Rewatching The Chosen Season 1 Episodes 1 & 2 (Getting Ready for Season 3)

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and we are alive Yuma Nielsen welcome back Familia thank you all so much for joining me I've been watching I've been keeping an eye on the uh on the live chat here um I don't know why my my thing says it there are zero people on board if you can hear me uh please give me a thumbs up you'll see me watching the screen up here okay so um okay good now it says 33 people on online excellent that's a good number to start with so I'd like you to welcome you all to the re-watching of the chosen we want to catch up uh before the big release of season three this upcoming Friday in theaters everywhere November 18th and we're getting ready for that and if you haven't gotten your tickets yet you can get your tickets in the link that is uh in the description down below Erica is also helping out and she'll add the link um I believe that I pinned the link on the on the live chat as well so if you're ready if you're ready to get started let me know by putting uh some some hearts on the live chat I just go crazy with with Emojis on the live chat while we get right before we get started let us know that you're ready to go if you want to let us know where you're watching from um yeah you could do so as well if there's anything that we could pray for you ahead of time uh post it on on the live chat and if and if you're seeing prayer requests on there please offer a prayer to whatever is needed so we're going to get started soon um I do want to say that I'd like to thank the people over at Angel Studios for uh helping uh with this project for allowing us to re-watch it so thank you so much uh these next few episodes are brought to you by the angel studio app if you haven't yet downloaded the app you can please do so download the app you'll uh get access to all of the previous chosen Seasons uh so if you if you can't watch it with us here today watch it at your old at your own time catch up you know um it's important that we get those tickets for this opening weekend and I'll explain a little bit more in detail later but we want to just get started right away and I'll go I'll explain a little bit more about it shortly um all right so um I just want to point out a couple of things we are going to be pausing and and having a conversation okay this is a watch party but we're not just watching The Chosen we're experiencing The Chosen we're going to have a conversation I might have questions that I didn't have in the previous time that we watched it um and so I am going to pause it and ask you all uh some questions and I'd love your participation uh with this okay a few few rules for the live chat please be respectful okay um I do understand that a lot of you um worship differently and you all are sometimes you're part of different churches and different churches have different ideas of certain things and we we respect that okay we we respect that but we're here to be together and to learn more about our father through the story of his son and um and that's that's the goal here so please be respectful if someone should come into the live chat and they're disrespectful let's not just delete their their comments right away okay unless they're swearing or they're advertising some inappropriate stuff then let's do that but if they're just expressing themselves let them Express themselves all I ask is that if you disagree just tell that person you love them so for example if Leonardo Torres is on there saying something you know that's to you seems off the chart Just Say Hey I Love You Leonardo you know God bless you Leonardo and that's it just bless them love them um just like we were taught okay just like we're told to to do love our enemies love those that that we do not agree with we're going to put that into practice in the live chat today um we're going to start off by by first of all a little moment of gratitude and we're going to show our gratitude to our father father thank you so much for allowing us to get together here today to learn more about you to experience your love to experience your your your light we ask that you continue to guide us as we're watching this this show show us what we need to show touch the hearts that need to be touched heal the people that need to be healed um give us Insight solve our help us resolve our issues give us the wisdom that we need to resolve our personal issues father we we ask you to protect us from anyone who's who's seeking to do us harm um in in this get-together please like the way uh shine your light on us and let us see your your heart let us see your heart let us see your love um after all we are here to learn more about you and uh and to experience your love on a different on a different level so if you're ready to go Familia we're uh we're gonna get started oh I'm sorry I forgot to close that off in your son's name we pray amen um let me share my screen here with you all uh Chrome watch The Chosen share that beautiful all right cool so we're ready to get started I'm gonna make this screen smaller sorry I'm just making notes to myself so I can keep keep an eye on the chat and watch this all right if you I'm going to play a little bit of it if you can't hear let me know I can adjust volumes and stuff but you just let me know if you can hear this okay oh hang on Oh wrong wrong uh speaker just give me one quick second settings here audio we're going USB and we're going yeah USB attached to what why is it sounding over there give me one second what um oh boy oh boy oh boy hang on one second what's going on why can I not hear it here uh let me switch external headphones USB Advanced okay I can hear that here why can't I hear that over there uh huh oh boy I thought I had all of this set Familia give me one quick second let me change the audio on my on my settings um sound USB nope come on man I'll put um USB Perfect all right I got it over here now can you walk through that [Music] can you hear that what are the rules when you're in town thank you so much this thing's interesting too to me [Music] you can't just run off black courage took three three children last month when you ran up I know that's not the chosen we're moving forward okay here we go I just wanted to make sure that everybody could hear it [Music] okay skip it I guess nope where'd she go [Music] all right we're gonna we're gonna watch the ad [Applause] [Music] s welcome to the live chat Tracy welcome Wallflower appreciate you so much for being here we have to get out of sight now [Music] all right it's almost over so we have to bear the ads [Music] perfect timing here we go excellent all right let's do this [Music] The Chosen is based on true stories of the gospels of Jesus Christ some locations and timelines have been combined or condensed backstories and some characters and dialogue have been added we all know this right and we respect this sounds bubbly [Music] laughs [Music] she's sleeping the Drone sit down sit down your head hurting you again no I know you are thinking of the big new star you look it's right there you see no why can't you sleep kid of what I don't know what do we do when we are scared you say the words have a nice ones from the prophet Isaiah the problem I say up right thus says the Lord who created the Jew or Jacob and he who formed you of Israel fear not come out I won't hear you say it I've called you by name you are mine you are mine that's [Music] oh my God somebody asked me oh boy somebody [Music] filthy dog demons here we go Familia let's get some uh let's get some fish in the live chat if you're dancing let's do some dance uh emojis on there I love the detail on this by the way just how they turn I love how they um the attention to detail on that you hear the scream you see her hands it's beautiful beautiful work here excellent for me they're beautiful big shout out to Lynn we got Dory Ocasio in the house GL Norman thank you so much Joanne welcome Melissa home thank you Kathy Diane welcome Erica Ayala in the house as well here we go let's do this foreign [Music] forgive me rabbi did not see what he is doing but a woman ahead [Music] foreign [Music] have you stopped us it's not enough to say hello I'm on the official business only Roman business is official business my name is quintus pre-draft component and I am with a great Nicodemus where it travels fast are you interesting me friend I'm a magistrate not a military man I serve the will of the people and pilate and I serve only God yes yes so do your enemies the zealots Rogue preachers in the wilderness raving about coming Messiah they're all vying for the people's affection what do you want quintus I believe taxes are going unpaid if you help me I will help the Pharisees continue to thrive How can I the people already drowning in tax tell me Nicodemus what can be under the water and yet never drown