joining me thank you for for your time thank you for your love and support uh thank you for your donations I received some of the donations on on on cash app and venmo appreciate you all so much uh on PayPal as well appreciate you all so so much for your love and support I'll see you uh on Monday if not before maybe we might have a conversation with you before but we'll see you on Monday for sure all right Familia
Channel: Leonardo Torres
Views: 6,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo torres, leonardo torres music, reaction video, leonardo torres reactions, leonardo torres reaction video, leonardo torres reacts, Non-Christian reaction, Non-Christian reacts, Non-christian, First time reaction, the chosen, The Chosen season 1, the chosen reaction, non-christian reacts to the chosen, Non-Christian reacts to the chosen season 1, the chosen analysis, Angel studios, angel studios the chosen, the chosen season 1 episode 3 and 4
Id: FcPirtJ3UOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 50sec (7070 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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