Revolutionary MidJourney SHOCKED The Industry

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artificial intelligence is going to be the biggest revolution of this era and it is transforming the world of graphic design AI enables designers to simplify laborious tasks and explore new creative possibilities using algorithms that spot relevant patterns but how is it possible is there some tool that's going to do it indeed there is and its name is mid-journey journey is a text to image AI tool that creates pictures based on text prompts how does it work what can mid-journey do especially regarding CGI and what can't the tool do let's find out and see everything in detail let's start the discussion with air it refers to artworks created or generated by artificial intelligence algorithms or systems AI can be used to create images videos and animations the algorithms can be trained on large data sets of existing images allowing them to learn patterns and styles that can be used to generate new artwork artificial intelligence can also be used to manipulate existing photos or videos AI generators are a highly automated photo editing and manipulation software that works with keywords to generate AI art to specify the graphics we want we input certain keywords known as prompts into the AI generator this helps the system understand our requirements more precisely if you ask it to create a purple wizard it will present you with a bizarrely distorted image of what it believes a purple wizard will look like it will pull from millions of images across the internet to create something entirely new yet familiar most importantly it will be similar to what you typed in different AI art generators exist mid-journey in are some of the next level AI tools that are well known mid-journey produces spectacular results so we will look at its details and tell you how it works mid-journey is a non-profit research organization this institute has developed an ai-based texted image generator that turns brief descriptions into complete pictures in other words it can read your ideas and create an image based on them mid-journey is not the only AI software to do this we already have models like open ai's Dolly and stable diffusion but what sets it apart is its Proficiency in adapting art styles that can be mixed and matched to create an image this tool entered beta in July 2022 the alpha iteration of version 4 was released to users in November 2022 and in March 2023 the alpha iteration of version 5 was released as of now people are still deciding whether V4 or V5 is more beneficial for them David Holtz the co-founder of Leap Motion controls the mid-journey team users already use mid Journey's Discord bot commands to produce works of art its trial version was free to use but they halted free trials blaming a sudden influx of new users at the time of this recording mid-journey is not available to use for free you can do a limited number of renderings after that you need to buy a subscription there is a ten dollar thirty dollar and sixty dollar subscription at the moment which will extend the number of times you can use the generator let's see how we can use this tool let's go to mid-journey's website and log in you will then be redirected to Discord click join the beta on mid-journey's website after creating or logging into your Discord account when you get an invitation for the beta version click accept invite and you will immediately enter the marketplace the mid-journey Discord service the one in black and white which I suppose you aren't on as much as I am you can type your prompts in the Newbie Chats on the server over to the left since it will be a public account it will be difficult for you to track the changes if you want to build a brand new private Discord server and invite the bot start by clicking the plus sign in the bottom left corner selecting create my own and giving your server a name afterwards return to the mid Journey server and locate the mid Journey pot right-click the pods profile and select add to the server choose the server you want to add it to and you will be good to go now that you have your workspace you can keep it private orderly and fancy like mine while I create these artworks right clicking here will allow you to add additional channels and categories you can communicate with the bot using two commands each beginning with the forward slash the first is settings most of which you can ignore unless you want to activate remix mode this will assist you in editing the photographs you receive mid Journeys versions 4 and 5 are available right here after the commands slash settings and slash imagine each is better at various things but versatility and creativity are common in both versions you can type whatever you wish to create in the box where you enter your prompt I'll begin with something straightforward and after it begins to generate give it some time to complete it will show you some excellent graphics and further options to remix and re-roll for upscales and variations is it true that the revolution of AI will surpass human intelligence mind precision and ease of doing business will it cut the jobs of many potential human beings will this development reduce the need for Creative designers let us know in the comments like And subscribe if you find this content awesome and click the Bell to not miss anything on AI let's dive into some other features of mid-journey you wouldn't believe how its algorithm Works mid-journey uses a machine learning algorithm to process your written description despite the lack of information it is assumed that mid-journey employs a modified form of the latent diffusion model and is powered by the same technology as stable diffusion after analyzing your information mid-journey selects the image that most closely matches your description and applies your desired art style or Styles before combining the two these models have been taught the relationship shared between an image and the text used to describe them in the past mid-journey has claimed that like its Rivals it has used millions of published photos for training while searching the internet for images and words to explain them most AI picture generators with open source code produce these images using diffusion the diffusion model works by introducing noise to an image which turns it into a pixelated collection of points then it learns to recover this data by reversing the noise generating process the model is trained to add noise and then remove It Again by repeatedly doing this process it can use the denoising process to produce realistic visuals by making little changes to the image the model's comprehension of the connection between an image and the words used to describe it make it easier for AI generators to comprehend what you are requesting from them when you give them a prompt you must be as descriptive as possible including preferred art styles the mood subjects and more after analyzing your data medjourney will show you a grid of four photos from which you can select choose the one that best fits your description then click the U button beneath the grid to enlarge it alternatively you can hit the V button to make several versions of your chosen image if the choices are insufficient you can always rerun the application you you can also add tags to The Prompt separated by commas to get more results that are unique to those tags while looking for some particular design I'll use the same prompt fox in a mountain landscape and then add a style tag at the end because one of the most significant decisions you'll have to make is style instead of choosing a style you can write a specific artist's name to replicate their style you can use or experiment with more strange mediums as it will identify many weird things here are the first two fantastic free resources mid Library dot IO and GitHub mid library is a highly comprehensive reference guide that provides mid-journey generations of various artists and artistic methods it's quite user friendly and features amazing in-depth blog content the following resource is GitHub which contains a huge store of Concepts that is nevertheless incredibly simple to Traverse despite its unattractive design the style guide has generations with varying aesthetic viewpoints from artists lighting colors materials and camera lenses these comparisons offer a wealth of knowledge and can inspire you AI offers some incredible potential in the field of graphic design in a matter of 60 seconds it can create artwork and stunning ready to print images with just a few clicks doesn't mean that it's going to be the end of skills and creativity share your thoughts in the comments below as technology advances and AI becomes even more sophisticated it is certain that AI will become an Ever increasingly important tool for designers artificial intelligence will play a significant role in creativity and design for many years in today's world to achieve success it is crucial to understand how AI can affect your business don't forget that until next time
Channel: Smart Ai Revolution
Views: 1,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: education, how to, ai, new midjourney version, midjourney v4, ai art generator, ai art, art generator, v4 alpha, v4, mijourney v4, midjourney v5, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney prompts, revolution, midjour, midjourney, midjourney v4 vs v5, midjourney v5.2, midjourney 5
Id: J1vKaiIk7P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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