fish [Laughter] [Music] the way he asked that as a question fish he's like he's hoping he doesn't say you know dead bodies [Music] okay this is beautiful the pace these tiny little shots to give us a little insight into into what it's like to be Matthew you know he's very organized very clean he likes to smell good he likes to dress good [Music] [Music] the sound design you can hear the Flies goodness oh [Music] yeah it's an appropriate reaction bless you keep your voice down pardon me Mr public penis it's me that don't want to be seen with you I like it the other way thanks man hey hey it's a month's salary for myself to combined right now toss them out these are my property I do it as I wish I pay you to drive use this through trash on your own time driving use a bit of both now isn't it if any citizen ask about my cargo I must tell the truth it's the biggest pile of diamonds ouch asleep I always look forward to my annual visit to Capernaum and your magnificent Sea of Galilee it is truly the Envy of the Kingdom okay even my children are enamored of it all day they would swim Frolic in the sand and watch the people finally one day I said you love it here so much why is it you never go to the Sea when we visit your grandparents back home my son he destroyed but he said but father there's never anyone there it's dead and your seat boasts the most Exquisite fish how unfortunate that those who do the actual fishing are Unholy fouled mouth given to gambling and secret dens at even fishing on Shabbat can we eat the catch and not be stained by the sins of the catcher make no mistake it is a sin to eat fish caught on Shabbat what goes into the body of a man defiles him why are our Jewish Brethren taking their boats to Sea on Shabbat I assure you the Messiah will not come until this wickedness is purged from our midst your actions are being watched studied God has entrusted you to be exemplary in every way now if your status is too great a burden you do not deserve to Bear the name of Israel I didn't really pay attention to that conversation about reflection in it plain as they the teacher has traveled all the way from Judea he is a member of the Great Sand he didn't in Jerusalem and I won't have him seated at the dull table fix yourself here he comes away go get the others teachers you have moved us all will you do us the honor Rabbi if that's where you keep the white sardines [Music] I we certainly could get it was a joke [Laughter] a fine Torah room look at the lighting here you can't beat of a worthy synagogue thank you teacher of Israel you do us a great holiday yeah there is mine not only for your bright students but also for the soul of this city you heard my address of course your words will resonate for Generations you were luminous in my remarks I ask for rhetorical purposes why aren't Jews taking boats to see on Shabbat that question was meant for you Rabbi shmuel the reports are becoming too frequent to ignore of course Rabbi we I will control it better the Romans believe we do not work on Sabbath thus they do not Patrol Creed has overcome the fisherman or they are just trying to feed their families um he demands to speak with you please tell them we have an ordered yes and cannot be interrupted can't wait quickly he's coming looks like we're not the only ones taxing the people wow do you want Commander I'm no Commander but at least you know your place this is Nicodemus teacher of teachers show some respect ah just the man I want to see I'm here about a Hebrew woman in the red quarter let's just say she's been causing a disturbance if you have an entire Roman legion at your disposal thank you for the reminders We Are Men of God it is not our custom to frequent the red quarter perhaps I wasn't clear teacher of teachers you'll accompany me to the red quarter or we'll burn it down with our fire of fires wow [Music] all right can you all just help me with something really quickly what what is it exactly how do we feel about nicodemus's character here do you think that disease strike you as the type of person who cares more about being able to see his reflection on a table about cleanliness about the way that things are placed for him to arrive or is he the type of person who cares about the law and making sure that everything is done in a manner that it should be with regards to what pleases God not what pleases him more to say um more or less right um here we have him entering um I saw somebody ask is it wrong to like Nicodemus I don't think it's wrong to like Nicodemus uh the actor played his role beautifully um I I understand sarcasm and cynicism I'm not I don't see that proudly of course but uh but I do understand it and so I I just get a kick I just get a real laugh out of how some of these characters are really sarcastic like this guy who just said thank you for the reminder like yes uh you know you didn't need to remind him that he of who he was in his place uh with the government right but anyway how do we feel about about that um about Nicodemus is he the type of person who cares more about how things are presented to him or does he care more about what's pleasing uh to God um Nicodemus is steeped and rigid religious ritual when we first meet him but here in about and then meeting Jesus changes him yeah after meeting it changes and what pleases God is for Nico I think this is the second one I think Nicodemus cares and loves God and His fellow man I think he only brought up the fish because of pressure he's getting from the from Rome that's right uh we get an idea from the Bible that Nico was searching for more than what his religion provided at that point ooh that's interesting I like that he was interested in he was interested in searching for more than what his religion provided at that point I like that I like that I wish we could touch on that a little bit more um see I think he misses Zeal about his faith I think he would like things done right and well but Jesus turns his Focus he's stuck in the middle he's still searching okay perfect it's possible he came to Jesus eventually because he helped bury him so I think he had a good heart beautiful hi Roxanna welcome all right beautiful okay let's let's uh let's continue thank you so much for answering that this is your stop complete this is the far side of the market no no this is the job you drive so I don't go to the markets to crowded out I'll pay you double my name won't buy this thing of me and my family if I am seen with you out [Music] it's very unprofessional fire me [Music] we'll be very happy [Music] so I like how they take their time to show you the setting just so you could see what where Matthew is and the conditions in which he's working and the rhythm of of the location you see the people's reactions to him you're seeing his reactions to people [Music] no I'm not you're seeing the the Brokenness the poor please [Music] [Music] you're late guys could you feel it it was Mark it's on fire today everybody's on edge all overtake is one person to snap and you are just something's wrong with my headphones I can't hear [Music] we go again I love how you're not just watching his expression but they're showing you things that he's looking at to show you why he has that facial expression upstairs don't worry rabbi we took out the other low lives to protect your delicate sensibilities we're doing wow what is that I need materials sulfur Nettles yes up one would go yes well do your job listen I agreed to quintus's request not a demand because he should not demand anything of me to stop Shabbat fishing which was already our law and by doing so was not a violation of my practice and I will try to help this woman even though it falls outside of my purview do not think of me as a tool to fix Roman problems I will not continue to use my position of religious influence to benefit those who look down on my people whether it's you or even someone like quintus so I will perform this task I want to note it for your superiors this is an exception he's not even phased by it can we go now this is yes sorry this is how much this is how much he doesn't even care that Nicodemus is emotional about this um he's like I know you think that you have some kind of power here I think I know that you think that you can talk to me that way I'll allow it just do what I asked you to you don't have to like it but you will do what I what I'm asking you and uh well [Music] he's gonna stay down if you know what is good for you there's our boy Simon working the crowd [Music] laughs [Laughter] too much Joseph are you powerful you're too powerful like I tell you every time I see you [Music] seriously I can only take maybe two [Laughter] one more punch one more and I'm done [Applause] [Applause] what was it here say something about your sister [Music] hitting me hard enough I won't be married to her anymore that's why they call me white hands he said what I do to your liver I don't want to do this Joseph can we please stop fighting every week I know you never trusted me but I love your sister more than anything I will stop fighting you well that's my brother won't your brother [Music] uh but where is it written down Andrew ah answer me that how's the double knockout push if it's two on one made approve right there made her put on Stone I guess we lost and I know better he's so calm I talked you into it wine hands foreign [Music] thank you we could lose the ball what are you gonna do don't know not from a storm thank you where are you going I like to work work it's Shabbat in an hour but the Pharisees make allowances for that if lives are at stake no one's life is at stake no no not this moment but it's coming are you a bug eating friend about it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no just me not dragging into this what about Eden are you staying at her emus tonight you're crazy you know that just desperate see I'm gonna pause it really quickly here just to mention something this is why it's important to what degree Dallas is the job that Dallas is doing here with this this just this one scene the introduction to Simon and Andrew uh it could have gone by just so cheesy in a Cheesy way right they could have just forced that information on this but we see them fighting we see them trying to rig a fight right which tells us that they're trying to make money and then the next sequence shows us why they need to make money tax season is coming if they don't pay if they don't pay this they're going to lose the money so now you backtrack and you add that previous puzzle piece and it shows you that this is why they were trying to rig the fight they're trying to make money so they can pay the taxes so they can keep their boat um so it's beautiful film filmmaking uh honestly I'm actually surprised that that uh there's something being made to this degree that is really well thought out the shots the way that they deliver the information it's it's beautiful work okay so back back to it let's go how long has she been like this like what I'm trying to help her rivka all you're gonna do is mess this place up then what you're gonna stop by and help clean the demons that torment her soul will turn your place to dust even if you care nothing for her soul at least Lilith never hurt anyone that didn't hurt her first hmm mostly she has these spells we let her be and then she's as sweet as an angel again Lil [Music] you can put an end to this foreign what expression is that Familia I adore you by the Holy Angels Michael Gabriel Rafael Julio and Russia I address you cause a dragon diabolical Legions come out I'll join you foreign god of the heavens to deceive this human creature [Music] command you I'm Covenant with Abraham remember foreign [Music] swelling down your teacher and it recognized him too [Music] they warned him they told him not to go messing with her right Okay so he walked away what do you think went through his mind why do you think he walked away was it fear did he feel maybe that he couldn't do it you know did he feel like maybe it was too big for him to handle or was he just not interested to begin with because he said look I'm doing you this favor yeah I I wonder I wonder why let's go Shabbat morning Simon [Music] hello love don't you hello why did you beat up Jehoshaphat what my own brother he attacked me again he needs to know the husband of his sister is strong okay but Andrew had no right to jump Abraham from behind where are you getting this oh my brothers they are fantastic storytellers now teller is a fantastic stories yes tell her such great detail you must have really given them a pounding wow I was doing okay until hey come out of nowhere cost me an Android a lot of money oh no they shouldn't cheat you like that when you are awesome yeah oh pardon me oh those those grapes look really good what don't you say that my family is troubled in the mind Simon okay we are colorful and fun we're colorful and purposeful I think I'm stuck together with perfection never heard that before [Laughter] you and me fire and water I like it oh how was ima's Shabbat dinner it was lovely how was fishing what Yesterday's Catch good news oh oh oh I gotta I'm sorry Familia really quickly I was paying attention to the music watching how they're interacting with each other and the moment she brings up fishing the music changes let's go back to about 2705 right here boom just have a listen Okay please because this is this is multi-dimensional uh Storyteller storytelling they're telling a story on different layers if you don't like the word Dimensions different layer watch this listen to this I've never heard that before I like it it's beautiful you and me fire and water I like it oh how is Emma's Shabbat dinner it was lovely how was fishing what Yesterday's Catch beautiful work excellent I put something in could be good let's go to synagogue I love that so much and please go change you still smell it's like he was caught up in her world and then suddenly he was like oh back to reality what do we do when we are scared nice ones thus says the Lord who created the Jew or Jacob he who formed you o Israel fear not ice how she keeps getting cut off those words keep getting cut off why because I I'm assuming that because it says fear not and she's reminded of the thing that she fears and that fear is bigger than those words until those words become bigger than her fear she's always going to be tormented by it let me know give you some hearts in the live chat if that speaks to you thank you extra points for MJ Savior for quoting Eminem okay so she's back now right she's realizing like what she's done or she's realizing what the demon has done I love that look at those shots man look at that [Music] foreign [Music] oh Israel fear no you're not she always stops there see what's what's interesting is again the multi-layered storytelling you can hear when she says fear not you hear little Whispers there you you hear little Whispers oh Israel fear no see how everything changes this is [Music] her dad's voice is a reminder to not fear but her mind being vulnerable in the way that it is it shows her her fear everything she's trying to finish the words she's not trusting the words anymore ah and of course the logical thing to do here for her is to escape in any way she can right so she turned she turns to these places here okay Lily you're alive we had that was trouble come on that's it I can't stay long I know please pressure off the boat from Cypress no I don't have this drive calm down you know what they say a mock a prevention there is no preventing this so there is no cure come on Lily it's getting worse yesterday they brought in their holy man maybe even from Jerusalem I don't even remember bits and pieces and flashes the leader of the federal season he ran away in terrorists one religious big shot just as full of it as the name no I am in hell did a woman just raise her voice in here please just try oh he's so gentle and he's like of acting father figure for her and brought you something you didn't have to your nephew another one of your nephews thank you looks like it was loud for a very long time um at least I hope something valuable I don't need it anymore you're beginning to scam me you and everyone else oh that's terrible all right let's talk about this familiar in in what what is it that it meant to her she said it used to hold something valuable what was that thing right of course we know it was a it was the words right the words of Adonai but let's look at what happened she she has all these flashbacks of when she was a child her father showing her how not to be afraid right but didn't prepare her for the day that he would die so he dies she's left alone all of her identity was probably attached to her father she had questions about his death perhaps questions that maybe went unanswered she gave up on that and um and lost herself right she started identifying not as merry but as as Lilith and she excuse me she developed this new identity but she still excuse me she's still held on to her old self to her old identity which was Mary in that doll every time that she was forgetting who she was she would pull it out and suddenly she would remember but this time it's not working it's gotten it's gotten a lot worse so now she's giving up this thing she's giving up hope she's giving up on her old self she's giving up that on herself that she doesn't that she's not going to be able to get over this one right but um but uh well we know what happens next yeah we'll just we'll just say that leave it at that but see some of your comments everyone leaves everyone dies no one cares about her there's no hope for salvation or Redemption she has even lost her born given name exactly her father's teachings have been drowned by the Demonic that's right um thank you Erica for that I saw the comment she said she can't find someone to watch it with her yes we are we're all familiar here so you have family here MJ Savi says they almost certainly went unanswered as a woman in that time she wouldn't be able to even ask the questions ah a married woman would ask her husband but she uh would not be able to that's right see so she's lost she's completely lost right um yeah but perfect thank you so much all right let's let's let's move forward here thank you she's trying to hold on here's something I need to do it is so good now you drink that up and then the next one and then the next one and then you stay here till you feel better what your Hell Comes if it does we face it together oh I haven't shared my screen sorry I forgot thank you thank you so you're like we're thirsty here okay I guess I got excited and I just started the video beautiful look at the Moon we'll be late to dinner I know you did everything you could for her now put it out of your mind I can never forget what I saw tonight you are an honored guest leaders will expect you to perform to have your wits about you why why must I perform oh I start the phone for quintus you taught God's soldiers then for the slum dwellers and this would be more sort of performance is this when did Shabbat become theater you oh the teacher of Israel you do not have questions you have answers you have authority you bring Clarity not confusion ah come here come here tell me what do you see in the mirror that is a cheap glass I can barely make up anything at all times I wonder if what we can know of Adonai and the law it's just blood what what if we're not seeing the whole picture what if it's more beautiful and and more strange than we can ever imagine that is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard boy you can be blasphemy it's just a thought and you will never utter those thoughts in public a man is free to question in his heart yes in your heart this is serious engagement they expect an erudite feature not a doubting blaspheming fool wow how to saw what happened in the red district and what did they see you Rose to your rank on Merit you have dedicated your life's work to serve God not to become him good PR oud she reframed that beautifully failed it was a mistake to be there in the first place but from now on stick to the academy with exorcism to The Exorcist you're right I should never have been there spoke the words oh demon did not respond demons Remy I got himself could have thrown them out that that right there is important only God himself could have drove them out right only God himself could have drove drove him out um I was having a conversation with uh with MJ Sabi just about this like we have to make sure that when we are out here loving people and spreading God's love that we aren't that we aren't performing that we're not trying to act like good Christians okay when you're acting like good Christians because you don't know you're not there yet it's an act you know that you're supposed to you know obey you're supposed to not steal not not cheat not like but if you get yourself straight if you learn to question your heart as Nick Nico says if you learn to question your heart and you learn to to to understand the inner work in your own inner workings then there's no pretending there's no act it's just simply you just are you're christ-like because you've already stepped into it because you understand the heart of Christ because you understand your own heart and your own heart and the Heart of Christ have merged together it's not just an idea it's about it's about not pretending or not acting Christian it's about being Christian being christ-like not acting like like Christ right so anyway just have to say that here we go I promise to remember to bring the screen up again thank you so much Nico here we go I'm coming oh my God himself all right [Music] foreign [Music] I love that you're seeing something else about Simon your first thought might be that I should never have set foot in the red District at all and I would say you are probably correct often we've make decisions and haste in our desire to correct the lost soul but how to explain what happened when I was there Brothers when we follow God's law to the letter God is alive through us would you agree people yes and he lives through you and you and you if you follow his law now imagine if you can one who heeds only wickedness for a lifetime demons root in Wicked Souls as pigs and filth and possession like this was fatal and souls such as hers sadly are Beyond all human Aid very well said human Aid Beyond human Aid what is she thinking here [Music] what is she feeling what is she experiencing somebody pointed out that when she threw the paper it turned into a dove sound design it's important ah oh ah okay sorry I love little things like this I'm sorry final Interruption I promise um I love that because she's going in this direction and her focus is down and the Holy Spirit comes up above in the opposite direction she turns her face upward and sees like turn back laughs I don't know maybe I'm reading too much into it but that's that's that's how I want to see it leave me alone let's let's look at that one more time so she's looking down hear it she takes a step back you see that she looks up it's interrupted [Music] and look her attention is going back the other direction [Music] this is storytelling familia's beautiful storytelling we need this my life let me talk to the taxman Matthew don't trust you that much what if I told you I could save the boat and put us back in good standing nope you don't even know what I'm gonna say don't care foolish I finally ready to face this you know this affects me too me I needed maybe you should think of that next time you feel like kicking off for a week that is so lucky or playing knuckle bones at the hammer or cheating your brothers or not for some easy scratch I met a guy oh really wow get the Papyrus Simon met a guy good good foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] something is stirring inside of him right or is it just me he's trying to stay detached but he can't your last tribute was collected the first month of Summer your account is there for delinquent by 40 days a dependency rate of 10 weekly six weeks that's right you're lucky to not be in jail hey 60 the penalties what's that review when someone came with about 60 of what I owe I can't even fail were ruined but now it's we yeah it's a high number I say this based on your tribute history and future prospects how do you choose to square your account are there gems inside just silver gold just open the purse this will cover about half of your penalty balance of the penalty now that could indicate that you filed for an extension not once not twice you just needed a couple of extra days man extended rates compound at 15 percent as collaterally wasted a missing vessel and property and all right all right I'm sorry about that but my brother didn't mention it was an arrangement with quintus you have business with quintus yeah my brother is dead in a year Gratis for both of us this will be verified with quintus directly if there's any inconsistency only thank you now can I get my brothers not gold back this will be verified with quintus if you are misinformed I know I know you'll see don't speak just walk next hmm fishing didn't exactly go like I planned the other night what's that got to do I caught nothing after night empty empty I catch a breeze around the point there all of a sudden I know where the Nets are empty emerging feet six boats netting everything what do you do I followed them but maybe I'd catch some sleeping snatching that during clean up but I even anchored I swear man thinking maybe I could get scraps but they loaded up like clockwork head cards with mules ready to move so I say the home back up sniveling Roman standing unsure I can't believe that they never bothered patrolling on Shabbat yes yes yes I didn't even bother trying to run good idea [Laughter] anyways I don't care about any of our rules then I realize they don't get the tax because we don't report any Shabbat catches so I tell if he took me straight to quintus I'd let them know him caught more in one night and the guy they're arresting catches in a week he's like wait a minute no not fishermen Merchants I guess who walks up behind me yes compass I don't know I guess so yes we talked and what I said to Matthew was real I don't like it it's dangerous I was so sleeping outside besides what's the merchant have I done for you so what they are they are our people we're clearing away for the Lord leveling the playing field yeah we you will be cursed if you inform on them we not doing anything and that's what a tough spot to be in better get moving though if you want to catch the tax man still be enough daylight to get out of the house before they take it stuff just let me see if this can verify their story oh see that's why acquaintance will have them killed and collect their tribute from you foreign [Music] [Music] I like that you just hear the wind here they'll meet again right so did it work I'm sorry oh I'm sorry I'll move my I'll move my mic yes farther from me we should talk huh he's going to scratch me too come on not now so she's not now how's this can you hear me better from here anyway I don't know what else I can do to help you give me that not of it that's not going to solve your problems it's meant to distract from you just give it to me Lilith please listen to them boom he said leave that's not very hot [Laughter] don't touch me oh maybe Lily Lily are you okay [Music] leave me alone the sound design [Music] foreign [Music] Mary of magdala [Music] why I didn't know my name I says the Lord who created you [Music] and he who formed you [Music] fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by name you are mine love how the music swells there it's beautiful [Music] [Music] okay we're gonna let the credits roll just to give people the proper um oh I guess it's gonna go to the next episode um just to give people the proper credit that they deserve for working on on this but oh that was that was beautiful beautiful work the pace of that the build up to that um I think I think that's that's something where that we can all relate to right I've had my moment where uh where God reached out to me and said hey you belong to me and this is before I even knew anything about this story of of Mary or or or anything you know as an atheist he said that to me and that was enough for me to be like okay all right I give up my silly little fight right that's why these stories are important Familia that's why these stories are super important and I'm really glad that this is hidden theaters everywhere and um and it gives more people the opportunity to invite someone to go to to go watch it with them um you know in a safe in a safe place I would love for more of of this shows these shows are these type of content to be shown in theaters everywhere um but we can we can actually help with that um so season three is coming out soon episode one and two are gonna be in theaters uh November 18th if you haven't bought your tickets you can buy them in the link that's in the description down below um it's important that we go and watch this opening weekend because opening weekend will determine whether or not uh there more more showings will be added to to this to episode one and two and we'll also determine whether or not uh the children will be invited back to to Premiere in theaters everywhere and we want this this is something we want because too many movies already are are taking over the main platform so theaters everywhere sex violence um stories you know that that aren't glorifying God are being shown and sorry let me take this off here are being shown and not enough of this is being shown and this is our opportunity to put it on the big screen and and make it so that it stays on the big screen so if you haven't bought your tickets you can use the link down below to buy your tickets and see if there's a theater near you you might be surprised I heard I saw a couple people uh comment on the previous video and they said that they didn't think that they were going to find a theater near them but they did so um so find a theater near you and and go check that out all right so that was the end of season of episode one season season one the question is what was Jesus doing there right that like you would never see a Pharisee enter in there right a Pharisee would never walk in there not even to just listen to conversations or to see if someone needs needs uh spiritual help right but Jesus Jesus did he hung out with with people who were drinking he was there waiting for someone to to meet him right and that's what I love about it um so let's uh let's continue with the next episode if you're ready with for the next episode give me some hearts and then we'll take a break after that and then we'll come back with episode three and four so we are going to be continuing this uh you wanted that hug too oh I wanted that hug too I felt this like later Jackie I love you so much thank you for being here Jackie by the way and and I know that it's okay for me to share a story Jackie was an atheist when she came to this channel she's she was introduced to the chosen she watched The Chosen with us uh when this came out season one and two she stayed and continued watching more music reactions with us and she is no longer an atheist she's a Christian now she is involved in her church she's been baptized she is I guess going to Bible studies and she's just someone who came back came to God because of the Chosen and this is this is another reason why it's important for us to be able to get this uh in theaters and to be able to spread this and for people to to to share uh The Chosen with more people it's it's that important I just I have to take a little Breather Breather after that because it just makes me very happy it makes me happy that something like this is available in that that Erica and I have a little bit to play a little part to not have a little bit to do with your story but we play a little part of of that um I'm really thankful that God put us in a position where we can share that and that and that someone like like uh Jackie could be here she mentioned that if it weren't for this show she would still be an atheist today and thank God that she's not so thank you thank you all so much for for being here all right here we go you need to be there too okay we're gonna watch one more episode we're gonna watch one more episode and then we're gonna take a breather and you guys go have lunch or get a restaurant break and then after that we'll see you again but let's let's watch this okay so here we go by the way if you haven't already please either gently push the like button or smash the like button whichever your preferred style is it helps uh it helps uh get more it helps YouTube Let more people know people like this they're watching this and it'll notify more people that they can watch this live right now so more people can join us I just hit that like button share it if you if you know somebody who hasn't watched this or what want to watch it share it again I should have done that in the beginning but but share it okay Sandra thank you so much for the Super Chat I want to let you know that that if you want to make a donation to the channel you don't have to but if you want to make a donation I would prefer that you make the the donation via uh our PayPal uh venmo or cash app it's totally your choice you're not obligated to of course but it does help the channel if you're interested in making a donation you're more than welcome to make the donation there um or on YouTube if it's easier for you I just know that YouTube takes a bigger percentage than any of the other ones um if you really want to help the channel out it'll help be a little more helpful if you do it this way but again you're not obligated to but but it is appreciated okay so here we go you smash the like button if you haven't subscribed subscribe and let's get started let's go next episode hey there I'm Dallas Jenkins creator of the chosen on our set right now in Texas to thank you for watching in episode one just ended with a bang and I hope it was impactful for you and now that you know who the characters are and now that Jesus is on the scene things really start to pick up I promise this will be quick don't worry no commercials just asking you kindly to listen for a brief moment all right listen you write into episode two I want to answer very quickly a very common question we get why isn't the chosen on TV or the big streaming platforms see we know this is a very important story and we must get it right Hollywood's Golden Rule is they who have the gold make the rules because the content of this show is so important to get right we believe we need to do it on our terms and go by our own rules we don't have a big Studio or network writing us a big check we're doing everything outside the system and that includes creating our own app which is currently in every country in the world translated into dozens of languages and requires no costs no subscription fees no sign up nothing and with brand new technology that our partners invented you're able to watch it in multiple ways including connecting it directly to your streaming device free and easy so if you make your way through season one please check out all the other features in the app we've really worked hard to make this an extraordinary experience for you that's more than just a show in the meantime thank you again for watching it really means a lot and here's a sneak peek of what's coming the rest of the season we've seen um we've seen this let's uh let's skip through this but before before we get started I just want to point out yes um download the app if you haven't already um and episode two now yes we're gonna watch episode two right now um he pointed something out yeah they're they're making the show on on their terms and that's important so thank you all for for watching this on the app thank you for donating to The Chosen directly if those of you who have purchased tickets to go watch season three you're also helping future future Productions and there's a lot of people that that are that uh have their hands on this and uh your support really matters it really does matter so um here we go I guess we're we're getting into episode two season one let's go let's do this oh and we are watching on the uh Angel studio app by the way or Angel Studio website I see a star and if you think you must think I was born on yesterday was that a football when you were little of course since the time of the Covenant every seven days why so many stuffed up Shabbat is the time for rest and time to honor three things families are people and gods family like soften Sabah yes and you Emma and other of course close friends are like family too who else we honor our fellow citizens on Shabbat we are all God's people even friends we haven't met the most important of all we honor God in all his works regress because he rested on the 17th he rest to refresh our soul to know him better woman of Valor who can find her far beyond Jewels is her value her husband's heart trust in her and he should lack no fortune there may God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh let me get make you like Sarah Rebecca Rachel and Leah foreign foreign let's get some emojis let's go get those fish get clapping hands some dancing emojis something show me how you're feeling some praying hands how you feeling Familia [Music] I like the attitude of the vocals here come on [Music] Director of Photography beautiful we got all kinds of fish excellent beautiful work Sarah Capernaum ad26 yourself you're just so good at that Maddie you attack oh no no no yes you're wonderful go ahead two pieces thank you [Music] how'd I do told you she was excellent it is a shame only ananias will see it you know what would be great do we have any flowers don't move [Music] I'm sorry excuse me oh yeah he noticed [Music] again brilliant filmmaking shows her shows his expression shows her shows his reaction shows her back to him see now they're both in frame beautiful work and they show him leaving beautiful work ah see your dog what did he say he detest you as much as I do and this is a horrible idea Gaius we must see quintus what he does not need to clarify anything for you I mean do you have any idea clearly you do not dumb question idea of what who you are dealing with yes I do really yes he is the Roman occupying overseer of this region and his primary responsibilities are to enforce the law and Ensure and then just a bit in the wear of his responsibilities I don't think you know what he's capable if he's made to deal with this Simon person I have valuable information related to this show have you ever heard of somebody making a decision based on a hunch if he has then I must let him know you must but listen I don't want to have to carry your corpse out so I have to be a replacement I don't understand people are a fool public honest request an audience yes Dominus and are you his escort Centurion yes so where are you going securing the passageway Peter ah well done come on so a Jew tax collector and his escort demand to see the preter of Judea it's urgent they say a matter of life and death last night burned very hot and today I'm Ash so I'll get to the point why should I not kill you both you first Dominus I was recently approached by men who I left my tax collect faster he was many months delinquent to relieve the substantial amount to give to the end wow did you hire a man to spy on Jewish Merchant vessels fishing on Shabbat to avoid taxation yes [Laughter] in your District that's forgiven surprise [Laughter] as well as those of his brother his yes [Laughter] thank you for your time Peter I do not find Simon reliable uh once he was deficient in his taxes and when I pursued remedy I discovered that he had spent an inordinate amount on games of chance at a local establishment additionally based on his financial status I questioned Simon's connections to the merchant class in spite of his current intentions I do not believe you have an accurate understanding of what he can deliver I'm sorry so your last prayer at you stay there a moment captain are you saying I made a bad deal he's like don't say it he found his head like ah we're dead here captain my brothers across the world search for brave men to spare and recruit but power prohibits those very efforts for what same person would stand up to the Roman Empire I am saying yes but a very different kind of saying I'm sorry I don't understand so you say this Simon isn't about the level of the merchant class at sea but he claims they all spend time at the same establishments is that false I'm afraid I'm not aware of their social interactions but even if that were true it would be highly unusual for Jewish men to betray one another so says the Jew who collects taxes from them admire it well it won't surprise you to learn that to date Simon has not fulfilled his obligation to uncover the tax evaders he's in breach of contract not yet time may prove you out uh what are you called Matthew I may yet have need if you are Keen powers of observation Matthew a special assignment I would release the opportunity Dominus of course he would I'll be in touch Matthew Capernaum thank you Dominus thank you beautiful acting that whole dialogue is just so beautifully paced [Applause] [Music] his face so so make sure you I don't know your name you're new but wow we're not afraid you still have fish we're videos still are women look at this man better than our branches my book stay away from Steve staircases on bed that's it so none for Jason oh what did he do this time ask her wife [Laughter] the emergency help at Sea and it was to help on land [Music] Joe and I see the hammer change its rules and allowing children go get caught in the net but you're here with a responsible adult so make sure James and John get some too please please after you you please what is that he knows how to work a crowd brother face you happy oh I'm handsome I just happened a man somebody just happened to have you wearing a happy face he says I'm fattening your Lambs before the slaughter yeah actually he is I don't want you to be miserable you are so I should be too nice I want you to be serious she's not a game nothing wrong with enjoying a little Financial Freedom a temporary free from Doom the double knockout was a change thanks holy get your footwork down and next time yeah practice thank you thank you believe it or not I don't like it either but these men they're not family you and Eden are my responsibility not them you two keep me up at night not them and you want to be rich yeah well I thought I'd try the sentimental route how do we feel about this familiar is it right is it right I mean we just have to ask these questions right is it right that he's looking out for his family even though if it means betraying his other people you know to say the same people he's created a division right he knows it's wrong to betray your own people but he's created this division this is not just my people these are Merchants man right and they're profiting and they're they're putting my business at risk is it wrong what he's doing how do you all feel about that I'm I'm curious to see how everyone thinks here and there's I don't think that there's a right or wrong answer because it depends on on the position you're taking if you're looking at it from outside of Simon's position if you're looking at it from Andrew's position then you know it's wrong on so many levels but if you're looking at it from Simon's position [Music] it feels right right I think it feels right caught between the devil and the deep blue sea right he's putting his family in danger by doing this uh yeah that's true it's fine to look after your family but at what cost that's right he's forgotten to to talk to God about his situation that's right that's another that's another element that we're missing he's trying to take matters into his own hands right he's trying to solve this problem on his own it's not morally right to cheat others to help your own family your conscience uh won't let you or your character is marred after people find out that's true that's right the end does not justify the means beautiful thank you all so much for sharing your thoughts on this let's continue who's a sneaker he's standing up on demons and exorcisms nicotivas I'm studying was apologies have I what is so urgent shmuel the judge yourself requests your presence God is good what happened [Music] look at the urgency the pace the music it's beautiful [Music] Rabbi Nicodemus of the Great sanhedral we are greatly honored by your presence the honor is mine words you just give it I was given the impression it was a matter of some urgency they are considering a formal inquiry what are the charges a miracle Rabbi of rabbis this man's testimony is clear his account miraculous the woman in the red quarter to whom you offered rights she is redeemed you you saw her yes teacher perfectly restored and ready wait the hairdressers at the market live with the hairdressers of course I did not go in she was on The netting I believed my eyes betrayed me so I followed until I was certain violence this is unparalleled revelation you yourself pointed out that the depth of a demonic oppression was beyond human Aid they want to send word to Jerusalem with your permission I would like to investigate the sighting myself before you conduct a formal inquiry into this or have news of its spread they will of course yield to your request but may we inquire us to go reason for your reticence just as this exorcism some time to prove effective it may have a tentative hold it could come as a shock for the young woman of her station to be poured over by your learning judges whereas Mayans are familiar face it is decided conduct your investigation but please be efficient lose of this kind cross legs um all right what is what is Nicodemus faced with here exactly what is he faced with he's being told that he did something here that there's a there's a miracle and it's very easy for someone in his position to say wait wait are you saying that I was successful yes let's tell everyone I did it right it's very easy for him to take credit for that but instead of taking credit for it he's saying wait can you let me conduct my own my own investigation and when he explains why he's granted this uh why would he do that like what what do you how do we what do we think is going on in the mind of Nicodemus that he cannot or won't will not take credit for the miracle just yet because anybody else in this position like I said would be jumping at this opportunity to say yes I have gifts I have I'm special especially after you said that she was beyond human help so then that elevates him right so then now if he helped her then that must mean that he has some kind of divine uh help that that or Divine favor that God sees him in a different light than everybody else right so that's where it gets a little tricky here because if she was beyond human help and Nicodemus helped her then what does that mean uh for him what does that mean for him so oh he knows that he couldn't have done it but has no idea how it could how it could have happened right um his foundation has been shaken he is searching for the truth and for meaning that's beautiful as we all should be seeking for the truth he knew he'd lost her to the demons he wants to be sure that possible is his favor towards her I think it was because he had said she was beyond human Aid and isn't sure would it make the whole situation that's right he's a head Rabbi they would Grant the requests he needs to know for sure what happened and if it's because of him or something else beautiful he said only God can do this I think his heart is confused because he's asking so many questions God might be getting getting to him through her gotcha uh judges said that he himself said yeah perfect yeah so we're on the same page right like he's conflicted because he's not sure that he did something right he knew it was most likely not anything he did he's he's a fair man I don't think he's a good man but he's a fair man he's really he's really fair I love that okay let's uh let's continue Andrew Andrew will you help me please help you with what barely see anything of course it's the darkest night in weeks okay we saw who is all come in offloading and cleaning their holes of course tomorrow is Shabbat and there's still a fleet out there yeah they're sitting late because they're not cleaning out the holes tonight they're definitely selling tomorrow I'm guessing it's Amos this is all a waste of time if it is what do you mean what I mean is Gideon and tobiah sail with Amos I'm not saying it's Amos for sure I'm not whoever it is they're definitely sailing tomorrow we got him we got also our brothers looks to you before his own father so what well it's my fault a dumb kid doesn't know better uh It's Tricky I keep waiting for you to tell me this is all part of a plan to come across the room and doom there's a crew out there that crew is stealing food out of Eden's mouth they're gonna take our boat maybe our lives maybe but we made our choices too that's true you think this was a choice you're not teaching today I have research don't be too long our guests will be arriving early speaker they are dear colleagues who admire you they have been waiting weeks for the teacher of teachers to lead Shabbat it would be like sharing love with God himself sharing wow the only one hearing this it's a small gallery it just go through it quickly try to avoid spending too much time honoring God at our heritage thank you Messiah oh ouch do you want to use that ugly nose of yours thank you well then one language keeps their peace Marcus ah that's tough one language the language of violence keeping peace that's uh so backwards Matthew another unhappy citizen expressing his disapproval I'd be fine oh you're disgusting go home I have a job to do my father never allowed me to shirk responsibility well I raised you right you must have Roman blood we don't speak Jews are odd people are how can you not have a relationship with your own father he says he has no son that's sad next I got them at least I think they're right that's what everyone else is getting oh what did you candles okay I would not have guessed that Mary's first about dinner in a little while in a long while I barely remember how to do it it'll be great I know how to make the bread what what do you make part of the local bread if you're hosting Shabbat sweetheart you better get moving preparations might take you all afternoon really just to be safe I haven't even sweat get out of here get the fire going first thing I'm excited and a little terrified after you net press the dough with this kind of advice what could go wrong here we go it's one of my favorite things here it's you real no no please don't be frightened my name is Nicodemus I'm I'm ministered to you Lily I don't answer to that name I am Mary I was born Mary but you were called a little yes no please Mary I am desperate for your help Mary I'm I'm a Pharisee I'm visiting from Jerusalem I'm a man of God but I believe you have experienced a miracle Mary are you really a Pharisee yes I'm sorry I was a big oh I'm not here to enforce Jewish law so how do you know who I am you really don't remember me at all I burned incense he doesn't remember until I can't go back into that no no I don't want you to I can't even imagine you you are healed that much is clear I just want to understand how would it happen it makes two of us how long after my visit did you feel the change it wasn't anything you did oh he stops I love it one else he calls me very he said I am his name redeemed and it was so did this I don't know his name and even if I did I could not tell you why not it's time for men to know has not yet come it's time for men performs Miracles at seeks no credit does he look like is he a member of Sanhedrin would you at least know him if you saw him again I don't know why I am sharing this with you I I don't understand it myself but here is what I can tell you here we go there's one way and now I am completely different and the thing that happened in between with him yes I will know him for the rest of my life I have to be home to prepare for Shabbat as I'm sure you do it will be nothing like yours I'm sure of that I'm going to try Nicodemus how many relate to that Familia you were one thing and now you're completely different [Music] oh put some tahin on that foreign just like aggressively cutting that first seeing you then red is wonderful I know how's fishing it's fine really really surprised why would I be surprised I don't know is that me you haven't taken a catch to market for days and yet you have uh flour vegetables did you sleep in a warm bed last night it fits why are you baiting me I don't understand what's happening nothing is off to Market your hours are upside down and your face is frozen in worry don't tell me nothing is happening where in a challenging season right now I just need to work hard to get through it and I'll get caught up tonight and I'll be right tonight what do you mean not happy about this either I need to work tonight you need to work on Shabbat it's a special circumstance I can't get into it right now Andrew will be here for dinner as normal and I'll just be gone for a few hours oh well would you like me to fix your Shabbat plate to take with you listen love I know this don't listen love me I'm not a child I just need you to trust me on this please I I've got this even you minds are too God not me and next time you answer to the both of us I don't have the strength for it twice foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how beautifully lit that is [Music] [Music] look at how much detail the camera is focusing on just showing us the the turmoil in Nico's mind in his spirit his wife trying to keep the show going on your mind love you don't want him to speak his mind as my name do you know the significance tell me 200 years ago we were ruled by the Greek King Antiochus IV he suppressed our religious observances it wasn't until the Maccabees revolted and how should they and the husband and Dynasty that our worship was restored you are as smart as you are handsome oh I fear I know the answer should the artist have made it less so to what purpose sadness a conquered people [Music] you aren't wises you are beautiful [Music] she always flips the coin and she made sense but it didn't fix the issue honored Rabbi we are humbled and honored by your presence of Capernaum that you make us home only God can do that God [Laughter] boy oh boy a woman of Valor who can find okay Jackie thank you for letting us know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it looking as handsome as ever Barnaby lucky guess lucky guess if Matt is here do I know you oh sorry I'm I'm James this is Thaddeus we were told this would be a good place to come we can leave if you talk oh no please come in you're most welcome here so can we help no well uh yes I he doesn't know what I'm doing that's a victory if I'm not doing something or doing something wrong tell me oh nonsense it's already great I can't remember the last time I was invited to Shabbat dinner me never you've never been to shabbat of course I've been to one been to Lots just never got invited because the extra seats am I right I remember my mother always setting an extra place for Elijah that's only for Passover just once a year it said and say that it comes I'll have a head start on setting up can I leave it for you stop at Barnaby I read better than you very impressive oh that is the first star out yes let's eat oh wait very popular or it's a Pharisee here to shut us down for letting you be here foreign is he welcome there yep uh okay if I yes of course please come in I just never heard you down I have just here this is my first time I don't know what I'm doing probably you already know these men they are students of mine I trust they have been polite of course message real quick just just for that little tiny little message there Familia these are students of mind I Hope they've been kind is that what he said I think you said that I Hope they've been kind these are students of mine I hope that they've been kind familiar we're all students of Christ if we're all his students how are we supposed to be how are we supposed to be we're supposed to be kind or polite thank you for the correction right imagine imagine Christ comes and meets some of your friends and he says oh yes here she is a student of mine I hope I hope they've been polite what would they say what would they say all right back to it yes you already know this man they are students of mine I trust they have been polite I trust that they've been polite your guests can take the seat yes Mary I love her she's she's so helpful I my friends this is the man I told you about who um who helped me oh yes yeah Mary told her so much about you oh I hope not too much I'm Barnaby this is Shula she's blind ah in case you couldn't tell I just love I love it I love their Dynamics I know your name I'm Jesus of Nazareth well apparently something good can come from Nazareth what he could take a joke come on right maybe I'm honored to be here why don't you begin oh no I I couldn't know that you were here you must thank you but this is your home and I would love for you to do it I'll just read from this now the heavens and the Earth were completed and all their hosts and God and played it on the seventh day his work that he did and God abstained on the seventh I love that from all the work he did and God bless the seventh day and he hallowed it for there on he abstained from all the work that God created to do [Music] blessed are you Lord our God ruler of the universe creates the fruit of the Vine you have loving and willingly you have lovingly and willingly given us your Shabbat as inheritance in memory creation [Music] because this is the first day of our holy assemblies in memory of The Exodus from Egypt [Music] blessed are you Lord our God King of the universe who brings forth the bread from the Earth [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep I love this um Sandra thank you so much for pointing out that there the contrast right in in the way that they're doing Shabbat I love how like Mary's reading it and she sounds emotional about it whereas Nicodemus and Andrew are sort of reading it sort of like uh oh let me pause it um are reading it sort of uh like going through the motion of it right sort of in a way kind of mechanically and um and yeah it just shows a difference right and I love how Jesus just shows up and I love the humor in that little interaction there uh everything about that last scene was just so beautiful the lighting was beautiful um the just how they bring us into the mindset of the characters right that that sort of that big pause that Mary had after seeing Jesus uh it says a lot about even though we didn't know what she was thinking you know what she was thinking when she was completely taken by surprise uh nicodemus's inner conflict is is shown beautifully here the other the the relationship with his wife right and how they do love each other um but there's a little bit of of they're not seeing eye to eye right and then and that much is obvious but I just love the way that this is being filmed um we're we're catching up on season one and two um we start off with here episode one and two in this in this live stream we're gonna take a quick pause um say maybe half an hour actually in a little bit you'll see that I'm gonna post the the next video so just stay tuned for that um I will see you all in about maybe half an hour to an hour maybe okay I'm just gonna figure out food and and then we're gonna watch maybe one or two more episodes two episodes for sure I will watch two more episodes and then we'll we'll continue either uh we'll continue on Monday for sure we're going to take a break tomorrow but thank you all so much for joining us if you haven't already join our prayer group um everyone goes through to struggles through no matter what you're dealing with if you need prayer either private prayer or you just need to uh ask the group for prayer we're more than more than happy to take your prayer requests as we're heading out if you have anything that we could pray for you now and you're not going to join us for the next episode um let us know what we can pray for you and and we'll add it to our our prayer lists um also if you haven't already please hit the Subscribe button hit the like button it'll help this channel out a lot and for those of you who have not yet purchased tickets to The Chosen season 3 premiering in theaters November 18th please be sure to click on the link Down Below in the description down below and uh and purchase your tickets this is very important we that we we all get get a chance to see it in theaters and that um you know the main platform which is theaters Hollywood you know the world um has a chance to to show episodes episodes like this and the more tickets that they sell the more likely they'll be able to show either more showings of episode one and two and then have the chosen be invited again so we're going to take a quick quick break and I'll see you all I'll see you all soon all right thanks for joining us thank you for being so loving and peaceful and patient with with me with the whole pausing thing and uh and not showing the screen uh we'll continue this in in a bit okay all right
Channel: Leonardo Torres
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo torres, leonardo torres music, reaction video, leonardo torres reactions, leonardo torres reaction video, leonardo torres reacts, Non-Christian reaction, Non-Christian reacts, Non-christian, First time reaction, the chosen, The Chosen season 1, the chosen reaction, non-christian reacts to the chosen, Non-Christian reacts to the chosen season 1, the chosen analysis, the chosen season 1 episode 1, the chosen season 1 episode 2, Angel studios, angel studios the chosen
Id: wID5KiclwPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 14sec (7634 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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